#captain abidab
Hiya! So, What happened with the captain and you with the swapping of packages and all?
Like I said. We traded The package is meant to the rightful owner.
She's currently using all the shoe polish she received to keep her ship, well, ship shape.
All my fishing shirta however are still on her ship due to her flag being torn by that pirate. I think he has a new flag. But I let her keep the makeshift flag due to me Not really having a use for it.
I can't really get a refund for it due to the fact I used it to make a ship flag.
So that's what happend.
Garth signing off.
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(Un)Happy Harbor
Today I had to go on a boat trip.
For some reason. My shipment of turquoise fishing shirts got sent to a small fishing Island Called "Happy Harbor" a few miles from the the docs.
I have booked a day trip to retrieve my shirts and return the package I had gotten,
When I had arrived. The woman known as Captain Abidab had a single turquoise shirt (showing she had the rest). I also had a single bottle of shoe polish.
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The delivery company had hired an artist to draw a picture signifying that the messed up an order
They have an account on this website
thanks again
The after bringing The rest of the shoe polish down from the ferry. Captain Abidab had told me to come with her to her ship at a near by doc.
I then realized why she had order so much shoe polish.
Her ship really was a giant shoe
I assume that there might have been some exaggeration or some sort of inside joke when they potrayed it as a shoe on the TV show.
As I was given my box of shirts on her ship. I went back down to get the shoe polish. Leaving the shirts on the floor.
When I came back down
I looked around The Small area in front of the docs.
I nearly given up... Until.
There was a small boat with a toad, a Pecan (pelican species), and A Penkoon (half raccoon half penguin) and U'ensil (a species that looks like utensils commonly found in the Luncheon region of the world)
As soon as I was about to jump into the water and swimming after them. Captain Abidab had caught the back up of my collar with handle of a harpoon and hoisted me up onto her ship.
Captain Abidab: Listen lad. It ain't wise to go after battle when it's four against one. Especially if you're the one in that fight.
Garth: Then what am I supposed to do.
Captain Abidab: Tell you what boyo. You shine this ship and I'll take you to those scallywags.
I had agreed and began shining at the toe of the boat
It was not long before we managed to find the thieves who had stolen my shirts.
Apparently they were on a smaller boat trying to gather supplies for a pirate ship called the S.S. Tea Cup, a ship that houses the black sugar gang.
We tried to not be at a close enough distance for which they could see us.
It turns out they actually had stolen some other things. Like some sausages from a butcher, some bread from a baker, and a copy of the Movie "Dirk Drain Head 2000" from the bootlegger.
We decided to ambush them and take back the stuff they have stole.
As soon as we need our presence known, they jumped on The shoe boat. I immediately got attacked by the Penkoon as he body slammed into me. As soon as I managed to regain my footing. I got the mop I was using earlier to polish the boat and started polishing the area around him causing him to slip.
I saw that Captain Abidab was in trouble and proceeded to help her. She was fighting using her harpoon with the toad who was using a... Rainbow lollipop for some reason
I grabbed something from one of the bag of stolen goods.
I threw...a pink frosted sprinkle donut.
I got lucky and managed to make him slip on the donut.
Before I could do anything. The pecan had thrown the U'ensil to the mast pinning me to it.
I was unable to do anything that could unpin me.
I watched as Captain Abidab had manages to Handel fighting of the other three. It was very impressive.
Eventually the Penkoon had been flung and dislodged the U'ensil freeing me.
I had just managed to finally get away.
I had finally managed to get back to the fight and help defeat the other two pirates.
It took a bit of time. But we managed to finally defeat them.
We ended up picking up their boat
And headed back tho the harbor.
At least that is what we are supposed to do.
Then the U'ensil tore the sails and began swimming away.
There was no replacement sails.
Guess what we had to replace the sails with
I'm glad that I am on land again. And I am glad that all of the goods were returned to there owners.
But I am upset that I was unable to get the very thing that I had come for.
I still can't even get the coins that I spent on it back.
After my fair well to the harbor and Captain Abidab. I had decided to head home.
It was not a good day today.
Garth signing off.
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Hi! I'm new with your blog.
I have 2 questions.
1: what do you do on here?
2: is that discord server you pinned is still alive?
(because I wanna join)
I'm Mario's Apprentice. Garth Jacob.
I recount my life in this blog.
My life involves being trained by Mario Jupmin, who is the current SUPER. A title that has been around for nearly 100 years. We celebrated the 99th anniversary this year.
I also do other stuff when I'm not being trained by Mario. I went golfing with Bowser Junior, I fought pirates with captain Abidab, and other stuff.
I also answer questions (this is an ask blog after all.
It can be about my life, history, people I know, and lots of other things.
If you want to know more about me and my life, I suggest reading the blog from the beginning.
Also, yes. The discord server is alive (barely).
It just need a bit more of an active community.
Here is a link
So that's pretty much it
Garth signing off.
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Dear Akira Martins and Gordan Ricardo Jacobs
If you're wondering why you got this letter...
It's because it's your son Writing this.
I am alive. And thriving.
No that's too boastful...
Dear Mrs Martins and Mr Jacobs
No that's too formal...
What would be a good letter?
Dear Miss Martins and Mister Jacobs.
I (Garth Jacobs) am currently in safe custody and condition.
I have been transported to (believe it or not) the mushroom kingdom.
I have been here for around a year and a half.
In that time.
Got a job at a museum
Saved SUPER Mario Jupmin's life
Became his apprentice
Learn how to use fireballs, Polterfludd, and a pike and sheild
Trained with his daughter
Went golfing with Bowser Junior
Met Merida the previous SUPER
Participated in Black Friday
Met Mario's Father, Alejandro Alexander Jupmin (the person who might be delivering you this letter)
Got a compass that I think might be broken.
Celebrated New Year's
Met captain Abidab and fought pirates
Stopped a pillow from bullying anime nerds.
Transported what I thought was a statue but turned out to be nothing
Baby sat a kid named Jeffy
Had a hard conversation with my mentor about how I thought he didn't believe in me
Met a toad who was a sadist who was propagating two sides of a ongoing feud.
I think that's everything that's happened so far as of the time I am writing this.
I want you to know that I love both of you. I want you two just stay strong because you're my parents and we will see each other one day.
Perhaps when the Warp Points from Earth and Panko (the planet that the Mushroom Kingdom is on) are open to the public on both sides. We can see each other again.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the SUPER by then.
But in the meantime please stay strong.
Your son, Garth.
What do you think?
I'm going to wait for your guys response
Garth signing off.
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