#carrinth rambles about fictional robot boyband and had a point to make somewhere but idk
carrinth-nsr · 11 months
Okay as much as I love the idea of each of the 1010 boys being sentient and having seperate personalities, it does raise a question.
Have any of them ever had an existential crisis about the fact that they can be replaced? Like, if one of them gets destroyed the flying factory can just pop out a complete copy?
Like, the flying factory just pops out another 1010 bot right IN FRONT OF THEM during the battle with BBj, and they have no reaction to it, so they have to have been aware at least some time PRIOR to the fight.
Do they EVER think about this????
Like do they ever have some kind of existential monologue?
LOL I will be the first to admit that I'm totally guilty of over-indulging in fanon 1010. I too really like the idea of robots gaining ✨emotions and feelings✨ and questioning their value and self-worth! The drama~! The angst~! Are they merely tools to be so easily discarded and replaced or something moar?? 👀 It's such good stuff that it's actually the core story idea behind another comic I'm working on! (ppl might have seen my wips of "Repair Work"?)
But fan self-indulgence aside, in canon, 1010 actually seem very... nonchalant about being destroyed...? I mean, this was their idiotic (affectionate) reaction to being Shakalaka-Bammed by B2J:
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Poor Neon J seems like the only one concerned. (Aww, he's shielding them, so sweet 🤗) It's almost like 1010 can't even *comprehend* the concept of death. Are they simply not that sentient? Or do they not worry because they can be easily rebuilt by the factory? Perhaps their robot bodies are merely wireless avatars they operate remotely while 1010's actual central processing server (aka consciousness) is stored somewhere safe like Barraca Mansion.
It would explain how quickly they fall back in sync even after being destroyed and how callously Neon J blows up their bodies during his Phase 3 fight. Because the body is just a shell and their actual processor is somewhere else? But that's just my fan theory.
I mean, at the end of day, 1010 is obviously a play on the whole 'idol churning machine' and the 'inherent fakeness and artificialness of performers' etc... etc...
And let's be honest: At face value, they don't seem as emotionally complex as us fans make them out to be.
Well. Hmm. They do seem rather *ahem* robotic when they fought against B2J and showed no indication they had individual personalities.
....Except for one last image in the end credits:
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If (unfeeling machine) then why { 1010.action = read fan mail + get excited; subroutine(1010_green.getMail == 0) run (1010_green.action = sad;) }
I guess if we're to take a more nuanced middle-ground, 1010 probably doesn't suffer from as much emotional distress as we love to portray in fanfic (BUT THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTING DAMMIT) however, they do show some degree of sentience and differing personality based on that End Credit image. 😎
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