silverghcst · 8 months
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
Prompt - @captianwesker
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An in and out mission they said. 
Leon’s mind blanks, signaling a record scratch, the hand hovering above his holster faltering. What? Did he hear that correctly? Squared feet step out of line and braced shoulders deflate, the fire that was gunning for a fight seeming to wane. Whatever game this was, Leon was clueless in where to begin. Like playing a game of chess you’re not even sure you’d win, before the other player knocks it aside and decides to play monopoly instead. 
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“No... I really don’t know.” 
Trying to dissect whatever the hell that meant, is he really having this conversation with Albert Wesker right now? Was he being propositioned? Or was it an offhand comment? Wesker often sharing about his love life with enemy agents, and telling them that yes, enemies do make the best lovers. Maybe this was all just some elaborate distraction, and if so, it certainly worked, throwing Leon for a loop. 
Should he be flattered or disturbed? He settles decidedly on both. 
“Is that why you have so many enemies? That would certainly explain your less than stellar track record,” A pause, before he’s dryly tacking on, “Well, at least buy me flowers first.” 
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agentvalentine · 9 months
Tips shades ❝ M'lady . ❞
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She just stares at him with the blankest expression.
He's either drunk, or he has a concussion from when he fell off the chair and hit his head earlier. Likely it's both.
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golgothaviral · 11 months
i'm worried you're losing the plot again .
Prompt - @captianwesker
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A 10 year old girl has surpassed him, a ten year old.  
Her name is whispered upon their colleagues’ lips, breathing compliments to her greatness and genius. That’s all that ever floods the halls these days, a suffocating tirade of her, and it only plunges William further down into the black pits of his jealousy. Buried in his work, a desperate scramble to prove himself superior once more. 
He hasn’t left the lab in over twenty four hours, requesting yet another test subject to dig his scalpel into, every one of them dropping like flies. He doesn’t understand it, how he’s getting no results, but he’s sure that with every failure, he’s getting closer to a breakthrough. 
When Wesker enters, William is mumbling under his breath, hunched over his notes, not even bothering to look up and greet his colleague. Though, it doesn’t save him from being scrutinized almost immediately. His mood souring further the longer Wesker ‘frets’ like a mother hen, he didn’t have time for this. Could he not be left alone in peace for one moment? 
“Again? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Snapping, unable to reel in his temper, “If you’re going to be a nuisance, then why don’t you go bother one of the wet blankets we work with? I’m sure they’ll be more humorous to your nagging, and give you far more to worry about. I on the other hand, don’t have the patience to deal with it.” 
And with that, his back is to Wesker once more. 
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biosurvive · 1 year
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kiss & tell -> @captianwesker -> a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends .
Deep down Chris knew why he tarried behind in the S.T.A.R.S. office, a simple offer to help his Captain with some last minute paperwork while Jill and Joseph had ran off to the nearby pub without him. He had told himself that he was just being a good pointman, a good employee, but it was a lie. In his core he knew the exact reason why he stayed around and it wasn't the damn paperwork based on how said forms still remained unfilled on his desk.
He had been eyeing Wesker's office on and off for the last hour. Even after his offer to help, his Captain still hadn't emerged to ask him to actually finish the paperwork and Chris was beginning to wrestle with... what he should do. He had untold trauma, trauma he had opened up to about with Wesker. If he hadn't kissed another man on the job he wouldn't have lost his wings, he wouldn't even be here if that never happened. The idea of losing this job, losing this life terrified him, especially if it was once again because of who he was.
But his crush on Wesker was starting to gnaw at him, he told himself it was only natural to have a little one. His Captain was stern and stoic, but a good listener and a good teacher, he enjoyed being around him despite how intimidating he could be... not to mention the physical attraction. Sometimes one couldn't help just who they fall for, and now his fears were reigniting while his heart pulled him closer.
Wiping at his head he pushes a few stray brown hairs back into place before abruptly standing. His mind made up that he was tired of the unknown, and that it'd be better to just... try. Marching into Wesker's office, he doesn't respond even when his Captain's cool tone vibrates out a "Christopher?" He liked it when Wesker called him by his full name. He walks around the desk, blue eyes locked with the shades the older man wore, and mindful of the things on Wesker's desk, he leans against the wooden frame, his chest rising and falling in an anxious manner.
" Please don't hate me for this. " Is all he says before he gently reaches out to run his fingers along Wesker's jaw before closing the distance between them, his eager lips capturing Wesker's while a delighted hum leaves him as he moves to deepen the kiss. It didn't last too terribly long, just long enough for Chris to get a feeling of just what it'd be like to kiss the man, and he liked what he felt. Pulling away, his face is bashful, ears and cheeks a blushing scarlet. " I'm sorry... I just... I've been wanting to do that for a while... "
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tougherthanilook · 1 year
if you could say anything to them right now, what would you say?
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The question takes her aback.
Sherry doesn’t make it a habit to think about her parents. It’s enough that her entire existence revolves around them. Enough that everything she’s been through was, more or less, their doing. One way or another.
At some point she made a decision to move on—when she was allowed to, that is. Not that she actually has freedom. Even now, she’s still very much the property of the U.S. government. But she gets to try and make a difference. Fix what her parents broke. Rebuild what they destroyed. And make sure other kids don’t suffer the way she did.
Still, she thinks about the question, because why not?
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“I’d probably ask them if it was really worth it. If it was worth their lives, and mine, everything that they did. If it was worth all the destruction and death it brought to the world. If this is really… what they were working so hard for all along.”
Saying this to Wesker may not hold any weight, though. He was her father’s partner. He had as much hand in all the bloodshed as her parents did.
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survivorofstars · 1 year
what are you working on ?
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the sudden voice caught jill off guard, her body jumping a mile in her seat as she turned to look at the person who spoke,
"oh, captain wesker!"
she nonchalantly moved a binder over the umbrella research notes she was working on, shining a half smile to her superior.
"nothing too exciting, just some reports that i need to catch up on. i was actually just finishing up, i didn't even realize how late it was."
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agentvalentine · 1 year
“I don’t see you as a monster.”
for those who feel like a monster ... sentence starters
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Those words, if meant to comfort, only sting. Not that she expects Wesker capable of comfort. That would require sympathy, which would require a heart, which, evidently, he doesn’t possess.
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“No, of course you don’t.” It comes out in a scoff. Arms folding against puffed-out chest, a helpless attempt to display strength in the face of the discomfort settling deep in her stomach. “Someone who can’t see the monster in himself can hardly see the monster in others.”
She walks to him with stubborn confidence. Her leg—the leg he treated, is fully healed now. Perhaps she should be thankful he didn’t leave her for dead. But arguably death would have been the true mercy on his end, and not whatever her life has turned into in the past months.
“But you know what?” Jill leans over the desk he’s sitting at, hands flat on the surface, fierce eyes glued to his shades. “Maybe you should. The most vicious monsters tend to wear human skin. You would know about that, wouldn’t you?”
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agentvalentine · 1 year
i've got everything under control.
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“Do you, really?” Jill scoffs. “Are you sure about that?” She watches in silence as the door closes behind Excella. Wesker and his routine injections.
It took her a moment to piece it together. At first, Jill thought the injection was a virus. Something he had to repeatedly inject himself with to maintain the same level of strength. That the effects wear off eventually. But through observation alone, watching the way his body seems to attack him every time it starts craving a new injection, she realized it was actually something else entirely. Quite the opposie of what she thought. The injection isn’t a virus. It’s a serum to stop the virus that’s already inside his body from destroying it completely. Destroying him.
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“I think it’s a little funny. Your body’s rotting away, and you have to depend on a serum to keep it glued together and functioning. I’m not sure how you can rule a world from the grave. But then again, maybe that’s why you’re trying to destroy the world in the first place.”
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silverghcst · 1 year
@captianwesker continued from here.
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In instances like this, Wesker reminded her of her father, even her mother. Speaking of prophecies, that they are meant for greater things, far above anyone else. Hold your head up high, power over the world is the dream of all mankind. Discovering the unknown and learning to harness it to their advantage.
Did it not kill her parents in the end, along with hundreds of others? Was that kind of cost worth it? 
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“Isn’t... The world already filled with life?” The question is riddled with uncertainty, staring up at him in a morbid sense of wonder. He spoke as if the world was already dead, that without his influence it was a lost cause. And it scared her, “People prove that, we prove that, don’t we?” 
The necessity of kindness is such a simple concept to her. Did a king not need to show compassion towards his subjects? Are they not what made him a king in the first place? Still only a mere child, and yet she was growing up too fast, seen too much. 
But the compassion shown from mere strangers at the time, had made her want to believe in more. More than the horrors, the bleakness, the tragedy she bore witness to. Affecting her to this very day. Maybe he could believe in that too.
“If it weren’t for the care shown to me, if no one ever found me, I wouldn’t even be here today,” Even if she had survived, she was still wholly human, and it’s a hushed admission, “How does that make me superior over everyone else? Superiority doesn’t give us the right to be cruel.” 
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silverghcst · 1 year
❝ trying to get on my good side? ❞
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Patrol with Captain Wesker had Leon in a tailspin. The captain’s reputation preceded him, only really having a few brief encounters, and hearing about him in passing conversation. Though, from that alone, it was already quite clear the captain had high standards, and a no-nonsense attitude. But, the days in the academy prepared him for this, taught him how to keep his head above the water and to not be eaten alive. This was an opportunity after all, to learn, observe, and prove himself.
He was not going to mess this up. Focused, listening intently, and following any order without question. Even writing a few notes to himself occasionally. 
Except, as Leon finished up giving an update on their status through the radio, the captain caught him off guard with a simple question alone. It had him faltering briefly, unsure if it was meant as a compliment or a subtle ‘Stop trying so hard, it’s not working’.  
Either way, it poked a small hole through his confidence, unable to read the man. 
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“Uh- No, not at all, sir. But of course, I’m not saying I don’t want to make a good impression. I’m just... Thrilled to be here, and to be able to work with you. It’s a great learning experience, and I’d like to do the best job I can.” 
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agentvalentine · 10 months
@captianwesker | continued.
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It’s pointless, trying to escape.
There’s an element of irony to it—given how much time Jill spent trying to find this man. Trying to pinpoint his exact location so she can go there and confront him herself. Put an end to him. That, too, is looking more and more unlikely.
He’s not a human anymore. Death is significantly harder for him. Even though she’d fought creatures double and triple and quadruple his size. She’s so helpless before him. Almost as much as she is hopeless. Not that she’d ever let him see that. It’s only dark glares and snarky remarks and determined, albeit pitiful, attempts to fight him.
Chris doesn’t show up. He never does. Not like in her dreams, where he barges through the door with a whole team and takes her in his arms away from here. Where they’re reunited and he’s holding her face and she’s looking into his eyes and everything is okay. The reality becomes a dream and the dream becomes a reality. Short-lived, but it’s the only taste of peace that she has.
And it’s a dream that can’t become a reality, not any time soon, because Wesker plans on taking them somewhere. Somewhere, she’s certain, where they’re not meant to be found.
She’s walking without the crutch now—limping, still, but at least she’s able to stand on both feet. So she stands there, by the fireplace, watching him with the same grim eyes she’s been looking at him with this whole time.
“Where are we going?” Not because she’s curious about the destination, but because she’s curious about how far they will be from the familiar. Just when she started to get used to the cabin, to get a feeling for what the surrounding perimeters looked like just from peeking out the windows regularly, thinking she might be able to make a run for it. Even with her limp.
Maybe she’ll give it a shot still. Before she has to start over again.
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silverghcst · 10 months
❝ Leon , I want you to give this to Sherry for me . I know I am not leaving you much time , but I would like it to be delivered today . ❞
Wesker hands Leon a wrapped gift . There was an alpine wallpaper inside .
No Prompt - @captianwesker
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Leon was perfectly content with lounging on the couch and watching cheesy dramas, until Wesker waltzed right up to him. Apparently, he must not appear busy enough. 
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“...You do realize Sherry is not even two feet away from me, right?” Wesker pays him no heed however, even dropping the package right next to him before going back to whatever he does in his spare time. As if Leon already accepted without question. The ex-cop is huffing out a sigh, begrudgingly getting up from his seat, before seeking out Sherry. Knocking at her bedroom door before being invited in. 
“Hey, Sherry. Your uncle wanted me to give you something.” 
As soon as the gift is within her hands, she lets out a happy little gasp, ripping through the wrapping paper before popping open the box. Though, her little smile fades at the sight, face instead twisting in confusion. The wallpaper held a pretty design, however, the quantity was severely lacking. There was only one piece of it, merely able to cover a section of the wall at best, it was by no means enough to decorate a whole room. 
Leon stands there just as bewildered as Sherry, if not more so. Raising a brow at the contents, what a strange guy Wesker is. 
“Oh um...” Sherry fidgets, clearing her throat, “Uh... Tell him I said thank you, and that I think it’s beautiful. The flowers are cute. Although...” 
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Her head swivels left and right, scanning their surroundings, seeming to make sure Wesker isn’t nearby before whispering, “I don’t think there’s enough of it.” As if it’s some scandalous rumor, she didn’t want to hurt her uncle’s feelings after all. She’s sure he put a lot of effort into it. 
Though, Leon is only chuckling, shaking his head, “Sure. I’ll pass on your message, and... We’ll see if we can get you some more. I don’t see how you’ll be able to decorate much with one piece, unless he expects you to frame it.” 
With that, Leon turns on his heel to tell Wesker of his success. Not that it was all too difficult in the first place. Whatever. Mission accomplished. 
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silverghcst · 1 year
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Leon nearly jumped out of his skin at the booming voice, spinning around on his heel to face his very irate superior. Shit.
“Captain!” Immediately straightening to attention, quick to step away from the desktop as if it were a bomb, “I uh- I can explain.” 
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This was it, his career up in flames all because of his damn curiosity. Did he have a death wish? Tampering with the computer in the S.T.A.R.S office was just asking for trouble, what was he thinking? 
“It’s not what you think, I just found this badge within the interrogation room. It was locked away in a wooden box, and... I didn't expect to find it. Oh- But you’re probably wondering how I got into the interrogation room-” He was in it now, he needed to shut up before the captain wrung his neck, “I got into the interrogation room from this... Clover key. I found it taped on a whiteboard. And I... Knew where it went, so I went for it.” 
Went for it? If he wasn’t fired before he was now. Or, in his best case scenario, he would be running laps until his legs gave out. 
“Now... How I got into that room is another funny story, but it would probably take up too much of your time," Of running around the library, messing with more keys, statues, and books. Venturing where no rookie cop is meant to go. His statement probably raised more questions than answers, but his job was on the line! 
“I’m so sorry, sir. It won’t happen again! I promise!” 
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silverghcst · 1 year
❝ Where is Sherry ? ❞
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Leon froze, blood running cold at a single question alone. This man prowled into his crappy apartment as if he owned the place, clearly on a mission. Fake identities seen through, uncovering the secrets that cost an arm and a leg to keep buried. Piercing through the lie right into the heart of the truth. Sherry, he knew about Sherry. 
His gun was pulled from its holster in an instant, aiming it at the man, finger over the trigger. A silent threat to not pry any further.
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“Has anyone taught you that it's rude to barge into people's homes?” How many more could there be? Waiting outside, ready to burst through the door, to ransack and tear apart the place in search for a little girl they only saw as a test subject. She's just a little girl. 
“You’re lost, you have the wrong apartment,” Taking everything in him to keep his tone steady, eyes darting toward the hallway, a flash of blonde hair and big blue eyes poking out, “I suggest you leave before things turn ugly. There is no Sherry here.” 
Playing dumb may buy her more time, enough to flee through the fire escape just as they practiced, though she needed to run now- 
However, much to Leon’s horror, Sherry did the complete opposite. Coming out of the cover of her hiding spot, slow and hesitant from the tense environment. Her voice was small, but clear. 
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survivorofstars · 1 year
dash game — get to know the mun!
(repost. don't reblog, please)
name: Jess
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: preferably here, but sometimes discord (it’s being a pain in the ass for me rn, however)
single/taken: this is a weird question but if you really want to know, I am (happily) taken
three facts:
This is probably already a dead give away but I absolutely love creative writing. Fun fact: I’m currently working on a fanfic based after the events of RE: Village. I originally started working on it in December of 2022 but I’ve only typed out 4 chapters so far (real life was a MESS at that time). However, I’ll post it to archive of our own sometime this summer, perhaps :)
I absolutely love video games. Just like with writing, I use it as an escape from reality and to just get lost in another world for a bit. Some of my all time favs are: The Last of Us (first one), The Evil Within 1 and 2, Resident Evil 2, 4, 5, and Revelations 2, Dead by Daylight, Dishonored, Uncharted series, Tomb Raider series, and honestly the list can go on, so I’ll just stop here lol
Here’s a cute, little fun fact: I own a Russian tortoise! He just turned 5 last month and his name is Bolt! I’ve had him since he was around 4 months old :)
writing experience:
I actually started writing on twitter when I was around 13 years old, and (DON’T LAUGH AT ME) it was for the Nickelodeon verse (such as iCarly, Big Time Rush, Victorious, etc…)
I know it’s cringey but please, I was only 13
Since then, I’ve migrated to here and roleplayer.me - (not really that active on it anymore, though). I’ve even tried a few rp servers that I’ve found while searching random forums in the past, but nothing has ever really panned out except for twitter and here. However, I’m more active here since twitter is a complete shitshow lmao
I’ve been writing in the video game verse specifically since 2020, in which I started writing both Ellie and Joel from The Last Of Us.
writing sub-genres:
For the past… 7 or so years, I’ve found myself mainly writing in the horror/thriller verse, with a dash of action/adventure and sci-fi at times. Horror is my NUMBER ONE favorite genre to write in. The excitement and chills I get when writing a gory story or lengthy, thrilling reply will never bore me. I live for that feeling. I’m also a horror fanatic, big Halloween movie fan.
plots vs. memes:
Oof, I’m very indecisive, so I’m going to have to say in the middle… it also kind of depends on my mood. Some days, I love writing out lengthy replies or starters developed from plotting, while other days I just feel like shooting out quick one to few liners that can crack a smile on your face or make you chuckle.
So, yeah. I’m a mix of both.
long or short replies:
Again, I’m very indecisive, so I’m going to say a mix of both (similar to above). It honestly just depends on my mood!
best time to write:
I personally enjoy writing in the late afternoon (around 3:30 - 4:00 ~ oddly specific, I know lol) since this is usually the time I get home from work and have already taken a shower. I usually try to spend about one hour grinding out some ic and ooc replies before I go eat dinner and complete some coursework. (I’m a college student :))
tagged by: @captianwesker
tagging: @abioweapon , @d4ngerous
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