#car dealers in idaho
nampa12 · 1 year
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kleenexwoman · 8 months
Part 2 of this prompt by @russolaw : A TKK3 AU where Daniel and Johnny end up together.
TW: sexual exploitation.
4) Johnny gave Terry Silver the only nickname he ever really liked.
Sometimes, when he had a lot of money in his wallet, Johnny thought about skipping town. Landing in someplace small and boring, enrolling in high school for his last year, being a pretty and dangerous stranger on a motorcycle like James Dean, and having the kind of senior year he’d always wanted to. Someplace where tall blondes with perfect bodies weren’t a dime a dozen and turning yourself into a lethal weapon wasn’t just another accomplishment to put on your college application or your acting portfolio.
But then he’d catch sight of the city from the beach, the hills glowing with neon, and he’d remember that this was where people from those small towns skipped town for, the place everyone wanted to be. That Los Angeles was the City of Dreams. That it was better to be a hooker in L.A. than the mayor of any shit hick burg in Idaho or Iowa or Indiana or wherever it was that people who weren’t from someplace cool like Los Angeles came from.
Because the thing was that you could only ever be who they let you be in a small town. But you could be whoever you wanted to be in L.A., that was kind of the point of the place. And there was always a chance that you’d make it.
Johnny kept an eye out for nice cars that weren’t flashy. That meant professional men, not dealers. Professional men like Sid, although he didn’t want to get with someone like Sid, someone old and mean and demanding. He slept with them, but tried not to spend the night if he didn’t like them. One night could turn into two too easily, and then you were trapped if you weren’t careful. You didn’t need to get pregnant to be trapped, all you needed was something only he could give you. Car payments, a phone line, anything long-term. Johnny took gifts, but never anything that needed to be cared for or kept alive, and nothing that couldn’t fit in his Avanti.
Tiger had a long black ponytail and looked young, maybe like he was only a few years older than Johnny. He drove a silver Porsche Spyder the night they met, just like James Dean, and Johnny liked how well he handled the car. He told Johnny to call him something, but a motorcycle roared by and Johnny couldn’t quite hear.
“Tig?” Johnny asked, and leaned forward to show off his pecs. He was wearing a thin white tank top that he’d torn the bottom off to make it a crop top. He giggled and fluffed back his hair, which was growing out pretty long around his shoulders at this point. “Like Tigger? The tiger?”
“Yeah, Tiger,” the man said, and grinned. “Call me Tiger. I like that.”
Tiger liked it when Johnny pulled off the elastic band of his ponytail. He laughed and let his hair stream in the wind as they drove up winding canyon roads to his big sprawling house, pulled Johnny out of the car and carried him over the threshold like a bride, then crawled over him growling and kissed him on the mouth. He claimed Johnny and left red bite marks on his throat and shoulders, then carried him to a gigantic tub and fucked him again before sponging him off with something that smelled like sandalwood and leather. Then he ordered them gigantic burgers, bright red in the middle, and steak fries with garlic sauce instead of ketchup. He drank wine while Johnny drank beer, dipping his fries in the white sauce and eating them one by one as Johnny wolfed down the burger.
Johnny felt baptized, and slid into Tiger’s lap the next morning after a breakfast of lox and bagels.
“Looks like someone’s enjoying the hospitality,” Tiger said, and let him stay. He moved the Avanti into his garage and gave Johnny a Firebird, set him up in the guest room next to his and insisted on having it redecorated to match Johnny’s tastes. Johnny didn’t have any particular tastes in decorating, so Tiger picked out a riot of neon shapes and checkerboard that he said mirrored Johnny’s youthful dynamism and beautiful chaos.
Tiger said a lot of weird shit and liked weird shit, which Johnny was mostly alright with except when he’d huff and puff because Johnny didn’t get some weird movie or enjoy some dish Tiger served him with green stuff in it. He liked dressing Johnny up in shiny leather and plastic and putting makeup on him, liked taking him to clubs where people got tied up and hit each other with weird shit or shocked each other with what looked like little cattle prods. He’d pause in front of watching some guy get wax dripped on him or some girl get hung from the ceiling by her tits and ask Johnny if it turned him on, if he’d like to try it. Sometimes Johnny tried getting zapped or hit with something just to see if he could take it, but he never could say he got out of it what any of the rest of them did. It just looked too complicated, all the electric stuff and the special clothes and the tools – wasn’t sex supposed to be about body to body, skin to skin?
Tiger liked giving him presents, but after a while he stopped giving Johnny money. When Johnny asked for it, he’d ask why. He paid for everything Johnny needed, after all. Did Johnny want more clothes? More jewelry? Another car? He’d get Johnny another car. He’d take Johnny out to dinner, send the maid out grocery shopping. What did he need quarters to call home for if he had a phone in his car, a phone that Tiger paid for?
5) When Johnny saw Daniel, he knew something was very wrong.
As far as Johnny knew, Tiger was just a rich guy with a taste for Japanese decorating. All the rich guys were into that, since they were going over to Japan to make deals all the time. So he had a few katanas on his wall and liked to swan around in a yukata sometimes, that didn’t have to mean anything.
He hadn’t mentioned to Tiger that he did karate. He didn’t tell anybody about that, since that kind of brag could pretty easily get you on the wrong end of a gun out on the streets. Nobody was all that impressed with karate once you got out of high school.
So it was a hell of a surprise for him to come downstairs in a pair of briefs and an Aerosmith crop top one afternoon, hoping to find Tiger bored in his office, only to come face-to-face with Daniel LaRusso rambling about something dumb at his boyfriend while Tiger wrapped LaRusso’s bloody knuckles in bandages.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Johnny yelped from the staircase. He stopped short, body frozen, eyes on Tiger.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Daniel yelled at about the same time, pulling away from Tiger’s with a betrayed look. He backed away toward the front door, hands up in a defensive stance, ready to strike.
“I’m helping him.” Tiger seemed caught between the both of them. “Both of you–I’m helping you. I’m trying to help you both.”
Daniel opened his mouth, then closed it and shook his head.
“Help me?” Johnny shook his head. “What am I, a fucking charity case to you?”
“Your sensei,” Tiger blurted out. “I knew him. It was his last wishes–if I found you–”
“You knew Kreese?” Johnny gripped the banister. The room reeled. “His last–he’s dead?”
“Oh, this is bullshit,” Daniel said. His mouth stretched out in a sardonic grin, and his eyes darted around the room. “This is such bullshit. I can't believe you right now."
“How did he die?” Johnny’s legs went numb, and he let himself drop to the stairs. “How?”
“Brick to the gas pedal.” Tiger imitated dropping something, then cocked his hand in an L and placed the tip of his index finger to his temple. “Gun to the forehead. He sent me a letter–”
“I can’t believe you’re actually listening to this,” Daniel interrupted. “You know he’s lying. He’s gotta be lying, right?”
“He sent you a letter?” Johnny repeated, dumbfounded. Puzzle pieces spun in his head, bouncing off each other. Everything was too big and nothing fit together, and he wanted to retch it all out suddenly. “About me. And that’s why–that’s–”
“I thought you’d get scared and leave if you knew.” Tiger shook his head. “I shouldn’t have kept it from you, Johnny. I’m sorry.”
“He’s not sorry.” Daniel’s voice broke in clear and loud. “Look at him. He’s not sorry. He’s not even telling the truth. How useful is that? He’s just making up whatever he wants you to hear. I bet there’s no letter. I bet that asshole isn’t even dead.”
The look on Tiger’s face told Johnny everything.
6) Tiger didn’t even try to stop him from leaving.
He stood there, smug, while Johnny fished through his wardrobe for the jeans and T-shirt he’d brought with him. Asked Johnny where he thought he was going to go, since Tiger paid for everything he had.
“It’s not like I’d tell you,” Johnny said, and shoved a handful of silver and sapphire jewelry into his backpack. Tiger bought him sapphires to go with his eyes all the time.
“But you’re taking my presents,” Tiger said, pointedly.
“You gave ‘em to me,” Johnny said, and didn’t mention the cash that he kept in a pair of gym socks stuck in the lining of the backpack. That was nearly every bill he’d ever squirreled away from Tiger at this point.
“I’ll be able to find you no matter where you go,” Tiger said.
“Whatever,” Johnny said, and slung his backpack over his shoulder.
“You’ll never truly be able to escape me.” Tiger followed him down the hall. “I’ll always be looking over your shoulder. I’ll be everywhere you go.”
“Have fun with that,” Johnny said.
“Every job you get,” Tiger said. “Everywhere you live, everywhere you so much as lay your head. Every time you swipe a credit card. Every phone call you–”
“You and the goddamn United States government,” Johnny said.
“You’ll never, ever be free of me if you choose to walk out that door,” Tiger said. “Never. Not in your life.”
“Let me ask you something.” Johnny grabbed the keys to his Avanti and turned around. “Why bother with me? If you were training him?”
“You should be asking me why I bothered with him,” Tiger said. “When I had you.”
“Why didn’t you train me?” Johnny asked. “Is it because I lost?”
Tiger blinked.
“It’s because I lost,” Johnny said, and stepped into the garage.
“He wanted me to avenge you,” Tiger said. “To avenge Cobra Kai. I was training him wrong, Johnny, I’ve been training him to lose. I have this fighter, his name is Michael, he’s amazing–”
“But you didn’t train me,” Johnny said, and opened the door to the Avanti.
“I wanted to keep you,” Tiger said, and it sounded like he was about to cry. “I didn’t want to put you out on the mat, Johnny. I just wanted you to be mine.”
Johnny sat in the Avanti and didn’t look at Tiger.
“Sensei is alive, isn’t he,” Johnny said, finally.
“I’ll take you to him.” Tiger sounded desperate. “Yes, he’s alive. He’d want to see you, Johnny. He’d want to know you’re okay.”
“But he doesn’t know.” Johnny’s voice cracked in his ears.
“No,” Tiger said. “No. He doesn’t. I didn’t tell him I found you.”
Johnny started the car.
“I don’t have to, Johnny.” Tiger raised his voice. “It can just be us.”
“You can tell him I don’t need his goddamn avenging.” Johnny swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Just leave Daniel alone. He’s not the one who tried to fucking strangle me.”
Tiger put his own hand around his throat. His expression didn’t change as he watched Johnny drive away.
7) Finding Daniel was surprisingly difficult, but finding Miyagi was easy.
Of course there was no “Daniel LaRusso” in the Yellow Pages. That would have made it too easy. There were fifteen entries for LaRusso in general, but none of them were Daniel. Johnny called all of them, but two of them weren’t even in order, five just rang for about a dozen rings, and three hung right up on him when he asked for Daniel. The rest said they didn’t know of a Daniel at all.
He even called Ali, but hung up before anyone picked up. How the hell was he supposed to explain what he was doing anyway? That he’d dropped out of high school because he suddenly couldn’t face being himself or living in anything like the life he’d been living? That he’d uncovered some kind of bizarre revenge plot against her ex-boyfriend that was somehow his fault in the first place, and that he had to make it right? That he didn’t even want to talk to her, but that he knew the boy he’d tormented for half a year was somehow his only chance at making anything right for himself?
It had been Miyagi that saved him, but there wasn’t even a single Miyagi in the Yellow Pages. Johnny wiped away a frustrated tear and switched to the White Pages. Cobra Kai was listed under the Karate Dojos, and he had to stop and breathe hard for a few minutes when he saw the name. But there wasn’t any Miyagi dojo, so that didn’t help him. He switched over to Japanese Cultural Businesses, and there between Marukai Market and Nihon Books and Art was Mr. Miyagi’s Little Trees.
Johnny sped across the valley. Miyagi came out just as he parked the car outside the store.
“No trouble today,” Miyagi said, like Johnny was selling it from door to door. “Please. Enough today.”
“It’s about Daniel,” Johnny said. “There’s something I think he needs to know.”
“Revenge plot, yes.” Miyagi sighed, and looked tired. “Daniel-san drop out of tournament already, okay? That enough? Revenge, good? Over?”
“It’s not me,” Johnny said. “I promise. It’s not me. I never wanted this.”
“Then what?” Miyagi glanced over his shoulder into the shop.
“I just wanted to see him,” Johnny said.
“Shop closed,” Miyagi said. “Daniel-san no seeing anyone.”
A high whistle filled the air.
“Kettle,” Miyagi said. “For tea.”
“Tell him Kreese is alive,” Johnny said, and remembered what Tiger had said about watching him everywhere he went. “Just… Just tell him to watch out, I guess.”
“Oni sensei alive.” Miyagi frowned, then looked over his shoulder at the shop.
The high whistle sputtered and faded.
“Five minutes!” Miyagi called towards the store. “Wait five–excuse Miyagi, please–”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.” The words came tumbling out of Johnny’s mouth. “This is the last place I can go and I don’t have anywhere else, okay? And I think I need him. Or you. Or whatever’s in–whatever it is that you teach. I think I need to at least talk to him. I need to protect him, okay? I don’t know why Tiger’s obsessed with him, I don’t know why they’re obsessed with him, but I need–I need to figure it out. At least let me try to figure it out. Please?”
“Ahh.” Miyagi nodded and closed his eyes for a moment. “Your rival. Like Rikiishi to Joe Yabuki.”
“I don’t–who?” Johnny shook his head. “Who’s that?”
“From Ashita no Joe,” Miyagi said. He glanced towards the shop one last time, then beckoned Johnny to follow him. “A comic book from Japan. Come, have tea. Miyagi have all twenty volumes.”
That was good enough. Johnny followed him.
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ddrv · 11 months
3 Keys for Responsibly Driving or Towing Your RV on the Highway
Whether you’re content to arrive at your destination regardless of travel time or you think you could hold your own in a stock car race, getting behind the wheel of an RV for the first time is an entirely different experience.
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From your field of vision to the vehicle’s controls and maneuverability, driving or towing an RV is a whole new ballgame. The stakes are high, especially if your loved ones are along for the ride. That’s why learning how to handle your rig safely and spending time practicing with your newly purchased vehicle from the region’s leading RV dealers is so important. Consult your owner’s manual along with any applicable laws or regulations, then use these three tips to help you handle your RV responsibly on the open road. Get Comfortable in the Right Lane Look, there’s almost no one who wants to hear—much less heed—this piece of advice, which is why it’s first on the list. It deserves your attention from the very beginning. Depending on whether you bought one of the top Class B RVs for sale in your area or you opted for a luxurious Class A model, your RV is simply bigger than your daily driver—in some cases, much bigger. That means you’ll accelerate more slowly, require a greater braking distance, and generally reach a lower cruising speed on the highway. You simply aren’t as nimble or maneuverable as that sedan that would really like to go around you if you’d just turn on your blinker and merge into the right lane. So, before setting out in your new RV, pack your patience and treat your journey as a marathon, not a sprint. Take the Time to Park Considerately Alright, so your youngest conveniently waited until the last minute to tell you they really need to use the restroom. Or you just need to quickly pop into that convenience store and grab a coffee before continuing. But here’s the trouble: In your haste, you inadvertently parked in a way that blocked a door, fire hydrant, or driveway, and there might be a delay between you and resuming your RV trip. In a larger rig like an RV, almost everything takes more time and focus—especially in a parking lot. Slow down, consider your surroundings, and double-check that you aren’t creating a headache for anyone else before you park and leave your RV. Use Good Judgment When Planning Your Trip You should always exercise caution when driving, but when it comes to operating an abnormally large and heavy vehicle like an RV, safety is paramount. This applies to all RVs, from massive Class A RVs to toy haulers and the newest travel trailers for sale Boise has to offer. In addition to driving defensively and parking carefully, you also need to plan your trip with a realistic idea of how fatigue will limit your daily driving distance. You wouldn’t drive your kids to soccer practice if you were too tired to do so safely, and it would certainly be unwise to push your limits while behind the wheel of an RV. Beyond fatigue, it’s vital to minimize distractions while driving your RV. Sure, these trips are often about quality family time, but before you can start making cherished memories, you’ve got to get everyone to the destination safely. About DDRV Why do families in Boise, throughout the Treasure Valley, across Idaho, and beyond turn to DDRV for RV sales and service? First, DDRV has established a legacy that spans nearly 50 years. From their friendly, knowledgeable sales staff to their trained service technicians, DDRV has everything you need to turn your vision of adventure into reality. That’s because DDRV is much more than the RV dealer Idaho trusts. DDRV is also where you’ll find the boat, PWC, and ATV sales Boise families love. Are you considering your first RV purchase? At DDRV, you’ll find an impressive selection of Class C, Class A, and Class B RVs for sale, so you can explore various models firsthand and find the features your family wants at a price that’s within reach. Discover Idaho today with DDRV. Create memories that will last a lifetime in a new or used RV from DDRV at https://ddrv.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3MlFkk4
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trustgo · 2 years
Www wcepowersports com for more info
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#Www wcepowersports com for more info manual
Use MyWOT to run safety checks on any website. Years of CDL experience and have been a rider since 1969. Ratings and Reviews for wcepowersports - WOT Scorecard provides customer service reviews for.
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Offering door to door delivery of dirt bikes, atv's and street bikes in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and northern California at a reasonable cost. X-PRO Hawk DLX 250 EFI Fuel Injection Motorcycle with 5-speed Manual Transmission and Electric/kick Start Big 21'/18' Wheels with Free X-PRO Cover DOT Approved Street Legal Free Shipping Summer Sale. Distributor and retailer of full product lines of Toro and Club Car and other equipment primarily to golf courses and commercial business in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. With credit approval for qualifying purchases made on the Honda Powersports Credit Card at participating dealers. 1.99 APR FOR 12 MONTHS WITH THE Honda POWERSPORTS CREDIT CARD. American Powersports is a powersports dealership in Findlay & Sandusky, OH, featuring new and used ATVs, Side x Sides, UTVs, Motorcycles, Scooters, Trailers, Snowmobiles, Watercrafts and Golf Carts for sale from top brands like Polaris, Yamaha, Can-Am, Arctic Cat, Triton Boats and more, apparel, and accessories near Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland and Fort Wayne. Balance Bikes, Street Bikes, Dual Purpose - $475 (Tiffin, Ohio)īalance Bikes, Mini Dirt Bikes, Pit Bikes, from Thumpstar, Piranha, YCF, Kayo USACheck us out Wise Choice Equipment LLC**for more info **. Honda Motorcycle Street - Neon Sports Caf.Balance Bikes, Street Bikes, Dual Purpose - $475 (Tiffin, Ohio)īalance Bikes, Mini Dirt Bikes, Pit Bikes, from Thumpstar, Piranha, YCF, Kayo USACheck us out Wise Choice Equipment LLC**for more info **.Thumpstar Balance BikesLifan Street Bikes Mini Dirt Bikes, Pit Bikes, from Thumpstar # Piranha,YCF, Kayo USACheck us out Wise Choice Equipment LLC**for more info **. We are extending our special of a name brand helmet, goggles, gloves for 99.00 with purchase of any Dirtbikes, PitBikes, Minis,ATVs,four wheeler’s in stock. If you are looking for quality products, parts, service, honesty, and integrity, then Wise Choice Powersports is the perfect fit for you. We have parts in stock for what we sell, and service. We carry quality lines of Chinese atv’s, dirt bikes, scooters, mopeds, go-karts, and utv’s. CALL: 41 ABOUT SPECIALS Financing PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES CONTACT Home / ATVS ATVS Showing 19 of 13 results Sale Tao Motors E-500 Mini Electric ATVS 899.00 629.00 Sale Kayo Fox 70cc Youth Sport ATVS 1,999.00 1,399.00 Sale Kayo Bull 125cc Youth Midsize Utility ATVS 2,599.00 1,849. Wise Choice Powersports is BBB accredited & has been serving Tiffin, Ohio since 1998. Balance Bikes, Dual Purpose, Street Bikes - $475 (Tiffin) We are a family owned, brick and mortar dealership in Tiffin, Ohio.
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prova275 · 6 years
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Idaho Olds...
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apxautobrokers-blog · 6 years
If you are spending a huge amount on buying used car, it is your duty to check each and everything before actually making the decision. The same goes with a four-wheeler because of everyone at one point or the other in life as a dream of buying it for their family or for themselves
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Brian Shookman
Brian Edwin Shookman [DOB: 1/19/1980] was a 32-year-old man who lived in Great Falls, MT. His loved ones called him "Beaver"- a nickname that because such a part of him that he had it tattooed on his left shoulder. At the time of his disappearance, Brian had just gotten a new job working on installing windmills, which he was eager to start. He was also in recovery after years of drug addiction. By 2012, he had several years of sobriety under his belt.
On the afternoon of July 28, 2012, Brian attended a family gathering in Kellogg, ID, which is located in Shoshone County, ID- up north in the panhandle of the state, bordering Montana. The gathering was held at the house of one of Brian's cousins, with the plans to later move the party to a local park so that they could BBQ and enjoy the summer weather. At around 3pm that day, Brian left that house to go to his aunt's house in Osburn, ID, just 6 miles away. Some sources say that he left at noon and that he was at a friend's house, so these details are up for speculation. The cousin that Brian is said to have met up with is a man named Justin Smith. But somehow, within that short drive, Brian vanished into thin air. This was the last time anyone has seen him. Brian was reported as missing on August 1.
About three weeks later, a major sign of Brian was found: Brian's maroon 1998 Ford Escort, which was located mountain access road in Wallace, ID. There were no signs of struggle or foul plan in, on, or near the car. The only notable findings were that the seats were positioned in a way that was not consistent with how Brian or Justin typically had them set, and that two energy drink cans were found inside the car. DNA testing showed that only Brian had touched these cans- he was likely drinking them en route to the family reunion.
In the years following, some information has been passed on that has caused the Idaho State Police to classify his disappearance as suspicious, with possible foul plan involved. As mentioned earlier, Brian was in recovery from drug abuse. His cousin, Justin, also had a drug history. it was an ongoing issue back then. Justin, and his then-girlfriend, were reported to be heavily involved in the meth world, in using and dealing. Justin is said to be the last person to have seen Brian. Brian's sister, Danielle Banning, recalled that Justin returned to the family reunion later with no sign of Brian, and was "acting suspicious" and made comments to several family members, including the children, about killing someone and wanting a "dead body out of the way."
Two drug dealers who were alleged to have contact with Brian and Justin that weekend were interviewed- at the time of the interview, both were booked in county jail on unrelated charges. Both denied knowledge of Brian's whereabouts and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. However, one mentioned that Justin was very high all weekend, and was alleged to be paranoid about people trying to mess with his girlfriend. More curiously, this girlfriend has denied being at the reunion that weekend, in spite of her being featured in photographs of the event.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
@redemptivexheroics​ sent me this link so here’s my reaction to..
 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States Under the cut cus long. 
1. It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) .. Naa this ones fair, leave him alone, he’s not botherin anyone. 
2. It Is Illegal To Catch A Fish with Your Bare Hands (Kansas) .. that’s just showing off so yeah, screw that guy, go to jail, not so big now are you mr. bare handed fisher. 
3. Illegal to Eat Fried Chicken (Except With Your Hands) (Gainesville, Georgia) I mean it’s probably the easiest way to eat fried chicken.. if you’re eating fried chicken.. like a chicken wing.. with a knife and fork.. yeah, go to jail. 
4. Drivers Must Not Pump Their Own Gas (Oregon and New Jersey) .. Jokes on this law.. it’s not a Gas it’s a Liquid.. silly. 
5. Prohibited to open an umbrealla on a street (Alabama) .. This ones dumb. 
6. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday (Alabama) .. God hates Dominoes?
7. Illegal to throw confetti or spray silly string (Alabama).. Sounds stupid but probably actually does prevent accidents and stuff. 
8. Flamingoes are not allowed in barber shops (Alaska) .. What happened for this to need to be a law?
9. Denying someone a glass of water is prohibited (Arizona) Don’t be a dick. Just hand over some water. 
10. Dogs are not to bark after 6PM (Arkansas) .. If this was somehow enforceable.. i wouldn’t be mad. 
11. Spitting is only permitted on baseball diamonds (California).. Sounds like an anti-baseball law.
12. Illegal to collect rain water (Colorado) Yo.. anyone wanna buy some rain water.. Keep it on the DL. 
13. It is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays (Colorado). On Sundays you get a Mystery box.
14. A pickle is not a pickle unless it bounces. (Connecticut). .. Alright. Who am I to argue with the pickle police.
15. One is not to walk backwards after sunset (Connecticut).. Probably safer to walk forwards so fair. 
16. It is prohibited to fly over water without sufficient supplies (Delaware) .. This doesn’t sound stupid to me.. if you’re flying over water surely you want life vests on your plane?
17. The singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit is not allowed (Florida) This is just worded weirdly.
18. Skateboarding without a license is prohbited. (Florida) I didn’t even know Skateboard licenses was a thing. I kinda like it. 
19. One is not to live on a boat for more than 30 days (Georgia).. Sucks to be Rosie and Jim in Georgia. 
20 Chickens are not permitted to cross the road. (Georgia) But Why did the Chicken cross the road?
21. No billboards allowed (Hawaii) Makes sense to preserve the beautiful views. 
22. You cannot place a coin behind your ear. (Hawaii) Who’s just hiding coins behind their ears like a weirdo? 
23. It is prohibited to gift a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 lbs(Idaho) .. Idaho is on a diet. 
24. No bicycles allowed in tennis courts (Idaho). Seems like cheating to use a bike in a game of tennis anyway. 
25. The giving of whiskey to dogs is prohibited (Illinois) Hell yeah, let’s get white dog wasted. 
26. No kites allowed to be flown within city limits (Illinois) .. Kite Man disapproves. 
27. The value of pi is 4, not 3.1415 (Indiana) Just easier to remember. 
28. The reading of palms is prohibited (Cedar Rapids) Yeah don’t touch my hands you witch. 
29. No false promises allowed. (Louisiana) Just a solid good law right here. 
30. Nobody is to step out of a plane mid-flight (Maine) I mean.. Again, good law to have i guess. 
31. Christmas decorations must not be up past January 14th (Maine) .. Grinch much?
32. It is not permitted to take a lion to the movies (Maryland). Sorry Simba. 
33. Beer is not to be given to hospital patients (Massachusetts) Well duh.
34. All putt-putt courses are to be closed no later than 1am. (Michigan) This one sucks for all you late night putt putters out there.
35. Nobody is to cross state lines with a duck atop their head (Minnestoa) That’s called duck smugglin’
36. Anyone disturbing church services is subject to a citizens arrest (Mississippi) Can’t like citizens arrests just happen any time, it’s whether or not they’re like actually tried for it afterwards? Idk citizen arrest laws. 
37. It is prohibited to frighten a baby (Missouri). Good.
38. The raising of pet rats is prohibited (Montana) It didn’t turn out well for Ron so fair. 
39. Doughnut holes are not to be sold. (Nebraska)... So there’s free doughnut holes going? 
40. No camels are allowed on highways. (Nevada) ..I mean.. it’d be worse if they were. 
41. Tapping feet, nodding head, or moving to music in any water is prohibited in restaurants, (New Hampshire) What underwater resturants have you guys got?
42. It is required that a person lend a phone to another in need. (New Jersey) This is nice but i dont trust people enough to not run off with my phone. 
43. No slippers before 10 pm. (New York) This law has a loophole in that it doesn’t say 10pm on what day.. could be 10pm on 1st of Jan 2012. Everyone can now wear slippers. I’ve freed everyone from this law. 
44. It is illegal to sing off-key. (North Carolina) Good singing or GTFO.
45. No bingo games shall last more than 5 hours. (North Carolina) After 5 hours you should all be done anyway. 
46. The serving of beer and pretzels simutaneously is not allowed (North Dakota). Well thats dumb.. probably safer to prevent dehydration.. but c’monn.
47. Noone shall participate in a duel, (Ohio). Sorry Yugioh. 
48. Professional sports are not to be played on Sundays. (Rhode Island). Unprofessional sports only. No formal wear. 
49. it is prohibited to catch a fish using a lasso. (Tennessee) Screw who made this law up, i wanna see a guy lasso a fish. 
50. Drinking of milk is mandatory. (Utah) They got them good bones in Utah.
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goodlifemotors-blog · 4 years
Used car dealers in Boise Idaho
The GoodLifeMotors is the #1 trusted brand in the Treasure Valley, dealing with the sale, purchase, exchange and finance of pre-owned and new top certified second-hand cars in Boise. We provide complete consultancy to our customers about the purchase/selling of any car, including the premium choices within a given budget segment without compromising with quality and performance. We also try to ensure that our customer should be satisfied with our highly transparent dealings when making sales. GoodLifeMotors can be your next efficient and reliable platform, giving you accurate and true valuation on used cars in Boise because we know your vehicle better than anyone else.
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ddrv · 1 year
3 Camping Accessories Perfect for Keeping in Your RV
You can’t go camping without camping accessories! From tent camping to RV camping, there are all kinds of accessories and gear made to help you enjoy any camping trip to the fullest. From cooking accessories to navigation gear, you’ve probably browsed the aisles of your favorite outdoor goods store or visited the RV dealer Idaho families love to find exactly what you need. But do you really have everything you need? If you’re an RV camper, you may have stocked up on gear at the dealer, but there are a few supplies you might have overlooked. Some accessories are perfect for keeping in your RV and work great for car and tent camping, too. Here’s how these three accessories can add convenience to your next outdoor adventure.
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Backup Portable Power Bank with A/C
It’s always good to have backup systems. You never know when you might need them. One backup system that adds a ton of convenience and practicality to any camping trip is a portable power bank with A/C. Sometimes, you might not want to rely on RV power to charge your electronics and other gear. Or you may have a situation where you need power away from the RV. Or you have kids, and they brought all their gadgets. In any case, having a portable power bank with AC can be incredibly useful, and it’s always good to have around in the event other power sources fail—or you need extra sources. It’s one of those “just in case” accessories you’ll be glad you had.
More Chairs Than You Think You’ll Need
Maybe it’s two more chairs. Maybe it’s four. It’s nice to be able to pull out a few more chairs when you’re camping. You might end up having more people around the campfire than expected—or you might have visitors. With more chairs, everyone has a place to sit and hang out. If you’re short on space, store a few extra ultra-portable chairs or camp stools in your RV. Ultra-portable camp chairs have gotten more popular in the last year because of how convenient and light they are—and they can be durable, too! Plus, they’re light enough to throw in a pack if you plan on straying from camp to sit by the lake or stream.
Give Yourself Some Shade with a Portable Awning or Canopy
Shade is a big deal. If you’re browsing new or used motorhomes for sale, built-in awnings might catch your eye. You’re current RV might even have an awning already. It’s not uncommon for RVs to come with an awning or have the option for one. However, a single awning may not be enough—especially when the sun is low or if you want to increase your shaded space. This is where a portable awning or canopy can come in handy. It gives you more control over the shade you have around your campsite. Plus, they’re great for more than just shade. They can be handy when it rains and you want to keep your stuff dry without having to move your entire RV to accommodate.
About DDRV
The open road is calling your name. DDRV is ready to help you answer the call with their huge selection of RVs, motorhomes, boats, ATVs, and more. Whether you’re road-tripping, camping, hunting, fishing, or any other adventure, DDRV has the vehicle you need. Browse their inventory of new and used motorhomes for sale. From Class A motorhomes to compact travel trailers, you can find it at DDRV. Plus, as the boat dealers Idaho loves, you can explore all kinds of fishing boats, pontoons, and personal watercrafts, too. Have an RV that needs service? Bring it into DDRV! They have an experienced and knowledgeable service team—and they’re home to the most Master Certified technicians in Idaho! All of this combines for an adventure experience you can’t beat.
Find the perfect RV for every adventure at https://ddrv.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3seLDPk
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blessing1v4s-blog · 4 years
Auto Insurance Quotes Michigan
When it comes to automobiles, purchasing them is just so expensive. In fact, when we buy, if only possible we would like it to be for a lifetime. But then again, in a world full of uncertainties, we have to keep the valuable protected with insurance. We need to consider accidents and many other unavoidable events to be part of the insurance services and coverage we could possibly get. Life is too difficult nowadays, jobs are too few, money is so difficult to earn. The only thing which can help us is to be wise enough to use our resources. Most people of today are doing all their best to save so they could continue to fend for their daily needs. Getting your own car is one of the most fulfilling dreams to many people However, getting a car should not only stop in just getting one; It is also important to keep it protected. And to get the protection, you have to get auto insurance. If you are in Michigan, you can find many auto insurance quotes Michigan at very great prices. You can get great savings with many options in insurance coverage. Budget car insurance quote is very helpful for car owners especially when they are in need of assistance during an accident. In some countries, it is mandatory to have car insurance to protect the owners during tragic times. If you want to avail budget car insurance quote, you can get it online. On the other hand, if your car dealer already added the car insurance for your vehicle when you are purchasing it then much better, you just need to choose what insurance package that you want and pay the amount for it. In this way, you will be assured that your car is insured and there is someone to help you when you need money to fix your car during catastrophes. Lastly, in order for you to have a successful comparison of car insurance rates, be sure that you clearly understand the car insurance’s policies before doing the purchase so that there wouldn’t be any complicated problems in the future. For sure, you wouldn’t want to experience having troubles by the time that you are dying to make your claims and yet there are still problems to settle because your car insurance is insufficient. Set https://bit.ly/insurancecartoronto to be as simple as possible making you worry-free. Comparing quotes nowadays are made easier for you to get the best value. All you have to do is to compare quotes carefully, think well before making your decision. Your Personal Background Vs Cheap Car Insurance in Florida Here are some of the things that might affect the price of a vehicles insurance policy: The best quote gives you the essential options wherein it will enable you to make an informed decision and avoid future problems. Job/Occupation – this does not largely affect your premium but some risky jobs sometimes require a person to pay more on premiums. On the other hand, the states with the largest car insurance ratings decreased this year are Vermont with 10.5 %, Idaho with 4.3 %, Maine with3.7 %, Arizona with 2.0 % and Colorado with 1.6 %.
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prova275 · 8 years
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Idaho Olds line-up...
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What to Understand of a Car Lease Agreement
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The process of leasing a vehicle is very different from buying one.  A car lease agreement happens to be different with each agency you will be dealing with, understanding it first is advised so that you know what you can negotiate on if any. There are many people leasing vehicles today as opposed to owning them, this can be explained by the different lifestyles people lead. You need to make sure that you are getting a good deal if you have decided to get your vehicle through a lease.  When leasing, look at the vehicles that will be depreciating less, those that hold on to their value much longer will be ideal. A vehicle that can hold on to its value will have some lower rates of leasing. Even after you are done with these vehicles, they will still have value in them. You don’t have to struggle to know a car with good value from that which does not, many websites will have listed the best vehicles to lease concerning their value. Compare several lists to find the best car that will serve your needs if you are moving to Idaho.
For the car dealers some of the vehicles that will not be selling fast enough could be put on the leasing list and they come with some special offers. There is a certain mileage that is considered as healthy for these special deals, you will do well to make sure they are within that. The price of the vehicle will be ideal to look at as well especially if the vehicle could make a good purchase after the lease is finished.  With leases, the more you look at what is out the better is for you. Contact Boise Relocation Guide specialist to get the best deals. 
Look out for the year these similar models are coming at because if they come with recent features you will have to pay more. If the car has passed your evaluation criteria, you can meet up with the dealer so that you can discuss the lease period. The payments will be changing from time to time over the lease period, you should have a mutually agreed way of calculating these changes.
You need to make sure that these cars receive their routine maintenance in time. You need to be getting a vehicle that has been insured as well. There will be penalties if the car suffers a lot of wear and tear. This will call on you to be really careful with how you care for the leased car. It is very rare for the car dealers to reject clients. To get a general overview about this topic, see here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/entrepreneurs/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/automobile-leasing.
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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America’s Despair More and more people in the United States are feeling let down by American capitalism, and the population is being plunged into depression. This was the alarming conclusion reached by two researchers from Princeton University, Anne Case and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Angus Deaton. Over the past fifty years, many have been left feeling disillusioned with the American economic model, hyped up extensively within the United States, which even affects life expectancy in America: it has been declining for three consecutive years, a very unusual trend for a developed country. There has been a marked increase in the mortality rate among the white population in particular since the beginning of the new millennium. The number of suicides, as well as deaths from drug and alcohol abuse has increased dramatically. These are the bleak findings of the research on the situation in the USA conducted by well-known American economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton, who carried out a detailed analysis of the suicide and mortality epidemic that has engulfed America, noting that the United States has been experiencing a “deaths of despair” epidemic since the mid 1990s. The researchers point out that life expectancy for Americans declined for three consecutive years, from 2015 through 2017, something that had not happened since World War One, when the world was gripped by the Spanish influenza pandemic. Among the many different root causes leading to deaths of despair, the study highlights a significant fall in American wages in recent years and a dearth of good jobs, which is weakening core institutions of American life, such as marriage, faith and community. Social spending and housing-related expenses are an increasingly heavy burden for ordinary Americans. This is despite the fact that the United States had once led the way as the number-one country in the world in terms of reducing mortality rates and increasing life expectancy in the 20th century, and many important discoveries and achievements in medicine have come from the United States. However, the United States is now leading the way in the opposite direction. Numerous US researchers believe that the Great Recession which began with the 2008 financial crisis is to blame for today’s greatest woes in America. However, the Great Recession was not what provoked the deaths of despair epidemic among ordinary Americans, although it did lead to the deterioration of living conditions for many people, which provoked anger and division in the United States. The deep-rooted causes of this epidemic can be traced back to a feeling of dissatisfaction with living conditions among Americans which has been there for a long time, and when inequality began to grow, young Americans began realizing that they would never be able to live the lives their parents could afford, while young people without highly professional skills have fallen even further behind. America’s health care system which has been prescribing more and more opioids is also on the list of “culprits” responsible for the situation America has found itself in today. According to US research, one out of every two unemployed men in the US take painkillers on a daily basis, and these are usually addictive opioids. The national health-care crisis associated with substance abuse has plagued Americans for decades. The opioid epidemic in the United States is largely a failure of regulation and control. This is an area where pharmaceutical companies wield great political influence. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of patients reporting pain, difficulties with communication, and depression. Pharmaceutical companies and distributors have taken advantage of people’s growing desperation, seeing an opportunity to promote and ramp up the sales of opioid pain medication such as OxyContin, a legal drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration even though it is essentially no different to heroin. Between 1999 and 2018, more than 200,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses. Doctors are seeing the increasing amount of harm being caused by these drugs, and have begun prescribing them on a less frequent basis, but these opioids have opened the gateway to illegal drugs: heroin from Mexico, as well as fentanyl from China in more recent years, which is far deadlier. These drugs are causing a huge amount of damage and killing a lot of people. However, when ordinary Americans are faced with hardship and suffering, when there is social upheaval, and people begin to feel that their lives are meaningless, these drugs fill the void, and the number of deaths from drug overdoses goes up, adding to the number of suicides and alcohol-related deaths. Alcohol-related deaths in American society today are simply ballooning out of control. According to a series of studies, “Alcohol-related deaths” have more than doubled in the last two decades. This is well ahead of the population growth rate over the same period. A study conducted over a twenty-year period found that alcohol had been the cause of more than one million deaths! Apart from people who simply drank themselves “to death”, half of the alcohol-related deaths were due to liver disease and drug overdoses from substances taken together with alcohol. Nine states — Maine, Indiana, Idaho, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio and Virginia — have recorded a significant increase in the number of Americans binge drinking dangerous amounts of alcohol, which can lead to fatal car crashes and other fatal accidents, according to a report recently published by the CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Americans almost all over the country who are trying to “drown their sorrows in alcohol” are already addicted to these hard drinks, and have began drinking more heavily and more often, with a 12% increase seen in the last five years alone. Historically, there have always been more “deaths of despair” among men than women. However, a study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, found that the largest annual increase in alcohol-related deaths in recent years was seen among non-Hispanic white women. But these are not the only scourges of today’s American society. According to the January report published by the National Center for Homeless Education funded by the US Department of Education, over 1.5 million schoolchildren experienced homelessness in the 2017-2018 school year. 100,000 (7%) of these homeless schoolchildren spent the night in the open air and slept wherever they could, 7% slept in motels, 12% stayed in homeless shelters, and 74% stayed at a friend’s. And these are only the most modest estimates, but take figures from the American Institutes for Research, for example, which recorded that 2.5 million children had experienced homelessness in the year 2013. This could almost be considered some sort of historical “record”, with one in thirty American children experiencing homelessness! Criminal gangs, drug dealers, pimps and pedophiles are waiting for these children on the streets. In this context, does it really come as any surprise that crime is on the rise in the United States (especially juvenile crime)? This grim situation in the US is hardly surprising if you look at the draft $4.8 trillion federal budget that US President Donald Trump is going to propose and use to pave the way for his re-election. After all, this budget is a continuation of a trend that has already been observed in federal budgets drafted in the United States, as we’ll see more big safety-net cuts and increased spending on defense, which even the Wall Street Journal has called out. All of the Trump administration’s wall-to-wall “America First!” slogans cannot hide the glaringly ugly face of American reality we can see today.
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Name: Morgan West ║ Age: 37 ║ Patient Code: Red ║ Diagnosis:  Antisocial Personality Disorder, Substance Abuse (Cocaine)  ║ FC: Jake Gyllenhaal║TAKEN
If you fancy listening to Morgan’s side of his story, you’d find it quite dramatic. Left on the doorstep of a church only to be raised in holiness, until cast aside one more to travel this earth as a poor orphan boy just trying to get by. It’s one of the many sob stories he spouts to whoever has the gall to ask, yet no one surely knows how he really came to be. Lies and deceit have become the man himself, but somewhere beneath the soil of Rosendale Cemetery lies his birth parents.
The true story is this: Born into poverty, Morgan always had a rough time with his upbringing. It’s an usual story, a boy raised without love and affection, in the midst of an economic crisis. The money they made was quickly spent, only trading hands with the local drug dealer so his parents could get a quick fix to stave off the withdrawals that threatened them every day. While two adult people lay on the couch oblivious to the world, a young boy learned to survive for himself. Some would say it’s a miracle he survived his infancy, but Morgan assures everyone it was because of his fighting spirit and superior survival instinct.
  While not wealthy enough to attend private school, Morgan had the opportunity to go public. It suited him well, as even at a young age he developed a distaste for those who were well off, his father’s rants burned into his brain after hours and hours of listening to him go on and on and on about how they were wronged in life. And like father, like son, Morgan had never any trouble speaking up about his opinions and more often than not, resorted to physical violence to get his point across. It was a tactic to make similar-minded friends, and boy did the kid got those.
  As volatile as he was, Morgan never really got in trouble with the law. Quick with his wit and his feet, and being just a child meant that he got away with more than he should have. This instilled a sinful pride in the boy, and it grew into recklessness when he reached his teens. Committing his first drug-related crime came when he was thirteen, when he started stealing from his parents’ stash and selling it forward to the rich kids he badmouthed and attacked in the schoolyard. It came with its consequences, and to this day Morgan can recall the feeling of his father’s fist in his hair, and the long drop to the asphalt below their apartment balcony, his legs dangling in the air while his father yells at him.
  It didn’t stop, however, and Morgan made a small fortune off of the deals, the physical pain at home nothing compared to the pride he felt when he held his stack of money. The criminal mindset rooted itself deeper the older he got, and at the ripe age of seventeen, Morgan committed his first murder. It wasn’t anything glorious, a drunken bum in downtown LA sneering at him, calling him names and threatening him. The first blood will always be in Morgan’s memory, and he recites the story to every shrink he meets; The first, the one he was never caught for, now forgotten.
  After graduation, Morgan moved out of the crack den he used to call home and settled in with three other roommates in LA. His dealing escapade continued, but the stuff he dealt got stronger and more expensive. It wasn’t until he was halfway through his twenties when he first got in trouble, a raid on their apartment going horribly right and all four of the men got taken away. Unsurprisingly, Morgan ended up in prison, his sentence spanning over eight years, without the possibility of parole.
  Another unsurprising thing is that Morgan made quick friends in the slammer. He met future associates, and established himself as a sort of kingpin within the ranks, his honeyed words and backstabbing enough to keep the warden unsuspecting, but the other prisoners in their place. After the sentence, Morgan packed his meager belongings and headed up north, his travels taking him from Nevada to Idaho, to Oregon, and finally: Washington. The joy of a new city didn’t last long; soon the drugs were one again a part of Morgan’s life, and on this cocaine-filled booze bender he robbed liquor stores, broke into homes, stole cars – And it all culminated when him and two of his friends were working their way into a jewelry store, and one stray pedestrian crossed their path. The witness had managed to dial up 911 before Morgan was on them, giving the emergency response great material to work with when his laughter and hollering was heard over the pleads and pained screams of the witness.
  The trial was nothing if not newsworthy. A man who didn’t run from the police, but waited for them with his arms spread wide. A grin on his face as he’s found guilty, yet too insane to be sentenced to prison. The cameras captured his last moments as a free man, and in those moments, you could swear there was nothing but an empty void behind those eyes.
If one word had to the stamped all over Morgan’s file, it would be UNSTABLE. All bold letters, red ink, the whole shebang. He’s a man of many words, his charm honed to the peak during his years of dealing and conning unsuspecting men and women. He knows how to falsify strong emotions, knows when to smile and give a tilt of his head, bedroom eyes to boot. A second later he could be exploding with rage, violence coloring his every move. It’s a fine line to walk, and he’s walked it his whole life.
  Whenever Morgan isn’t pretending to forget therapy, he’s quite a normal man. He can be a good man to have conversations with, but he tends to press buttons he shouldn’t push, mock things he shouldn’t mock, and generally rile people up because he has exactly 0% filter on him. He’s impulsive, sure, but the risks he takes  are in hopes of a good time. Breaking into locked rooms, climbing onto the roofs, redecorating to alleviate his boredom. If one threads carefully, there’s a good time to be had both ways, whether it’s sincere or not from Morgan’s side. He lies and takes what he needs to fulfill his plans, and people could swear even by breathing he was telling them a lie. You can take a man away from the con, but you can’t take the con out of a man.
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mercuryismygenius · 5 years
Book Review: ‘Dreamland’
Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones
In Dreamland, Sam Quinones tackles the current opioid crisis in the United States with impressive thoroughness. His goal in researching the epidemic was The Big Picture---unfortunately, such comprehensiveness may not be possible. Nonetheless, he does an admirable job, making Dreamland one of the few should-reads for contemporary America.
There is a lot in this book. Broadly speaking, the material can be divided into two basic categories: the legal, and the illegal (specifically represented by Oxycontin, and Black Tar heroin, respectively). Broadly speaking.
On the legal side, Quinones interviews doctors, researchers, nurses, clinicians, patients-cum-addicts, Oxycontin dealers, and families of the lost; he has chapters on the poppy plant, opium, and morphine; he discusses Arthur Sackler and the rise of pharmaceutical marketing, which included the wooing of doctors; and he traces the history of pain treatment---the medical treatment of pain being one of the largest enablers of the opium epidemic.
It’s hard to call what occurred in the medical establishment an overt conspiracy since, outside Big Pharma, most intention was good. Most. 
It began because opium derivatives are pain killers---and the pain-killing properties of opium are ancient news. Also well-known was the fact that opioids are addictive, and use was restricted and monitored. Cancer changed that, with doctors advocating the use of morphine, etc. for end-stage cancer patients who were dying in horrible pain. At that point, it was a quality-of-life issue, and the campaign was successful.
Unfortunately, around the same time that pharmaceutical companies were honing their marketing skills, and developing opium-derivatives, medicine decided to extend the quality-of-life logic to all forms of pain. Injured? Opioid. Chronic back pain because you don’t lift with your legs? Opioid. Whatever the pharmaceutical company had, that was the solution.
And as for that habit-forming problem of opium-derivatives? Turns out, according to an infamous “study” referred to as Porter and Jick, opioids aren’t really that addictive after all. That Porter and Jick was really just a letter to the editor noting one pattern in a limited pool of data either didn’t matter, or, more probably, was never known by the people who cited it (a couple of whom Quinones interviews). Yes, bad science became a major contributor to our opioid crisis. No one checked the “study” that was repeated ad nauseam, and few paid attention to the data at hand concerning the high rates of addiction in patients who were prescribed Oxycontin.
Insurance companies didn’t help matters. They’d pay for prescription medication, but not for physical therapy, psychotherapy, nutritionists, or holistic/ multidisciplinary approaches to pain treatment. So doctors who wanted to use those non-pill approaches were put out of business.
But that’s just the legal opioids. On the illegal side, Quinones focuses on Black Tar Heroin, a viscous, dark-colored substance that’s as pure as heroin can get. He interviews cops, dealers, DEA agents, addicts, lawyers, and community organizers. And because he follows the Black Tar, he discusses Xaliso, a city in the state of Narayit in Mexico, where the heroin was grown.
Black Tar heroin dealers changed the game. Just about everything about them confounded police. The dealers didn’t carry guns, didn’t fight turf wars, and feared local gangs. They didn’t use, and they didn’t adulterate their product by cutting it---they didn’t need to as there was no multilevel distribution line. They delivered to their customers, carrying a minimum of heroin, so if caught, D.A.s rarely felt they were worth the time, and they were just deported.
Deportation was not a deterrent. The Xalisco Boys, as Quinones calls them, dealt heroin in order to make money and be the Big Man struttin’ around town back home. In the United States, their lives were spartan---the point was to go back home to their sugarcane-farming town, having struck it rich. Unfortunately, the dealers spent too lavishly, didn’t invest or save, so money ran out, and they had to return to the U.S.
The system the Xalisco Boys had was capitalism at its finest. No corporate headquarters, no cartel bigwigs, just small entrepreneurs competing in an open market. They had excellent customer service. Not only did they deliver like pizza, they offered samples, and deals. Addicts would get extra heroin for introducing a new customer. The Xalisco Boys would pay (in heroin) for an addict to hand out samples at the local methadone clinic. They’d exchange drugs for your name on an apartment or car lease. And when word got back to Narayit of ripe territory, a gold-rush mentality set in, and more cells would show up in town to compete for the same customers. Prices dropped.
Besides being non-violent in general, in Xalisco, the culture included webs of long-standing family feuds that few wanted to challenge. Because if anything untoward happened in the U.S., it *would* get back to Mexico.
Thus the more adventurous dealers would strike out for new territory. If an addict happened to know of another possibly-lucrative town, they’d introduce the Boys. 
One dealer Quinones interviews, called The Man, was actually born in the U.S., and entered the Xalisco system from the outside. Of Mexican descent, he spoke English and Spanish, and recognized the relevance of Oxycontin to heroin sales (most of the Xalisco Boys didn’t bother learning more than functional English, so didn’t see the bonanza). He was arrested before he could really pave the way, but others did so after him.
Part One of the book ends with the arrest of numerous dealers in multiple states in one of the largest, most coordinated operations in drug-enforcement history. But the insidiousness of the Xalisco system is that it’s self-renewing. Arrest one guy, someone else will take his place. As long as there’s demand.
As I stated above, there is a lot in this book. Quinones manages this plethora of information by “braiding” or “juggling” it: he tells the story of the family of a young man who od’d; introduces a dealer called Enrique; moves to Dr. Herschel Jick wondering about rates of narcotic addiction in patients at his hospital; reveals how Dr. David Proctor came to Portsmouth, OH (he wasn’t able to interview Proctor in person); Enrique again; a cop in Denver; the morphine molecule; Proctor; Enrique; a cop in Idaho; Xalisco culture---this is not the actual order he goes in, but it is the gist of his technique. He touches base with each thread, showing how they interweave. It’s an interesting approach that I think works well for the material, but it did get difficult sometimes to remember who was who. I’d use the index in those cases.
Two limits before I end this already long review. First, the heroin angle is limited to the Black Tar out of Xalisco. Other heroin dealers, gangs, cartels, etc. are mentioned only when relevant to Black Tar and the Xalisco system. So, for example, the Xalisco Boys avoided New York City like the plague, so not much about the presence of heroin there in Dreamland.
Second, racism is prevalent throughout, but not explicitly explored (this is a limit, not a detraction). The Xalisco Boys would not deal to blacks if they could help it---mostly out of fear derived from prejudice. But the far more subtle forms of racism, especially in the predominantly white middle-American towns exist like smog---it’s there, it’s not good, but those immersed in it stopped noticing. Quinones points it out a couple of times, but the degree to which it’s relevant is up to the reader (since his topic isn't the various connections between racism and drugs, he may have decided to just let instances of racism stink up the background and not turn Dreamland into a doorstop).
Highly recommend this book.
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