#caregiver shao kahn
starsurface · 3 months
Maybe if you could, a CG mk1 Shao Kahn and a clingy, toddler space reader who likes to act tough with Shao. Monkey see monkey do situation because reader loves Shao so much that they wanna be just like him. Jljkjljlhlhkhl okay have a good night or day 🩷
I hope you know, I loved the idea of this request so much that for two weeks I literally couldn’t put it into words, but trust me, a smile spread across my face every time I thought of it. <3
Also hope you have a good day/night, Sugar. <3
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CG Shao MK1 w/ Clingy Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
🛡️ AHBDGS, he adores you!!
🛡️ He thinks you are highly entertaining!! A mini him, how proud he is!!
🛡️ . . . Until you copy his bad behaviors 😮‍💨
🛡️ Its all fun and games until you ‘order’ him to get you a refill because your ‘in charge now’ 🙄
🛡️ Honestly though . . . I think he’d find it entertaining too (although he will put ‘bad’ behavior in check)
🛡️ Shao isn’t one to curse, he’s better than that, but he’ll still make sure to watch what he says around you, just incase you decide to repeat it
🛡️ He also makes sure to watch who he complains about, or just what he speaks about, because he’s overheard you talk to your stuffies using his . . . not very nice words
🛡️ No but shouting his MK9 Babality “You suck!” at your stuffie! They were totally out of order, can’t have that around here! >:(
🛡️ His favorite regressor activity with you is imagination playtime
🛡️ Why? Because you can be just like him!! A very serious, very strong, war General, prepared to send your stuffies- Uh, soldiers into actions!
🛡️ If you ask him, he might even let you borrow his helmet!! :o
🛡️ Not his battle ax though, your too small for that, awesome general or not :\
🛡️ Sometimes you have to play with Reiko, because being a war General is actually a very important job, and sometimes Shao has to do actual work :(
🛡️ So when your reeeeally clingy, he’ll let you borrow his helmet because then you can ‘continue your duty’ and be just like him!
🛡️ ^ He doesn’t like leaving you when your small though, and only trusts Reiko with you when your tiny (don’t worry, Reiko’s also very good at pretend war games or storytime)
🛡️ If your big enough, or willing, to play wrestle, Shao . . . is a bit nervous
🛡️ He’s a big guy, a very big guy, and can easily hurt you if he’s not careful
🛡️ But that doesn’t mean he won’t do it!! All good soldiers need ‘training’, how else are you going to be just like him if you don’t ‘train’ with him?
🛡️ He’ll make sure to keep an eye on you though. You might be ‘tough’ but he doesn’t want you to hold back any tears just because ‘Papa doesn’t cry over a papercut!’
🛡️ Tough big kid or not, your still his baby, and he’ll be damned if he let you not cry over something, even if it’s ‘silly’
🛡️ If you do get injured, he’ll help you make it into a big story!! That papercut from earlier? You actually got it from fighting off a tiger, Shao saw it happen himself
🛡️ Not the best with sensitive littles, especially when they try to hide their emotions to act all tough, but he’ll try to make sure your okay with things
🛡️ Not much of a wrestling fan because fighting is scary? Well, a pillow fight is just as warrior like!! Or maybe you could ‘battle strategy’ with some board game pieces!!
🛡️ If your different while big, more defiant or snarky to him, he’ll tease you about how loyal you are when your small
🛡️ Many kinds of nicknames!! Little Warrior, Best Soldier, he’ll even call you General!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Soooo, I use to do all my Hcs on my school chromebook. But I graduated, so now I’m doing it on my tv . . . Hope these are good still 😅
^ This is also why I haven't updated. Other than all the precollege stuff and everything else, it's so difficult writing on my tv. :/
Also y'all, the gif I used??? The lighting??? It's actually so pretty???
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starsurface · 7 months
Hello!! Hope this isn't a bother again adhshdh- can I request Little!Lord Raiden with CG!Shao Kahn (headcanon or fic; you can choose)? Perhaps they were arguing or something but then Lord Raiden slipped into littlespace ,,, thank you have a good day! 😊💕
It isn't a bother at all!! :D
I don't know how to put that special link that sends you to the fic without not being allowed to do the reply, but here's the link to my AO3 where it's posted:
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CG Shao Kahn w/ Little Lord Raiden (Fic)
"Ah Lord Raiden, you wished to see me?" Shao Kahn smirked as the God teleported into his throne room.
"You know exactly what you did!" Raiden glared at the man. . . Dragon thing.
Lord Raiden really didn't feel like having this conversation. Every so often Shao Kahn would attempt to do something to just push the boundaries that Mortal Kombat set into place.
Which meant every so often, Lord Raiden and Shao Kahn need to have a talk.
It was irritating, exactly what Shao Kahn's plans wanted. To irritate their God, to distract him long enough, to get his followers to worry.
And it worked every time.
"Oh?" Shao Kahn acted confused. "Whatever do you mean by that, Lord Raiden?"
He said his title so patronizing, Raiden hated the way he said it. Shao Kanh never respected his title as Lord, he just used it to get under his skin.
And goodness did it work getting under his skin.
He didn't want to have this conversation. he hadn't regressed in almost three full weeks, he felt on the verge of breaking down. But breaking down in front of someone who would exploit such a vulnerable state of his? use it against him? Raiden didn't want to chance it.
And yet here he was, chancing it.
"Pushing the rules of Mortal Kombat? You're just as bad as Shang Tsung," Raiden tisked.
Shao Kahn laughed, "Just as bad? Lord Raiden, the little weakling works for me. Without me, he'd be nothing!"
". . . You want me to call you worse, don't you?"
"I mean, I am, aren't I?" Shao Kahn said proudly. "You wish for me to remove my troops from your border, yes? Well technically, they haven't done anything wrong-"
"You and I both know what your plans are, Shao Kahn," Raiden cut him off. "Putting your troops there is only an attempt to prompt war. We have seen your spies in Earthrealm territory so remove your fleet or I will-
"What? Consult with the Elder Gods?" Shao Kahn groaned, Raiden fumbled slightly. "Yes, yes, you and your precious Elder Gods. Always guiding you, telling you what to do. Geez, can't a God think for himself once in a while?"
Now that struck a nerve. Raiden could make his own decisions, Shao Kahn had no right treating him like some child!
Unfortunately, Shao Kahn noticed how bothered Raiden seemed by the comment.
"Oh I see, so the little God can't make his own decisions!" Shao Kahn taunted. "Always having to go running to his little mommies and daddies, huh?"
"Listen here, Shao Kahn-"
"No you listen, Raiden. How can I expect to fight a war with someone who cannot even lead? If you cannot even make your own decisions by yourself, what right do you have to be a God? The Elder Gods could tell you to destroy Earthrealm to save the Realms and you'd do it!" Shao Kahn laughed. "How are you any better than I? Following those useless being."
Lord Raiden fell silent. Shao Kahn's words hurt, stinging badly in his mind. He could make his own decisions. He didn't always consult with the Elder Gods! Sometimes it was his brother, o-or Liu Kang-
But he made decisions himself too!! He did, he really did! He doesn't listen to everything the Elder Gods tell him to . . . And he wouldn't hurt others if they told him to either. He- He wouldn't.
All these big thoughts hurt Raiden's brain. He had already felt so small before coming here. Sure he was expecting a verbal battle, but not out right insults.
Shao Kahn smiled at Raiden's silence, "Awh, is the little God going to cry?"
And Raiden didn't want to admit it, but that's exactly what he began to do.
Shao Kahn froze as he heard a small sniffle. And very quickly, those small sniffles turned into quiet crying.
Raiden hide his face with his hat, very much not wanting to be here right now.
Shao Kahn sat frozen on his throne before quickly ordering his guards away. His guards, knowing better than to question or bring the experience up, left with no words.
Shao Kahn finally came down from his throne, making Raiden freak out and stumble backwards. He fell to the ground with a cry, his own sobs only becoming louder.
"Lord . . Raiden?" Shao Kahn asked caciously. "What's going on?"
Raiden hiccuped, covering his own mouth and turning away. Shao Kahn knelt down, gently grabbing his hands.
The fear in Raiden's eyes normally would have made him laugh, but right now he only felt a sort of pitty.
"Don't cover your mouth like that, it'll make it difficult to breathe," Shao Kahn said, letting Raiden's hand go.
""m not- Not crying!" Raiden mumbled, trying to dry his tears.
"I see . . . I never meant to upset you this much," Shao Kahn mumbled. "I can remove my troops if they bother you that much."
Raiden gave a small nod, sniffling slightly. He felt embarrassed, sitting on the ground with his enemy, practically sobbing. And over something childish as being ridiculed.
"I have never seen you this upset before," Shao Kahn said carefully. "Have my insults bothered you that much?"
". . . Not usually, just feel. . small-"
"Like, your minds all fuzzy small?" Shao Kahn asked, cutting Raiden off. "As if you're not your age small?"
"I knew a few regressors," Shao Kahn brushed him off. It was true, his most loyal General, Kotal, regressed. "Tell me what upsets you. Rarely have I ever seen someone fall to the ground in tears . . . Without getting beat or utterly destroyed beforehand that is."
Raiden hesitated slightly. He didn't want to get caught up in Shao Kahn's lies or twisted tails. He knew the best thing to do was to teleport away, but he didn't trust his abilities while so tiny. Also Fujin said he couldn't use those abilities while small, and he didn't wanna break a rule.
"I can make my own decisions."
. . . Oh, was that all?
Shao Kahn wanted to laugh, but he knew better than to mess with Raiden when his mind his mind was so vulnerable.
Shao Kahn was many things, but he wasn't a monster.
. . . . . Eeeeeeeeeeeh?
Debatable, actually.
"I see," Shao Kahn nodded, standing up, offering out his hand. "Well I'm sorry for my choice of words. I never meant to . . . insult you . . that badly."
Raiden giggled as Shao Kahn's bad apology. It was clear he had meant to insult him. But perhaps not make him drop on spot.
"It's okay," Raiden said, hesitating before accepting Shao Kahn's hand. "The troops go bye bye?"
"Yes, the troops will go bye bye," Shao Kahn promised. "Now the question is, what in the Netherrealms do we do with you?"
". . . Do you wanna pattycake with me?"
Shao Kahn looked at Raiden almost insane.
Perhaps he was too small to see him as the threat he was. Or his childlike mind was taking over. But to play pattycake with the enemy? Shao Kahn never expected such an offer.
"Of course, I'll make sure the throne room stays closed."
He never really pulled the troop stunt again.
. . . Okay, maybe once or twice after the incident, but no more!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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starsurface · 7 months
Hello! how are you? I hope well.
so :) I'm the person who made the requests for Liu Kang and Reiko on Ao3 and I'm glad you joined tumblr :D
I hope it won't be a problem if I ask for some headcanons of caregiver Shao Kahn and regressor Reiko?
Oh my gosh hiiiii!!! :D. I distinctly remember writing yours (I was SO excited about havung an escuzse to write Reiko <3)
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CG Shao w/ Regressor Reiko Hcs
🗡 Reiko regresses to about 4-5
🛡 Very much a kid regressor . . . But my goodness, an energetic kid regressor
🗡 The first time Shao saw Reiko regress was when Reiko was clearly irritating a middlespace Rain and had to intervene before any fighting started
🛡 Ended up ‘watching’ both regressors (Rain denies that he was ever babysat, he was just in the room while Shao watched Reiko 😒)
🗡 Reiko actually panicked after Shao watched him and was worried about his job position (it was an incredibly vulnerable scene between both men)
🛡 Ever since then, Reiko likes running to Shao some times when he's small
🗡 Shao actually adores watching him, especially because he had to raise Reiko to face war and terrifying things and now he can give him the childhood he knows Reiko lings for
🛡 (^ Feels secretly guilty that his way of raising Reiko is why he regresses, Reiko has yet to comment)
🗡 Reiko does see Shao as a Dad figure, and after he first regresses around him, almost any praise from him will make him feel small and involuntarily regress (it got better, and was able to control it again, don't worry)
🛡 Once called Shao ‘Dad’ by accident when he was big and it made Reiko slip by accident because of how worried he was about Shao getting upset
🗡 Shao just patted his head and asked if there was anything he could do for him
🛡 Reiko is very . . . energetic, and extremely chaotic
🗡 Loves wrestling!!!
🛡 Actually, loves any type of play fighting
🗡 Wrestling, sword fighting, pillow fights, all of them!!!
🛡 Although he gets a bit (really) rough when he's play fighting and can accidentally hurt someone :(
🗡 Luckily, Shao's very strong, and he's more than willing to play fight with Reiko
🛡 Makes sure to give him wooden play swords though, he's not having any accidents happen
🗡 Usually, Reiko likes acting like a brat or patience testing
🛡 But with Shao? He is an angel!! 👼 (Que to all his friends glaring at him)
🗡 Will try to patience test, but is also much more willingly to follow Shao's ‘orders’ than anyone else
🛡 Shao realized this and encouraged him to act more normal and be more kid like
🗡 He might be his best soldier, but right now, he's his favorite kid
🛡 (^ No Reiko didn't cry at that confession, you saw nothing)
🗡 Shao is a lot more willing to let things slide because of this
🛡 Usually, when he says it's bedtime, it's bedtime
🗡 But if Reiko chooses to whine and pout? Well . . . five more minutes won't hurt, but no more!!
🛡 Shao's CG nicknames are Dada, Papa, or just Shao (a sign that Reiko's regressing too, since he always makes sure to say General Shao)
🗡 Reiko's favorite nicknames are Little Warrior, Little One, Baby Boy, Darling, ‘Hun, Precious
🛡 Reiko does have times where he's not super chaotic and energetic
🗡 Instead, he's very calm and is willing to sit down and cuddle
🛡 Loves cuddles, and loves it when Shao cuddles him because of how big Shao is and how tiny he feels
🗡 Also really touch starved and actively searches for praise and attention (even if he has to act out for it)
🛡 Story time!!! Outlandish tales!!!
🗡 You thought Reiko gave good story times? Shao gives amazing story times, and little Reiko firmly believes every single one of them
🛡 . . . They'll probably get him hyped up by accident though and try to get Shao to fight him like how the fighter in the story did >:3
🗡 . . . You don't understand the amount of angst I could give Reiko (he's one of my favorites)
🛡 Coming back after an incredibly harsh day as a warrior only to break down as soon as his door shuts
🗡 Or rushes to the bathroom to hide in the shower so no one can see him cry
🛡 Luckily, either one of his friends or Shao always find him
🗡 Reiko would say he ever regresses super young, he prides himself in being a big kid
🛡 But these days? These days anyone who sees him like this all really agrees that he regresses more to a baby headspace
🗡 Needs to be held and cradled, needs to have someone there but is also too afraid to reach out for someone
🛡 Demands cuddles when he's like this
🗡 Shao physically can't let him go anyhow, Reiko's grip is way too tight on him
🛡 Shao got Reiko a bottle for when he gets like this, because Reiko can't use his big kid cups with how shakey his hands are
🗡 Reiko pouted and claimed he didn't need it but it's super useful for when he's like this
🛡 Most times when he's small, he keeps his face paint on, he likes wearing it, very proud of being a warrior
🗡 But sometimes he'll take it off (no one is allowed to make fun of his face because he will burst into tears)
🛡 Shao has caught Reiko more than once looking in the mirror confused because he didn't recognize himself without his war faint
🗡 Will let his hair down more when he's tinier, and loves it when Shao plays with it
🛡 He's actually more of an independent regressor, and is able to regress and watch himself
🗡 But his constant search for anyone who will give him praise and soft touches makes him a lot more dependant than he realizes
🛡 Luckily though, Shao realized, and makes sure to give Reiko some extra fatherly loving
🗡 Reiko's favorite regression item is a stuffed bear he has that he's owned for years
🛡 It was the first stuffie he was ever given, and was actually a gift from Shao himself when he was first taken in
🗡 That bear does not leave his room and stays on his bed, most times tucked in comfortably
🛡 Shao was surprised to see the stuffie still alive and offered to buy Reiko a new one (his old one is pretty . . . tattered)
🗡 Reiko absolutely refuses because that's his favorite stuffie and no one can take it from him >:(
🛡 It's only one of the few things he sees as his and can't bare to part with it
🗡 . . . It is so . . loved to the point that while it mainly stays tucked in Reiko's bed, he can't sleep with it because one tear and it’ll go bye bye
🛡 So it's either gently in his hands (one of the only things he's gentle with) or on the bed
🗡 Shao did get Reiko a new stuffie specifically for sleepy time but now Reiko has two favorite stuffies!! :D
🛡 Shao isn't always a soft man, but he's extremely soft towards a little Reiko, that's basically his kid after all <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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