#captian construct ii horns
kittrrrr · 1 year
Okay, so this also happened when my friend, Levi, came over. We had finished scanning in those cards, and finished a shrine I'd had trouble either on my own. He asked me why I hadn't cashed in my lights of blessing (this after distracting me about their while I was working through the shrine)
"Oh, well I like to cash a lot of blessings in at once. I'm saving up for six at a time; I'll cash them when I have 25." He points out the obvious math error, and I explain that I like having one left over, beacuase it looks better. I also tell him about my inventory, which is only organized by when I first picked up the item. I keep this organization by always having at least one of any given item at a time.
"Wait how do you know where anything is?!" Levi asked. "Find restless crickets!" I open the page, and the item is right up front. He um and ahs before asking me to find black boko horns, then armored porky, captian construct II horns, and one or two other things. I find them relative quickly, the porky taking the longest. (I flipped past it)
He finally accepted that the there's a method to this madness, and my mom pops up.
"Well, it's mostly madness."
Okay, but it works.
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