#if u cldnt tell pi literally cant fight w/o using plant powers
rabbitpi · 3 years
@viopolis​ said: ☭ + Cammy, and/or a bad guy of your choosing ;)
Ready? fight! || accepting
Battle Theme: Bambous - Caravan Palace ((sometimes Pi’s movements will sync w the music, especially when idle, a lil’ bnuuy dance :)))
Battle intro: “You’ve been so nice to me. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Victory: “I did it? I did it!”
Defeat: “Okay, okay, okay! I give up!”
Taunt: “Are you really gonna go out of your way to hit lil ol’ me???”
Reacting to Taunt: “don’t be an ass!”
Tie: “I said I didn’t want to hurt you”
Perfect Victory: “Oh my god, Are you okay?”
Final Finisher: though he hesitates, pi just sprouts a big ol’ flower under Cammy to raise her in the air, tossing her around as it does
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “A Rabbit and A Girl walk into trouble... that sounds familiar.”
Your muse down during Assist: “Ohgodohgodohgod”
Using item on your muse: “here, take this”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “you’re okay, I’m here.”
Tag Team Special: while hiding behind her, pi will fling the enemy around w a well timed plant after Cammy knocks them back a bit
Bonus: Urien ((bc hes one of only baddies i’m fully familar w on ur roster...))
Battle Theme: Enemy Like Me - Peggy Suave
Battle intro: “I’m just a fucked up lil rabbit, there’s nothing special about me! these stitches? just a bunch of accidents!!”
Victory: “Please stay down.”
Defeat: “I’m so dead”
Taunt: “C’mooon! I’m just a little guy!! you wouldn’t a hit a little guy would you?? And on his birthday too! C’mooon!!”
Reacting to Taunt: “You’re too smart for me.”
Tie: “I’m not dead? hahahaHA!! I’m Not Dead!!”
Perfect Victory: “I’m gonna. Go now...”
Final Finisher: Pi literally sacrifices his own safety to grow a bunch of ungodly big thorns outta himself and uses them to hack and slash, along with biting at Urien, think frightened, cornered animal but so, so much worse
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “He’s been following me all day”
Your muse down during Assist: “The bigger they are- I guess.”
Using item on your muse: “You can have this.”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “I’m gonna die without your help”
Tag Team Special: Pi climbs up Urien like a literal tree and uses the height advantage to lob bundles of rose thorns at the enemy while Urien keeps on fighting
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