#carpenter south london
williamedwardparry · 4 months
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May 24th, 1845: The Illustrated London News runs an informative celebratory article about the Franklin Expedition, which left Greenhithe dock on the 19th. They describe outward and inward features of the ships, which had been visited by reporters, and give an overview of the careers of the ships and of their commander, Sir John Franklin. (In the process they accidentally invert the layout of Fitzjames' cabin, misspell Crozier's and Des Voeux's surnames, and omit to mention Sir John's second marriage.) [Internet Archive link]
A desert waste of waters lies before— Behind, the anxious hospitable shore, Which like a parent bird sees ye depart, Bold wingèd messengers of daring Art ! We know that sunshine always 'round your path Cannot attend ; that rain and tempest's wrath Will be your portion ; but our pray'r shall be You live their fury out right gallantly, And after years you have perchance to roam That science crown'd you safely seek your home ! W.
On Monday H. M. sloops Erebus and Terror left Greenhithe, on their attempt "to penetrate the icy fastnesses of the north, and to circumnavigate America." The fitting out of this expedition was, we believe, definitively arranged by the Admiralty in February last, since which period the requisite equipments have been made ; and, as they involve several novelties, we shall briefly detail them.
The Erebus and Terror, it will be recollected, were fitted out for the South Polar Expedition, in 1839—1843, under the command of Captain Sir James Ross. The Terror had previously visited the Arctic regions ; it being the vessel in which Captain (now Sir George) Back, in 1836, attempted, by "way of Wager River," to trace the northern boundary of the American Continent. This vessel passed up Hudson Strait in August, 1836, and left it on her way home in August, 1837, after encountering extraordinary perils among the ice, and a narrow escape from foundering : she was then compelled to return home in a leaky condition, with her stern-post shattered. This was the fifty-seventh Arctic Expedition from England, commencing with Cabot's voyage (temp. Henry VII.)—the first of the kind that was made from our country; and the Expedition which has just sailed is the fifty-eighth enterprise of its class.
The vessels were put in commission at Woolwich on Tuesday, March 4. The Expedition is under the command of Captain Sir John Franklin, Knight, K. C. H., who is appointed to the Erebus (the larger vessel), with Commander James Fitzjames, Lieutenant Henry T. D Le Vesconte; mate, Charles F. Des Voux [sic]; second master, H. F. Collins; clerk, G. F. Pinhorn; gunner, J. G. Robinson; boatswain, J. G. Terry ; carpenter, W. Weekes. Captain F. R. M. Crosier [sic] commands the Terror, with Lieutenant Edward Little, Lieutenant G. H. Hodgson ; carpenter, Thomas Honey.
The fitting out of the vessels has been superintended and minutely inspected by the Lords of the Admiralty, and other persons distinguished in Polar expeditions. The ships are provided wit hthe most approved Archimedean screw propellers; and in one of the trials in the Thames, the Terror made such excellent progress that she cast off her towing steamer, and proceeded down the river without any additional assistance whatever.
In their visit to Woolwich, the Lords of the Admiralty proceeded to the west-end of the dock yard, opposite the wharf-wall of which was stationed the Rattler steam-vessel, fitted with a screw propeller. Their Lordships witnessed the manner in which the screw was shipped and unshipped by tackle and chains suspended over the starboard side of the vessel, and then proceeded on board the Erebus to witness the manner in which the screw-propeller could be taken on deck and replaced in its proper position, by letting it down through a well formed in the stern of the vessel. The advantages of this mode of attaching and detaching the screw, are self-evident, and the principle is so simple and easy of accomplishment, that any vessel in her Majesty's navy may by its aid be fitted with a screw-propeller, the objection and difficulty of shipping and unshipping it on the outside being completely obviated. Their Lordships went below and witnessed the construction of the tubular boiler and steam-forming apparatus, which occupies but a very small space in the vessel, and by aid of a large pipe, about one foot in diameter, conveys hot water under the deck to warm the men's berths, and all parts of the vessel. The funnel of the furnace is near the side of the vessel under the rigging, and is only about nine feet high. The pipe for blowing off the steam is not three feet high above deck, and is near the centre and over the boiler. Several other ingenious contrivances have been adopted to render the whole as simple and perfect as possible. The decks of the Erebus and Terror are constructed on the diagonal principle, and about twenty feet on each side of the bows of the vessels have been cased with strong sheet iron. There is not any copper sheathing on either of the vessels, as no danger is to be apprehended from the attacks of shellfish or barnacles, the ice soon clearing them from incumbrances of that description.
The arrangements made for the comfort of the officers and crews are excellent. The quantity of stores taken on board is considerable, and consists of preserved provisions of various kinds, a large quantity of tea, and extra strong West Indian rum, 35 per cent. over proof. The consumption is thus provided for a prolonged expedition. Ten fine live oxen have also been shipped at the Woolwich Dockyard, on board the Barretto, Jun., hired transport ship ; she will accompany the discovery vessels to the edge of the ice, and these animals may then be killed, and their flesh preserved fresh for any length of time.
Each ship has been supplied with 200 tin cylinders for the purpose of holding papers which are to be thrown over board, with the statement of the longitude and other particulars worthy of record, written in six different languages, and the parties finding them are requested to forward the information to the Admiralty.
The compasses of the vessels have been adjusted by Captain Johnson, and the most perfect arrangements made for the peculiar service in which the vessels of the Arctic expedition are to be engaged.
We annex, also, a portrait of the gallant Commander of the Expedition, who has already taken a share in three Expeditions to the North. Sir John Franklin is a native of Spilsbury, in Lincolnshire, and was born in 1786. At the age of fourteen, he entered the Royal Navy, as midshipman, and was on board the Polyphemus when Nelson made his daring and resistless attack on the Danish line and batteries off Copenhagen, April 2, 1801. Franklin next sailed with Captain Flinders on his Voyage of Discovery on the coast of New Holland, in which he endured shipwreck. We pass over several other of Franklin's services, but must not omit that on board the Bellerophon, at the Battle of Trafalgar. His first Expedition to the North was as commander of the Trent, in company with Captain Buchan, in the Dorothea, in 1818 ; both vessels returning in the same year.
Lieutenant Franklin's next enterprise was in connection with an expedition of Lieutenant (now Sir W. E.) Parry ; a journey by land, which, in point of severe and protracted suffering, has not been surpassed in the annals of discovery ; he left England in May, 1820, and did not return till July, 1822. In February, 1825, he left Liverpool on a similar journey, and returned in September, 1827.
Captain Franklin was promoted to the rank of Commander in 1821, and to that of Post-Captain in 1822. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and has published the results of his several expeditions. He married in 1823, Miss Porden, the daughter of the architect, William Porden, Esq. : this lady unhappily died of consumption, in her 30th year, in 1825.
Our illustrations show the cabins of Captain Sir John Franklin, and Captain Fitzjames, in the Erebus. Sir John's cabin is in the stern of the vessel, and has double windows.
Among the external peculiarities of construction may be mentioned the following: —Round the outside of both vessels is a projection as far as the shrouds, inclosing the chains as a protection against the ice : it is flat on the surface, except at the bows, which form an angle. What is generally the figure head is a solid block of wood ; the vessel is double, and the bows are a mass of timber about eight feet thick. The stern is nearly perpendicular, for unshipping the rudder ; and an ice board is raised above the bulwarks, which projects over the side, to aid in steering clear of the ice. The screw-propeller is worked by an engine of 25 horse power, which formerly ran upon the Greenwich Railway.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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The distinguished architect John Burnett died on July 2nd 1938 at Colinton, Edinburgh.
Burnett designed buildings the length and breadth of the British Isles and on the continent of Europe and as far afield as South Africa.
John Burnet was born a soldier's son at Craighead House, Kirk O' Shotts, and trained initially as a carpenter. After becoming a Clerk of Works, he set up as an architect specializing in modest churches and houses in the Italianate and Classical styles, and large-scale commercial buildings and hospitals in the Italian Renaissance, Baronial and Gothic styles.
One of his first undertakings in Glasgow was the Royal Institute of the Fine Arts in Sauchiehall Street, which was won by competition. Other notable buildings there are the offices of the Clyde Trust, the Athenaeum, the Botanical Department and extension of the University, the Pathological Institute, the Barony Church.
In Edinburgh he designed the Professional and Civil Service Stores, George Street, the business premises of R. W. Forsyth in Princes Street, which later housed Burtons for many years, and in Scotland and England generally many public, ecclesiastical and domestic buildings. He was also architect for the Edinburgh International Exhibition of 1906.
Important commissions came to him from London and to London he devoted the latter part of his life, the firm, of which he was senior partner, being known as Sir John Burnet, Tait & Lorne. He had the honour in 1905 of being entrusted by the Government with the important additions to the British Museum, now known as the King Edward VII. Galleries.
Among his numerous London designs are the Institute of Chemistry in Russell Square, the Kodak building in Kingsway, Adelaide House and Vigo House, and the Second Church of Christ Scientist. He was the chief architect in Palestine and Gallipoli for the Imperial War Graves Commission.
The professional esteem with which Sir John was regarded in Britain may be expressed by the words used in connection with the conferring of the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1923, ‘‘ Few architects living can compare with him either in quantity or quality of output, and fewer still may be said to have had as pervasive an influence on the work of their own time.”
In France he had received both bronze and gold medals at the Salon and was a corresponding member of the Institute of France and of the Société central des Architectes Francais. He had the same relation with the American Institute of Architects.
Knighted in 1914, Sir John was a member of both the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Academy. He was an Honorary LL.D., of Glasgow and Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, and of the Royal Society of Antiquaries.
Though he took fewer commissions personally, Burnet worked into his late seventies – he designed the famous Unilever building on London in 1933 - before he eventually retired, spending his final years at Colinton in Edinburgh. He died at home at the age of 81 on this day, 1938, he is buried at Warriston Cemetery.
Pics are the beutiful Drumsheugh Baths in Edinburgh, the old Public Library and Museum, Capbelltown and the former Clydesdale Bank Headquarters, St Vincent Place, Glasgow.
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wesleyswrld · 1 year
The Beginning
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Samantha Carpenter sighed in frustration as she wiped off blood off her boyfriend's knuckles for the second time that week.
"Donnie, you have to stop going this. It's scaring me."
The young teens where in the kitchen of a beautiful two story home in Woodsboro. Donnie was seated at the oak table, with Sam standing over him.
"I'm sorry." Donnie apologized, he completely didn't mean it. He'd go to war for Sam, anybody so well as looked at her to long or god for bid said anything about her was in a world of horror.
Sam finished cleaning his wounds and wrapped them up. "Yeah?"
Donnie began to nod, but Sam gave him a "Really" face and he shook his head.
He stood up to his full height of 5'10, and gave her a kiss. "I will protect you at all costs, Sam. I love you."
"Sometimes you can protect me without hurting anyone."
Three years later.
"You remember when I told you you can protect me without hurting anyone Donnie? This is one of those times that could have worked!" Sam shouted at Donnie.
Donnie rolled his eyes, as officer Judy Hicks put him in hand cuffs.
He had beat up at guy who thought it was a great, brilliant idea to slap Sam after she stole his wallet.
Donnie didn't even know why he wanted it back there was only 10 bucks in there.
The guy was out cold with a busted lip and an unrecognizable face on the parking lot ground of the local theater.
"He had it coming Sam, I couldn't fix that with fucking words!" Donnie shouted back as officer Judy sat him in the police car.
"This is officer Judy requesting a ambulance to the south side of the parking lot at 100 Meijer drive. We have a unconscious male and a domestic disturbance."
Sam signed rubbing her hands down her face. "Jesus, And. You're so fucking-"
"What, Sam?! I'm so fucking what?" Donnie stood up in anger, getting out of the car.
"Sit down, Clark!" Officer Judy shouted, standing in front of the two.
Donnie groaned but complied, sitting back down in the police car.
Donnie was beyond pissed with Sam he didn't understand why she couldn't realize he had to protect her.
He couldn't save his little sister so he had to save her.
Officer Judy turned to Sam. "Get in the car, Sam, I don't want to see you again."
Sam rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I'm not leaving him with you!"
Officer Judy walked towards Sam with her hands on her hips. "Do you want me to arrest you too?"
"Go Sam, I'm fine." Donnie sighed telling the brunette.
Sam nodded at turned walking towards her car. She got in and looked at Donnie one more time before putting the car in drive and leaving the parking lot.
Five Years Later.
"I'm really surprised mom let you watch me." Tara Carpenter told the Clark boy. The two where eating dinner at her house.
Donnie laughed, shrugging. "What can I say Little? I've had a change of heart."
Tara laughed remembering Donnie's teenage behavior turning for the worst.
Tara's mother Christina was at a conference in London and asked Donnie to look out for Tara.
Donnie of course agreed and moved in with Tara till her mother came back, Tara was just as excited to hangout with Donnie and didn't mind a babysitter.
Donnie had made his famous gourmet Mac and cheese which was just Italian seasoning added.
"Amber has a crush on you."
Donnie choked on his drink. "Oh, for real?"
"Yeah, she said she thinks you have a big di-"
Donnie unfortunately choked again in shock of how crazy kids were these days. "Woah, woah, woah, chill."
Tara shrugged. "Her words not mine."
"Do you miss her?" She asked Donnie, her older sister Samantha had left 5 years ago without saying goodbye to anyone.
Donnie sighed, "I miss her everyday. I wish I was better to her."
Tara nodded. "Yeah, you were a bit of an asshole."
"Yeah, I hope she's happier now."
"Me too."
After dinner Tara persuaded Donnie into going to the store to get chocolate chip cookie dough.
Donnie grabbed the store bag and closed the door to his Dodge Charger, he walked to the house door and went to unlock it with his key. Only to find it unlocked.
"Huh?" Donnie just assumed he just thought he locked it before he left.
He opened the door to see Tara laying in her own blood.
"Tara!" Donnie immediately went to Tara and dropped to his knees.
"What the f-fuck. Little, hey." Donnie put one of his hand on her wounded side, trying to stop the bleeding.
"D-Don it hurts." Tara cried, trying to push his hand away.
"Tara, you have to let me put pressure on it." Donnie fumbled with his phone dialing 911.
"911, what is your emergency?"
"Hi, yeah my friend was attacked, her leg is broken, she has a hole in her hand and multiple puncture wounds."
"Is she conscious?"
"Yes, p-please send a ambulance she's in a lot of pain."
"I will send officers and an ambulance. What's the address?"
"Uhh, 809 Wood Ave. please hurry."
"Donnie?" Tara moaned as she came too. She sat up grabbing a glass of water on the tray next to her.
Donnie took his headphones out and put his phone down. "Hey. H-How are you?"
Tara gave him a sad smile. "Still in pain."
Donnie kisses her forehead, and moved a piece of her hair out of her face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."
He let out a choked sob. "It's all my fault I should have been there."
Tara shook her head. "Donnie, you had no idea that was going to happen. It is not your fault."
"I'm sorry, little." Donnie laid next to Tara in the small hospital bed.
Tara laid her head on his shoulder. "I know, I love you."
Wes Hicks
She's awake.
Leaving school now.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
The War Magician: Jasper Maskelyne
His magic fooled Hitler’s army.
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Jasper Maskelyne was a British magician who created monumental illusions that tricked the German army and helped the Allies win World War II.
Jasper was born in London in 1902 to a family of magicians. His grandfather John Nevil Maskelyne was the inventor of the classic levitation trick that is still popular today.
At the beginning of World War II, Jasper joined the Royal Engineers, a corps of the British Army. He suggested to his superiors that his unique skill set could be useful to the war effort. They were skeptical, until Jasper created the illusion of a German warship on the Thames using mirrors and a cardboard model.
Jasper was recruited to work for military intelligence in Cairo. He created ingenious devices to help soldiers escape if they were captured. These life-saving tricks included saw blades inside combs, and maps hidden in playing cards.
In 1941, Jasper was assigned to a new deception department known as “A Force.” He immediately gathered a group of talented artisans including a carpenter, electrician, architect, set designer, artist, and art restorer. They called themselves the Magic Gang.
The Gang’s first job was disguising army vehicles, using painted canvas and plywood to make jeeps look like tanks and tanks look like jeeps. They then moved on to a much bigger project: protecting the harbor in Alexandria, Egypt from attacks by the German air force.
Incredibly, Jasper and the Magic Gang created a fake harbor near the real Alexandria harbor, using dummy ships and houses made of mud and cardboard. They lit up the fake one, and turned off all the lights in the real one. During a German raid, Jasper set off bombs in the fake harbor. The Germans were confused and assumed other pilots were hitting the target, so they dropped their missiles on the fake harbor, thereby protecting the real port of Alexandria.
Jasper’s next project involved the Suez canal. He was instructed to increase anti-aircraft lights around the canal so British soldiers could spot Nazi planes in the dark. Instead, Jasper created a revolving cone of mirrors that turned regular lights into strobe lights. This disoriented German pilots and made them crash into each other.
The Magic Gang’s biggest illusion occurred in July 1942, during the Battle of El Alamein. German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had conquered large parts of North Africa, and British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery wanted to capture back El Alamein, a town on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast.
Jasper’s job was to mislead the Germans into believing that the Allied attack was coming from the south rather than the north. In the north, he and his team disguised 1000 tanks as regular trucks, while in the south they created 2000 fake tanks. Using sound effects and other illusions, Jasper and his gang misled the Germans into heading south, while Montgomery attacked the north. The Allies won the battle – the first decisive victory against the Axis powers in North Africa.
The Magic Gang split up after the Battle of El Alamein, and Jasper spent the rest of the war entertaining troops. Winston Churchill thanked him for his valuable service, but the magician was frustrated that he never received formal recognition for his heroic actions.
After the war, Jasper created a traveling magic show which performed in small towns around the United Kingdom. The troupe began by headlining at top-level venues, but Jasper began drinking heavily and gradually the venues got smaller and seedier.
With his second wife Mary, Jasper moved to Kenya, where he bought a farm and gave magic lessons to residents and tourists. He died in 1973.
Under the British Official Secrets Act, the complete story of the Magic Gang can only be made public in 2046.
For using his incredible talent as a magician to fight Hitler, we honor Jasper Maskelyne as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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davidcarpenterart · 2 years
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Cafes, South Kensington. 2023
Oil on canvas. 16” x20”
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (8-14 Jan 2023)
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🥰Neverwhere (London Below #1) (Neil Gaiman, author & narrator) - listened to the (very excellent) BBC audio drama of this a few years ago but it'd probably been 20 years since I actually read it. doing a mini book club with a bff!
🥰 This symmetry is not without meaning (aesc, pearl_o) - (pt 4 of TLBT series) 63K, cherik age difference AU, just another great story of them working out their relationship (plus some very good sex)
🥰 Flight Risk (Ayes, itskleo) - steddie rock star/bodyguard AU, fun characterizations, really enjoyed!
🥰 'Lucky Lives' Omegaverse (Tsuki) - 210K, original fic, 4-part series, interconnected dystopian omegaverse romances - very likeable characters with some great worldbuilding details; I would happily read more stories in this universe. I read this in like 2 days. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants!!!
💖💖 +208K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
The Code (randomizer) - Galaxy Quest: 3.5K - Yuletide 2022; a love letter/meta message to fandom in general
NYC Health Code, Article 161.19 (monicawoe) - Venom, MCU: Venom meets All Caps, 5.2K - allCaps meet Venom and more importantly, VENOM'S CHICKENS
I Got You Babe (monicawoe) - Venom, 3.5K - how Venom got its Sonny & Chery
you can take the heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost (fragilecapric0rn) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 29K - craigslist missed connections AU with all the found family at thanksgiving in a cabin
a slow morning (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 325 - basically a 325 word ode to Steve Harrington's chest hair and I AM HERE FOR IT
Pursued by Bear (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: shrinkyclinks, 19K - shrinkyclinks, UFC & Shakespeare convention fic with lots of quotes and queer theory! (yes, inspired by that tweet)
Uncoupled - s1, e3-8
Knives Out (with commentary)
Big Eden
ICYMI Plus - The Untalented Mr. Ripley
Desert Island Discs - Cate Blanchett, actor
Off Menu - Ep 120: Miriam Margolyes
Off Menu - Ep 76: Claudia Winkleman
Happy Sad Confused - Ke Huy Quan
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Chicago Bridge Houses
Switched on Pop - Too Fast? We’re Curious: The sped-up remix phenomenon
Happy Sad Confused - Neil Gaiman, Vol. II
Shedunnit Book Club - The Advertising Adventures of Dorothy L. Sayers
Vibe Check - The House of Cards Is Gonna Crumble
ICYMI Plus - Who Is Alix Earle And Why Are People Mad at Her?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Mail Rail
99% Invisible #520 - Mini-Stories: Volume 16
Weather Geeks - Lightning In Lake-Effect Snow
Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein - Fern Brady
Into It - Harry & 'M3GAN' (Plus: What's Taylor Garron Into?)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Berkeley South Asian Radical History Walking Tour
Renegades: Born in the USA - Race in the United States
Of Mice And Men And Monsters - Ch. 0: Prologue
Of Mice And Men And Monsters - Ch. 1: Frankenstein - Part 1
Off Menu - Ep 92: Sue Perkins
Renegades: Born in the USA - American Music
Renegades: Born in the USA - Traveling the U.S. & Finding Home
You Must Remember This - Porno Chic and The Brief Heyday of X Ratings (Erotic 80s Part 1)
It's Been a Minute - What's worse than heat damage? Hair discrimination
Off Menu - Ep 109: Nicola Coughlan
ICYMI Plus - RuPaul’s Drag Race Has Finally Logged On
Hit Parade Plus - Thinking About Tomorrow Edition
You Must Remember This - 1979: Bo Derek and 10 (Erotic 80s Part 2)
If I Were A Carpenter [Various artists] {1994}
The Duran Duran Tribute Album [Various artists] {1997}
Duran Duran [Duran Duran] {1981}
Rio [Duran Duran] {1982}
Seven And The Ragged Tiger [Duran Duran] {1983}
Notorious [Duran Duran] {1986}
Big Thing [Duran Duran] {1988}
Liberty [Duran Duran] {1990}
Duran Duran (The Wedding Album) [Duran Duran] {1993}
Thank You [Duran Duran] {1995}
Medazzaland [Duran Duran] {1997}
Pop Trash [Duran Duran] {2000}
Astronaut [Duran Duran] {2004}
Red Carpet Massacre [Duran Duran] {2007}
All You Need Is Now [Duran Duran] {2011}
Paper Gods [Duran Duran] {2015}
FUTURE PAST [Duran Duran] {2021}
Doo Wop
The Roots of Rock & Roll
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The Tower of London
The Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, French, Germans and all the “nationalities” that make up the people soup of London have been joined by the civilizations that soup colonized. It is a wondrous, multi-cultural city. Smack dab in the middle is a fortress that started as a medieval palace and became infamous for executions. The central building was erected by William the Conqueror who is responsible for making the English at least partly French even if they will not admit it as England and France became the Cain and Abel of Western Europe for centuries.
Power, monarchy and human weakness fed war and cruelty. Edward the first taxed the Jewish population higher than anyone else to pay for the construction of towers. Then he kicked them all out of England. The one room dedicated to devices of torture has boards glibly stating that there was not nearly as much torture as you would think. Oh no. There were only 81 cases of state-sanctioned torture. Mmmm hmmm. Who are you trying to kid? That statement should not be allowed to assuage any guilt felt by the largest purveyor of medieval hijinks and abject colonization. There is a quaint little pub across the street from the Tower called the Hung, Drawn. And Quartered. Own it England.
There are some things that have not evolved well. In the 50 or so years since my last visit, the ravens of the tower are now kept locked up. When I was a child, they free-roamed the grounds when tourists were there. Men just cannot be trusted.
Also, not one of us avoids death. Life is for living.
“So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.”
Esther 7:10
“The loveliest lynchee was our Lord.”
Gwendolyn Brooks
Haman, good provider, brought his own rope.
Arranged with care his own unique reward.
He was risen higher in public death
Than he dared hope to rise in public life,
High as the best carpenters of the realm
Could build, high as the best gallows makers
He could afford to hire could lofty reach.
He twists slowly, slowly, at his rope’s end,
Turning slowly, his gaze could see for miles
Around now if still his eyes could see,
Turning slowly, could scan the capital,
The ways and and avenues that lead to power,
Turning slowly, South, East, North, West, search for
The junction where it all went somehow wrong.
Always and only he had expected
Simple justice: just what he had coming,
Had served his king, had shirked no drudging task,
Kept his desk clean, filed reports on time,
Learned decorum proper to high command—
Whose wife to flirt with and whom to avoid,
How to carve the roast, when to chill the wine,
How to serve up what the king wants to hear
At conference, and serve it up sincere.
Order, protocol, rank, degree, respect—
He knew his place and merely asked that those
Below know theirs; he wasn’t asking much:
The easy bow, the bending of the knee
To rank, acknowledging the earned degree.
His wife at first had thought his ravings odd,
A petty agnostic fret; his friends
Had humored him and failed to understand
His point that so much more than wounded pride
Was on the line, that the whole nation reeled
When one small wretched Jew refused to kneel.
If order, rank, and rule were not for all,
None would have them—the gutted state would fall.
The king, poor blind mindless amorous fool,
Must be saved from himself like it or not,
The state pushed back from the brink of chaos:
Blot out a people to save a nation,
Encourage a race for civilization.
The sentimental sops might call it cruel,
But realists would cautiously applaud:
And see him clear: a man doing the job
That years of public life had trained him for.
He liked to think that the years had prepared
Him precisely to meet this Jewish threat:
A moment to shine high in the klieg lights
Of all the focusing historians.
The man who knew his job and got it done.
Let the klieg lights of time affix him now
Twisting, slowly, slowly, at his rope’s end.
See him now in the bright harsh light of time
As man the butt of all ironic jokes,
Prickled on his own barbed wire, blown to hell
By his own bombs, gassed in the seclusion
Of his own chambers, and asking always
Only for what he has coming to him
And always, always, always getting it.
Man twists, slowly, slowly, at his rope’s end.
Turning slowly, scanning North, East, South, West:
History’s avenues all lead to death.
The light winks, the bands play, the boots march on.
Man dances absurd at the end of his rope.
For life is gala lynching party
Where every swinger brings his own rope:
It’s bring your own rope and reap your reward.
Except once: that grim party crashed by Him,
Intruding, who brought no rope of His own,
But borrowing man’s He stole the scene
And died, took what wasn’t coming to Him.
Look on Him, scene stealer, on His hilltop,
Changing the rules, muddling simple justice
With mercy, redemption, something called grace,
And cheating man of his hard earned reward:
Man’s antic rope’s end dance eclipsed at last
By the still shadow high on Golgotha.
E.W. Oldenburg 1936 - 1974
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 10 December 1833
9 20
12 5
calm last night till 12 and then blew tremendous and rained hard, and very stormy night  washed a little but still have never had my clothes off since coming abroad  breakfast in my own cabin the other too hot - on deck from 10 ½ to 2 ¼ high wind and the water very rough, but fair and the deck dry at 10 ½ am - Eugenie then asked to go on shore with the captain and was absent about 1 ¼ hour - great many sea gulls grey backed and black backed with white bodies and some altogether a sort of fawn-colour and come blue-backed black-winged crows hovering over and alighting on the water - the breakers beating 20ft. high against the Small-brack on the coast a little westward from the town -  at 12 20 the Monarch of Hull (a large steamer that left Hamburg on Wednesday at the same time as the Sir Edward Bankes) passed us, obliged to return to H- for coals having no depot here - our steam co. has now 1,000 tons here - our carpenter says the Jolliffe left 2 passengers (gentlemen) in Heligoland [Helgoland] - can only land there on the north side –
Cutter, Smack, sloop, one master.
Schooner, galliot, brig, two masters
Cutters and smacks are the same sort of vessels made for sailing those belonging to government called cutters; those to the merchant service called smacks – a sloop is cutter-rigged but has a thicker larger hull for carrying goods.
Schooners and galliots have no yards on their masts (no cross-beams fixed to them) and brig have yards – a schooner has her shortest mast 1st or nearest the bowsprit and is made for sailing –
a galliot has her longest mast 1st and is better for riding at anchor. e.g. the pilot-boat off here is a galliot; and it is a Schooner that is stated off here to see that all vessels from the south of Europe do quarantine – dinner at 2 ½ to 3 ¼ - no talk – on deck ½ hour then a little rain sent me down – ½ asleep in my cabin – till on deck again from 4 20 to 5 40 – then looking at my maps till tea at 7 in about 20/.. hour – neither like the heat nor the company for longer than necessary – our party consists of Mrs. Kruger whose mother was a black (African) and her father an Hanoverian, and her husband commands a 1,400 ton ship (belonging to Mr. Brand of London who has 16 ships) making 2 voyages a year to Archangel, and having accommodations for passengers Mrs. K- lives at Hamburg brings over 2 little pale girls, aet. 2 and 3 or 3 and 4? who cry and roar at times and take much looking after at dinner – of my maid Eugenie – of an American merchant who rarely speaks and then says nothing worth hearing – of the mail guard, who was 6 years on the Gothenburg station as something on board one of the packets from Harwich, and did not get over sea sickness for the 1st 4 years, and who would talk if not awed by the silence of the rest? – and of the captain who sometimes seems to affect a certain air of commanderly reserve and of myself who today after 1 or 2 insufficient answers to my observations said no more – reading – skimmed over the Portfolio till 9 ¼ and writing out today till 10 ¼ at which hour F46° a light shower at 2 ¼ pm and one or 2 afterwards otherwise fair, finish, very windy - have had Eugenie in my cabin till tonight that I have got rid of her - sent into the man cabin with Mrs. Kruger and am comfortably by myself – vid. Portfolio p. 76 Albumen (white of eggs) remarkable for the preparatory of making leather supple, and a solution of it in water used therefore by leather dressers – a physician has used it successfully (externally) in cases of contraction and rigidity of the tendons – sat up reading my Gotha almanac till 11 ¾ -
3 notes · View notes
brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.16
Academy of Experience Day
Achalasia Awareness Day
Arborist Appreciation Day
Aviation Day (Armenia)
Battle of Stoke Anniversary Day
Bloomsday (James Joyce's Ulysses)
Blues Brothers Day
Captain Picard Day
Day of Third-Hand Reports and Shaky Evidence
Engineer's Day (Argentina)
Escalator Day
Father’s Day (Seychelles)
Global Health Coach Day
Hemiplegic Migraine Awareness Day
House Divided Speech Day
International Day of Biotechnology
International Day of Family Remittances (UN)
International Day of the African Child (OAU)
International Domestic Workers Day
International Waterfall Day
Jewish Trans Poetry Day
Ladies’ Day (MLB)
Marvel 616 Day
Mature Moggies Day (UK)
Mid Year Celebration (Elder Scrolls)
Mission From God Day (Blues Brothers)
Mr. Sack Day
National ASK Day
National Casey Day
National Garden Day (Canada)
National hATTR Day (Brazil)
National Jade Day
National Mohammad Day
National Morticians Day
National Richard Day
National Wear BLUE Day (for Men’s Health)
No Orange Clothes Day
Peace of Chaco Day (Bolivia/Paraguay)
Psycho Day
Scrubwomen Tea Party Day
616 Day
Sussex Day (UK)
Thyme Day (French Republic)
Transpoon Day
Tupac Shakur Day (California)
Two Million March Anniversary Day (Hong Kong)
Water Industry Workers Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Wish Fulfillment Day
Women in Space Day
World Electrosensitivity Day
World Neurodiversity Pride Day
World Refill Day
World Sea Turtle Day
World Smell Day
Youth Day (South Africa)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cracker Jack Day
Fresh Veggies Day
National Cannoli Day
National Fudge Day
National Tortilla Day
National Turkey Lovers Day
National Vegemite Day (Australia)
National Vinegar Day
Pepsi-Cola Day
Wagashi (Japanese Sweets Day; Japan)
Independence & Related Days
Baybay City Charter Day (Philippines)
Efransa (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Congress of Soviets 1st held (USSR; 1917)
3rd Sunday in June
Burghfield BoxKart Bash Day [3rd Sunday]
Dollars Against Diabetes Days end [3rd Sunday]
Family Awareness Day [3rd Sunday]
Father's Day (US) [3rd Sunday]
Health Worker’s Day (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia) [3rd Sunday]
Husband Caregiver Day [3rd Sunday]
Medical Worker Day (Russia) [3rd Sunday]
National Turkey Lovers’ Day [3rd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 16 (3rd Full Week)
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Craft Spirits Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Forgiveness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Grasslands Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Play Catch Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Roller Coaster Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
Universal Father's Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
Wobbly Week (thru 6.22) [Week with 6.20]]
Festivals Beginning June 16, 2024
Real Men Cook (Chicago, Illinois)
Silverton Hills Strawberry Festival (Silverton Hills, Oregon)
Strawberry Festival (Assonet, Massachusetts)
Summertime Ball (Wembley Stadium, London, United Kingdom)
Sykesville Ag & Youth Fair (Sykesville, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.22]
Tony Awards (New York, New York)
Wellfleet Strawberry Festival (Wellfleet, Massachusetts)
Feast Days
Albert Chartier (Artology)
Andy Weir (Writerism)
Aurelianus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Aureus of Mainz (and his sister Justina; Christian; Saint)
Benno (Christian; Saint) [Dresden, Munich; Germany] *
Cettin of Oran (Christian; Saint)
Curig of Llanbadarn (Christian; Saint)
Circus and Julitta (Christian; Martyrs)
The Day of Third-Hand Reports and Shaky Evidence (Shamanism)
Erich Segal (Writerism)
Equos (Celtic Book of Days)
Ferreolus and Ferrutio (Christian; Martyrs)
Frank Thorne (Artology)
George Berkeley and Joseph Butler (Episcopal Church)
Henri Richelet (Artology)
Jim Dine (Artology)
John Francis Regis (Christian; Saint)
John Linnell (Artology)
Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham (Anglican Church)
Joyce Carol Oates (Writerism)
Lutgardis of Tongeren (a.k.a. Lutgart; Christian; Saint)
Madonna of Carmine (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver X (Pagan)
Night of a Teardrop (Ancient Egypt)
Otto Muehl (Artology)
Prayer to Frigga for Bridges and Wives Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Quriaqos and Julietta (Christian; Martyrs)
René Seyssaud (Artology)
Rotary Doozer (Muppetism)
Silver Chalice Day (Everyday Wicca)
Tychon of Amathus (Christian; Saint)
Steppenwolf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
William Penn (Positivist; Saint)
World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
World Meat-Free Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Aïd el Adha (Morocco)
Aïd el Addha (Djibouti)
Aïd el Kébir (Tunisia)
Arefa (Ethiopia)
Bakarid (Nepal)
Bakri Id (India)
Corban Bairam (Sudan)
Djouldé Laihadji (Camaroon)
Eid al Adha (Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
Eid-Al-Adha (South Sudan)
Eid-e-Qorban (Iran)
Eid ul Adha (Myanmar)
Eidul Azha (Pakistan)
Eid ul-Ad'haa (Maldives)
Eid-ul-Azha (Bangladesh)
Feast of Sacrifice (Indonesia)
Gurban Bayram (Azerbaijan)
Hari Raya Aidil Adha (Brunei)
Hari Raya Haji (Singapore)
Hari Raya Qurban (Malaysia)
Id Al Adaha (Ethiopia)
Ide el Kabir (Comoros)
Id-ul Ajad (Nepal)
Id-Ul-Alha (Sri Lanka)
Id-ul-Zuha (India)
Kurban Bayram (North Cyprus)
Kurban Bayramy (Turkey, Turkmenistan)
Tabaski (Cameroon, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Blind Man Sunday [6 Weeks after Easter]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 12 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [12 of 24]
Prime Number Day: 167 [39 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [35 of 57]
Ancient Evenings, by Norman Mailer (Historical Novel; 1983)
Asteroid City (Film; 2023)
At San Quentin, by Johnny Cash (Live Album; 1969)
Batman Forever (Film; 1995)
Batman Returns (Film; 1992)
Bitter Sweet Symphony, by The Verve (Album; 1997)
The Blues Brothers (Film; 1980)
A Bully Romance (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Carl’s Date (Pixar Cartoon; 2023)
Cars 3 (Animated Pixar Film; 2017)
A Chilly Reception (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1958)
Chow Hound (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Death in Venice, by Benjamin Britten (Opera; 1973)
Elemental (Pixar Animated Film; 2023)
Eliza on the Ice (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1944)
Euphoria (TV Series; 2019)
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (Film; 2006) [F&F #3]
First Family, by David Baldacci (Novel; 2009)
The Flash (Film; 2023)
From Bed to Worse (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1971)
Ghostbusters II (Film; 1989)
Grand Theft Auto (Film; 1977)
Grease (Film; 1978)
Half Empty Saddles (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard (Film; 2021)
Honky Tonk, recorded by Bill Dogged (Song; 1956)
Hot in Cleveland (TV Series; 2010)
I Forget Thee, Jerusalem (f.k.a. The Wild Palms), by William Faulkner (Novel; 1939)
Jacob’s Ladder, by Arnold Schoenberg (Oratorio; 1961)
Jubal Sackett, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1985)
Lilo & Stitch (Animated Disney Film; 2002)
Lou (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Many Tanks (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Mickey’s Steam-Roller (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Musical Chairs (TV Game Show; 1975)
My Pal Paul (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Napoleon Bunny-Part (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
Old Wave, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1983)
Pocahontas (Animated Disney Film; 1995)
The Postman (Film; 1995)
Psycho (Film; 1960)
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, by David Bowie (Album; 1972)
Rough Night (Film; 2017)
Roxy Music, by Roxy Music (Album; 1972)
Shaft (Film; 2000)
Symphony in Slang (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1951)
Tarzan (Animated Disney Film; 1999)
Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson (Novel; 1961)
Titan A.E. (Animated Film; 2000)
Tom Thumb’s Brother (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1941)
Trout Mask Replica, by Captain Beefheart (Album; 1969)
Unicorn Wars (Animated Film; 2022)
The Wizard of Oz (Musical Play; 1902)
Woodpecker in the Rough (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Benno, Luitgard, Quirin (Austria)
Aurelije, Zlata, Zlatko (Croatia)
Zbyněk (Czech Republic)
Tycho (Denmark)
Heelia, Päive, Päivi (Estonia)
Päivä, Päivi, Päivikki (Finland)
François-Régis, Jean-François, Régis (France)
Benno, Julietta, Luitgard, Quirin (Germany)
Tichon, Tychon (Greece)
Jusztin (Hungary)
Aureliano, Ferruccio, Giuditta (Italy)
Justīne, Juta (Latvia)
Benas, Julita, Jūra, Tolminas (Lithuania)
Tiril, Torhild, Toril (Norway)
Alina, Aneta, Benon, Budzimir, Jan, Justyna, Ludgarda (Poland)
Tihon (România)
Julia (Russia)
Blanka (Slovakia)
Aureliano, Francisco, Juan (Spain)
Axel, Axelina (Sweden)
Aurel, Aurelia, Aurelio, Aurelius, Aurora, Dawn, Oralia, Orelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 168 of 2024; 198 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 11 (Xin-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 18 Blue; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 3 June 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 27 St. Paul (6th Month) [William Penn]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 90 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 27 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.16
Academy of Experience Day
Achalasia Awareness Day
Arborist Appreciation Day
Aviation Day (Armenia)
Battle of Stoke Anniversary Day
Bloomsday (James Joyce's Ulysses)
Blues Brothers Day
Captain Picard Day
Day of Third-Hand Reports and Shaky Evidence
Engineer's Day (Argentina)
Escalator Day
Father’s Day (Seychelles)
Global Health Coach Day
Hemiplegic Migraine Awareness Day
House Divided Speech Day
International Day of Biotechnology
International Day of Family Remittances (UN)
International Day of the African Child (OAU)
International Domestic Workers Day
International Waterfall Day
Jewish Trans Poetry Day
Ladies’ Day (MLB)
Marvel 616 Day
Mature Moggies Day (UK)
Mid Year Celebration (Elder Scrolls)
Mission From God Day (Blues Brothers)
Mr. Sack Day
National ASK Day
National Casey Day
National Garden Day (Canada)
National hATTR Day (Brazil)
National Jade Day
National Mohammad Day
National Morticians Day
National Richard Day
National Wear BLUE Day (for Men’s Health)
No Orange Clothes Day
Peace of Chaco Day (Bolivia/Paraguay)
Psycho Day
Scrubwomen Tea Party Day
616 Day
Sussex Day (UK)
Thyme Day (French Republic)
Transpoon Day
Tupac Shakur Day (California)
Two Million March Anniversary Day (Hong Kong)
Water Industry Workers Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Wish Fulfillment Day
Women in Space Day
World Electrosensitivity Day
World Neurodiversity Pride Day
World Refill Day
World Sea Turtle Day
World Smell Day
Youth Day (South Africa)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cracker Jack Day
Fresh Veggies Day
National Cannoli Day
National Fudge Day
National Tortilla Day
National Turkey Lovers Day
National Vegemite Day (Australia)
National Vinegar Day
Pepsi-Cola Day
Wagashi (Japanese Sweets Day; Japan)
Independence & Related Days
Baybay City Charter Day (Philippines)
Efransa (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Congress of Soviets 1st held (USSR; 1917)
3rd Sunday in June
Burghfield BoxKart Bash Day [3rd Sunday]
Dollars Against Diabetes Days end [3rd Sunday]
Family Awareness Day [3rd Sunday]
Father's Day (US) [3rd Sunday]
Health Worker’s Day (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia) [3rd Sunday]
Husband Caregiver Day [3rd Sunday]
Medical Worker Day (Russia) [3rd Sunday]
National Turkey Lovers’ Day [3rd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 16 (3rd Full Week)
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Craft Spirits Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Forgiveness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Grasslands Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Play Catch Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
National Roller Coaster Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
Universal Father's Week (thru 6.22) [3rd Full Week]
Wobbly Week (thru 6.22) [Week with 6.20]]
Festivals Beginning June 16, 2024
Real Men Cook (Chicago, Illinois)
Silverton Hills Strawberry Festival (Silverton Hills, Oregon)
Strawberry Festival (Assonet, Massachusetts)
Summertime Ball (Wembley Stadium, London, United Kingdom)
Sykesville Ag & Youth Fair (Sykesville, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.22]
Tony Awards (New York, New York)
Wellfleet Strawberry Festival (Wellfleet, Massachusetts)
Feast Days
Albert Chartier (Artology)
Andy Weir (Writerism)
Aurelianus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Aureus of Mainz (and his sister Justina; Christian; Saint)
Benno (Christian; Saint) [Dresden, Munich; Germany] *
Cettin of Oran (Christian; Saint)
Curig of Llanbadarn (Christian; Saint)
Circus and Julitta (Christian; Martyrs)
The Day of Third-Hand Reports and Shaky Evidence (Shamanism)
Erich Segal (Writerism)
Equos (Celtic Book of Days)
Ferreolus and Ferrutio (Christian; Martyrs)
Frank Thorne (Artology)
George Berkeley and Joseph Butler (Episcopal Church)
Henri Richelet (Artology)
Jim Dine (Artology)
John Francis Regis (Christian; Saint)
John Linnell (Artology)
Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham (Anglican Church)
Joyce Carol Oates (Writerism)
Lutgardis of Tongeren (a.k.a. Lutgart; Christian; Saint)
Madonna of Carmine (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver X (Pagan)
Night of a Teardrop (Ancient Egypt)
Otto Muehl (Artology)
Prayer to Frigga for Bridges and Wives Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Quriaqos and Julietta (Christian; Martyrs)
René Seyssaud (Artology)
Rotary Doozer (Muppetism)
Silver Chalice Day (Everyday Wicca)
Tychon of Amathus (Christian; Saint)
Steppenwolf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
William Penn (Positivist; Saint)
World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
World Meat-Free Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Aïd el Adha (Morocco)
Aïd el Addha (Djibouti)
Aïd el Kébir (Tunisia)
Arefa (Ethiopia)
Bakarid (Nepal)
Bakri Id (India)
Corban Bairam (Sudan)
Djouldé Laihadji (Camaroon)
Eid al Adha (Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
Eid-Al-Adha (South Sudan)
Eid-e-Qorban (Iran)
Eid ul Adha (Myanmar)
Eidul Azha (Pakistan)
Eid ul-Ad'haa (Maldives)
Eid-ul-Azha (Bangladesh)
Feast of Sacrifice (Indonesia)
Gurban Bayram (Azerbaijan)
Hari Raya Aidil Adha (Brunei)
Hari Raya Haji (Singapore)
Hari Raya Qurban (Malaysia)
Id Al Adaha (Ethiopia)
Ide el Kabir (Comoros)
Id-ul Ajad (Nepal)
Id-Ul-Alha (Sri Lanka)
Id-ul-Zuha (India)
Kurban Bayram (North Cyprus)
Kurban Bayramy (Turkey, Turkmenistan)
Tabaski (Cameroon, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Blind Man Sunday [6 Weeks after Easter]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 12 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [12 of 24]
Prime Number Day: 167 [39 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [35 of 57]
Ancient Evenings, by Norman Mailer (Historical Novel; 1983)
Asteroid City (Film; 2023)
At San Quentin, by Johnny Cash (Live Album; 1969)
Batman Forever (Film; 1995)
Batman Returns (Film; 1992)
Bitter Sweet Symphony, by The Verve (Album; 1997)
The Blues Brothers (Film; 1980)
A Bully Romance (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Carl’s Date (Pixar Cartoon; 2023)
Cars 3 (Animated Pixar Film; 2017)
A Chilly Reception (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1958)
Chow Hound (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Death in Venice, by Benjamin Britten (Opera; 1973)
Elemental (Pixar Animated Film; 2023)
Eliza on the Ice (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1944)
Euphoria (TV Series; 2019)
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (Film; 2006) [F&F #3]
First Family, by David Baldacci (Novel; 2009)
The Flash (Film; 2023)
From Bed to Worse (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1971)
Ghostbusters II (Film; 1989)
Grand Theft Auto (Film; 1977)
Grease (Film; 1978)
Half Empty Saddles (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard (Film; 2021)
Honky Tonk, recorded by Bill Dogged (Song; 1956)
Hot in Cleveland (TV Series; 2010)
I Forget Thee, Jerusalem (f.k.a. The Wild Palms), by William Faulkner (Novel; 1939)
Jacob’s Ladder, by Arnold Schoenberg (Oratorio; 1961)
Jubal Sackett, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1985)
Lilo & Stitch (Animated Disney Film; 2002)
Lou (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Many Tanks (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Mickey’s Steam-Roller (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Musical Chairs (TV Game Show; 1975)
My Pal Paul (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Napoleon Bunny-Part (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
Old Wave, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1983)
Pocahontas (Animated Disney Film; 1995)
The Postman (Film; 1995)
Psycho (Film; 1960)
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, by David Bowie (Album; 1972)
Rough Night (Film; 2017)
Roxy Music, by Roxy Music (Album; 1972)
Shaft (Film; 2000)
Symphony in Slang (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1951)
Tarzan (Animated Disney Film; 1999)
Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson (Novel; 1961)
Titan A.E. (Animated Film; 2000)
Tom Thumb’s Brother (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1941)
Trout Mask Replica, by Captain Beefheart (Album; 1969)
Unicorn Wars (Animated Film; 2022)
The Wizard of Oz (Musical Play; 1902)
Woodpecker in the Rough (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Benno, Luitgard, Quirin (Austria)
Aurelije, Zlata, Zlatko (Croatia)
Zbyněk (Czech Republic)
Tycho (Denmark)
Heelia, Päive, Päivi (Estonia)
Päivä, Päivi, Päivikki (Finland)
François-Régis, Jean-François, Régis (France)
Benno, Julietta, Luitgard, Quirin (Germany)
Tichon, Tychon (Greece)
Jusztin (Hungary)
Aureliano, Ferruccio, Giuditta (Italy)
Justīne, Juta (Latvia)
Benas, Julita, Jūra, Tolminas (Lithuania)
Tiril, Torhild, Toril (Norway)
Alina, Aneta, Benon, Budzimir, Jan, Justyna, Ludgarda (Poland)
Tihon (România)
Julia (Russia)
Blanka (Slovakia)
Aureliano, Francisco, Juan (Spain)
Axel, Axelina (Sweden)
Aurel, Aurelia, Aurelio, Aurelius, Aurora, Dawn, Oralia, Orelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 168 of 2024; 198 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 11 (Xin-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 18 Blue; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 3 June 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 27 St. Paul (6th Month) [William Penn]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 90 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 27 of 31)
1 note · View note
fcrox · 4 months
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We all have our place in the world. Some simply have found themselves in a nicer place than others. I don't see what's wrong with that. Let the rest be swallowed up in the chaos of life.
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FULL NAME: Estelle Odette Delacour
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Stella, Siren (by those that dislike her), Petite Colombe (her brother only)
AGE: Twenty Two
BIRTH DATE: September 13th, 1956
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood (1/8th veela, unaware)
AFFILIATION: Death Eaters (neutral, without a mark but working to aid them)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Town house in the heart of London, near Diagon Alley charmed to be more luxurious, hidden from muggles
OTHER: Vacation Home in the south of France
OCCUPATION: Translator, Department of international magical Co-operation, Ministry of Magic
PETS: Felix (british longhair)
WAND: Vine, unicorn core, 11 1/4 inches, hard flexibility
BOGGART: Losing her brother
SCENT: roses, parchment, the scent of the ocean
SONG: Breakfast (Dove Cameron), Prom Queen (Molly Kestner), Princesses don't cry (Carys), Killer Queen (Mad Tsai), There are other ways of Epic, Looking at me by Sabrina Carpenter
PINTEREST: here !!
AESTHETIC: Long winding hallways, dried rose petals falling, birds flying as high as clouds, elegant stationary, the scratching of a quill on parchment, the busy halls of the ministry of magic, hells on pavement, the color crimson red, the sound of a piano playing in another room, a glass of wine, spring blossoms opening to the summer sun, a violin playing as snowflakes dance, the imprint of footsteps along hills of snow, a broken mirror with burnt edges, a sincere smile that hides a secret
PARENTS: Gabriel Delacour (alive), Aurélie Delacour (alive)
SIBLINGS: Étienne Delacour (older brother)
OTHER FAMILY: None known to her.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Slytherin
EXTRACURRICULAR: Slug Club, Astronomy Club, Herbology Club
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, Norwegian, Mermish, Gobbledegook (still learning, in part)
SCARS: None.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: Wandless magic (practicing), Flying (decent), Dueling (practicing, decent)
POSITIVE TRAITS: caring, loyal, resourceful
NEGATIVE TRAITS: perfectionist, manipulative, too trusting at times
Estelle Delacour was born on a sunny day in September, the sun pushing aside the rainy clouds of the prior days. What seemed like a good sign was only an indicator of the strong personality that the young girl would eventually grow to call her own. Being a part of a strong-willed family, she was raised in accordance with the expectations and hopes of the society they lived in, the customs clear as to what was important and what to be paid mind to. Estelle loved the dance lessons, enjoyed the language and art classes that accompanied her younger years and were, out of interest, pushed further and maintained for most of her life. It was early on that she noticed that along with being gifted in the art of communication, it seemed almost too easy to make friends. A smile here, a wave there and occasionally a sweet chuckle and somehow those considering her near and dear only seemed to grow. The young girl was later told that it was a gift, but the truth was so much harsher than that. Her duty was clear and the gift only a part of that.
To this day Estelle believes herself to be gifted with good looks, charms, and incredible manipulation skills as she has no clue what truth hidden behind the lies is. Decades prior her grandfather, in search of a wife, ended up falling in love with a woman that had charmed him entirely. Believing her claims to be a pureblood, he got married to her. It wasn’t until their children had been born that he stumbled across the truth. His own wife was a veela. Shocked to the core he scrambled to find a way to work with it, caring for his wife yet knowing she went against everything expected of him. Instead of allowing the world to know of it, the secret was hidden underneath the excuse of the gift and no one was any wiser for it. Estelle is unaware of the fact that she is one eight veela.
The witch grew up admiring her brother as he was almost like a guiding light in the darkness and many a thing was learned from him. When her time to attend school came, it was not Beauxbaton that her parents decided on but Hogwarts; the bigger school to the north. And so she went, on her first bigger adventure. When time to be sorted came, there wasn’t a need to wonder as the hat called out Slytherin before the hat even had a chance to ruin her perfectly-in-place hair. Estelle was determined to make not only her parents but also the brother in question proud with her accomplishments. Making friends was easy enough. The young girl was determined to do whatever it took to secure what her family needed, becoming the person they wanted her to be with burning determination. Of course, her own needs were not neglected as she grew up a smart and accomplished young witch, a perfectionist at heart. The air of mystery around her never quite dissipated.
Upon graduation Stella began working for the ministry of magic, joining the Department of Magical Co-operation as a translator, extending, and using her language skills to the best of her abilities. The job brought security and influence with it and of course it shined a rather positive light on her family; a benefit she wasn’t at all against. Working her way through the ranks she now is in a position to both plan and secure events of the international kind, as well as working as a liaison and communicator between various species. Estelle is all too willing to use her connections to help out those who fight the fight she believes in, entirely unaware that it is a fight against people like herself. A part of her is considering switching to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures as that allows her to use her language skills much more. Only time will tell.
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lboogie1906 · 8 months
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Minister Francis Lewis Cardozo (February 1, 1836 - July 22, 1903) was a minister, educator, and politician, who was born free in Charleston, South Carolina. His father, Isaac Nunez Cardozo, was a Sephardic Jew, and his mother, Lydia Williams Weston, was a free woman of color. The couple had five children, three boys and two girls. He and his brothers were sent to a private school for children of color.
He worked as a carpenter and shipbuilder. He used his savings to pay his way on a ship headed to Scotland and enrolled at the University of Glasgow, where he studied Greek and Latin. He studied at Edinburgh Theological and London seminaries and was an ordained Presbyterian minister when he returned to the US. He became the pastor of the Temple Street Congregational Church in New Haven, Connecticut, and married Catherine Rowena Howell (1864). The couple had six children.
He returned to Charleston as an agent for the American Missionary Association. He was a member of the Republican Party, became involved in Reconstruction politics, and by 1868, he was selected as a delegate to the South Carolina State Constitutional Convention where he chaired the education committee. He called for the dissolution of the plantation system and racially integrated schools. His speech led to his election as the first African American secretary of state in South Carolina’s history.
In 1872, he was elected state treasurer of South Carolina and was re-elected in 1874 and 1876 before he resigned in 1877. He refused to cooperate with corrupt officials and was unsuccessfully impeached in 1874. In 1877, he was indicted for corruption by the newly-elected Democratic leadership. He relocated to DC and began working in the Treasury Department. He became the ­principal of the Colored Preparatory High School and led the school to become one of the leading high schools for Black children in the nation. His great-granddaughter Eslanda Cardozo Goode married singer Paul Robeson, The Department of Business Practice was reorganized into the Cardozo Senior High School. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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scotianostra · 8 months
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January 26th marks Australia Day.
Scots played many key parts in the story of Australia, we were convicts, soldiers and governors; orphans, free settlers and gold hunters; bushrangers, merchants and immigrants.
Although it is sometimes said of nineteenth-century Sydney that it was an English city, in contrast with the more Scottish city of Melbourne, people of Scottish origin have played important roles in the development and life of Sydney. They have been there from the very beginning.
For hundreds of years Scots have packed up their families and their belongings and sailed to Australia to start a new life.
When Australia needed workers between 1832 and 1850 about 16,000 Scots became ‘assisted immigrants’. They boarded chartered ships, like the 50-ton ship Stirling Castle, chartered from Alan Kerr and Company, Greenock, alongside skilled stonemasons, engineers, carpenters, blacksmiths and even professors. In the same period more than 20,000 Scots travelled to Australia as unassisted immigrants.
The majority of Scottish emigrants were from the Lowlands but around 10,000 Highlanders boarded chartered ships to Australia between 1837 and 1852.
The 20th century continued to see Scots migrate to Australia. In the 1920s Scots stonemasons helped to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Scots miners from Lanarkshire, Fife and Ayrshire worked in coal mines in New South Wales in the '20s and '30s. In 1929 Alexander MacRae, originally from Loch Kishorn in the Highlands, first produced the famous Australian swimming ‘cossie’ - Speedos.
In 1930 MacRobertson Chocolates created Freddo Frog. Macpherson Robertson, the founder of ‘Mac Robertson Steam Confectionery Works’ that later became simply MacRobertson Chocolates, was the son of a Scottish carpenter. He spent many of his early years in Leith and became an apprentice at a confectionery company. When his family moved back to Melbourne he started making sweets in his mother’s bathroom.
Robertson became a great philanthropist as well as a hugely successful chocolate maker. He sponsored the MacRobertson Air Race from London to Melbourne, and financed a combined British, Australian and New Zealand expedition to the Antarctic. A part of the Antarctic was named ‘Mac Robertson Land’ in his honour.
Today Freddo Frog is the most popular children’s chocolate in Australia.
After the Second World War thousands of Britons set sail for Australia. Between 1947 and 1981 more than a million Britons took advantage of an assisted passage scheme introduced by the Australian Government. Around 170,000 Scots left the country of their birth to become ‘Ten Pound Poms’ and start a new life Down Under.
During the past 24 hours there have been protests in Australia as part of a campaign to move Australia day to a date more fitting to the indigenous people of the country, names they give to January 26th include Survival Day, Invasion Day, Day of Mourning.
Gammeya Dharawal man, Jacob Morris, said there isn’t one emotion that fully captures the day.
"It's a day of teaching. It's a day of celebrating as well. We're not up there celebrating the Union Jack, we're celebrating us," he says.
But the day also reminds Jacob of the treatment of First Nations people throughout history.
"Anger … that is still what is felt today and that comes from the sadness, trauma and the hurt," he said.
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annethunderstorms · 9 months
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My Year in Books 2023:
9,563 pages read
33 books read
Home by Toni Morrison
- historical fiction, race, trauma, family
- set in US (Georgia), Korea (Korean War) in 1950s
- main characters: Frank Money, Ysidra “Cee” Money
Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli
- fiction, family, immigration, deportation
- set in US (New York to New Mexico/Arizona)
- main characters: unnamed mother, father and their two children
North: How to Live Scandinavian by Brontë Aurell
- nonfiction, lifestyle, culture
- set in Denmark, Norway, Sweden
Fox and I by Catherine Raven
- nonfiction, memoir, nature, environment, biology
- set in US (Montana)
How to Live Korean by Soo Kim
- nonfiction, lifestyle, culture
- set in South Korea
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
- fiction, romance, dystopia, war, immigration
- set in Middle East, Greece (Mykonos), UK (London), US (San Francisco)
- main characters: Saeed, Nadia
Stars Between the Sun and Moon: One Woman’s Life in North Korea and Escape to Freedom by Lucia Jang
- nonfiction, memoir, oppression, survival
- set in North Korea, China in 1990s
Land of Snow and Ashes by Petra Rautiainen
- historical fiction, World War II, Sámi, mystery
- set in northern Finland in 1944, 1947-1950
- main characters: Inkeri Lindqvist, Olavi Heiskanen, Väinö Remes
This Wound Full of Fish by Lorena Salazar Masso
- fiction, motherhood
- set in Colombia (Atrato river)
- main characters: unnamed mother, unnamed boy, Gina
Kings of the Yukon: An Alaskan River Journey by Adam Weymouth
- nonfiction, nature, environment, memoir
- set in Yukon, Alaska
The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See
- historical fiction, family, tea, Akha culture, adoption
- set in China (Yunnan), US (California) between 1980-2016
- main characters: Li-yan, Haley Davis
Il guardiano della collina dei ciliegi (The Year Shizo Kanakuri Disappeared) by Franco Faggiani
- historical fiction, sports, solitude
- set in Japan, Sweden between 1900s en 1960s
- main character: Shizo Kanakuri
When Broken Glass Floats: Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge by Chanrithy Him
- nonfiction, memoir, war, survival
- set in Cambodia in the 1970s
Violeta by Isabel Allende
- historical fiction, family saga
- set in Chile, US between 1920-2020
- main characters: Violeta del Valle, Camilo del Valle
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
- nonfiction, memoir, grief, loss
- set in US (NY and LA)
Butcher’s Crossing by John Williams
- historical fiction, western, nature, bison hunt
- set in US (Kansas, Colorado) in 1870
- main characters: Will Andrews, Miller, Charley Hoge, Fred Schneider
The Unseen (De usynlige) by Roy Jacobsen
- historical fiction, family saga, hardship
- set in northern Norway between 1910-1930
- main character: Ingrid Barrøy
White Shadow (Hvitt hav) by Roy Jacobsen
- historical fiction, family saga, hardship
- set in northern Norway in 1940s
- main character: Ingrid Barrøy
The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende
- historical fiction, immigration, war
- set in Austria (Vienna), US (Arizona), El Salvador between 1938-2019
- main characters: Samuel Adler, Anita Díaz, Selena Dúran, Leticia Cordero
The Devil’s Highway: A True Story by Luis Alberto Urrea
- nonfiction, immigration, crime
- set on the Mexican/US border (Arizona)
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- nonfiction, indigenous, nature, environment
- set in North America
Hearing Birds Fly by Louisa Waugh
- nonfiction, memoir, travel, culture
- set in Mongolia (Tsengel) in late 1990s
Betty by Tiffany McDaniel
- historical fiction, family saga, coming-of-age, loss, abuse
- set in US (Ohio) between 1900s-1970s
- main character: Betty Carpenter
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
- fiction, classic, modernism
- set in UK (Scotland) in 1920s
- main characters: Mrs Ramsay, Mr Ramsay, Lily Briscoe
Tracks: One Woman's Journey Across 1,700 Miles of Australian Outback by Robyn Davidson
- nonfiction, memoir, adventure, nature
- set in Australia in late 1970s
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
- nonfiction, history, politics, war
- set in Palestine (Israel) in 1880s-1940s
Train to Tibet (De trein naar Tibet) by Maja Wolny
- nonfiction, travel, culture
- set in Russia, China
Sovietistan by Erika Fatland
- nonfiction, travel, culture, history
- set in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa
- fiction, family, grief, cats
- set in Japan
- main characters: Nana the cat, Satoru Miyawaki
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
- fiction, magical realism, time travel, loss
- set in Japan
- main characters: Kazu Tokita, Kei Tokita, Nagare Tokita, Yaeko Hirai
Tales from the Café: Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
- fiction, magical realism, time travel, loss
- set in Japan
- main characters: Kazu Tokita, Nagare Tokita, Miki Tokita
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
- fiction, sci-fi, dystopia, humanity
- set in US
- main characters: a father and his son
Educated by Tara Westover
- nonfiction, memoir, family, religion
- set in US (Idaho)
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senditcolton · 1 year
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a playlist for the fic "The Movie of Us"
The Movie of Us by Darryl Rahn
Male Fantasy by Billie Eilish
South London Forever by Florence + the Machine
Old Flame by Darryl Rahn
To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles
skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter
Back in Town by Florence + the Machine
Pretty Places by Aly & AJ
Slow Dancing by Aly & AJ
Iris by Kina Grannis
Dust to Dust by The Civil Wars
Flightless by Kyson
Side Effects by JOSEPH
Landslide by Haley Klinkhammer
Oceans - Acoustic by Seafret
New Song by Maggie Rogers & Del Water Gap
Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Jasmine Thompson
One of These Days by Vance Joy
This Love by Taylor Swift
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pdiariesmag · 2 years
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BLACKPINK Playing 2023 BST Hyde Park Summer Festival With Sabrina Carpenter, The Rose & More! The k-pop group will take the stage in London on July 2. The official poster for the K-pop group’s headlining slot on July 2 in London revealed that they’ll share the stage with “Nonsense” singer Sabrina Carpenter, as well as South Korean indie rockers The Rose and up-and-coming English pop singers Caity Baser and Mae Stephens. #blackpink https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI16CBIwkt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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