#cant think of more prey animal hybrids on the spot but like
jestroer · 1 year
We have all seen every kind of animal hybrid headcanon for every character ever, with all kinda features and instincts in here but what I actually want to see if we all are making Zedaph a sheep is him fucking dying of a heart attack if spooked hard enough
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kikie-e3 · 3 years
Ok so the one thing I have yet to see for this fandom, weirdly enough is a hybrid au. (Unless I missed it, thats also up there) Though I did see some fanart art on Pinterest at one point of the characters as animals, so I mean I guess? (If I find it again Ill write in the artist) Anyways Lets start with an obvious Character
- So Im stuck between two for Carmen actually, A sheep makes most sense, I mean black sheep? Or a sheep with red wool maybe? Though also maybe a fox? A cunning sly fox? To obvious? Anyways Sheep Carmen.
I would assume she would have big fluffy hair, and its thick hair. The type that makes you want to cut it all off. (Perhaps that short hair in the flashbacks?) She would have floppy sheep ears on like the side of her head, and a little cute sheep tail. Also if where going past just ears and tails. Should would have hooves. Like ones like a Faun maybe? I would expect it would take some time to learn to be quiet with hooves, but I would think she would manage.
Ivy and Zach
- I think Zach and Ivy would both be a breed of dog. (They drove cars instead of chasing them) I cant really explain it, (and im not so sure this is concrete for them) But I believe they would be mostly Golden Retriever. (And another mix of dog in there) I think it stems from loyalty and friendship. Which I think is sweet. They would look like every basic werewolf oc ever. Except with some changes. First of they have red fur (gingers😒/j)
I think Zach would have pointy ears near the top of his head and the more shaggy type hair then soft. He would have a bug bushy tail that would be speckles with lighter spots (Freckles). Also, paw feet. No I don't have an explanation for this. (Toebeans maybe?) They would again be that ginger red with speckled spots. Also sense he is a dog he would have sharper nails to imitate a dog.
Ivy on the other hand would have more droopy ears near the side top of her head. I feel like the tips of her ears would fold over slightly. She defiantly got the more fluffy hair of the two. I would think it would be very soft to touch. She would have a more sleek tail, not as bushy as Zachs (Zack? Im spelling it like my brothers name) I think she would have speckles to, but very light and not many. Her tail would probably lead in to a lighter tip then the rest of it. She would also have paws! From the Knee down (Same as Zach. Also I would like to believe they bend like a cats. So there a tad shorter then usual in this au) She also would have longer nails.
- Panther! I couldnt really find an animal (Besides a Panther) that felt like Shadowsan. Hiding in the shadows, not seen by its prey, the perfect fit for the disappearing act. Also tell me Shadowsan doesnt fit the "I hate you, But secretly like you" trope of a cat. Or well more tolerates. But my point stands. (Many have tried to distract him with string. He has yet to crack)
He would still be tall, obviously. He would have pointy black cat ears. His hair would be sleek and almost shiny. And a sleek spotted tail (Normal Panther, not a black panther) I feel like he would have more claw like hands, perhaps his hands are almost paw like with long claw like nails. He may even have fur up his arms? He also gets the paw treatment. With the toebeans and everything. No one can escape. Also he may have extra spot like birthmarks on his face to imitate spots, but Im not concrete on that. He may also Purr, but has yet to admit it. (Carmen can keep her mouth closed) Finally, Shadowsan goes for the more nightly Capers, not only because of the shadows, but also because of Panthers nocturnal nature. Though his sleep schedule is a little messed up due to the diurnal society norms.
- Player honestly, Raccoon. (This spawned from a fic where he was compared to one, Ill link it of I find it again) I just feel like he would be a little bastard trash rat. Also tiny claw hands, perfect for typing and fidget toys. And a tiny animal, perfect for a tiny person (Isnt he like canonically under 5'0? Or am I wrong?)
He would have the trademark raccoon mask around his eyes, of course. (Is it eye bags, or a marking. We may never know) He would have the pointy raccoon ears on top his hair, and would have softer straight hair. The striped raccoon tail, bushy and soft with normal gray and black strips. He would have grey paws leading down into a darker Grey around the foot of the paw. He would have more rounded nails and paw like hands. More nimble and long. He also Purrs to (Finding out raccoons can purr is like the purest thing ever) And of course a hell of a sleep schedule. Cause again nocturnal. It was already pretty bad before he met Carman, but oh boy did it go down hill after that.
So Im only doing Team red for now, I might do other characters after this? (I have the idea to make Jules an owl and Maybe a poodle for Devinux? Ill think on that one) and If I wrote a fic out of any of this it would probably just be a oneshot book mostly focused on team red. Anyways my hands hurt from typing this. But I would love to hear other ideas for this random AU I came up with!
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tumblunni · 8 years
Digimon World Next Order!! For once a game that ISNT a weirdly named sequel, even though it still sounds like one. 'Order Points' is the name of the revamped battle system. ^_^ Ive only been playing for about four hours but so far I'm really enjoying it! RANDOM RAMBLING ABOUT MY JOY, AHOY!
* First off, its a sequel to the original Digimon World rather than to Cyber Sleuth, so do a bit of research before you buy it, I'd say. Its more of a tamagotchi hybrid rpg than a regular turn-based one. Lots of hugging virtual pets and feeding em snacks! But this has always been my fave genre so I'm happyyyyyy~ * I named my two digimon Hershey and Zephyr cos they started off as terriermon and lopmon. But they immediately diverged off into wildly different digivolution paths instead, so now the names dont make sense XD By some grand coincidence they ended up becoming snowogremon and icedevimon at the same time, so that's what they are now! :3 my popsicle buddies! * Hershey's favourite food is mushrooms/vegetables, and Zephyr is a bit of a diva who hates everything except mineral water. Its funny since Hershey is the fragile magic user of the duo, and then we have this hulking ice shoulderblades yeti being all 'no my carbs'. DUDE WHY U GO AGAINST UR EVOLUTION REQUIREMENTS aaa but i luv u anywayyyyy * Hershey lucked out and got a super powerful technique early on by random chance, this thing that costs 700 mp to deal 700 damage, when everything else is like 50 power. And then they lucked right out of it again, cos Icedevimon cant use that move XD fifteen seconds of power as a rookie... * why do the levels mean basically nothing, yo? the game says this redvegiemon is level 3 but its stronger than the level 6 everything else in the area. Maybe the game is just dumb and levels dont take into account digivolution level? Like.. this is stronger cos its not a rookie, and they didnt even bother to make the level counter say 13 or something so the player could actually tell  Well, now i know to ignore that thing entirely and just judge on their digivolutions! * The difficulty is far lower in the actual raising aspect yet higher in battles... its weird... * Its also a shame that training no longer has unique animations! It doesnt have any animations at all, its just push button dispense stats. They did at least clear up the problem of having to walk manually between each training area and waste valuable time, now there's just one training area that contains all the different trainings in a neat quick navigation menu. But its also a bit less charming and less gamelike when its JUST menus. BUT on the other hand they did mitigate it a bit by throwing in new features like a roulette roll to get bonus stats, and a whole system of complex ways you can win an extra turn on it. (Training next to each other, training opposite skills, having max happiness, someone having just digivolved, one stat gets a bonus turn each day at random...) * Its really nice that the intro of the game has you meet your digimon partners in fully evolved mega form and have a few scenes of dialogue with them before they get poofed down to digieggs by the villain. It helps mitigate the weirdness of your partner digimon being the only digimon that cant talk! * BUT ALSO. NOW THEY TALK. !!!!!! * You get some cute random dialogue popups on the bottom of the screen as you adventure around, and each digivolution has a different set of stuff to say. Its still very minimal and can get repetitive, but its adorable and helps you get more attatched to these lil doofs! * Also its hella nice that you can now pick to play as a girl, for the first time in the tamagotchi-style digimon games! I actually think her design looks cooler than the dude, he just has a streak of blue hair while she has this awesome poisonous-looking striped ponytail that bleeds pixels as you run! Badass! * ALSO thank you for english dubbed dialogue yo. Its not perfect but then again namco bandai games rarely are XD And they included an option to have the original japanese voices if you prefer! * I missed Jijimon so much. Why he never get to appear in anything aside from this spinoff series? He was in one episode of Tamers but that was an awful cameo He has THE MOST STEREOTYPICAL grandpa voice in the english dub and i luv im * The environment design so far is a lot more basic and boring than the old ps1 game for some reason? It seems to fall prey to the usual ps4 designer logic that making stuff BIG makes it automatically good, even if its just annoyingly huge spaces to traverse with barely anything in them. And so far its just been Generic Field A, B and C, with only occasional stuff like a giant battery to let you know its the digital world. And the main town is super small now that everything training has been smooshed into one building... * Its also a lot less sandboxy and interesting to explore, and the digimon recruitment quests kinda suck. I've already found three guys and all of them were fetch quests to gather a certain amount of an item. And now you also have to gather certain amounts of an item from special gathering spots in order to actually build the new shops, which is annoying because its in these huge boring maps that you have to backtrack thru again and again * The battle system is VASTLY IMPROVED, holy SHIT! Its like they somehow read my brain?? Back when i played the first digimon world, i would always get so frustrated at the auto battle and its bad AI that i'd just mash the X button even when i had nothing to do. Somehow I thought it would make my digimon stronger. AND NOW IT ACTUALLY DOES!!! The X button has been remapped to the new cheer function, and if you cheer at the right moment you get more or less Order Points. if you use them you can manually select to use a move at the right timing, use a move without consuming MP, or use a special super move! (waaaay easier than the shoulder buttons thing in the old game) It spices up a very inactive battle system! * Oh and HELL YEAH FOR QUIDE PUZZLE SYSTEM THINGIE! In the first game you had NO WAY OF KNOWING what requirements you needed to meet for each digivolution, or what digimon could turn into what, until after you'd already unlocked it. You had to consult fanmade guides if you wanted to try 100% completion. Now the guide is an actual ingame menu where you unlock tips as rewards for various good actions as a virtual pet owner. You'll likely never unlock all the guide points for a particular digimon stage before you're already past it, unless you raise the same one a bazillion times. But the lil tips every now and then can be useful enough to help you choose which direction to take your training! Just a lil 'oh, ive already hit the HP requirement for this one? i guess I'll try and go for it!' or 'oh darn this one requires maximum deliquency, i guess i wont get it so I should try for something else'. Its useful. My only complaint is that maybe the way to unlock them could have been less random and less easy? Its just a random chance whenever they eat food/get praised after a good thing. * Ultimately so far the few bad points arent bad enough to ruin the enjoyment for me. It just seems a little soulless and rushed, maybe? But I'd enjoy literally anything in this genre, I've been waiting so long for a sequel that even if this was terrible I'd still adore it! And its far from terrible, its just a lil bland. It probably wont have as much replayability as the first game, but it still feels like it'd be fun for one playthrough! * Also, Hershey and Zephyr are my new lil best friends. SUCH A CUTE GIANT MONSTERS YES YOU IS        
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