backtotheo · 10 months
who: theo & @oflostdrcams (caro) where: theo's apartment!
theo didn't know why he'd agreed to this. for one thing, he was allergic to cats, so he'd had to take out a small investment in various allergy medications to keep the itchy eyes and sneezing at bay because the ginger monster caroline had adopted at the festival shed like a menace. and for another, he was orange, so he had one brain cell on the best days, leading to two a.m. zoomies, getting stuck on top of the fridge, and, once, getting caught in charley's bedroom blinds. theo was pretty sure his roommate was drawing up his eviction notice as he stood.
right now, he was disentangling the fluffy orange tabby from the sleeve of one of caroline's jackets, which she'd left over here yesterday. or had it been thursday? she'd been over there so much lately that he couldn't remember. cheeto, for his part, wasn't being very helpful. he kept thrashing and swinging his head back and forth, only resulting in getting him stuck further up the arm of the coat. "if you'd just hold still," theo told the cat, finally resorting to clamping shut the narrow end of the sleeve. cheeto yowled pathetically for a couple of moments before finally beginning to back up. when the door behind him scraped open (he'd given caro his spare key last week; it just...made sense for her to be able to stop by even if he or charley weren't home. so she could check on her cat, obviously), theo was crouched on one knee in front of the couch, the tabby cat gathered in his arms.
"hey. we were just- ow!" cheeto had finally broken free and when he sprang onto the kitchen counter, he used theo's shoulders for balance, claws digging in before he trotted over to caroline, purring all the while. "your son is a menace."
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ofxjasper · 6 years
Deeply exhaling, his breath formed a little cloud of condensation as it mixed with the cold November air. The chill that clung to him was quite the contrast from last night; or from what he was told had happened. He, himself, didn't remember much other than waking up in that hospital bed and just knowing he had to get out. The WHISPER, however, would haunt every other thought-- a hazy memory begging to be brought to light and to be paid attention to. He wouldn't; he'd bury it down under any and everything just as he did with most, if not all, of his problems.
The Bishop property approached slowly but surely, holding a very vague sense of familiarity; he'd only actually visited Caroline outside of school a handful of times-- around the time Caleb had gone missing-- and that felt like ages ago, but he could still place which window led to her room and arched his neck to see if he could see any form of life within. Waiting a moment or two, he debated abandoning ship, his attention flickering between the saran-wrapped plate of cookies in his hand to the window. They were store bought-- no one deserved Jasper's awful cooking-- yet he still emptied them from the plastic container and at least tried to make them seem homemade. Was this the proper way to thank someone for ‘staying with your unconscious body’?? This was silly, wasn't it?
Instead of turning back, as he wanted to do, his need to make sure she was okay outweighed any discomfort he could've ever felt. With one final deep breath to steady his assurance, he moved forward and tentatively knocked on the front door.
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