#cant believe im gonna hopefully spend the rest of my life with that man
treypug · 5 months
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
Dance with me?
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A/N: @obxmermaid​  this is day 15 omg thank you for the opportunity to make christmas stories this year. im honored that i can expand my writing fandoms. today we find that its before owls, before christmas feast, before their relationship was out in the open. this is the formal, this is the hogwarts winter formal. draco and Yn are not yet a public couple but this night Draco takes the courage to ask YN to dance and no one asks questions cause all cards and rivalry’s are off the table during the dance and for that day. so this is what looks like a friendly dance between a guy and a girl. but it is so much more than that.
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: snowball fight/ winter formal
mentioning @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the yule ball, or in some cases what would be known as a winter formal is one of the most sacred events hogwarts has the honor of throwing every 2 years. its a grand event some people have their gowns and tuxes picked out months or years ahead of the event. 
but you had no gown yet for the gown you wanted was in london at a shop you had passed by so many times and the last time you did you saw a halter peacock teal floor length gown. it took your breath away. 
this was the gown you wanted but alas you had no time at that moment to get it. a few days before the ball you were watching the entire dorm obsess over their gowns, choosing hair and makeup. but you and draco hadnt even discussed going to the ball. 
or at least what would happen at the ball. but meeting draco for your session a few days before the formal, you were distracted and draco could tell.
Draco: something on your mind love.
YN: the formal is in 2 days and well we cant go as a couple no one outside of our friends know, and what if people ask questions. 
Draco: so we wont show up together but the formal is a chance for everyone to forget the rivalry’s and grudges and hard feelings are off the table. no one will ask questions if i ask you to dance. and whats better is this will be the first of many dances to come i hope. 
yn: i just wish i could walk in with you on my arm and not have to worry about a thing. 
Draco: i know what you mean but it will hopefully show the professors that even our rivalry can be put aside when it matters. 
YN: i hope so. i need a dress though. 
Draco scribbles out a quick fire message and sends it off... 
YN: what was that about...
Draco: trust me you will thank me later... just promise me you will have the time of your life at the formal besides we will dance and no one will say anything... besides i look forward to the end of the party, where you and i meet in the courtyard to just watch the stars and hide away for a kiss, all before returning to the charade and our dorms.
YN: so basically you have the entire night planned out. 
Draco: more or less yes... now go you need to have energy for tomorrow. get some rest my love. go before you fall asleep on my lap. 
YN: i guess your right, i will see you tomorrow in class... 
you walked out of the tower and back to your dorm. where you collapsed on the bed as hermione walked in. 
Hermione: so how was your tutoring tonight cuz? 
YN: it was fine... we talked about the formal... he has the entire night planned out but then i told him that i didnt have anything to wear. and before you say it cuz, its fine i mean im sure he will dance with me whether im in a pretty dress or my uniform. 
Hermione: i know we are gonna look killer at the formal or we are gonna fail trying to have a fun night. now what about your wardr... Oh My God! cuz get over here a box with a bow on it just showed up at the entrance.
you get up off the bed and run over to the entrance where Hermione was gawking at the box. 
YN: OMG what could be in such a large box... 
Hermione: well lets get it inside and happily look at this mystery package. 
YN: i think i might know who this is from... but yes lets get it inside before we do anything else with this. 
it was your own mind putting draco’s mysterious fire message with the sudden appearance of this box. the timing of it all was far too coincidential, but never the less you looked forward to whatever lay inside this box. 
You set it on your bed, you ran your fingers over the box, tracing the bow, tracing the box outline. this was when your cousin noticed an envelope on top of the box tucked under the ribbon. 
Hermione: maybe that envelope will explain better as to whats inside and possibly who its from... 
you grab the envelope and open it, its a list of what is inside the box as well as instructions. 
“this box contains the following items: - A-Line Scoop Neck Floor-Length Chiffon Prom Dresses With Beading Sequins in Ink Blue, - navy blue  Faux Fur Fashion Wrap, -a custom bracelet in rose gold, -a gold  Beautiful Rhinestone/Alloy Headband & -  Black Women's Leather Suede Heels Latin With Ankle Strap. do not open this box until the day of the formal. you will look beautiful. save me a dance or several.. love always Draco”
you sat back on the bed and smiled lightly as you tucked the box under your cousin’s bed and hid the note in your dresser, you giggled yourself to sleep that night. for you knew the next 2 days would be torture till the day of the formal anyway. 
you were the one person in this entire school who would ever take the dance not seriously. you were the only one whose heart would not allow you to fall in love with a person who did not share your heart. 
you woke the next morning to the sound of your alarm. you went to the closet and pulled out your uniform putting it on and grabbing your cloak before heading out of the room with your wand in your sock. 
YN (to self): i hope this doesnt mess up anything, tomorrow is gonna be a happy day. the next day is the formal, and I have the opportunity to show this school that even those who are rivals can become chill even in the midst of the old laws. i need to get to class so that way no one suspects anything. 
you made it to potions and smiled slightly as hermione was sitting beside your seat. draco had followed you inside. you knew that hermione could feel the happiness flowing out from you. 
You were the one person that Hermione could trust and likewise her for you. But it was now to your surprise that she passed you her notebook with a few simple words on it.
"Draco won't stop glancing at you. His pupils dilate when he stares at you. It's like he is mentally undressing you or something..."
You reply back with a simple phrase.
"he I'm sure is just removing a few layers, back to when we were in london and we went swimming in a private pool. We made out for hours. Now we will discuss this later."
you slid her back her notebook and both of you paid attention as snape decided to begin his lesson with a pop quiz type thing, you and hermione being the 2 smartest witches in the room decided to let the other students have a chance to answer the questions. 
Snape: yn tell me what is the common use of wolfsbane?
YN: wolfbane used to sedate or subdue a werewolf. it is also known as acanite or commonly found in the form of a blue flower, it is in some cases a rare find. 
Snape: and how exactly does one give wolfsbane to the werewolf?
YN: it has to be while its human, most times wolfsbane is used to snuff out the werewolves in human form before its too late. 
snape: i would like each of you to take one of these flowers and for the next class prepare to brew me some wolfsbane if you wish to pass. now before the end of class today copy down the board, we will be studying wolfsbane for the next week. 
you went to your notebook and copied down the board. it was very distracting when you knew your boyfriend was stealing glances at you...  this made it very hard to concentrate. 
you wrote a note on your notebook and slid it to your cousin... 
“im getting antsy, cuz i am really anxious...”
she replied with the typical responce.
“dont worry girl, im sure you both will have your alone time later... think about it this way, in 2 years you will be able to marry and there will be nothing anyone can say to stop you.”
you had to internally laugh...
“me married can you imagine that... god if i know much more about that than you do... by the way i am so nervous to see what is in that box... like what if it doesnt bring the correct appeal...”
you sighed as your cousin wrote her responce.
“chill girl, your gonna rock that formal... now finish your notes so you can get out of here and be with your man.”
You smiled as you finish your notes and wait for Snape to dismiss the class. You stared at the ceiling for a few moments trying to keep a cool head.
Snape: alright those who finished the notes can leave a few moments early, those who haven't you have 5 minutes to finish those notes.
You and Hermione got up and walked out of the class, you walked by where Draco was sitting you had used a slight of hand to slip him a note.
You knew he would read it after class, you also knew he would thank you for it later. But you and Hermione took off and walked back to the court yard.
Where you both parted ways you both had picked a random slot for your separate ways. You were off to the quidditch tent to prep for the upcoming Christmas match, Hermione headed to divination.
You were one of those few captains who would take half a period out of your entire day to spend it preparing for a match that was a week and a bit away.
You had to come up with a strategy that would knock your match out of the water. you could feel something strange something abnormal as you stood in the tent. 
the earth began to quake, the tent came down on your head before you could move out of the way.... you were covered in tent, and one of the tent pole was on you too heavy to move. 
you held your wand up... 
YN: periculum!
you sent the sparks and then passed out. you knew someone would possibly come find you. you had to have faith, you had too believe that one person above all others would see it. 
meanwhile, hermione had bumped into draco in the hall on the way to divination, she told draco that she last saw you in the courtyard... draco and hermione then saw the sparks. both of them went to find any professor they could cause that was the rules. 
they ended up spying mcgonigal, running up to her in a hurry they approach her with the news of the sparks. 
mcgonigal: miss granger, mr malfoy come with me we will investigate this immediately. 
the 3 of them hastely rushed toward the sparks, seeing the collapsed tent on arrival, mcgonigal waves her wand and sets the tent right, they all went inside and foudn you there after. 
mcgonigal transported herself plus you draco and hermione to the hospital wing. madame pomfry immediately got involved, she was pushing everyone back... but the only person who had to leave was minerva. 
hermione and draco now remained in the room to wait whether and when you would wake. your body had gone into a state of shock, the pole had bruised you a bit and thanks to the miracle potion that madame pomfry had administered to you, you were healing nicely. 
hermione: come on girl, come on we still have to rock this formal, come on please wake up come on cuz... we both need you to wake up. 
draco: don't you dare leave me, you can't, we haven't had any time. Come on YN wake up, open your eyes. We need to have our day in the sun! I need you to open your eyes so we can live our future together our way.
Madame pomfry heard what Draco said deciding not to say anything she just came back round to your bed side and administered a second dose of medicine.
Madame pomfry: take a bed each of you. Get some sleep, you both will be alerted first when she wakes. Try not to worry she will pull through she is a extraordinary girl.
Draco took a bed near you, Hermione took one on the other side of you. They wanted to be the first people's you saw when you woke up.
They tossed and turned but eventually both fell asleep. it was 8 hours later that an announcement rang through the school...
Minerva: attention students the quidditch field is off limits due to an investigation of recent events. someone brought the tent down on ravenclaw Yn. note that the perpetrator who is responsible if a student will be immediately expelled and sent to the ministry to await trial. we take this seriously. please be sure to make good notes for your fellow classmate as she is soon recovered in the hospital wing thanks to madame pomfry, classes go on as scheduled and the formal is still happening, thank you for your attention. 
both draco and hermione sat up a few moments after at the sound of your groans. they both looked at you in time for you to open your eyes. 
hermione: YN...
Draco: YN... your ok!
madame pomfry walked in at that moment as well to see you sit up. 
Madame Pomfry: YN your awake wonderful how are you feeling. 
YN: like i was hit by a unexpected brick wall what happened?
madame pomfry: you were found under the collapsed quidditch tent, you were brought to me bruised and unconcious. these 2 were among those who found you. you are pretty lucky you werent seriously injured. your bruising has gone down, you will stay in here for a few more hours then you can go back to your dorm. it is my recommendation that you get plenty of rest and then you go to the formal tomorrow and take it easy... your cousin will be allowed to stay with you tonight so she can make sure you get the rest you need. 
now that madame pomfry had come to see you hermione got off the cot she slept on and came to hug you... you flinched a bit but returned her embrace, Draco approached from the other side and touched your shoulder. 
hermione let go of you as she went to madame pomfry and began asking her for a written report for hermione to deliver to professor McGonagall. while both hermione and madame pomfry werent looking Draco came to sit on the edge of your bed, he smiled lightly... 
Draco: you are awake. i was so worried about you. 
 YN: strange thing is i dont recall the tent coming down. i remember being in there working on my strategy for the christmas exhibition match, when the earth shook and thats when everything went dark. i wasnt even done when everything happened. i am so sorry i worried you. 
Draco: you are such a brave girl, im very lucky to have you on my arm and by my side. i love you YN. 
YN: i love you too. now go do me a favor and take a shower and change your robes. no offense my love but you need to take a shower. 
Draco: i will take your advice... ill see you in a while. and ill have your homework... 
Draco took his leave to go take a shower and change his robes before class. he went to class but his mind was not completely there. the professors had already gathered a stack of notes for you, so while draco attended the classes he couldnt focus. that was not a good thing, especially for his grades. 
but the professors understood, for they all knew he clearly had other things going on, for at this time you and draco were out to the school. no one questioned why draco wasnt fully paying attention, they just hoped you would be okay. 
a few hours passed, hermione brought you your casual dress to get you back to the dorm. as your fellow students watched you and hermione walk back to the dorms. you smiled slightly at draco who just watched you in passing like any normal rivalry. 
the next few hours were spent with different people coming in to do different shifts of watching you, helping you, taking care of you. finally it was the tutoring time. you were told to be on bed rest, but when hermione didnt return to the dorm you figured she had arranged something. 
Draco knocked at the door before he entered. once he came into view he was entranced by how stunning you looked sitting there, with your pet cat in your lap. (*yes okay yes i realize that this is the first time i mention the reader’s pet... sue me i forgot about that part till just now.*) 
YN: hey.
Draco: i brought you the notes and stuff from classes. YN i feel so awful about what you went through i....
thats when you placed your finger to his lips this shut him up immediately.
YN: its not your fault, there was nothing you could have done. i went to the tent it was my choice. please i dont want you to blame yourself for what happened. lets just focus on the formal. now i want to thank you for the box... and before you say that it isnt from you or that you have no idea what im talking about. the magic signature on the card on the box belonged to you love.  i havent looked inside, but i know that when i show up at the formal im gonna look absolutely smashing. 
Draco: i have to use the money my father sends me somehow, so i went to the shop, and i picked everything out with the measurements that i got from hermione of course. plus it matches us a bit... anyway, here are the notes i had a few questions i knew you could help me solve. snape wants me and you to be among the first to brew the wolfsbane. he says it will be a easy task or at least for you it will be. he also said that you need to submit your formula on wolfsbane by fire message before the end of the day. 
You quickly did that as Draco said it, he looked at you with curious concern in his eyes. he stayed with you for a few hours explaining what happened in the classes you missed. handing you the assignments, letting you explain what he didnt understand. 
*TIME SKIP: the rest of that evening went by pretty quick, you spent time tutoring Draco, who left when your cousin walked back into the room. you were now spending time chattering with her over the hair styles for the formal the next day. well you and hermione got an early sleep for the next day would sure be a busy one. now we go to the showers where you have just arrived to stretch out and begin your day.*
you were in your stall, mulling things over under the hot water. your brain swimming with thousands of thoughts, ones that made you begin humming, something you do quite often and in different situations you hum different songs. in this case it was something celtic something haunting some sort of ancient melody that haunts your very soul.
your hum echoed through the castle. no one could figure out where the sound was coming from except your cousin. for she had heard you hum that tune many numerous times before. 
Hermione: so you thinking again?
you snapped out of your hum, for you had not realized that another person could have walked into the room, never mind your own cousin. 
YN: just got some butterflies about tonight... H what if this doesnt go the way we think it will... 
Hermione: well cuz if you think about it this way, people will expect the rivalry to still take place during the event no one will expect the rivalry to be non existant during the event. to see 2 people who arent normally friends acting like friends even if for one night will do us all proud. now hurry up so we can go open the box to see what your man gave you... 
YN: ah yes thank you for reminding me cuz, thank you for giving draco the information he needed to get these things for me.. i appreciate it a ton. 
Hermione: no to worry cuz you are gonna look beautiful. now hurry up or you will look like a prune... 
 you finished cleaning up, you dryed off and wrapped up in your housecoat to go back to your dorm. twas the only way you were comfortable. your cousin right beside you both of you discussing your hair and what the hell you would do with it. 
Hermione  and you now sat in your dorm and just stared at the box between you both, the blue box that had tormented you for 2 days now sat between you ready for the unveiling of what lay inside. 
you removed the note and slowly undid the ribbon binding the box shut. you reached down to ope the lid, the first thing you saw was the dress, picking it up you stood spinning around holding the dress against your form.
YN: remind me to thank him for this...
hermione: oh im sure just wearing this tonight will thank him enough for this. now come on lets see what else is in here… 
you lay the dress over your cousins lap as you reach into the box and pull out a fashion wrap…
YN: isnt this basically just a cape?
Hermione: yes it is but we dont speak of that… lol it is nice and it looks like it goes in matching with the dress. 
you lay that as well over your cousins lap and pull out a small bag.
YN: wnder what this is…
Hermone: well it must be valuable in order to require its own packaging inside of packaging, 
you ope the baggie to reveal a custom bracelet. 
Hermione: ive seen those before, you can get it engraved with whatevr you want particularly used for couples. 
you flip it over and look at the enraving, “Yn & Draco always and forever 08-22”
you smiled ear to ear, little giggles left your lips, happily of course as you attached the bracelet to your wrist. once it was attached you reached into the box to pull out the next item again another baggie a bit bigger than the last. you opened it to reveal a gold headband. 
YN: so he is gona treat me like a queen
Hermione: at least i dont have to worry about you. 
YN: but you still will anyway cause thats just how you are cuz!
hermione: come on girl whats the last thing in the box.
You reach into the box and pull out a pair of leather strap short heals and smile. 
Hermione: lets become fabulous. cause we all know thats a crime in itself but we have 5 hours before we have to be there for presentations and plus the rivals have the first dance as is in the announcement this year. 
you had forgotten that the ministry had made that announcement… since fudge was supposed to make an appearance at the dance. He wanted to see the rivals of the school have the honor of first dance. It was a new tradition and would remain so for generations to come. 
First was to get dressed. You went behind the change cover, you put on your strapless and a nice pair of seamless bottoms. You were now ready for the dress, but you realized that there was a bra built into the dress already. Well at least into one part of it. ****A/N: yes i know that this wasnt mentioned but the dress that im describing is a two piece, it was one i had done my research on and liked the way it looked in the color scheme i was using for this story. Okay back to the story.****
You removed your strapless as now you knew you didnt need it. You pulled on the skirt fiestas to make sure that you were good in that department. You kinda did a half twirl and then put on the top, well you couldnt do it up as the zipper was at the back. 
YN: hey cuz, can you zip me up?
Hermione: a zipper… how does it look 
YN: its a 2 piece… its in my house color, its soft fabric it feels soft against my skin. 
Hermione: well come out and hold yourself in place. 
You stepped out from behind the shield and watched your cousin turn around in her dress. You both squealed in happiness for it made you both happy to know that you both looked amazing! Hermione did your top up and both of you stood side by side in the mirror.  
Hermione: cuz we need to photo shoot this in the mirror, we are still sure of this plan, we are so certain that this is the night the school will accept the possibility of a union between you and draco. I mean when are you guys planning to tell everyone about your relationship anyway. 
YN: no idea, it hasnt been discussed to much, we know we need to tell everyone we just dont know when or how. But when we do it will be a big event. Alright on a different note ive set the mirror to do the photo shoot of us its taking 5 very precisely timed shots. So lets wing it. Nice one first so we can duplicate it and send it to our folks then we go from there. 
Pose 1: normal, side by side and looking your best. 
Pose 2: charlies angels, missing an angel but smiling anyway
Pose 3: the shocked first look in outfit (hermione shocked at seeing you)
Pose 4: parting the sea, back to back looking away
Pose 5: and finally the hug it out moment
You went round to the window to stare down at the world, the school looked all decorated for the formal and the sound of people gathering around the grounds, the concorse full of people and visitors. You strapped on your shoes and your cousin finished your hair and applied your wrap. 
you wondered how the night would look, you wondered if anyone would question the less amounts of tension between you and Draco.
You wondered alot of things but a knock at the door brought you back to earth. You turned to see Harry and Ron standing at the door. 
Harry: wow, ladies you both look amazing! 
You and Hermione smile as Harry hands you something from minerva
Yn: it's professor McGonagall she wants to see me, says it's of great importance. 
Hermione: that's okay I'll walk down with the boys. Go go… 
You walk out of the room and go as fast as possible without tripping and falling to where you knew the professor would be. 
Minerva: ah YN you look lovely..  
Yn: thank you professor, I got your note you wanted to see me. 
Minerva: yes as you may have heard by now this year the Minister of magic is attending the formal as a honored guest, he has requested that you and Mr malfoy be honored guests as your rivalry is legendary as well as you and Mr malfoy will be receiving something special from the minister. He wants to commend you both on jobs well done this year. Your main task for the dance is to start the dancing off, now i know that you are a little sensitive YN so if you need a minute to process this before we make the announcement and before your fellow classmates begin to gather. 
YN: ya could i actually have a minute… where do i enter from?
Minerva: you will enter from the right side of the staircase, mr malfoy will enter from the left, just be there and ready for the announcement. 
You went round to the right side of the staircase and began pacing, letting your brain sort itself out to be able to go out there and not kiss Draco in front of everyone. 
To not run straight into his arms, to be able to just be a boy and a girl with no connection other than their rivalry for one night. 
That Un be known to you would be the case on this night you would be just a girl, and Draco would just be a boy who would be spending time together during the formal. 
Draco (to self): OK tonight can not go wrong, it's just one night to be just a boy and just a girl. I know she is probably nervous but she will be her normal brilliant self, i will be charming and pleasant and this evening will take the rivalship between me and YN to an 11. I hope she isnt overthinking things. 
You on the other side of things were overthinking everything that could go right and everything that could go wrong. You were also talking to yourself and pacing and borderline freak out. 
YN(to self): i cant do this, i can do this… what am i saying tonight is gonna go horrible… something is gonna mess this night up and screw up the entire eco system that is a almost 2 year secret… i wonder what it would be like if draco and i were out to the school and the public eye as a couple… what am i saying that would be a disaster. The ministry, the school, my parents, his parents, our friends, everyone would reject us… we would end up living as muggles for the rest of our lives, we would be exiled from the wizard records, we would have our legacy dragged through the dirt or worse. 
That's when you heard Dracos voice in the wind. 
Draco: don't stress babe, I'll be right by your side the entire time, trust me babe… Then we will happily go outside for some air later. Now let's get ready… and don't worry about a thing love. 
Thats when you had calmed down a bit more, and listened to mcgonigal speak.
Minerva: settle down everyone, before we all enter the great hall, it gives me great pleasure to introduce 2 people who im sure need no introduction, their rivalry is legendary amongst the entire student body. The minister himself asked that these 2 be given a very special entrance, ladies and gentlemen to kick off tonights winter formal i proudly present YN and Draco.
That was yours and Dracos cues to walk out from cover and down the stairs. All eyes were on the 2 of you as you both united in the center between the 2 staircases. 
Draco: in all my years at hogwarts never have I ever been so lucky in all I do, for my rival and I we know that we will make hogwarts proud in all we do and one day who knows maybe we will end up teaching here as well one day. But our rivalry won't end with graduation or parting for one final time. You all shall hear of our rivalry far and wide as we continue the rivalry even outside of hogwarts. Sorry for the speech slur but I figured on behalf of all of us we should make a statement. 
Draco then held his arm for you to take. That you did and both of you walked the rest of the steps together, the only person who you both stopped to acknowledge was the minister. 
Fudge: in all my time as minister for magic, i have never seen 2 people who just go from rivals one minute to just pleasant normal students, almost like the bond of your rivalry has brought you both closer together. Tell me YN did you ever see yourself and mr malfoy here being friends maybe. 
YN: i honestly can say no i have not seen that possibility but there is an ever changing future and i look forward to seeing what it may hold, if per chance one day this rivalry of ours becomes obsolete we will im sure become the best of friends, as long as that would be viewed as a good thing in the eyes of the ministry of course. 
Fudge: friendship is never an issue… now let the formal commence, music… 
You and draco walk onto the dancefloor, you both had not danced outside of the astronomy tower before you both were unsure of how to act. 
Draco placed one hand on your waist and one hand on your hand. The music started and you both began to move with the music, but no one would be able to hear your conversation….
Draco: you look wonderful tonight…
YN: thank you, i mean it wasnt hard to figure out who sent these wonderful items, but that was also a given considering we talk one minute about the formal and the fact i didnt have anything to wear and the next minute there is a mysterious box with a note saying that the dress and stuff was in the box made me smile. I figured it out when i saw the box, before i read the note. 
Draco: was it that obvious?
YN: yes it was but thats ok, cause i know that tonight we arent rivals, we are just 2 people who happen to be a big part of the school and its events. I honestly didnt know that this was what we had to do till i got mcgonigals note. 
Draco: well tonight will be special i promise. 
YN: ill hold you to it. 
Draco just smiled as more people joined you on the dancefloor, after a few songs you and Draco went to get something to drink. You both picked a table and sat down beside eachother, so as to have a civizled conversation. 
Draco: any plans to go home for break?
YN: nope, as far as my parents are concerned i am staying at the school and just helping minerva… its not like i have much at home anyway. I mean sure my parents are there and they love me but i dont want to go home, see my parents start getting back into my home life routine and then have to come back to hogwarts… its just too hard. Thats why i stopped going home for break, thats why i stay here and help the professors keep the school over break. 
Draco: well what would you say if i stay here as well over break… think of it as we are on one continuous date for 2 weeks. 
YN: now that i would enjoy. But i think we should tell the school… somehow… someway… but we shouldnt wait too much longer, we dont know what the consequences will be… 
Draco: i know you are right… i…
Just as he was about to speak again the minister came up to both of you pulling up a seat beside you… 
Cornielious: having a good time tonight…
YN: yes we are minister thank you… we were just discussing what the tutoring schedule will look like over the next bit before our owls and winter break. 
Draco: are you having a good time minister?
Cornielious: its like nothing has changed at hogwarts, this party is fantastic, it is a good time, it also gives me a break from my work at the ministry.. Oh YN your mom and dad said to say hi… i have them checking into a few strange occurrences for magic bursts. 
YN: well you certainly picked the right people for the job, i know my parents well enough to know that they wont quit a case if there are no leads… as my mom always the hardest case is the easiest case for the answer is staring you in the face. 
All 3 of you start laughing as the music changes again and one student exclaims…
Student A: its snowing!!!
All the students  continued to dance as the music changed to more slow songs, you and draco decided to try to slow dance again. But no one would have predicted the scene that would happen about quarter way into the dance. 
You were having a small convo with draco and he decided to kiss you on the cheek. No one else noticed, your cousin however smart and brilliant for she non vocally slowed time a bit to the point of you and draco could recover and pretend that it didnt happen.
But a few students and teachers noticed… this made you go bright red, you backed away from Draco and turned to run through the crowd, grabbing your cape and going out the doors down the stairs and into the rose garden. 
Time resumed but no one said anything, all they saw was you running out of the great hall and draco standing in the center of the dance floor. Hermione started to move toward the door but saw draco run after you… he realized he made a mistake. She went to explain to the professors what happened and the dance was resumed. 
Draco followed your footprints and got into the maze… he located you in the center of the maze, he was very careful to approach. But you were already aware that he had followed you. 
YN: no need to be cautious, i know you are there…
Draco came fully round the corner and became visible as he appeared in front of you. 
Draco: im so sorry about that in there love. It was… well i just…. I mean… 
YN: its okay i understand what happened… heat of the moment and all. But as my cousin has told me telepathically of course is that she has spoken to those who saw this happen and she told them that it was nothing special. It was just a simple slip of the moment. But she harry ron and crab and goyle all know the truth… one day we will tell the rest of the students and the professors but for now…
Thats when he threw a snowball at you… well now he had started something, this fight went on for a few moments before you realized that he was close enough to you & that you guys were still alone and that no one would know if you shared a moment under the falling snow… 
YN: tonight just being normal was amazing! Thank you so much for this… 
Draco: there is one more thing i feel like we should do… one thing that we are gonna do to remember this moment, how we looked on the floor and for anyone that wants a memory of tonight, i know i will and i know our friends will but we also need to start making memories for our children to see one day… so here is one for the history books...
You didnt have time to respond before he kissed you. the snow falling on your faces and the calm night air made this night even better to just be there together. 
~to be continued~
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Unexpected Arrival -1
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn't exciting enough.... an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N: This all came from a dream i had! It still needs some editing but here we go.... enjoy ⭐️
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"You going to be okay? You don't look so good" Natasha asked holding the back of her hand to my forehead "you’re burning up"
"I'll be fine Nat, think its just a stomach bug. I'll get some sleep while you guys are gone and hopefully feel a bit better" i said hoping that i was right, i had been feeling awful since last night.... i had been sick and had the worst stomach cramps of my life that had resulted in me curled up in a fetal position in bed.
"promise me if you feel any worse you'll call Bruce. He’s going to be staying here in his lab"
"I promise" i chuckled as i pulled a blanket over myself "now go kick some ass"
"Okay, i'll come check on you when i get back" she said before leaving me alone in my room.
It had been a couple hours since Nat left and the pain was getting worse but because I'm stubborn i refused to bother Bruce. They would think i was over reacting to a bad case of stomach flu! I managed to get up and walk out to the kitchen to get some water. Suddenly the pain was unlike anything i had felt in my life and i fell to floor with a scream.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y call Bruce please.... i need his help" i cried out to the A.I.
"Yes Ms Y/L/N, right away"
The doors opened seconds later and i heard Steve and Tonys voices chatting casually as they walked into the kitchen.
"Hey guys??.... i think somethings wrong" i managed to say to get their attention, they both stopped and looked over to me on the floor their eyes going wide before running over.
"Y/N!" Steve said reaching me first and kneeling down beside me "what happened?"
"I don't know..... I've not been feeling too great, i thought it was stomach flu...." i stopped to let out another yell and curled up holding my stomach.
"Get her to Banner now!" Tony told Steve, Steve was already scooping me up into his big arms and running to the elevator, Tony following behind him.
As the doors opened Bruce was inside making his way down "whats going on?? F.R.I.D.A.Y told me Y/N needed medical attention" he said looking between us all.
"Somethings wrong with her Bruce" Steve told him as i cried into his shirt.
"it hurts so bad...." i told him squeezing my eyes tight.
"Okay sweetie, we're nearly at the lab i'll take care of you. Give you something for the pain" Bruce said softly from beside me.
Steve was soon carrying me into the medical bay, Bruce walking ahead of us slightly.
"Put her on the bed, I'm gonna run a full body scan see if it picks up on anything unusual" Bruce said to Steve pulling over a machine that he had used on all of us at some point over the years. While it scanned he went over to grab some morphine and a syringe ready to give me some release from the pain.
"Just relax, Bruce will help with the pain any second.... he’s gonna help you" Steve said softly brushing my hair out of my face.
"I cant believe you didn't tell us how bad you were feeling! We would've had someone stay with you" Tony said rolling his eyes at you. Tony treated you more like the little sister he never had and he was pissed that you had kept it to yourself.
"Im sorry T, i was just going to sleep it off and hopefully feel better. But its so much worse..... is it bad? Am i dying?" I asked feeling myself panicking, it had to be bad to feel like this.
"Im sure you’re not dying kid" he said with a scoff shaking his head at the thought. Tony looked over at Bruce who was looking at the screens showing my scans, he dropped the syringe and morphine on the floor as a look of horror spread on his face as he looked up at us all.
"What.... what is it?" I asked quickly feeling my heart start to race.
"Erm.... i...."
Tony huffed and walked over to look himself being as Bruce couldn't get his words out. Seconds later his eyes went wide, his jaw literally dropped in shock.
"Guys! What the fuck is it???.... Steve?" I asked turning to look at him for answers. He walked over to Bruce and Tony and looked at the screen "is that....?" He asked looking at the 2 older men, they both started nodding and Steves head turned to me so quickly i thought he might get whiplash!
"You’re.... pregnant!" Steve stated, I swear i felt my heart stop! That was crazy!! It was impossible!!
"Stop fucking with me guys and tell me the truth! This isn't funny!!" I cried.
"Im not lying, Y/N you’re pregnant" Steve said slowly walking over to me.
"Fuck off!! Do i look pregnant to you?!!" I screamed as another cramp rolled through my stomach. I hadn't changed in size at all i couldn't be pregnant!!
"Your machine is broken Bruce!" I yelled at him "I'm not pregnant! Its impossible!"
"Y/N i don't know what to say, the machine isn't broken.... look" he turned it round to show me and thats when i saw it. I swear my heart stopped as i saw the image on the screen "and it would seem you’re in labour!" Bruce said with wide eyes, the room started spinning and went black......this wasn't happening!!
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(3rd person)
"Y/N??..... Bruce, somethings happened!" Steve said rushing to her side.
"Shes just passed out, she'll be okay"
"How can she be pregnant?? Is she even seeing anyone??" Tony asked looking on in shock.
"I don't think so, Steve do you know if shes seeing anyone?" Bruce asked scratching his head still looking dumbfounded by this development.
"How would i know?" Steve replied with wide eyes.
"Well you two have always been...close...." Tony started to say.
"Its crazy, i mean look at her she doesn't look pregnant... she was right about that much. And its full term.... the baby is healthy... just small. The placenta is at the front which would explain why she hasn't felt any movement..." Bruce was muttering while looking over at the screen again.
"I cant imagine what she must be feeling right now.... kid must be terrified" Tony said shaking his head "I'm gonna call Romanov, see if she can get back here. Y/N would want her here" Tony said walking out of the medical room.
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I slowly opened my eyes and remembered where i was, and why i was here! As another contraction rolled through my stomach i let out a loud cry, Steve grabbed ahold of my hand and tried to calm me down as it eventually passed.
"Hey....you’re okay, I'm here. We'll get through this together" he said with a reassuring smile while squeezing my hand.
"I feel like i need to push....." I suddenly said looking terrified of what i was about to face.
"Y/N, i need to take a look, see how far dilated you are.... is that okay?" Bruce asked looking very uncomfortable about it. He was very much out of his comfort zone on this one! I nodded quickly just wanting it over with now. Bruce put a blanket over my legs to make sure i wasn't exposed to everyone and removed my shorts before placing my legs up.
"Oh shit...." he said standing up looking as white as a ghost.
"What?" I cried looking even more panicked if that was possible!
"Its just a lot further along than i had anticipated! I...I can see the head!"
"Banner move!" Tony said suddenly pushing Bruce aside and taking control of the situation "Okay sweetie I'm gonna need you to push" Tony told me.
"Maybe i should wait outside....." Steve said feeling like he shouldn't be in here for this.
"No!! Steve, i need you" I cried holding his hand tighter "please stay!"
"Okay. okay I'm here" he moved me forward enough so that he could sit behind me and took hold of both my hands "Okay Y/N you can do this.... push!" He said comfortingly in my ear.
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Hours passed, It felt like time had stopped, just constant pain that wasn't going anywhere.
"Good girl, you’re almost there!" Tony soothed me as best he could "Bruce get a blanket".
"I cant do this anymore" I cried resting my head back against Steve's chest feeling utterly defeated.
"You are so close sweetheart, one more big push and it will all be over i promise"  Tony said from the bottom of the bed.
"Come on doll, you can do this! On three, one big push" Steve said squeezing my hands, I nodded and braced myself to bare down one more time. I squeezed Steves hands so hard that i probably would have broken the bones of a normal man and let out a blood curdling scream. The room was suddenly filled with a cry that wasn't mine.
"oh my god! Y/N, its a girl!" Tony said happily, seconds later he was placing the baby on my chest for me to see giving us skin to skin contact.
"Im just gonna clean her up and i'll bring her right back okay?" Tony promised before taking the tiny baby and walking over to where Bruce was stood.
"Oh my god..... Steve, did you see her??" I cried looking up at him.
"I did! She's perfect" he beamed down at me with tears running down his face  "you did so good" Steve pressed a kiss to the top of my head as Tony and Bruce came back over with the baby bundled in a yellow blanket and placed her back in my arms.
"Congratulations momma" Tony smiled.
"I cant believe this is happening..... she's so beautiful" I cried brushing a finger over my daughters tiny cheek.
"Well this wasn't how i was expecting to spend my evening" Tony said letting out a deep breath and slumping into the chair beside me.
"Well that makes two of us T!" I said shaking my head, still in shock that i had just given birth to a healthy baby girl!
"I don't even have anything for her....."
"I'll sort that out don't you worry about a thing" Tony smiled.
"So i hate to be the one to ruin the moment, but who's the father?" Bruce asked the question they all wanted to know the answer to and gave a suspicious look to Steve.
"Shes not mine! Why do you keep looking at me like that??" Steve said to him, his cheeks flushed at the fact Bruce and Tony thought he'd been intimate with me.
"I think i should tell him before anyone else" I stated not taking my eyes off my baby girl. I was already dreading having this conversation, it was a big enough shock to me let alone the father!
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Drunk last night (7/?)
Summary: The gang celebrates a very Belated birthday for Ellie. A little alcohol makes some secrets come out. And ellie drops a bomb on one of the guys.
Pairing: Ellie x Logan, Ellie x Colt
Rating: Mature
Catch up here.. and as always if you would like added to the tags.. lemme know
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Song inspiration:
Over the next couple weeks Ellie and Luca spent A lot of time with both colt and Logan together and separate. Each forming a Bond with her. She knew both men wanted to have some kind of role in her life, as dad or an uncle. They decided to schedule the Paternity test, all 3 ready to know. Luca had a month left before school started, Ellie was adamant about showing here around parts of California, places that meant something to her growing up there. Logan planned for them to a race, see the track and meet the drivers. Colt planned a barbecue at his house for them, and so that Luca could meet Toby and ximena. And all 4 of them were going to the san diego zoo.
It was a Wednesday night, Ellie and Riya had their reoccurring girls night with Luca, while Darius kept Marcus.  They would have dinner, paint nails and once Luca went to bed talk about everything they couldn't in front of the kids. On this particular night Riya was acting odd, constantly looking out the windows checking her phone. Ellie started to have a panic attack,  the feeling took her back to running from the brotherhood. The doorbell rang, making her damn near jump out of her skin.
She walked over to the door with a shaky hand she turned the knob to see a girl standing there. “Stacie? Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Ellie threw her arms around the girl “I just moved here about two weeks ago and Riya invited me over. Ellie eyed her best friend “What are you up to?” Riya shrugged “Oh nothing. Ok don't get mad.” Ellie threw her hands up in the air “Oh god, what did you do now?”
“Don't get mad at me,” Stacie interrupted “I was talking to Riya about your birthday,  and how you haven't celebrated one in 6 years.”
Riya stepped in “So we want to go out and celebrate your birthday a few months late. This Friday night.” Ellie grinned “You guys really?” she hugged them both “But I can't. I have Luca.” Riya shook her head “Nope. Already taken care of. Your dad is keeping Luca. My parents are in, they are keeping Marcus for Dare and I.”
This would be the first birthday that she got to celebrate since she turned 18. Back when the path of her life took a sharp left. They spent the rest of their night chatting before the two women headed home.
That Friday night Ellie, Stacie, Riya and Marcus walked into the hopping club, they were lead back to a private area where Logan stood a broad smile on his face. “Happy birthday, Troublemaker.” He pulled her into a huge, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.  “Logan, you know its not really my birthday.”
“I know. But, we're making up for lost time. Just go with it.”
“Logan, you already know Darius and riya,” they said their hellos. “This is my friend Stacie from Langston.” stacie reached her hand out, Logan shook it “So you must be the notorious Logan I've heard so much about.” Logan cocked his brow at Ellie. “Hopefully all good things.”  he smirked.
Ellie watched the interaction between the two, a hint of jealousy twinged in her chest.
Her eyes locked with a set of Dark ones standing at the VIP entrance. “Colt?”
“Dont look so surprised, Riya invited us.” She gave him a confused look just as Ximena and Toby came in. “You guys all came?” She grinned, she was excited to hang out with them and then she spotted someone standing off to the side.  “Mona? Is that mona?” Colt shook his head. “Oh my God what are you doing here?” she wrapped her in a hug. “Good to see you too.” she could see a small smile threaten to break through her tough girl demeanor.
They all sat around the huge plush couches, a waitress bringing their drinks over. She found out Mona had gotten out of jail after spending 2 years in there. She headed east, but couldn't find a crew to settle in with. She came back to California and Colt gave her a job. After a few drinks ellie was feeling pretty giggly. She never drank more then a ritual cup of wine or two after a long week,  or a particularly rough day. Colt looked over at her as she downed another shot. “You should probably slow down, you're gonna end up getting sick.” she rolled her eyes. “I'm fine thanks.”
Riya and Darius were off on the dance floor, Toby and colt were talking by the bar.“Is that bothering you?” Mona motioned to where Logan was talking to stacie. “No. Yes. I don't know.” Ellie sighed. “Feels like the old day, huh X.” Mona let out a loud chuckle. “How so?” Ellie furrowed her brow. “Oh sweetie, you're staring at Logan while Colt cant take his eyes off of you.” Ximena placed a comforting hand on her. “Colts not starting. Hes talking to Toby.”
She motioned to the two seemingly deep in conversation.  “He may be talking. but his focus is on you.”
Ellie flicked her eyes up momentarily, sure enough locking with his deep browns. She could feel the heat filling her cheeks. “I need another drink.” she motioned for the waitress.  
After a few drinks she decided to walk up to the bar where Colt had seemingly taken up residency. “So what, you just gonna ignore me all night?” her words came out with much more  attitude than anticipated. Colt arched his brow “I'm not ignoring you.” Ellie slid up next to him, her side pressed against his. She placed her hands on the bar as if she were holding herself up and cocked her head to the sidez a mischievous smirk spread across her face. “What are you up to?” Colt cocked his brow at her.  “Noooothing.” She giggled as she bit her lower lip. “ What do you say we sneak off to the bathroom and, you know.” She gently rubbed his arm. “Ellie..”
“Is something wrong? You don't. You don't want me?” her bottom lip began to quiver.  “God No. No. Its not that. Its,” He ran his hand down his face “Jesus I cant believe im about to say this but.  Ellie you're pretty drunk. And as much as I would love nothing to make you moan my name. I don't want to do that in some nasty ass bar bathroom.” He squeezed her hand. She pulled away, angry. “Whatever Colt. You could have just told me you thought I was gross.” She sneered walking away, disappearing into the crowd.
She found a corner away from everyone,  she watched the people dancing on the floor, lost in thought.
“Enjoying yourself?” the deep voice pulling her from her drunken zone out. “Logan, Hi. Soooo kind of you to come talk to me.” she rolled her eyes. “Ok? Hey how about a dance?” He held his hand out for her. She took it stumbling as she stepped forward, breaking out in a cackle. “you alright?”
“Yuuup. Lets do this.” she followed him to the dance floor, wrapping her arms around him grinding her body against his. “Do you miss this?” She purred in his ear. “I'll always miss you ellie. But you're here now.”
She caught glimpse of Colt standing on the balcony, she could see his white knuckle grip on the railing from across the room. A thrill Rising inside of her.
She was still mad at him for leaving her behind all those years ago.  She understood Logan's reasoning but colt? He could have went with her or he could have taken her with him. They were married, you don't just leave your wife behind. And she was even more pissed he turned her down.  In her drunken state she could really care less for being mature about it.
Colts gaze was setting her on fire, a smirk played on her lips.  She turned around, her back side pressed against Logan's chest, she laid her head against it. Letting the rhythm of the music fuel her movements as Logans hands gripped her sides. “We shouldn't do this El. God you feel so good though.” Logan's voice hoarse in her ear. She continued to grind against him, she locked eyes on Colt who looked as if he was going to rip the railing right off.
She shrugged him off, she was a grown woman who made her own choices. She didnt have to answer to anyone, especially not Colt Kaneko. She turned to face Logan, now completely in the moment. His hands crept up and down her sides, sending a pleasant warmth throughout her.  It had been far to long since she had felt the strong hands of a man. “Kiss me colt.” she breathed out just inches from Logans lips. “Colt?” He pulled back, just as Colt pulled at her wrist. “Thats enough Ellie.”
She looked between the two, her head spinning. Did she really just call Logan Colt?
“We need to talk Ellie, alone.” Logan stared at her “She's not going anywhere with you. I think its time to go Ellie.” Colt snapped. “You dont have a claim on her Kaneko, who the hell do you think you are?” Logan stood his full height against him, colt easily matching him. “See pretty boy thats where you're wrong,” Colts lips twisted in a devilish smirk.  “I think its time my wife went home.” Logans eyes went wide. “You're fucking lying.” He turned to Ellie, desperately searching her eyes “Hes lying right? Tell me hes lying Ellie.” Colts wicked smirk grew wider “Go on Mrs Kaneko. Tell him.”
Ellie looked between the two, her stomach churning, panic set in. “I. I. I think im gonna..” she leaned down puking all over Colts feet.
Logan let out a wild laugh “Well, I'll let you handle that.” Colt rolled his eyes as he walked away.  “Come on El. Let's get you home.” Ellie started to walk losing her balance, colt grabbed ahold of her steadying her. He picked her up bridal style walking towards the exit. “Whats going on?” ximena question, and then looked down noticing the puke all over his legs and shoes. “Can you take ellie to her house? I'll follow you.” Ximena nodded. Colt laid ellie down in the back seat of Ximenas suv. “where are we going?” She moaned, her stomach churing. “were taking you home.” Ellie tried to sit up, panic written all over her face. “NO. My dad will kill me.” colt shook his head and chuckled “You're 25 years old Ellie,  pretty sure he wont.”
They pulled up to her house, colt grabbing her from the car carrying her to the door. He rang the doorbell, nervously awaiting her father to answer. He had never formally met him, and he wasn't sure just how he would act but he  wouldn't worry about that now. His only concern was getting Ellie home safely and into her own bed.
A few minutes later her father answered the door. His eyes widened at the sight “What happened?” he moved aside letting colt in. “She drank to much. I just wanted to.make sure she got home safe.”
“Hiiii Daddy.” Ellie groaned softly.
Her dad pointed him to her room, Colt got her inside laying her on the bed where Ellie started pulling off her dress. “wheres your pajamas.” He asked heading towards her dresser. “Hey! You'll see my underwear.” Ellie giggled.
“I've seen your underwear before, and you're in them right now.” He snorted as he rifled through her drawers. He found a tshirt and pulled it over her head. “Now. get some sleep.” He turned to walk away, Ellie already sound asleep. He walked out into the living room where her father stood. “Well, shes alseep. Sorry for bringing her home in that condition, I tried to tell her to slow down but, you know how she gets when she sets her mind to something.” Ellies dad chuckled  “Yeah. I do.” he looked down at Colts legs, seeing the colorful stain of Ellies vomit.
“She ah. Puked on me.” he gave a nervous chuckle. “I figured that. Why dont we get your shoes cleaned up. I got a pair of sweat you can change into. We can wash your clothes, but its probably best you stay over.” Colt tried to argue but his words fell short. Her dad came back and handed him a pair of sweats and pointed him towards the bathroom. He gave him a blanket and pillow and Colt laid down, his mind going a mile a minute.  
Just 6 years ago her father was investigating his father and the crew, and now he was laying in his house while ellie and Luca slept upstairs.
He woke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee filling the air. He sat up from the couch looking towards the kitchen. “Morning Colt. Come get some coffee.” Colt stood, wiping the sleep from his eyes, he grabbed a mug and poured a cup, sitting at the table with her dad. “Thanks Mr Martin.”
“You're welcome, but its Frank. Call me Frank.” Colt nodded, the sides of his lips slightly pulling up. “So Colt, Can I ask you. what are your intentions with my daughter and granddaughter if you are her father?” Frank cut right to the chase catching him off guard.  
“Well Frank, I do not have a doubt in my mind that Luca is mine. And as far as Ellie,” He collected his thoughts “As far as Ellie,I still love her. And if she would have me, I would like nothing more then to spend the rest of my life taking care of them both.”  Frank sipped his coffee, nodding his head. “You know, I believe you. But what makes you so sure that Luca is yours?” colt sat his coffee cup down “Call it intuition. I just have a feeling and usually my feelings are right.”
They were interrupted by the sounds off footsteps coming down the stairs. “Morning sunshine.” Frank smirked Ellie groaned as she mindlessly made her way to the coffe pot, pouring a cup of coffee. She sat down at the table her eyes instantly locking with Colts. “what are you doing here so early?”
“I'll give you two a minute.” Frank got up and went up to his room.
“Your dad let me stay over. I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He smirked. Ellies eyes snapped shut remembering the nights events. “Oh god. I puked on you.”
“You did. But your dad tossed my stuff in the wash. It's all good.”
“Colt. You told Logan. Why did you do that?”
“I can't stand how he walks around so smug all the time. Like he's better because he is a semi famous race car driver now.” He scoffed.
“Colt. He isn't better than you.  You aren't better than him. You guys have got to stop this pissing contest, its been 6 years. Thats a long ass piss.” she giggled, causing colt to chuckle. “Yeah, maybe you're right.”
“We do need to talk about it though.  I was under the impression that you got the annulment Colt. Why,” She took a deep breath “Why didnt you?”
“Because When I asked you to marry me, it wasnt because we were under the stress of the what ifs.”
“Dont. I don't need to hear it.”
“We were just so young. And were practically strangers now, its just. I think its better if we.”
“If we what?” He cocked his brow
“I think it's best if we get a divorce.” the words came out so rushed she barely understood them herself. But the look of absolute hurt on his face told her that he understood every word.
“You never gave us a chance. And now you're back, with my daughter and you want a divorce? Ellie we could be a family. You won't even try?”
“Colt. im sorry. Im not saying that nothing could ever happen with us. But if it does,  I want to start fresh.” She didn't try to correct him about being Ellie's father, he was hell bent on it and it would just add insult to injury.
Colt stood up Grabbing his eyes from the coffee table. “You night now believe it yet Ellie, but I'm going to prove to you that we belong together. Do what you gotta do." he walked to the door, pausing for a minute. "You know they say a drunk persons actions are a sober persons thoughts. And last night, told me alot.kore then you're letting on." He closed the door behind him. She heard his motorcycle start up and take off down the street.
She knew he was sort of right. She never did fully get over either of them. But she couldnt throw herself into a relationship with one of them, not right away. She had Luca to think about afterall.
She pulled out her phone finding Logans number.  She sent him a text, telling him she was sorry. A few minutes later she received a text back saying “I need some time. I will call u when im ready to talk.”
She had only been back a short time, but oh what a tangled web she had weaved.
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.19
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
so this is like...twice as long as a normal chapter. anyway i was in les mis the other week and i sent something and someone thought it was a les mis chapter of wanna chat. and @reyxa​ encouraged it so Here We Are
this chapter continues right off of the last one because i found a note with sick quotes on it. i kept the les mis as light and understandable as possible but just like..let me know if it makes 0 sense. i had to get this out of my system because ive been in a writing funk
(mari = cough cough, nino = space bro, alya = alys, adrien = glen coco)
3:12 in boo you whore
cough cough: gmoring i cant brethe out of mynose rn Im not goin g ot be in school today :( Bu ti cant sleep anymore because I cnat breath e iim gonna go watch youtube videos
space bro: my dude i hope youre feeling better when you wake up
glen coco: If you’re not turn on the shower really hot and sit in the bathroom with the steam
alys: or drown urself in cold medicine
glen coco: Don’t do that
space bro: never listen to alya
alys: dont listen to these traitors
PM between glen coco and cough cough
glen coco: I bet the akuma attack last night really didn’t help Don’t worry about anything today I can handle it unless it’s another akuma Just get some rest <3
10:03 in boo you whore
cough cough: Self care is chugging five cups of tea and astral projecting behind a mcdonalds to punch hawkmoth in the face
glen coco: Mari no
alys: mari yes
space bro: mari wtf
cough cough: Im dyin g
alys: tag urself im punching hm in the face
space bro: im astral projection
glen coco: Five c ups of tea
cough cough: Does that make me the mcdonalds
space bro: congrats mari
glen coco: I can’t believe Mari is the golden arches
alys has changed their name to punching hawkmoth in the face
punching hawkmoth in the face: im finally my True Self gang follwo suit
cough cough: Why shoul d I LISten to you
punching hawkmoth in the face: bc u love me and want me 2 b happy and also bc i still have ur jacket in my bedroom
cough cough: Fuck
cough cough has changed their name to mcdonalds
space bros: al youre ridic
punching hawkmoth in the face: just do it babe
space bros has changed their name to astral projection
astral projection: there ya go
glen coco: Rip Glen Coco
punching hawkmoth in the face: truly a her o of his generation :’(
mcdonalds: RIp
glen coco has changed their name to five cups of tea
five cups of tea: Rebirth
mcdonalds: I hate you all img oing ot bed
punching hawkmoth in the face: goodnight my darlign <3
astral projection: nap well bro hopefully you feel better when you wake up
punching hawkmoth in the face: remind me to throw my bag in the seine i dont wanna do hw :(
astral projection: i feel you
punching hawkmoth in the face: wanna get togheter and do hw
astral projection: do homework or “do homework”
punching hawkmoth in the face: have u ever met me “””””””do homework”””””””
astral projection: i need to figure out physics my dude
punching hawkmoth in the face: D’:
five cups of tea: I can help you when I get home tonight
punching hawkmoth in the face: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
astral projection: the real mvp i love you
five cups of tea: I love you too Have fun Use protection
astral projection: alya please kick him out of the chat
punching hawkmoth in the face: no i like him
astral projection: fuck
 18:57 mcdonalds: Screens hurt my head irhgt now Im gonna watch reruns and keep sleepng
punching hawkmoth in the face: feel better babe <3
five cups of tea: Ok so the other day instead of doing homework I started reading les mis ANd now instead of doing homework I’m reading les mis again I can’t believe this is how I’m procrastinating
astral projection: what
punching hawkmoth in the face: the musical????
five cups of tea: No the book Which the musical is based off of
astral projection: what a nerd
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao how is it
five cups of tea: Old Long
punching hawkmoth in the face: how long?
five cups of tea: Uhhh 655,000 words
mcdonalds: jesus
astral projection: what the actual fuck
punching hawkmoth in the face: holllllly fuck
astral projection: you my dude are unreal
punching hawkmoth in the face: for fun???? r u sure this is for fun???????
five cups of tea: I think so? It’s kind of boring sometimes and hard to get through but other parts are really good Also if I’m reading I don’t have to practice chinese
punching hawkmoth in the face: touche
astral projection: have fun reading bro you are unbelievable
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey why are you up? I thought you were heading off to bed a while ago?
mcdonalds: I didnt take nyquil tonight because I felt a little better and didnt want to pass the fuck out again but now Im awake and cant sleep because my head feels like its gonna explode And I regret So much
five cups of tea: Aw no poor bug
mcdonalds: Ugh
five cups of tea: Do you want anything?
mcdonalds: You dont have to
five cups of tea: Do you want anything? If you want soup I can get you some
mcdonalds: Its like???? Really late?????
five cups of tea: Mar its only 20:30
mcdonalds: Oh It feels like 1 But its still late
five cups of tea: Ok well Late night food is not a new thing Trust me
mcdonalds: … If you brought me soup Id love you forever
five cups of tea: I thought you already did
mcdonalds: Id love you even more
five cups of tea: I’ll be on my way soon
mcdonalds: I love you so much <3
23:35 in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: what if you took tea in shots like shot glasses
five cups of tea: Like with hot tea?
astral projection: i feel like thats a good way to burn your entire mouth
five cups of tea: *entire life
astral projection: ^^^
punching hawkmoth in the face: hmmm
five cups of tea: Alya no
astral projection: yeah bad idea
punching hawkmoth in the face: f i n e
mcdonalds: sos Im dying I constantly feel like Im about to sneeze If I dont feel that way its cause Im sneezing
astral projection: rip my dude guessing you cnat sleep while sneezing
mcdonalds: Nope :’( End my suffering please
astral projection: no can do i can offer virtual hugs
mcdonalds: I guess thatll work for now
astral projection: <3
PM between five cups of tea and mcdonalds
five cups of tea: Hey Hey Marinette Hey I have something to show you
mcdonalds: Adrien its 2 in the morning
five cups of tea: So? You’re up too
mcdonalds: I slept all day
mcdonalds: Yeah but you’re awake right now
mcdonalds: … Fine Hit me
five cups of tea: “When they had finished, when they had told each other everything, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him: ‘What is your name?’” Us
mcdonalds: Oh my go d This is les mis right??? What youw ere talking about before??
five cups of tea: Yup
mcdonalds: Omg Why are you like this
five cups of tea: Ok but am I wrong????
mcdonalds: I cant say you are tbh
five cups of tea: Man I feel like Marius am I like Marius??
mcdonalds: Whats he like?
five cups of tea: Kind of oblivious, pretty romantic but sort of in a weird way, awkward, usually confused but can be scary if he needs to, handsome as hell and love of my life that I would honestly leave all three of you for
mcdonalds: Wow Are you sure you havent already
five cups of tea: :P Actually….
mcdonalds: Are you suddenly realizing youve left us for a fictional character
five cups of tea: No I was oging to say I might be more like Bossuet
mcdonalds: Youre just saying words I dont know who that is
five cups of tea: He always has bad luck Like always Ummmm hold on
mcdonalds: K Who would I be???
five cups of tea: “He was the constant victim of mischance, hence his merriment. He said, ‘I spend my life walking under ladders.’”
mcdonalds: Ok you mgiht be this Bossuet you bad luck magnet
five cups of tea: For you Hmmmm Enjolras?
mcdonalds: Not cosette??  Shes the love interest right
five cups of tea: As much as I love you Enjolras is the leader in red And I just can’t help myself
mcdonalds: Nerd Are you goind to do alya and nino too?
five cups of tea: D u h
mcdonalds: Adrien?? You ok? Youve been quiet for a while Or did you fall asleep on your computer again
five cups of tea: No I’m here I’m just Stuck This is haarrrrrdddddddddd Alya and Nino are just so deep and complex and awesome and I dont’ know how to place them???
mcdonalds: True But wow Slightly offended
five cups of tea: Hey yours is based on a pun I can pun easy
mcdonalds: G o to sleep kitten You can sort them in the mornign Later this morning
five cups of tea: Fine I hope you’re feeling better
mcdonalds: A little bit!! The soup definitely helped Night <3
five cups of tea: Night <3
10:25 in boo you whore
astral projection: saturdays are chill but my mom wants us to clean the entire apartment today and im not about that life
mcdonalds has changed their name to enjolras
enjolras: I have no idea who thi s is but I hope it makes Adrien happy
punching hawkmoth in the face: ???? wahts ahppenign
enjolras: Adrien said I was this charactera t like 2
astral projection: why the fuck do none of you people value sleep
punching hawkmoth in the face: how theh ell did that even come up in conversation
enjolras: He was saying he thinks hes like Marius
astral projection: huh
five cups of tea: I’m not sure yet
astral projection: bro!!!
five cups of tea: I'm thinking either Marius or bossuet for myself
punching hawkmoth in the face: r we supposed 2 know the second one
enjolras: Hes got bad luck Thats what I got from our convo when no one else was awake
punching hawkmoth in the face: change ur name i want u2b the hopeless romantic
astral projection: isnt he already??
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao
five cups of tea has changed their name to marius
punching hawkmoth in the face: awesome were u gonna do nino and i??
marius: Yeah I’m just having some trouble
astral projection: yeah were just too unique to be put into little boxes
marius: Exactly
astral projection: that was sarcasm but i love you so much
marius: <3
punching hawkmoth in the face: hey question not that im doubting maris badassary but why enjolras
marius: Enjolras is incredibly passionate and would do anything for his friends and the people of Paris Reminds me of how Marinette is as class president
PM between marius and enjolras
enjolras: Nice save
marius: Thanks
in boo you whore
astral projection: I see it
marius: Alya could be eponine?
punching hawkmoth in the face: shes the one who cries about marius right
marius: Well I was actually thinking her cause Ponine she knows her way around And all that stuff But yes she cries about Marius she does have a song about that
PM between punching hawkmoth in the face and astral projection
punching hawkmoth in the face: lmao did he just give me the character hopelessly in love with marius
astral projection: rip
punching hawkmoth in the face: end my life
in boo you whore
punching hawkmoth in the face: i cna work with that
punching hawkmoth in the face has changed their nickname to eponine
astral projection: and then tehre was one
marius: I’m struggling
enjolras: Arent we all
eponine: Id help but I know literally nothing other than some of the lyrics RED THE BLOOD OF BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD
astral projection: theres no way that isnt right im 100% sure those are the actual words
enjolras: Period mood
eponine: general mood
enjolras: Ok same
eponine: mood: red and black but the only words are blood
enjolras renamed this conversation to “red the blood of blood blood blood”
eponine: yes exactly
astral projection: sometimes i wonder why im friends with you
eponine: because u love us and would be sad without us
astral projection: ok yes but also why
marius: I mean maybe Grantaire? He’s a jack of all trades? Nino you are…really hard to place But R might be the best bet
enjolras: Wait a minute R?
marius: Yes
enjolras: Get out of this chat
marius: </3
astral projection: that is amazing
astral projection has changed their nickname to grantaire
grantaire: in it for the puns
marius: So is Hugo
enjolras: Who
marius: The writer of les mis
eponine: tag yourself im les miserables all of them
grantaire: you cant be all the miserables
eponine: watch me try
marius: Sorry you must have no idea what’s going on
grantaire: not really we have nothing to contribute but keep going dude!!! i love to hear you ramble
eponine: oh oh i have something to contribute
enjolras: You do?
eponine: 24601? more like 246 so done with your shit
enjolras: Im leaving the country
grantaire: whos shit?
eponine: uh oh fuck whos the antagonist again
marius: Society
grantaire: deep
enjolras: Stop being fake deep
eponine: feep anyway no u butt the police dude
marius: The only evil in les mis IS society And the Thenardiers OH JAVERT
eponine: YES THANK YOU
marius: Javert: do not forget my name Alya: forgets his name
eponine: fuck you also 246 so done with your shit javert
grantaire: thank you for clarifying
eponine: no prob
enjolras: Ok so Im googling stuff to try and figure out whats happening And wow This is depressing ¾ of us die
marius has changed their nickname to bossuet
bossuet: Now all of us die
eponine: nope change back 2 lover boy ur not dying too
grantaire: um no one is dying my dudes
bossuet: We’re always dying But fine
bossuet has changed their nickname to marius
enjolras: Im pretty sure Im dying righ tnow I almost coughed up a lung
enjolras: You arent my mom!!!!!!!!!
enjolras: AHHHHH
eponine: AHHHHHH
grantaire: Ahhhhh?
marius: Ahhhhh
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Episode 2 - "I couldn't believe I heard God wrong the third time" - Sluggy
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Jacob: I have no idea for the video Me: I have an idea Jacob: its shit oh okay... give us a better idea before you shut mine down would you? 
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So for the past 2 days ever since we won the reward challenge and got the chance to get a clue to the hidden immunity idol, the info had been passed around among everyone in the tribe that it was on the beach. I was waiting for the next opportunity to search for the idol because I know everyone's gonna go for it, and today I was busy beforehand and couldn't search for it until 4 hours after the challenge. But the first day I came here God told me specifically it was at the beach and in the headlands, it just wasn't on the cliff. So i go there and search and search and i cant find it, and im about to give up... 
...and something falls on my lap, I open it up and here it is. The hidden immunity idol. I couldn't believe I heard God wrong the third time. HAHA! I'm so grateful for this. After all the Asians having idols in the psst seasons of survivor man. 
So this sucks but I have to keep this idol as hidden as possible even from my closest allies. It's gonna be a big target on my back and if its possible i dont want to use it all the way until the final time I can use it. So even though Michael and Jacob asked about it, I couldn't tell him and err I don't want to lie anymore so it's definitely tough :( Whatever it is I have to keep humble and continue to stay under the radar. 
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This challenge will take a lot of confidence which I completely lack but I will do my best and everything what I am asked to. I am kinda pressuring Vilma into being the director/editor of this since I know she is into stuff like this but I might have put too much pressure. Will try to work something out better in that regard. 
Ginger's constant bullying of the ghost of Emils will get him into deep shit.
This challenge has been a real coller coaster for me. I hate filming myself in videos but seeing the confidence Vilma (and others) have is really inspiring. We are doing "Toy" by Netta which is a pretty fun song to lipsync to. I am not the best but I am having fun with it and getting some exercise in the meanwhile. I will still undoubtebly hate any of my bits but at least I have the courage to participate and do my best. 
About hour of recording myself. I shall not edit it from a cringy mess into a slightly less cringy mess. Wish me luck.
I do not know if it is because I am slightly slick but I am editing my clips into a more coherent structure and my stomach genuinely hurts from cringe
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A week in and I received my 1st message from Dean/Dylan :D how lucky. I also have slightly more newfound time coming up in the next few days so I can spend more time building trust with Tyler, Stephen and Dean/Dylan
I just saw Tyler's part in the music video. How can 1 man be that hot. Like wtf did he do to get those kinds of genetics. I'm so fucking jealous rn. This confessional will contain no actual substance, just me shit posting about how fuxking AWESTRUCK I am at this man. Go to 2:15 of our music video to see... Damn! 
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Right so this day was um interesting. I highly doubt i'll cover all the boring ass t but watevs. Ok SO, we had our first cheeky little game talk with Michael who much to my recent surprise is like 33 years old. pop off grandpa. Love him tho. So we had a fun little chat about who we liked, highkey like Stephan the most but didnt want to say that cause he had already said Stephan seems distant, so i pretended i was chill with other people just to be fun :). ANYWAY, he wants to create a majority with Jacob and Dean but honestly like no, those kids r the REAL crackheads. I want to work with Sluggy and Stephan so it was a tee bit awkie for me. But i smiled and waved anyway cause thats ALL im good at. If Michael was to try and create a majority with those 4 i'd highkey flip 🤭. Dean was just... how to put this... slop, and im not having slop in my house MY APOLOGIES. While planning for the challenge he was annoying and then throughout the challenge he was annoying. OK SO i am NOT mean and this challenge is clearly AWKWARD for everyone and everyone is being out there BUT deans video... like i used two seconds of it. Im sorry my love i dont know how to introduce that pillow possession story line into the video... . I think half way through he needed a nap? and started having night terrors, geez i hope he's ok. RIGHT anyway. I finished the video, i hope my editing and also telling everyone that they're part was really helpful and easily the best will grant me safety regardless! O also Jacob told me the idol clue BUT i dont know whether to believe it or not   :((( so he says its at the beach, im like well what was the actual clue? was it cryptic? then he said 'you inhaled smoke and it was hidden there' wtf u mean THAT was the clue. Absolutely not, get that SLOP out of MY face. RIGHT but i looked at the beach anyway to NO PREVAIL. Michael and Jacob both told me where they looked tho ;) Throwback to last confessional where i didnt think i was making an in roads with people, well i THINK i could be much better off now! Jacob says he only really talks to Stephan which is GOOD because i want Dean out and i thought he was close to dean. Also Jacob starting having game talk to me which was a HOOT because i thought he DIDNT like me. obviously my piercing eyes got the better of him. Im close with Stephan, Jacob, Michael and the singaporian one. OOPS thats all of the tribe but Dean. I've been whip whop wheaving my way through these relationships as best i can and forcing myself onto people without them realising. All i need is 1 or 2 STRONG connections and ill smile :) O also Jacob said i was hot and asked if i was single! LOVELY, amazing LOVE compliments, will use this child if need be but if he's trying to use me, sucks for him because im self conscious and DONT believe his compliments anyway. I THINK im setting myself up in a mildly good position, just gonna be more pal'y. I hope people LIKE me. 
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We gave our best but our Basic White Boy music video is totally gonna lose, and I’m taking some responsibility for that too. I knew we should’ve chosen something gayer.
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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KBaGOCmiwLknXyQoaaeyqZ0isdVOFUV2/view here are my clips :eyes:
I am not saying I am aiming for it, but I am totally aiming for most confessionals. So fun story here. Whole summer not a single time I was bitten by a mosquito. Then this survivor starts. What is survivor known for? Tropical islands with mosquitos and such. So I was riding my bicycle yesterday and sat on a bench for a bit to rest up. 5 minutes. I sat for 5 minutes on this damn bench. 7 mosquito bites all on my legs, 3-4 split. I was fuming. Apparently that opened the pandora's box of mosquitos because I have been bitten 4 more times since them. I am full of hate. In other news: http://prntscr.com/od5qry This is really nice to see. Vilma's the best <3
my life is now a meme 
oh wait it already was
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I feel so guilty that I didn’t help my tribe with this challenge, I really hope we win! If we don’t win honestly I will probably just tell them all they can vote me off- I hate to go without a fight but they all participated in the video and I feel like it would be the fair thing to do. Hopefully we don’t have to worry about that and my tribe wins!
Me putting my life on the line for my TRIBE? Must be the drugs this is not really in my character but I feel really bad and want them all to thrive
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I spent my entire day doing that music video and I'm gonna cry if we lose and go to tribal again ughhhhhhhhhh. I really tried my best and am super proud of my tribe mates too they did a great job. I really like the video.
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Yes! Another win for Ala Mai! I'm loving this tribe and loving this game! I want to get to the merge with as many of my tribe mates as possible because we all have very similar timezones so I need that in my game. 
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I am so happy we won the challenge ! I offered the Toy idea but then couldn't participate myself because of real life reasons ugh. My tribe tho did an AMAZING JOB and Im glad we chose Netta 
Ok so just now I have realized these are not the during-game published confessionals. So I'm gonna confess: I was so fucking nervous not to be able to participate in the video challenge. I wanted to take part and it's risking eviction if we lose. On the other hand, I kinda knew I would be fine even if we lost. First, I offered the song for the tribe. Second, my alliance with Vilma and Veni is controlling the tribe, I have Clash from the side and we got majority. So I'd probs be fine anyway. Glad we won tho ! 
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Uh I’ve been so busy for the past few days I can’t socialise and am very worried 
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Day 4: Video editing challenge. This will be fun. Make a music video. Tribe chat is just going in circles with choosing a song. Song is finally chosen, Lonely Dance. Its a strange song, would have prefered something more campy or darker but oh well. I dont have time to do a video edit, i also want to take a back seat of this challenge. Searched for idol, No luck but i now have a good list of where to look narrowed down to 3 locations. Think im going to trust Tyler more. 
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idk if i made a confessional about this but holy shit Lord is in this 
I realise I spam so many messages to people at once. Shoutout to Vilma for always replying (although slowly) to every single one
Quiet day today, barely spoke to people. Please no swap.
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Well I'm sad to go to tribal this early, but it's probably needed. I didn't like my participation in this challenge but I was really short on time, it sucks but oh well, at least Ruthie told us to vote her and hopefully it isn't a hard vote 
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Whew! Thank god we won immunity. I honestly think we tried so hard so it felt nice to be recognised for that (and by we I mean those of us who actually helped out with the challenge......). Vilma worries me a bit. I really like her and she gives off a great energy but I feel like she could use that to lead a big alliance further down the line. I definitely won't be targeting her anytime soon and hopefully I can get in that alliance at some point, but she's someone to keep an eye on.
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Hello this round was boring we had shitty judges yet again woo we lost immunity woo now we have to look like bad people and vote ruthie out because shes sacrificing herself woo
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WE WON!!!!!! NO TRIBAL!!!!! FUCK YESSSS And the judges were so nice to me I legit almost cried I love everyone ughhhh my heart Music video challenges are so amazing I don't care if what placement I get anymore we made that video and that's all I care about really I hope we're swapping soon! 
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Okay so whew I had tribal for this game and I was nommed in a BB game so it's been a busy day today! I thought I might play my idol no matter what tonight, but Ruthie has been going through some stuff and volunteered to be voted out. Unfortunately it is uneventful for the viewers and for the hosts but I hope it is nice and easy and I can save my idol for later. Also, tribe swap anyone? Idk I haven't really clicked with anyone yet...Wow my social game sucks I'm sorry hosts, give me comps I can win, ty.
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