#cao yuchen scenario
shibereshu · 4 years
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Cao Yuchen // ‘OMG They were quarantined together’ AU
And they were quarantined together
Oh my god they were quarantined together…
★Slice of life AU
★Summary: you thought this would be a nice and easy year: working abroad in China, getting to know new people, doing an internship at a major entertainment company... sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? especially knowing you would be able to see stars like Cao Yuchen daily and maybe even befriending them... but, uh oh... looks like you may have to spend more time than expected with him... Grab a bowl of popcorn and dive deep into this story, because it’s going to be a wild ride.
Cover drawn by @lingdidi​ (@noirdecoco​)!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (Coming soon)
15 notes · View notes
shibereshu · 4 years
“and they were in quarantine” [1]
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Cao Yuchen // ‘OMG They were quarantined together’ AU
It was a bright warm day in March, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Your stomach growled, asking you for food, so you tried to finish your report as fast as possible and run to the interns’ coordinator’s office. He always gave you the longest tasks, since you were the one with a better understanding of English among the interns. 
When you decided to spend a year gaining working experience abroad, you thought it would be the complete opposite, and that they would be a bit less demanding regarding your situation, but it didn’t turn out that way. Nevertheless, you couldn’t believe how lucky you were… one of the biggest entertainment companies in China had approved your application, and you were surrounded by the best professionals in your field, so you were really happy and thankful for the opportunity.
Your superior greeted you with a smile and glanced at the report with approval. 
“(Y/N)! You always hand in the best work, thank you! You haven’t eaten yet, right? Go ahead, join the other interns, you can finish the rest after your meal.”
“Thank you, mister.” You left the room with a bow and walked to the canteen, where your fellow interns where already enjoying the menu of the day.
“Oh! (Y/N)! Are you finally done with the report?” your friend Yifei mumbled, gulping down a big scoop of rice. 
“Don’t do that, Yifei, you are going to choke!” the boy sitting next to her, Jiyang, exclaimed, while giving her a look of disapprovement.
    Yifei smacked the back of his head, making him drop his chopsticks and open his mouth to complain about her. You always spent your meal break with these two dorks, and you couldn’t help but find funny how they would keep teasing each other. However, after you finally sat down beside them with your tray full of food, Jiyang’s attention quickly shifted to you, and he began asking you about your day while trying to share some of his food with you and laughing at things you said he found funny for no reason at all.
    You had to admit, the way he acted towards you was kind of cute, and any other girl would probably fall helplessly to his charms. He was really considerate, always worrying about your health and mood. This was obvious, and you weren’t the only one who had noticed; Yifei usually teased you on your way back home, and you knew what the giggles and looks of other workers at the corporation meant. But you only felt pity for the boy, nothing more. You were a busy girl, making a big effort to live and learn as much as possible in this foreign country, you were too busy to even think about going out with a boy!
    You tried to turn him down as politely as you could, and you finished your meal and rushed towards your office, thinking about the big amount of papers you still had to fill before finally leaving the place.
    As lost as you were in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the person running towards the elevator you had stepped in, until the doors were about to close and their arm stretched out trying to avoid it. 
    “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” you blurted, pushing quickly the button that would prevent the doors from closing, while you kept apologising to the person, “I didn’t see you coming! I zoned out and… Did you get hurt?” You finally looked up, and left out a sigh of relief as you recognised the boy standing in front of you: Cao Yuchen, an artist under the company, who you’d met on your first week there, “Oh! Cao Yuchen! I was so worried… I thought I’d hurt one of my superiors.”
    “Hey, (Y/N), did you forget that I’m also your superior here?” the young man looked at you with a frown between his brows, “I think one of my ligaments teared, ouch!” his face turned into one of someone in pain, and he held his arm carefully trying not to apply too much pressure onto it. 
    “Wh… what?? Does it really hurt that much? Let me see” you tried to reach his arm but he turned away, hiding his face and his arm from you.
    “Ahh… I think they will have to cut my arm off”
You froze for a moment, feeling the panic rise, but then noticed his shoulders shivering and heard a quiet giggle, signals that he was just acting and wasn’t actually feeling any pain at all.
“Hey Cao Yuchen! Don’t mess up with me, you bastard!” you threw your hands at him and punched him repeatedly on his arm, “Teared ligament, yeah sure, I can’t believe I almost fell for it”
By then, Yuchen was already laughing out loud. He rested his hands on your shoulders, trying to push you away from him.
“You totally fell for it,” another laugh came out from his lips as he continued speaking, “Ah, (Y/N), don’t you think my acting skills just keep improving each day? That was great, not going to lie.”
“I can’t stand you, I swear”
“Hey, be more respectful, I am older than you and also in a higher position here, so be polite” his mocking tone didn’t match the seriousness that filled his expression again. He was really good at controlling his facial expressions, you had to give him that.
“Okay, mister, I’m sorry. But don’t make fun of me ever again, or do I have to remind you that you still owe me?”
“Ugh… do you already know what you want me to do so that we’re even? I am tired of being indebted to you.”
“No, sorry, I still have to think about it for a bit longer.”
The elevator doors opened and Yuchen stepped out of it. “Okay, (Y/N), but don’t take too long or you’ll miss the chance. Bye now!” 
You looked at the boy walking away while the doors closed again and the elevator resumed his way up. Your mind forgot about the incident and went back to your tasks as soon as you arrived the floor your office was in. You stretched your limbs, knowing you would have to sit on your desk for at least six more hours before you could leave. 
    A few hours later, you were finally done with all of the paperwork, and it was almost time for the working hours to end. You walked around the lobby, waiting for Yifei, who you always walked home with. Not much longer after that, you saw your friend saying goodbye to a coworker and making her way to you.
    “(Y/N), I’m so tired… let’s hurry up, I have to stop at the convenience store before heading home.”
    “I should buy a few things too… I think I ran out of bread.”
    “Ah! I almost forgot,” Yifei’s eyes lit up as she said that, “I ran across Cao Yuchen when I was going to the restroom earlier today, that boy gets more handsome every day, I swear!”
    “Why do you like him so much,” you rolled your eyes, remembering what had happened in the elevator, “he’s just like any other Chinese actor these days.”
    “He’s way more friendly than any other actor I’ve met, and I’ve worked at four different entertainment companies, so I would know! Anyway, aren’t you friends with him or something? Wasn’t he the one you had to help that day?”
    “Well… I’d say we are rather acquaintances. I helped him and now he owes me one, but that’s it. I don’t really see him that often.” You shrugged.    “That’s because you are always busy! You don’t even hang out with me,” you friend pointed at you, in a blaming way, “Next week the spring sale will start, and we are going to go shopping together, no excuses allowed”.    “Okay, okay, we will.” You arrived at the street where you had to part ways, so you hugged before saying goodbye to each other and walked away, speeding up your pace to arrive as soon as possible. There was nothing else you longed for more than your bed.
Finally home, you put your bag and papers aside and made yourself something to eat before throwing yourself on your mattress. You still had to finish a few things before going to sleep, but it was quite early and a couple of minutes of relax wouldn’t hurt anyone. Just when you had started drifting into your mind again, a loud banging noise, made your heart skip a beat and your head lift from your soft pillow.
What is that? you thought to yourself, looking around completely disoriented.
Another loud bang followed the first one, so you go on your feet and walked towards the front door, trying to find the source of the loud impacts. As you got closer to it, the noise grew louder and louder, so you decided to open the door and take a look outside. Before your apartment, a short corridor led to a few other doors and the narrow stairs you had to walk up and down every single day. The corridor was usually empty, but that day a grown up man wearing a pair of overalls and a helmet stood in the middle of it, banging a big hammer against the door of one of the other properties.
“M… Mister,” you realised you had been standing there for a few seconds, staring right at the man without having said anything, so you tried to regain composure and thought the best thing to do next would be to ask him directly what was going on, “I kept hearing a banging noise, and was wondering…” you didn’t know how to ask him, but it didn’t matter anyway, because the moment he heard you, he dropped his hammer and looked at you just as if he was looking at a ghost.
“Young girl! What the hell are you still doing here! Did nobody tell you to leave?”
“What… sorry?” You had no idea what he meant, but you noticed you were the only one who had come out looking for the source of noise. Where you also the only one there apart from the builder?
“This whole floor is going to be demolished! A young rich man has bought the whole building and wants to turn all of this into a single apartment. Didn’t your landlord notify you? Everyone has left in the last week!” The man took his helmet off and run a hand through his greasy hair, worried about you, “Maybe you didn’t understand what was going on, since you look like a foreigner… Hold on, I will tell my boys to stop for today, but we will have to continue tomorrow, so I’m afraid you will have to leave as soon as possible. You can spend the night here, but you will have to be gone by tomorrow morning. You have somewhere else to go, right?” he gave you a concerned look, and looked for his phone so that he could notify the rest of the building team to stop what they were doing.
You looked at him with a blank expression, and went over his words again and again in your head, trying to make sense of the situation. I have to leave? your heart beating faster and faster at the thought, Where could I go… I have no one to call.
Yifei! Your friend would surely host you for a few days, right? You had gotten pretty close since you arrived there. You thanked the man for the information and concern and rushed back into your apartment (no longer yours) to call your friend. You decided to check for a message of your landlord first, and you realised an email of hers from a week before had been directed to your spam folder, so you hadn’t noticed that you had received it. However, you didn’t have much time to complain about it, you knew you had to act fast and focus on finding a place to stay for the following days.
Luckily, your friend picked up her phone pretty quickly.
“Yifei! Oh Yifei, I’m so glad you picked up!” you heard your voice crack and tried to control your agitated breathing, “Something terrible has just happened to me.”
“(Y/N), are you okay? What’s going on?” You could hear a lot of noise in the room your friend was in, but then she walked away, probably into another emptier room, and you could hear her much clearer after that, “where are you right now?”
“I’m at my apartment- well, what used to be my apartment… Yifei, they kicked me out!”
“What?! So suddenly!?” Yifei couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“I got an email a week ago, but I didn’t see it and now I have to leave, and I have nowhere to go, and- What am I going to do, Yifei?”
“Okay, okay, listen, breathe in, breathe out…” You followed her words and tried to calm down, without much effectiveness, “Do you know anyone with a free room?”
“I don’t… But Yifei, can I stay at your place? It would only be for a day or two, until I find somewhere else! There’s no way I find a free room before tomorrow!” A thousand thoughts filled your mind, and you tried to think of any other solution, maybe staying at a hotel or guest house, but that would be way too expensive, and you needed the money to find a new place…
“Oh, (Y/N), I’m so so so sorry… I live with my parents, and my grandparents are also staying here right now… and if we also count my siblings… I am so sorry (Y/N), we really don’t have room for another person… Hey, turn that volume down! I’m trying to help a friend here!” the last words were screamed to someone else on that side of the phone call. You started losing hope, and saw yourself spending the following nights at a 24h store or café. Get yourself together, (Y/N)! There must be someone else…
Yifei kept talking on the phone, “What about Jiyang? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hosting you for a couple of days! You know he would do anything for you!”
“Oh no, there’s no way I’m asking him… Can you even imagine how awkward that would be?! And I wouldn’t feel good knowing I’m taking advantage of him that way…”
“But who else can we ask then? Wait, I have a friend who lives in a rather big house, she has a son, but if I ask her she may-“
“Yuchen!” You suddenly stood up and screamed his name. Of course! He lived in a really big house, and he wouldn’t say no, since you helped him before and he had promised to help you once too, so that it would be fair.
“Yuchen? Wait… Cao Yuchen?! No no no no, are you crazy? You don’t know him well! How can a woman stay at the house of a stranger like that? He’s famous but that doesn’t mean he is a good man, who knows how he lives behind scenes and-“ Yifei kept ranting and ranting but you had already made a decision.
“Listen, you yourself said he was a nice man, and he owes me, so it’s not like I’m asking for too much! His house is huge, too, he won’t even have to look at me twice, and it’s only for one or two days and only for sleeping… it will be fine! I won’t disturb him.”
“But what if… what if he’s a pervert or something.”
“I’m not a kid, Yifei, I will make sure I can lock the room or whatever... bye now, I’m going to text him.”
“(Y/N) are you sure about this… I-“
You hung up on your friend, reminding yourself to apologise to her the next day and thank her for caring so much about your safety. A part of you also thought that this was a really bad idea and that many things could go wrong, but you were desperate. Furthermore, he joked around a lot, but in the couple of months that you’d been working at the company, you’d also noticed that Yuchen was a really nice guy overall, he even had a pet (the cutest dog) and people who cleaned his house for him, it wasn’t as if you would be trapped in a room all alone with him for weeks…
Reassuring yourself, you opened the chat app and wrote him about the situation. After a few minutes filled with stress and anticipation, your screen lit up, showing a new message from Yuchen:
Cao Yuchen [20:17]: Of course! I can’t believe you have to go through this! We can come tomorrow after work together, so don’t worry anymore about it. Just make sure your shoes are clean ;)
You took your pillow and pushed your face against it, before letting out a loud groan. Okay, (Y/N), things will work out you thought to yourself Just hold on for a bit, just for a few days, and everything will go back to normal… Yes it will…
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shibereshu · 4 years
“and they were in quarantine” [3]
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Cao Yuchen // ‘OMG They were quarantined together’ AU
Neither of you talked much on your way to the house. You spent some time at first trying to come up with something to talk about, but then decided he could be the one to speak up. After all, you were the one having the hard time, so you would rather relax and stop worrying about the silence inside the car. He did start some smalltalk, but it died as soon as it started. It was okay, though, because silence didn’t bother either of you that much.
You finally arrived to Yuchen’s house, and, after moving everything to the room you were going to stay in, Yuchen decided to order some food from a restaurant nearby. While he called the restaurant, you walked around the house, getting used to the glossy floors and tall walls and making mental notes about where each bathroom and toilet was. There were way too many rooms for a boy who lived alone, but it was quite funny to realise that every room had a purpose after all: Yuchen slept in one of them, his dog in another one, then there was one were he could exercise, one where he could relax and watch TV, another one for gaming, and then one which was basketball themed, where you would sleep for a few days, Hopefully only one or two.
Yuchen’s dog had greeted you happily right after you entered the house. When you went back to the living room, he was lying down, waiting for someone to scratch his belly. Happily, you kneeled down and played with him. You had a soft spot for dogs as cute as that one, you loved tickling and petting them. You played with the dog for a while, and then Yuchen came back with the food and you sat down to have dinner together. The food was warm, right out of the stove, and you could hear your stomach growling when you saw the steam coming out of it in front of you. It smelled delicious. Yuchen’s stomach growled too, which made you chuckle, he was a real person after all… Usually people would think of famous actors and singers as perfect objects, but they were made from flesh and bones, just like yourself. Even though the house was huge and the car was really expensive, you could tell Yuchen lived like any other person you knew. He bought expensive food for his dog, but he ate regular food from a restaurant that you also liked to visit. His clothes were really nice when he went out, because he had to wear what the companies gave him to promote them, but inside he would wear a regular old sweater and black simple pants. His house was comfortably messy and wet dishes rested beside the sink in the kitchen. It was nice. You thought you would feel out of place, but the truth was, you could see yourself getting used to living in a place like that. I could, but I won’t, because I’m only staying here until I find another place You reminded yourself.
“So, (y/n), can you please explain me in full detail the reason you are here tonight and not wherever you used to live before?” Yuchen blowed on the steamy piece of chicken covered in sauce that he holded with his chopsticks, “I know they kicked you out… but why?”
You told him the full story, trying not to miss any detail, and noticed it was really easy talking to him. He would react when necessary, but he would not laugh at everything, only at what he really found funny. His stare was the one of someone who was really interested in what you were saying. Actually, his stare was the one of someone who was interested in you as a person. The thought of that made your ears turn slightly pink, just because you weren’t used to receiving that kind of attention. He also made fun of you because of your accent and the way you pronounced some words, but you liked to make fun of yourself too, so it was fine. It was really enjoyable overall, and when you had finished your meal, you felt both full and fulfilled at the same time. 
You helped him clean up the table and then he looked for some clean blankets for you to use while you washed up and changed into your pajamas. After that, he took a shower while you poured yourself a glass of water in the kitchen. 
    You were drying up the glass and putting it back when Yuchen came out of his room, wearing a full set of Mickey Mouse pajamas and a face clear of make-up. You let out a giggle at the sigh, and he squinted his eyes with annoyance.
    “Don’t you dare laugh at me. This is my house and I wear what I want to.”
    “Yes, sir.” You answered, while laughing quietly.
    “So, do you want to do something before going to bed? We can watch TV or play some games… I… don’t really know what you like to do…” Yuchen scratched the back of his head and looked around, thinking about any other options he could offer you.
    “Actually, I’m pretty tired. I think it’s for the best if I go to bed now and try to get some sleep.” You couldn’t wait to finally lie down and close your eyes, you were exhausted.
    “Oh… Yeah, sure! You must be tired… You had a crazy day after all hahaha.” He seemed to relax a bit, knowing that you weren’t planning on staying awake any longer, “Then… Goodnight. Bang on my door if you need anything… Will you be okay?”
    “Yeah! Thank you Yuchen… This is more than I could ever ask for…”
    “But… are you sure you are really okay?”
    “sUrE? I’m fine Yuchen. Goodnight! See you tomorrow! I wake up pretty early, so don’t worry about being too loud or anything.” Saying that, you walked into the basketball room and waved to him before closing the door. 
    You stood there, your back on the closed door, for a few minutes, overthinking everything that had happened during that day and feeling the weight of the uncertainty on your shoulders. You had no idea what would happen from that moment on, but you were grateful, because you knew you were really really lucky. There were people who had to live on the streets for their whole life, but there you were, in the guest room of a famous actor, living a life only the elite class was used to enjoying. 
    You closed your eyes and let your thoughts drift for a moment before making sure the door was locked and throwing yourself on the bed, where the blankets embraced you and made you feel like you were lying on a cloud. You fell asleep almost immediately, and dreamt about a huge house like that, where a nine year old that looked just like you at that age ran through the open doors, playing with a happy dog that resembled the one you had as a kid.
The next morning, you let out a groan when you felt the sun rays hitting your closed eyelids, creating a show of lights and shadows before your eyes. You had slept more than enough, you knew that because your body felt rested and full of energy. However, you didn’t want to leave the bed, it was so comfortable… But you remembered you would have to sleep on it for at least one more day, so you got up happily and put on a new set of clothes before walking out to the living room.
Humming a popular tune that was all the time on the radio around that time, you washed your face before heading to the kitchen area, where Yuchen was already working on preparing a nutritious breakfast. You stood at the door, looking at the bunch of dishes of multiple different colours and aromas, feeling your mouth begin to water. You would usually just drink a cup of tea or coffee and munch on an excessively burnt toast, since you didn’t have much time before having to leave for work. Yuchen noticed you standing there and greeted you.
“(y/n)! You woke up early… I still haven’t finished this… But it’s almost done. Did you sleep well?” As he said that, he looked up from the pan he was using to grill a pancake and looked at you instead. 
“Yes, thank you, it was really comfortable…” You hugged yourself, already missing the softness of the bed sheets and the firmness of the mattress, “I’ve never slept so well… Yu- Yuchen, the pancake!!” Without noticing, Yuchen had tilted the pan he was using, where the golden pancake was slowly but steadily slipping and already hanging halfway out of it. The boy tried to lift it and aimed to throw the pancake to the air and pick it up again with the pan, just like professional chefs usually do. However, he used too much strength and the pancake flew and landed on top of the fridge, before sliding from there to the floor. Dumbfounded, you both looked at it for a moment before you burst out laughing. Yuchen did too, just a second afterwards.
With tears in his eyes, Yuchen tried to recover his breath, “I… I cook well when I’m concentrated… This… This doesn’t really happen…”
“I was starting to think you were secretly a professional chef, looking at the amount of food on the table, but I guess you are not that cool” You couldn’t stop laughing at the scene, and your belly started to ache because of that.
“I am cool! This was just a slip in my successful career as a Michelin-chef, just you wait.”
After a few more pancakes, all of them successful after that, the breakfast was ready, and you sat down on the table and started enjoying it together. You chit chatted for a bit, and then Yuchen decided to turn on the TV so you could watch the morning news report.
You immediately dropped your chopsticks and asked him to turn the volume up when the reporter announced there are important news about the popular virus.
“...an emergency hospital is being built in the province, and people with minor illnesses and injuries are advised to call their primary care doctor instead of driving to the nearest hospital to prevent big groups of people and overcrowding…”
“Wow… Is this for real?” You looked at the woman stating the facts with a mix of disbelief and fear on your face. Then, the word important appeared on the corner of the screen, in bright bold red capital letters, and the woman stuttered before announcing the following:
“From today on, indefinitely, every citizen must stay inside their homes. This affects every area of the country, and every person. We remind you that it’s for the better, and that going outside could be immensely harmful, for you, your dear ones and also the citizens around you. Only supermarkets and first need stores will be open, workers must stay inside and children will have to take online classes. This is a message from the authorities. Please, take care and follow the instructions provided by the World Health Organization when trying to prevent the spread of the virus. Remember to wash your hands…”
You couldn’t believe your eyes. You couldn't believe what you had just heard. The reporter kept talking about the preventive measures, but you couldn’t hear her words anymore. You saw her mouth moving, but your head suddenly felt extremely dizzy and the room started moving in circles in front of you. You looked at Yuchen, who had a look in his face that you imagined was the same one you yourself were wearing. 
“Are… are we not able to leave this place?” You managed to say, looking at your untouched dish of food while doing so.
“Apparently not…” Yuchen gulped and you looked at each other, realising you would have to live together for the time being, until they announced the quarantine to be over.
Having no idea of what’s going on, Yuchen’s dog ran and rested his head on your lap, asking you to give him a bite of your breakfast. You looked at him and flinched before petting his head. 
Oh my god, little friend… What have I gotten myself into...
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shibereshu · 4 years
“and they were in quarantine” [2]
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Cao Yuchen // ‘OMG They were quarantined together’ AU
“(y/n)! How dare you hang up on me like that!!” 
You had just opened the front door of the company building and was trying to hold it still while dragging your bit suitcase and bag inside, when you heard the voice of your friend Yifei calling you from the other end of the lobby, and the sound of someone running towards you.
“(y/n), I’m so mad I could make a scene right here right now, do you know how worried you made me? I couldn’t sleep last night, thinking about how things turned out… please tell me you are not going to sleep over at Yuchen’s.”
You let out a groan when the box of succulents you were holding almost fell down when your suitcase hit the door and made you lose your balance, “Yi.. Yifei, please, we can talk about this later but can you lend me a hand for a moment?” A pair of businessmen walked beside you and gave you a nasty look: you were trying to stand still, holding paper and boxes with your arms while trying to lift the suitcase with your foot, which also held the handle of your bag. You felt like crawling into a hole and hiding.
    Yifei stopped complaining and held the door for you while you pulled yourself together, and then both of you took all of your baggage and placed it next to your office desk, where it would rest until the time you’d leave work.
    Feeling like the worst part of the day was already over, you sat down and thanked Yifei, who, even though she had been looking at you with a gaze that kills during the whole process, had done most of the job at moving the heavy boxes and suitcase.
    “All set. Can we talk about why I should let my friend sleep over a stranger’s house now? Because I know the answer to that question: I shouldn’t” Yifei sat down abruptly next to you and handed you a can of to-go coffee from the vending machine.
    “Yifei… I know it all sounds like a terrible idea, but please… just loosen up a bit. Yuchen is not a stranger” The cold surface of the can made you get goose bumps, and you let it rest on your lap for a minute, enjoying the sensation. Feeling that coldness felt like the only real thing at that moment, everything else was so messed up...
    “Oh yeah, not a stranger at all, I almost forgot about the ‘I’d say we are rather acquaintances. I helped him and now he owes me one, but that’s it’ thing… And how can your landlord just send you an email and expect all of you to receive and read it?! she should have made sure everyone was notified!!”
    “There’s no way of changing that now… at least it’s thursday, so I will have the whole weekend to look for a new apartment. If I start looking for ads between today and tomorrow, I may have something by Saturday, and I will be able to move between Saturday and Sunday. It’s going to be fine.”
    “(y/n), promise me you will call me if anything bad happens… even the smallest and seemingly irrelevant thing…” Your friend looked directly at you, and held your hands between hers.
    “I promise…”
    “Send me photos of the house and the dog when you are there, and send me a text every time you go to sleep and wake up!” You smiled at the way your friend was behaving, you had never imagined Yifei would be that type of person, “Actually, I have a better idea… I will go and pick you up in the morning so we can come to work together! I’ve always wanted to see Yuchen’s house by myself, and, come on, who wouldn’t want to see a man like him in the morning, that makes anyone’s day!” She kept talking, and you felt like the luckiest girl for having such a great friend, so you pulled her into a hug and rested your head on her shoulder.
    “Thank you, Yifei”
    She sighed and hugged you closer “Please, don’t mention it… this is what friends are for, dumbass. Now, let’s start working, or else your workaholic brain and our dear superior are going to start shouting at us, and we don’t want that, do we, now?” You laughed, feeling much better than before, and agreed with her, although there was nothing you wanted to do less in that moment than write the reports and sign the documents that awaited you on your desk.
    Time went by faster than you thought it would, and in the blink of an eye, it was already time for the lunch break. While walking down the stairs to the canteen, you heard a group of men and women in suits speak hectically while moving their hands up and down and signalling furiously at their phones.
    “...they say big companies are already closing up at the other side of the country, and schools and universities are preparing online classes…”
    “...that lady who lived three streets above us and her son moved to that city, she definitely was infected last time she visited him…”
    “...here, look at what this newspaper says! My husband is already panic-buying too much canned food and toilet paper…”
    You didn’t really understand what the fuss was about, so you kept making your way to your friends, who were already sitting at the usual spot, and picked up a tray of food on your way there.
    “Hey guys, what’s going on? Is it just me, or are people behaving a bit weirdly today?”
    Jiyang smiled at you and slid closer to Yifei so that you could sit by his side.
    “Weirdly? What do you mean?” 
    You put your tray on the table and sat down, “I just walked by a group of really fancy people… but they were all over the place, saying weird things about a virus…”
    You felt a cold silence suddenly falling around you, and looked up to meet the eyes of Jiyang, whose smile had disappeared and was now replaced with a weird expression, which matched the one on Yifei’s face.
    “(y/n), are you serious right now? do you not now what’s going on about the virus?” Jiyang blinked repeatedly and took a sip of water before continuing, “it’s all over the news right now… It seems very serious.”
    “Of course she doesn’t know anything! She has her eyes glued to the reports all day long, and yesterday-” Yifei shut up mid-phrase, wondering if you wanted Jiyang to know about what had happened, but you shook your head slightly, letting her know it was better for her not to say anything about that yet, “what I mean is, do you even know what twitter is, (y/n)?”
    “Don’t make fun of me and tell me about it already, Yifei”.
    Yifei opened her mouth to say something, but Jiyang was faster, and told you about the mysterious disease that everyone seemed to be talking about, “Apparently a really infectious virus has developed in an area of China, and professionals have estimated that it will spread throughout the whole country in days, so the Government is going to announce the measures that they’re going to take to try to keep it under control.”
    You looked at him, holding a spoon full of food in front of your mouth but being incapable of moving your arm, or anything else, for the record.
    “You are not being serious.”
    “I am being very serious. It mostly affects people who suffer other type of illnesses or respiratory problems, but anyone can catch it, and it’s dangerously contagious.”
    You looked at Yifei, expecting a reaction that proved that they were pulling a hidden camera prank on you, but her expression was dead serious, and a frown of concern was starting to form on her forehead.
    “Okay… okay, I guess I have to believe this… but come on, guys, we live in the 21st century, a virus is nothing to worry about nowadays.” You played down the situation and resumed eating your meal, which was already starting to cool down, while your friends looked at each other and shrugged. 
    “That’s true, I’m sure all of this will be forgotten in less than a week, but I can’t help but worry a bit. My grandparents are quite old already, I hope the virus doesn’t arrive here…” Yifei clenched her fists and looked at her lap while speaking up, “Anyway, I agree with you, I don’t think we have to make such a big deal out of it.” 
    The three of you continued eating, each one lost in their own mind. You didn’t really think again about that virus, as worried as you were about everything else you had to deal with: finding a new apartment, taking all your baggage to Yuchen’s, finishing the reports you had to hand in at the end of the day…
    The rest of the day went smoothly after that, excluding the general concern that everyone seemed to have because of the news about the virus. After hours of hard work, the clock stroke eighteen, and it was time to go home. Right You thought to yourself I don’t have a place to call home anymore.
    Luckily for you, Yifei had remembered to help you with your bags and boxes, so you picked them up and went to the lobby together. You had to walk slowly and carefully, since the boxes didn’t allow you to see anything in front of you. Because of that, you didn’t notice there was someone standing on your way until you were already on top of him. 
“Oh no!” Yifei left the bag she was holding on the floor and quickly caught you before you could fall on the floor, while the boy you had pushed held your other arm to try to steady himself. Fortunately, you hadn’t dropped any of the boxes, and the three of you were still on your feet. 
“Ugh! I’m sorry Jiyang! Didn’t see you there!” Jiyang looked at you with a smile on his face and dropped your arm, “I have to be more careful… did I hit you? Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Don’t worry (y/n), it’s nothing! Give me the boxes, I’ll help you…” Jiyang tried to lift a few boxes from your arms, but you pulled them away.
“No!! I mean… it’s okay, don’t worry… I’ll just do it myself.”
“Seriously! Where do you have to take them? I can’t believe they make you carry this much… It’s abusive. Let me help you, please.” He tried to hold the boxes once again, but you turned away and looked a Yifei, asking her to help you.
“Jiyang, leave it, the boxes are hers.”
“Wh… what? Why? What’s all of this?”
You let out a sigh and shrugged, before shooting a reassuring smile towards the boy, “It’s a long story, Jiyang, I will explain everything next time, okay?”
Jiyang looked at both of you and was about to ask something else, but in the last moment decided not to. He didn’t want to be too nosy or make you mad, so he decided to leave things as they were. However, when Yifei left the things she was holding on the floor next to you and proceeded to walk alone to the front door, he looked at you with concern and couldn’t resist inquiring about that, “Wait… Don’t you guys leave together? Why is Yifei leaving alone?”
You stuttered a bit, but managed to seem relaxed and calm, “I have something to do before leaving… Go ahead, Jiyang! I will see you tomorrow! Bye!”
Jiyang wasn’t entirely convinced about leaving you behind, but he glanced once more back to you and waved in farewell before leaving the building. Okay, I’m all alone now. Just waiting for Yuchen, right here, by myself. It’s fine. Hah! This is fine. You kept repeating these words like a mantra, again and again It’s fine, it’s fine…
By the time Yuchen finally arrived in the lobby, you had tried every single couch in the room, had studied every single plant and had discussed everything that could go wrong during the weekend with the photos of the different artists under the company, which were hung all over the walls. You were explaining to Wang Yizhou’s portrait that Yuchen’s dog could possibly have a rare illness that could potentially turn you into a mutant monster that ate green plasma and turned people into goblins, when you heard Yuchen’s footsteps coming out from the elevator. That has to be him. He always walks making sure girls know he is coming, so he can be heard from the other side of the building… Ugh, what a smug.
“Hey, (y/n), were you talking to that picture?” Yuchen lifted one eyebrow and smiled to himself.
“Shut up. Desperate times call for desperate measures”
“Well, then… are you ready to leave?” He looked at you from head to toe and then glanced over the pile of baggage surrounding you.
“Y… Yes… Is your chauffeur taking us?”
“My- what?” Yuchen threw his head back laughing, “Oh, (y/n), come on, is that really the type of person you think I am?”
“Yuchen you are literally a famous actor from a big entertainment company, of course that’s what I think you’re like! Don’t tell me you live in a shack and all those photos online are not really your house…”
“Have you been looking at photos of my house online? Woah, (y/n), you are kind of a stalker, don’t you think?” He ran his hand through his hair and gave you a funny look, “But don’t worry, I do live in that ‘huge ass house’ that’s all over the internet.”
“Hey, hey, don’t brag so much. I know you don’t even have a patio.” You punched him slightly on his arm, and put a box in front of the door so that it wouldn’t close while you moved the rest to Yuchen’s car.
“Hey! I do have one. It’s on the rooftop.” Yuchen picked you bag and suitcase up, and started playing tetris with the different objects so that everything would perfectly fit in the back of his car.
“That’s not a patio, that’s not even a terrace!” You let out a giggle and handed him another pair of boxes. Slowly but diligently, both of you managed to put everything in the car together, and eventually you moved to the front, sat down and plugged in your seatbelts, before Yuchen started the car engine.
“Shut up, that IS a terrace!” You rolled your eyes, tired of the discussion, but also amused. 
“Whatever!” Still smiling to yourself, you looked outside and saw people walking on the streets, living a completely regular life. This feels like a movie… But who knows, all of those people could be going through similar things right now, and none of us would now. 
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