#cant turn my head or lift my arm rly? also feels like my shoulder’s just gonna sljp out of the socket
solasan · 3 years
ok update on the arm even tho i know probably none of u were wondering: google has me thinking ive either strained or torn my rotator cuff, so that’s fun :)
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ep: things leo does; by jason grace
chapter 2. aftermath link to chapter 1
summary: 2. hey, mom? okay, there's this guy named leo, and i'm in love with him. wait - wait, you knew that already? well. fuck. wait! aha - i bet anything you didn't know he was in love with me, now did you? yeah, i thought - fuck. word count: 2,051 warnings: mention of cannibalism (not serious), mention of DDLB/NSAP, morse code a/n: valentines chapter because i’m a sucker for the babe :/  read on ao3
5. taps out messages in morse code when he thinks no one is paying attention
Two short taps. One short, one long, two short. One long, one short, two long. Rinse and repeat.
Three letters.
Jason’s sure nobody else has noticed - Leo tapping his fingers in what seems to be a random pattern is nothing new, and his eyes track Chiron’s movements with what seems to be laser focus.
He likes to think he knows Leo better, by now.
Jason thinks back on his old Morse training (“Why do I have to know this?” “Just in case.” “What the hell kind of situation requires us to tap Morse code to each other when we have fucking mouths?”) - laborious months of bullshit memorizing that he never used on quests, but damn if it isn’t coming in handy now.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
Jason jerks up in his seat, avoiding Leo’s eyes when his fingers stop tapping and he glances over, obviously concerned.
Leo’s mouth quirks up into a tiny smirk - how the fuck does he manage to lift only a corner of his mouth, and still convey so much? It’s fucking adorable, and Jason hates it - and he focuses back onto Chiron, who is trotting across the front of the room with a vaguely frustrated expression on his face.
Leo’s fingers continue their tapping, slim fingers pressing coded messages into the tabletop.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
One short, three long. J
One short, one long. A
Three short. S
Three long. O
One long, one short -
“Alright, any questions?” Chiron asks suddenly, raising his voice to attract the attention of any heads whose heads are drooping (Jason tries not to feel guilty - fails - whatever.). “No? Alright, dismissed.”
Jason glances at Leo, who is standing up like nothing’s changed, slapping his hands on the table like nothing’s changed, brushing a hand down his jeans like nothing’s changed, turning to leave like nothing’s -
You get the point.
Okay, so Leo had spelled out ILY JASO- something. That something was either a K, a D, a Y, a C, an X, a B, or…
An N.
Was it too much of a stretch to think he might have been spelling out JASON? Zeus knows it wasn’t JASOD, anyway.
  6. acts like a child when he gets tired*
* leo doesn’t get tired.
“… so the chip attaches to this port -” Leo yawns, and then shakes his head to clear it up, “ - and so it becomes able to track -” another yawn, “ - the movements -”
“Leo?” Jason asks, tilting his head slowly. Leo glances up, blinking blearily (ha, alliteration) up at him.
Jason smiles fondly, unable to hold back his reaction to an evidently tired Leo.
“You look tired. Ready for bed?”
Leo shakes his head again, more rapidly this time, and his curly hair flops around with his movements. He blinks a few more times, then opens his eyes as far as he can. “Nuh-uh,” he says, with an expression like a guilty child.
Yeah, right. Even Jason’s tired, and Leo likes to call him Superman - mostly because he looks like a blond version of him, but also because he’s basically superhuman. Jason doesn’t really get tired.
“Yuh-huh. C’mon, let’s head to my cabin. It’s too late, I don’t want to wake the Hephy kids up.”
Leo shakes his head with a petulant expression, narrowing his eyes and leaning back in his chair. With arms crossed, he mutters, “Nuh. Uh.”
Jason raises an eyebrow and nods to himself for a second, fighting back an amused smile at Leo’s behavior. “Alright, you’ve got a couple of options,” he relents, watching with the fond grin that he hadn’t been able to restrain as Leo slowly relaxes, nodding with lingering suspicion still present on his face. “You can either get up and walk with me, or I pick you up. Your choice.”
Leo sighs heavily, tipping his head back and huffing out another breath through his nose. “Fine.”
Jason stands, hovering for a few seconds. He frowns as suspiciously as he can manage when Leo doesn’t stand up like Jason thought he would, instead slouching further into his seat with hands outstretched, as if…
… he wants Jason to pick him up. Of course he does.
“You’re a fucking baby, y’know that?”
Leo shrugs, a carefree smile on his face. “Yup.”
Jason sighs indulgently. “Yeah, of course you do. Alright, we’re doing piggyback, because we both know - despite how incredibly underweight you are - there’s no way I’ll be able to hold you on my damn hip or whatever for the amount of time it’ll take us to get back to the cabin.”
Leo nods and Jason turns his back to the shorter teenager, crouching on the balls of his feet with his hands outstretched behind him. As carefully as he can manage (which isn’t saying a lot, considering how fucking delirious he seems to be), Leo tucks his legs into the slots of Jason’s hips and he stands up, chuckling softly when Leo yelps behind him.
He regains his balance, though, and wraps lanky arms around Jason to rest in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
“Good to go?”
Leo says nothing, merely nods against the shoulder he’s already starting to fall asleep on - not that Jason expected anything less.
“¡Dios mio, las luces!” he cries almost immediately, shoving his face into the back of Jason’s shirt. [t - Oh my god, the lights!]
Jason can’t stifle the chuckle that escapes him - okay, so maybe he forgot to tell Leo it was basically morning, but. Who could blame him? He’d been… distracted. By Leo. And his hands. And his hair. And his smile. And his laugh. And his -
You see? It just happened again. Totally not his fault.
"Sorry, love," he says, trying and failing to sound truly apologetic. (Did he just say love in reference to Leo? He’s not going to think about that.) "Afraid I can't turn these lights off."
A groan spills its way out of Leo's mouth, sounding suspiciously like a "Why not?" but with a lot more vowels, probably.
"Well," he starts, the fond amusement (he’s fond way too often when it comes to Leo, damn it) probably ridiculously evident in his voice, "there's this thing in the sky - now, don't get too excited - called the sun. Totally crazy, right? It -"
Leo's left hand knocks harshly against his temple. "Asshole."
"- even makes this wild thing called - wait for it - light! It's pretty fuckin' awesome, if I may say so myself."
Leo sighs. "You may not," he grumbles, and Jason can feel the fluttering of the other boy's eyelashes against his neck. He fights back a shiver at the surprisingly intimate feeling and tries to concentrate on getting them to his cabin.
"Hey, dad?" he murmurs, words slurred through a heavy tongue. Jason opens his mouth to answer, but -
He freezes.
Mentally, of course, because otherwise Leo would know something was up, and he was so close to falling asleep, and Jason really didn't want him realizing what he said, because it'd turn into a whole production, and Leo would never get to sleep, and then... you get the idea.
But - anyway. Back to the matter at hand:
Is that, like, a kink thing?
Jason remembers reading up on kinks (it was a late night and too many Wikipedia articles, sue him), and he's pretty sure daddy kinks are a thing.
(Eugh. He shudders at the thought. Yikes.)
But - that didn't sound like a sexy Dad word. What would a sexy Dad word sound like? It'd probably be Daddy and not Dad, for one.
Oh, gods.
He's getting off track.
Jason decides, as any sane (teenager) semi-mortal would do, to completely ignore the last word of Leo's sentence. "What's up, squirt?"
Okay, what the fuck?
He definitely meant to say Leo, or maybe bro, as regular teenage boys do, but squirt? Gods, Jason's out of his mind.
Maybe it's because Leo's way heavier than he looks. Who knows.
"'m tired."
Jason resists the urge to fist pump the air, instead pulling Leo onto his hip for ease of motion.
"Yeah, yeah, me too. Don't worry, we're almost there."
  7. has horrible grammar when he texts (no, it doesn’t annoy jason)
[17:49] leo_valdez: wht do u want 2 do 4 dins 2nite
[17:55] jason_grace: Salmon with asparagus and rice?
[17:58] leo_valdez: damn chef grace out here [17:58] leo_valdez: yeah boi
[17:59] jason_grace: Okay, cool.
[18:38] jason_grace: Hey, Percy said he’d cook. Cool with you?
[18:43] leo_valdez: yeah np
[18:45] jason_grace: He might take a while, though, so I think we’ll be eating late tonight :/
[18:45] leo_valdez: ye its fine i ate late 2day
[22:24] jason_grace: How’s it smelling over there? I’m hungryy
[22:30] leo_valdez: lol i cant smell anything
[22:31] jason_grace: Omg lol. Do you think it’s your poor sense of smell smell or that nothing is cooking??? Haha
[22:31] leo_valdez: both lmfaooo
[22:32] jason_grace: Lol, okay.
[23:11] jason_grace: 11:11!
[23:14] leo_valdez: my wish is 2 eat
[23:15] jason_grace: Mood [23:19] jason_grace: I’ve died a million hungry deaths already. I may start to eat paper any minute. [23:19] jason_grace: It’s organic, right???
[23:20] leo_valdez: yeah totes gotta get on that #vegan #organic #freerange #localwoodonly trend [23:20] leo_valdez: ykno this shirt is made out f cotton????? thts a crop i cld totally eat this
[23:22] jason_grace: As long as you take tiny bites like a rabbit.
[23:22] leo_valdez: yeahhhhhhh [23:23] leo_valdez: i s2g im gonna eat percy if he doesnt tell me its fuckin ready soon
[23:23] jason_grace: Wait what’s s2g again? [23:23] jason_grace: Oh, nom.
[23:23] leo_valdez: swear to god
[23:23] jason_grace: Nvm*
[23:23] leo_valdez: NOM NOM I HUNGRY
[23:24] jason_grace: Lolzzzz.
[23:24] leo_valdez: thnks jace u rly gotta remind me ://////
[23:24] jason_grace: He’d probably be pretty tasty. [23:24] jason_grace: Remind you of what?
[23:24] leo_valdez: how hUNGRY I AM
[23:25] jason_grace: Nom nom nom I have no other words.
[23:25] leo_valdez: nom [mood in hungryspeak]
[23:26] jason_grace: Me nom.
[23:26] leo_valdez: i just saw th word omw and rly tht it said nom im losing my mind over here
[23:27] jason_grace: Our bellies could have been full hours ago. Savage.
[23:27] leo_valdez: ikr [23:27] leo_valdez: horrible
[23:29] jason_grace: Are tears edible???
[23:29] leo_valdez: hopefully im producing way 2 many of thm
[23:30] jason_grace: Sip slowly, I don’t want you getting full before we eat.
[23:30] leo_valdez: i gotchu [23:31] leo_valdez: trying 2 remind myself tht festus 2.0 is a living being and im not ready 2 b a murderer
[23:34] jason_grace: Oh honey. He wouldn’t be tasty. Too much fur.
[23:34] leo_valdez: u rite u rigt
[23:34] jason_grace: What were we thinking??? We know Percy well enough by now lmao. Sigh. Burp. Ugh.
[23:36] leo_valdez: im crying salmon
[23:37] jason_grace: Oh noooo why’d you have to say salmon?????
[23:38] leo_valdez: LMAOOOO
  8. loves jason grace
Okay, okay.
You gotta keep this one a secret until Jason finds his journal again, okay? He doesn’t know I took it.
I’ve read through it a couple of times, and - damn is Jace a fucking sap. It’s a pity I love him.
No it’s not, who am I kidding.
Aha! That’s the first time I’ve written it down since I realized (which was… too long ago for me to feel comfortable admitting to).
If you didn’t get that, Jason: I love you, you piece of shit.
Fuck, whatever, maybe this thing is a prank and he doesn’t actually love me. Maybe this is a hallucination? Dad knows I’ve been spending way too much time in the Bunker, anyways. Maybe… who knows, honestly.
God, I’m tired.
Whatever. I hope he finds this soon, I’m tired of waiting, for Christ's sake.
See you soon, hopefully.
- leo valdez, the one & only
I love you too, Leo.
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fanficimagery · 7 years
Anonymous said: Do u do monty imagines bc i rly need more of him + Anonymous said: Please give me more monty i cant get enough
Author's Note: Because some of you asked so nicely.. enjoy my attempt at Montgomery. Also, much thanks to @jayadoreee for creating 'Dating Montgromery Includes' headcanons that sparked the idea for this ;) One headcanon in particular had me laughing, but as I was listening to a couple of songs.. inspiration struck! So go listen to 'Gangsta' and 'Crazy in Love' to get a feel of the mood I was in when writing this XD
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Montgomery de la Cruz. There was a lot to be said about this bad boy, a lot to dislike about him as well, but given that he's been your boyfriend for the last eight months.. well you mustn't find him all that terrible.
But that wasn't the case once upon a time. Once upon a time you sneered at his attempts to intimidate fellow students, told him to fuck off one too many times to count, and even shoved him off Alex once when they got into one of their monthly fist fights.
His cruelty lessened when he turned his sights on you and every time you went to tell him off, you found that your amusement would spike. He noticed it, too, if his attempts to get a rise out of you almost everyday were anything to go by. Every curse you spewed at him was then followed by a smile and roll of your eyes instead of a sneer, and you found that Monty had wormed his way beneath your skin without even realizing it until it was too late.
The first time he asked you out, you had laughed in his face and walked away. The second time, you thought it over and rejected him with a joke, but the third.. the third time was the charm.
There was something genuine about his request the third time he sought you out, about the way he willingly took the jabs from his jock friends without lashing out at them that made you decide to give him a chance. You then ended up giving him several chances after that since his anger used to get the best of him and you were constantly bickering about his bullying tendencies, but he soon cooled off and mellowed out much to your pleasure.
Because if it wasn't for Monty, you wouldn't have flourished and opened up in ways that you never expected you were capable of doing. That and you never would have realized just what kinks you had.
"Hey, babe, ready to go?" Monty leans tiredly against the bleachers after baseball practice- hat worn backwards, shirt soaked with sweat and duffel bag hanging off one shoulder. "It's hot."
"Yeah. Let me just pack up." 
You quickly shove your textbooks and spirals back into your book bag, standing up and hopping down the stairs. Monty waits for you at the bottom, automatically taking your hand into his as he walks you to his vehicle. He's not one for public affection unless it's in a joking, teasing manner in front of his friends, but you don't really care to be all over him in front of anyone anyway.
Once situated in his jeep though, you both lean over the space separating you and meet each other halfway. The kiss is slow and languid, his tongue slipping into your mouth to caress yours. His teeth catch your bottom lip then and he bites down with just enough pressure to make you groan as he pulls back. His darkened gaze holds nothing but promises for a fun time later, and you momentarily wonder how the hell this boy is ready to go after a grueling day under the sun.
"You're showering before anything happens," you say, voice already thick with want.
He smirks. "God bless mothers who nag their husbands enough until he gets off his ass and takes her to Vegas. You're spending the night with me tonight."
Your gut warms in anticipation and you clench your thighs to ease the sudden throbbing when his hand lands just above your knee and slowly inches towards your inner thigh. "Yes, sir," you airily breathe and then chuckle darkly when he groans in return.
The drive to your house is as fast as possible without tempting law enforcement to pull you guys over. You leave your bag in Monty's vehicle, knowing you'll need it tomorrow, and make quick work of rushing inside to pack an overnight bag and clothes for the following day. And then the last thing you do before leaving is change your current underthings for something more fresh and eye appealing.
You barely have time to shut the door to the jeep before Monty's peeling out, you laughing as he clenches his jaw and wraps his hands tight around the steering wheel to make sure you get to his house in one piece.
Since you're already familiar with the layout of Monty's house, you casually stroll about as he takes the stairs two at time to reach his personal bathroom. You laugh at his retreat, grabbing yourself a bottle of water from the fridge before making you're way up. Setting aside your belongings takes no time at all, so you make yourself comfortable by kicking off your shoes and putting on some music.
Monty soon returns, the only article of clothing he's wearing being a pair of jeans slung low on his hips. 'Gangsta' starts playing over the dock speakers, the beat of the song setting the mood right away and you gulp at the sight of water droplets traveling down his chest. 
He smirks as he saunters towards you and you hesitantly stand to meet him halfway. "I have plans for you tonight, sweetheart."
Your eyes widen as your heart starts to thump faster and Monty rests his hands on your shoulders. His hands slowly travel down your arms until he reaches your hips, his hands then wandering towards your back and down to your ass, still travelling lower until he grips the back of your thighs in hand and lifts you up. Immediately your hands clasp together at the back of his neck and he chuckles deeply as he walks you around to the side of his bed before kneeling on the mattress and dropping you in the middle.
"Am I going to like these plans?" You ask, voice nearly a murmur.
"Y/N, you're going to love 'em."
His lips crash hungrily against yours, one hand diving into the hair at the nape of your neck. As he grips and pulls as hard as he dares, you moan aloud and allow him the chance to lick inside your mouth. It's hungry, yet passionate at the same time and your toes curl in anticipation.
Maneuvering you around so your back is towards the headboard, he pushes you down until you’re flat on your back and continues his nipping kisses down the side of your neck. "I know how much you enjoy my formal ties coming into play," he says, "but I got something a little different this time around.”
And it's true. You didn't think you'd be into the whole being tied up during sex, but something about Monty doing the tying up really got you going. Even more when Monty let you tie him up.
You don't realize what he's talking about until you find your wrists pinned together above your head, your eyes widening in surprise when you hear the jingle of chains. "Shh. Relax," he murmurs, nipping your chin. "It's not handcuffs."
No, it's not handcuffs, but it is leather cuffs that are linked to thin chains that are hidden between the headboard and mattress. "Fuck me," you mutter, feeling even more turned on than you were just seconds ago.
"That's the plan."
Your wrists are soon bound and you hiss when pull on them, the cuffs biting into the delicate skin. Monty chuckles as he slowly starts to slide your shirt up, groaning when he reveals black lace and then leaving your shirt as a blindfold over your eyes. You start to squirm as he trails kisses over the tops of your breasts, then trails his tongue down the center of your abdomen before sucking a bruise just above the button of your jeans.
"Monty," you whine. "Stop teasing."
"As you wish."
The button of your jeans is popped open, the material roughly yanked down your legs before your knees are spread and the warmth of his mouth covers your throbbing center.
♪♫My freakness is on the loose and running all over you. Please take me to places that nobody, nobody knows. You got me hooked up on the feeling. You got me hanging from the ceiling. Got me up so high I'm barely breathing. So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me, don’t let me go♪♫
With only a few hours of sleep, you find yourself waking up later than you normally wake up and rush to get ready for school. Monty merely rolls over and continues sleeping as you shower, you then finding him dressed and as smug as can be when you re-enter his room to finish dressing.
"Stop staring at me," you whine. "And hurry up. You know I hate being late for school."
"You look well fucked," he muses. "No matter how much you brush your hair or apply concealer, you look like you had a long night."
"Mhm. Thank you for that. Now Jessica isn't going to shut up today and she's going to want all the details."
Monty laughs as you pull him out of the room, kicking his back pack towards him as you grab up yours. You're in such a rush to get to the school that you don't realize until it's too late that you forgot to do something important. While you remembered to cover the hickies surrounding your neck, you completely forgot about the other two obvious marks.
"Hey, Y/N," Jessica muses, tucked happily into Justin's side as they stop by your locker, "why are yours wrists so red?"
You freeze, mentally berating yourself for forgetting to cover those. You slam your locker shut only to find Jessica and Justin grinning knowingly, but merely roll your eyes in return. "Don't ask."
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