akademanie · 2 years
Les drôles de Carambar | Solutions
Hors-d'œuvre: Dans un frigo un œuf apercoit un kiwi à côté de lui: «Tiens, il est périmé celui-là !»
(1) Comment appelle-t-on une maman qui a le hoquet ? La mère-hic. (l'Amérique)
(2) Un chat tombe dans un pot de peinture. De quelle couleur en ressort-il ? Chat teint ! (châtain) (3) Que disent deux fantômes qui se sont fait surprendre ? Et bien, on est dans de deaux draps. (4) Pourquoi les chats n'aiment-ils pas l'eau ? Parce-que dans l'eau, minet râle. (l'eau minérale) (5) Qu'est-ce qu'un chat à roulettes ? Un chariot. (6) Qu'est-ce qu'une souris prétentieuse ? Celle qui se plaint d'avoir un chat dans la gorge ! (7) Que dit une tasse dans un ascenseur ? Je veux monter ! (mon thé) (8) Quel est le fruit le plus explosif ? La grenade. (9) Qu'est-ce que un boomerang qui ne revient pas? Un bâton. (10) Que font deux tranches de pain quand elles se rencontrent? Elles font amie-amie. (à mie - à mie) (11) Quel est le comble pour un morceau d'emmental? C'est d'avoir un trou de mémoire. (12) Quel est le comble pour un joueur de bowling? C'est de perdre la boule. (13) Quel est le sport préféré des chêvres? L'aérobique. (aérobic) (14) Pourquoi les plongeurs plongent-ils toujours en arrière et jamais en avant? Parce que sinon ils tombent dans le bateau. (15) Qu'est-ce que un souris prétentieuse? Celle qui se plaint d'avoir un chat dans la gorge.
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nothingxxgood · 11 months
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dorisconquered · 11 months
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inertialily · 1 year
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nishobora · 1 year
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kreidelunaes · 1 year
man seeing joe will and yaz test tasting carambar just reminded me of the fact that my family from france brought some for us
nougat supremacy
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nakcaye · 1 year
Aujourd'hui nous allons vérifier si ls pâtes à tartiner qui portent le nom de snack très connu, sont fidèles en therme de gout. Il y des surprises mais dans tous les cas, nos estomacs n'ont pas trop aimé l'expérience !! :) :)
Merci encore à Linda d'avoir participer à l'expérience.
Abonnez-vous et mettez un pouce bleu pour nous aider à évoluer !
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turnip-o-lantern · 1 year
Im disappointed to report that french people have the worst snacks like who tf want to eat unseasoned unsalted chips no wonder nobody likes yall
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akademanie · 2 years
Les drôles de Carambar (aka «Plombenzieher»)
Hors-d'œuvre: Un chat entre dans une pharmacie et demande: «Bonjour, je voudrais un sirop pour matou!»
(1) Comment appelle-t-on une maman qui a le hoquet ?
(2) Un chat tombe dans un pot de peinture. De quelle couleur en ressort-il ?
(3) Que disent deux fantômes qui se sont fait surprendre ?
(4) Pourquoi les chats n'aiment-ils pas l'eau ?
(5) Qu'est-ce qu'un chat à roulettes ?
(6) Qu'est-ce qu'une souris prétentieuse ?
(7) Que dit une tasse dans un ascenseur ?
(8) Quel est le fruit le plus explosif ?
(9) Qu'est-ce que un boomerang qui ne revient pas?
(10) Que font deux tranches de pain quand elles se rencontrent?
(11) Quel est le comble pour un morceau d'emmental?
(12) Quel est le comble pour un joueur de bowling?
(13) Quel est le sport préféré des chêvres?
(14) Pourquoi les plongeurs plongent-ils toujours en arrière et jamais en avant?
(15) Qu'est-ce que un souris prétentieuse?
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Ne t'en fais pas, le solutions seront publiées ici demain 😆
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«Seul celui qui est contraint de
vivre, l’âme ébranlée, une époque de guerre, de violence et d’idéologies tyranniques menaçant l’individu dans son existence et sa substance la plus précieuse, à savoir sa liberté, seul celui-là sait combien de courage, de probité et de détermination sont nécessaires pour demeurer fidèle à son moi le plus intime en des temps où les masses sont prises de folie. Seul celui-là sait qu’il n’est rien de plus difficile et de plus problématique que de garder intacte son indépendance spirituelle et morale face à une catastrophe générale. Il faut avoir douté et désespéré de la raison, de la dignité de l’humanité pour pouvoir célébrer l’exploit de celui qui parvient à rester debout dans le chaos du monde.»
Celui qui devine l’auteur de ces lignes gagne un carambar (s’il en reste)...
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tournesolaire · 5 months
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Le soleil a chauffé ma peau doré
Ça sent l'été
"Ça sent l'été, le vrai, celui qui répare"
Ce midi on a fait un barbecue en famille, on a mangé sur la terrasse et le cerisier faisait pleuvoir de la neige sous forme de pétales roses
Tout est si beau
Je n'ai jamais autant aimé ma campagne, avec toutes ses fleurs, ses nuages, ses arbres-maison, son herbe fraîche, le chant des oiseaux et son beau soleil que depuis que c'est devenu mon refuge de la ville
Je veux vivre ici toute ma vie
Je veux sentir toute ma vie la brise tiède
L'odeur de frais dans ma chambre quand les rideaux dansent contre mon lit jaune
J'aime cette vie
J'aime mes racines
J'aime le soleil, la lumière et les fraises sucrées qui tâchent les lèvres
J'aime lire dans le jardin avec une infusion à la mangue et des carambars
J'aime prendre ma maman dans les bras
J'aime discuter avec mon papa
J'aime embrasser les joues de mon amoureux
J'aime grimper dans les arbres
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loopspoop · 7 months
On the candy topic, Lupin’s favorite French candies would be calissons (a traditional candy made of almonds and fruit), gourmet French chocolates (preferably from Michel Cluizel or Richart), Carambar, Haribo Tagada, and fruit pastilles. He also keeps a tin of Vichy mint pastilles in his pocket to use as breath mints
Love the French candies! I’ve only ever had one and it was like…a sweet mint with a flower seed in the center? Received from my multiculture teacher in middle school 😌
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greenscreen-dress · 11 months
Trick or treat!!!
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For you, a french favourite known as Carambar: a kind of chocolate-caramel-toffee thingy sold in thin bars. The bright yellow wrappers have a face drawn on the outside, terrible jokes written inside, and the candy itself gets horrendously stuck in your teeth if you chew it wrong, but I personally love them. Sorry about your vampire fangs hehe >:3
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hassedah · 2 years
It’s spooky month! Do you like Halloween? Would you like to do Halloween HCs for the manor? Do the vampires celebrate and dress up? If so as what? Do they have fun spooking the humans? Thank you~
🧡 🎃 🧡
How do boys celebrate Halloween? :
🎃  Hi! How are you ? I hope you are well!  I was afraid I wouldn't make it but I manage to publish the headcanon just before the end of the month, I'm happy  🎃
I like Halloween, even if I don't like being scared ^^'
🎃  I hope you enjoy the headcanons. Take care of yourself and have a good day!  🎃
Vladimir :
This is the worst party of the year for Vladimir. For as long as he can remember, he has never liked it. Even as a child, when he went door-to-door with his brothers and sisters to get treats, he found it horrible. People wore scary costumes, you had to talk to complete strangers, and he was always afraid that someone would poison the treats they gave him. The worst was when his mother would tell horrific stories by the fire. There was only the light of the fireplace and a candle to illuminate them and in the end, he always ended up cuddling up to his father for fear of seeing a ghost or demon in one of the dark corners of the living room.
It took several weeks for Beliath to convince him to dress up at one of his parties. When Beliath managed to convince him, he had to struggle to find a costume he liked. Vladimir is very critical of the texture of the clothes and despite Beliath's insistence, he did not want to dress up as a vampire, let alone be forced to wear make-up to do so (he finds make-up very unpleasant on his skin). What worries Vladimir the most is that he will be made fun of with his costume. In the end, he agrees to disguise himself, but he disguises himself as George Wickham from Pride and Prejudice. Beliath sincerely thinks that it is not a horrified disguise, but he does not insist any further.
He never tells stories by the fire. He usually sits next to Raphael to reassure (in all honesty he is at least as scared as he is, but for once he is not the one who looks scared, and he enjoys it). After that, he always goes back to his room with Raphael and it's always in these moments that he realizes that the manor makes a lot of scary noises.
The only time he helps Beliath decorate the manor is to carve pumpkins. It's something he really enjoys doing, as it was the only thing he liked to do during Halloween when he was a kid. But as much as he enjoys doing it, he's not a very efficient helper for Beliath, he spends twice as much time as the others on his pumpkin, in the end it's probably the most successful but he never has time to do more than two or three.
He likes sweets, but not to the same extent as Raphael. In general, he will eat mostly Tagada strawberries and Carambars (almost exclusively caramel).
Spiritism was very fashionable in his time. He has suspected Ivan and Ethan of having done Ouija in the living room for some time, but he has no proof except that the piano has been playing by itself for some time and that the reflections in the living room windows seem strange. Moreover, Aaron totally refuses to believe him and only Beliath agrees with him. This clearly doesn't reassure him, and he'd really like to know what the two younger kids have been up to, at least to get rid of whatever's lying around the living room before there's a real problem.
He never makes jokes intended to frighten others, be it humans or his roommates. This is mainly because he doesn't like to be scared himself and he doesn't like to laugh at the fear of others. According to him, this is not how his parents raised him.
Béliath :
He never had the chance to go trick-or-treating as a child, because Halloween wasn't really like it is now. And because, even if it had been, his mother would never have let him go and have fun. So Halloween is something he discovered when he started living among humans and it immediately became his favourite time of the year. He loves going to look at the decorations on houses, dressing up and telling horror stories in the dark. He has a bit of trouble understanding why everyone is not in as good a mood as he is when October comes around.
He has a Halloween-themed party every year. And yes, everyone must come dressed up, even his roommates. It took a lot of convincing to get some of them to come. In particular, Vladimir, Raphaël and Aaron. But they finally gave in to please him. Beliath, him, dresses up as a vampire, and the more cliché the better! He also does his best to make sure that everyone has at least as much fun as he does.
He doesn't tell the most horror stories, he knows enough, but he clearly doesn't have Aaron's storytelling skills, so he gladly gives up his seat to hear another horrific wolf story. He doesn't usually find Aaron's stories scary. He's half-demon himself, so knowing that Aaron has fought one doesn't really bother him. Well, to a certain extent... He can't deny that the wolf tells the horror stories really well and that he sometimes feels a bit wary when he returns to his room.
He does most of the decorating, whether it's hanging witches, skeletons, or carving pumpkins. He also likes to do this last activity in groups. Even if his roommates don't always have the same notion of a scary pumpkin as he does, nor the same talent, nor the same speed. He has already tried to carve faces in other vegetables, notably in a courges galeuse d'Eysines or in a turnip, but if for the first he liked the result., it is not really the case for the second one.
He doesn't really like sweets. Well, he doesn't hate it either, but he usually buys it for Raphael. A good part of the candy budget is dedicated to Raphael, much to the older delight. As for him, he is usually satisfied with Liquorice Root Sticks (he buys them secretly because he feels a bit stupid chewing on a piece of wood, it's not very classy according to him).
He tried to convince Ethan to admit to him that he had done a Ouija but the younger man denied it completely. Beliath, unlike Vladimir, is not afraid that it's a demon, if it was, he would have tried to kill them long ago. He rather thinks it is a ghost. The problem with ghosts is that they feed on the energy of the living, and while he's not worried about him and Aaron, he's much more worried about the others. So, he'd like to make him go away, but he has no idea how to do that.
He doesn't really see the point of going out to scare humans. For him, Halloween is mostly a good opportunity to have fun. He'll make sure his party is horror-themed and the decorations are scary, but he's not actively trying to make jokes to scare people.
Ivan :
He really likes Halloween. It's not his favourite holiday, but he finds it quite fun. He remembers that as a child he often went out in his neighbourhood to get candy from his neighbours before going home to watch Coraline with his brothers and sisters. As a teenager, it was more like horror movies night before going out to play hide and seek in the forest in the middle of the night, they sometimes got really scared especially when they were playing near the cemetery and one member of the group thought they saw a "ghost".
At first, he was not very motivated by Beliath's party, especially when the incubus told him that he had to come in disguise, in fact, he was mostly afraid that Beliath would go and buy him a stupid disguise and then make fun of him. But in the end, it didn't happen like that. Beliath just goes and buys the disguise he chooses. Ivan dresses up every time, even if he doesn't always dare to go downstairs to enjoy the party with the others. Like Ethan, he usually prefers disguises inspired by horror films, or else he dresses up as a zombie (a disguise that Vladimir finds awful and in bad taste).
He does his best to pretend that he is not afraid of Aaron's stories, and he even manages to convince himself of this while he is in front of the fireplace with the others. Once he is alone in his room listening to the creaking stairs, the wind in the windows and the mice in the attic, he gives up rather quickly and goes to the wolf's room.
He is very busy decorating with Beliath. Although he wishes he didn't have to decorate pumpkins. He's cut himself more than once doing it and he never finds them as pretty and scary as other people's. Aaron told him that he would eventually get it right, but it's always the same, the eyes are not symmetrical, the mouth is missing teeth, the nose is either too small or too big. Usually, it's Aaron who repaired most of his mistakes, or Vladimir if the aristocrat has finally finished his first pumpkin.
He used to love sweets, unfortunately his tastes have changed a lot since his transformation and now he doesn't eat them. Gradually, however, he begins to be able to eat them again, but only those that sting. And there are two problems with that. The first is that they're Ethan's favourite and the second is that he doesn't really like them. In fact, the only reason he would ever take them is to make Ethan angry.
When Ethan offered to do Ouija boarding, he initially refused, Aaron did tell him that it was very dangerous and not to be taken lightly. But then the doctor laughed at him and his cowardice, so he changed his mind. They moved into the living room and turned off all the lights. If you ask him, he'll argue that Ethan panicked first, but the result is the same. They didn't think to close the communication and went to hide far from the living room (in their room). Since then, there is a strange reflection that can be seen in the windows near the piano, Ivan is always quick to close the curtains to avoid seeing it.
He would like to go out into town to scare the humans, but he is too afraid of doing something stupid to do so. So, he stays in the manor hoping to control himself enough next year to dare to go out.
Aaron :
Until he met Beliath, Aaron had never celebrated Halloween. He's watched this little party become more and more popular, but he felt a bit too old for this kind of thing. Although he thinks he would certainly have celebrated it without hesitation if it had existed when he was a child. It wouldn't have been for the candy though, but more for the opportunity to go out and play at night with his friends, which he wasn't really allowed to do as a child.
The first time he celebrated Halloween was at the manor, at that time it was just him, Vladimir and Beliath, the incubus didn't insist that he dress up and they told horror stories by the fire instead, Beliath wasn't having a party at the manor at that time. Now, he’s always a little suspicious when Beliath suggests a Halloween-themed party, and he doesn't really understand why Beliath is so keen for him to dress up. But then, it's only once a year and it makes the incubus happy, so he gives in. Since he never knows what to dress up as, it's usually the others who choose for him. The last time, he disguised himself as Thanos. It was Ivan's idea.
Aaron doesn't know exactly how it happened, but he's kind of become the official storyteller for Halloween nights. He doesn't make much of an effort though. He only tells about things he has experienced and yes, he has indeed faced many demons, ghosts and evil spirits. It's not for nothing that he has a whole collection of scars on his body. In the end, he has to admit that it doesn't really bother him, and he has even got into the habit of skipping the goriest parts to preserve the most sensitive ones.
He leaves much of the decorating to Beliath and Ivan unless his cadets come to him for help in hanging things. If he were alone, he clearly wouldn't decorate. Despite some criticisms he may have about the decorating, he must admit that he really likes decorating pumpkins, it's a fun activity to do in a group, especially since everyone participates. In fact, it's the thing he enjoys most about this activity. It's not every night that everyone gathers in the same place to do the same thing, and even if there is some bickering, the atmosphere is pretty good.
He doesn't really like sweet. Well, he eats them all the same. He prefers bergamot, eucalyptus, or pine sap candies. He usually makes it through several months with one package.
He doesn't believe that Ivan and Ethan were stupid enough to do Ouija in the house, so he defends them against Vladimir and Beliath. Of course, he did notice that the mood in the living room had changed, but a spirit could very well have latched onto someone outside the manor. In any case, it can't be one of the younger ones. They've already talked enough about the dangers of Ouija as it is, they wouldn't dare to do such a stupid thing.
He does not enjoy scaring humans and he is especially careful that Ethan's jokes do not hurt anyone. If he can tolerate that the doctor has fun scaring others, he will not tolerate any injury due to his nonsense, nor that his jokes consist in making fun of the phobia of someone in the manor, especially as it is never Ethan who manages the anxiety attacks that he can cause.
Raphaël :
Like Vladimir, he hates this party. It's scary, noisy and Ethan takes great pleasure in trying to scare him. Halloween didn't really exist in this form when he was a child, and he doesn't really know if he would have enjoyed it. On the one hand, he's never averse to sweets and getting them for free by just knocking on people's doors would probably have amused him a lot, but on the other hand, even if he wasn't particularly fearful as a child, he was rather superstitious and he's not sure he would have enjoyed it in the end.
He didn't really want to dress up at first. He didn't like the texture of most disguises and he didn't want to give up his usual clothes even for one night. But Beliath promised him sweets in return, so... Raphael can't really resist sweets. However, he only wanted Vladimir's opinion on his disguise, because he didn't trust other people's tastes enough. In the end, his disguise changes every year, sometimes he disguises himself as Hades, sometimes as the Phantom of the Opera and he even "disguised" himself as a vampire once, which Beliath found very amusing.
He hates Aaron's horror stories, and he doesn't even try to hide it. He sighs with disgust at the slightest story that is a little too bloody and spends a good part of the evening between Vladimir and Beliath because he is at least sure that neither of them will try to startle him for fun. Once it was time to go to his room to sleep alone, well... let's just say that he often joined Vladimir in his room to talk. Most of the time, they just talk about the stories Aaron told them to try to convince themselves that they are safe.
He's not the one who helps decorate the mansion the most. He doesn't like horrific atmospheres and he doesn't really like to spend his time getting his head stuck in the spider webs that Beliath puts everywhere, nor does he like to trip over yet another pumpkin in the middle of the passage. However, he also decorates pumpkins, the only problem is that his always look too cute. This makes Beliath a bit desperate, as he would only like scary pumpkins, but he doesn't have the courage to point this out to Raphael.
Okay, okay. It's the only time of year, along with Christmas and Easter, when he has a good excuse to binge on sweets. Clearly, he will not miss it under any circumstances. He's ready to get mad if there's no candy. That's the concept of this party, to eat candy until you're sick! He will agree to give sweets to Vladimir and maybe to Beliath. But the others! Were they at least nice enough? Clearly, Ethan wasn't, Ivan has no taste and Aaron just doesn't know what's good.
Of course, Vladimir told him about his suspicions of Ethan and Ivan and yes, it's true that it's a bit strange that the piano starts playing by itself at the same time at night, but they wouldn't dare to do that! a Ouija! In the living room! Raphael knows that the two youngest are irresponsible, but he doesn't think it's that bad.
He does not enjoy scaring others. Although he does enjoy silently entering rooms to startle his housemates.
Ethan :
He didn't celebrate Halloween as a child. Now that he thinks about it, he would probably have enjoyed it a lot, more for the opportunity to dress up and scare others than for the candy. He discovered this festival at the same time as his arrival at the manor, he had already heard about it of course, but he had not really been interested in it until he found Beliath. At that point, the incubus was preparing to host his first Halloween-themed party at the manor.
Ethan hadn't planned to participate, let alone dress up, but it's hard to say no to Beliath. Finally, he gave in and dressed up to please his friend. After all, it was cheap and Beliath just looks like a kid on Christmas Eve when everyone else is dressed up to celebrate Halloween. The vast majority of the time he dresses up as a character from a horror movie, once he considered dressing up as a clown to scare Vladimir but in the end the disguise made him far too uncomfortable to just stay in the same room as him, so he changed his mind.
What! No, he's not afraid of Aaron's horror stories! Frankly, only Raphael, Ivan and Vladimir worry about that. And it's clearly not why he sleeps with the lights on or feels like he's being watched all day. He's not afraid of a few ghosts! He is neither cowardly nor fearful! If he were to be frank, he would tell you that the scariest of horror films is worthless compared to the stories of the wolf, but he will certainly not be frank.
He wanted to put dolls in the mansion at first (mainly to scare Vladimir) but the other boys totally rejected his idea. He is the most difficult to convince about the pumpkin decorations. He hates it! It's a bore for him. In the end, the only reason he agreed is to please Beliath and to be able to make fun of Ivan's pumpkins which are always totally messed up, the only problem with the last point is that he always ends up being yelled at by Vladimir and Aaron for making fun of the youngest.
He likes sweets, not all of them, just the acid ones. He knows that Beliath will always bring him a packet of têtes brûlées when he comes back from shopping. They hide them so that Ivan doesn't take them, they are his sweets after all, and certainly not Ivan's.
It was one Halloween night that he decided to do Ouija with Ivan in the living room. At first, it was just supposed to be some nonsense to scare Ivan. They did it for an hour before things started to get really weird. In the panic, they forgot to make the spirit go away. Since then, the piano has been playing music by itself. Ethan is horrified whenever he hears it but stubbornly continues to deny any responsibility in the matter, He'd much rather have a ghost in the mansion than be yelled at by Aaron.
He makes a lot of jokes during the Halloween period. Less on humans than on other members of the manor. Sometimes they don't cause any negative consequences. Often they turn out badly. After all, he once made Raphael fall down the stairs while trying to scare him.
Neil :
Really, he never saw the point of this party. It never even occurred to him to celebrate it. He finds it quite boring. Of course, it's easier to find humans to bite, they're everywhere in the streets, but it's just too easy! He's spoilt for choice and people aren't even really afraid of him and dare to talk to him about disguises, does he look like someone who dresses up? Seriously a disguise! These people have no idea how much his costume costs and he dares to call his costume a disguise! 
Neil doesn't really like fancy dress in general. At the very least, he could enjoy a fancy dress ball, but not just any kind of fancy dress ball. He would like something rich with a band, nice clothes, good food and the best of high society. 
He doesn't listen to horror stories. It's not really something he's interested in, and he tends to get bored quickly with it, both because he's always looking for the flaw in the story and because he's often seen much worse. However, he almost never tells a horror story. Even though he knows a lot about boats, the sea, the ocean, the abyss and the flying Dutchman (although he never mentions the latter, it was just a bit too horrific for his taste).
He never decorated the places where he lived for Halloween. Neil thinks it's a waste of time.
He likes sweets a lot. Let's just say that if he passes by a sweet shop one evening, chances are he'll stop and buy some candy. He has a preference for the more classic ones like jelly beans, liquorice, and marshmallows. More rarely, he buys Car en sac or gummy bears (and he has a preference for yellow and orange ones).
He tends to avoid all places known to be haunted because at best it's just a ghost and it's still very difficult to get rid of and at worst it's a demon and he has no desire to confront a demon, it's far too difficult to defeat and far too dangerous. The one time he was forced to live with a ghost, he thought he was going to burn the house down. He opened doors at all hours, slammed shut the shutters, ran screaming down the hallway, even went into his bathroom to write a threat on the mirror before disappearing! The worst part was that he had nothing to make it disappear and had to leave the house! No, clearly he doesn't like ghosts.
He doesn't waste time scaring humans, anyway on Halloween they are not afraid of him and the rest of the year they are afraid of everything!
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