tonygoldsteins · 4 years
a risk-taker by nature, lennox found herself in all types of situations without giving them much of a second thought. tattoos, piercings, unlikely friendships, fights, hell, even starting small businesses as a teenager; lex was pretty sure she had enough experiences under her belt to last her for a long while. there is, however, an area she’s not as well-versed in — relationships, of any kind. out loud, lex tended to chalk that up to the fact that she was busy. and while that’s true to an extent, the reality is that the idea of being in a real relationship scared her; so instead, she tends to keep things short, preferably one-time. it didn’t surprise her at all that when she did make time to go to a party, she ended hooking up with somebody. what did surprise her was that that somebody had been tony goldstein. what was surprising her the most is that somehow, multiple months later, they were … hanging out? if you could call it that. it’s more along the lines of  they caught each other outside of school for once, and a conversation accidentally sparked up.
“you know,” lennox started, squinting over at him, “it’s kinda new this whole conversation hasn’t turned into, like, an awkward mess yet,” that seemed to be the norm for these two, despite neither of them really meaning for it to be that way. lex was silently grateful, though; with everything going on, she really didn’t mind the company.
(( for @tonygoldsteins​ ))
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Anthony like awkward messes in the sense that he liked to cause them and then revel in them like a pig in the mud. Everything done in the name of a laugh was his modus operandi, and the laugh was usually his own. Sometimes only his own. But the awkward messes Lennox referenced were less like that; they usually involved him trying to get her to laugh, stumbling over toes with misplaced words or actions, and fully pissing her off in the process. That was like, less chill for him. Topping it off with the fact that she was one of the few girls to ever let him go beyond copping a feel made it even stickier. No pun intended. Topping that off with the fact that he had to stand there thinking your friend is dead your friend is dead your friend is dead on an endless, fucked up loop in his head arguably made it worse.
"I’m offended by your lack of faith in me and my conversational talents, amigo. I've got loquacity up the mothereffin’ wazoo—and charm? That shit's oozing out of my every orifice. Frankly, it’s kinda disgusting,” Anthony said, playing at half-hearted defense, and grinned. He was mostly relieved she hadn’t tried to bite his head off yet, though he couldn’t say a light roasting didn’t do it for him. “So what’s up? We should take notes about what’s different this time around for future ref. I’ll start.” He plucked at the front of his shirt. It was a reprint of the ‘92 tour shirt for Dinosaur Jr. and heavily featured a bug-eyed humanoid getting choked out; among the shirts that scattered his bedroom floor that morning, it had been a toss up between it and a Rick and Morty number. “For one, I’m still freshly laundered. Didn’t stab a Red Bull can with a pen and blitz the both of us again. So, you know, score.”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
“You know, I don’t think that you’re telling the truth, because I don’t think you’d go through that much effort in performing a dance for me. I would love it if you did, but I have a hard time believing that you’d actually go through with it. Feel free to prove me wrong, though,” Natalia let out a laugh at the other’s actions. “Come on, I didn’t look like that.” Okay, so she probably did. It wasn’t her fault, though. The face she was probably making had been fully involuntary, as bad as it probably made her look. She was usually a much better listener than she had just displayed for herself. Blame the stress. “Will a really solid apology do? I might be willing to throw in coffee if you’re willing to forgive me.”
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“Oh-ho, well now. You’re gonna live to regret that one, kid. If we’re talking literally here, I have been known to cut a rug. My little sister’s been making me do some of those TikTok dances to keep her from turning into a narc. I’m a seasoned pro,” Anthony started as he maneuvered his lanky body down the school hallway. He only had to raise an elbow in indifferent self-defense to one football bro who took it upon himself to cuff the back of his head as they passed. Not much out of the norm; he let it roll off his back. “Cue up that Savage song and I’ll pop my ass right here. Just for you.” He held up his hands, a play at surrender—though Anthony had never been known to really let up on anything, so he was quick to make the face again for emphasis. “Huh. Solid apology and a coffee...” he trailed off purposefully. His mom repeatedly gave him strict instruction to not introduce caffeine to his twitch-prone body again and again, but. “From what establishment are we talking here? I mean, this can’t be no regular Dunkin’ coffee. I want all the fixings.”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
Remi froze like a deer in headlights. Had he really hit the guy that hard? He hadn’t thought he did, by maybe the angle had been just so and - wait. Remi narrowed his eyes as a smile started to quirk on the corner’s of Anthony’s mouth. “Haha, very funny. I’m glad to see that your sense of humour wasn’t damaged during the collision,” Remi sighed, shaking his head. He should have known better. If there was anybody that he would expect not the get mad, it would be Anthony. He just seemed so… not the type to get angry over something like that. Actually, he didn’t know if he had ever seen Anthony angry. Though that would make the day that Anthony actually got angry extra scary.
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“I’ll try and watch the limbs, sorry about that. I’m pretty sure I should have stopped growing at 5′5″. I don’t think that my brain ever registered the extra seven inches.” Remi shrugged. “But in all seriousness, you good? I know I’m no Incredible Hulk, but these noodle arms have done some damage in the past… entirely on accident, but still.”
“Shit, man, you better hope it didn’t. I’ve got a hefty insurance policy on this thing,” Anthony said, knocking his knuckles against the side of his head, then shrugged. “Eh, I get it. Less Bruce Banner, more Billy Baston. Growth spurts can mess a guy up for real. Convinced myself I must’ve had shin splints or something all of sixth grade. Thought my mom was gonna start pouring hard liquor down my throat so I’d shut the fuck up about it.” Anthony pat down his chest and then crossed his arms to repeat the same treatment down them, his face twisted into an expression of extreme concentration, then grinned again. “Seems everything’s where it oughtta be, señor. But if I wake up tomorrow and don’t laugh at an absolutely brilliantly crafted poop joke, you’re gonna hear from my lawyers.” He nodded toward Remi. “Sooooo what’s up, you in a hurry somewhere?”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
long furby but worse [ delivered 5:48pm ] : are u home?? long furby but worse [ delivered 5:48pm ] : i’m coming over to kill myself in ur bathroom long furby but worse [ delivered 5:49pm ] : make sure ur mom doesn’t find me first xx
certainly not the most eloquent of texts shiloh had ever sent, but tony had received far worse from her. hell, he’d probably received far worse from her that very day. but shiloh was feeling especially dramatic after possibly one of the worst and most awkward encounters of her life. it even beat her first kiss in the crestview middle school band room when seth hastings had tried to bring tongue into the equation and shiloh had panicked and bit him in response. and as you might imagine, that was a terribly tough thing to top on the list of shiloh’s worst, most awkward, and most embarrassing moments. but somehow, it felt as thought walking up to emmett gardener– who was in his car bothering literally no one, for the record– and talking to him about shitty sad boy music and her fucking job was worse. 
as she walked away from now cursed cvs parking lot, she tried to drown out constant replay of stupid shit she’d said with the loudest songs mom jeans could supply. also sending a text to her parents letting them know she was going to tony’s and that they shouldn’t worry about dinner for her, finished off by of course a ‘love you!’ in classic shiloh fashion. despite promise of offing herself, when she made it to the goldstein home, she did not head straight for the bathroom of eldest son. instead choosing to collapse on his bed, throwing her bag to the side so she didn’t crush her belongings in the process. 
there was no hello, no how are you. there was no reason for it between them, and there was no way shiloh could pause her dramatics long enough to entertain them. “ i just had the worst conversation of my life, ” she announced, obvious whine to her voice “ fucking emmett gardener was sitting in his stupid car listening to stupid toxic sad boy music really loudly, ” she continued, still staring at the ceiling as she waved her hands around to emphasise her points on how stupid and sad the 6 foot whatever quarterback was “ so i went up to ask if he was okay– because i’m a fucking idiot, and i don’t know, i didn’t know how to leave so i just – fucking kept talking to him. like an idiot! ” she strangled the air above her with gritted teeth, imagining her own neck in her hands before she let them fall back on the bed with loud sigh. “ like, i’m a good person, i was being a good person, ” the first part of that statement, definitely not true and she knew it, second part was dubious at best “ why does the world have to punishment like this, like, couldn’t i have just walked into a pole and got a concussion instead? then i could have taken a day off school or something for it, this is just fucked. ”
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In the time between Shiloh’s threats of self-immolation and when she finally came barreling familiarly up the stairs and through his bedroom door, Anthony got a couple things done. For one, he sent her a succinct reply of ‘chhyyyeah’—not really crisis counselor material—and then he made nachos. Or well, he nuked a ton of quote-unquote Mexican Style shredded cheese on a plate of tortilla chips and jalapenos and called it a day. So maybe not chef material either, but he wasn’t losing any sleep over it. He had just dropped the soggy paper plate onto his crowded desk when Shiloh threw herself onto his unmade bed. He gave her a second to whine and sigh and glare up at the years old glow in the dark stars stuck in the shape of a pair of boobs on his ceiling, then sat in his squeaky office chair. “Yikes,” he said amiably, greetings customarily foregone. The chair eeeeek’d ominously as he spun to face her. His stepdad had handed it down to him when he got one of those state-of-the-art ergonomic ones that like, adjusted to temperature changes or something and offered the lumbar support he wouldn’t shut up about. It cost about a thousand bucks, so Anthony figured it must’ve jacked him off too.
He leaned back (the chair creaked), folded his hands over his stomach, and hummed thoughtfully. It was performative, which was probably obvious, because Anthony didn’t want to give much thought to the picture she painted at all. Emmett Gardener: Human Sadsack  wasn’t someone Anthony wanted to give up much brain space for. His lumbering rain cloud of grief in school classrooms was a bummer enough; he wasn’t desperate to pick apart the guy’s brain or Shiloh’s stumbling, misguided attempts at supposed comfort. He heard Magnus’ distant voice from the kitchen call out ‘keep that door open, Tones!’ so he made a fart sound with his mouth and kicked it closed entirely. “You want an obvious piece of advice for the future?” He started and pulled the plate onto his lap. He picked up a chip and admired the cheese pull; added an extra jalapeno on the bite; and popped it into his mouth. There wasn’t much he could do when Shiloh wound herself into a tangle but wait it out. Mouth full, he continued: “Don’t bang on the glass at the gorilla enclosure. You’re either just gonna get a buncha monosyllabic grunts or a face full of shit.” He swallowed and grabbed another chip, then tried to recall if his ashtray was still on the bed she just flopped onto. “Hey, roll over real quick. I gotta check something.”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
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Alex Wolff in Stella’s Last Weekend (2018)
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
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→ anthony’s public instagram
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
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as the spring came around and reared its head at natalia and the prospect of graduation came creeping up on her, she could feel the pressure building every day. she kept herself busy, for sure, but that didn’t necessarily mean that everything she was doing to keep busy was wise. the girl had a tendency to wear herself a little thin, as her mind went a million miles a minute as she tried to keep everything straight in her head. she was exhausted, to say the least, and that was becoming increasingly evident as time went on, so much so that she hadn’t even realized until it was almost too late that the person in front of her was speaking to her. “i promise you that i have been listening to everything you’ve said,” she spoke with certainty, pushing her hair out of her face. “but, just so we’re on the same page, repeat everything you just said.”
Anthony’s reaction was a series of flamboyant displays of inconvenience: he let out a low whistle, rolled his eyes hugely, and half-stumbled backward. “Oy, what’s a guy got to do to get some undivided attention for once? I’m up here practically doing a little dance for you—for your entertainment. Like, this is blood, sweat, and tears stuff. It’s my craft. I have honed this. And this is what I get—” he passed a hand over his face, mimicking what he perceived as Natalia’s straight up dead eyes. What Anthony had actually been busy with was his best impersonation of the school’s P.E. instructor, as he had just unfortunately suffered through an honest to God gym class, which involved a rather thought out junk-rearranging mime and a hacking phlegm-y cough. Maybe not his best work, but Aidan would’ve laughed at least. “Well, kid, it’s done. The magic’s gone. You’ve totally knocked me outta my zone. What've you got to say for yourself?”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
It was no secret that Remi was accident prone. He was one of those people who had bad luck no matter what he did, and he had mostly come to terms with this. Unfortunately, sometimes other people got caught in the crossfire, like right now. Why wouldn’t there be somebody around when he tripped on thin air and almost took them out in the process? Of course there had to be someone there, otherwise it would be too easy to pretend that it hadn’t happened. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
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When an unexpected shoulder collided harshly with Anthony’s own, his body quickly pivoted to accommodate the force of the movement. He wasn’t like, a stacked guy. Some days a stiff breeze seemed enough to send him flying to the wayside. But still, it didn’t necessarily hurt a ton as he righted himself, and if he hadn’t been asked if he was okay, he probably wouldn’t have gone and repeated, “Am I okay?” He said it as if the question struck him with a deep sense of incredulity though in reality he didn’t much care and really, it was just more fun to pretend you were pissed. Anthony clutched at his shoulder for added effect, and hunched over a bit as the cherry on top. “Did you seriously just ask if I am okay?”
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Anthony held the dubious stare and counted down in his head—three... two... one—then straightened with a grin. He lightly knocked his knuckles against Remi’s shoulder. “Yeah, meesa good, Jar Jar.” Anthony was an avid supporter of the shit fest that was the Star Wars prequels, and the annoying and clumsy Jar Jar Binks was stupidly up his alley. He thought Remi Wilson could benefit from a shirt with the quote ‘Dissen ganna be messy’ plastered across the front, at least as a warning to the public. “Gotta watch those limbs, dude. Not gonna lie though, you seem dyspraxic as fuck.”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
“ Shoot ! ” char gasped as she accidentally dropped her drink off the balcony of the building, turning quickly so the people below couldn’t see who dropped it. quickly her cheeks turned a bright red and she looked at the person beside her before giggling. “ Oops ? ”
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“Bow bow, bow-bow-booow,” Anthony emitted through his cupped hands in an attempt to mimic that DJ airhorn sound effect. It wasn’t identical in sound but comparable in its piercing annoyance. He then glanced over the edge and who but Mr. Hedges glared back up at him, his wet hair sticking to his forehead. Anthony immediately pulled back, equal parts exhilarated by the target and gearing up to get the blame come Monday morning. “Oh shit.”
He kept his hands in place as he lowered his voice, shifting it into something between drunk Transatlantic and old school Disc Jockey. “Laaadies and gentleman, for the accomplishment of pegging a most despised suuubstitute teacher from the local high school, we have declared the crime non heinous.” The impression turned Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure by the end, but Anthony’s general feelings about that were whatever, good enough.
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“So what’s up, you got something against Little Dick Hedges or are you just in it for the thrill of the spill?”
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
heyyy, i’m nie. let’s jump right into it ;****
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☆(ALEX WOLFF / CIS MALE / HE/HIM) is that [ ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN ] over there? the [ STUDENT ] is [ EIGHTEEN ]. i heard they’re a [ SAGITTARIUS ]- which is probably why they are so [ OPTIMISTIC and ADVENTUROUS ], but also [ TACTLESS and BOASTFUL ]. did you hear that they [ REDACTED ]… hope no one finds out. (ooc: nie / 26 / est / she/her)☆
Full Name: Anthony Jacob Goldstein
Hometown: Crestview, NY
Birthday: November 26, 2001
Religious: His mom is technically Protestant and his dad was Jewish, but Anthony’s a little more Agnostic. He attends temple during the high holidays (and a Shabbat once in awhile with his bubbe), had his bar mitzvah, and celebrates Christmas with his mom (+ stepdad and half-sis blegh) in the sense that he’s lovin’ those presents. If asked he identifies as Jewish, at least culturally. Rejects Christianity sort of on principle lmao.
Drugs/alcohol/smoke (y/n): yes/yes/no
Languages spoken: English and enough Hebrew to get through Hebrew school
Western astrological sign: Sagittarius
Other traits: Honest, impatient, careless, attention seeking, open-minded, forgetful,  irresponsible, confident, outgoing, and humorous
Relation to Ana Alston: His best friend was str8 up obsessed with her, bro
TW: Death
Anthony’s parents (Elizabeth and Jacob) were childhood best friends turned sweethearts turned accidental young parents at the age of like, 19/20. This accidental child was indeed Anthony. When he was about three years old, his dad died. There's a lot of weird n repressed murky memories around what happened. His mom always says he died trying to help someone, like he got caught in the crossfire during a mugging or something, and Anthony is like, actively choosing to believe her, even though he does not realize he is making a choice in it. 
So he has a very holier-than-thou, pristine image of his dad in his head. Like this guy was the coolest, bravest, sickest mf on the planet, half to memorialize him and half to avoid grieving something that he was robbed of, i.e. a parent. In reality, his dad was very directionless and lost and unreliable and not a bad guy but Anthony's mom had no plans to stay with him. He kind of just smoked weed all day, drank too much, and played video games. What Anthony doesn’t know, or what been kept from him because he does not remember, is that his dad didn’t die playing hero. His dad died because he drank too much one night, didn’t wear a seat belt, and swerved into the opposite lane while driving the family home. He crashed into another car, which killed himself and someone in the other car too.
Eventually, Anthony's mom found love elsewhere. The guy (Magnus McNulty) was well off and handsome and tried very hard to be buddy-buddy with then-10 year old Anthony, and eventually Anthony's mom and Magnus got married and had a daughter, Cassandra (Cassie). For a long time Anthony had a lot of contempt for this new little family unit, and still refuses to call his mom’s husband anything other than his first name. He felt like his mom betrayed him and his dad by getting with Magnus; he still kind of feels that way.
He started stealing when Cassie was born. It was little stuff at first, packs of gum at the corner store when his mom sent him for milk and candy from CVS. As he’s gotten older, he taken to also stealing things that aren’t necessarily bigger but less sterile and devoid of importance. At rich kid parties, he tends to swipe nice-looking silverware, candlesticks, and on one memorable occasion a gold bracelet. He doesn’t do much with these things but keep them in his desk drawers or under his bed.  He still takes stuff of the shelves and racks of stores but he’s almost gotten too good at it, at least at the little league stuff; it’s kinda losing the thrill. Something with higher stakes may be in order.
Other stuff to know about Anthony is that he has to watch his little sister a lot (yawn), he has had a rock collection since he was in kindergarten, he reads comics and unironically loves superhero movies, and he’s a little “fuck da police” edgelord.
Trying to get him to be serious or sincere can be like pulling teeth — it’s frustrating for you and painful for him, and most people seem to be charmed by it or endlessly frustrated. He’s the kid taking pictures of his elbow when his arm is bent because it looks like a butt. He has a ‘420′ story highlight on his Instagram page and is a seasoned shit-poster.  He's goofy and says weird shit just to say weird shit. He thinks girls who ignore him are into him. Standard practice. He wants to bring levity babey.
He plays the drums because when they chose instruments back in elementary school he chose the one that would annoy his mom and Magnus the most, but now he’s really into it. His favorite bands are like, The Strokes, Nirvana, The Flaming Lips, Rat Boy, Dinosaur Jr, etc.
He tells people Shiloh had a huge crush on him when they first met and he had to turn her down just to troll her. <3
He has a scar on his head from the car crash that he has been told was from falling from a swing set and again he doesn’t question it.
Lowkey dysgraphia and ADHD
Happily sells weed and his adderall to the teenage masses xx get that coin!
Will create a connections page ASAP, but otherwise I am open to just about anything. He definitely needs friends, perhaps an ex of sorts (awkward late middle school era and they didn’t do anything past some fumbly over the shirt stuff xoxo romance), people he sells weed to, bandmates, neighbors, idk. Give it 2 me.
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
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#about me
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tonygoldsteins · 4 years
I’ll watch you fall apart, babe you know it You know I’m young and stuff, babe don’t blow it Just unscrew the top, yeah Pick me up now just can’t stop
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