#canon; theres air beneath my bed and it whispers when i rest
rabbitpi · 3 years
idk if i ever talked about it aside from in his bio, but Pi’s name comes from the fact his subject designation is 314
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rabbitpi · 3 years
@viopolis​ said: ☭ + Cammy, and/or a bad guy of your choosing ;)
Ready? fight! || accepting
Battle Theme: Bambous - Caravan Palace ((sometimes Pi’s movements will sync w the music, especially when idle, a lil’ bnuuy dance :)))
Battle intro: “You’ve been so nice to me. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Victory: “I did it? I did it!”
Defeat: “Okay, okay, okay! I give up!”
Taunt: “Are you really gonna go out of your way to hit lil ol’ me???”
Reacting to Taunt: “don’t be an ass!”
Tie: “I said I didn’t want to hurt you”
Perfect Victory: “Oh my god, Are you okay?”
Final Finisher: though he hesitates, pi just sprouts a big ol’ flower under Cammy to raise her in the air, tossing her around as it does
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “A Rabbit and A Girl walk into trouble... that sounds familiar.”
Your muse down during Assist: “Ohgodohgodohgod”
Using item on your muse: “here, take this”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “you’re okay, I’m here.”
Tag Team Special: while hiding behind her, pi will fling the enemy around w a well timed plant after Cammy knocks them back a bit
Bonus: Urien ((bc hes one of only baddies i’m fully familar w on ur roster...))
Battle Theme: Enemy Like Me - Peggy Suave
Battle intro: “I’m just a fucked up lil rabbit, there’s nothing special about me! these stitches? just a bunch of accidents!!”
Victory: “Please stay down.”
Defeat: “I’m so dead”
Taunt: “C’mooon! I’m just a little guy!! you wouldn’t a hit a little guy would you?? And on his birthday too! C’mooon!!”
Reacting to Taunt: “You’re too smart for me.”
Tie: “I’m not dead? hahahaHA!! I’m Not Dead!!”
Perfect Victory: “I’m gonna. Go now...”
Final Finisher: Pi literally sacrifices his own safety to grow a bunch of ungodly big thorns outta himself and uses them to hack and slash, along with biting at Urien, think frightened, cornered animal but so, so much worse
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “He’s been following me all day”
Your muse down during Assist: “The bigger they are- I guess.”
Using item on your muse: “You can have this.”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “I’m gonna die without your help”
Tag Team Special: Pi climbs up Urien like a literal tree and uses the height advantage to lob bundles of rose thorns at the enemy while Urien keeps on fighting
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rabbitpi · 3 years
Pi’s insides just look like really warped rabbit insides
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rabbitpi · 3 years
There’s a reason for the band aid on the bridge of Pi’s nose but its one he doesn’t give out freely
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rabbitpi · 3 years
 @viopolis​ said: ✂ + your choice of: Perfect Cell ( 6'8 ), Dr. Gero ( 5' 7" ), Urien ( 6' 5" )
height comparison || accepting
((why not all 3?))
Perfect Cell:
Tumblr media
Dr. Gero:
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Tumblr media
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rabbitpi · 3 years
((I feel like i should mention that Pi is like, 4′9″))
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rabbitpi · 3 years
due to the fact he can manipulate and grow plants on a whim, Pi knows about flower language and what flowers mean, and if he’s not careful with it he will cause himself to sprout and spew all kinds of flowers during surges of strong emotions
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rabbitpi · 3 years
i could go in depth about all the fucked up shit the facility Pi came from has done but that wld take all day
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rabbitpi · 3 years
Pi’s got a little powder puff tail that wiggles when he’s being a little shit
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rabbitpi · 3 years
There was a Scientist that helped Pi and other live experiments escape from captivity. She saw how poorly these guys were being treated and decided that she’d start doing something about it, especially since she was getting old and was close to retirement.
Luckily she did it in secret and was able to keep everything under wraps, stay alive and retire and now Pi will visit her every once in a while when he feels it’s safe enough to do so.
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rabbitpi · 3 years
while it’s absolutely easy to do, if you scare or hurt Pi enough he’ll let out a blood curdling, high pitched/frequency scream
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rabbitpi · 3 years
Pi is small enough to sneak around undetected and if you arent careful he will definitely sneak up on you like that one Office scene
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rabbitpi · 3 years
main verse
ic; pinnacles and shrines of some ghastly predicament of mine youll find
Pi is an escaped test subject of a highly secretive government lab that had been tasked to study the human condition and how to prolong and restart it. Covered in incisions and stitches the poor man is still finding himself constantly dying and brought back to the waking world no matter how much he just wants to rest in peace.
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rabbitpi · 3 years
((ic tags))
vis; there was no light and i swear i could see your raring fear
abt; oh what am i missing you said the kindest thing
aes; a storm is coming i feel it in my scars
canon; theres air beneath my bed and it whispers when i rest
open; theyll cover the doors with the screams that their minds dispose
crack; elmer fudds worst nightmare
answered; silent descrete make your bouldering shoulders glow
ship gen; cut open my sternum and pull my little ribs around you
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