#cardverse soulmate au
sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
Are you ever going to finish your cardverse fic?
I don't know if this is about the Season or the Soulmate au, or some other cardverse au that I've talked about and now forgotten, but...ideally...yeah? I'd like to?
When I first posted the Season, I was still working on finishing Kingfisher/Halcyon, so I couldn't put as much focus as I needed on it, and then when I was ready to get back to it....there just wasn't any interest in it....so I haven't finished it yet... But I would like to! It just hasn't happened yet...
As for the soulmate au, that one just needs a lot of attention, because it's going to be kind of a big story...but again, I do still intend to get to it at some point!
Right now, I'm working on The Only Thing to Fear, so maybe when I'm done with that, I'll be ready to work on cardverse! In the meantime, please feel free to send in more asks about whichever fic you were asking about! I'd love to talk about them more!
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sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
So I’ve been in charge at work this week and I’m absolutely exhausted. But I keep thinking about my different cardverse aus. But I’m too tired to do anything with them right now. So I’m just going to share my playlists for The Season and the soulmate au. 
Give ‘em a listen, if you are so inclined ;) let me know what you think of the vibes, and ask me some questions about either au, because I want to talk about them.
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sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
Changing of the Seasons
“Kiku!” Feliciano cries as he runs across the hall towards his friend, Ludwig following behind him. “Kiku!” Feliciano grabs his hands. For once Kiku’s not the only one wearing gloves. “We’re going outside, come with us?”
Kiku looks over at their nurse, who’s waiting on the other end of the hall with their brothers, then up at his own nurse, who looks down at him with the same unamused expression she always wears. “I can’t.” he says, “I have to go to tea.”
“You go to tea everyday!” Feliciano protests, “It’s snowing today!”
“And it will continue to snow,” Nurse scolds, “But the Queen has responsibilities that do not include roughhousing with the two of you.”
Feliciano pouts, but Ludwig’s face lights up with a new idea. “Maybe we can come to tea with you?” he suggests. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve joined Kiku’s daily sessions with the other royalty, but it’s not something Kiku is brave enough to request often.
“I hardly think that would be appropriate,” Nurse scolds again, “You’ve already intruded twice this month.” It’s not so many times, Kiku had only asked once, the other time had been at the Jack’s suggestion, and the month is almost over anyway. But Kiku had been scolded for both occasions, and truth be told, he’d rather avoid going through that again.
“It’s alright,” he reassures his friends, because he knows that’s his responsibility as the Queen: be calm and peaceful, and brave, even when it’s not what you want. “Maybe tomorrow.” He says, even though he’s already sure Nurse will find another reason to deny them again.
“Promise?” Feliciano asks, holding out his hand with just his pinky finger extended. Kiku wraps his own around together with Feliciano’s, Ludwig reaching out to wrap his own finger around both of theirs to complete the promise. All three of their hands are gloved, Ludwig and Feliciano’s to protect them from the cold they were about to go into, Kiku’s to protect himself from them.
“Promise.” He says, even though he’s already sure it’s a lie. Kiku watches as his friends separate from him, running back towards their intended course. 
“Come along,” Nurse redirects him, her own gloved hand just barely brushing his shoulder as she guides him back towards his meeting with the King and Jack. “The King will be unhappy if we’re late.”
Kiku knows that’s not true, the only person he’s even seen the King unhappy with is his Jack. Kiku looks over his shoulder at the other children, who already shouting and pushing each other, even as their nurse tries to encourage them to save their energy until they’re outside. Kiku holds back a sigh and focuses ahead again.
Nurse stops just outside the door to wait as Kiku goes on ahead. He greets the King and Jack with a bow when he enters the King’s office. “Good afternoon, your Majesty.” They return the greeting as he takes his seat. He feels even smaller than usual every time he sits at the little table in the King’s office. 
Outside the window he can see the snow falling. He wonders how much has already gathered on the ground, and how much fun Feliciano and Ludwig and the others must be having. The first snow of the year is always his favorite.
He doesn’t even realize he’s being spoken too until the Jack taps the table in front of his to get his attention. “Something on your mind?” he asks with a gently teasing smile.
“No, Sir,” Kiku ducks his head as he picks up his tea cup, “My apologies.”
“No Ludwig and Feliciano today?” the Jack continues, “I’m sure we can send for them, if you’d like?”
Kiku shakes his head, still not looking up. “They went out to play in the snow.”
There’s a brief moment of silence. Sometimes Kiku wonders how some adults are capable of having conversations without actually speaking to each other.
“And you didn’t go out with them?” the King asks.
Kiku shakes his head again, “I’m here.” he reminded them, as if his presence wasn’t obvious enough.
“Well I’m sure we can excuse your presence every once in a while,” the King says easily.
Kiku’s head snaps up to face him. “Do you mean that?” He asks, almost daring to hope he does.
“Of course,” the King spares him one of his rare smiles, “The first snow only comes once a year. You should be able to enjoy it with your friends.”
Kiku jumps to his feet, hurriedly bowing to the King, “Thank you, your Majesty.”
The King waves him away, and Kiku’s running away. It’s not remotely proper, but he’s too excited to care right now. Nurse is already scolding him as he passes her, but he can’t bring himself to care about that either just yet. He runs to his room first, just long enough to change his clothes into something warmer, less formal. He changes his gloves from the white silk ones he only wears for tea to a pair of warm red wool, better suited for the snow, throws on his coat, and is running out to the courtyard.
There’s enough snow to cover the ground already, and the other four children are running around, throwing handfuls of it at each other. They don’t notice Kiku until he scoops a handful up for himself,  managing to hit Ludwig with it. 
Ludwig shouts a protest, but it’s drowned out by Feliciano’s shriek as he charges towards Kiku, crashing into him and pulling him down into the snow. 
“You’re here! You’re here!” Feliciano cheers as he catches Kiku’s gloved hands in his own, reaching out for Ludwig’s at the same time as he come to join them.
“I’m here,” Kiku confirms with a laugh as Ludwig sinks down next to them, returning the handful on snow Kiku had thrown.
“You said you’d join us tomorrow,” Ludwig accuses, but he’s smiling as he says it.
“Tomorrow too.” Kiku promises, more sure than he had been earlier.
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
I don't have much for the geritapan side other than like... could we get some more gerpan and gerita moments? Or all three of them? We've only really seen the Itapan side of it so far...
I mean...if I finally get around to writing it, there will definately be more gerpan and gerita and geritapan. But the itapan part was just wanting to be written that day I guess, and the only other parts I've written with all three of them happen further along in the story and wouldn't make any sense with the info you have now. But if you want to know more about their relationships, you can ask something more specific.
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
Ok ok so... what happens when the King of Spades is found? Would he be much younger than Fruk or around the same age? Is he disappointed that he's not the Queen's soulmate or will he eventually find his own? (idk what your alfred ships are so I'm not assuming anything)
Okay, so the fruk/kirkland bros story is actually kind of split into two parts, the first being Arthur and Francis as teenagers learning how to lead their kingdoms, and the second being...well, Alfred...
After Francis and Arthur finally figure everything out, things settle down and everything is relatively chill for a couple of years.
Enter Alfred and Matthew, a couple of orphan kids found on the street, and brought to Spades's palace after someone realizes Alfred has the King's mark. So...Arthur and Francis kind of sort of end up adopting these kids, and raising them to be royalty.
Alfred's cool with everything, including becoming king, as long as Matthew can stay with him.
(Also my primary Alfred ship is RusAme, but at the moment, the plan is for Club's royalty to be older than even Arthur and Francis, so I probably won't go with that. But, who knows, plans can change...)
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
Ok so I'm gonna break this up into multiple asks so that you don't have to answer everything at once, but here we go: What happens right after Soulmate Scar? Did Arthur and Francis have to deal with the public's backlash? What about their developing relationship?
Oh, there is absolutely backlash to deal with. There's an investigation launched by both Spades and Diamonds to make sure there wasn't some underlying plot to kill the former king. So Francis has to deal with all kinds of suspicion about his motives, while also learning to be king himself. It doesn't help that nobody will take him seriously due to his...*previous job*...in the castle.
As for Arthur and Spades, Arthur hasn't been queen for very long, he's still learning how to do this, while also mourning his parents, and now he has accusations about plotting an assassination with his soulmate to worry about... Not to mention there's still no sign of a new king yet...
Their developing relationship is...complicated, to say the least, because it went from 'oh, I think you're pretty/please distract me from my horrible life' to 'oh. we're destined to be together for the rest of our lives...' (Also Francis may or may not have had some feelings for someone else before he met Arthur...)
Basically, everything is really complicated and these kids are in so far over their heads. It's a good thing Arthur has a family he can trust to help guide him. Francis...has Arthur...(don't worry, I promise there are other people on Francis' side, it's just going to take him a while to realize it)
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
...I really was intending to work on one of my easier Cardverse au's, but then somebody had to bring up the soulmate one, and now I can't stop thinking about it again...
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
Which cardverse au is the one with Geritapan soulmate au? Bc I've been dying to hear more about it
That one's actually my third cardverse au, which I'm not working on at the moment, because it's more detailed than the other two....
But! I'll still talk about it! (here's parts one and two of what I've written for this au. Also Fortune's Favor and Soulmate's Scar, which are about the Kirkland brothers and Fruk, but are set in the same universe)
So the story starts with a young Kiku, who was marked as the future queen after the previous queen's death. He's kind of being trained by the current king and jack, and also kind of friends with the king's sons (Gilbert and Ludwig), and the jack's grandsons (Lovino and Feliciano). And of course Kiku, Ludwig, and Feliciano all fall in love with each other.
The problem there being that the queen is supposed to be a really distant figure, who doesn't get close to anyone, let alone fall in love. Also he always has to wear gloves and whatever because he's not supposed to be touched.
As for how soulmates work in this universe...the first time your soulmate touches you, it creates some kind of scar or permanent mark. So some people will wear gloves to prevent physical contact if they're not ready to meet their soulmate yet.
Since Kiku's not allowed to be touched, it means he's also not allowed to have a soulmate, and is doomed to a very very lonely existence....or at least, he's supposed to be....
And so then there's a lot of intrigue and romance and angst and whatnot in Hearts (meanwhile there's a lot of Kirkland drama and Frukery going on in Spades and Diamonds). Anyway, if there's more you want to know about this au, you can send in more questions!
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