automobileinside1 · 3 months
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cargrooming · 3 years
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sophiegome · 4 years
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Unclean car isn’t only unsightly but can also lead to unnecessary car repairs. While it’s easy to assume that this shouldn’t be an issue nowadays since there’s ample access to car polishing here in Singapore, a busy schedule and tight budget makes it more difficult.
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hometurphindia · 7 years
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Keep your car at its best with On-demand premium car spa services by Hometurph for maximum protection from bad smell, fungus and rust on most affordable rates right at your doorstep.
Call 124-407-8556 or visit www.hometurph.com/car-spa-cleaning-services-in-delhi-ncr & grab best deals.
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octosportindia · 5 years
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Fiat Linea Interior cleaning ,odor removal , Leather seat fungus n stains removal and Polish . Client was too happy when he saw Interior as if it as good as new.. Book your slot for Car Grooming . We specialize in Interior and exterior detailing. ............................................. #Cargrooming #fiatlinea #fiatpunto #fiatclub #carRestoration #Interiorcleaning #Exteriordetailing #luxurycarsMumbai #LexusIndia #PremiumcarsMumbai #carlove #glasscoating #ceramiccoating #paintprotection #skodasuperb #rapid #landcruiser #fortuner #innovarepair #carwrap #hyundai #Hondacivic #fordecosport #leatherseatscleaning #Iamback #nolookingback #busyschedule#Shivajipark #dadar #mahim #CarRefreshers (at Car Refreshers) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Np257ge4S/?igshid=1bza3zdqr14d8
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detailkingnz · 5 years
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Headlight Correction
Over time headlights can become dull and stained with everyday containments such as tar, grime and salts. Headlight correction service brings your headlights back to life using professional grade chemicals.
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corporate-carrenal · 4 years
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Hire BMW, AUDI, Mercedes Benz, Honda Car on Rent for upcoming Wedding in Ahmedabad -
Book Today! https://bit.ly/3irYsuN
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belkovinacestach · 6 years
Auckland - práce, práce a zase práce
Hned po příletu ze Samoi jsme museli začít řešit starosti všedních dní a začít si hledat práci. Naše první cesta hned z letiště vedla do fabriky na chipsy, ale tam nás odkázali pouze na web. Další kroky vedly do již osvědčené pracovní agentury One Staff.  
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Po krátkém pohovoru, podpisu smluv a absolvování drogového testu nám nabídli práci za 2 dny. Protože v Aucklandu nejsou žádné free campy, tak jsme se museli mrknout po nějakém ubytování. První noc jsme strávili ve free kempu v Pukekohe, asi 40 km od Aucklandu a následující den celý v knihovně. Dělali jsme pořádek ve fotkách ze Samoi, psali blog a také hledali nějaké ubytování v Aucklandu.
Pátek byl náš první den v nové práci. Stali se z nás Cargroomeři. Myjeme auta v půjčovně Ezi Car Rentals. Shodou okolností je to stejná půjčovna, ve které jsme si půjčili auto po našem příletu na NZ. Naše práce není těžká. Zákazník vrátí auto, my ho vysajeme, lehce navoskujeme interiér, přejedeme hadrem prahy a dveře, umyjeme okna, zkontrolujeme kapaliny, protáhneme auto myčkou, vypíšeme předávací protokol a odstavíme vůz na parkoviště pro dalšího zákazníka. Je tu celkem frmol, tak se jede jedno auto za druhým a na nějakou velkou preciznost se tu nehraje. Občas se také muselo jet na druhou pobočku převézt auta nebo natankovat. Proto zde byl potřeba řidičský průkaz.
Po práci jsme se jeli podívat na byt. Domácí jsou češi - Sandra a Tomáš. Po několika minutách se domlouváme a za 220 NZD včetně energií si pronajímáme pokoj v hezkém domečku.
Dalších pár dnů chodíme do Eziho mýt auta, ale pak nám sdělují, že končí prázdniny a že už nás nebudou potřebovat. Voláme tedy do One Staff a chcem, ať nám hledají něco nového. Škoda, za 18,5 dolarů na hodinu to tam nebylo špatné. Večer nám píšou, že bychom mohli dělat chicken chaser (naháněče kuřat). Nakonec nám volají, že tohle dělat nebudeme. Posílají nás do jiné práce. Ve firmě, která prodává nejrůznější topné spirály do trouby a rychlovarných konvic. Vybalujeme tyhle spirály z krabic Made in China a balíme je do krabic s logem firmy a Made in New Zealand. Dobrý byznys :D Ale my si nestěžujeme. Práce je to lehká a celkem to utíká. Zde jsme strávili taky pár dní.
Náš manažer z OneStaff nám píše, že by pro nás měl mít práci na long term - waste management. Jedná se vlastně o smeťák. To jsme mu hned psali, že se nám to teda nelíbí a začal nás uklidňovat, že se nejedná o klasický odpad, ale o odpad stavební a že to je jiné. No, můžeme to tedy zkusit. Ale zatím to není aktuální, výhledově tak za 14 dnů.
Pracovali jsme vždy tak 4-5 dní v týdnu. Když jsme měli volno, tak jsme jeden den stěhovali postel, kterou nám naši domácí sehnali do pokoje. Cesta přes půl Aucklandu s postelí na střeše našeho Evžena byla zajímavá :D
Další volný den nám psala naše kamarádka Matty, že má stopover v Aucklandu, tak jsme neváhali a vydali se za ní na letiště. Bylo to hezké setkání.
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Před dalším volným dnem nám večer volali, jestli bychom nemohli druhý den do práce, stěhovat nějakou firmu. Jasně, hodiny potřebujeme, a tak bereme cokoli. Stěhování bylo docela náročné, ale byli jsme rádi, že se nás ve One Staff snaží vytěžovat jak jen to jde.
Naší další prací bylo zařizování obchodu Bed and Bath. Otevírala se nová prodejna, a tak jsme týden montovali nejrůznější stojany, regály, stěhovali zboží sem a tam. Peťa aranžovala, já montoval obrovské regály ve skladu....
20.8. byl náš první den v naší nové stálé práci. Waste Management. Celou dobu se flákáme a pracujeme stěží 3 hodiny. Náplní naší práce je na lince třídit dřevo, železo, papír a nějaké igelity. Nejvíc je dřeva, železo v mašině vytřiďuje magnet. Práce je to nudná, je tam zima, hodin máme málo, protože nás věčně posílají z práce dřív. Navíc, ač to není klasický odpad, přece jen je to smeťák, takže všude špína, občas krysa...
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Po nějaké době tlačíme na našeho manažera, že tu dělat nechceme. Jednou nám dohodil práci na neděli ve farmaceutickém gigantu Pro Pharma, kde jsme balili objednávky pro lékárny po celém NZ.
Po dlouhodobém nátlaku nás tam přesunuli natrvalo. V Pro Pharmě jsme nakonec strávili 2 měsíce.
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Práci přes pracovní agenturu můžeme klidně doporučit. Platí včas, platy jsou standardní a práci nám vždy sehnali rychle a když jsme chtěli, tak se nás snažili i vytěžovat, co to jen šlo.
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Car Grooming Tips - How to Wash Your Car to Get Your Ride Good As New!
A thorough car wash at home can easily yield professional results without the expense of taking your car to be washed at a car wash or detailing service. The car grooming tips included here will not only help achieve professional results performing your car wash at home but can also lead to a very satisfying job well done. This article will help you learn how to wash your car and achieve professional results at home!
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The items needed to perform a car wash at home are:
Bucket for water and Car Wash Soap
Car Wash Mitt or Sponge
Towel or Absorber to dry the car
Shady Location
and Certainly not least.. A Dirty Car!
Optional items needed to perform a car wash at home are:
Second Bucket for water filled with fresh, clean, water
California Water Blade or other squeegee product
Wheel Detailing Brushes
Air Compressor with air nozzle
First, park the car in a shady location out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can affect the car wash as it will cause the soap and water to prematurely dry and leave spots on the paint.
If the wheels on the car are covered in dirt or brake dust, it is best to begin by scrubbing the wheels first. Please note however, that if you recently drove your car it is advisable to not wash the wheels if the brakes are hot as the heat will cause the soap or wheel cleaner to evaporate very quickly and cause spotting or in severe cases warp a brake rotor.
Rinse the wheels and tires with the hose. Using a sponge, rag, or wheel detailing brushes scrub away the dirt and grime that are covering the wheels. DO NOT use the same sponge or rag that you will use to wash the rest of the car. If you were to use the same sponge, you may pick up contaminates from the wheels and those contaminates could easily scratch the paint on the body of the car.
Once the wheels initial scrub is complete, the main car wash can begin. You start by rinsing the car, beginning at the top of the car and working your way down. Be sure to pay special attention to spots where dirt or debris may accumulate. A good tip here is to pull all of the windshield wipers away from the glass into the propped position prior to rinsing or soaping the car.
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Fill one bucket with water and the Car Wash Soap ensuring that you follow the directions on the car wash soap container. If you have a second bucket available fill that with fresh, clean, water. This second bucket will be used to clean the sponge or rag as to not contaminate the soapy water with dirt or grime.
Using the Car Wash Mitt or Sponge wash the car from the top working your way down. When you are washing the car it is advisable to wash it in sections. First wash the roof, then wash the hood, the trunk, one set of doors, and then move to the other side. In between each section rinse the soap off. By doing washing the car in sections it ensures that the soap won't dry on the car and will allow you to see if any dirt was missed. As you move through the sections try to keep the entire car wet. This will prevent spotting.
Some good tips for the soaping process are:
Don't press too hard. By pressing hard you may inadvertently grind the dirt all over the paint and potentially scratch it.
Don't ignore crevices. These are the places where dirt collects and are often missed by other car wash methods (i.e. gas station car wash machines)
Once the entire car has been scrubbed and rinsed, it is time to dry the car. The primary focus of drying the car is to dry the car before the air is allowed to dry it naturally. A naturally dried car is a spotted car!
A California Water Blade or similar squeegee product is great for this getting the water off the car very efficiently. You start by taking the blade and running it across the paint removing a large amount of the water from the cars surface. Then, using a chamois, Absorber, Microfiber Towel, or traditional towel you dry the remaining water from the car. If you have access to an air compressor and an air nozzle, it can be used to blow water out of tight crevices where a towel will not be able to reach. Be sure to open the hood, trunk, doors, to wipe out the jambs and other places where water has likely accumulated during the wash.
Now take a step back and look at your beautiful, clean, car!
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william-jk · 6 years
Car Grooming
Ceramic Nano offers you for car grooming or car washing with a reasonable price. Contact: +6565632545 / +6588189652 [email protected]
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mysaxcarwash-blog · 5 years
Car Grooming Auckland | S.A.X Car Wash
 S.A.X Car Wash is one of the Best Car Grooming Company in Auckland. We do corporate valet whether its on special occasion or doing regular job we have plan for all. Please gives us a call or get back to us to discuss this further.CARWASH SERVICES Interior shampoo Leather treatment Wax and polish Air Conditioning treatment Engine clean Excess mud removal Dog hair removal Headlight restoration Cut and polish Acid rain removal Tar removal Mag wheel restoration Body moulding restoration Vehicle de-stickering CUT & POLISH Professional polishing and waxing on a regular basis will keep your car’s finish protected, clean and shiny even after 10 or 15 years from new. The polishing process can safely remove fine surface scratches, oxidization (fading) and avoid the onset of corrosion i.e… Rust spots. 0221903562 CORPORATE VALET We do corporate valet whether its on special occasion or doing regular job we have plan for all. Please gives us a call or get back to us to discuss this further.0221903562 FLEET VEHICLES We have customized plan to suit your budget and needs whether its a small company of 2-3 cars or any large Fleet SAX mobile car groomer can provide you stress free solution. Why waste your precious time taking your car to be groomed? For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! https://saxcarwash.co.nz/
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sophiegome · 4 years
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A regular vacuum cleaning can wipe off dust particles, but is it really ENOUGH? What about the bacteria and germs that we can acquire? Obviously, professional help will truly help!
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hometurphindia · 7 years
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Being a car lover, do you want that your car always looks attractive and sparkling?? Avail best and affordable car spa services in Delhi Ncr at your doorstep with Hometurph by highly experienced car cleaning experts at reasonable rates.
To know more about car grooming services, Call 124-407-8556 or visit www.hometurph.com/car-spa-cleaning-services-in-delhi-ncr for more information.
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aubiz1 · 7 years
Mobile Car Cleaning Suggestions for Car Owners
Below are the 7 Steps to Washing Your Car Clean
Initially, fill two buckets with water and mix the necessary amounts of detergents in one of them.
Take the hose and spray the water on the car to loosen up the dirt.
Once done with the water spraying, scrub the wheels of your car with a wash mitt after properly wringing it in the soapy water.
Read More.. https://goo.gl/tcnBqL
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via Twitter
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detailkingnz · 6 years
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From basic wax treatments to high-end coating, we have the complete car detailing package that's right for you. For more info call us on +64 800 700 007
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