watergave · 2 years
NAME. cecelia stitcher
AGE. mid-thirties
BIRTHDATE. janurary 9th
GENDER. female
SEXUALITY. (closeted) bisexual
STATUS. married
BIRTHPLACE. district eight
RESIDENCE. district eight
OCCUPATION. victor, does not have a job, but worked in the factory after school to support her family before she won her games.
HEIGHT. 5’69”
WEIGHT. 153 lbs
BODY TYPE. mesomorph
EYE COLOR. brown
SCARS. none; she had them repaired in the capitol
TRAITS. tba.
HABITS. tba.
HOBBIES. at this point in her life, her hobbies are whatever her kids do for fun.
FEARS. tba.
FATHER. badious hatter (deceased)
MOTHER. muslin "linny" hatter (alive)
SISTER. silk hatter (alive)
BROTHER. mercer hatter (deceased)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER. matthias "matt" stitcher
SON. carthamin "carth" stitcher (took on matt's name after the wedding)
DAUGHTER. tussore ‘tessa’ stitcher, scarlet stitcher
MBTI. tba.
cecelia was the winner of the 41st games
after her victory, she was threatened into prostitution by snow, threats that she did not take seriously until her father was mysteriously killed.
this continued off-and-on for years. she wasn't the most wanted, but she never felt settled. cecelia guarded herself during this time, speaking only to her siblings and mother.
her brother was killed after declining an invitation to the capitol from a "client"
a few months later, cecelia discovered she was pregnant. her son was born when she was twenty-five and largely kept a secret.
however, when carth fell ill, she was forced to call upon a doctor. the doctor introduced himself as dr. matt stitcher. he promised to keep her son a secret. after saving his son, the two became close and matt proposed after a few months of courtship. cecelia was hesitant to accept the proposal, but eventually did after some time.
their first daughter was born five years later. their next child was born two years later.
cecelia was finally able to breathe, however when the 75th quarter quell was announced, her world was shattered. she was reluctant to join the rebellion, but looking at her children and her husband, she was determined to bring them a better life.
she was killed early on in the games.
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marketview · 1 year
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tobespierre · 4 years
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we’re probably going to be having our last session of redemption arks today, so i did sprites of all the pcs! it’s been such a fun campaign, and i’m excited to wrap this up and move on to our next one!
also, here’s the tiny version:
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carthamin (middle) is jenna’s mazarine (right) is lyric’s
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Kimono, c. 1800-40, figured satin weave silk (rinzu), down back centre seam, including collar length: 132cm, from wrist to wrist width: 123 cm, Victoria and Albert Museum. 
   “The long ‘swinging sleeves’ (furisode) of this kimono indicate that it would have been worn by a young woman. Red was a popular choice for young women’s kimono because the colour symbolised youth and glamour. The dye, known as ‘beni’, was produced from safflowers and was very expensive. The whole garment is decorated using a tie-dyeing technique known as ‘shibori’, which was also very costly. The garment has been shortened at the waist, indicating that it was designed, or later adapted, to be an under-kimono. This may have been a result of sumptuary laws which prohibited the use of beni red, but placed no restrictions on undergarments or linings. Wearing the coveted colour in this way became very fashionable.“
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bestworstcase · 4 years
Hi! Just wondering, do you have any theories about what happened to all of Zhan Tiri’s followers who were trapped in the Demanitus Chamber? (I’m annoyed they didn’t show up in the finale to be honest, they’d have been a great army. What do you think about that?)
you and me both, anon -_- i spent most of s3 speculating wildly about how the disciples would come into play and after CR made a point of destroying the device altogether i was positive disciples would come up and then that… didn’t happen, despite multiple scenes with zhan tiri fucking around in the chamber. freed disciples >>> brainwashed brotherhood as minibosses for team corona. But Alas.
as far as theories go well. in canon i like to think they escaped and are skulking around getting up to evil nonsense either on zhan tiri’s behalf or solo, but *yeets canon out the window* we’re in bitter snow land now :]
the scions are zhan tiri’s most formidable, and favored, disciples. after he banished zhan tiri, demanitus hunted them down and imprisoned many of them in vaults around the continent. by the time of his “death” in 31 PE, only scion remained free: calanthe gothel.
of the remaining scions, six are trapped in demanitus’s labyrinthine library in tarazed, one was imprisoned in his tower underneath azoth but was released in 1648 PE (25 years prior to benighted), and three were sealed in the chamber in corona. [meaning, yes, there are only eleven scions in the whole world. it is the highest of high honors and zhan tiri is very choosy about offering it.]
so… hm. trying to organize this in the most coherent way. let’s start with the Big Three as far as the story of bitter snow is concerned: the traitorous pupils of lord demanitus.
tromus matthiaos was born to a large, impoverished family on the western steppes of volkan. his parents being unable to care for him, they offered him up as an apprentice to a sorcerer, varril alexandros, who passed through their village when matthiaos was four years old. alexandros was a brilliant man but exceptionally cruel man, so, when matthiaos was twelve, he set fire to the house in the middle of the night and fled. demanitus found him wandering in the wilderness not long after, half dead from dehydration and exposure, and took matthiaos under his wing.
life in demanitus’s care was much better, and over the next seven years matthiaos grew devoted to demanitus to the point of considering the man his father. around this time, the pair traveled to pchela, a remote hamlet nestled in the salt marshes of northeastern zamora, to study the spirits of the marshes. there, they encountered sugracha il pchela, the fifteen-year-old daughter of the marsh-witch ennuricha. her mother flatly refused to share her knowledge with demanitus, but sugracha craved more than pchela had to offer, so, she stole ennuricha’s grimoire and traded it to demanitus in exchange for his tutelage.
about four years passed. the trio settled in antares for a time to study the massive black rocks upon which the ancient city-state was built, and that is where calanthe gothel found them. she was the daughter of a destitute high house of aberdinon; her father paid for her education with ruinous loans and, once she reached adulthood, made it clear he expected her to pay those loans back by using her skill in potionry to secure a wealthy husband. calanthe poisoned him instead, pawned what few heirlooms the family still owned, and used that money to flee north to antares. there, she wheedled her way into demanitus’s good graces. he took her on as a pupil; she clashed often with him and matthiaos, but grew very close to sugracha.
soon after, demanitus relocated them to his ancestral home in corona, at the top of mt. ghisa. at this time, zhan tiri was bound in the caverns beneath mt. ghisa, but the anchor demanitus had used to bind her had begun to wear thin. her influence bled into the surrounding mountains, and one by one, demanitus’s three pupils gravitated toward her—first sugracha, then matthiaos, and finally calanthe. less than a year after they came to mt. ghisa, they performed a ritual to release zhan tiri and took her side in the bitter, decade-long war between zhan tiri and demanitus.
zhan tiri offered scionhood to all three of them in part as a gesture of gratitude, and in part because she grew genuinely very fond of them in the years that followed her release. matthiaos and sugracha took to it eagerly, but calanthe… changed her mind, after her initial acceptance. (basically she didn’t pay enough attention upfront and balked when reality set in.) she double-crossed zhan tiri and returned to demanitus, presenting herself as an innocent victim and passing him information on zhan tiri, her cults, and her scions. this information was the final piece demanitus needed to banish zhan tiri from the world altogether, and proved useful in hunting down the scions as well. calanthe dipped as soon as zhan tiri was banished, used what she learned from zhan tiri + the powers granted to her by incomplete scionhood to claim the sundrop for herself, using it to keep herself alive and stave off the nasty consequences of her refusal to complete the scion process.
matthiaos was the first scion demanitus captured, as demanitus considered matthiaos his greatest failure and felt a personal responsibility to deal with him. he was sealed in a vault at the base of the tower in azoth, which demanitus then sunk and filled with a host of dangerous traps and assorted guardians. demanitus filled the labyrinth next; these six scions aren’t… super important in the story i’ll just list their names, from youngest to oldest:
1. amaranta morcant 2. alizarin marcach 3. hyacinthe de malveisin 4. idris carthamine 5. źatīr thēshala 6. tanith
the final three scions—the ones imprisoned in the chamber in corona—were the last demanitus captured. sugracha was one of them; the other two were sorchā and dione, the two eldest scions.
dione was the first of zhan tiri’s scions, and she became a scion a few years before zhan tiri named herself, way back in the final decades of the lost era. during this period, zhan tiri was known as gat as’la and bore very little resemblance to her present-day self; she was a primordial devourer with a lot of power and a vague but covetous interest in the profane realm. dione meanwhile was a… fairly ordinary woman whose village was massacred by the advancing armies of the then-rapidly-expanding abralian empire in what is now western citrifola; dione fled, took shelter in the great tree, encountered a manifestation of gat as’la, and survived which led to a long and brutal game of cat-and-mouse, which in turn resulted in a growing mutual fascination. dione founded a cult, gat as’la got attached, bargains were made, and little while after that gat as’la named herself zhan tiri and…became…zhan tiri.
several thousand years passed, the abralian empire crumbled, zhan tiri’s interest in the profane realm and humanity in particular grew while also becoming vaguely less predatory in nature.
annnnd then she met sorchā.
the nation of saporia didn’t exist at this point; instead there was this loose alliance between a handful of smaller, independent territories, among them the city-state of charcāthēn. sorchā was a poet and philosopher of little renown, who lived in charcāthēn and had a profound interest in magic but also a kind of listless dissatisfaction with the contemporary understanding thereof. she encountered zhan tiri more or less by happenstance while wandering the countryside for inspiration and that. changed everything. because sorchā at the time was in the midst of this sort of anguished youth coming of age and zhan tiri was on the cusp of an existential crisis and the collision of those two things produced the philosophy that would become the bedrock of saporian culture for thousands of years to come.
sorchā codified the distinction between the sublime and profane realms. she articulated the concept of choimghē, which—i’ll just quote what i said the last time: it’s a mingling of the profane and sublime; the word itself literally means “cusp” or “threshold,” and the idea is there is an irreconcilable tension between the profane and the sublime; both exist in a state of perpetual fascination/repulsion; to achieve choimghē is to achieve balance between the two, resolving this tension into peaceful coexistence. this principle is interwoven through almost every facet of saporian culture; for example, their beliefs about death and the afterlife.
she founded the saporian cult of zhan tiri, and played a significant role in codifying the framework of the divine ternary, the formation of saporia as a single sovereign nation, and the governmental structure of the tháomazhatēm in later centuries. she also created the sorchān calendar, which has been widely adopted across the continent.
her importance in saporian history and culture really can’t be overstated, and she had an equally huge impact on zhan tiri herself—while sorchā wrote about choimghē, zhan tiri rooted herself into the profane realm, and that philosophy + that decision were thoroughly intertwined. sorchā is the reason zhan tiri is the way she is now and the reason zhan tiri so strongly considers saporians her people.
dione, sorchā, and sugracha are kind of the favorites of the favorites. zhan tiri does genuinely, truly love and trust all of her scions but she has an extra soft spot for these three and that is mostly down to them all having a similar mixture of ambition + competence + cleverness + creativity + passion + grit + derangement that zhan tiri enjoys particularly.
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komalghare · 6 years
Carthamin Market By Classifications, Consumption, Analysis, Distributors and Forecast Report 2019-2026
Carthamin Market By Classifications, Consumption, Analysis, Distributors and Forecast Report 2019-2026
New research report to its vast database titled “Carthamin Market 2019” which provides extensive and highly detailed information on the key markets. This report shows the deep research and gives the comprehensive insights of this sector.
The new research from Global QYResearch on Global Carthamin MarketReport for 2019 intends to offer target audience with the fresh outlook on market and…
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joneshenry · 2 years
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samira172 · 3 years
Những tác dụng của hồng hoa dược liệu
Từ hàng ngàn năm nay, dược liệu hồng hoa đã được tin dùng và sử dụng. Không chỉ thế, có rất nhiều nghiên cứu khoa học hiện đại cũng chứng minh rằng, đây là dược liệu rất tốt cho sức khỏe con người.
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Công dụng của hồng hoa theo Y học cổ truyền Các tài liệu cổ ghi chép rằng, vị thuốc hồng hoa có vị cay, tính ấm và được quy vào 2 kinh Tâm, Can.
Dược liệu này có tác dụng hoạt huyết, khu ứ, phá ứ huyết, sinh huyết mới, thông kinh,…
Chủ trị các chứng bế kinh, kinh ứ trệ, đau bụng kinh, sản dịch sau sinh, đau bụng sau sinh, chứng trưng hà tích tụ, hôn mê cấm khẩu, thai chết lưu, lở sưng tấy, đau nhức, máu huyết ứ đau do chấn thương, ban chẩn, đau khớp,…
Nghiên cứu hiện đại về dược liệu Theo nghiên cứu, trong cây hồng hoa có chứa 2 sắc tố chủ đạo là gluxit và carthamin, chiếm 0.3 – 0.6%, màu đỏ không tan trong nước còn màu vàng tan trong nước. Khi đi vào cơ thể sẽ chuyển hoá iso carthamin thành luteolin 7 – glucoside, carthami và 3 – rhamnoglucoside.
Ngoài ra, trong thảo dược còn chứa các thành phần như: 25 – 30% tinh dầu (với 90% hàm lượng glycerin, axit béo, nonanl, galactose,…),15% protein, benzene, ethyl acetate, decanal, gatatose, hexanol,…
Trong hạt hồng hoa có chứa 12 – 15% protein, 20 – 30% dầu. Dầu hoa chứa thành phần glycerid của acid béo không trung hoà.
Nhờ đó, cây thuốc này có rất nhiều công dụng như:
Tăng co bóp tử cung, giúp tử cung co bóp đều, nếu dùng lượng lớn làm hoạt động co bóp tăng nhịp có thể làm rung cơ tử cung. Tăng hưng phấn thời gian ngắn với cơ trơn của ruột. Hạ huyết áp, tăng lưu thông tuần hoàn máu, tăng lưu lượng máu truyền đến tim, động mạch vành. Ức chế ngưng tập tiểu cầu, ngừa nhồi máu cơ tim, co mạch máu ở thận, phế quản,… Chữa trị các bệnh phụ khoa ở phụ nữ như rối loạn kinh nguyệt, đau bụng kinh,…
Bài thuốc chữa bệnh từ hồng hoa hiệu quả và đơn giản nhất Hồng hoa là một dược liệu có dược tính mạnh, được sử dụng rất nhiều trong các bài thuốc Đông y chữa bệnh. Dưới đây là những bài thuốc hữu hiệu nhất, được lưu truyền bao đời nay trong dân gian mà bạn có thể tham khảo sử dụng.
Chữa đau bụng kinh, rối loạn kinh nguyệt ở phụ nữ Trong Đông y, chứng đau bụng kinh ở phụ nữ còn được gọi là thống kinh, đau bụng quằn quại, khó chịu trong thời kỳ hành kinh.
Dân gian có rất nhiều bài thuốc hay để trị chứng thống kinh như sau:
Bài thuốc 1 (Hồng lam hoa tửu): Dùng 10g dược liệu sắc cùng 200ml rượu trắng đến khi vơi còn một nửa thì chia thành 3 phần uống hết trong một ngày. Bài thuốc 2: Sử dụng 5g hồng hoa, 10g mỗi loại gồm xuyên khung, hương phụ, diên hồ sách, đương quy đem sắc thành nước thuốc để uống. Phụ nữ bị rối loạn kinh nguyệt nên uống liên tục 3 – 5 ngày trước khi đến chu kỳ hành kinh mới.
>>> Tham khảo thêm: mua hồng hoa ở đâu chất lượng Trị bế kinh, kinh nguyệt không thông sinh đau bụng Nhiều phụ nữ gặp phải tình trạng kinh nguyệt không thông hay còn gọi là bế kinh, dẫn đến ứ huyết, tích tụ thành khối cục lớn, sinh ra đau bụng kinh, thậm chí nhiều người còn đau quằn quại không chịu nổi. Khi đó, có thể dùng bài thuốc sau để đả thông kinh huyết.
Bài thuốc 3:
Chuẩn bị các vị thuốc gồm hồng hoa, diên hồ sách, xích thược, đương quy, ích mẫu, sinh địa, xuyên khung, cân đối lấy chừng 3 – 4 lượng. Sắc các vị thuốc cùng 2 bát tô rưỡi nước (khoảng 1 lít) cho đến khi còn ⅓ thì chia thành 3 phần uống 3 buổi khi còn nóng. Hoặc đem các dược liệu tán thành bột, luyện cùng mật làm thành viên hoàn to bằng hạt long nhãn. Mỗi lần uống 10 viên cùng với nước đun sôi hoặc rượu trắng. Hồng hoa chữa các chứng bệnh sau sinh ở phụ nữ Phụ nữ sau sinh có thể gặp các chứng bệnh như máu xấu không ra hết, chứng huyễn vựng sau sinh (huyết áp tăng cao), buồn bực khó chịu,… có thể dùng hồng hoa để chữa.
Bài thuốc 4 – Sau sinh máu xấu không ra hết: Dùng 3g hồng hoa, 10g sơn tra, 15g ích mẫu thảo pha cùng đường đỏ vừa uống. Bài thuốc 5 – Chữa huyễn vựng sau sinh, buồn bực khó chịu: Dùng 1 lượng dược liệu đem tán thành bột mịn, sắc cùng với rượu để uống. Trong trường hợp bị cấm khẩu thì cạy răng đổ nước thuốc vào, thêm một ít đồng tiện (nước đái trẻ em). Bên cạnh đó, nếu phụ nữ mang thai không may nóng quá dẫn đến thai chết lưu trong bụng mẹ, phải trục ra ngoài thì dùng cách sau:
Bài thuốc 6 – Trục thai chết lưu
Rửa sạch dược liệu cùng với nước muối pha loãng, đem sắc thành nước thuốc. Cho phụ nữ uống cùng với đồng tiện mỗi ngày một lần đến khi bào thai chết lưu được trục ra ngoài. Tác dụng của hồng hoa trong điều trị chấn thương ngoại khoa Khi gặp các chấn thương ngoại khoa gây đau nhức, sưng tấy,…thì dược liệu này là một vị thuốc hữu hiệu để giảm đau, ngăn chặn nhiễm trùng, phục hồi nhanh chóng.
Bài thuốc 7: Sắc 10g mỗi loại gồm hồng hoa, đào nhân, đương quy, sài hồ, thêm 8g đại hoàng cùng với nước và rượu (tỷ lệ 1:1) để uống hàng ngày. Bài thuốc 8: Tán bột mịn các vị thuốc gồm 120g mỗi loại hồng hoa, đương quy, đào nhân, 240g chi tử, rồi trộn đều với giấm thành hỗn hợp sền sệt, đun cho nóng và đắp vào vùng bị đau. Bài thuốc 9: Giã nát hồng hoa tươi, chắt lấy phần nước cốt, chia uống liên tục mỗi ngày 3 lần.
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shytriumphbanana · 4 years
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agventure007 · 4 years
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Carthamin is a natural red pigment derived from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) earlier known as carthamine.  It is used as a dye and a food coloring. As a food additive, it is known as Natural Red 26. Safflower has been cultivated since ancient times, and carthamin was used as a dye in ancient Egypt. It was used extensively in the past for dyeing wool for the carpet industry in European countries and to create cosmetics for stylish women, geisha and kabuki artists in Japan. . . . . #agriculture #horticulture #dye #natural #plant_world #biodiversity #botany #nature #naturalphotography #india #industry #product #production #cosmetics #beauty #dyersofinstagram #agventure007 #insta (at Mahendergarh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhZWdLn1JW/?igshid=1ax0kjuj3l0if
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novakiaki · 7 years
Cobalt Memories - Harumaki Gohan feat. Hatsune Miku
translated this without realizing there was already another translation orz... I was gonna put mine in the CC but tethys’ is already there :o so I thought I might put my own under the american english-specific section cause I didn’t want my own to go to waste aha;;;;; (tethysさんもおつかれ(;u;))
The coastline was translucent The seagulls were calling The radio, crackling with static, sings This is a story from quite a while ago Everyone in the world is fighting And we can't walk so well
The hit songs from several years ago Their hertz flow on ad infinitum Perhaps the very last song of mankind Is playing at the moment, but
Lately the static has gotten annoying Like there’s something wrong with the radio What can we do to hear the next song?
A song that can reach even your ears-- On this planet, there's not a single such song anymore. This town devoid of people, this sky devoid of people We might well be the only two in the world
The night sky, several years ago Was carthamine red The night grew light from the incessant mayday-like signals This is all from quite a while ago; today, the two of us are at the coastline again With the faltering music, and the sky
Before evening falls, where shall we go You, lemonade, and a great adventure The truth is, I was aware of it But I went on keeping it to myself
Your silver, lacelike hair Looked transparent As the setting sun filtered through it, telling us the time
Because you're there, with such a smile I felt like tomorrow would be sunny too If the music continues, if the indigo colour goes on Shall I take you to the very end of the world?
Whether I leave you be, or whether I love you We'll definitely disappear all the same So I won't be lonely at all, not at all, for sure I won't Like so I was always, always running away I kept hiding the fact that summer would end
The songs you like, the places you like Your voice as you laugh and even your scent I'll forget them, you know. I'll forget them.
Let's say, if it was possible to rewind everything-- Then what shall we do as summer ends? If you smile, if I smile Perhaps the world might remember us
**where it says “The hertz flow on ad infinitum” I’m pretty sure it’s referring to the thought that the waves of our old radio broadcasts may leave the atmosphere and travel far off into space forever. (technically hertz is a unit of measurement, right, so it’s a bit odd to say the /hertz/ are flowing themselves... rather it’s the waves themselves that are travelling...) but *cough* it’s the prettiness of the word that counts!
**lemonade is originally the loan word “cider”, but I think japanese “cider” and english “cider” refer to different things? “cider” in japanese is a more lemonade-y, summery feel, while in english, “cider” makes me think of fall personally. does it differ per region?
**”the night grew light from signals” slightly unnecessary note here but the way it’s worded makes me think of dawn-- like dawn comes, or is imitated by, those mayday signals
**I digress even more but this song with the “radio and coastline” talk reminds me insanely of All the Light We Cannot see by Anthony Doerr which you should really check out if you haven’t!!!!!!!!!!!! (really good world war II book) (it probably is just a coincidence but the coincidences are immense. harumaki gohan have you read it) (yells abt doerr’s writing)
kaigansen wa hantoumei kamome ga naita noizu mamire no rajio ga utau yo kekkou mae no hanahsi sekai ga zen'in kenka shite bokura wa umaku arukenai
suunen mae no hitto songu ga mugen ni nagareru herutsu ga atte zenjinrui osoraku saigo no uta wo nagashiteru wake desu ga
saikin noizu ga urusakunatte choushi ga warui mitai da tsugi no uta wa doushiyou na
kimi no mimi ni mo todoku you na uta wa mou kono hoshi ni hitotsu mo nai daremo inai machi daremo inai sora sekai wa futari dake kamoshirenai ne
suunen mae no yoru no sora wa beniiro mayday sanagara urusai aizu de yoru ga aketa yo zenbu mukashi no hanashi sa futari wa kyou mo kaigansen togiretogire no uta to sora sa
yuu ga ochiru mae doko e ikou ka kimi to saidaa to daibouken da hontou wa wakatteita kedo boku wa himitsu ni shita manma da
kimino giniro no reesu mitai na kami ga toumei ni natte suketa rakuyou toki wo tsugeta
kimi ga sonna ni egao de iru kara ashita mo hareru ki ga shiteita uta ga tsuzuitara ai ga tsuzuitara sekai no hate ni kimi wo tsuretekou ka
hottoitatte aishtetatte zettai bokura wa kieteshimatte jaa zenzen sabishii nante nai ya kitto sou da souyatte zutto zutto nigeteita natsu ga owaru koto wo kakushiteita
kimi ga suki na uta suki na basho waraigoe toka kaori sae mo wasureteshimau yo wasureteshimau yo
moshimo subete ga makimodoseru nara natsu no owari ni nani wo shiyou kimi ga warattara boku ga warattara sekai ga omoidasu kamoshirenai ne
海岸線は半透明 カモメが鳴いた ノイズまみれのラジオが歌うよ 結構前の話  世界が全員喧嘩して 僕らは上手く歩けない
数年前のヒットソングが 無限に流れるヘルツがあって 全人類おそらく最後の歌を 流してるわけですが
最近ノイズがうるさくなって 調子が悪いみたいだ 次の歌はどうしような
君の耳にも届くような歌は もうこの星に一つもない 誰も居ない街 誰も居ない空 世界は二人だけかもしれないね
数年前の夜の 空は紅色 メイデーさながらうるさい合図で夜が明けたよ 全部昔の話さ 二人は今日も海岸線 途切れ途切れの歌と空さ
夕が落ちる前どこへ行こうか 君とサイダーと大冒険だ 本当はわかっていたけど 僕は秘密にしたまんまだ
君の銀色のレースみたいな 髪が透明になって 透けた落陽 時を告げた
君がそんなに笑顔でいるから 明日も晴れる気がしていた 歌が続いたら藍が続いたら 世界の果てに君を連れてこうか
放っといたって愛してたって 絶対僕らは消えてしまって じゃあ全然寂しいなんて無いや無いやきっとそうだ そうやってずっとずっと逃げていた 夏が終わることを隠していた
君が好きな歌 好きな場所 笑い声とか香りさえも 忘れてしまうよ 忘れてしまうよ
もしも全てが巻き戻せるなら 夏の終わりに何をしよう? 君が笑ったら僕が笑ったら 世界が思い出すかもしれないね
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bestworstcase · 4 years
I may have missed this somewhere but are all of Zhan Tiri's disciples saporians in bitter snow or are there some who aren't? :o
if we’re talking scions there’s actually more of them who aren’t saporian than the reverse. in order of oldest to youngest:
dione – from a small, long-vanquished kingdom near modern citrifola.
sorchā – saporian
tanith – aphelionese. (he was one of the og knights of the brotherhood before zhan tiri poached him from turul.)
źatir thēshala – saporian
idris carthamine – tarazedian (mountainous country northwest of aphelion)
hyacinthe de malveisin – was a duchess of a province in a country located in what is now southern koto
alizarin marcach – saporian (zhan tiri poached her from cathay and cathay has never, ever forgiven this)
amaranta morcant – quintonian (and a very distant ancestor of rosalia morcant)
tromus matthiaos – volkanese (big empire spanning the northeast region of the continent)
sugracha il pchela – zamoran (east of tarazed, north of aphelion)
calanthe gothel – aberdinian (from aberdinon, east of koto and southeast of citrifola, due south from the great tree)
zhan tiri has cults scattered all over (fewer now due to her long absence) but the largest / most prolific of these are in saporia and saporian-majority parts of marne, citrifola (southwest of the great tree), and antares (southeast of the great tree). so a majority of her regular worshippers nowadays come from one of those places.
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almohamady-blog · 5 years
فوائد العصفر
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١ العُصفر
٢ فوائد العُصفُر
٣ الآثار الجانبية لاستخدام العصفر
٤ المراجع
‘); }
يُعتبر العُصْفُر (بالإنجليزية: Safflower) من النباتات السنوية المزهرة، وقد تكون أزهاره حمراء اللّونِ أو برتقالية أو صفراء أو بيضاء، وفي الحقيقة تُستخدم أزهار العصفر المجففة في الحصول على مادة الكارثامين (بالإنجليزية: Carthamin)، والتي تعني الصبغة النسيجية الحمراء، والتي ازدهر…
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
Safflower, Carthamus tinctoriusDid You Know?
• Safflower produces a thistle-like flower ranging in colour from yellow to dark red. • It is one of the oldest cultivated plants, originally grown to use the flowers as colouring agents for food, cosmetics, and textiles. • Safflower garlands were found in Tutankhamen's tomb (around 1323 BCE). • The pigment from the flower petals is known as carthamin and was used to dye Egyptian textiles dating back to the 12th dynasty. • As a food additive, carthamin is known as Natural Red 26. • The flower petals have been substituted for saffron since they do produce a similar colour and flavour. • Commercial production of safflower is primarily for oil pressed from the seeds. By-products of this process create livestock meal and are used in making soap. • A small amount of commercially grown safflower is for birdseed. • There are two types of safflower varieties, one produces oil high in concentrations of oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acids) which are used in salad dressings and soft margarine and must be refrigerated. The other produces high concentrations of linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acids) which is shelf-stable and doesn’t turn yellow over time. The linoleic acid types are used in high-temperature cooking as well as in the manufacture of paints, stains and linoleum tiles. • Traditional healers have used safflower worldwide to treat a variety of conditions. Today, research continues, particularly to treat high cholesterol, heart health and diabetes management. • Safflower oil is said to improve hair quality and sheen when lightly rubbed into the scalp. It also benefits the skin as an effective moisturiser and is often added to bath and beauty products.
Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius Tips: • High oleic safflower oil has a high smoke point and can be used for frying or other high-temperature cooking. • Refined safflower oil is best when a neutral flavour is desired, as in baking. • Use safflower oil in salad dressings since it remains liquid in colder temperatures. • Mild tasting safflower oil is often used because of its mild flavor and clear colour. • The dried flower petals have been substituted for the more expensive saffron. While they appear similar and also produce pigment, the flavor is not comparable. • Cold-pressed safflower oil can be used as carrier oil when making cosmetics, soaps, lotions and other products applied to the skin and hair.
Refried Black Beans
Refried beans are always fried in lard or bacon drippings in Mexico and the Southwest. In this recipe, their flavor comes from the cumin and chilli, which are sautéed with them, and the garlic, onion and cilantro, which is simmered with them in the boiling water. 1 pound black beans, washed and picked over 16 cups water, divided 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon safflower oil 1 large onion 4-6 large cloves garlic, minced, divided 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1 ½ teaspoon salt, divided 4 teaspoons mild chilli powder 1 tablespoon ground cumin Low-fat plain yogurt, for garnish
Soak beans overnight in 8 cups water. (Alternatively, place beans in a large pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 1 hour.) Drain. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large, nonstick heavy-bottomed saucepan, bean pot or Dutch oven, and sauté onions and 4 cloves garlic over medium heat until tender, about 8 to 10 minutes. Add the soaked beans and 8 cups of freshwater and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer 1 hour, uncovered. Add more garlic, if you wish, cilantro and 1 teaspoon salt, and continue to simmer, adding water as needed, until the beans are soft and the liquid is thick and aromatic and barely covers the beans, about 45 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Allow the beans to cool. Mash them coarsely in batches in a food processor or blender or with a potato masher. Make sure not to puree until smooth; you want to texture.
Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a large, heavy-bottomed, nonstick skillet and add chilli powder and cumin. Sauté for 1 minute over medium heat and add the mashed beans (this can be done in batches, depending on the size of your pan). Taste for salt, adding ½ teaspoon more if desired, and fry the beans, stirring often, until they begin to get crusty and aromatic. If they seem too dry, add some water. Mash and stir as they cook. There should be enough liquid so that they bubble as they cook, while at the same time a thin crust forms on the bottom. Cook for about 10 to 20 minutes and either serve immediately topped with a dollop of yogurt, or transfer to an oiled serving dish if you plan to reheat the beans later. Make-Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Reheat, covered, at 325˚ F for 20 to 30 minutes. If the beans seem dry, moisten them with water before reheating.
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tutto-8 · 3 years
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Spanish fashion exhibition with some Qing influence. Mandarin square - 補子- of the 1900's with silk threads dyed mainly with indigofera and carthamine. MuVIM - Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat. 2020
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windingriverherbals · 5 years
October Herb of the Month, Safflower
October Herb of the Month, Safflower
Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius Did You Know?
• Safflower produces a thistle-like flower ranging in color from yellow to dark red. • It is one of the oldest cultivated plants, originally grown to use the flowers as coloring agents for food, cosmetics, and textiles. • Safflower garlands were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb (around 1323 BCE). • The pigment from the flower petals is known as carthamin…
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