#carolin böhs
nandaolivalove · 9 years
Marco in Moritz anniversary where his ex-girlfriend was there haha (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) (\____/) ( ͡ ⚫͜ ʖ͡⚫ \ 👉 \ 👉
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iheartschweinsteiger · 10 years
I should stop liking any WAGs!
I like Silvia Maichel...not a WAG anymore
I like Carolin Böhs...not a WAG anymore
I like María Imizcoz...not a WAG anymore
I like Kathrin Gilch...not a WAG anymore
I like Mandy Capristo...not a WAG anymore
Anna Lewandowska, Bernadien Robben & Lena Gercke you should be careful 'cause I actually like you ladies
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natalia0038 · 10 years
I think that the rumours about that the Marco and Carolin back together are false. There are the next holidays where Marco are without her. I think that they are good friends and they have also really good relatinships, because Marco was at her birthday party. Carolin looks like really nice girl, but I think it’s over of their love. 
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natalia0038 · 10 years
I think that the rumours about that the Marco and Carolin back together are false. There are the next holidays where Marco are without her. I think that they are good friends and they have also really good relatinships, because Marco was at her birthday party. Carolin looks like really nice girl, but I'm sure it’s over of their love. 
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directedbydreams · 10 years
Hold on, we're going home (Marco Reus fanfic) Chapter 7
Marco was watching movie with Caroline when he received a message from Adele.
Adele: “Again with Blondie girl”
Marco: “You were brunette”
Adele: “Were? I’m still”
Marco: “I didn’t know that. I didn’t see you long ago”
Adele: “Me too. So wil you play tomorro?”
Caroline asked Marco:
“Whom are you writing to?”
“It’s Marcel.”
“Marco, did you tell them about us?”
“Yes,” – said Marco but he lied. His friends don’t like Caro much, so he hasn’t told them yet.  However he thought that he will do it soon so this is not such a lie. Marco continued his messaging.
Marco: “Yes, I’ll play. Will you watch?”
Adele: “Mm… I don’t knw. Will you score a goal?)”
Marco: “Hope so”
Adele: “I wil bet money. So plese, scoreeee.”
Marco: “Are you drunk?”
Adele: “Nooo”
Marco: “You wrote one sentence with hundred mistakes”
Adele: “I’m not englesh spaeker”
Marco: “Friday ningt. Almost 3 a.m. in your city. Many mistakes. So I’m sure you are drunk))”
Adele: “Haha you made a mistake too. So you are drunk too!!!!”
Marco: “Haha TOO? You are caught now))”
Adele: “I meant that you write with mistake so you are drunk to”
Marco: “Go home, you are drunk!”
Adele: “Don’t shout at me!”
Marco: “You are mad!”
Adele: “Don’t shout at me! I hate you!”
Marco: “I hate you too!))”
When Jason came after smoking he saw Adele crying.
“Hey, Adele,” -he took her hands in his trying to calm her down.
“It was stupid idea! Why I came here! I hate clubs! I hate…” – Adele was shouting when Jason stopped her shouting by kissing her.
“Please,” – she said pushing him away.
“What did happen?”  - Neil came right at the moment when they looked not so nice.
“Nothing,” -    said Adele.
“I drank a lot.” – Jason was stating.
“Me too,” – said Adele.
“As most sober person here I offer to go to park to breathe some fresh air,” – Neil offered and they went to park.
They were sitting at the bench looking at stars which were hidden by dark sky. While Jason and Neil were thinking who of them is excess Adele wasn’t thinking about anyone of them.
“Did you see draw of Champions League? I hate you, guys. You don’t watch football,” – said Adele.
“I can bet I know football better than you!” – said Neil. – “Jason will be referee.”
“I don’t understand in football anything you want me to judge. I could watch football only if models will play.” – Jason said.
“Adele, who is Woodyihno?” – Neil asked. – “Woodyihno is calling you.”
Adele was surprised. “Marco is calling me?” - she thought.
“Give me!” – She said to Neil.
“No, you said not to give you phone,” – said he, hiding phone behind the back.
“Give me please,” – Adele was begging and shouting but seeing that it doesn’t affect Neil, she added: – “Neil! It’s my father!”
Neil gave her phone looking like guilty child.
“Papi,” – said she loudly and went away from place where they were sitting.
“You’re really drunk, should I call you daughter?” –She heard Marco’s voice.
“No, please, can’t see you as a father.”
“But you called me like that. What for is that conspiracy?”
“I told my friend not to give me my phone when I drunk, so he didn’t before I hadn’t say that Woodyihno is my father.”
“Woodyihno? And he believed you! I think you all are drunk,” – Marco laughed.
“No, I’m not…”
“But wait, if you said your friend not to give you a phone, was he the one with whom I was chatting?”
“Did you write to me?” – Adele said laughing.
“4 a.m. Adele, go home, please.”
“Ok, I’m going home.”
Seeing that Adele going away friends run after her. On other end of connection Marco heard some sounds and that someone was screaming Adele’s name so loudly that he started worrying about her and he also started shouting at phone.
“Adele, are you ok?” – asked Neil picking her up from earth. – “Don’t hurry.”
“Your father is worrying,” – Jason said sarcastically.
“You talk so long with your papi,” – Neil added.
“Should I tell your papi that her daughter is so drunk that she fell at perfect road?”
Adele whipped away her phone from Jason.
“Papi, I just …”
“Yes, I heard,” – said Marco laughing.
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Top Bilder Caro Böhs für den Anon :)
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ilovereus · 10 years
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so they're together again... :'( 
good luck Marco
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bvb-wags · 10 years
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Muss man sich jetzt schämen, lachen oder einfach nur traurig sein?
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directedbydreams · 10 years
Hold on, we're going home (Marco Reus fanfic) Chapter 6
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"Marco!" - Marcel welcomed Marco at his and Marcel Ramsey "Cocaine" party when Marco arrived to IRooms where it takes place. - "Would you like something?"
"Maybe just a bottle of water, I will take later."
"Marco, I’m glad that you are professional footballer, but sometimes I want to see you drunk, I don’t know how to explain that, but friend wants to see his friend drunk," - Marcel said putting his hand on Marco’s shoulders.
"Marcel, are you already drunk?" - Marco asked, Marcel’s laugh betrayed him.
"Yes, just a bit, today every lonely person will celebrate International women day drinking. Women will drink because it is "their" day, men because they don’t have any woman to celebrate with. But…" - he took a pause like he was thinking, but drunks don’t think too much, he continued, - “But, you know, today is a second day after Valentine’s Day when women are so vulnerable and “available”. Did you understand me?”
"Yes," - Marco laughed at him but he continued explaining.
This behavior of  Marcel at a moment reminded Marco that night with Adele. He thought that drunk people are more vulnerable than women, about whom Marcel was talking. Marco tried to cast out that thoughts from his mind but he has just planned to write to Adele when there will be a free minute. He knows that it is stupid communication, but, at some point, he understood that he used to. Marco used to write to her. He doesn’t feel himself lonely when he writes to Adele. She was far from him but it didn’t confuse him. Otherwise, he liked that fact, that he has someone who understands him. Sometimes it seemed to him, that she isn’t human, like she is, or better say it is something like “virtual friend”. However, the feeling  that soon he will meet Adele again didn’t leave him.
In the next moment Marco forgot about everything that he was thinking. Maybe that feeling was not about Adele but about her. Marco was looking at her and she was now looking at him.
Seeing Marco Caroline wanted to run away but now they are looking at each other. And she can’t hide now.
"Marco," - she said stating that fact that she saw him.
"Caro," - he said in the same manner.
Marco thought what’s she doing here, she probably knew that I will be here. As silence, in this case only dj’s music can’t last so long Caroline said:
"Girls wanted to come in, I saw Marcel and he said it is their party with… You know," - she took a pause and added - "I didn’t expect to see you."
"I didn’t see you for so much, so how are you?" - Marco tried to be as friendly as he could and he succeed at that.
"Fine, the same as usual. And you, how are you?"
"A little injury, but everything is OK. These two Marcels decided to organize a party, so I have to attend…"
"But you liked parties," - she stammered, - "I mean when we were together."
"People change. As I remember Caroline Böhs didn’t like parties at all." - They laughed and Caroline noticed that he is as witty as he was.
Next morning or better say afternoon Marcel Ramsey woke up with another beautiful girl and first thing he thought was about how his life passing so fast. He fuzzily remember last night and first idea that come to him was to meet with someone who will understand him.
Marcel Fornell was sleeping like a baby when someone was ringing on door of his flat. He somehow opened door just to stop that sound from ring.
"You," - he welcomed his friend Marcel Ramsey and walked to kitchen.
He poured a water to him and his friend understanding that they need a simple water.
"What have happened?" - He asked calmly feeling that his friend not in best mood.
"Nothing," - he heaved a sigh. - "That is the point. Nothing is happening to me." - Marcel Fornell couldn’t understand his namesake. Why he isn’t happy? He has everything that a man needs, thought he. But he didn’t disturbed. - “I know  that everything is alright but sometimes I wake up and feel that we are wasting our time.”
"Yes, I understand you. For example, yesterday I was talking and being polite with everyone but in whole I didn’t talk with anyone for more than 5 minutes."
"The same with me. I haven’t even talk with Marco. Where was he or where were me?"
"Yeah, by the way, I saw Marco leaving with one Blondie."
Caroline was lying on Marco’s bed and caressing his hairs which are object of love of many his fan girls.
“I really missed you. I didn’t have anyone after you,” – she said.
Marco pretended like he didn’t hear her and like he was sleeping. Caroline understood that he probably was with someone but if it all will be curious she would know that from his surroundings. More than year left since they were not together, she didn’t know was this night mistake or not.
After a few days Adele decided to view “Marco Reus” tag on tumblr and she found out that he is together with Caroline again. “No! Please, not Caroline!” - thought she. Their online communication with Marco was becoming less from day to day, but when she saw this news, depression took over her. Adele thought “I’m just a fangirl, nothing more”.
Neil, her ambassador, who became a friend, noticing bad mood of Adele during last week asked:
“Adele, if you want you can always talk to me or ask me for help,” – he took her hand in his.
“Thank you, Neil.” – She decided to return her positive mood. With Neil it was easy. – “Yeah, I need help. I’m moving too slow with this project. I want to finish it as soon as possible.” – Adele tried to find consolation in work.
 “But before that, Adele, promise me, that this Friday you will go with us to have some fun.” – Adele rolls her eyes up. – “There will be Jason,” – said Neil, laughing because in their social circle everybody was laughing at Adele, saying that she likes Jason. She really did. Jason was attractive self-confident guy with tattoo but what Adele likes about him were his nervous blinking eyes. She wanted to know how these qualities combine in one person.
“Hahaha, very funny!” - Adele beats Neil for being “funny”.
“Ok, seriously, this time you will go with us, nerdy!”
“Nerdy? I will show you how to jerk!” – Adele starts singing song “Teach me how to jerk” and dancing.
“Not bad, this Friday you will show us!” – Neil was happy that he made Adele glad. 
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ilovereus · 11 years
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noooo... only not Carolin please...
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