#casaia barillion
nightingaletrash · 6 years
Casaia only worked up the courage to tell Ayrenn how she felt after the Planemeld had ended.
everyone in the Dominion just deadpans ‘nooooooooo, really? what a shock’ except for that one person who’s never in on anything and is genuinely surprised XD
Runa formed a bond with Serana very quickly whilst they were at Castle Volkihar because they both felt like outsiders with no one they could depend on. Serana helped her come to terms with her new existence as a vampire, and Runa helped Serana to gather the courage it took to leave the Castle and find Val with the Dawnguard.
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andauril · 6 years
full name: Casaia Barillion
gender: cisfemale
sexuality: pansexual/-romantic
pronouns: she/her
family: Endarno Barillion (father), Sirilwe Barillion (mother), Vindalmo Barillion (younger brother)
birthplace: Alinor, Summerset
job: Eye of the Queen
phobias: waking up to find she killed her wife in her sleep because I’m awful
guilty pleasures: she has a lot of interests but none that would be frowned upon; okay maybe sparring with your queen while only being lightly dressed counts
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm unless it’s the full moon, then she turns into anxious bc WHAT IF SHE KILLS HE WIFE IN HER SLEEP; being a werewolf is not fun
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Casaia x Ayrenn
ot3: idk, Casaia x Ayrenn x Naryu maybe bc c’mon it’s NARYU
brotp: Casaia and Raz
notp: n/a
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andauril · 6 years
okay but how is Casaia feeling about Summerset right now? is the constantly being mistaken for a newcomer wearing on her at all? and how does she feel about the general attitudes of Summerset's people overall?
She’s feeling very conflicted about Summerset and it’s people. On one hand, she loves Summerset. It’s her birthplace, she grew up there, and in fact spend most of her life there before she was disowned by her family and left Summerset out of shame. 
The problem is that her memories of Summerset don’t match the reality. But it’s not Summerset that has changed - she has. Before she left Summerset, she was JUST like those snobbish Altmer that now look down at her for being not a proper Altmer. Once she believed that by being born an Altmer and born into an old Altmer family from Alinor made her naturally superior to any outsider. She was prideful and arrogant and believed in her own superiority. And then she fell from grace and left Summerset …
And only upon her return does she realise how much she has changed, and that she no longer is the same person that left Summerset all those years ago.
And to now be on the receiving end of that superiority and that conscending attitude is like looking into a very ugly mirror. 
She’s changed too much. She has spend too much time among the other races - the Bosmer, the Khajiit, even the others who aren’t members of the Dominion - and among the Altmer who live away from Summerset, has mingled too much with the lower social classes to fit in with the Altmer of Summerset anymore. 
Right now, her feelings for her homeland, her birthplace, are complicated.
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andauril · 7 years
Casaia for character flaws :D
absent-minded / abusive / addicted / aimless / alcoholic / aloof / anxious / arrogant / audacious / has bad habits / bigmouthed / bigoted / blunt / bold / callous / childish / cruel / cursed / dependent / dishonest / disloyal / disturbed / dubious / egotistical / envious / erratic / fanatical / fickle / fierce / finicky / flirty / gluttonous / gruff / gullible / hedonistic / humourless / hypocritical / idiotic / ignorant / illiterate / immature / impatient / impious / impish / incompetent / indecisive / indifferent / infamous / intolerant / judgemental / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / masochistic / meddlesome / meek / megalomanic / naïve / nosey / obsessive / oppressive / overambitious / overemotional / overprotective / overzealous / paranoid / peevish / perfectionist / pessimistic / phobic / rebellious / reckless / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / sceptic / seducer / selfish / self-martyr / self-righteous / senile / shallow / smart ass / solemn / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / squeamish / stubborn / superstitious / tactless / temperamental / theatrical / timid / tongue-tied / unlucky / unpredictable / untrustworthy / vain / weak-willed / withdrawn
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andauril · 7 years
Casaia Barillion
* She’s pansexual. 
* She is turned into a werewolf while helping the Lunar Champions and it scares her a lot. 
* She is in love with Queen Ayrenn, and after Molag Bal’s defeat, they become a couple. 
* She owns the battlefield but can neither dance nor sing. It’s a mystery to everyone who knows her how someone who can move with such finesse fighting will fall over her own feet when asked for a dance. 
* Her abilities as a Dragonknight have their origins in her vestige. After she regains her soul, she’s a bit afraid at first that she lost this useful skillset but that turns out not to be the case.
* She used to be as haughty as the average high elf but was humbed A LOT by her fall from grace and after being disowned by her family for letting High Kinlord Nethereth die on her watch. 
* Even after she became Champion of the Aldmeri Dominion, her family has not forgiven any of that. It’s the one thing she will probably never regain.
* She’s got a bit of a sweet tooth. 
* She is very tall, even for an High Elf. 
* Her crush on Ayrenn was a secret to absolutely no one, especially not Razum-dar. 
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andauril · 7 years
The Aldmeri Dominion has a honorable (albeit disgraced and hellbound on restoring her honor and her good name ... and her soul) hero, Casaia Barillion, who also has got a hopeless crush on her queen, but aside from that ... I mean, Casaia is well-trained on many weapons and definitely capable. She was captain of the houseguard of an important Altmer House before she fell from grace. So the Aldmeri Dominion isn’t really that bad off with her, and they have a champion who will always try what’s right, who will not be swayed by the lure of gold and fortune. 
The Daggerfall Covenant’s got Riya Tigris, a battle hardened veteran who will always put her duty first and who’s got a very strong sense of loyalty to the Covenant so she’ll never put her own needs before them. Riya will do what needs to be done. Sometimes that means making hard choices, but ultimately she has the good of everyone in mind. 
And then there’s the Ebenheart Pact with a ex-thief Argonian and a grumpy Ashlander, who while kinda sorta liking each other also tend to get on each other’s throats a lot. Not to mention Mar-Ei’s battle against his thievy urges that he can’t seem to leave behind and Zulanabi’s struggle to retrieve her missing memories ... Of all the three alliances, I’d say the Ebenheart Pact got the short end of the stick. 
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andauril · 7 years
Can you tell us more about your eso ocs? We don't know much about them tbh.
Sure, why not?
Casaia Barillion is my Soulless One/Vestige. She was formerly the captain of the house guard of the noble Aldmer House of Nethereth (from which btw another of my OCs is descended) but fell from grace when the head of the House was assassinated under her watch. Since then, she had to earn her coin as mercenary until she was sacrificed to Molag Bal. The experience of being dishonored and of her death have considerable humbled her, and they’ve given her compassion towards the poor and unfortunate and the disadventaged that she didn’t have before. It doesn’t stop her from falling in love with no one other than Queen Ayrenn herself, though. 
Mar-Ei is my Pact Hero. He’s an Argonian who used to be a thief until his sweetheart was beaten to death by the people he worked for because he didn’t met a deadline. He then had enough of all this and turned himself in to the guard, gave them the name of his boss and served some years in prison. When he was released, he swore off the life of a criminal. He’s trying his best, leading a honest life, being a good person … and then the ship he hired on sinks on the Coast of Bleakrock. 
Ah, yes, and there’s Zulanabi Ashtebal, by the way a distant ancestral relative of Lledana Hladu. She’s an Ashlander, and proud of it, and you can bet she’s got a look of contempt and exasperation on her face everytime she has to deal with House Dunmer. She, too, ended up sacrificed to Molag Bal, and therefore is Soul Shriven, but managed to escape … to be found by Mar-Ei, no less. The harrowing experience of being sacrificed and the torture she had to endure in Molag Bal’s prison left her bereft of most of her memory, and now all is in a fuzz and she’s desperate to figure out what happened. She and Mar-Ei don’t always got along, and spend a lot of time bickering. And it definitely doesn’t sit well with her that she ended up a hero for the Pact. She couldn’t give two shits about the Pact.
And then there’s Riya Tigris, Hero of the Covenant. She’s a veteran soldier, and a proud Redguard. She’s seen a lot of battle and is therefore … well, let’s say she’s more on the pragmatic side than Casaia, although not ruthless by any stretch of the word. But she’s seen enough of the world to know that you gotta be sensible sometimes instead of following noble ideals 100% of the time. She is very loyal and devoted and believes in the Covenant and what it stands for. She’s also already in her 40s, so retirement is around the corner and she sometimes longs for it, but her work isn’t done yet and she won’t lay down her weapons when she’s still needed. 
Then there’s Ellinor Vaun. She’s only 17 year old, but already an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood, and she uses her babyface to her adventage. No one suspects the sweet innocent girl to be a ruthless killer, after all. She is considerably hardened by the time she spent surviving on the streets as a child, and she ended up killing the son of her employer - a Daggerfall noble who took pity in her - after he made a move on her that she didn’t appreciate. Ellinor has a knack for magic that was honed by the Dark Brotherhood, and she fights with an axe. There’s definitely a fair share of anger and bitterness build up inside her.
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andauril · 7 years
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@nightingaletrash and I decided we had to screenshot our OCs together because they’re awful and we love them. 
Top row: Caecilia Quintus and Cassandra Arctos, aka “Imperials annoyed by everyone’s stupidity” 
Middle row: Niraen Rilis and Casaia Barillion, aka “ridiculously attractive Altmer warriors, men weep because they can never have them, totally unconspicious in the middle of Daggerfell” 
Bottom row: Ellinor Vaun and Ellie Tyrne, aka “baby-faced stabby murder children” 
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andauril · 8 years
ive just looked through your elder scrolls oc's and i love them?? i really like creating elder scrolls characters and personalities, and im wondering which of the nine divines (and daedric princes) your oc's worship?
2nd Era
Livia Aurelian worships the Eight Divines, especially Dibella. (Talos hasn’t been added yet to the pantheon in the 2nd Era.)
Black Cat Lyn doesn’t worship anyone, but pays begrudging respect to Nocturnal and occasionally asks her for success on her heists.
Liarith initially worshipped the Tribunal, but after becoming a vampire, she doesn’t worships any deity - neither Deadra nor Aedra. 
Casaia Barillion worships Auriel. 
Chases-Hidden-Truths views the Hist as her mentor and guiding light, although worship would be stretching it. 
3rd Era
Lledana Hladu worships Sithis. 
Lucille LaCroix is a Julianos worshipper.
Wades-in-Shallow-Waters revers the Hist. 
4th Era
Irith Lleryn occasionally turns to Azura for guidance. 
Adri Lleryn sometimes preys to Nocturnal. 
Marila Wind-Runner worships Shor primarily.
Liv isn’t big on god worship, but the deity she has the most respect for is Nocturnal. 
Aurelia LaCroix revers the Eight, primarily Julianos and Akatosh. 
Cheeava revers Sithis, and views the Hist as an aspect of Sithis.
Knows-Many-Secrets isn’t really religious. The Hist is a thing somewhat, but its not really worship. 
Lyn Alyan doesn’t worship anyone really. She’s a Nightingale, but its more a business contract than worship. 
Leselya Nethereth worships Auriel. 
Sajjan primarily worships the two moons/moon goods of the Khajiit, Jone and Jode.
Dar’Khajo, meanwhile, worships Rajhin, the thief god of the Khajiit. 
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andauril · 6 years
Random stuck-up Altmer: You don't have the cultured air of a *true* child of the Isles.
Casaia Barillion, a native of Alinor, capital of Summerset: I was literally BORN here.
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andauril · 8 years
Casaia Barillion will forever bear the emotional scars her seven deaths left on her, as well as the scars she got from Molag Bal himself. Not to mention that she will never get over her ultimate failure, the failure that destroyed the shining future she might have had ahead of her. She might have saved Tamriel and restored her honour ... but she will never reclaim what she's lost. House Nethereth will never forgive her, and neither will her family.
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andauril · 8 years
And Casaia, I'm curious about her!!
Sure! She deserves more attention!
She was born into an old and wealthy family, which secured her an excellent training and a position as Captain of the Guard for Noble House Nethereth.
Her greatest failure was letting the head of House Nethereth die by the hand of assassin’s, which lead to her being disowned by her family and her fall from grace.
She since has worked as a mercenary, and learned some lessons in humility.
“I must defeat Molag Bal to regain my honour (and my soul).”
Pretends she doesn’t care about the suffering of the people hurt during the Planemeld and the war, but actually does care a lot.
Razum-dar is the first who doesn’t give a shit about her past failures and she loves him for it.
She had a little crush on Queen Ayrenn for a time, but of course never said a thing because it would have been inappropriate.
Actually was quite angry at Varen for not telling her his true identity earlier.
She died seven times (her sacrifice to Molag Bal included), and feels more disconnected to the world after every death, which scares the living shit out of her. It’s not natural to reform like the Daedra do upon death, and the experience to return from the dead, over and over again, is deeply disturbing for her.
She hides her face when she’s among Altmer because she fears someone might recognise her - and remember her failure, and her disgrace.
Has very little magical talent for an Altmer, but can kick your butt with several types of weapons.
She prefers to wield two-handed weapons and to wear medium armour, as it offers a good compromise between protection and freedom of movement.
Pansexual and panromantic.
She joins the Fighter’s Guild, and spared Sees-All-Colour’s life, because she thought that her cause was just - although her actions might have been - and that there are other ways to attone than to die.
The only thing she can cook are simple stews.
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andauril · 8 years
For an OC of your choice, 1, 10 and 21 :)
Thank you! :) I’m answering those for Casaia, because I don’t talk about her nearly as often as I should.
1. What’s one experience your character had that made them very afraid?
Being soul-shriven, her body simply reforms upon death. And she died five times. The first time she was sacrificied, and each time she died thereafter, she returned to live. And she finds the experience very unsettling, to say the least. To escape death by a margin, that she can deal with. But really dying, and than returning? It frightens her, and each time a little more. It makes her afraid because she has the impression that it rips a part of her away every time she dies and returns. She fears that, if it happens again, one day she’ll come back and no longer is who she used to be. It’s probably the main reason she is so determined to regain her soul.
10. Your character has discovered that they only have a week left to live. What do they do with that time? 
It depends whether it happens before or after she regained her soul. Because if it happens while she’s still soul-shriven, it would mean that she just would return. So she would not do anything with that time. After, however ... She would travel to a place where she never was been before, but always wanted to see, and just spend her last seven days there. Doing nothing than maybe painting, or listening to music. She would want to have some peace before she ultimately has to die. She rarely had any peace before, and would like to experience it before she dies.
21. How does your character decide if a person is mature or not?
By spending time with them and observing how they react to different situations, how they handle them. She wouldn’t decide it rushly, because first expression can lead you astray. But under pressure it is often that you reveal your true nature, so she would try to find out how the person in questions acts when stressed. 
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