#cannot be bovvered to make a graphic mostly because i am bad at them ;)
tonygoldsteins · 4 years
heyyy, i’m nie. let’s jump right into it ;****
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☆(ALEX WOLFF / CIS MALE / HE/HIM) is that [ ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN ] over there? the [ STUDENT ] is [ EIGHTEEN ]. i heard they’re a [ SAGITTARIUS ]- which is probably why they are so [ OPTIMISTIC and ADVENTUROUS ], but also [ TACTLESS and BOASTFUL ]. did you hear that they [ REDACTED ]… hope no one finds out. (ooc: nie / 26 / est / she/her)☆
Full Name: Anthony Jacob Goldstein
Hometown: Crestview, NY
Birthday: November 26, 2001
Religious: His mom is technically Protestant and his dad was Jewish, but Anthony’s a little more Agnostic. He attends temple during the high holidays (and a Shabbat once in awhile with his bubbe), had his bar mitzvah, and celebrates Christmas with his mom (+ stepdad and half-sis blegh) in the sense that he’s lovin’ those presents. If asked he identifies as Jewish, at least culturally. Rejects Christianity sort of on principle lmao.
Drugs/alcohol/smoke (y/n): yes/yes/no
Languages spoken: English and enough Hebrew to get through Hebrew school
Western astrological sign: Sagittarius
Other traits: Honest, impatient, careless, attention seeking, open-minded, forgetful,  irresponsible, confident, outgoing, and humorous
Relation to Ana Alston: His best friend was str8 up obsessed with her, bro
TW: Death
Anthony’s parents (Elizabeth and Jacob) were childhood best friends turned sweethearts turned accidental young parents at the age of like, 19/20. This accidental child was indeed Anthony. When he was about three years old, his dad died. There's a lot of weird n repressed murky memories around what happened. His mom always says he died trying to help someone, like he got caught in the crossfire during a mugging or something, and Anthony is like, actively choosing to believe her, even though he does not realize he is making a choice in it. 
So he has a very holier-than-thou, pristine image of his dad in his head. Like this guy was the coolest, bravest, sickest mf on the planet, half to memorialize him and half to avoid grieving something that he was robbed of, i.e. a parent. In reality, his dad was very directionless and lost and unreliable and not a bad guy but Anthony's mom had no plans to stay with him. He kind of just smoked weed all day, drank too much, and played video games. What Anthony doesn’t know, or what been kept from him because he does not remember, is that his dad didn’t die playing hero. His dad died because he drank too much one night, didn’t wear a seat belt, and swerved into the opposite lane while driving the family home. He crashed into another car, which killed himself and someone in the other car too.
Eventually, Anthony's mom found love elsewhere. The guy (Magnus McNulty) was well off and handsome and tried very hard to be buddy-buddy with then-10 year old Anthony, and eventually Anthony's mom and Magnus got married and had a daughter, Cassandra (Cassie). For a long time Anthony had a lot of contempt for this new little family unit, and still refuses to call his mom’s husband anything other than his first name. He felt like his mom betrayed him and his dad by getting with Magnus; he still kind of feels that way.
He started stealing when Cassie was born. It was little stuff at first, packs of gum at the corner store when his mom sent him for milk and candy from CVS. As he’s gotten older, he taken to also stealing things that aren’t necessarily bigger but less sterile and devoid of importance. At rich kid parties, he tends to swipe nice-looking silverware, candlesticks, and on one memorable occasion a gold bracelet. He doesn’t do much with these things but keep them in his desk drawers or under his bed.  He still takes stuff of the shelves and racks of stores but he’s almost gotten too good at it, at least at the little league stuff; it’s kinda losing the thrill. Something with higher stakes may be in order.
Other stuff to know about Anthony is that he has to watch his little sister a lot (yawn), he has had a rock collection since he was in kindergarten, he reads comics and unironically loves superhero movies, and he’s a little “fuck da police” edgelord.
Trying to get him to be serious or sincere can be like pulling teeth — it’s frustrating for you and painful for him, and most people seem to be charmed by it or endlessly frustrated. He’s the kid taking pictures of his elbow when his arm is bent because it looks like a butt. He has a ‘420′ story highlight on his Instagram page and is a seasoned shit-poster.  He's goofy and says weird shit just to say weird shit. He thinks girls who ignore him are into him. Standard practice. He wants to bring levity babey.
He plays the drums because when they chose instruments back in elementary school he chose the one that would annoy his mom and Magnus the most, but now he’s really into it. His favorite bands are like, The Strokes, Nirvana, The Flaming Lips, Rat Boy, Dinosaur Jr, etc.
He tells people Shiloh had a huge crush on him when they first met and he had to turn her down just to troll her. <3
He has a scar on his head from the car crash that he has been told was from falling from a swing set and again he doesn’t question it.
Lowkey dysgraphia and ADHD
Happily sells weed and his adderall to the teenage masses xx get that coin!
Will create a connections page ASAP, but otherwise I am open to just about anything. He definitely needs friends, perhaps an ex of sorts (awkward late middle school era and they didn’t do anything past some fumbly over the shirt stuff xoxo romance), people he sells weed to, bandmates, neighbors, idk. Give it 2 me.
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