candy0018 · 1 year
HIGH CARD goods are increasing👍
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asmodessa · 2 years
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CardC!B: Honestly, I read that summary, & my first thought is - Kero shows up. Bakugou shouts. Izuku, following, SCREAMS. Before we get into the usual mudslinging, there’s "WHAT THE FUCK!?" "WHAT IS THAT!?" "ARE YOU SEEING THIS TOO!?!?". Kero calms them down & explains. Kat: "…it's official, I've lost my mind." / Zuku: "No, no, I see it too." / Kat: "Great, we're BOTH hallucinating."
They're both just too confused for a minute
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aaaalsafar · 3 months
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ثورة في تكنولوجيا الطيران: أجنحة الطائرة المقاتلة الصينية الجديدة تتحول إلى طائرات بدون طيار قاتلة في الجو
طائرة جديدة تجمع بين مقاتلة شبحية وطائرتين بدون طيار يمكن أن تنفصل في لمح البصر هي أحدث سلاح في ترسانة الصين.
موقع الدفاع العربي 29 يونيو 2024: أجرت الصين تجربة لطائرة مقاتلة جديدة تتميز بأجنحة قابلة للانفصال والتحول إلى طائرات بدون طيار. تم اختبار الطائرة في مطار غير معروف على الحافة الجنوبية لصحراء Mu Us. تتميز الطائرة بتصميم جسم الجناح المتكامل وجناح دلتا، مُحسّن للعمليات الخفية عالية السرعة.
خلال الاختبار، أظهرت الطائرة القدرة على فصل أجزاء من أجنحتها لتكوين طائرتين بدون طيار مستقلتين. كل طائرة بدون طيار كانت تعمل بمروحة كهربائية خاصة بها. هذا التحول الأولي أدى إلى اضطراب طفيف في الطائرة المقاتلة بسبب التحول الجوي المفاجئ ومركز الثقل.
بعد بعض الاستقرار الأولي، استقرت الطائرة الرئيسية والطائرات بدون طيار بسرعة، مما يدل على “كفاءة الطيران وقوة نظم التحكم الأوتوماتيكية” للتصميم. إذا كانت الأنباء صحيحة، فإن هذا الاختبار يمثل تقدمًا كبيرًا في “المفهوم الجديد” لطائرات القوات الجوية الصينية المستقبلية.
وشدد المهندس الأول دو تشين Du Xin من معهد تكنولوجيا الفضاء في مركز الصين للبحوث والتطوير الديناميكي الهوائي (CARDC) على نجاح الاختبار.
وهذا، في رأيه، يعالج بفعالية مشكلات مثل عدم تطابق السرعة وقيود النطاق التي يتم ملاحظتها بشكل شائع في عمليات الطائرات بدون طيار المستقلة. وأوضح دو: "إنها تمثل وضعًا متقدمًا للقتال التعاوني المأهول وغير المأهول، حيث يتم دمج طائرات متعددة ذات وظائف مختلفة للطيران المنسق".
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يشير دو إلى أن الطائرات بدون طيار المنفصلة يمكن أن تعمل كأجهزة استشعار متقدمة أو وحدات هجومية، مما يزيد من القدرات القتالية للطائرة المقاتلة. يمكن أيضًا للطائرات بدون طيار أن تعمل كدروع واقية، تحمي الطائرة المقاتلة من الهجمات العدائية.
كما أن هذا التصميم الجديد قد يكون جزءًا من استراتيجية أكبر للصين لتطوير "نظام قتالي متكامل" يجمع بين الطائرات المأهولة والطائرات بدون طيار. هذا النظام قد يتيح للصين تحقيق ميزة تكتيكية في المستقبل.
ومع ذلك، هناك العديد من التحديات التي يجب التغلب عليها ��بل أن يصبح هذا التصميم جاهزًا للإنتاج. تشمل هذه التحديات تحسين الاستقرار والتحكم، وضمان الأمان والموثوقية، وتطوير نظم التحكم المتقدمة.
في المجمل، يعتبر هذا التطور خطوة مهمة نحو تحقيق الصين لأهدافها في مجال الطيران العسكري.
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osarothomprince · 1 year
An Outreach Program to Commemorate Unsung Heroes in Freedom Struggle Launched from JNU
Last Updated: March 28, 2023, 23:11 IST It was organised by the Centre for Advanced Research on Development and Change (CARDC) in Delhi and launched under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. (File photo/News18) The idea is to explore the marginalised or hidden histories of scores of…An Outreach Program to Commemorate Unsung Heroes in Freedom…
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cardc-ru · 5 years
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Реставрация рулевого колеса, химчистка салона. -------------------------------------------- Детейлинг Центр «CarDC» @CarDC_ru • Полировка кузова. • Керамическое покрытие. • Антигравийная защита. • Полировка стёкол. • Полировка фар/фонарей. • Химчистка салона. • Консервация салона. • Антидождь. -------------------------------------------- Обращайтесь по телефону или пишите: Телефон: +7(495) 764-01-15 (WhatsApp) +7(926) 218-10-50 (WhatsApp, Viber) Центр находится по адресу: г. Москва, 5-й В. Михайловский пр-д, 2с2 http://www.CarDC.ru -------------------------------------------- #Москва #ЮАО #детейлинг #автодетейлинг #CarDC #PowerShield #детейлингмойка #полировка #полировкаавто #полировкафар #защитаавто #уходзаавто #защитакузова #защитноепокрытие #жидкоестекло  #пленка #керамическоепокрытие #антихром #тюнинг #нанокерамика #детейлингмосква #антидождь #химчистка #химчисткасалона #автомойка #autogespot #smotra https://www.instagram.com/p/ByrnhaSofZt/?igshid=nustptnowyav
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lacymoonchild · 3 years
Happy Birthday Daddy by Lacy Via Flickr: from me to my dad
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bubbsnugg · 3 years
Happy Birthday Daddy by Lacy Via Flickr: from me to my dad
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mermaidsbiann · 4 years
I’m sorry but what the fuck was up with shoujo mangas/anime and having gross age gap and incest relationships
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vsialighten · 6 years
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Let's start practicing with Card Captor Sakura ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
Talk about difficult asks :D
Your top 5 Clamp ships please?
Sorry noa. I was busy adulting and chatting with you about fandoms so it took me a while to answer your ask.
This was hard btw. Like... how am I supposed to list my faves in order?! Also, do I even have FIVE top CLAMP ships?!!!
Run-on-sentences and fangirling below the cut...
Edit: it’s kind of interesting that the ships follow a specific pattern. I wonder if you can pick up on it!
5. Toru and Saya x/1999
Based on one single panel.
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Yes, I’m shallow. But I seriously love this panel so much. Not only is it aesthetically beautiful, it evokes a very beautiful and gentle feeling in me.
I do feel like this panel is just so telling of how much they loved each other. And it’s also both a sort of a... prelude so to speak? to Kamui and Fuuma’s own fated bond and the tragedy at the core of said bond.
Wait... it was mutual between Toru and Saya, right?
4. Arashi and Sorata from x/1999
Cannot not mention arasora from x.
Yes, Arashi on top because we all know Sorata would totally be into Arashi tying him up and being used and abused by her. This is a canon fact and no one can change my mind.
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They have an interesting thing going because of Sorata's fate and I can see why Arashi would have been annoyed about it in the beginning. Like... how do you decide to die for someone you just met? Talk about unrealistic tbh.
And yet... Sorata is so set on it! 
The way I see them, I feel like with them the attraction was simply instantaneous. Something you can't deny sort of thing. 
Sorata might have recognized it first, hence why he decided on her (I like to think that it isn't JUST because she's physically beautiful since CLAMP is all about soulmate bonds).
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As for Arashi, since Arashi is the only one who can decide for herself that she wants to live, I think Sorata mirrored back to her her own will to live. Aside from how perceptive he is, I also think that this joy for life that is inherent of Sorata’s personality (we played this game before but I think he could be a Sagittarius) is how she learned to love him deeply.
Also, it's an irony that Sorata would be perfectly fine with accepting he would one day die for the woman he loves, while the woman he loves learned to have an "appetite" for life because of him.
UGH... CLAMP... ffs.
I was having a perfectly normal evening... ok let's go deeper into this hole of despair.
3. Fuuma and Kamui from x/1999
Listen but why are all these ships so damn tragic?
I definitively have problems.
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I wish they’d just get a room already...
Really tragic, really heartbreaking feels come out of fcking nowhere because of these two. 
Idk how to explain how it, literally, offends me when I get the fuukam feels because they always come out of nowhere. 
Like... no warning, no nothing.
What I love about this pairing in particular is that there is so much love between them in a very platonic way. It is a delight to see them navigate their inner conflict in relation to their fate and that is what makes their fate all the more heartbreaking. 
Of course, I love the twin star motif because they are boud by inevitability to collapse into one another (this is so not scientific).
Of course the sexy scenes are a total delight to behold too. 
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It’s just who they are. Literally, two horny teens carrying the weight of the fucking apocalypse on their shoulders as they try to bring the other to their senses. 
In the end, with them, I like to think we have a beautiful combination of really twisted eros and agape love.
Most beautiful of all is that Kamui would overlook Fuuma’s terrible haircut and love him unconditionally. If that isn’t true love, then I don’t know what is.
But while fuukam has an element of childhood friends to lovers that I absolutely adore...
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I still have to say my next fave is one of my absolute favorite example of (childhood) friends to lovers.
2. Syaoran and Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Why are they so cute tho?!
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Watching them navigate their crush in Cardcaptor Sakura is actually one of the main reasons I am a massive CLAMP stan as, in a way, they were the gateway drug to my CLAMP addiction.
Even though I am not necessarily a CCS fan, I remember watching every CCS movie I could find just so I could watch them be cute together. When I found out about TRC I was excited to see CLAMP explore a slightly more mature and more tragic version of this OTP.
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With syaosaku, the way I see them, it’s about the innocence of first love and the recognition that there’s someone who shines different from all of the other people around you. Or in CLAMP’s words, that most special person that’s totally not what they call it but I can’t think of the proper term right now.
With syaosaku, it’s about enduring puppy love. You know... when everything is simple “because you have feels” for each other. It’s undeveloped and innocent platonic love that can mature into something far more beautiful and enduring despite the many complications that may arise as they are bound to do.
I also love that even their respective clones are bound to fall in love with each other and that they choose each other time and time again and that’s part of what keeps them stuck in a time loop. Talk about being stupidly fated.
They’re adorbs. 12/10 recommend.
1. Kurogane and Fai from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
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Ok like listen.
Where do I even start?
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Or maybe...
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Ok. Yes. Here.
It’s all in what is not ducking said between these two.
With them, it’s always about something that happened off camera.
Kurogane looking shocked and sad instead of his usual “stoic warrior” or “tsundere” self also if I’m using tsundere incorrectly please don’t mind me apparently I can't get with the based program it’s just not sticking because Fai is giving him the faker than fake fakiest smile he’s ever given him to hide how pissed off and hurt he is about Kurogane not asking for consent. 
But Kurogane is in so deep about how he feels about the blond magician twink blue-eyed pirate vampire and so... he’s not going to let him die even if it means he has to not ask for consent or... you know... cut off his arm.
And like...
I’m totally digging Kurodaddy’s Capricorn energy. Very steadfast and driven, and very emotional.
I love Kurogane, he’s such a sexy daddy on all levels--his brains are my favorite of course.
And speaking of daddies and mommies...
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Mommy is over there just doing his best to live, just to get through another day. He’s all smiles but Fai looks to me like he is trying really hard to be his usual genki self--the one that got stuck in that tower who knows how long ago. 
The genki self that existed before all of the pain and sorrow that Nanase baked into his character she’s a total sadist and I love her all the more for it. In that sense, Fai is like Sei in that the line is blurred between their real personalities and who they pretend to be.
But in comes kurodaddy into his life and sees right through Fai’s bullshit because #sexybrain. I like to think he fell in love with the real Fai, of whom he got to see glimpses of.
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Because it’s about the soul, right? Not the face Fai puts on for the world. 
Anyways, so I love Fai’s character arc because it basically comes down to becoming who he was before the world broke his will to live. And Kurogane was a big part of Fai recovering that zest for life (he was drinking his blood ffs, how much more symbolical and metaphorical could CLAMP get with that?)
In the end, Fai couldn’t wait to be rescued to metaphorically leave the metaphorical tower behind, but rather, he had to rescue himself. 
Seriously, CLAMP got super “Grim’s Brothers fairy tale” with Fai. Still need to write about it too.
All Kurogane could do was to watch from the sidelines, give him his Kurodaddy encouragement “shape-up-and-figure-out-where-you-stand” talks, and to cut off more limbs in the meantime. 
So glad Fai figured out where he stands because trc could have ended with a limbless Kurogane because...
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Which begs the very important question: 
But, is it really true love if he didn’t put an eye on it? HM!
ANYWAYS, Kurogane persisted through all of this with Fai because he saw the real Fai. 
I’ve 300% adored being able to see the friendship that is canonically depicted between them because you can tell they simply are good friends who care for each other’s well-being.
Ehem... that I think there’s more happening beneath the canonical surface is a different story.
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In that way, kurofai feels so healing and so cathartic compared to seisub. 
It’s such a breath of fresh air to see them heal one another for me. It’s like seeing these two souls who chose each other.
Honorary mention: Karen and Aoki
Ok. I felt like they would be such a boring choice tbh. I don’t feel for them the way I feel about that Toru and Saya panel so that’s why they get an honorary mention, but ultimately, don’t even make the list.
I just needed them to take up space between the other No1. in this list because...
So vanilla. We don’t do vanilla around here.
We do homoerotic courtship battles between fated lovers around here.
1. Seishiro and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon and x/1999
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Caption: WHY CAN’T THEY JUST BE NORMAL FFS? (rhetorical question)
They are fatedest of fated. The kind of fated you do not want to be. 
But fated, nonetheless. 
Tanabata might sound romantic af but... it gets old if this is your reality and you’re just constantly pinning and longing melodramatically all the time.
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They are basically two worst possible circumstances that oppose one another. Twin stars bound to one another by inevitability.
One who does not realize he feels emotions because he is desensitized from his emotional self, but is deeply emotional nontheless (about the weirdest shit too, god I love him).
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And one who is deeply emotional, kind and empathetic to an unhealthy degree.
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Its just them and their complete, absolute and incredibly irrational inability to meet in the middle. 
WHY CAN’T THEY JUST BE NORMAL?! (rhetorical question)
It is truly heartbreaking that they only ever see “eye to eye” , true to their archetype of the fated lovers celebrated during tanabata, once in a lifetime. More on this in a bit...
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And with them, you get this tiny glimpse of what could have been if the circumstances in their life had not been what they were. 
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God I love him so much I want to strangle him.
All of this said, I have to say I admire how CLAMP created a depiction of the tanabata myth that presents the reason for the relationship as not actualizing itself because of circumstances that made the situation toxic on steroids.
And that’s what makes it all the more heartbreaking to me--they were truly each other’s “special someone” but were bound by fate to never become an actualized version of themselves that could ground the relationship down to human levels.
Their “love story" remained as one written in the stars--tanabata. It never became human and never will because, unlike kurofai, Seishiro and Subaru are stuck in a level of object relations that dictates how they see each other in relation to themselves.
That’s why kurofai takes spot 1 along with them. I like the idea of healing in relationship with someone else instead of knowingly activating a curse that you knew would kill you just so that you could prove him wrong and settle the bet once and for all about how much you really don’t love him even tho you totally know that you do but are still trying to deny that reality right until your last breath. 
I love him.
I’m obsessed.
Anyways. Subaru. Run!
I know I’ve complained about them the whole time but... I can’t deny the fact that seeing someone else at a soul level is an intense experience that I find very relatable. 
Like I said, they did share something.
Maybe I’m projecting but I think they shared some really, really deep middle ground and that there was some sort of ease and understanding they had with each other at a soulful level.
They just couldn’t bridge that soul bond and ground it in their human selves for a hundred million stupid many reasons.
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Which is how you end up with the most twisted “romantic” gesture in all of history this statement has been verified by all fact checkers.
FFS these two are so sick and so twisted and I love them all the more for it because they just cannot help themselves when it comes to the other--and that inevitable and unexplainable attraction at the soul level is what this ship is made of.
Unrealized human potential.
Stupid. so stupid. I love them your honor.
AH! and as if by 必然, this shows up in my feed this morning:
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kurofai = I want you to heal because I dig you
seisub = what’s the best possible way I can sabotage this because I dig you?
THANKS for asking
You know me too well. I needed this. 
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aaaalsafar · 3 months
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ثورة في تكنولوجيا الطيران: أجنحة الطائرة المقاتلة الصينية الجديدة تتحول إلى طائرات بدون طيار قاتلة في الجو
طائرة جديدة تجمع بين مقاتلة شبحية وطائرتين بدون طيار يمكن أن تنفصل في لمح البصر هي أحدث سلاح في ترسانة الصين.
موقع الدفاع العربي 29 يونيو 2024: أجرت الصين تجربة لطائرة مقاتلة جديدة تتميز بأجنحة قابلة للانفصال والتحول إلى طائرات بدون طيار. تم اختبار الطائرة في مطار غير معروف على الحافة الجنوبية لصحراء Mu Us. تتميز الطائرة بتصميم جسم الجناح المتكامل وجناح دلتا، مُحسّن للعمليات الخفية عالية السرعة.
خلال الاختبار، أظهرت الطائرة القدرة على فصل أجزاء من أجنحتها لتكوين طائرتين بدون طيار مستقلتين. كل طائرة بدون طيار كانت تعمل بمروحة كهربائية خا��ة بها. هذا التحول الأولي أدى إلى اضطراب طفيف في الطائرة المقاتلة بسبب التحول الجوي المفاجئ ومركز الثقل.
بعد بعض الاستقرار الأولي، استقرت الطائرة الرئيسية والطائرات بدون طيار بسرعة، مما يدل على “كفاءة الطيران وقوة نظم التحكم الأوتوماتيكية” للتصميم. إذا كانت الأنباء صحيحة، فإن هذا الاختبار يمثل تقدمًا كبيرًا في “المفهوم الجديد” لطائرات القوات الجوية الصينية المستقبلية.
وشدد المهندس الأول دو تشين Du Xin من معهد تكنولوجيا الفضاء في مركز الصين للبحوث والتطوير الديناميكي الهوائي (CARDC) على نجاح الاختبار.
وهذا، في رأيه، يعالج بفعالية مشكلات مثل عدم تطابق السرعة وقيود النطاق التي يتم ملاحظتها بشكل شائع في عمليات الطائرات بدون طيار المستقلة. وأوضح دو: "إنها تمثل وضعًا متقدمًا للقتال التعاوني المأهول وغير المأهول، حيث يتم دمج طائرات متعددة ذات وظائف مختلفة للطيران المنسق".
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يشير دو إلى أن الطائرات بدون طيار المنفصلة يمكن أن تعمل كأجهزة استشعار متقدمة أو وحدات هجومية، مما يزيد من القدرات القتالية للطائرة المقاتلة. يمكن أيضًا للطائرات بدون طيار أن تعمل كدروع واقية، تحمي الطائرة المقاتلة من الهجمات العدائية.
كما أن هذا التصميم الجديد قد يكون جزءًا من استراتيجية أكبر للصين لتطوير "نظام قتالي متكامل" يجمع بين الطائرات المأهولة والطائرات بدون طيار. هذا النظام قد يتيح للصين تحقيق ميزة تكتيكية في المستقبل.
ومع ذلك، هناك العديد من التحديات التي يجب التغلب عليها قبل أن يصبح هذا التصميم جاهزًا للإنتاج. تشمل هذه التحديات تحسين الاستقرار والتحكم، وضمان الأمان والموثوقية، وتطوير نظم التحكم المتقدمة.
في المجمل، يعتبر هذا التطور خطوة مهمة نحو تحقيق الصين لأهدافها في مجال الطيران العسكري.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, April 9, 2021
The $50 billion race to save America’s renters from eviction (Washington Post) The Biden administration again extended a federal moratorium on evictions last week, but conflicting court rulings on whether the ban is legal, plus the difficulty of rolling out nearly $50 billion in federal aid, means the country’s reckoning with its eviction crisis may come sooner than expected. The year-old federal moratorium—which has now been extended through June 30—has probably kept hundreds of thousands or millions of people from being evicted from their apartments and homes. More than 10 million Americans are behind on rent, according to Moody’s, easily topping the 7 million who lost their homes to foreclosure in the 2008 housing bust. Despite the unprecedented federal effort to protect tenants, landlords have been chipping away at the moratorium in court. Treasury Department officials have been armed with nearly $50 billion in emergency aid for renters who have fallen behind, and are racing to distribute it through hundreds of state, local and tribal housing agencies, some of which have not created programs yet. The idea is to get the money to renters before courts nationwide begin processing evictions again.
A court filing says parents of 445 separated migrant children still have not been found. (NYT) The parents of 61 migrant children who were separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border by the Trump administration have been located since February, but lawyers still cannot find the parents of 445 children, according to a court filing on Wednesday. In the filing, the Justice Department and the American Civil Liberties Union indicated slow progress in the ongoing effort to reunite families that were affected by a policy to prosecute all undocumented immigrants in the United States, even if it meant separating children from their parents. Of the 445 remaining children, a majority are believed to have parents who were deported, while more than 100 children are believed to have parents currently in the United States, according to the court filing. The government has yet to provide contact information that would help locate the families of more than a dozen children.
N Ireland leaders call for calm after night of rioting (AP) Rioters set a hijacked bus on fire and hurled gasoline bombs at police in Belfast in at least the fourth night of serious violence in a week in Northern Ireland, where Brexit has unsettled an uneasy political balance. Youths threw projectiles and petrol bombs at police on Wednesday night in the Protestant Shankill Road area, while rioters lobbed bricks, fireworks and petrol bombs in both directions over the concrete “peace wall” separating the Shankill Road from a neighboring Irish nationalist area. Police Service of Northern Ireland Assistant Chief Constable Jonathan Roberts said several hundred people gathered on both sides of a gate in the wall, where “crowds ... were committing serious criminal offenses, both attacking police and attacking each other.” He said a total of 55 police officers have been injured over several nights of disorder. The recent violence, largely in pro-British loyalist areas, has flared amid rising tensions over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland and worsening relations between the parties in the Protestant-Catholic power-sharing Belfast government.
Biden seems ready to extend US troop presence in Afghanistan (AP) Without coming right out and saying it, President Joe Biden seems ready to let lapse a May 1 deadline for completing a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Orderly withdrawals take time, and Biden is running out of it. Biden has inched so close to the deadline that his indecision amounts almost to a decision to put off, at least for a number of months, a pullout of the remaining 2,500 troops and continue supporting the Afghan military at the risk of a Taliban backlash. Removing all of the troops and their equipment in the next three weeks—along with coalition partners who can’t get out on their own—would be difficult logistically, as Biden himself suggested in late March. “It’s going to be hard to meet the May 1 deadline,” he said. “Just in terms of tactical reasons, it’s hard to get those troops out.” Tellingly, he added, “And if we leave, we’re going to do so in a safe and orderly way.”
One in six Latin American youths left work since pandemic’s start (Reuters) Across Latin America and the Caribbean, one in every six people aged 18 to 29 has left work since the coronavirus pandemic began, forcing many to abandon their studies, a report said on Thursday. The precariousness of employment for young people rose across the region, according to an investigation by Canadian charity Cuso International based on data from a U.N. commission and a poll by the International Labour Organization. “It’s extremely difficult for young people to access the labor market due to issues around specialization, lower wages, and poverty,” the advocacy group’s Colombia director Alejandro Matos told Reuters. More than half of those who stopped working since the start of the pandemic were let go by their employers, the report said, while others saw their businesses close and those employed in the informal sector could not work due to lockdowns.
Myanmar ambassador in London locked out of embassy after speaking out against military (Washington Post) Myanmar’s ambassador to Britain, who has spoken out again the military coup in his country, said he was barred from the embassy in London on Wednesday by officials loyal to the military junta. “They are refusing to let me inside,” Kyaw Zwar Minn told the Telegraph. “They said they received instruction from the capital, so they are not going to let me in.” Kyaw Zwar Minn told the British newspaper that when he left the embassy during the day, colleagues and officials linked to the military stormed the premises and kept him from reentering that evening. In early March, the ambassador, a former military colonel, spoke out against the military’s detention of the former British colony’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi, drawing criticism from the junta that had orchestrated her ouster and praise from the British government for his “courage.” The London-based ambassador was recalled, according to Myanmar state television, after he posted a statement on the embassy’s Facebook page demanding “the release of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint,” but he did not return to Myanmar.
Merkel tells Putin to pull back troops as Kremlin accuses Ukraine of provocations (Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to pull back the Kremlin’s military buildup near the border with Ukraine, while he in turn accused Kyiv of “provocative actions” in the conflict region. Ukraine has raised the alarm over an increase in Russian forces near its eastern border as violence has risen along the line of contact separating its troops from Russia-backed separatists in its Donbass region. Russia has said its forces pose no threat and were defensive, but that they would stay there as long as Moscow saw fit. A senior Kremlin official said on Thursday that Moscow could under certain circumstances be forced to defend its citizens in Donbass and that major hostilities could mark the beginning of the end of Ukraine as a country.
China builds advanced weapons systems using American chip technology (Washington Post) In a secretive military facility in southwest China, a supercomputer whirs away, simulating the heat and drag on hypersonic vehicles speeding through the atmosphere—missiles that could one day be aimed at a U.S. aircraft carrier or Taiwan, according to former U.S. officials and Western analysts. The computer is powered by tiny chips designed by a Chinese firm called Phytium Technology using American software and built in the world’s most advanced chip factory in Taiwan, which hums with American precision machinery, say the analysts. Phytium portrays itself as a commercial company aspiring to become a global chip giant like Intel. It does not publicize its connections to the research arms of the People’s Liberation Army. The hypersonic test facility is located at the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC), which also obscures its military connections though it is run by a PLA major general, according to public documents, and the former officials and analysts, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. Phytium’s partnership with CARDC offers a prime example of how China is quietly harnessing civilian technologies for strategic military purposes—with the help of American technology. The trade is not illegal but is a vital link in a global high-tech supply chain that is difficult to regulate because the same computer chips that could be used for a commercial data center can power a military supercomputer.
Indonesia landslides death toll rises to 140, dozens missing (AP) The death toll from mudslides in eastern Indonesia has risen to 140 with dozens still missing, officials said Wednesday, as rain continued to pound the region and hamper the search. East Flores district on Adonara island suffered the highest losses with 67 bodies recovered so far and six missing. Mud tumbled down from surrounding hills early on Sunday, catching people at sleep. Some were swept away by flash floods after overnight rains caused rivers to burst their banks. On nearby Lembata island, the downpour triggered by Tropical Cyclone Seroja sent solidified lava from a volcanic eruption in November to crash down on more than a dozen villages, killing at least 32 and leaving 35 unaccounted for, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency.
Reversing Trump, Biden Restores Aid to Palestinians (NYT) The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would restore hundreds of millions of dollars in American aid to Palestinians, its strongest move yet to reverse President Donald J. Trump’s policy on the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The package, which gives at least $235 million in assistance to Palestinians, will go to humanitarian, economic, development and security efforts in the region, and is part of the administration’s attempt to rehabilitate U.S. relations with Palestinians, which effectively stopped when Mr. Trump was in office. The restoration of aid amounted to the most direct repudiation so far of Mr. Trump’s tilt toward Israel in its decades-old conflict with the Palestinian population in Israeli-controlled territories.
Royal rift ends (NYT) Jordan’s King Abdullah II said on Wednesday that the “discord” that has roiled the kingdom for days has “been stopped,” signaling a resolution to a rare royal rift that resulted in the house arrest of Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, the former crown prince, and the detention of several Jordanian officials who were accused of plotting a foreign-backed coup against the monarchy.
Conflict and COVID driving record hunger in DR Congo, warns UN (Al Jazeera) A record 27.3 million people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are facing acute hunger, one-third of the violence-wracked Central African country’s population, largely because of conflict and the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations has warned. The DRC is “home to the highest number of people in urgent need of food security assistance in the world,” the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization said on Tuesday in a joint statement, describing the scale of the crisis as “staggering”. “For the first time ever we were able to analyse the vast majority of the population, and this has helped us to come closer to the true picture of the staggering scale of food insecurity in the DRC,” Peter Musoko, WFP’s representative in the country, said. “This country should be able to feed its population and export a surplus. We cannot have children going to bed hungry and families skipping meals for an entire day,” he said.
Beware The Carpet Cleaner (The Guardian) Parkinson’s disease is the fastest-growing neurological disorder in the world, and the US is experiencing an explosion of cases. In the last decade, the number of Parkinson’s cases in America has increased 35%, and a neurologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center thinks over the next 25 years it will double again. Most cases of the disease are considered idiopathic—without a clear cause. But researchers now believe one factor is environmental exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical compound used in industrial degreasing, dry-cleaning, and household products like some shoe polishes and carpet cleaners. TCE is a carcinogen already linked to renal cell carcinoma, cancers of the cervix, liver, biliary passages, lymphatic system and male breast tissue, fetal cardiac defects, and more. Several studies point to a link between Parkinson’s and workplace exposure to TCE. The US Labor Department issued guidance on TCE saying exposures to carbon disulfide (CS2) and TCE are presumed to “cause, contribute or aggravate Parkinsonism.”
‘Tantalizing’ results of 2 experiments defy physics rulebook (AP) Preliminary results from two experiments suggest something could be wrong with the basic way physicists think the universe works, a prospect that has the field of particle physics both baffled and thrilled. Tiny particles called muons aren’t quite doing what is expected of them in two different long-running experiments in the United States and Europe. The confounding results—if proven right—reveal major problems with the rulebook physicists use to describe and understand how the universe works at the subatomic level. “We think we might be swimming in a sea of background particles all the time that just haven’t been directly discovered,” Fermilab experiment co-chief scientist Chris Polly said in a press conference. “There might be monsters we haven’t yet imagined that are emerging from the vacuum interacting with our muons and this gives us a window into seeing them.” If confirmed, the U.S. results would be the biggest finding in the bizarre world of subatomic particles in nearly 10 years, since the discovery of the Higgs boson, often called the “God particle,” said Aida El-Khadra of the University of Illinois, who works on theoretical physics for the Fermilab experiment.
Unlikely chauffeur (Foreign Policy) Kevin Rudd is best known as a former Australian prime minister. Last Tuesday night in Queensland, he was mistaken for an Uber driver. The former Labor party leader became an unlikely chauffeur when a group of revelers—described as “tipsy” by Rudd’s daughter—piled into his car as he sought parking at a local restaurant. Rudd obliged the passengers, reportedly driving half the journey to the town’s main drag before being recognized by his would-be customers. “Four young Melburnians getting drenched in a Queensland subtropical downpour at Noosa last night with no Uber in sight … So what’s a man to do?” Rudd later wrote on Twitter.
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extwentythree · 7 years
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Tfw you need to keep your rapist on fb bc you live in the same town and you literally almost would have fucking run into them at m*gacon tomorrow with no warning if you didnt
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