#captian america x bipoc!reader
qu1etwolf · 2 years
Click Me for Comfort
A friend (@ripperdoc-is-daddy) asked me for a comfort fic because she was feeling out of place. So for anyone else who feels a little different because of their background, this js for yall.
Characters - Okoye, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Warnings - Honestly there aren't any. Maybe a little bit of identity crisis
Summary - Bipoc!reader training with the Dora Milaje feels out of place because she wasn't born in Wakanda.
Words - 798
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The bright colors and unique architecture of the markets in Wakanda are beautiful as you pass through them, but you feel detached and out of place. Your brain repeats over and over that you don't belong here. These are not your people. This is not your home. You know better, but you can't help from feeling it.
You walk past booths of various goods like fabrics, spices, even a cute little basket shop but also vendors selling advanced tech and impressive armor and weapons. It was an interesting mix of people and items. You run your hand across a beautiful piece of handwoven cotton before turning around and walking back toward the palace. There was some big to-do about the Avengers showing up today and regardless of how you were feeling you didn't want to miss it.
You were sitting on the balcony of your room when the Quinjet landed. They were the reason you were here so it will be nice to see them again. You watch them offload from the jet and make their way into the palace after meeting with Ramonda in all her glory on the terrace. Little did you know, they were asking about you before they even got past the doors.
You hear voices in the hall a few minutes later "Y/N? Last I saw she was in her room. Down at the end of this hall. She has training later so don't hold her up too long."
There's a gentle knock on your door. "Y/N?"
You get up to answer your door, even though you don't particularly feel like company at the moment.
On the other side of the door is Steve, Sam, and Okoye. Okoye grimaced, "I'm sorry, y/n, but they insisted. I still expect you to be in training on time. Don't let these two cause a problem."
"Yes, ma'am," you nod at her, knowing she'd go harder on you if you were late. She turned on her heels and returned down the hallway without another word. The boys grinned at you.
Steve wraps you up in a tight hug. "We haven't seen you in almost six months, how's your training with the Dora going? Settling in well?"
From behind him you hear Sam interject, "Kicking ass and taking names, right?"
You sigh heavily, wishing you could tell them that everything was great and perfect, but it wasn't. You gesture for them to find places to sit and close the door behind them. Both men sit their shields down by the door, clearly having not even stopped by their rooms before coming to see you. 
"I don't know. I just….feel out of place. I know this should feel like home but it doesn't. They treat me differently. Like I'm…not enough because I wasn't born Wakandan. I'm an outsider. It's…rough. It's nice to see you guys again though. I see there was an exchange of shields while I was gone. Nice job, Cap." You smile and nod at Sam.
"Eh, that old fossil over there didn't want it anymore and dropped it on me. I couldn't really say no," he smirked, "Now what's this about you feeling out of place? We brought you here to train with the Dora because you are badass. You can out-fight half the people in this building."
"I know…I know. I just feel like it's not enough for them."
They walked over to sit on either side of you and wrapped an arm around you tightly. "You will always be enough. It's not your fault if they can't see that yet. The people here are very private and very proud. They just take some time to warm up. You are one of the strongest people we know. Keep your chin high, be just as proud, and they will recognize it. Even if it takes them a minute. I promise." Sam massaged your shoulder a bit before they both wrapped you in the biggest bear hug you have ever felt. "Seriously. Never feel like you're not good enough. We brought you here. If you weren't good enough, we wouldn't have done that, right? So chin up, back straight, March into that training room and show them that even though you weren't born on Wakandan soil…even American black women can kick ass. Knock Ayo on her ass a couple times for me, would ya?" Sam grinned before finally letting you go. Steve holds the hug for a minute longer before doing the same.
"You've got this. You belong here. You belong anywhere. And if anyone says a damn word, they can talk to us or Ramonda about it. Got it?" Steve said firmly.
Somewhere between your laughter and your tears you grin. "Language."
"Ugh…I told them that wasn't going away any time soon…"
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