oasis-makcr · 1 year
Right, sorry, I just remembered I meant to say hi! And then didn't. Hi, I'm Kalim al-Asim, a student at Night Raven College, it's nice to meet you!
I saw you were hurting earlier today, are you feeling any better now? How are you doing?
I'm sorry this greeter kind of sucks, I'm really tired but I wanted to get this out before I forgot...
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jujulebee · 2 years
❤️‍🔥 ;P
kiera reminds me of like, the first time u see a peacock in person and ur just like dazzled by the colors and shapes and textures, its like seeing a living illusion, like seeing a dragon in person. all those dazling scales and feathers and eyes that both fascinate and amaze and frighten. they have this sharp beauty to them, like a well sharpened knife made of glass, designed to cut clean and shatter in her victims. theyve deffo killed AT LEAST one person, but probs a lot more than that. they kinda give me like, total villain vibes but like the villain you Know has been a villain the whole time and is kinda more or less chill abt it, just a cold motherfucker (affectionate) whos like so cool, like u see them on screen during the movie and they do smth supes slick and dont even react and the crowd fuckin goes nuts bc it was so cool. they give me like the vibe of someone whos like definitely better than u, or like at least acts like it, someone who isnt abt 2 open up to just anyone but deeply cares about the ppl they Do love. they have the vibe of someone whos that they care in little ways that might go overlooked, or in a way that makes you feel dumb for ever thinking otherwise. i like them a lot, i think theyre a good friend.
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seashaper · 2 years
okay, it’s an out of town situation, but a city near here is basically being overseen by a benevolent copper dragon, the residents bring them regular offerings as a fairly reasonable trade. however, lately, the dragon’s been pretty quiet and unhelpful, and the visitors and their deliveries to the dragon’s lair have been going missing. something’s definitely up, but there’s not a lot of people who can risk checking out whatever may have overpowered an adult dragon. that said i’d be glad for help with this one too if anyone’s interested. @canorvs you did say you’d be willing to join again if you’re interested this time.
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avrelius · 1 year
#hair's nice today.#go compliment my brother or whatever.#bloat his ego go ahead.
thank you kiera. but also. don’t do that.
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penofdamocles · 2 years
Do I? Legally? The fun, interesting, flavorful and delicious recipes I post aren’t  /only/ on my blog to wave temptingly at you from several dimensions away as your lungs cry out with the deep and painful yearning that I feed on to sustain myself. There’s other reasons also. Like saving them for later! And aesthetic appeal. :^)
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spiiderwiick · 2 years
wick. if you were just a little. tiny spider. i would hold you gentle in my hand like your header. i just want you to know.
please do i am so small and pickupable
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mothedmanhandholder · 2 years
@canorvs  #caring about -> hunting.#;)
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falsespring · 2 years
1. i really consistently appreciate everything the artists for bsd (and the writing in the light novels) to emphasize how dull and flat and dead dazai’s eyes get, and i think to a certain degree they’re always bordering lifeless. if you covered his mouth or vise versa while he was smiling his expression would usually be contrasting since his smiles rarely reach his eyes
2. absolute horror of a sweet tooth. he loves sweet food. he gets the sweetest most complicated coffee drinks, loves sickeningly rich and sweet pastries, anything he can get his hands on. he loves sweet food
3. on the opposite end of the spectrum if you give him anything too spicy to eat he’ll actually physically cry when he tries to eat it. has very little if any spice tolerance and that hasn’t improved over the years whatsoever
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Send 💭 to see one of my muse’s earliest memories or a flashback to a pivotal moment in their life!
Stumbling onto the magic community had been a complete fluke. Scully was in the midst of their doctorate, working on their dissertation. Their research project had taken them far off the beaten path into the woods in search of rare plant samples to work with.
By this time of day, the daypack hefted on their back was full of carefully collected plant cuttings. Each one lovingly wrapped, jarred, and labelled. The final plant they were after was sighted only rarely in this region, but far more rarely anywhere else. It was something of a myth in botany circles, a holy grail type of plant to find in nature.
Keen eyes scanned their surroundings as they hiked through the brush. Their detailed notes on the conditions which appeared to favor this plant had led them here where everything matched their records perfectly. Finally, just up ahead, they spotted a small white, shimmering bloom. The shape matched, the size matched, and it was the only one like it for miles.
As they approached, a sudden forceful feeling of dread came over them, freezing them in their tracks. Scully's heart raced and they could feel the fear rising up in their throat as every instinct they had told them to run away. Rationally, they knew there was no good reason for this reaction. Closing their eyes, they took a deep, grounding breath before pushing forward. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until it felt like their heart might just burst. They nearly collapsed as they reached the flower, managing to stay upright. Wobbly, but upright as they reached for the plant.
At least until a hand reached out to touch their shoulder to steady them. The startling touch sent them springing away, nearly up a tree. Eyes wide with a terror that they had quickly started to realize was not entirely natural, they laid eyes on their would-be attacker.
It was a tall vaguely humanoid figure, silhouette like an elegant, feathery dress. Large red owlish eyes stared down at them, “That is not yours to take.”
It was a statement. No questions here. Whoever this was knew exactly why Scully was here and they were starting to suspect that this particular plant wasn’t rare so much as well-guarded. They could still feel the oppressive fear effect, even as they forced themself to straighten up and maintain an even voice, “Not even a leaf cutting? What kind of scientist would I be if I went around killing everything I collected samples from?”
A stern narrowing of the eyes was the only reply Scully received.
"Or does your concern lie elsewhere? Is there a reason you don’t want me to bring any part of this plant from here?” Their usual list of reasons tended to be sensible: invasive species, hazardous spores, extremely sensitive to disturbances, all perfectly acceptable explanations.
“Yes.” A one word answer and a looming sense of dread and intimidation.
“Will you share that reason with me?” Despite their efforts to remain calm, Scully could feel their heart racing, every fiber of their being was telling them to get out of there now before the hammer came down upon their head. The only visible cue to give away their feelings was a slight tremor in their hands.
“... Possibly.” 
In that instant it felt as though a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. The immense pressure and fear dissipated and their senses started to clear. It was only then that Scully finally had the mental wherewithal to process the appearance of the being in front of them. This was not any being known to modern science.
Said being turned away and motioned for Scully to follow. They cast a reluctant glance back toward their initial floral target before trailing along behind. This was bigger than their dissertation now.
Along the way, they had a million questions to ask. Most of them went unanswered, the few that did only received short, curt replies. They learned the being’s name was Cryptic, which they found endlessly amusing; that she was a monster, a flatwoods monster specifically; and that the feeling from before had been a defensive magic of hers. The last one earned them the longest reply where Cryptic explained that they were only getting this chance because they hadn’t completely lost their shit under its effects, but that they were on thin ice.
When they came upon a secluded forest service shack along a dirt road, they were motioned inside to sit at a table. Inside looked exactly like nearly every other forest service building they’d ever stopped in at- which was many. After a bit more curt discussion and shushed questions, Cryptic lay a piece of paper in front of them. For a moment it looked as though it was in a runic language, but the shapes on the paper quickly came into focus as something Scully could understand. Or had they actually changed..?
They almost scoffed as they skimmed it, “An NDA??? You’ve led me to an abandoned shack in the woods and you want me to sign an NDA?”
Cryptic produced a sharp pin and held it out to Scully, “Just a drop.”
A drop... Their eyes followed the path of the pin, held just above their hand. A drop of blood? In exchange for knowledge? What a no brainer. What was to stop them from breaking the terms anyway? Something didn’t add up and they returned their focus to the contract to study it more closely.
More magic... Prevents the signee from breaking terms via a blood oath... Physically unable to.. Oh.. The terms.. Permission to learn about the magical community under the condition that they do not discuss it in detail with those outside the magical community. Well now. Sign them up!
Scully snatched the needle away and pressed it to their soft palm with a little too much gusto before using the tip to sign their initials in their own soft, purple hemolymph. Once finished, the contract appeared to disintegrate as though in a light breeze blowing in their direction.
Around them, the veil of magic disguising the place lifted. The dreary, mostly empty forest service station brightened into a cozy workshop. Colorful trinkets and jewelry dangled from the rafters. Tools were scattered over one half of the table. Rows and rows of small colorful jars lined the countertops. 
Formalities taken care of, they finally started to get answers to more of their questions. The plant was a rare material used in glamours and shape changing magic. The growth of the mundane communities over time had led to increased demand for ways to blend in for those not fortunate enough to have innate camouflage or an appearance that could pass for a mundane hybrid. Botanists, both professional and hobbyist also had an interest in the flower for its rarity and beauty. 
Scully listened and took notes, rapt with attention. This changed everything. Their dissertation suddenly felt like a waste of time. Who cared about hybridizing plants when they could be researching plants with effects unknown to science? Shapeshifting? The possibilities were endless!
It took endless convincing and promises, but in the end, they did manage to leave with not one, but two plant samples in hand. In exchange, they had agreed to try to cultivate and propagate the species in the lab. It was a resource that hadn’t yet been available to anyone who knew where to source them, and if Scully could succeed where home gardeners had failed, it would be a huge boon to the magical community and one hell of a foot in the door for them.
They left determined to change the world.
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bitterpainting · 2 years
13, 19, 26, 36, 39.
13: Biggest turn ons Being physically intimate with a loved one.
19: A fact about your personality I dig my heels in when I make a decision about something and it's very difficult to change my mind.
26: My biggest pet peeves Noise, neglect, and interruption.
36: Where I would like to live Ideally some place with seasons.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor I don't have ice cream very often, but when I make it I usually do vanilla bean since I can serve it with other desserts.
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jujulebee · 2 years
is pink the best color?
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seashaper · 2 years
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haha, you’re dead set on killing some giant rats huh? sure, you can come with. you know i don’t actually know what you can do, combat-wise. you have ice magic, right?
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nameless-brand · 1 year
@spellbookbinding, @canorvs, @pyrogenetic, @quantumgunner
Hellooooo. I'm Sato. And welcome to my wonderful dumpster fire of a blog - that's how you use that term, right? Anyway, here you can find your daily dose of angry upvotes, irony, and probably puns on queue.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。 - and can't forget the kaomojis
So icebreaker question! What is your favorite Pokemon? If you belong to a world that does not have any pokemon or you have no interest in pokemon, what is your favorite domesticated beast?
I have to say I really like Sylveon for its magical girl vibes.
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penofdamocles · 2 years
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Is this a legitimate timeframe thing or do you just not want to be around me and my cool new rock?
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spiiderwiick · 2 years
reach into your local forest and you might find a friend named kiera
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mothedmanhandholder · 2 years
@canorvs replied to your post “hey anon i just wanna talk”:
what d they say
​they won’t leave me alone asking about my crushes 
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