#carla tsukinami chaos lineage translations
traducoes-dialover-br · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ *Bloody Songs - Super Best III
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Data de Lançamento: 26 de Abril de 2017
Composição: MIKOTO
Lista de Músicas
2. Luv Apple Juice
3. Operation X
4. 蠱惑のParade
6. カモフラージュ (Camouflage)
7. Fanatic of Night
8. VoiD
9. 愛の檻 (Ai no Ori)
10. 絶対感度のリビドー
11. カレイドナイト (Kaleido Night)
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aquariaries · 1 year
Lmao so I'm translating Subaru's Chaos Lineage route right now and the face I caught Yui making is priceless 😂
She really said "😑😒"
Free my girl she's had enough
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Violet Prologue
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ー The scene starts inside the Church
Laito: Gotcha, Eve.
Yui: Kyah...!
( He’s embracing me...! )
Kou: Score! Way to go, Laito-kun!
Reiji: Kuh! So I was bested. I lost Eve to another House...
Ayato: You better not think it’ll be that easy!
Kou: I won’t let you get in the way. We’ll be taking Eve after all!
Ayato: Damnit!
Kou: Come on, Laito-kun! Now’s your chance!
Laito: No need to remind me. Well then, Eve. Allow me to show you the way to our manor.
ー Reiji draws his sword once more
Reiji: Not so fast?
Kou: Aah, geez! You guys don’t know when to give up!
Ayato: Of course! We’re not lettin’ you have her!
Yui: ( It turned into a stare-off...All of them are standing perfectly still, awaiting the others’ next move. )
( The atmosphere is tense. I’m afraid I might get cut to shreds the second they start moving... )
ー They hear approaching footsteps
???: What are you doing?
Yui: ...!
Ayato: Wha...!? Who showed up this time!?
Long-haired man: Laito, Kou, how long are you going to keep me waiting?
Laito: What’s this? You didn’t need to bother coming all the way here, Carla.
Yui: ( Carla...san...? This person’s incredibly intimidating... )
Carla: I came to check up on you since you were taking an awful long time to get back. 
Laito: Oh come on, don’t put it like that. We’re trying our very hardest, you see.
Kou: Ahーah. I thought the two of us would be able to pull it off by ourselves...However, it’s clear who has the most power on their side now.
Laito: Exactly. Even if Ayato and Reiji were to team up, they’d still have no chance at winning. 
Ayato: What did you just say!? I could take you bastards on by myseーー
Carla: Watch your words. 
Ayato: Guh...
Yui: ( Things are even more on edge than before.  If I were to go against these people... )
( He has such an intimidating aura...I can’t believe such a person exists... )
Reiji: Perhaps I underestimated the situation somewhat. I should have expected that you would show up sooner or later.
I have to agree that it does not seem very wise to fight right here, right now.
Carla: You are quick to understand.
ー Carla approaches Yui
Yui: ( He looked my way...My breath’s being taken away... )
Carla: Well then, come with me. 
Yui: T-That’s easy for you to say...Besides, who exactly are youーー
Carla: I never asked for your opinion. This is fate which nobody can go against. 
Yui: ( Powerful words and a piercing gaze... ) 
...O-Okay. I shall...come with you guys...
Carla: Hmph. You cannot even fight back. This proves that I am fit to become the Supreme Overlord.
It would be rather troublesome to have you trying anything funny on the way there. So I shall have you take a nap for a while. 
Yui: Eh...?
ー He knocks her unconscious
Yui: Uu...!
( My consciousness is fading... ) 
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the dungeon
Yui: Nn, nnh...
( Huh...? Where am I...? )
( These are iron bars...Am I inside a prison cell, perhaps!? )
( I was knocked out cold and locked up afterwards? )
What did I do to deserve this...?
( Oh no, I suddenly grew weak-hearted... Especially since I don’t seem to remember anything. )
( The only thing I’m certain about is that my name is ‘Eve’. I don’t know anything else. )
( Whenever I try to recall the past, my memory becomes foggy... )
( What should I do now? )
( No, I have to calm down. )
( Anyway, I’m positive it was those people who took me away. In which case, if I can talk to them at least... )
ー People approach her cell
Yui: ( ...Somebody’s coming? A group of people, it seems... )
ー The door opens
Carla: Seems like you have awoken. 
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Yui: Ugh...
( T-This guy, he’s the one who knocked me unconscious... )
Kou: Aha! She’s terrified. 
Man with a scar on his face: Sorry...for locking you up in such a narrow space...But please don’t hold it against us...
You simply must keep anything precious...carefully locked away after all...
Laito: To be honest, I wouldn’t have minded tying you up with ropes or chains either? Nfu~ 
Yui: ( It’s not just the people I met at the Church. There are two more people. Who exactly are these guys....? )
Angry-looking man: So this is the Eve who was asleep at the Church? She’s completely different from what I imagined. 
Laito: What’s that, Subaru-kun~? I wonder what kind of fantasies have been running wild inside your mind?
Subaru: Aah? Leave me alone! Do you want me to fuckin’ destroy you? 
Yui: E-Excuse me...Who are you people...?
Carla: I am Carla. I am the oldest of this family, of the Violet House.
Yui: The eldest brother? Could it be that you’re all siblings?
Kou: Yupー Don’t worry, we’re well aware that we don’t look alike at all.
Yui: ( So they’re self-aware...It’s true that they look completely different... )
Uhm, why did you bring me here?
Carla: Because you are Eve, obviously. So we can abuse your power and I can rise as the Supreme Overlord of this World.
Yui: Supreme Overlord...? 
Man with a scar on his face: Eve...You don’t know what a Supreme Overlord is either...
I’m Azusa...The second oldest of this house...
I want Carla to become the Supreme Overlord...That’s why...I hope you will work with us...
Kou: Yup, exactly! Because Carla is the most fitting for the title.
Ah, I’m Kou! The third son, right in the middle!
I’m basically the ‘idol’ of the family. Nice to meet you~
Laito: Oh? Are we introducing ourselves now? I’m the fourth son, Laito.
I’d love to get to know you better. In various ways...Do you understand? 
Yui: N-Nice to meet you...
( They’re just casually talking to me. All while I’m still locked behind bars... )
Laito: That being said, I guess that leaves our baby brother’s self-introduction?
Subaru: Che. ...I’m Subaru.
Kou: Eh? That’s it?
Subaru: Shut up! I don’t have anything else to tell her.
Azusa: Subaru never changes, does he...?
Yui: ( I want to ask why they’ve locked me up, but I can’t find the right timing to do so. )
( Besides, this should be my first time meeting these people, so why does something feel off...? )
The majestic Carla-san,
and his loyal follower Azusa-kun.
While Kou-san and Laito-san appear to be on good terms with each other,
the youngest son Subaru-kun,
seems to be keeping his distance from the others somewhat.
I got a pretty good feel of each of their personalities. 
...However, inside my heart, something seemed terribly off. 
There is something strange about this. 
Yes, it isn’t quite right. I mean, in realityーー
Yui: ...!
( It’s no use...My head starts to hurt if I try to put any more thought into it... )
Azusa: Eve, what’s wrong? Are you in pain...?
Yui: I-I’m fine...It’s just that I can’t seem to recover my memories...
I can’t remember anything except my name being Eve...
Carla: So you’ve forgotten about the Supreme Overlord as well...huh?
Yui: Eh...?
ー Carla approaches her
Yui: Kyah!?
( He’s gripping onto my arm so tightly...I-It hurts... )
Carla: You will not gain anything from keeping it a secret from us. Tell me everything you know about the Supreme Overlord.
If you obey me, I promise that I shall treat you with care, even if you are nothing but a pawn.
Yui: I’m sorry...I truly don’t know...!
Carla: ...So you still won’t fess up? Seems like you will not speak up unless you are taught a lesson. 
Yui: Eek...!? 
( He bit me!? Eh? But, hold up one second...! )
Kou: Huh? You had no idea that we’re Vampires? 
Yui: Vampires!? You mean, those Demons who suck blood...?
Subaru: What else?
Yui: No way...Then, all of you...
Azusa: We’re all Vampires...It’s not just us either.
Ayato-san and Reiji-san too, the other people living at the other Houses, all of them as well...
Yui: W-What about the other humans? The ones besides me...!
Laito: The others, you ask? It’s just us thirteen Vampires and you living here, Eve-chan. You even forgot such a basic fact?
Yui: Eh? N-No way...
( We’re the only ones here? It feels like my head is splitting in two... )
( Aah...But now that he mentions it, it’s true. there’s nobody else but us. )
( It only makes sense. Perhaps I was just a little confused due to losing my memories. )
Carla: ...I see. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Ah, he let go of my arm... )
Carla: It does not appear to me that you are lying. It would seem that you are truly suffering from amnesia.
Once Eve is within your grasp, the path to becoming the Supreme Overlord will open up...However, it seems like it will not be that easy. 
Yui: E-Excuse me...What exactly is this ‘Supreme Overlord’ you are speaking of? 
Carla: The Supreme Overlord is the one who reigns over everything and everyone. A unique individual who was chosen for said role.
And you are the key to becoming the Supreme Overlord.
Yui: Me...?
Subaru: It’s some bullshit legend. The story of Eve, which everyone knows.
It’s said that if you want to become the Supreme Overlord, you’ve gotta make Eve - who sleeps at the Church - yours. 
However, we were never able to set foot inside the Church ‘cause of some mysterious power. But the other day, this spell was suddenly broken. 
Laito: If the legend is true, the Sleeping Beauty Eve-chan should be at the Church~
Subaru: That’s why the others all crowded together there. ...Bullshit.
Yui: ( I am necessary for someone to become the Supreme Overlord...These people kidnapped me because they believe said legend to be true... )
Azusa: Listen, Eve...
Us thirteen Vampires are divided amongst three Houses each consisting of a different family.
This is one of those, the ‘Violet House’.
The other houses each have four Vampires each, but there’s five of us...We have one extra sibling...
Yui: I-I see.
Azusa: Yeah, so...It doesn’t matter that we have one more person living at this house now...Just make yourself at home, okay?
I’m sure the others will try to come and claim you as well...
Kou: As if we’d ever let them. I mean, it will be Carla-kun who becomes the Supreme Overlord after all.
Laito: But we can have a little sip of whatever’s left over as well, right? She seems scrumptious after all!
Yui: ...!
Carla: ...Laito.
Laito: Oh geez, don’t glare at me like that! I’m obviously just joking!
Subaru: So? What are we gonna do now? If this chick doesn’t know anythin’ either, we’ve hit a wall.
Carla: Even if we cannot gain any new information right now, we can simply take our time to look into it.
As long as Eve is within our possession, the other Houses should not be able to get a lead on us.
Kou: No need to worry as long as we keep her locked up in here!
Yui: Eh!? Y-You won’t let me out?
Kou: Why do you think we put you in here in the first place? So you can’t escape, and to ensure that the guys from the other houses can’t steal you away.
Yui: ( I-I wouldn’t run though... )
Subaru: Oi, who’s gonna look after her if we’re gonna leave her in here?
Laito: Aah, good question. She’d need to be supervised as well. Should we put someone in charge of that?
Yui: ( No way. They won’t just lock me up, but supervise me as well...? )
Azusa: ...Hey, in that case, let’s have Eve choose.
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: I believe it should be someone...she wouldn’t mind spending time with.
Yui: ( Someone I’d want to spend time with...As if I’d ever want a Vampire by my side. )
( ...Huh? No, but for some reason, this one guy has caught my attention this whole time... )
Carla: Very well. You can choose the person who shall be in charge of looking after and supervising you. 
I shall give you time until tomorrow. Make sure you have an answer ready by then.
Yui: W-wait, please! You’re kind of catching me off guard with this...
Carla: Do not disobey me. All you need to do is listen to me.
Yui ーー !
( My body’s frozen. I can’t seem to defy him no matter what... )
O-Okay...I understand...I shall choose someone to watch over me...
Kou: I guess that’s everything for today? Let’s go back upstairs, guys.
Subaru:  We’re finally done?
Laito: Hey, Subaru-kun. Want to play a game of chess? We can use the board in the living room.
Subaru: Not a chance. We don’t even have enough pieces to play the game...
Laito: Just kidding~ Let’s kill time some other way then.
Kou: See you~ I know your cell’s narrow and barren, but we’ll make sure to provide you with food at least.
Carla: Humans are so inconvenient with how you have to feed them.
Azusa: See you later...Eve...
ー All of them leave
Yui: ( What now? I can’t believe I’ve been kidnapped and imprisoned by Vampires... )
( Still, I wonder why it feels like this isn’t the first time that this has happened...? )
Anyway, I should call it a day...I have to get some rest...
Yui: Pwaah...I managed to get more sleep than I thought...
( I wonder what kind of person I am to be able to sleep soundly inside a prison cell...? I have no clue since I can’t remember. )
Yui: ( Ah, the door opened... )
Kou: Good morning, Eve! Were you able to sleep well last night?
Laito: Of course not. This isn’t the sort of place where a girl would be able to sleep comfortably. 
Yui: ( Uu...I can’t say that I slept soundly. )
Azusa: Good morning, Eve...
Subaru: Hmph...
Carla: Well then, time has come. I want to hear from your mouth who you have chosen as your caretaker. 
Yui: ( The one person I will spend time with from here on out. I have already come up with my answer. )
Yes. Iーー
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kyouxa · 2 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shin Tsukinami (Story 14)
Welcome back! In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too!
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Place: Miniature Garden — Forest
Kino: Damn! This path is the literal definition of bad foothold.
Shin: Be careful, the width of the road narrows the more we walk on it.
Besides, there also seems to be a cliff over there, so don’t fall off either.
Yui: Ah, that’s right. I’ll walk carefully not to get off the right track then.
(Depending on the current situation, if I don’t watch my steps while walking, I might really fall down…)
(I’m getting scared just thinking about it…)
Shin: If you’re aware that there’s a cliff near us, it’s obvious you’re terrified, but even more of a reason to walk while looking ahead of yourself.
Yui: Y-Yes, I will.
(As Shin-kun said just now… I have to look ahead of myself and watch my steps)
(My leg slipped — Ngh!)
Shin: Yui!! 
Haa… geez, that’s what I just said… are you okay?
Yui: Y-Yes. I-I got startled… I’m sorry.
(Shin-kun did an amazing job, saving me by grabbing my hand like that)
Shin: I was the one you surprised with your actions… so don’t try to pull that stunt again.
Yui: I-I won’t. I’m sorry. I was really trying to be careful.
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Shin: You’re such a handful, for real. Come on, if you hold onto me, I’ll support you.
Yui: Okay, thanks!
(I know he told me to hold onto him… but is that really okay? I’m getting really embarrassed all of the sudden)
(Uhhh… his firm grip is majorly supporting my waist…)
Shin: Hm? What’s with the red face?
Yui: Eh!?
Shin: I thought you weren’t feeling well and whatnot, but could it be you actually…
Yui: Eh!? No, that’s not it! I’m just embarrassed, don’t read so much into it… ! Shin: Kuku, so you are ashamed after all.
Yui: Ah… !
(Great… I’ve literally dug my own grave now…)
Shin: I’m happy to see your cute face n’ stuff, but for now, you should seriously hold on tight.
Yui: Geez, Shin-kun… ! I got it, I’ll be careful.
*let’s Yui down*
Shin: Huff. We’ve come this far already, I think the road is more spacious and safer now.
Yui: Thank you, Shin-kun.
Shin: But you know, we’re still close to the edge of a cliff. It didn’t change that fact at least.
Yui: Yes, I know.
Kino: Ah, there you are. The heck are you doing? You’re falling behind.
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Yui: Sorry. I just almost tripped and fell down.
Kino: Hah!? You’re seriously that clumsy? Didn’t we tell you to be careful to begin with?
Yui: Y-You did… I’m sorry for worrying you.
Kino: Even if I was, the footing is seriously horrible. If we happen to encounter any enemies here, there won’t be any escape routes this time.
Shin: …Well said. Which is why we need to hurry up and find that church before they find us.
Kino: But you do know that if we get caught going to the church, we might get ambushed either way?
Yui: He’s right. We’re talking about Carla-san after all.
Shin: I know my brother’s a smart one. It’s definitely possible for him to grasp our movements somewhere and therefore get ahead of us.
Yui: Shin-kun, what’s it?
Shin: …This smell — It’s my brother.
Yui: ...Nn!
Kino: Great, the worst-case scenario came true. Congrats, your prediction won the competition.
*Carla appears*
Yui: …Nn!
Carla: Just as I thought, you are still moving around together. And your final destination appears to be the church.
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Kino: Of course we had to run right into the only person we didn’t want to encounter of all people.
Shin: ...Brother.
Carla: You do not deserve to call me your brother.
Yui: (What should we do… !? The thing we were most afraid of… in a place like this on top…)
Shin-kun, we need to run away! We cannot fight Carla-san here.
Shin: We can’t. There’s no way to escape from this location right now, not if my brother’s able to easily catch up to us.
Carla: Hmph, certainly right.
Kino: I know running away isn’t an option. But if we end up fighting Carla here, his friends will notice us and help him.
If these guys were to rush over, it would turn out to be a 5 vs 2 fight. And there’s no way we could win that one then.
Yui: So we really have no other option… ?
(This can’t be… ! We’ve finally made it this far, we were getting so close to the church already!)
Carla: Hmph, do not worry about my brothers unnecessarily rushing over. I can certainly handle all three of you by myself.
Shin: True, that is something my brother would say.
*Shin gets closer to Carla*
Yui: (Shin-kun’s closing the distance between him and Carla-san. What is he planning—?)
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*Shin draws his sword*
Shin: You two stay back. I’ll take care of this issue. No, I’m the only one supposed to fight with him anyway.
Yui: Shin-kun!
Kino: …Well, if that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you. But don’t die, Shin.
Shin: You can bet on that.
Carla: Hmph. And you are willing to fight me all on your own?
Even if you happen to be able to transform into a wolf, you are well beyond my capabilities. You should certainly know that much.
Shin: The sheer absolute confidence is the same as it has always been, right brother? I’m relieved this didn’t change a bit.
Carla: And yet again… you simply will not stop calling me your brother.
Shin: Even so it’s not like you don’t care at all, right?
Isn’t there something you remembered, too?
Carla: What absolute nonsense…
Yui: (Come to think of it… Laito-kun did mention that Carla-san has been continuously talking about Shin-kun…)
Laito: Yeah, that’s right and all. But aren’t you a bit too obsessed with that wolf, Carla?
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Carla: You, what are you talking about? Do not say anything you cannot comprehend.
Laito: What? You didn’t even notice? Sometimes you even talk to yourself “Shin, Shin…” or maybe you’re saying that unconsciously?
As one of your brothers, I’m a little jealous of that.
Carla: —Silence.
*flashback ends*
Yui: (Hearing this re-play in my mind, Shin-kun must’ve thought Carla-san was in the process of regaining his memory already…)
(Therefore, perhaps if he calls out to him right now, Carla-san’s memories will come back to him…)
Shin: Kino, sorry. I know you’ve first of all wanted to find a way to go back home and stuff.
But now that my brother’s in front of me, I can’t keep chasing that plan anymore.
Kino: Not like I mind. In the end, you can still do what you want. No need to regret anything.
You don’t need to worry about me or anything, focus on who’s before you and get his memories back!
Shin: Kuku, yeah, will do.
*Kino backs off*
Carla: You have certainly been an annoyance ever since the very beginning. But from today onwards, I will no longer tolerate this.
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*swords clash*
Shin: …Kch! Wait, brother! I don’t want to fight you!
Let’s talk this out, please! You think of yourself as a vampire as well as violet’s eldest son…
But in reality I​​’m the only brother you have! Both of us are first bloods… we’re founders!
Carla: ...Nn!
Shin: Please remember, brother… hearing about this, doesn’t it ring a bell to you?
I’m sure you remember my face! I know we’re supposed to be opponents, but that’s not the case and never will be!
Carla: …Nn, silence. How offensive to hear. You need to be silenced instantly.
Shin: Brother! I’m just trying to put an end to all of this. As the founder’s king, you mustn’t do such a thing.
Carla: I told you to shut up… but okay, if you cannot shut your mouth yourself, I will certainly shut it for you.
*swords clash*
Shin: ...Ngh, Kch!
Yui: Hang in there, Shin-kun!
(Please, don’t lose… ! I’m more than sure you can restore Carla-san’s memories if you keep pressuring him like that!)
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Shin: Say, have you really forgotten everything? About yourself, about me and about everything else?
Carla: You are a persistent one, indeed. I only have four younger brothers. I am getting tired of repeating myself over and over again.
Shin: Don’t spread such bullshit! I’ll be incessant about this if I have to. I’ll repeat it as many times as necessary until you finally remember!
I’m your only brother!
Carla: Silence. I am tired of this.
*Carla stabs Shin*
Shin: Uah… ! That hurt… !
Yui: No! Shin-kun!
Kino: ...Nn! Shin!
Yui: (Carla-san must’ve given it all he got with this blow! His blood is all over the place…)
Carla: Hmph, seems as if you were finally able to close that mouth of yours. But this is not the end of it yet.
*Carla pulls his sword out*
Shin: Agh… ! Kch… !
Kino: It’s no use. Carla is way more overwhelming than I expected. At this rate, Shin won’ t survive another attack.
Yui: No…
1) Escape (black)
2) Persuade him (white)♡♡♡
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— Escape
Yui: Shin-kun! Please, don’t overdo it. Let’s just run away for now…
Shin: Sorry, I can’t do that.
Now that I’m facing my brother on his own, I can’t simply turn my back anymore and run away.
I’ve already decided to restore his memories, and I won’t leave until that happens!
Yui: But… if things go on like right now, Shin-kun will…
I hate that idea… I don’t want to lose you.
Shin: Hm? What are you talking about? As a founder, I stand above everything and everyone. I’ll never leave your side to die here.
— Persuade him♡
Yui: Listen, Carla-san! It may be hard to believe, but everything Shin-kun said is the truth!
Carla: …Eve, have you been tricked into this nonsense as well? Or is it that this man tricked you into believing gibberish?
Yui: Neither of that. Carla-san, can’t you tell by just looking at Shin-kun’s expression that he’s not lying to you?
Shin-kun’s the only part of your real family that’s left. And if you go on like that, you will destroy your family with your own hands!
Shin: Yui… are you telling him that… for my sake?
I know you must be scared because of my unreasonable actions. But really, you’re a good girl.
end Choices
Carla: Hmph, each of you is getting on my nerves…
I will not give in and spare your life once more. I will end this here and now.
*swords clash*
Shin: Kch… listen to me, brother!
Yui: (At this rate, Carla-san will seriously end Shin-kun… !)
Shin-kun… !!
Ngh… ! Let me go, Kino-kun!
Kino: Hold on, what are you planning to do? It would be suicide if you ran between them now.
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Yui: But if I don’t do anything right now, Shin-kun will be killed!
*Yui struggles*
Kino: Calm down. I won’t let you go even if you want to.
Yui: Why, why!? What should I do then!?
Kino-kun, please. How can I get Carla-san to listen to him? There must be a way, right!?
Kino: Mmmh… even if you say that…
*Carla stabs Shin again*
Shin: ...Gah!
Yui: Ah, Shin-kun!
(——If we don’t do anything any time soon, it will be too late!!)
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Kanato Euphoria Ending Translation
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Place : Church – Hall
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Kanato : I've been always troubled... But I finally found the answer.
I never wanted to admit it. But I have to now...
… because I definitely can't ignore my brothers.
Yui : … !
Kanato : … It's by no mean only affection.
I also feel various troublesome emotions like jealousy, envy, disdain and anger.
But I'm not going to cut ties with all of them easily.
Yui : … Yes... That's right. That's also what I think.
Even if many things happened between you and them... They always stay your brothers.
Kanato : When you're convincing me while crying, I don't know what to do.
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Yui : Eh ? Huh ? S-Sorry. This is weird...
(What should I do... ? I can't stop the tears from flowing.)
(Kanato-kun finally came to think this way by himself...)
… I'm so... happy... *cries
Kanato : Please don't cry. You're a worse crybaby than me.
Yui : You're right... I have to... get a hold of myself...
*huge sound coming from outside
Yui : … ! That sound just now...
Kanato : It became noisy again oustide, huh.
Yui : Yes...
(I wonder what's happening outside. How are Ayato-kun and Laito-kun doing...?)
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???1 : So she was here.
???2 : We finally cornered her.
Yui : … ! The voices are getting closer. They may come here very soon !
Kanato : Eh... ?
Scene change : Church – Outside
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Reiji : Would you please retreat ? We got here first.
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Carla : Don't talk nonsense. I'm not going to give you Eve and the Supreme ruler's throne.
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Laito : Amazing. They took all their members with them.
Ayato : Stop arguing with each other ! You think the Great Me will let that pass !?
Laito: Hey, Ayato-kun. Can we stop this number of opponents all by ourselves ?
Ayato : Even if we can't stop them, we've got to do it anyway !
Reiji : It got noisy just now. Are you two planning to stand in front of the church like this ?
Laito : Well, probably, for my big brother.
Ayato : I ain't gonna let you get in the way.
Carla : How brave to challenge us despite the number disadvantage. However... this is pointless.
Scene change : Church – Hall
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Kanato : Ayato... Laito...
Yui : What they said just now... They're going to shield us once again.
Kanato : … I’ll go help them.
Yui : … Eh ?
Kanato : Ayato and Laito... We've been together since our birth.
I can't leave those idiots behind.
Yui : Yes...
(I'm not sure it'd be safe for Kanato-kun to jump right into the fight...)
(But I won't stop him. Because this is the answer Kanato-kun found.)
Kanato : You seem to understand, so please wait here.
If we get captured, we'll run away again, until we go back to our real home.
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Yui : You're right. I'm sure we'll figure something out as long as we're together.
But, Kanato-kun... Be careful.
Kanato : Of course I will. Because I can’t fall here.
Yui : … Yes... !
(I don't want him to fall yet. I don't want to let him fall. I want to be by Kanato-kun's side from now on.)
(Anybody, please... Protect Kanato-kun so he doesn't get hurt--)
Kanato : Oh, I forgot. There's just one thing I would like to do before going outside.
Yui : Eh ? What is it... ?
Kanato : Please come this way.
Yui : O-Okay...
(Kanato-kun is leading me by the hand... Where are we going ?)
Is this... the pedestal I slept on... ?
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Kanato : It is ? I just came here because it looked just perfect...
So this is where everything started, huh. That useless battle, that memory disorder...
Those curious days I spent with you...
Yui : Yes... It all started when I woke up here...
Kanato : What is it ?
Yui : It looks like a wedding when we face each other in a church.
Kanato : What a half-baked wedding. I don't accept a wedding without cake.
Besides, I don't have the ring ready...
Yui : It's okay, I already got a ring from you. Look other here.
I still have your bite mark.
Kanato : Ah...
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Yui : … Since it's on my ring finger, it's like a wedding ring, don't you think ?
Kanato : That's right. Even if there's no cake and ring, you belong to me...
That alone is enough. If there's proof of it engraved in you, then--
Yui : … Ah, but there's still something missing...
Kanato : Is that so ? What more do you want ?
Yui : W-Well...
(Is it okay to tell him ? But it's a bit embarrassing...)
Kanato : Hehe... I know what you want.
Yui : … Y-Yes...
*Kanato gets closer
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Kanato : You want me to kiss the bride, right ?
Yui : Y-Yes, that's right.
Kanato : Hehe, I knew it. I have to kiss you during our wedding.
I will devote myself to you. So, will you also swear to devote yourself to me ?
Yui : … Yes, I swear.
Kanato : Then, allow me to kiss the bride. It may be the only time, so I'll be kind to you.
Yui : … Kanato-kun-- Hm !
Kanato : *kisses her
Yui : (… A gentle kiss... I can feel how much he thinks about me.)
(I'm like in a transe, overwhelmed with emotions, forgetting all the pain.)
*the ground starts shaking and everything goes blank
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Yui : Eh ?
Kanato : What's... this... !?
Yui : (The area started to shine, the dazzling light makes me close my eyes...!)
Kanato : – Ah ! Yui-san, please look !
Yui : (Ah...)
The church... is collapsing... ?
Kanato : It's not only the church. Look, at the scenery outside.
Yui : (It softly melts like particles of light. So pretty...)
Kanato : The Eve of tradition wakes up with a kiss...
Yui : Eh ?
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Kanato : It's just like that ridiculous traditions says. You finally woke up.
Let's go back to our real home--
Yui : … Yes !
(The light got strong again... It's so dazzling I can't see anything anymore...)
Kanato : Yui-san, don't worry.
I won't let you go, no matter what happens--
Place : Secret room – Interior lights
Yui : Umm...
(Did I faint ? Where am I...?)
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Kanato : It doesn't look like that church, and there are no mansions anywhere.
Yui : Kanato-kun ! You were already awake ?
Kanato : I just woke up as well. And we're not the only ones here.
Please look around you.
Yui : … Ah ! Everyone !
(The Scarlets and the Violets are here... Is that everyone ? They're all lying on the floor...)
Ah... ! Ayato-kun, Laito-kun !
(They're lying on the floor as well... It can't be--!!)
Ayato : …
Laito : …
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Yui : … Thank godness, they're alive...
Kanato : I see... They fainted.
The others aren't dead either, so it wouldn't be a problem to leave them be.
But why are all of us here ? Where are we in the first place... ?
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Karl Heinz : You are in a room inside my castle. So you managed to come this far.
Yui : Karl Heinz-san !?
Kanato : Father... !
Yui : (If Karl Heinz-san is here, then... No way...)
Kanato : Hey... was it all your doing, father ?
Karl Heinz : …
Kanato : Why... ? Why did you alter our memories and trap us in that place !?
Yui : Kanato-kun...
(I can't find the words to say to him... Because it sounds like he has been betrayed by his own father.)
(He was thrown into such a strange situation and fighting his own brothers...)
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Kanato : Please, answer me... Father...
Karl Heinz : – No, this wasn't my doing.
Kanato : … Eh ?
Karl Heinz : Everything was planned and executed by my friend.
Kanato : Your friend... ?
Karl Heinz : And so, I left my seat and told him that I wanted to talk to my son.
It seems my friend absolutely wanted to verify something with his own eyes.
In order to do that, he made an experience by trapping you in that place, and observed.
Yui : Observed... ?
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Karl Heinz : My friend wanted to determine who's the Adam worthy of Eve.
He built this fake miniature garden for that reason... This is the world where you have been all this time.
Yui : He built this miniature garden... ? Adam and Eve... ?
Kanato : So he... tested us ?
Karl Heinz : That's right.
The memories and relashionship you two developed... If what made the base of your love were to be gone... Who would be the Adam choosen by Eve ?
That was this experiment's purpose.
And Kanato brillantly bonded with Eve even with their memories falsified--
Yui : Eh ? Bonded... ?
Karl Heinz : The supreme ruler in this world was none other than Adam.
In order to get out of this miniature garden, Adam and Eve needed to prove their love for each other. And you brillantly proved it.
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Yui : (Ah... So was our kiss at the church...?)
Karl Heinz : You deserve to become Adam, without a doubt. Well done, Kanato.
Yui : (Karl Heinz-san praised Kanato-kun...)
Kanato : …
Yui : (But Kanato-kun doesn't seem happy at all...)
Karl Heinz : My plans has been diverted but I got a proof thanks to it. The one who will inherit my powers and become the Vampire King...
… is you, Kanato. And now is the time for you to inherit them.
Yui : … !!
Kanato : Eh... !?
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Yui : (Kanato-kun will become the Vampire King ?)
(I should be glad for him, but... is this really a good thing ?)
Kanato : … I'm fine.
Yui : … !
*Kanato holds Yui's hand
Kanato : Because I already have my answer.
Yui : (His gaze is more intense... As if my hand holding his fueled his determination.)
That's right... And I will follow Kanato-kun's decision as well.
Kanato : Yes, please do so.
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Karl Heinz : What's the matter ? Take my hand, Kanato.
Kanato : Father...
I won't become the king.
Yui : … Kanato-kun...
Karl Heinz : … Oh ? And why is that ?
Kanato : The time I spent in that artificial world made me realize something.
At one point... I thought that everyone else wouldn't matter to me.
But I feel envious, astounded, jealous and attached to those same guys...
After a lot of things, I realized my connection to them.
This girl is mine. I won't hand her over to anyone. That still doesn't change, but...
I don't want the others to disappear either without my permission.
Yui : … !
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Kanato : That's why I can't become the supreme ruler and spend the rest of my time alone in that castle like you, father.
… You agree too, right ?
Yui : Yes... !
Karl Heinz : I see... So this is the path Adam and Eve chose.
In that case, I'll keep watching over you a little longer, until my plan truly bear fruits--
*Karl Heinz disappears
Yui : Ah... He disappeared ?
Kanato : … It doesn't matter. My father respected my decision.
Yui : Yes... You're right.
Kanato-kun... You have grown stronger. You were very cool.
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Kanato : I only did the right thing. Even if I don't become king, I can protect you.
Yui : … Yes. Thank you.
(Kanato-kun surely grew up beyond his father's imagination.)
(I wonder if Karl Heinz-san withdrew because of this...)
Kanato : You're looking very dumb right now. You had a better expression before.
Yui : It's because I'm happy. We can finally go home with everyone, right ?
Kanato : With everyone ? My brothers can be left behind.
Yui : You're again saying that...
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Kanato : … I got it. Of course I'll wake them up, since you leave me no choice.
Yui : The mansion will become lively again.
Kanato : For you to miss their noises... I never thought that day would come.
Well then, let's all go home... Together.
Yui : Yes !
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After getting out of that miniature garden,
everyone went back to their daily lives.
Fortunately, they all recovered completely
without major injuries and the
Sakamaki mansion became lively again.
Since then, days passed, and the days
spent inside the miniature garden would
always be deeply rooted in our memories.
Place : Living room
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Yui : (I'm so happy to live in peace with Kanato-kun.)
Kanato : …
Ayato : Tch... Fuck ! I'm sick of studies !
Yui : A-Ayato-kun... !
Laito : I agree with Ayato-kun. Reiji is a bit pushy. Wanting us to score 100 points at the re-take exam...
Ayato : If I could do that, I wouldn't need to re-take the exam from the beginning.
Yui : (Reiji-san got angry toward the triplets because they incredibly failed their test...)
(Moreover, they lost their concentration 10 minutes after starting to study...)
It may be tough, but you can do it. Come on, I heard that the re-take exam is a little easier so reaching 100 points isn't impossible.
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Ayato : Hell no. First off, why the Great Me has to do that crap ?
I have no reason to obey Reiji. 0 points is fine by me.
Yui : Geez, Ayato-kun... Even if you're acting cool...
Laito : Hey, Little Bitch ? I studied so much I got tired.
Can you heal me so I can work harder ?
Yui : Eh ? That's a bit...
Laito : Why not ? You don't want me to study harder ? Come on, get closer.
Kanato : …
Aaah, geez ! You're all noisy ! Don't you see I can't concentrate on my studies !?
Laito : How unusual of you to work so hard, Kanato-kun.
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Kanato : It should be obvious. Reiji hid all my sweets.
He will give them back to me if I score 100 points at the next test... So please don't disturb me !
If you can't keep quiet, please go somewhere else !
Ayato : Fine, fine. He really lost his shit.
Laito : That's our Kanato-kun. Well then, I'm heading back to my room. I'll study by myself later.
*Ayato and Laito leave
Yui : (Kanato-kun really kicked them out...)
Kanato : Good grief. They're really a nuisance.
I shouldn't have saved them and leave them in the miniature garden.
Yui : Hehe.
Kanato : You laughted just now, didn't you ? Are you making a fun of me ?
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Yui : No, that's not it. You seemed to have fun despite what you said.
(I'm sure he's having a good time with his brothers, he just doesn't have a feel for words.)
(He must enjoy this kind of relashionship when they quarrel and argue over little things.)
Kanato : Please don't make irrelevant remarks. I don't enjoy their presence.
*Kanato gets closer
Kanato : Here's your punishment for making fun of me. *kiss her...
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Yui : *kisses back
(His kiss is deep and very gentle...)
Kanato : Hm, haa... Do you get it now ?
Yui : … ?
Kanato : Doing this with you is the moment I'm enjoying the most. So please don't get it wrong, okay ?
Yui : Hehe, yes, I know. I also feel the same. So... I would like more.
Kanato : Alright. You're a very good girl for being honest. *kisses her...
Yui : (It's as if our love intertwine through that kiss.)
(I want to be with him like this, forever.)
Kanato : Wherever you are, I will always love you.
Yui : I love you too, Kanato-kun...
Euphoria ending : END
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tabooneko · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage - Sakamaki Laito - Story 01
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Hi there~ I’ve finally had some time to check out Chaos Lineage and I must say that I really like it so far! Laito’s route was great (compared to LE...) and since I enjoyed it so much, I decided to try translating it~
Laito: You choose me to be your guard? You want to be with me so much? Yui: Ee... Laito: It seems so. I'm going to cherish you a lot, so look forward to it ♪ Yui: (I didn't even say anything, he just answered himself... Did I make a   right decision choosing him...?)
When the guard has been decided, they left the jail probably to discuss future.
When I was left alone, I got overwhelmed by hopelessness.
I'm Eve. Those vampires are going to steal me from each other and fight for the title   of supreme ruler.
They probably won't let me go, until those fights are over.
When I thought about it, my heart became heavy.
Yui: Eh... Yui: (First I was taken from the church and now I'm imprisoned... Why did it   end up like this?) Yui: (Even if I tried to run away, those iron bars look pretty sturdy. And I   don't have any place to go anyway...) ???: Oh my? Why are you sighing like this? Yui: Ah... Laito-san. Laito: Come on, you can call me Laito-kun. Laito: I thought you may get hungry soon, so I brought you some food. Yui: (Food... Ah, it smells nice!) Yui: *growling stomach* Ah...! Laito: Fufu, what a loud belly growl. You should have just called me, I'd bring   something sooner. Laito: Since you're our important guest. Yui: (What is he saying... no one would hear me from this prison.) Yui: (And even if they were able to hear me, I wouldn't feel comfortable   enough to call them anyway.) Laito: ...Oh, but you probably didn't feel comfortable enough to call us, huh.   Yui: ...! Laito: You were suddenly brought to such a place, no wonder you're on your   guard. Yui: (H-He is reading my mind...?!) Laito: You just thought that I'm reading your mind, didn't you? Yui: How do you know... Laito: Fufufu... I'm not reading your mind. It just all shows on your face. Laito: You don't have to worry. I'm a gentle man, not like that bully Carla. Laito: If you have any request, just say it. I'll grant your every w-i-sh. Yui: T-Thank you very much. Yui: (I still can't let my guard down, but... He looks like a friendly and   easy to talk person.) Laito: You should eat before it gets cold. Pardon my intrusion. Yui: (Ah... He entered my cell.) Laito: Okay, open your mouth. I'll fe-ed-you. Yui: What?! Yui: (He is holding a spoon... does he really plan to feed me?!) Yui: It's okay! I can eat myself. Laito: You don't need to hold back. I just want to see your eating face up   close. Yui: You want to see...? Laito: Here you are, say "aah" ♪ Yui: Ugh?! Yui: (He put the spoon into my mouth?! It hurts...) Yui: Nnn... Ngg... Laito: Haa... you're struggling in pain and yet your cheeks are flushed... Do   you enjoy such things? Laito: You have great kinks. I'm sure we will get along. Yui: (Y-You're wrong... It's because you're forcing me like this, Laito-san!) Yui: Nnnn... Laito: I can't hear what you're saying. Ah, is it hard to breath? Or maybe   your throat hurts? Laito: Don't worry. I understand everything. Your eyes are getting wet. It   means you want more, right? Yui: Ah... N-No... Laito: If you like it so much, I'll do it how many times you wish... Come on,   say "aah" Yui: Uh... nn... Yui: (H-He did it again... Even though I said no...! It hurts...) Laito: You're so arousing... Your reluctant face is the best. Yui: (I-I'm not happy with it!) Yui: (I thought he may be a nice person, but I was completely wrong. Now I'd   say he is rather outrageous...) Yui: (Why did I choose Laito-san...?!) Yui: Nn... Ah... --------------------------------------------- Laito: What do you think? It was tasty, right? Yui: (There is no way I could notice the taste in this situation... But I'm   afraid of disobeying him.) Yui: ...Y-Yes, it was delicious. Laito: Huh? You're pretty obedient. Does it mean that the legendary Eve is   already well trained? Laito: I totally imagined you would behave like some saint. Yui: Eh? Why did you think I'd be a saint...? Laito: Because the legend says that Eve was sleeping in the church for a   looong time. And only a kiss could wake her up. Yui: A kiss? It sounds like a fairy tale. Laito: How romantic, right? So, who did you do it with? Yui: ...Excuse me? Laito: Since you're awake now, it means you were kissed by someone. Laito: At that time in the church was... Reiji from the Scarlet? Yui: I-I didn't kiss anyone! I was alone when I woke up. Laito: Oh my, you don't need to pretend to be so innocent. Laito: Since you're a little devil snatched away by vampires. Yui: T-That's... Yui: (He is telling the truth, so I can't deny it...) Laito: You're a bad girl who is seducing men. With your adorable face, you're   just like a bitch. Laito: Don't you think that Bitch-chan is a perfect nickname for you? I'll   call you that from now on. Yui: Such a name... Yui: (I don't like it... I've never heard about such a nickname.) Yui: (...? I've never heard... or so I thought, but it's a little familiar...) Laito: ...Hey, Bitch-chan. Laito: Maybe you didn't notice it yourself, but... You're making a really   lustful face. Yui: ...! Yui: (Laito-san's fingers are touching my cheek...) Yui: I-I'm not making a lustful face! Laito: No need to be embarrassed. I want to have fun with you... what kind of   play do you like? Laito: By-the-way. I can go with every play, so don't hesitate and tell me   everything. ♪ Yui: (H-He is still talking about it...) Yui: (This man is going to be my guard, huh. I'm worried what will happen with   me...) Laito: Hmm, let's see. Nfu. I have a great idea. Laito: Hey, this empty place is boring, right? Laito: That-is-why... *Laito unlocks the cell* Laito: I'll take you out of here. Yui: ...What? Laito: Stop spacing out. Hurry up and come out. Yui: But... Is it okay to let me out? Laito: You probably don't want to stay in this depressing place forever,   right? Yui: Well, yeah, but... Yui: (...Is it really okay? If Carla-san finds out, we will be in trouble.) Yui: (But it's true that I don't want to stay here any longer...)
Place: Violet Mansion - Corridor
Yui: (In the end, I did like Laito-san said and left the cell.) Yui: (I must say...) Yui: This mansion is pretty big. Laito: Yeah. It's just too big, so there is a lot of free rooms. Laito: There is also a storage full of luggage, so it's a perfect place to do   something in secret. Yui: N-No, I'll pass, thank you. Laito: Really? Then where should we go first~ ???: Laito. Yui: ...! Yui: (T-That voice...) Laito: Oh my, what a shame. Looks like we have been caught. Carla: Why did you let Eve out of the prison? Yui: Carla-san... Yui: (He is mad. What to do...) Laito: Just according to keikaku the plan. I've been waiting for this moment. Yui: (What... Laito-san?) Carla: Laito. Answer. Laito: Guess what? She begged me to let her out of the cell~ Yui: What?! Laito: I stopped her of course, but then she even tried to seduce me. She is   such a bitch, you know~ Yui: W-What are you saying...! Yui: (That's not true! Why is he lying?) Laito: She was so miserable and pitiful when she was begging, so I let her out   for a while. Carla: Hmph. Did you think this kind of excuse will work? Carla: You're supposed to be her guard. Such act requires a punishment. Laito: Oh my, is it really necessary? Carla: Of course. What's more... Yui: ...Hii... Carla: Since you plan to escape, prison is not enough to stop you anymore. Shall  I have you bound with chain? Yui: No, please! I didn't plan to run away! Carla: Are you trying to talk back to me? Yui: ...! Yui: (I-I'm so scared... He is only glaring at me and yet, my body is,   shaking...) Yui: (Why is he angry at me? Why...) Laito: Fufu... Even your terrified face is adorable. I got to see something   nice. Yui: (Laito-san! No way, is that why you lied to Carla-san?) Yui: (At this rate, they will really bind me with chain and throw into prison...   I don't want this...!) Carla: Come. Looks like you need to be disciplined. Yui: N-No...! Laito: Hm, I'd like to see more, but it's about time. Laito: Carla, I think it's better to let this girl out of the prison. Yui: (What...?) Carla: ..What do you mean? Laito: If we keep her imprisoned, she may break. Humans are so fragile after   all. Laito: She actually begged me to let her out. She may be at her limit. Laito: So I think it'd be better to let her walk freely around the mansion. Yui: (Laito-san... is helping me?) Carla: Eve is being targeted by other families and you want to let her roam   around the mansion? Laito: But look, I'm her guard after all. I want you to trust me. Laito: Well, if you think we can watch over her only in prison, then so be it. Yui: (H-He is totally provoking him!) Carla: ...You are testing me. Know your place. Carla: Although, I'm not so narrow-minded. I'll give her more freedom. Yui: Eh? Yui: What? Are you sure?! Carla: There is no point if you break. Just mind your position. Carla: Laito. Don't let her leave the mansion... I won't show mercy next time. Laito: Okay~ Laito: He's gone. His last warning was unnecessary though. Yui: (I was really worried for a moment, but I don't need to go back to the   prison after all...) Yui: I-I'm so glad... I thought I'd get killed... Laito: Are you okay? Carla is really too domineering with girls. Yui: (It's all Laito-san's fault in the first place...!) Yui: (But he helped me in the end and I got out of the prison...) Yui: (He played a mischievous trick on me, but I wonder if he meant to let me   go from the start?) Laito: Now you can walk freely around the mansion. Are you happy? Yui: Ah... Yes. Thank you very much, Laito-san. Laito: You're welcome. I told you before that I'd grant your every wish. Laito: If it's for you, it's worth the trouble. Yui: Laito-san... Laito: ...Just kidding. Yui: What? Laito: The truth is I have an ulterior motive for letting you out. Yui: Ulterior motive?! Laito: Inside the prison is pretty immoral, so it's good. But it's always   better to have more options. Laito: I'm your guard after all. It's only natural to have a lot of fun   together. Yui: H-Have fun...? What do you mean...? Laito: Don't pretend you don't know. You're waiting for it too, Bitch-chan. Yui: Kya! Laito: I'll answer your expectations. So don't hold your voice. Laito: I want to hear your sweet voice, you know? Yui: (He pushed me against the wall...?!)
Selection: - Give up. - Struggle.
Choice: Struggle
Yui: Please, stop! Laito: It's no use struggling like that. Laito: What's more... your "please, stop" sounds really arousing. Laito: Ah, maybe you're doing it on purpose? You're really bitchy. Yui: ...No! Laito: ...Don't rush, I'll give you lots of love. Laito: Nn... look... You were so afraid of Carla that your blood has a   stronger scent now. Laito: It's such a sweet scent, I can't bear it... Nnn... *sucking* Yui: Ah...! Yui: (Those things on my neck... Are those fangs...? A vampire... is drinking   my blood...?!) Yui: (No way... It's just...!) Laito: Haa... so that's Eve's blood... I've never drunk such sweet and   delicious blood before... Laito: And your body is gradually getting hotter and hotter... It means you   also feel good, right? Yui: Y-You're wrong... Laito: Nice, it's unbearable when you're so displeased. And when you flush   your cheeks in embarrassment... Laito: Hey... Do you see this thick vein? It's aching asking me to suck   more... Yui: N-No... If you bite there... Laito: What a nice face. Even I got excited by it... Nn... *sucking* Yui: No... Nn... Yui: (What will happen if a vampire drinks my blood...?) Yui: (I'm losing consciousness... I'll probably just die...) Yui: Uu... Yui: (...What... is this... My heart is... aching... so much... and my   head...) ----------------------Yui has a vision-------------------------- Yui: (What... is this...) Yui: (...Something is... overflowing... in my head...) Yui: (This... place... is...) ----------------------End of the vision------------------------- Yui: Ah... Nn... Laito: You're letting out such a sweet voice... Do you feel good? Laito: Then I'll drink some more... Nn... Yui: Ah... Yui: (That place... right, it was...) Yui: Uh... Aaaaaaa! Yui: Haa, haa, haa... Yui: (My dizziness is gone... It's like mist in my head just disappeared.) Yui: (Why couldn't I remember?) Yui: Laito...kun... Laito: ...What? We were just getting to the good part. Can you not spoil the whole fun? Yui: Laito-kun, what's happened?! Laito: What do you mean? Yui: Do you not recognize me?! Laito: Of course I do. You're Eve from the legend. Yui: No, that's not what I mean...! Yui: (It's true that I'm Eve. I started living in the Sakamaki house and met   Laito-kun.) Yui: (There was a lot of hard and sad moments, but...) Yui: (We overcome them and my feelings reached Laito-kun.) Laito: What's wrong? What's with that face? Yui: (Why does Laito-kun not remember me?) Yui: (Not only Laito-kun. Carla-san and others are behaving strangely too. And where are we even?) Laito: Ah, maybe the taste of my fangs was so good you got confused? It was   your first time after all. Yui: It wasn't my first time! You drank my blood many times before! Yui: I mean, we are... Yui: (Lovers, after all...) Laito: We are, what? Yui: It's... Laito: Hmm, you can't say? Laito: I drank delicious blood so I felt uplifted, but now you killed my   enthusiasm. Laito: I thought we were going to do even more pleasant things. Laito: ...So, you have to take the responsibility, right? Nn... fu...   *sucking* Yui: Wait... please, listen... Yui: (It's bad... I'm losing consciousness... I'm losing... all strength...) Yui: (I can't... stand anymore... Laito-kun...)
79 notes · View notes
otomeheroines · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Azusa Chapitre 01
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- Donjon -
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Azusa: Je suis la garde……? Pourquoi as-tu……choisi moi?
Yui: Euh, je ne devrais pas?
Azusa: Non……Très bien……je vais faire de mon mieux, d'accord?
Je te protégerai……cette fois……
Yui: Hein……?
Azusa: Rien……
Yui: (Son sourire a l'air triste……Je me demande quel genre de personne est Azusa)
- Fade Noir -
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Yui: Même si j’ai décidé de rester sur mes gardes, ils ne vont pas me laisser sortir de prison……
(Combien de temps a passé depuis que tout le monde est sorti? Mon sens du temps est flou……)
(Pendant combien de temps vais-je être enfermé dans un tel endroit?)
Yui: (Ugh, j'ai faim même à ce moment-là……)
*Pas qui s’approchent*
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Azusa: ……Ève.
Yui: Azusa?
Azusa: J'ai apporté ton repas……Mange-le, si tu veux……
Yui: Euh……
(J'ai faim, mais est-ce une bonne idée de le manger? Et s'il l’a empoisonné……?)
Yui: (Encore une fois……!)
Azusa: Tu avais faim……Je suis désolé, j’ai été en retard……
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Yui: Merci beaucoup……
(Si je ne mange pas quelque chose, je n’aurai pas d’énergie, alors obéis et fais-le.)
……Bon appétit.
*Yui commence à manger*
Yui: Ah, c’est délicieux……
Azusa: Je suis content……Si tu en veux plus……n'hésite pas à demander, d'accord……?
Yui: D'accord……
(Azusa ne semble pas être une mauvaise personne après tout. Il est gentil avec moi……)
(J’ai dormi longtemps et il y a beaucoup de choses que je ne sais pas. Peut-il m'en dire plus à propos de la situation si je le demande?)
Euh……Puis-je te demander quelque chose? J’ai dormi dans l’église longtemps et je suis complètement perdue……
Si cela ne te dérange pas, j'aimerais te poser quelques questions.
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Azusa: D'accord. Si c’est quelque chose que je peux répondre……
Yui: Merci beaucoup.
(Ça a marché, je suis contente……!)
Vous êtes tous des vampires, non? Et frères……?
Azusa: ……Frères……
Yui: (Hein? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?)
Azusa: ……C’est exact. Nous sommes divisés en trois familles mais chacun de nous est un vampire.
Dans cette famille, Carla est l’aîné. Je suis le second.
Yui: (C’est la Famille « Violette », n'est-ce pas? Et les deux autres……Euh……)
Azusa: Reiji est le fils aîné de la Famille Écarlate. Puis Shu, Yuma……et Kino.
Yui: Donc, ces quatre personnes sont de la Famille Écarlate……
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Azusa: Et enfin, la Famille Orange……Ruki……est l’aîné.
Il est frère avec Shin, Ayato et Kanato.
Yui: (Il y a tellement de noms que je ne me souviens pas de tous……)
(Mais tous ces noms me paraissent familiers, étrangement)
Euh……Et tous les membres des trois familles visent Ève……moi, non?
Azusa: Oui. Tu es notre précieuse Ève……Parce que tu es la seule en ce monde……
Yui: (Ève est donc nécessaire pour devenir le souverain suprême. Malgré tout, je suis confuse)
(Ah, au fait……)
Même si vous, les vampires, êtes frères, vous ne vous ressemblez pas physiquement.
Azusa: Et bien……oui……
Yui: (Hein? Cette réaction……C’était quelque chose qu’il ne voulait pas entendre autant?)
*Pas qui s’approchent*
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Carla: Comment se porte Ève?
Azusa: Ah……Carla.
Yui: (……! Carla……Il est majestueux et un peu effrayant……)
Azusa: Elle a bien mangé son repas, elle va bien……
Carla: Je vois.
Yui: (……! Il me regarde. Son regard me transperce(?)……)
Carla: ……Toi, tu t'es souvenue de quelque chose depuis?
Yui: N-Non, rien……
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Carla: Il semble que ce ne sera pas si facile. Mais, Ève est la clé pour devenir le souverain suprême.
*Carla entre dans la prison*
Carla: Elle mérite d'être inspectée.
Yui: (Ah, il est entré dans la prison!?)
*Carla l'attrape*
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Yui: Kyaa! Q-Qu'est-ce que tu fais……?
Carla: Tu t’appelles Ève, alors tu dois garder quelques secrets. S’ils sont hors de vue—
Je vais juste demander à ton sang.
Yui: (Ah……Ses crocs sont sur mon épaule……!)
N……Non! Arrêtez——!
Carla: Inutile de résister. *suce le sang*
Yui: ……! Aïe……!
(Il me mord avec ses crocs, ça fait mal……! Je veux qu’il s’arrête mais mes mains tremblent, ma force est……)
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Azusa: Ève……
Carla: Ah……Hmph.
Yui: (……? Il s'est arrêté……?)
Carla: Quel est ce goût? Le sang d’Ève a un si mauvais goût?
*Carla la jette violemment ( ̄□ ̄;)*
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Yui: Kyaa!
(Il n’a pas besoin de me jeter comme ça……)
Carla: Il semble que tu n’es pas mûre. Par conséquent, tu ne peux pas remplir ton devoir en tant qu’Ève.
Azusa. Continue à surveiller Ève jusqu'à sa maturité.
Azusa: Oui……
*Carla disparaît*
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Yui: Uuh……
(Un vampire a sucé mon sang……je ne suis pas morte, pas vrai? Mon épaule pique toujours……)
Azusa: Carla a……Je suis désolé.
Je ne sais pas si tu peux m'entendre, mais……tu ne devrais rien faire de trop violent……
Yui: (C’est trop tard maintenant pour me dire que……)
Azusa: Tu as mal à l'épaule? Attends une seconde……e vais apporter une trousse de premiers soins tout de suite……
*Azusa disparaît*
Yui: (Il était si violent……Même s’il dit que je suis Ève, je ne comprends rien du tout……)
(Pourquoi dois-je recevoir un si mauvais traitement? Pourquoi……?)
*Azusa revient*
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Azusa: Désolé pour l'attente. Peux-tu me montrer……ta blessure……?
Yui: M-Mais……
Azusa: Je ne te ferai pas de mal. Je vais juste soigner ta blessure, alors……montre-la-moi?
Yui: ……Compris……
Azusa: Merci……
*Azusa se rapproche*
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Azusa: La cicatrice est grosse, hein……Est-ce parce qu'il a sucé de force? Je vais le panser maint……
Hein……? Il n’y a pas de bandages……Qui les a utilisés? Et ils étaient ici……
Yui: A-Ahem! J'irai bien. Donc tu n’as pas à te forcer……
Azusa: Non, je dois m’occuper de ta plaie correctement……ou la cicatrice peut rester.
Mais……il n’y a pas de bandages, que dois-je faire……?
Yui: (Il est troublé……Il veut certainement faire quelque chose pour ma plaie qui saigne.)
(Y a-t-il autre chose qui pourrait servir de bandage……?)
Azusa: ……Je n'ai pas le choix.
Yui: Hein?
Azusa: Je vais guérir ta blessure……en utilisant ma bouche……
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Yui: Que……? Q-Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
Azusa: La salive d’un vampire a une capacité de guérison……
Je peux donc refermer ce type de blessure……C’est correct?
Yui: (« Correct »……? Azusa est aussi un vampire, non? Puis-je lui faire confiance?)
(S'il me suce le sang comme l'autre vampire avant……)
Azusa: Tu as peur, pas vrai? Mais si on laisse la plaie telle qu'elle est, ça va empirer.
Yui: Azusa……
(Il est vraiment inquiet. J'ai peur……mais……)
……Compris. Peux-tu le faire, s'il-te-plaît?
Azusa: Oui, laisse-moi le faire.
Yui: (……Je me sens anxieuse quand il se rapproche. Je sens son souffle sur mon épaule……)
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Azusa: Mes crocs ne te perceront pas, alors ne t’inquiète pas……*lèche la plaie*
Yui: ……!
Azusa: La blessure est profonde……Je suis désolé. Il semble que ça va prendre un peu plus de temps……* lèche*
Yui: ……Ah…… [(O_O)’]
Azusa: ……!
Yui: (N-Non, cette voix étrange……! Pourquoi? J'avais peur il y a un moment et pourtant……)
(Tout mon corps devient chaud, comme s’il devenait paralysé——)
Azusa: Que dois-je faire…? Ton sang sent très bon. Et ça s'épaissit aussi…!
… Je dois… résister…
Yui: Azusa…?
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Azusa: Je n'aurais pas dû me rapprocher… Ce sera la même chose encore, mais…
La saveur de ton sang… me donne le vertige…
Yui: Euh… Qu'est-ce que… Kyaa!
*Azusa attrape Yui*
Yui: Hé, ne me serre pas l’épaule si fort, ça fait mal…
Azusa: Désolé… je ne peux plus… *suce le sang*
Yui: Nn…!?
(Il me suce de la nuque…!? P-Pourquoi? Et il a promis de ne pas sucer mon sang…!)
(M-Mais… c’est censé faire mal, et pourtant… je ne déteste pas ça?)
Azusa: Je suis désolé… je ne peux pas arrêter… *suce le sang*
Yui: … Aaah…
(Cette douleur est… nostalgique… Est-ce que j'ai déjà ressenti ce sentiment?)
(Mais où…?)
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Azusa: Je suis désolée… Ève… *suce le sang*
Yui: …!
*Flashback du salon de la maison Mukami*
Yui: (… Quelle était cette scène…?)
*Flashbacks des couloirs de l'école, de la ville et de la chambre d'Azusa*
Yui: Ah… Aaah…!
Azusa: Ève…?
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Yui: (Beaucoup de choses me traversent la tête à la fois—)
Aaah… Aaaaaah–!
(J'ai un… mal de tête—!)
*Flash blanc*
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Azusa: Ève! Ève…!
Yui: (Quelqu'un m'appelle…)
(Non, ce n’est pas quelqu'un. Je connais bien cette voix.)
Azusa: Ève…! Désolé, ça va…!?
Yui: Azusa…?
Azusa: Hein…?
Yui: (Ma tête est toujours confuse… Mais plus que ça…)
(Je me suis souvenue. Je me suis souvenue de tout.)
(Pourquoi suis-je dans un tel endroit? Je passais du temps avec Azusa et les autres à la maison Mukami, et pourtant…)
(Je me suis réveillée dans une église et on m'a amenée ici. Qu'est-ce qui se passe?)
Azusa: Ève…?
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Yui: Azusa… Où sommes-nous? Pourquoi sommes-nous dans un tel endroit?
En plus… Carla! Pourquoi Carla est ton frère?
Pourquoi es-tu ennemi avec Ruki et Yuma?
Azusa: Ah…
Yui: (Mes souvenirs d'avant mon réveil dans l'église sont vagues…)
(Je devrais passer du temps avec Azusa comme d'habitude, et pourtant… pourquoi?)
Azusa: Euh…
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
Yui: Hein?
Azusa: Carla est mon frère… C'est ma maison. J'ai toujours vécu ici, avec ma précieuse famille…
Yui: C’est un mensonge…
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Azusa: Ce n’est pas un mensonge. Si tu en doutes, demande à Carla, Kou et aux autres.
Yui: Ç-ça ne se peut pas! Tu ne te souviens pas? Nous avons passé du temps ensemble à la maison Mukami!
Azusa: … « Mukami »?
Yui: …!
Azusa: En outre, je t'ai rencontrée pour la première fois hier. Je n’ai pas passé autant de temps avec toi?
Yui: C’est un mensonge… Parce que… Nous—!
(Nous étions… amoureux. Est-ce qu’il insinue qu’il ne se souvient pas de ça aussi?)
(Non, ce n’est pas seulement Azusa. Même Carla, Kou et les autres… on aurait dit qu’ils ne me connaissaient pas.)
(Ils ont tous changé de mémoire? Suis-je la seule à être revenue à la normale…?)
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Azusa: Ah… Tu ne te sens pas bien? Ton visage est si pâle… Est-ce parce que j'ai sucé ton sang?
Je suis désolé. Ton sang était si délicieux que je ne pouvais pas résister…
Yui: …
Azusa: Ève…?
Yui: Ah… Non, je vais bien…
(Je ne comprends pas du tout ce qui se passe. Mais… je dois garder mon calme.)
(Même si leurs souvenirs sont altérés, tout le monde se connaît au moins).
(Calme-toi… Ne panique pas…)
… Je suis désolé, je vais bien maintenant.
Azusa: Je vois…
Euh… à propos de Carla… Tu ne devrais rien faire de trop violent…
Ève, tu es une personne importante pour nous. Donc si tu te comportes bien, je pense qu’il te sortira de là, finalement…
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Yui: Je comprends. Je vais bien me comporter.
Azusa: Oui…
Tu dois être fatiguée après tout ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui. Repose-toi bien, même si c’est dans un tel endroit, d'accord…?
Yui: (Ah… Azusa s'en va!)
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♟L’empêcher de partir [Roses noires]♟
Yui: Azusa, attends!
Azusa: …? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas… ?
Yui: (Ah… je l'ai inconsciemment dit de s'arrêter…)
Azusa: Tu es peut-être… mal à l'aise, après tout?
Yui: N-Non, ça va. Je voulais juste parler un peu.
Azusa: Je vois… Mais tu devrais te reposer. Parce que ce n’est pas bon si… tu en fais trop…
Yui: … Je comprends. Je vais me reposer maintenant. Désolé de te retenir.
Azusa: Oui… Bonne nuit…
♙Le laisser partir [Roses blanches]♙
Yui: (Je veux parler plus avec Azusa. Mais… j'ai besoin de temps pour réfléchir.)
Azusa: Ève… tu auras peut-être des moments difficiles, mais… je t’aiderai autant que je peux…
Alors… Mets ton esprit à l'aise(?)?
Yui: D'accord, merci.
Azusa: Eh bien, bonne nuit…
Yui: Bonne nuit.
♙Fin des choix♟
*Azusa part*
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Yui: Azusa…
(Azusa me voit comme Ève, qu'il a rencontré pour la première fois. Les autres aussi).
(Je ne reconnais ni cette terre, ni ce manoir. Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe.)
Mais quelque chose d'étrange nous est arrivés. Il n'y a aucun doute là-dessus.
(Étant donné que je suis la seule à être revenue à mon état d'origine, je n'ai guère d'autre choix que de faire quelque chose à ce sujet…)
(Mais si au moins Azusa retrouve ses souvenirs —.)
… Hein? Au fait…
(Je ne suis pas sûr mais… j'ai l'impression d'avoir déjà parlé à Azusa dans cette prison.)
(Je me demande comment…?)
- Salle à manger -
Subaru: Merde, c’est bien lié…
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Azusa: Subaru, que fais-tu…?
Subaru: Tu comprendras tout simplement en regardant. Je retire les pansements.
Azusa: Tu as été blessé…?
Subaru: … Ce gars Kou m'a agacé et j’ai frappé le mur.
Je me suis légèrement égratigné la main à ce moment-là et ce mec a soigné ma blessure contre mon gré.
Azusa: Hein…?
Subaru: Il l'a trop bandée. Ce mec doit l'avoir fait exprès.
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Azusa: … C’est la raison pour laquelle les bandages ont disparu. Il ne fait normalement pas ça, et pourtant…
Subaru: Ah? Ce mec est toujours comme ça.
Azusa: … Non, normalement, il ne fait pas ça.
Je me demande ce qui est arrivé…
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers: Chaos Lineage.
[Scarlet Family]
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[Violet Family]
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[Orange Family] 
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1K notes · View notes
Diabolik Lovers Survey 2020 Results
This year I got 138 responses in total, which is close to double the number I got in 2019 (74 responses) so a big thank you to all of you for taking part and for those who helped to promote it! Now onto the results:
Question 1. Who is your favorite DL character?
1. Subaru Sakamaki (18 votes) (3rd in CL poll, joint 4th in 2019 survey) 2. Shu Sakamaki (16 votes) (1st in CL poll, 1st in 2019 survey) 3. Ruki Mukami (13 votes) (4th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 4. Laito Sakamaki (12 votes) (8th in CL poll, 10th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (11 votes) (2nd in CL poll, 3rd in 2019 survey) 6. Reiji Sakamaki (10 votes) (9th in CL poll, 2nd in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami (10 votes) (11th in CL poll, 4th in 2019 survey) 6. Kanato Sakamaki (10 votes) (6th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 9. Azusa Mukami  (8 votes) (12th in CL poll, 13th in 2019 survey) 9. Yui Komori (8 votes) (7th in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (7 votes) (10th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 12. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (14th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 13. Kino (3 votes) (13th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 14. Kou Mukami (1 vote) (5th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 14. Richter (1 votes) (did not feature in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: 3 people said they didn’t have a favorite character and 1 person skipped the question. Karlheinz, Beatrix, Cordelia, Christa and Yuri were all available options but they did not receive any votes. I’ve included where they came in the CL poll (the most recent official popularity poll) to show how the results compare. Below you can also see how the voting breaks down compared to the 2019 survey.
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While I was a little surprised that Subaru managed to dethrone Shu as the fandom’s overall favorite, I was not surprised by him, Shu, Ruki and Ayato all featuring in the top 5 considering their rankings in the CL poll. Laito also managed to sneak his way in there but considering that he was the winner of the 2018 survey, that wasn’t much of a surprise to me either.
The thing that I really don’t understand is what on Earth happened with Kou. Up until 24 hours before the survey closed, he didn’t have a single vote (lone Kou fan, thank you for stepping up), despite doing pretty well in the CL poll and the 2019 survey. If anyone has any theories on where all the Kou fans have gone then let me know because I am baffled.
Anyway, onto the rest of the survey, because this post is extremely long, I’ve put the rest below the cut.
Question 2. Who is your least favorite diaboy?
1. Kanato Sakamaki (42 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. No least favorite (15 votes) (2nd option in 2019 survey) 3. Kino (14 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Ruki Mukami (12 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (10 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami  (9 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 7. Reiji Sakamaki (7 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 8. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (joint 6th in the 2019 survey) 8. Azusa Mukami (6 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 10. Shu Sakamaki (5 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Kou Mukami (3 votes) (5th in 2019 survey) 11. Laito Sakamaki (3 votes) (9th in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (3 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 14. Subaru Sakamaki (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: I discounted one vote for Subaru on this question, as the participant had also voted for him as their favorite character so I assumed they misunderstood this question.
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Every single year I’ve done this, Kanato has come first in this category by a massive margin and (while I will admit he’s my own least favorite) I am still no closer to understanding why he gets so many votes. If anyone does have any theories then do let me know.
Other than that, Kino’s placement certainly isn’t a surprise given his place in the 2019 survey and that he was the villain in all of the other characters LE routes, which I suspect has not endeared him to many. I do find it interesting that Ruki and Ayato (who did well in the popularity poll) were also in the top 5 for this question. 
I also wasn’t expecting Shu, golden boy of the fandom, to actually rank higher than some of the other characters in this question and to only have one less vote than Shin (who is considerably less popular and did some fairly deplorable things in the other character’s DF routes). 
Question 3. What is your favorite type of DL media?
1. The games 60 votes (1st in 2019 survey) 2. The drama CDs 46 votes (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. The character songs 9 votes (3rd in 2019 survey) 3. The merch (e.g. plushies, badges, straps etc) 9 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 5. The anime 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 5. The manga 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey)
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I don’t really think there’s much to comment on with this one, the results are pretty similar to last year and given that the drama CDs and the games collectively provide most of the story content for DL, it’s not at all surprising that they’re the fan favorites.
Question 4. If you have played and/or read translations for the games, which is your favorite?
1. Dark Fate (39 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. Haunted Dark Bridal (27 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. More Blood (13 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Vandead Carnival  (10 votes) (7th in 2019 survey)  5. Lost Eden 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 6. Chaos Lineage 8 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 7. Lunatic Parade 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey) Note: 20 people said they had not played the games or read translations of them.
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DF, HDB and MB all remain as the top 3 games of franchise. I was a bit surprised to see VC jump up so much though, although I know some more translations for it have been posted recently, and a game being translated will always help to boost it’s popularity within the fandom.
Question 5. If you have listened to and/or read translations of the drama CDs, which set of CDs includes your favorite?
1. Bonus CDs (19 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 2. Para-Selene (18 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. Bloody Bouquet (14 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 4. Zero (13 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 5. The original do-s vampire CDs (11 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 6. More Blood do-s vampire (8 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 7. Verus II (7 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 8. More, More Blood (6 votes) (not an option in the 2019 survey) 9. Dark Fate (4 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 9. Born To Die (4 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 11. Verus I (3 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 12. Eternal Blood (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Versus III  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) 13. Versus IV (1 vote) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Chaos Lineage  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) Note: the Lost Eden CDs (joint 8th in the 2019 survey) did not receive any votes and 26 people said they had not listened to or read translations of the drama CDs, 6 more than those who had not played or read translations of the games. 
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I was pretty surprised to see the Bloody Bouquet CDs bumped down to third place considering that they won far and away in the 2018 and 2019 surveys, especially with the Zero CDs coming so close behind them. Para-Selene (my own personal favorite set of drama CDs) is still a fan favorite, and while I know many people enjoy the bonus CDs, I certainly wasn’t expecting to see them take the top spot.
In terms of other things to note, I do find it interesting that the Eternal Blood CDs (which feature the Mukamis) are less popular than the Born To Die CDs (which feature the Tsukinamis and Kino), considering that in this survey, the Mukami brothers got more votes combined than the Tsukinamis + Kino, and I’m pretty sure all of the Eternal Blood CDs have been translated, while to my knowledge, no English translations exist for the BTD CDs (although you can find a summary of Shin’s on this blog), so I would have expected this to be the other way around.
Question 6. How long have you been interested in DL?
1. More than 4 years but less than 6 years (55 votes)  2. More than 2 years but less than 4 years (26 votes)  3. More than 6 years but less than 8 years (15 votes)  4. Up to six months (9 votes)  5. Over 8 years (7 votes) 6. More than 6 months but less than 1 year (6 votes) 7. Less than 1 month (2 votes) Note: 6 people said they couldn’t remember how long they’d been interested in DL for.
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It seems the majority of us have been here for years (truly, there is no escaping diahell) but it was nice to see so many newcomers to the fandom take part this year, especially as we haven’t really had that much new content. 
I mentioned this in the 2019 survey results post but I do wonder whether the release of the MB anime (a little over 5 years ago), may have some correlation with a large chunk of the fandom (or at least the portion that took part in this survey) being into the series for between 4-6 years.
Question 7. If you answered the survey I did last year, have any of your choices changed since then?
Note: Multiple options could be selected here.
My favorite character has changed: 21 votes
My least favorite diaboy has changed: 17 votes
My favorite DL game has changed: 9 votes
My favorite drama CD has changed: 18 votes
There were definitely more changes this year compared to last year (although given the much larger sample size, that’s to be expected), but it does seem most are fairly firm in their favorites. 
Question 8. If you purchased one of the More, More Blood CDs, which version did you get? 
Deluxe edition: 7 votes (5.22%)
Regular edition: 4 votes (2.99%)
Deluxe edition from Animate: 7 votes (5.22%)
Deluxe edition from Stellaworth: 2 votes (1.49%)
Deluxe edition of the same CD from Animate & Stellaworth: 3 votes (2.24%)
Multiple MMB CDs (some regular, some deluxe): 5 votes (3.73%)
Did not buy any of the MMB CDs: 106 votes (79.10%)
Note: 4 people skipped this question.
I mostly asked this question because I was curious as to how many people bought the deluxe edition versus the normal edition, especially as after listening to Shin’s (and from the comments I saw online) I feel like you really need the bonus CD you get with the deluxe edition to nicely wrap up the story.
I was sort of expecting most people to go for the deluxe edition, as I think if you’re ordering your favorite's CD, you’re going to want the maximum content with them possible, even if it does come with a bigger price tag.
As for why so many people went for the Animate bonus over the Stellaworth bonus, I imagine this was because Animate has an international online store (although I think whether you can actually get the bonus drama CDs from them is variable) while Stellaworth only ships in Japan, which means if you order from them, you have to use a proxy service which really hikes up the price.
Question 9. Out of the following things released within the last year, which has been your favorite?
1. 4-panel More, More Blood comics (28 votes) 1. Winter of Lovers merch (28 votes) 3. More, More Blood CDs (24 votes) 4. Masquerade Jewel merch (18 votes) 5. My Melody collaboration merch (15 votes) 6. Other (14 votes) 7. Merch from Rejet 2020 Fes (10 votes) Note: 1 person skipped this question.
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I thought for sure the More, More Blood CDs would win this one but I seriously underestimated just how popular the More, More Blood comics and merch lines were. I suppose given that the bonus drama CDs came first in the Drama CD category and the MMB comics are much in the same vein (as in they both contain humorous content), it isn’t that much of a surprise, especially as the comics are posted online and are therefore much more accessible to international fans than the drama CDs.
As for the merch lines, Winter of Lovers is the most recently released set, so it may be possible that this is partially responsible for it’s popularity (i.e. it’s the merch line freshest in people’s minds).
Question 10. Which of the upcoming DL releases are you the most excited for?
1. Young Blood manga (64 votes) 2. Daylight CDs (25 votes) 3. Releases that have yet to be announced (20 votes) 4. Count Off (9th anniversary song) (7 votes) Note: 22 people went for the “Can’t choose/ Not excited for any of these” option.
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The Young Blood manga won here by a massive margin, which is pretty interesting considering that the DL manga ranked lowest in question 3. That being said though I suspect this manga will be more popular than the others as it should give us more of the boys’ backstories.
I’ve seen several people hoping for the unannounced release (that we should find out more about April) to be a new game. Personally I’m not super convinced that’s going to be the case as new game announcements tend to be done at Otomate party (as was the case with CL in 2018), which is scheduled for July. However, I do admit that I think a new game would be a really good way to celebrate DL’s tenth anniversary (which is coming up December next year), so I don’t think it’s completely outside of the realms of possibility that we may get another game at some point. 
Either way I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in April.
And that’s it for the 2020 survey. Again, thanks to everyone who took part, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the results, was there anything that surprised you?
168 notes · View notes
traducoes-dialover-br · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ *Bloody Songs - Super Best II
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Data de Lançamento: 19 de Agosto de 2015
Letras: Daisuke Iwasaki
Composição: MIKOTO
Arranjo: Yuuji Hamasaki
Lista de Músicas
1.アルカディア (Arcadia)
3. 冷たい血 (Tsumetai Chi)
4. 悪魔的(Devil's)Spire!!!!
5. Q.E.D.
6. 愛しきPain
7. 暴言シンドローム (Seiron Syndrome)
10. 苺の罪 (Ichigo no Tsumi)
11. 吸愛ラビリンス (Kyūai Labyrinth)
12. 誓いのカンパネラ (Chikai no Campanella)
13. Guilty×Guilty!!!
14. S.O.S-ΑtoΩ-
15. Bloody★Mayim★Mayim (Sakamaki Ver.)
15. 罠-If You’re Diablo (Mukami Ver.)
15. 血戦のDies irae (Tsukinami Ver.)
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traducoes-dialover-br · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ *Bloody Songs - Super Best
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Data de Lançamento: 21 de Maio de 2014
Letras: Daisuke Iwasaki
Composição: MIKOTO
Arranjo: Yuuji Hamasaki
Lista de Músicas
2. 切断★舞踏会
5. Farewell Song
6. とある預言者の、運命
8. Parhelion Logic
10. Eclipse
12. UNLIMITED BLOOD -Remix ver.
12 notes · View notes
aquariaries · 1 year
Subaru 12 - Chaos Lineage
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for a another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
Our encounter with Socrates-San--.
After that, I don't remember where and how Subaru-kun and I walked on.
Unless one person voluntarily sacrifices their life, there is no way out of this miniature garden.
Faced with that fact, it was so heavy that even our steps became heavy, and we didn't even have the energy to say a single word.
Just what is is that we should do?
How could that sphere named Socrates do such cruel things ...
What will he gain from our suffering?
Only unanswered questions popped up and disappeared inside my head.
PLACE: Forest
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Yui: (I feel heavy ... ... I thought we finally found a way to go home, but that's the way it ended up being.)
Subaru: Hey.
Yui: Hm? What's wrong?
Subaru: When we go back to our previous world, what is it that you want to do?
Yui: Eh? What's with this all of a sudden?
Subaru: It can't be helped if you only think about dark things. That's why, well ... ...
Yui: (I see. Subaru-kun is trying to cheer me up because I'm depressed.)
Fufufu *giggles*
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Subaru: Wh-what are you laughing at! I'm doing this for you ... ...
Yui: Yeah, I know, sorry for laughing!
I'm not trying to make a fool out of you, I'm just really happy is all, fufu
Subaru: As I thought you are making a fool out if me. What the hell, I'm being serious here.
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But, whatever. As long as you're laughing, then anything is fine.
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ...
Subaru: ... ... unh
Yui: (? He stopped all of a sudden, what's wrong?)
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ... ?
Subaru: ... ... So they came.
Yui: ... ... Eh?
("They came", could it be ... ...)
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Carla: ... ... So this is where you were. You foolish pair of traitors.
Yui: Carla-san ... ...
*Footsteps, Azusa appears*
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Azusa: It would be, for the best if you both, are obedient ... ...
*Footsteps, Kou and Laito appear*
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Kou: That's right. If you start to rage too much you might get hurt.
Laito: You know it's not a situation where we can take it easy on you just because you're a brother, right?
Yui: (We're surrounded by all of the Violets!? What do we do, there's no way to escape like this!)
Subaru: Hah, it's too late for you guys, isn't it? Were you afraid that that you couldn't get your hands on me or her?
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Carla: Do not be conceited. I was merely laying low for awhile and watching how you'd move.
Subaru: So you let us *wade away then.
(*T/N: he really said "Did you let us swim" but I re-worded it to sound more natural. Hope that comes across the right way.)
Carla: Thanks to that I've managed to see some interesting things. It doesn't seem that you've gotten along with the Scarlets.
Subaru: ... ... Ngh!
Carla: That's right, of course I was watching. However there is still a lack of information.
Like with you and Eve, when the two of you were together, what kind of things did you do together and what kind of conversations did you have?
I need to listen carefully.
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Subaru: You really are a disgusting bastard. What was that for? Is that some kind of hobby of yours?
Carla: Of course, it was to find clues to become overlord. I can't afford to overlook even the slightest of changes.
There is no escape for you now anyway. If you understand then hand over Eve.
Subaru: ... ... Tch.
Yui: (What should we do ... ... At this rate ... ...)
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-> Let's force our way through ♟
Yui: Subaru-kun, I don't want to get caught. So how about a high-stakes, forced escape?
Subaru: Don't be stupid Even if you try to do that in this situation, you'll be caught in no time.
You'd be treated well by Carla, and I'll be killed as punishment for disobeying him.
Yui: That's true ... ...
-> Quietly obey ♙♡
Yui: Subaru-kun, it might be better to quietly obey here.
Even if we get caught, someday we could seize the opportunity and escape again ... ...
Subaru: ... ... We're up against Carla.
If he captures you once more, you'll be confined in the dungeon for the rest of your life so that you can never get out again.
... ... However, if I can negotiate here, you might be able to manage something on your own.
Yui: Eh? What do you mean by that?
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Subaru: You don't have to worry about anything. Leave this to me.
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ... ? What are you thinking?
Subaru: Don't resist no matter what. No matter what happens I'll protect you.
Yui: W-wait. Don't be so hasty!
(He couldn't possibly trying to hand himself over ... ... !)
*He walks over to Carla*
Subaru: Hey, Carla. Just like you said, I'll come along with you quietly.
Carl: Hmph. The mouse that has been cornered can speak quite loudly.
Subaru: I have conditions in exchange. They ... ... Treat Eve with kindly.
Don't lock her up underground in the dungeon like before.
Give her a proper room and good food.
Allow her some freedom as well. I want you to give her the happiness she deserves to live as a human being.
Yui: (Subaru-kun, all for my sake ... ... !)
Subaru: If you can promise that I'll come with you quietly. You can do whatever you want to me.
You can beat me to death, and if you punish me for being a traitor, I'll accept it.
Carla: ... ... ... ...
Subaru: Oi, what will it be.
Carla: I understand your resolution. I will respect those thoughts and promise to treat Eve with kindness.
Subaru: Is that so.
Yui: But then Subaru-kun ... ... !
Subaru: I said that I'll be fine didn't I? That no matter what happens I'd protect you.
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Carla: It seems you've misunderstood, I have no intention of killing Subaru.
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: Huh?
Carla: I should have said so in the beginning. I want you to hear the story you two have and why you're on the run.
If I killed you, I wouldn't be able to find out right?
That's why I thought that if you surrendered quietly, I'd treat you accordingly.
Subaru: Wh-what the hell is up with that ... ... Then did my previous conditions have no meaning?
Carla: No, they have meaning. I heard my brother's splendid determination.
I'm glad that I didn't end up in a situation where I'd have to kill you.
I almost lost one of my poor brothers.
Subaru: Carla ... ...
Yui: (Carla-san, he seems happy. He always feels so cold, but in reality, his brothers are important to him.)
(Subaru-kun seems to be aware of Carla-san's feelings, too. Surprisingly, these two might be a good duo.)
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Carla: Enough of this nonsense. Azusa, Kou, Laito. Restrain Subaru and Eve, and bring them back to the mansion.
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Azusa: ... ... Understood.
Laito: Okaaay.
Kou: Ready you two? I'm tying you up now.
*He ties them up*
Yui: Um, Subaru-kun. Thank you for earlier. You risked yourself to protect me.
Subaru: Hm? Yeah ... ...
Yui: (He seems to be thinking about something. Could it be that he is still worried about something else?)
PLACE - Violet Dungeon
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Carla: I want you to stay in here for awhile.
*Cell doors open*
Subaru: ... ... Tch.
*Cell doors lock*
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Subaru: So this is how I'm treated after all. What happened to you being moved before?
Carla: That's another story.
It doesn't change the fact that you betrayed us and tried to take Eve as your own.
From here on, you will not be allowed to meet with Eve.
Subaru: Hah, as expected of an almighty founder. So cautious.
Carla: Now then, I have a lot of things that I'd like to ask you.
Subaru: You know the secrets of Eve and being Overlord don't you?
Subaru: ... ... ... ...
Carla: So you keep quiet. That's fine. I'll take the time to listen to you.
Kou, Laito. I will ask another day. Until then, keep an eye on Subaru.
*Carla leaves the dungeon*
Laito: What a pain. When will this end?
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Kou: When Subaru-kun talks about Eve. Until then our chores have become a little easier.
Laito: That's true. Then Subaru-kun. For our sake, hurry up and tell everything you know about Eve.
Subaru: You guys really are annoying.
... ... Hey, how are they doing?
Laito: They you say ... ... Ah, you mean Eve?
Kou: She's fine. Azusa is watching over her, so there's nothing to worry about.
Subaru: ... ... ... ...
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(If her guard is Azusa, how much better is he than these two?)
(If it's Azusa, I don't think I'll be forced to attack him.)
(No matter what, I'll save you. Even if it costs me my life ... ...)
PLACE: Violet Mansion Spare Room
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Azusa: Eve, can use this room again ... ...
Yui: Yes, I will. Thank you for guiding me.
Azusa: You're welcome. If you need anything else, let me know anytime ... ... ?
Yui: Anything else? Um then, where is Subaru-kun at?
(Because as soon as we arrived at at the mansion, I was separated from Subaru-kun.)
(Even if it would be difficult to meet up, I'd still like to know where he is.)
Azusa: If it's Subaru, then I think, he was probably put in the dungeon ... ... The place where Eve was, at first.
Yui: Is that so.
(Subaru-kun ... ... I hope he doesn't get hurt.)
(He was also shaken by Socrates' words. I'm sure he's thinking about a lot of things.)
(That I can't be by Subaru-kun's side like that ... ...)
... ... Haa *sighs*
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Azusa: What's wrong, Eve ... ... ?
Yui: Ah, I'm sorry! I just suddenly sighed like that.
It's just, I'm worried about Subaru-kun is all ... ...
Azusa: About Subaru ... ... ?
Yui: He's badly injured, and I'm sure he's very tired.
When I think about him enduring everything alone in such a state, it even becomes hard for me.
I'm very worried about Subaru-kun ... ...
Azusa: I see ... ...
Yui: Carla-san and the others said to be obedient but ... ... but I really want to see him.)
(I wonder if I can somehow ask Azusa-kun ... ... ?)
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Yui: Um you see, I have a favor to ask of you Azusa-kun. Can you somehow let me see Subaru-kun?
I want to see Subaru-kun's face. I want to know what he's doing right now ... ...
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Yui: I know that its no use. However, I ---
Azusa: Alright ... ...
Yui: Eh!?
Azusa: You want to meet with Subaru, right ... ... ? Alright, I'll you ... ... meet up.
Yui: Really ... ... ?
Azusa: Yes, but make sure that no one finds you ... ... They'll get mad at me too, so.
*He opens the door*
Azusa: Here, this way ... ...
Yui's Monologue:
I opened my eyes wide and stared at Azusa-kun, who quietly opened the door to this room.
Azusa-kun, are you serious? Can I really trust Azusa-kun?
I remember what happened in the Scarlet Mansion.
And also, about the Violet's welcome party.
There have always been ulterior motives when I was treated kindly. The feeling of being betrayed pierces my heart like a thorn.
What should I do if I am betrayed again? My cowardice makes my feet heavy.
However, if I just stay here, nothing will change.
... ... For Subaru-kun's sake, I muster up courage.
And then, I take a step forward.
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aquariaries · 1 year
Subaru 14 - Chaos Lineage
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for a another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Subaru's Monologue:
With a thud, Yui collapses on the other side of the cell.
It's because I sucked too much blood.
Aiming for this outcome, I deliberately sucked her blood.
Her expression with her eyes closed is peaceful. However, she seemed to have a sad expression on her face.
PLACE - Violet Dungeon
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Subaru: ... ... I'm sorry.
I don't want to see your crying face, so sleep for a while.
I love you, and I will for all of eternity.
However, this is goodbye.
(If you woke up, you'd be mad. But, this is for the best.)
(At the very least, it is for me.)
Subaru: Hey Azusa. Are you still there? Come over here
*Door creaks open, Azusa walks in*
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Azusa: ... ... What happened, to Eve?
Subaru: She's not dead. She's just sleeping.
From now on, don't bring her to me.
Azusa: Subaru ... ... What are you thinking ... ... ?
Are you going to defy Carla again ... ... ? You just might, get killed this time ... ...
Subaru: I have something I must do. It's not for anyone else, it's for her alone.
So I don't care if I disappear. As long as I can protect my most precious person, that's fine.
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Subaru: So can you get me out of here? There's something I have to do.
I may trouble you, but I'm begging.
(If it's Azusa that's brought her this far already then ... ... )
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Azusa: Uhm ... ... Subaru, doesn't want to become the overlord right?
Subaru: Yeah. I have no intent to become overlord.
I just want to stop my precious woman from getting involved in things like overlords and legends.
Azusa: I see ... ...
Subaru: By the way, if you let me out here I might be able to help you guys too.
Azusa: What do, you mean?
Subaru: You might not believe me but, we've all been gathered here in this land as someone's experiment.
Our memories have also tampered with, and it's been instilled in us to fight. But we don't really have to do any that.
Both you and I have a real lives that are not here. I want to restore them back.
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Subaru: But I'm the only one who would know how ... ... , at least I think only I can do it.
So please let me free. I can only trust you. There isn't anyone else that I can trust other than you.
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Azusa: ... ... All right, I understand.
Subaru: Really?
Azusa: Yeah ... ... Because I don't think that, Subaru is lying ... ...
*He unlocks the cell door*
Subaru: Sorry about this, Azusa. You really saved us.
Azusa: So, what are you going to do now that you're out of the cell ... ... ?
Subaru: Something that no one else but I can do.
Azusa: I see ... ... Subaru, are you going to be leaving from here?
Subaru: Yeah. If someone in this mansion gets in the way, it'll all be over. I need to go somewhere else that isn't here.
That's why Azusa, I want to entrust her to you. I'm counting on you from there on.
Azusa: ... ... I understand. But, Subaru ... ...
Subaru: See ya.
*He runs away*
Azusa: Subaru ... ...
PLACE - Violet Mansion Guest Room
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Yui: Where, is this ... ... ? I was in the dungeon and Subaru-kun sucked my blood, and then ... ...
I certainly fainted ... ... I've been sleeping.
(I wonder if it was Azusa-kun that brought me here.)
(If so, Subaru-kun is still in the dungeon, right?)
(But ... ... Why is there such an unsettling feeling in my chest.)
(I feel as if I just had a sad dream, that was just my imagination right?)
*Muffled voices*
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(I feel like the inside of the mansion is noisy. Did something happen?)
*She springs off of the bed*
(Let's open the door and peek into the corridor.)
*She walks towards the door and opens it*
(Huh? Azusa-kun isn't in front of the door. He was supposed to be watching over me.)
(I wonder where he went. If I go to the living room, can I find out what happened?)
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Yui's Monologue:
Amidst the strange air that drifts throughout the mansion, I headed for the living room.
When I looked into the living room, there were three people, Carla-san, Kou-kun, and Laito-kun.
Of course Subaru-kun was absent, but for some reason Azusa-kun wasn't there either.
When I opened the door to the room, the three of them all turned their eyes to me.
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Kou: ... ... Eve, you're awake.
Yui: Yes. I thought the mansion was noisy, did something happen?
Laito: Carla, is it okay if I explain it to Eve?
Carla: Very well. The state she's in tells me she doesn't know anything after all.
Yui: ?
Kou: You see about Subaru-kun, it seems that he's escaped from the dungeon.
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Yui: Eh!?
Kou: When I went to go see him earlier, I was surprised to see it empty with no one there.
Laito: It looks like Eve's been left behind. How pitiful.
Yui: Subaru-kun escaped from the dungeon ... ... ?
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-> Thank goodness ♙♡
Yui: ... ... Oh, is that so. Thank goodness.
Laito: Thank goodness?
Yui: Because, that means that Subaru-kun escaped safely right?
If that's the case, then I'd rather he run away alone than face a terrible experience here.
Kou: ... ... Aren't you angry that he left you behind?
Yui: I'm not mad. As long as Subaru-kun stays safe, then that's the best thing for me.
-> He left me behind ♟
Yui: (... ... He went and left me behind? He ran away alone without consulting me?)
(No, I shouldn't be thinking like that.)
(I'm sure there must be some reason. I shouldn't doubt him now ... ...!)
Yui: That's right, do you know where Azusa-kun went?
He wasn't in front of my room, what happened?
Kou: ... ... ... ...
Carla: If it's Azusa you're concerned about, he's currently locked in the dungeon.
Yui: Eh!? W-why is that!?
Carla: Apparently, it seems that Azusa helped Subaru escape. He's been imprisoned as punishment.
Yui: Azusa-kun helped Subaru-kun ... ... ?
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Carla: ... ... In other words, I have been betrayed by my two younger brothers.
Kou: I never thought Azusa-kun would do something like this ... ...
Laito: It's a little unexpected for sure. At this point, it wouldn't be strange for someone else to be the next traitor.
Yui: But, why did Azusa-kun cooperate with Subaru-kun? There has to be some reason.
Carla: A traitor's thoughts are beyond my knowledge. However, when I questioned Azusa ... ...
"If it's Subaru, he can destroy this world. It seems only he can do this.", was what he said.
Do you have any idea what this means?
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Yui: (Something that only Subaru-kun can do? Destroy this world?)
(No way ... ... !)
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Yui's Monologue:
Something that only he can do. Destroy this world.
-- I'm sorry.
This word repeats itself and disappears.
If my guess is correct, what he's trying to do is ... ... !
Before I knew it, I was running with the urge welling up in me. All I have is a bad feeling in my head.
I have to go see Subaru-kun right away. Before it's too late -- .
*She runs away*
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Kou: Eh!? Where are you going Eve!
Laito: ... ... Ahh~ah, looks like she left.
Even though she's doesn't know where Subaru-kun is, she sure is working hard.
Kou: Hey, should we just let her run away like this? Shouldn't we chase her?
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Carla: Leave it be.
Laito: Heeeh, how unexpected.
Kou: Are you sure?
Carla: If only Subaru had defected, it could be said that he was deceived by Eve.
However, it's not just him.
Even Azusa turned against us ... ...
Maybe there is some meaning to it. Something that I do not know ... ...
Until we know what that is, don't mess with it.
Laito: I see. Then I'll wait on standby for now until it's time to move.
Kou: As expected of Carla-kun. Always looking ahead.
If you think about that, Carla-kun really is the most worthy to become overlord.
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Carla: Overlord, huh. Perhaps Subaru and the others are seeing something more than competing for the throne.
Kou: Eh?
Carla: Until I see it too, let's observe the big picture of this situation for a while.
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aquariaries · 2 years
Shin Euphoria End - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
PLACE: Forest
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Kino: Haaah. Looks like the 3 of them are heading towards the church.
I really wanted to go along with them too.
But as expected of someone like Carla, he would have exposed my true identity in no time.
Looking back at it all, we were only together for a short amount of time yet we've done so much.
I'm no good at working with groups. Well, I guess it wasn't so bad after all.
Knowing those two, everything is alright now. I'm counting on you guys.
*Kino walks away*
PLACE: Church - Hall
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Carla: As expected. Magical power seems to be supplied to various places from here.
Yui: Just as we thought ... ...
Shin: What should we do, brother?
Carla: We should demolish this entire building. If we do so, we should be able to destroy this entire space.
Yui: Destroy ... ... ?
Shin: Would that be how we escape?
Carla: I don't know. There is no guarantee we'll return.
Yui: ... ... !
Carla: However, if we do nothing then we'll never be able to leave.
We'll continue to fight a pointless battle, all while being confined and locked up here.
Yui: I don't want to do that anymore ... ...
Carla: Above all else, the Founders' pride will not allow such things as manipulation to control us.
Shin: I know. Even if there's no guarantee we'll return, we still gotta do it.
Leave this here to me. I'm going.
*Shin comes closer to Yui*
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Yui: -- Shin-kun.
(I'm nervous ... ... But I also want to support Shin-kun.)
Shin: Yui ... ... , Thank you for staying by my side.
Yui: No, such a thing ... ... You don't need to thank me for.
Shin: Give me your hand.
*Yui grabs his hand*
Yui: (Shin-kun is holding my hand. Even though I was scared just a few moments ago, that feeling has dissapeared in the blink of an eye ... ...)
(Instead, I feel nothing but courage welling up inside me. It's alright now ... ...)
(If it's Shin-kun, he'll surely be able to do it.)
Yui: Yeah, let's give it our all.
Shin: I'll do it. You support me. I'll gather power until I'm at my limit --
Yui: Yes, I understand. I'll firmly support Shin-kun.
Shin: Doing this will finally set us free ... ...
Yui: That's right.
Shin: It's all thanks to you that I was able to push and give my all.
We'll for sure, return to the place where we belong.
Yui: Yeah. I was able to come this far thanks to Shin-kun being by my side.
Shin: Plus, I was never alone. I've always had Yui by my side after all.
Even right now you're still right next to me.
Yui: Shin ... ... kun.
Shin: -- Alright! I've gathered enough strength now. Now, to destroy it all at once!
*white flash*
Shin: Uuuuaaaaaah --------- !!
Yui: (Please go through ... ... !)
Carla: ... ... Kgh.
*Loud boom and rumble*
Yui: (What an incredible shock -- !)
Carla: -- You've done well. My younger brother.
Shin: ... ... With this ... ...
Yui: It's over ... ...
*Crumbling noises*
Carla: Shin! The church is going to collapse!
*Loud continuous boom*
Shin: Ah, brother!
Yui: Shin-kun ... ... !
*Shin comes closer and grabs Yui*
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Shin: Yui. Don't let go of me!
Yui: Yes! I won't let go ... ... !
Shin: Ah, it'll be alright. Grab onto me.
Yui: (If I'm with Shin-kun, it'll be okay! I believe in that.)
*Louder crumbling*
Yui: (The floor is starting to Crack and crumble -- Even from the church's ceiling ... ... This whole world is starting to shatter.)
(Like this, will this world come to an end ... ... ?)
(I'm scared, and I can't do anything other than cling onto Shin-kun -- !)
*Scene goes white*
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Yui: (It's so bright, I can't open my eyes. Just what ... ... Is this -- !?)
(What is becoming of us?)
*Mystical noise*
PLACE: Eden - Room of Time
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Yui: ... ... Ugh, nnnn ... ...
Where is ... ... this ... ... ?
(Huh ... ... ? If I remember correctly, after Shin-kun destroyed the church, it began to collapse ... ...
And then, we were suddenly surrounded by a light ... ... )
( ... ... What happened?)
*Shin hugs Yui*
Shin: Thank goodness, you woke up. We're in the castle of Eden. It's alright now, we've returned!
Yui: Thank goodness ... ... !
Carla: The castle of Eden huh ... ...
Shin: They're out cold, but the Sakamaki and Mukami's are all here too.
Yui: I'm truely so glad we were all able to come back ... ...
*Magical noise*
Yui: What ... ... Huh ... ... ? A ball of light is coming down!
Shin: What the ... ... ?
Carla: It seems to be the root cause of all of our troubles.
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Socrates: My name is Socrates.
You've done well making it this far. Let me praise you first.
Shin: This is -- ?
Carla: Hmph.
Yui: The ball of light spoke ... ... ?
Socrates: The box garden was a place I have created for my experiment. Never have I thought there would be those who could escape it so easily.
As expected of the Founders ... ...
Yui: Experiment ... ... !?
(This person, just what is he talking about? -- I just don't understand it.)
Shin: Don't joke around! Just what kind of experiment were you trying to do!
Socrates: Do not be so agitated.
As my friend has told me, I thought I'd test to see that Adam was truely worthy.
Shin: Huh!? Your friend you say ... ...
Socrates: It is Karlheinz.
Shin: So you're friends with that guy ... ...
Yui: (Karlheinz-san and Socrates-san are ... ... ?)
Carla: Nonsense.
Socrates: That is why I falsified everyone's memories and locked you all in this box garden.
With everything being rewritten, I wondered if they were once again able to be chosen by Eve.
Shin: I see ... ... So that's how it is ... ... Was the overlord supposed to be Adam?
Yui: So that was the point of the battle towards becoming overlord then ... ...
Shin: Just like that, you had us perfectly dancing in the palm of your hand.
Socrates: Amazingly, you have managed to overcome this ordeal. This experiment is now over. I can no longer pursue this.
Shin: This isn't some sort of joke!
Just listening to this is ... ...
*Socrates dissapears*
Shin: -- ah!?
Yui: He dissapeared ... ... ?
Shin: Shit ... ... ! He ran away.
Carla: He said he was a friend of Karlheinz, hmph, he was quite the annoying person.
Yui: But, we were able to return like this, Shin-kun.
Shin: ... ... I suppose so.
Carla: With the bare minimum this is what has been fulfilled. He's truely a detestable person.
Shin: Yeah, that about says it.
Who he was and what he was experimenting with remains a mystery.
Carla: Do not be bothered with it any longer. Leave it be.
Shin: -- You got it, brother.
Yui: Let's go home! Shin-kun.
Shin: That's the plan!
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Yui's Monologue:
-- It's been a few days since then.
We have safely returned home to Banmaden.
With Shin-kun, Carla-san and I, the 3 of us are once again spending our time together peacefully.
PLACE: Banmaden - Yui's Room
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*Knock knock*
Shin: Hey, is now a good time?
Yui: Yeah. Come on in.
Shin: Allllrighty.
*He sits next to her on the bed*
Yui: (I'm getting a little nervous with him sitting on the bed right next to me. It's making my heart race ... ...)
Shin: Now that I think about it, I cant help but wonder what happened after those chain of events.
Yui: Yeah. That's true. After coming back from the box garden, I find myself wondering that too.
... ... It was difficult in all sorts of ways wasn't it.
Shin: Sure was. In the end, I wonder if I would have been able to bear my brother not being able to remember me.
Yui: Even I was sad when Shin-kun forgot me at first.
Shin: That's true. It's like I was reflecting off of your feelings.
Yui: -- But in the end, I believed that you'd come back to me ... ...
Shin: The same goes for me as well. When it came to my brother, I believed that he'd come to remember me.
After all there's no way my brother would forget me.
Yui: Yeah. I understand that.
Because I had that same feeling, I didn't give up on escaping until the very end.
Shin: You said it.
-- I wonder if it's because of that?
Yui: Hm?
Shin: Somehow I've been able to feel more confident than I have before.
Because in the end I was able to destroy the church without relying on my brother.
-- I've gotten stronger, haven't I?
Yui: Yeah! I think so as well.
Up until now I've always thought you were cool, but now you become even more cool!
Shin: Hmmm. Well then, I guess I'll have to make you fall for me even harder.
Yui: ... ... ?
*Shin stands up*
Yui: (Shin-kun?)
Shin: Follow me.
*He starts to walk away*
Yui: Wait, Shin-kun!
(Where is he going?)
*Yui runs after him*
PLACE: Banmaden Grand Hall
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Yui: (Eh ... ... ? Why did he bring me to the grand hall?)
Shin-kun ... ... ?
Shin: Would you care to dance together with me?
Yui: ... ... ... ... !
(Suddenly -- ! That aside, why is he inviting me so gentlemanly? My heart is pounding like crazy.)
Shin: Now, please take my hand.
Yui: ... ... O-okay.
(My fingertips are trembling a little bit. 'Cause it's like a scene straight from a fairy tale --)
*She takes his hand*
Shin: Now then, the two of us will -- dance the waltz.
Yui: ... ... ah.
*Waltz music starts playing*
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Yui: (Ah, music has started to play ... ... I have to mind my feet and watch my steps ... ...)
Shin: Heheh, well? Have you fallen for me even more?
Yui: Yeah ... ... Somehow it feels different than usual, I suppose.
Shin: It's an honor to hear you say that. Well, to tell you the truth.
It's been a long time since we've been able to dance like this.
Yui: Shin-kun ... ...
Shin: Just the two of us that is.
Yui: (Shin-kun looks so happy ... ...
But I'm sure that I look just as happy as he does right now.)
Shin: It really does show on your face. I can never get tired of watching it.
Yui: Uu ... ... , Shin-kun really can see right through me.
Shin: Whether it's seeing through you or not, I can tell just by looking at your expression.
Yui: That's because ... .. I'm so happy to be able to dance with Shin-kun like this ... ... !
Shin: You say it so casually sometimes, don't you?
Yui: But, heheh, even Shin-kun has that same happy expression you know?
Shin: ... ... Ngh, is that bad?
After all, I can feel you right by my side.
Yui: I'm feeling the same way. No matter what happens, I'll never let you go.
Shin: Huh, isn't that supposed to be my line?
Yui: Eh! Ahh!
(Just what am I saying ... ... I- I'm so embarrassed ... ...)
Shin: Geez, I'm no match for you because of this.
Yui: Besides ... ... , Shin-kun is so cool that it makes me feel dizzy ... ...
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
***Rose on Shin's head***
I love you. Whether it was from before or after, it was only ever you. I hope you feel honored.
***Rose on Shin's hand***
Hey now, if you don't move along with me properly, you'll end up falling. Well, I'll be properly supporting you anyways.
Shin: Well then, allow me to make you even dizzier.
Even if you say you no, I won't let you go tonight. Are you prepared?
Yui: Yeah ... ...
(My entire body is hot ... ...)
(Every time Shin-kun smiles, my body temperature rises ... ...)
(I will never forget the memory of this moment for all of eternity. Forever and ever --)
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aquariaries · 1 year
Subaru 02 - Chaos Lineage
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As of this route I've now reached the end of Chaos Lineage! I saved it for last due to how much I'd have to translate but I wanted to take on the task of doing that so his full route up can be up for everyone to read! ^-^ You can find chapter 01 of his story from @nerieda and chapters 03 - 11 plus his labyrinth ending from @kyouxa ~
I'll have chapters 12 - 15, his euphoria ending and heaven scenario up this month! It takes me about 2 days to translate each chapter so I'll get them out as soon as they're finished! ✨️
***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for a another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
After letting me out of prison, Subaru-kun grabbed my arm and started walking.
Azusa-kun and Kou-kun are also following me closely, as if they were keeping an eye on me.
Like restraining a person guilty of committing a crime, it was as if they were saying they would never allow me to escape.
To be treated like this by Subaru-kun, who is supposed to be my lover.
The insides of my eyes are growing hot. It's as if sadness seems to overflow.
It was like I was having a bad dream.
PLACE: Violet Mansion Hallway
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Subaru: What are you stumbling around for? Can't you walk straight?
*Yui stumbles*
Yui: ... ... Ngh
(The arm he grabbed hurts ... ... Subaru-kun is blunt, but he's actually really kind.)
(To violently drag me around like this ... ... It isn't like Subaru-kun at all.)
(He really doesn't remember me at all.)
... ... Um, where are we going from here?
Kou: Didn't you hear what I said earlier? I said that we were called by Carla, right?
Azusa: The living room ... ... Carla is waiting there ... ...
Subaru: There's no point in asking where you're going. All you have to do is follow us.
Yui: ... ...
(That may be so. But no matter what I want to have a a conversation with Subaru-kun ... ...)
*Azusa walks up to her*
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
... ... Huh?
There's ... ... a sweet scent.
Eve, it's coming from you ... ...
Yui: ... ... Eh, me?
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Kou: It's true! This sweeeet nice scent is without a doubt the scent of your blood.
The fact that it smells this strongly ... ... Could possibly be Subaru-kun!
Azusa: Did you drink Eve's blood ... ... ? To do that without permission ... ... Carla will be mad at you ... ...
Subaru: Whatever, let him then.
Kou: You're so strong willed Subaru-kun~
Subaru: Shut up. I'm putting in the bare minimum cooperation needed in for Carla to become overlord.
It's unbearable to be instructed to do unnecessary things.
Yui: (It seems that Kou-kun and Azusa-kun will follow whatever is told to them by Carla-san however.)
(That doesn't seem to be the case for Subaru-kun.)
(That aside, I wonder if Carla-san thinks that all of the other vampires are his brothers.)
(The Founder Carla-san would never forgive that fact though.)
(But if you're doing it as a brother....don't you feel a sense of incongruity?)
(I don't care who it is. I just want someone else to realize how strange this situation is ---)
PLACE: Violet Mansion Living/Dining Room
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Kou: Carla-kun, I've brought Subaru-kun and Eve.
Carla: Ah, take a seat over there. I have something to discuss.
*They all take seats*
Yui: (As I thought, he really does treat everyone like a normal brother. That means that even Carla-san's memories have gone strange.)
Carla: Now then, Eve, which is a clue to becoming overlord, was obtained by my family.
However, we have merely just obtained her and do not know the path in which to become overlord from here.
As long as nobody becomes overlord, this will leave the other families with no intention of giving up on Eve either.
There will undoubtedly be attacks from the outside. Never let your guard down so as to not give the enemy a chance to take advantage of you.
Kou: You got it! Leave it to us!
Laito: We won't hand Eve over to anybody.
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Carla: Very well. From now on be careful of other people's movements, and be sure to follow my instructions.
In order to win fights against the other families, I will not allow for resistance.
Kou: We know. Not like any of us would go against Carla-kun anyway.
Laito: It's a pain, but can't be helped.
I'll do my best so I can get my spoils too.
Azusa: Besides ... ... I don't want to lose any of my brothers ... ...
Subaru: I'll do whatever as long as this stupid fight ends. Until then, I'll cooperate.
Carla: Hmph. It seems you all have your own motivations, but as long you move smoothly as my pawns I won't complain.
Until I become overlord, that is.
Kou: So, what's going on? Eve came here to our house, but does Carla-kun think he can become overlord?
Something like ... ... power being sprung up, or some flash of light ... ...
Carla: ... ... There have been no such signs. Frankly, I have no idea on how to obtain the throne.
Laito: Ah, is that so. You seemed confident, so I thought you might have had a clue.
Carla: None at all. By the way Eve, I have a question for you.
Yui: For ... ... me?
Carla: One night has passed since I have taken you into my hands. However, nothing has changed.
Could it be that other than just obtaining you, there are other conditions necessary to become overlord?
Yui: "Conditions in order to become overlord", you say.
Carla: If something comes to mind, say so openly.
If you purposely hide anything from me, even as Eve I won't forgive you.
Yui: That's ... ...
(No matter what you say about Eve, about being overlord, I have no idea about any of it.)
(However, this isn't the type of atmosphere that I can just say that I know nothing.)
Carla: ... ... ... ...
*He gets up and walks closer to her*
Yui: U-uhm ... ... Is something wrong, Carla-san?
(He suddenly stood up and came closer to me ... ... I wonder what happened.)
Carla: ... ... Remain quiet.
*He grabs her*
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Yui: ... ... Wha- ... ... !?
Kou: Eeeeh, Carla-kun is bold~!
Laito: For you to suddenly become so interested, what happened?
Carla: Woman, show me your shoulder.
*He grabs her again and exposes her shoulder*
Yui: Eh!? Please stop! Carla-san!
Carla: ... ... This is-
Yui: (Ah, Subaru's bite marks from earlier in the dungeon still remain ... ...)
(Carla-san found out that I had my blood sucked ... ... !)
Carla: I thought that I could smell it for awhile now, so this is why.
What is with these bite marks?
Yui: That's ... ...
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Carla: Who is the one that sucked blood from Eve without my permission?
Laito: It wasn't me. I was with Carla-kun the entire time right?
Kou: ... ... ... ...
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Due to Carla-san's intimidation, the air became extremely tense.)
(If he finds out that it was Subaru-kun that sucked my blood, just what would happen ... ...)
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Subaru: ... ... Haah. The one that drank from her was me.
Yui: (Eh, Subaru-kun came forward on his own ... ... !)
Carla: You huh. Do you mean to tell me that you took such a selfish action without my permission?
Subaru: I only drank from her because she was prey. There's no need for you to say that much.
Carla: No, there is. As for this woman, she's the key to becoming overlord. I won't allow for selfish behavior.
Subaru: Tch, how annoying ... ...
Azusa: Selfish actions ... will lead to ... fights ... ... Us brothers ... ... have to get along ... ...
Laito: Even though he's the slowest, it ended up being Subaru-kun who took Eve first.
Kou: Well, with this sweet of a scent it certainly would be hard to hold back. But as expected, it's too much.
Carla: ... ... Scent, huh. It certainly is no ordinary blood as it has a special smell.
Carla: The blood of Eve ... ...
Could that special blood be the path to becoming overlord?
Yui: I have no idea, I don't know anything ... ...
Carla: Even if you say you don't know anything, that is fine. All we need to do is keep trying until something works.
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For example, sucking your blood and confirming that myself.
Yui: Sucking, you mean ... ... !? No, please stop!
*She struggles*
Carla: Do not struggle. It does not matter how much you try and resist, you are no match for me. Haah ... ... Nnn nnn ... ... *drinks her blood*
Yui: ... ... Ugh ... ...
(It hurts ... ... He forcibly thrusted his fangs into my suppressed body ... ... !)
Ow ... ... St ... ... op ... ...
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Subaru: Hey, wait Carla.
Yui: (Eh, Subaru-kun ... ... ?)
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-> Are you trying to help? ♡
Yui: (Could it be, that he's trying to help me?)
Subaru: Is this really ok? They seem to be in a lot of pain.
Don't you think that if Eve ends up hating you, you won't be able to become overlord?
Yui: (Because the current Subaru-kun's memory is messed up, he don't know the truth however-)
(I wonder if Carla-san will end up letting me go ... ... ?)
(By any chance, could the feelings between lovers remain even without memories ... ... ?)
-> Because I'm your prey?
Yui: (Just now, did he try to stop Carla-san?)
(But I wonder if it's just because he views me as his own prey?)
Subaru: Don't show something so irritating. If you're going to suck her blood then go do it some place you won't be seen.
Yui: (Subaru-kun, watching me have my blood sucked made you bothered.)
(Is it okay to think that you still have some feelings for me?)
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Carla: ... ... Guh.
What is this blood? It's so tasteless.
Yui: Eh ... ...
Carla: Subaru, you've often felt the urge to drink blood like this?
Subaru: Huh? Is it that bad?
Carla: Indeed, it's terrible. Was the blood of Eve supposed to taste this bad? I'm confused.
Yui: (That's right, for a founder like Carla-san, my blood doesn't taste good because it hasn't been purified.)
Kou: Hmmm, so it tastes bad. With this, the clue to becoming overlord seems far away, doesn't it?
Carla: ... ... No, it's the other way around.
Laito: The other way?
Carla: The bad taste of this blood is proof that Eve has yet to mature.
Does that mean that the path to becoming overlord only opens once Eve's blood matures ... ...
Yui: (Eh? Is that really so ... ... ?)
Laito: Does her blood have to mature? Well then, how about giving Eve some freedom?
Carla: Why?
Laito: If you want Eve's blood to taste good, you can't just keep her locked up in the dungeon.
When it comes to girls, I think the build up of stress will lead to bad effects on the body.
We have plenty of vacant rooms, so why not give her better treatment?
Carla: ... ... I see. Either way, we'll need Eve's help to find the key to becoming overlord.
Keeping her locked up in the dungeon forever and watched over by Subaru won't bring any progress.
Kou: Hmmm. So in other words, if Eve's blood becomes delicious, Carla-kun will be able to become overlord?
Azusa: If it matures ... ... it becomes more delicious ... ... ?
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Subaru: ... ... I don't think that her blood tasted that bad though.
Laito: Doesn't Subaru-kun have a sense of taste?
Subaru: HAH!?
Obviously I do!
Kou: Then we'll try Eve's blood too. That way we'll know which it is right?
Laito: Besides, having everyone suck her blood might end up becoming a trigger for something.
Azusa: If it will make, Eve's blood more delicious, then ... ... I'll also, cooperate ... ...
Yui: (I feel like this has become troublesome. At this rate ... ...)
Carla: ... ... Very well.
As of now, there are no major clues.
If it will allow me to get even closer to becoming overlord, I will allow you all to suck her blood.
Yui: No way! For you to just decide that ... ... !
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Carla: Some kind of change might occur in Eve due to the stimulus of blood sucking.
Laito: Then, it's okay for us to suck her blood too? The scent of it has been so irresistibly strong since awhile ago.
Kou: How generous of Carla-kun.
Azusa: Eve, that's great ... ... Now, your blood will surely become delicious ... ...
Subaru: Tch ... ... ... ...
Yui: No way ... ...
Please wait, Carla-san. I'm not Eve like everyone thinks ... ...
Carla: Silence. I do not wish to hear your opinion on the matter.
Yui: ... ... !?
Carla: However, as I've stated earlier, from now on you will be treated with respect.
You all as well, be careful with how you treat Eve. Never do anything that would sully her blood.
Kou: Understood~
Laito: Got it. I'll protect those rules for you.
Azusa: Yeah ... ... , I'll follow Carla's instructions ... ...
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Subaru: ... ... Tch ... ...
Carla: Eve, you no longer need to return to the dungeon. I'll be giving you one of the vacant rooms to use.
I would like you to stay in that room from now on. It should be somewhat comfortable.
Yui: Carla-san ... ...
Carla: Subaru, guide Eve to the vacant room.
Subaru: Yeah.
Hey, follow me.
Yui: ... ... ... ...
*They walk away*
PLACE: Violet Mansion Hallway
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Yui: (While I am glad to be released from the dungeon, I'm just not happy.)
(When it becomes a potential trigger to becoming overlord, I ended up in a situation where everyone is after my blood ... ...)
Um, Subaru-kun ... ... Do you really not remember anything about me?
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Subaru: So damn persistent. I told you that I don't know a thing about you.
Yui: But ... ... Are you really fine with hearing that everyone will be coming after my blood?
I don't want it. To be sucked by anyone other than Subaru-kun.
Doesn't that make you feel even a tiny bit bad? If it does, those feelings are your true ... ...
*Bang, he slams his hand onto the wall*
Subaru: SHUT UP!
Yui: Eeek ... ... !
*He grabs her and gets closer to her*
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Subaru: Don't go spouting shit as you please. Can't you hear how persistent you're being?
With just one punch you have no idea what I'll do.
That's why, it's fine if I suck you dry here and now right?
Yui: (In my ear ... ... !)
Subaru: Then you can shut up, and I won't have to arrogantly hear about this or that from Carla.
Yui: ... ... ... ...
Subaru: What's wrong? Are you so scared you that can't speak?
Yui: ... ... You won't. Subaru-kun wouldn't do that.
Subaru: Huh?
Yui: I know you act rough and speak harshly, but in reality you're far kinder than anyone else.
That's why Subaru-kun would never do anything so cruel.
Subaru: Just what kind of stupid shit are you saying ... ...
Yui: (It's not stupid! You need to remember who you really are ... ... !)
... ... ... ...
Subaru: ... ... ... ... Shit.
*He backs off*
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Look, you're Eve. You're nothing more than that.
Yui: (Subaru-kun ... ...)
(I'm not Eve. I don't know a thing about becoming overlord.)
(I don't know what the cause behind it is, so I wonder if the days will continue like this, where everyone will continue to target me ... ...)
(Even if I want to ask for help no one is on my side here.)
(Even the most reliable person to me, Subaru-kun, doesn't look at me right now.)
(Subaru-kun, have you really forgotten who your real brothers are and that we are lovers ... ... ?)
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aquariaries · 2 years
Reiji Sakamaki 04 - Chaos Lineage
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
It's only been a few days since I started living with Reiji-san and the others --.
Finally, the report I didn't want to hear jumped right in front of me.
In order to steal Eve, the Violet family leader, Carla-san, begins to make his move. Upon hearing the news, my heart began to beat loudly.
From here on out, the battle is beginning. Will it become a gruesome battle that could lead to a scramble for life if things go wrong?
I sat around the table with everyone unable to find a way to put a stop to it.
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Living/Dining Room
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Reiji: There's no other reason to as why I have gathered us all here.
Even if whereabouts remain unknown, Violet seems to be planning a raid on our residence.
Kino: Heeh, so that Carla ended up moving after all.
Yui: (Carla-san and the others are planning to attack ... ...)
(I've heard that all the weapons we're waiting on are silver blades.
Weapons that kill vampires--)
(If they hurt each other with something like that, it'll be a big deal ... ... !)
Yuma: Hah, so they finally came huh. Let's meet 'em then!
Shu: Haa, how dull ... ...
Yuma: The heck, you gotta keep your spirits up.
Shu: Not interested ... ...
Reiji: Be quiet please. It's not a good idea to meet at this mansion.
Here, there are no places to escape in case of an emergency.
Plus, Violet is a group of 5. They are superior in terms of numbers.
Yuma: Aaah? Then, what do we do?
Reiji: I'm currently thinking up a strategy. Let us go from there.
This mansion and the Violet mansion. On the path in the forest between the two, I will prepare an ambush.
Yuma: In the middle of the forest huh. Can't really swing too many weapons there.
Reiji: Just how much are you going to rage? There is more than enough space. Swing around as much as you wish.
Yui: U-uhm! Are you all really going to fight ... ... ?
Reiji: What now. If we don't fight back, you'll become Violet's property. I have no intention of handing you over.
Yui: But, there must be a way to solve it without fighting, right?
Reiji: Saying such a thing, just where are you speaking from?
Yui: That's ... ...
Kino: As expected of the Legendary Eve. Kind towards anyone, even if they're enemies?
Yuma: I mean, you just don't understand right? This is a life-and-death battle. I'm not omitting the wishy-washy things.
Yui: ... ... I'm sorry.
(It's not just Reiji-san. Everyone doesn't have any doubts about the battle for supremacy.)
(Just why, is this fight inevitable ... ... ?)
Kino: That's right, what is Eve going to do? It's too dangerous to be alone here, isn't it?
Yuma: Well yeah that's true. Other guys may try to kidnap her without us knowing.
Reiji: Indeed. She'd get lost in handling.
Yui: (Somehow, everyone's states are painful. I feel like I really am stuck ... ...)
Shu: In short, it's fine if there's at least one person left right?
Yui: Eh?
Shu: I'll remain here.
While I'm at it I'll keep an eye on Eve.
Reiji: ... ... !
Yui: Eh? Shu-san will?
(That's unexpected ... ... Hmmm, perhaps I don't want to go into battle too much myself after all.)
(But if Shu-san is here, I'm sure I'll remain safe ... ...)
Reiji: No, staying here is fine. Especially when faced with an all pit war.
Yui: Eh? Reiji-san?
Reiji: In order to not be overwhelmed by numbers, we will sort through everyone. Of course, I have no choice but to take Eve with me.
Yuma: Ha? Are you serious?
Shu: Right when I thought I could rest, how dull ... ...
Reiji: I will not accept any objections. This is my decision.
Yui: (Is Reiji-san growing impatient? It's as if he wants to avoid Shu-san and I being alone ... ...)
(No, it couldn't be. I shouldn't think like that when it's about my life being at stake right ... ...?)
Kino: It's fine if you want to bring Eve along with you but, wouldn't it be too difficult to fight while protecting her?
Reiji: That's true ... ... If I take her around the battlefield anyway, I'll make good use of her.
Yui: Make good use ... ...
(I can't even fight, just what are you going to have me do ... ...)
PLACE: Forest
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Reiji: ... ... The time has finally come. Kino, are the preparations ready?
Kino: They are indeed.
Reiji: As for Eve, she is to not to leave my side.
Yui: U-understood ... ...
Reiji: The advantage of having you here is that of the existence of having a powerful decoy.
Whenever Eve appears in front of them, their aim is always focused towards her.
Taking advantage of that gap, Shu and Yuma will attack from behind.
If we were to break their formation, it would be like this.
Yui: A decoy ... ... I'm the decoy aren't I ... ...
Reiji: I will not entertain the thought of a blunder that can cause you to be stolen even if I make a mistake. Rest assured.
Yui: Y-yes ... ...
(Rather than that, it's even sadder to end up being treated as a tool after all ... ...)
(No, I'm fine with myself being that for now. Is there nothing more we can do to stop this fight?)
(It's pointless to let fake memories entice them to hurt each other ... ... !)
Kino: Speak of the devil, it seems that Violet is here.
Yui: ( ... ... Ah!)
Reiji: As expected, they seem to have split into groups of two.
I thought it was very likely that they would do so, resting on their superiority in numbers.
Reiji: ... ... We're going.
Yui: Y-yes.
*Numerous footsteps approach, bush rustling sounds*
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Carla: I thought I sensed a presence here, but I never imagined it'd show themselves.
Moreover, to bring Eve alongside with them. They sure do some weird things. Those Scarlets.
Yui: (Carla-san ... ... And also, Kou-kun and Azusa-kun too.)
(It's strange that these three are together, but they're all so calm ... ...)
Reiji: Did you also foresee an ambush, considering you look so unmoved?
Carla: Hmph. What would you do if I said that I could read your puny thoughts?
However, I was surprised that you have brought Eve along with you.
It's convenient here. You saved me the trouble of picking her up.
Yui: (Uu ... ... Our eyes met. My body is frozen ... ...)
Reiji: Do you think you can take her away? Unfortunately, I have no intention of handing her over.
Carla: In that case, I'll just have to take her by force.
*Carla draws a sword*
Yui: (A sword ... ... If you were to get cut by that ... ...)
Reiji: Eve, step back and hide. Understood?
Yui: Y-yes ... ...
(I want to stop this right now. But there's nothing that I can do. All I can do is watch ... ...)
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Reiji: Well then, shall I be your opponent?
*Sound of a sword being drawn*
Carla: Very well. I will personally slash and tear you to pieces.
Kou, Azusa. Kill the others.
Azusa: Y-yes ... ...
Kou: You got iiiit. Carla-kun is rough because he uses people.
Kino: Heeh, two of you? I wonder if I should be very cautious.
Or could it be, that both of you are just weak?
Kou: Weak or not, come and find out!
*Kou's sword clashes with Kino's*
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Kino: Woah there. I guess since it can't be helped, I'll be your opponent.
Hey, why don't you join in too?
Azusa: Ah ... ... I'm ... ...
Kou: Azusa-kun! Why are you hesitating!
Azusa: B-but ... ...
Kino: If you're going to argue, I'll just come from -- over here!
*Kino clashes swords with Kou, knocking him back*
Kou: Uwah!?
Yui: Kou-kun!
(It started ... ... It really has started ... ...)
(At this point, all I can do is pray.
Long ago, God must have overlooked us and yet --)
(I'm begging, someone please make this stop ... ... ! A fight like this will make no one happy ... ...)
*Carla and Reiji clash swords*
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Carla: I thought you didn't have the finesse to use your head but ... ...
To think you were proficient in swordsmanship.
Reiji: I don't feel comfortable with this either. I see that you're the one who's used to the achievements?
Carla: Who knows? But I'm not going to fall behind you!
Reiji: Kgh! I see ... ... it's a heavy blow.
Yui: Reiji-san!
(The blade, it's just barely grazing past him ... ... I can't bare to watch.)
(I have to think of something, but I'm so confused and can't seem to get it together. Just what should I do!?)
*Kou and Kino clash swords*
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Kou: You've been avoiding me for a while now, are you trying to make a fool of me!?
Kino: It's not like that at all. I'm just waiting on the right timing.
Azusa: Timing ... ...?
Kou: I don't know what you're intending to do, but I won't let it go as you plan!
Kino: Hehe, perfect timing.
*Kou clashes with Kino*
Kino: Uwah!
*Kino bumps into Yui*
Yui: Kyaah!?
Kino: Ooowww ... ... Sorry, Eve.
I failed to dodge and bumped into you. Are you alright?
Yui: Y-yeah, I'm fine.
Kino: Well, I have to go back to fighting them. See ya!
Yui: (Eh? Wait, just now I bumped into you ... ...)
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Carla: ... ... I never thought I would run into you so soon.
Yui: Carla, san ... ...
(Carla-san, is right in front of me ... ... Of all things, to run into him here ... ... !)
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Reiji: ... ... Ah! Eve! What are you doing!!
Yui: Ah ... ... I, I'm sorry ... ...
(I have to run away ... ...
But, my legs have become frozen ... ...)
Carla: Eve, come with me. I'll show you just who is truely worthy of becoming the true overlord.
Yui: I, I won't go with you ... ... I have decided to be by Reiji-san's side.
Carla: Those thoughts, overturn them immediately. Come now, take my hand.
Yui: (I can't overturn them. No matter what, I love Reiji-san after all ... ...)
(There's no way I'd leave!)
Reiji: Hold it!!
Carla: Mm ... ... ?
*Reiji launches at Carla and clashes swords*
Carla: Ugh ... ... That was a good shot.
Reiji: I won't hand Eve over ... ... !
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: Get behind me! I have no intentions of handing you over to this man!
Yui: ... ... Yes!
Carla: Very well.
... ... Come at me.
Reiji: HAAAH!
*Reiji clashes with Carla*
Yui: I-incredible ... ...
(It's different than before. Their swords ... ... It's as if they're dancing ... ...)
(I know this is a battle to the death, yet their movements are so beautiful ... ...)
Carla: You have good swordsmanship. As long as it's the enemy's eldest brother, it would be a pity to make him my vassal.
Reiji: I'm honored, but I'm going to have to refuse. I have a responsibility to protect my family.
Carla: Can't we both give up on that? ... ... Let's decide on what's next.
Reiji: Yes, let's do that.
Yui: (The atmosphere, it's changed ... ...)
(This isn't the time to be admiring. Either one of them, really could get killed!)
Yui: S-stop ... ... Please, stop it!
Carla: ... ... Eve?
Reiji: You need to keep quiet.
Yui: I will not! You can't keep fighting! This kind of thing, it doesn't make any sense!
Nobody has to die! Every one of the Mukamis, Carla and the others, ... ... And the Sakamakis too!!
Reiji: ... ... Sakamaki ... ...?
Guh ... ..., ugh ... ...
Why, at a time like this ... ...!
Yui: Reiji-san ... ...!?
Reiji: What the ... ... Just now, the scenery ... ... I have a feeling, that I've seen it somewhere before ... ...
Kgh ... ...
Carla: Hmph, how interesting. Are you also planning on acting? It seems I overestimated you.
*Sword being drawn*
Yui: S-stop it! Please stop it!
*Carla pushes Yui*
Carla: Move, Eve. I don't want you to get cut apart.
Yui: I refuse, I won't move!
Reiji: Get, out of here ... ...
Yui: (A way in which to stop the fighting ... ... There is one, even though it's only temporary--)
If you want to slash me, then slash me. If you can't do that, put away your sword!
You should have won by now!
Carla: What nonsense. It'd be a worthy story even if I had to tear you off forcefully.
Yui: ( ... ... No matter what, I won't let go. I don't want to let go of Reiji-san!)
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Kino: ... ... I wonder if it's time.
Hey, your younger brothers, there's two more of them right? Laito and Subaru was it?
Maybe they're just staying in the mansion but, perhaps it'd be best to return?
Yui: Kino-kun ... ... ?
Carla: What is the meaning of this.
Kino: Truth is, I saw some of Orange's familiars.
Right now, your mansion's being attacked and everyone is being slaughtered ... ... It would be funny, if it came to that.
Carla: ... ... Do not dare to try and decieve me.
Kino: Isn't it better to see with your own eyes whether or not it's a lie?
Azusa: C-Carla ... ... Shall we go home now? I'm worried about the two of them ... ...
Even if we take Eve along, if things continue as they are now ... ... I'm sure we won't be able to get along.
Carla: ... ... Very well. I was able to prove this time that stealing Eve is easy.
Next time, let's recieve her in perfect condition.
... ... I'm looking forward to that day.
*Carla leaves*
Azusa: Ah ... ... Carla.
Kou: Hey wait up!
*Kou and Azusa run after Carla*
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Yui: (They all ran away ... ... Was I saved ... ... ?)
Kino: That sure was dangerous. I'm glad they retreated.
Reiji: Kino ... ... Where did you get information about Orange ... ... ?
Kino: Oh please, I just decided to lie.
It seems that you didn't completely believe it either.
Reiji: ... ... Is that so. Your quick wits seemed to have saved me. And also, Eve as well.
Yui: No way, I didn't do anything ... ...
(Or rather, was it my fault that Reiji-san was attacked by dizziness?)
(At that time, Reiji-san certainly reacted to the name Sakamaki. Could he maybe --)
(Is the dizziness that often occurs be because a memory is about to return?)
*Shu and Yuma run up to them*
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Yuma: Hey, what's goin on? We never got the signal, so we've been hidin' all this time ya know?
Yui: Ah ... ... Yuma-kun, Shu-san.
Shu: Reiji ... ... ? What's wrong?
Reiji: ... ... It's nothing at all.
Our ambush has failed. Fortunately, Violet retreated, but it was my mistake.
Yuma: Seriously? That's a rare occurrence ... ...
But, you also smashed our enemies yeah? Then isn't it about even?
Reiji: No, I was saved by Kino and Eve.
Shu: ... ... By them?
Kino: I hardly did anything. Right, Eve?
Yui: Eh? Y-yeah ... ...
(Come to think of it, the only reason I jumped out in front of Carla-san was because I bumped into Kino-kun ... ...)
(At that time, it felt like he had bumped into me on purpose--)
(No. Surely I'm wrong, right?)
Reiji: ... ... We no longer have any business here. Let us return to the mansion.
Yuma: Y-yeah ... ...
Yui: (Reiji-san seems to be depressed. But ... ... I can't find the right words to say ... ...)
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Living/Dining Room
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Yui: (Thank goodness that everyone got away with only a few scratches.)
(Everyone went back to their rooms, but I wonder if they're already resting. Even if it's just a little, I hope they can be rid of their fatigue.)
... ... That was, the battle of supremacy huh?
(I can still hear the sound of cold blades clashing against each other ... ... Even now, I'm still a bit frightened.)
(And it's still going to continue to happen. That kind of thing ... ...)
*Reiji appears*
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Reiji: Oh ... ... It's you.
Yui: Reiji-san! Are you okay, shouldn't you be resting?
Reiji: None of my injuries are a big deal. Do not fret.
Yui: Is that so ... ...
(If anything, what I'm more worried about his depression ... ...)
(Shu-san and the others didn't blame anyone, but Reiji has a strong sense of responsibility.)
(I'm sure that, he'll end up blaming himself ... ...)
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-> Call out to him ♟
Yui: Reiji-san, please take care of yourself okay?
Reiji: ... ... You're acting as if I'm not feeling well.
Yui: Ah, no, that wasn't what I meant by that at all ... ...
(I tried calling out to him but, maybe it was a mistake to do so ... ...)
-> Watch in silence ♙♡
Yui: (Encouragement and sympathy would only hurt Reiji-san's pride.)
(It's frustrating but ... ... let's not saying anything for now.)
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Yui: Um, would you like some water? I couldn't sleep either, so I was resting for a while.
Reiji: ... ... Is that so. I'll take you up on your offer. However, before that --
... ... You've said it before. The word "Sakamaki".
Yui: Eh? ... ... Ah, from the time I first came to this mansion?
(I'm certain, that I did say that. I've been desperately wanting for Reiji-san to remember ... ...)
Reiji: In the middle of today's battle, when I heard those words, I felt dizzy.
Yui: Dizzy ... ...
Reiji: I didn't feel any discomfort before. But now, its as if I am in a rush and I just keep losing sight ... ...
I thought it was a sign of becoming overlord, but it's something different. I just can't grasp the nature of this dizziness.
Of course, I'm not going to blame it for this blunder. It was my own weakness.
However, Eve. Just what on earth does the topic that you spoke of mean?
Yui: That's ... ...
(His true memories ... ... The original story of Reiji-san.)
(But, I'm afraid to speak. If he gets that dizziness, will his memory return to normal?)
(I'm feel as if I'm just tormenting and cornering Reiji-san ... ...)
Reiji: ... ... You seem to be bothered. I've said too much.
Let us rest for the day. I think some time is needed to cool our heads.
Yui: Ah ... ... Yes ... ...
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Yui's Monologue:
Before long, Reiji-san left me alone and quietly left the living room.
Just looking at his back makes my chest hurt.
The failure of today's operation is not Reiji's fault. It's all because I said something careless.
Up until now, I've desperately wanted him to remember me, but will that really help Reiji-san?
Staring painfully at that back of his, I couldn't help but become bewildered by the hesitation that had arisen within me.
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