carinewillejohansen · 2 years
Brief 1 - AI Fanzine
As we started the new semester with a fresh theme and a new teacher, Hans G, I couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of studying Interaction Design (IxD), one of my passions as a design student.
Our teacher's recent interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) led him to make it the focus of our first week, prompting us to experiment with different forms of AI. He also assigned us a task for the week, splitting our class of 60 into two groups - one in favor of AI, and the other against it - to debate the pros and cons of AI for designers and architects. Despite my lack of preference, I found myself taking the position against AI, even though I find it both fascinating and unsettling.
First out is me fooling around with the AI DALLE:
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Whereas I ended up using an AI to argue why it is bad for designers and architects:
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I focused more on the lack of originality...
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Brief 8 - Energy display, before and after
Introduction to the brief:
In groups of four, you are to design interactive learning experiences for middle school students to enhance their visit to the Energy Exhibition at the Technical Museum. The project involves creating an interactive prototype through an iterative process of testing and prototyping, with a focus on learning activities before and after the museum visit. The project is to be documented in a film.
The main goal is to create an engaging learning experience, not necessarily tied to the curriculum. The methods to be used include storytelling, user insights, user testing, paper prototyping, timelines, flowcharts, screen-based interaction design, functional prototypes, game design techniques, and more.
Brainstorming (and beers in the park):
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We have developed a concept called the "Tilbake til fremtiden" where the students will receive a personalized box from the 1990s containing individualized cards regarding the everlasting change.
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Within this carefully crafted box, each student will discover an exquisite assortment of precisely 30 cards, thoughtfully designed to encapsulate the essence of the 1990s. These cards will serve as nostalgic gateways, transporting them to the vibrant and transformative era. Additionally, nestled amidst the assortment of cards, students will find a comprehensive set of materials, ingeniously crafted to facilitate the creation of their very own time capsule. This enchanting endeavor encourages students to curate and preserve their own personal memories.
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Cards for the future: Front/Back
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The primary intention behind this endeavor was to inspire the adolescents to contemplate the future while drawing wisdom from the past. While the project was not explicitly focused on energy-centric themes, it is worth noting that it offered a remarkable opportunity to pivot and shape it exclusively around such concepts. By infusing the time capsule experience with energy-related narratives, activities, and educational content, it could be seamlessly transformed into a comprehensive exploration of the diverse facets of energy and its significance in our lives. This adaptability showcased the versatility and adaptiveness of the project, enabling it to cater to different educational objectives and serve as a catalyst for an engaging and immersive energy-focused learning experience.
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Presentation movie:
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Brief 6 - Boardgames, but it is actually Walter Gropius
Unfortunately, I couldn't participate in the brief due to a case of Strep throat. By the time I recovered, everyone had already completed their games and activities. Instead, I focused on my Design history project during that time. I delved into extensive research, exploring influential design movements, renowned designers, and significant design philosophies throughout history.
During my recovery, I focused my research on the influential Bauhaus movement in Design history. I delved into the origins, principles, and lasting impact of this groundbreaking artistic and design movement. Immersed in my study, I explored the innovative teachings and experimental approach of the Bauhaus school, which integrated art, craft, and technology in a harmonious manner. I analyzed the works of pioneers like Walter Gropius, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Marcel Breuer, studying their revolutionary designs and the underlying philosophies that guided their creative process. Additionally, I examined the broader social and cultural context in which the Bauhaus movement emerged, recognizing its profound influence on architecture, furniture design, typography, and the visual arts. Through this in-depth exploration, I gained valuable insights into the principles of form, function, and simplicity that continue to shape contemporary design practices, showcasing the enduring relevance of the Bauhaus legacy.
This study was for the Design History portfolio, whereas we wrote a text based on some of the books/articles from this semester and made a physical book with 3 works in them.
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4 weeks with elective course
Visualising experiences (Visualisering av opplevelser)
For a period of a couple of weeks, we were fortunate enough to participate in an elective course led by our esteemed teachers, Anna Martine and Alberto. The main focus of the course was centered around the art of visualizing concepts and ideas through the medium of drawing. In addition to our regular instructors, we were also privileged to have the opportunity to learn from several external lecturers, whose insights and perspectives were truly fascinating and enlightening. All in all, it was a truly enriching experience that left a lasting impression on all of us who participated in the course.
Furthermore, our final project brief for the course involved improving the experience of an old mill for the people living in the surrounding area. We were tasked with utilizing all of the skills and knowledge that we had acquired throughout the course to develop and present our ideas in a clear and effective manner. This challenge pushed us to apply our newfound skills to a real-world scenario, allowing us to truly put our creativity and problem-solving abilities to the test. Overall, it was a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience that helped us grow both personally and professionally.
Here is some pictures:
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carinewillejohansen · 2 years
Brief 4 - Creative internet
Week 1
This week, I delved into coding websites and discovered a newfound passion for it. Despite my interest in coding, I had never made the effort to learn it until now. However, the process was more challenging than I anticipated and required significant time and effort to comprehend the material. I sought guidance from my teacher and turned to YouTube for additional resources.
In the beginning, I felt unsure of what to create for my first project as the possibilities were endless. Due to my uncertainty and lack of direction, I procrastinated the project. Eventually, I conceived an idea for a website that reflected the difficulty of starting a project, which became the inspiration for my work.
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carinewillejohansen · 2 years
Brief 3 - Screen based interaction design and sharing
Figma in 3 weeks 2 WEEKS!!!
"In this task, you will work individually to design screen-based interfaces that explore different forms of non-commercial sharing. You will design and test digital prototypes and demonstrate how they are experienced over time."
We were put in groups of two with the same theme: I got put with @sinasina and we got the theme "Fishing rods"...… great.
okay let's gooOOO!
WEEK 0.5
Despite being sick for the first three days of the introduction to the app we were going to use to create the app prototype(Figma), I started strong. On Thursday, I had a speedy walkthrough with a student assistant who was a lifesaver. Although she helped me a lot, I only had just under 24 hours to create my first solo draft. As a result, here is what managed to scramble together:
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It went alright, though I wished I had more time.
I joined together with Sina and we got to work. The first thing we tried to figure out was if we wanted to start over or just continue on either ones first draft.
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We decided to merge our ideas to some extent. While Sina's app was mainly focused on sharing fishing rods, my app was aimed at identifying fishing locations. With this in mind, we immediately started brainstorming and putting our ideas on paper.
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Subsequently, we came up with the idea of FISKEBUA, an app that focuses on promoting social gathering and providing free fishing rod rentals. We then proceeded to create a map outlining how we wanted the different frames to interact with each other, as well as a rough outline of the users journey through the app.
Our first draft for WEEK 2:
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With the first draft of our app prototype in hand, we decided to take it to the next level by conducting user testing. This step was crucial in our design process as it allowed us to gather valuable feedback and constructive criticism from our target audience. During the testing phase, we were able to observe how users interacted with the app and identified areas that needed improvement. The feedback we received helped us to refine our design and make necessary changes to enhance the user experience. Overall, the user testing proved to be an essential part of our design process, enabling us to create a more user-friendly and effective app.
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After completing the user testing, we felt like we needed to take a step back and reflect on the feedback we received. So, we decided to take a well-deserved break over the weekend to recharge our batteries and clear our minds. Beforehand, we took the opportunity to discuss the feedback we received and brainstorm potential solutions to the issues that were pointed out. This allowed us to come back to the project with a fresh perspective and renewed energy, ready to tackle the next steps in the design process.
On the initial day of WEEK 3, we primarily worked independently, with occasional conversations sprinkled in. During this time, Sina spent most of her time immersed in Figma, while I struggled with a fever that impeded my productivity. Despite my physical discomfort, I tried to make the most of the situation and pushed through the sickness as best as I could... AKA I slept all day.
Subsequent to our initial day of working independently, we focused our efforts on incorporating feedback we received and incorporating any new ideas or insights that emerged over the weekend. We recognized that taking the time to reflect and gather new information was crucial for the success of our project, and we made a concerted effort to integrate these perspectives into our work. Through open communication and active collaboration, we were able to build upon the progress we had made on our first day and further refine our project's direction. As we continued to iterate and refine our ideas, we remained mindful of our end goals and worked tirelessly to ensure that our efforts were aligned with our overarching vision.
The culmination of our efforts arrived on the day of our project presentation. To ensure that our presentation was engaging and informative, I dedicated time to creating illustrations that would guide our audience through the user journey. Meanwhile, Sina contributed by selecting relevant images to complement the information we were sharing. As we stood before our audience, we felt a sense of pride in the work we had accomplished and the progress we had made over the past few days.
After presenting our project, we received mostly positive feedback, which validated our efforts and hard work. Our audience appreciated the clarity of our presentation and found the user journey illustrations particularly helpful in understanding our project's scope and goals. However, our teachers identified one area for improvement - they suggested that we incorporate a way for users to showcase the fish they caught, perhaps as a means of boasting or sharing their achievements with others. We actually had though of that earlier, but we didn't feel the need to add it; perhaps a button to export to Tinder. :D Despite this feedback, we felt satisfied with our performance.
Some reflection regarding the project:
As I reflect on our project experience, I recognize that Sina and I both brought unique strengths to the table. While Sina had a strong understanding of Figma and was able to navigate the prototyping process with ease, I was able to contribute to the project in other ways. Specifically, I designed the project's logo and worked with Sina to establish a clear hierarchy and layout for our frames.
Despite the differences in our skill sets, I found working with Sina to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Our communication was open and productive, and we were able to effectively collaborate on the project despite our varying levels of expertise. I appreciate Sina's willingness to share their knowledge and skills with me, as it allowed me to learn and grow as a designer.
Moving forward, I hope to continue building upon the skills and knowledge I gained during this project, while also seeking out new opportunities to collaborate and learn from my peers. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to applying the lessons I learned to future projects.
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carinewillejohansen · 2 years
Brief 2 - A tutorial video
We were put to work to make a tutorial video with these criteria:
Create an instructional video for a ritual you perform often (every day).
Optional medium, video or animation (but if this is new to you, choose video).
Do not use text or speech to explain.
Use real sound.
Maximum length is 1 minute (.mp4 format).
I am gonna be brutally honest about this one:
I did not enjoy this one as much. Creating a video on a topic that doesn't interest you can be a challenging and tedious experience. I had to force myself to research and script the content, and found it difficult to stay motivated throughout the process. Despite my best efforts, I never developed a personal connection to the topic and felt relieved once the project was finally complete.
The video came out alright, but not as I had imagined it. But, it was fine for this one time to not enjoy a task because I know I will do so much more fun stuff later on!
I will not post the video due to the actor not wanting to.
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