#captain shuggazoom
jellysnail-draws · 6 months
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Guess who’s back
Back again
With more monkey show shenanigans
Can you guess what skull cat man and pointy eared man are laughing about
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noodlegodforfun · 9 months
warning tag on it for the epileptics
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henry-hell · 2 years
Give us more content of the alchemist and cs on the off day
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Captain Shuggazoom
Character Select:
Entering Battle:
Mirror Match:
Mirror Match 2:  
Ultimate Attack:
Perfect Victory: I’ve been fighting villainy since before your grandparents were born!
Victory With Some Health Lost: *hack* And you say I’m the one who needs a cane.
Victory With Low Health:
Defeat: Maybe I am too old for this…
Game Over:
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lesbiantvfish · 9 months
Rambling abt a self indulgent srmthfg au idea for captain Shuggazoom. Ignore this if I’m being incomprehensible that’s just still the way I write naturally
(^ not self deprecating, I like my writing even when it’s garbled.)
Was talking with a srmthfg fan that replaced Chiro’s place in the show with their oc, and that made my brain blast.
Thought about an au where captain Shuggazoom actually does get to come back and be in the hyperforce after Mandarin was exiled. Either in the past or idc let an old, old man lead the team. The power primate still chose him, he’s now full of magic gorilla powers that sustain him.
I’d like to think Chiro and Jinmay still can meet the hyperforce and be trained by them. Like captain can see them as future comrades after holding their own against the formless. Man.
No reason for Jinmay or Chiro to not still be family to them in this au, cool older brother Sparx, uncle Otto and aunt Nova can still exist. Antauri and Gibson step milfs
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maximalttigers · 1 year
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As promised, I'm showing some profiles of the characters that will be seen in my Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! series 'Hunted Butterfly'.
This is Amy, the last member to be created for the main Hyperforce team (Excluding Skyper, he was created after them) and Sparx's biological younger sister. She was created due to Nova feeling left out as the only girl and that Sparx really wanted a sibling of their own after seeing Captain Shuggazoom talk about his own sibling (Personal headcannon of mine). She has a passion for flowers which led her to become a botanist as she helps Gibson with creating new medicines and she is able to warn the team about potentially dangerous plants. In fact Gibson finds her knowledge invaluable and highly respects her because of it, he will state that he considers her a fantastic ally in terms of science even though she admits she's not very good at it. Amy is very much Sparx's opposite but they love each other very much, they got along better than what the Alchemist hoped. Amy has a good relationship with the rest of the team as well.
To explain why she's afraid of Mandarin getting her; The two were very close but Amy was quick to choose the side of good when Mandarin went evil, however Mandarin has been trying to get her to be at his side regardless if it is willingly or not. It is heavily implied that they were romantically interested in each other but they will neither confirm nor deny it as they don't seem to know either. Sparx gets very angry at this idea.
Her design is honestly a headcannon as to what I think Sparx's fur colour would have been if he was born a girl.
In the series, there will be flashbacks to better explain her story.
I will reveal more about her at a later date
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tauriatalksmonkeys · 2 years
Hey! I'd like to hear about "it runs in the family" and "orange orange pink" please!
aaah thank you! <3
[ ask me about a wip of mine & i’ll explain and/or give you a snippet ! ]
it runs in the family
When Chiro’s last surviving family member dies, he inherits a sizable estate. After contacting an attorney, he learns some surprising facts about his heritage, and his connection to the Monkey Team.
& basically it turns out Chiro is related to Captain Shuggazoom!! Clayton turns out to be a great uncle of his, or some such distant-ish relation.
i don’t think it’d be super long but. i’m a big fan of Chiro turning out to be related CS. it’s an hc that features in several fics of mine.
orange orange pink (swap)
hyperswap au!!!
i have a few versions of this au but THIS one is “mandarin is the only member of the hyperforce left, & is training chiro.” i haven’t quite decided what happened to the rest of the team—antauri was the one who went dark, tho in a different way than mandarin did; nova & mandarin never did get along well, & w/o antauri it implodes, so she leaves. i think sprx probably goes with her, & idk about gibson & otto.
so. it’s just mandarin that chiro wakes up.
the “pink” in the title is for jinmay, who i think would become a more active member of the team, considering there’s only two of them. IDK if the other monkeys would rejoin them or not??
i’ve shared at least part of this before, but have a snippet:
"Do it again."
"I’ve done it three times already!"
"And you will continue to do it until you do it *right*," Mandarin snaps.
"Well, maybe I’d have gotten it right by now if I had a better teacher!" Chiro can feel his temper rising.
Fury slides over Mandarin’s face. "Listen here, boy. You will find no better teacher anywhere on Shuggazoom."
"Then maybe I’ll just have to look off of it," he snaps.
Mandarin snorts derisively. “Be my guest,” he says, tone lilting mockingly. “Your only other choice is the Veron Mystics, boy, and I promise you—you’ll tire of them within a week.”
Chiro’s temper subsides, momentarily, as curiosity takes its place. “You’ve never mentioned the Verons before,” he accuses.
Mandarin rolls his eyes. “Of course I haven’t.”
Chiro scowls. “Who are they, Mandarin?”
“A bunch of masked lunatics on the other side of the galaxy,” Mandarin says, waving a hand dismissively. “Supposedly they’re the foremost experts on the Power Primate. But believe me, the title is overrated. They spend all their time stuck in their temples, looking down on the rest of the world, and leaving those like you and me to protect the galaxy from evil. They’d take one look at you and lock you away forever in the name of ‘training.’ Which means, I’m the best—and only—option you have. Now, do it again.”
Chiro growls, but he slides into position, summoning the Power Primate to his call once more. He’ll do it perfectly this time—if only out of spite.
Chiro can’t stop thinking about the Varons. “Masked lunatics,” Mandarin called them. But, then, he also called the people of Shuggazoom a bunch of “foolish hairless monkeys” so. He wasn’t really Chiro’s most trusted source.
At the same time, though. Mandarin did have a point, at least partially. If the Varons were supposed “experts” on the Power Primate—where were they when the universe was in peril? Why was it just Chiro and Mandarin that had to protect Shuggazoom, and the galaxy at large, from Skeleton King?
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sweetcircuits · 2 years
character Bingo: The Alchemist, Clone Mandarin, and Valeena
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Alchemist - For being super important to the story IE the person who built the robot monkeys, we sure don't know a lot about him! There's just so many possibilities as to his skills, his motives, his relationships with the monkeys and with Captain Shuggazoom too! He seems to be super morally complex and that's also fascinating to me, I want to know more about him.
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Skelemandarin - I just don't particularly care for him at all really. He has all of Mandarin's memories and vitriol, without any of the motivations or complexities. Skeleton King wanted a yappy lapdog, and that's what he made Skelemandarin to be. I do think he's funny though and I do appreciate his reluctant alliance with Valeena, the two of them really bounce off of each other well.
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Valeena - I wish she had had a little bit more complex or personal motivation other than "I want Skeleton King to win 😍 because I love him am his most loyal follower." I appreciate that her relationship with her parents is a bit rocky and complicated, which it should be after however long of not seeing them after they gave her up. I love her strong magic/witch powers and I love her as a parallel for both Chiro (as chosen ones, since Valeena was "chosen" by SK) and Jinmay (as foils/rivals). She definitely deserved better than to be blasted into a smudge at the end of Soul of Evil, really deserved better overall, actually.
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formless-monkeys · 3 years
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The Alchemist’s Glass Eye.
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sepulchrypha · 4 years
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Will I ever do a properly cleaned up drawing for this show?? Who knows but also it doesn't matter because my third eye snAPPED OPEN
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jellysnail-draws · 1 year
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He missed his pal -3-
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In an alternate universe…. Two happy dads and their son ToT
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*slides on sunglasses**
I did not think I would get this attached to a character that barely had any screen time but captain shug has my heart gootbye
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fuzzychildchopshop · 3 years
Captain Shogazoom by BozzerKazooers
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henry-hell · 2 years
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Young Captain Shuggazoom
Character Select:
Entering Battle:
Mirror Match:
Mirror Match 2:  
Vs Old!Captain Shuggazoom:
Ultimate Attack:
Perfect Victory:
Victory With Some Health Lost:
Victory With Low Health:
Beat Old!Captain Shuggazoom:
Game Over:
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srmthfgifs · 5 years
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Happy Father’s Day! :) 
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the-sheep · 5 years
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need more interaction between these two crazy anime guys
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