#case and point: he's been dating my bff's kayn for months in our heartsteel au on discord
deadn30n · 8 months
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it's sunday and in the spirit of this raunchy little day i must inform you all that yone is a virgin by default in almost every verse because he's married to his duties/work and never had much time to even consider romance. i don't believe he's ever actually even really fallen in love with someone ( i headcanon him more on the same spectrum as myself; mostly aroace ( there are very rare exceptions ); where he experiences very little romantic/sexual attraction ) so when he finally does get together with someone, it's like a whirlwind kind of romance. where he falls hard and he falls deep because it's such a rare and unprecedented thing for him and leaves him incredibly vulnerable to having his heart severely broken if it doesn't work out. he does prefer to take things slow and can literally take years if he's unsure of his own feelings / unsure of whether the other party likes him too. so unless he's slapped directly in the face and told how you feel about him, he's probably just gonna slow burn the fuck outta it
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