#casper mcfadden imagine
mpsansy · 20 days
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“Didn’t anyone ever tell you to respect people’s boundaries? Guess not, since you’re the unfortunate idiot who stumbled into a deadman’s house.”
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Meeting and Dating Casper McFadden
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Moving into a new home was never easy. Oftentimes, it meant packing up everything you owned, leaving a bunch of good memories behind, and traveling across the country to a new town where you’d have to make all new friends and renovate old fixtures.
- But there was something about your new house that made it both easier and harder to live in: the fact that it was haunted.
- Obviously your family didn’t find out about the ghosts until after they’d signed the papers and even if they were warned about it, they probably wouldn’t have believed the realtor, but none of that mattered now. Now you were stuck in a old house with a bunch of spirits, stuck until your parents save up enough money to move again.
- So what made the manor easier to live in, you may ask. Well, the fact that it came with a friend….
- You and Casper meet the day you move into the Whipstaff Manor. You’re wandering around, exploring the home and trying to figure out which room you want to live in, unaware that there’s a specter following you.
- The minute Casper sees you, he’s head over tail. You make his undead little heart race and have him second guessing his every action. Which is the main reason it makes him a while to formally introduce himself, he’s too scared that he’ll ruin his first impression.
- Sadly for him, his first impression still doesn’t go over well, regardless of how much he practiced.
- In his defense, it wasn’t anything that he did, it was more the fact that you were suddenly face to face with a phantom. Anyone would have freaked out in response to that, and they would have freaked out to any ghost as well; no matter how friendly.
- So, like the rational young woman that you are, you scream and take off like a rocket, dashing out of the room and down the hall to find a more secure and safe looking room to hide in until your parents get back from the store.
- He follows behind, attempting to calm you down and feeling downright awful for scaring you. Once you’ve locked yourself away into a broom closet, he gives you a minute to breathe before he calls out to you, telling you that he’s sorry and trying to coax you out so that you can talk.
- It takes you another minute to be convinced and to trust him when he says he isn’t gonna hurt you, but eventually, you do brace yourself and open the door.
- Once you do, you find that he really isn’t as scary as you’d originally though he was. In fact, he was actually sort of cute; in a cartoony sort of way, and he’s friendly to boot; so you wind up feeling a bit silly for being so frightened of him. And after you begin to think like that, the two of you begin to develop a close friendship.
- While his uncles might be incredibly obnoxious and annoying, you can’t deny that you enjoy having the ghostly presences in your home; especially when school roles around and you find yourself feeling like an alien with no one to turn to. You might not have any living friends in your town but you at least have a few see through ones at home that ensure you’re not completely alone.
- But, compared to your primarily platonic feelings, Caspers feelings for you were a lot more complicated. He valued your friendship and enjoyed having you as a pal, but he also had more romantic feelings towards you. In simpler terms: he’d had a massive crush on you from the moment you walked in.
- And though he’d have loved to confess his feelings and see if you felt the same, he knew that it was practically impossible for the two of you to be together; at least until you’d died …or until he was alive again!
- The minute he remembers the Lazurus he immediately erupts into a fit of excitement and joy. If you could get it to work, he could be alive again and the two of you could be together for the rest of your lives, either as friends or as something more, he honestly didn’t care which; though he hoped it was the second one.
- So he tells you about the invention and the two of you get to work. You take the wild trip down to his fathers lab, search around until you find what you’re looking for, load the contraption up with it’s necessary elixir, and pull the levers with bated breath.
- You don’t know what you’d expected to walk out of the machine but it certainly wasn’t this. Perfectly done blond hair, shining blue eyes, and a face that made you suddenly flustered to be in your best friends presence. He looked like a Disney prince and you were captivated.
“How do I look?” He asked nervously.
“Perfect,” you responded a little too quickly. “I mean, human, normal …living.”
- His face broke out into a smile and he threw his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. The action caught you off guard and made your heart race but you didn’t mind in the slightest.
- Once you’d finished hugging, he pulled away slowly and you found yourselves locking eyes. His gaze flickered to your lips and before you knew it, the two of you were leaning forward and sharing a kiss.
- His uncles may or may not have interrupted you but the “damage” was already done. You were just as hooked on him as he was on you and neither of you could be happier.
- Casper loves pda. He loves being able to actually touch you and be out in public and show the whole town that the two of you are together; even though half of them are confused as to who he is. 
- He touches you and holds you close whenever he can. He’s waited to do it since the moment he met you and now that you’re together; and he isn’t ice cold and only semi-solid, he enjoys every little ounce of affection he can provide and obtain.
- Handholding.
- Cheek kisses. 
- Long, soft kisses. They’re sort of a contrast to his usual hyper behavior, which is why, if you ever need him to calm him down and focus, all you have to do is ask for a kiss or make it obvious that that’s what you’re going to do. He skids to a stop and happily complies as he gives you an adorable little smile.
- Pet names aren’t really his thing but he does call you by fun nicknames that he’s come up with; usually a shorter or longer version of your name.
- Cuddling is a must with Casper. He absolutely loves it, no matter how the two of you do it. Sometimes you’ll lay on his chest, other times you’ll spoon, and other times you’ll face each other on the bed and talk until one of you dozes off.
- Speaking of: he definitely watches you sleep every now and again, which sounds far more creepy than it actually is. Like, you’ll be talking late at night and you’ll fall asleep and he’ll just look at your peaceful face for a while.
- If we’re going with the assumption that Casper maintains some of the aspects of being a ghost, I think it’s safe to say that he’s occasionally at least a little cooler than a normal human, which makes him the perfect companion for hot days.
- Being carried and flown around.
- Sometimes; especially prior to him being in the Lazurus, he forgets that you’re not a ghost and gets you into some uncomfortable situations. And after he turns human again, he definitely has to get used to not being able to go through walls and have things go through him when they’re thrown or fall.
- Testing out exactly what he’s still capable of doing and if there’s any limits to his new life. Is he perfectly normal? Does he have ghostly powers? Do the effects occasionally wear off during certain times or seasons? It’s all stuff you have to figure out.
- For a while after he’s brought back to life, he spends all day experiencing everything he missed when he was still alive. All the smells, sights, and touches; he runs around like Jack Skellington while you sit back and watch with a smile.
- Going to the mall. It’s one of his favorite places to visit, he just loves the entire atmosphere of the place; especially since he wasn’t really able to go and enjoy everything about it before he turned human again.
- Tv dates.
- Playing different games with each other. Board games, pirates, video games, you name it, he’ll do it.
- Sitting on top of the lighthouse with him.
- Enjoying the view from outside of the manor. You have the perfect view of the ocean from your garden so the two of you can always throw a blanket down and stare out at the sea together.
- Just goofing off with each other. Running around the house together, sliding down the stairwell, having him push you in a chair down the halls, etc. You’ve got a huge house to mess around in, why not take advantage of it?
- Dancing together. He told you he was a good dancer.
- Late night conversations. You can always talk to him about anything you want or need to.
- Catching him watching you a lot. He always has such a loving gaze when he’s looking at you, just seeing his face when he’s watching you do something or speak is reassurance that he really cares about you.
- Always having a warm and excited greeting when you return home from school. He also probably occasionally goes with you or at least walks you there or visits during lunch.
- He loves making surprises for you. Throwing you little parties or coming up with different ways to make you smile or cheer you up after school or whenever he can see that you’re feeling down is one of his favorite hobbies.
- He wants to be with you like 25/7 so don’t be surprised if he’s constantly bothering you with his presence. It’s a good thing you love him because if you didn’t he’d become very annoying, very quickly.
- Him just appearing at random is commonplace so your parents and you definitely have to take some time to get used to it. I mean he lives in your house and now that he’s human again, it’s definitely a bit easier than when he was a ghost, but still.
- Getting chairs pulled out and doors opened for you. He likes being a gentleman.
- Him cooking for you. He definitely tries to impress you with his skills and all the inventions he uses; and he just likes doing something nice like that for you.
- Discovering all his dads inventions and letting him tell you about them. It’s really quite fascinating to see how they all work and how excited he gets while showing you how to use them.
- I have a feeling that he doesn’t like winter; for obvious reasons, and whenever it comes around, all he wants to do is stay inside with you and do indoor activities. If you were to want to go out, it’d take you a while to persuade him and even if you did; or were only going out by yourself, he’d spend forever bundling you up and making up a bunch of rules to keep you safe.
- Probably dealing with his ghostly self every now and again. I have a feeling that the Lazurus machines effects occasionally wear off for a little while from time to time so while he’s alive most of the time, you do have moments of spooky transparency as well.
- Pranking each other and other people. He might be a sweetheart but he also has a bit of a mischievous streak.
- Him always wanting to show you whatever cool thing he sees, does, finds, or hears about. Just being able to share things with you makes him happy.
- Listening to his stories from when he was alive or the decades he wasn’t.
- Fixing up his room for him and hanging out up there with all his toys.
- Being gifted some of his mothers things. Dresses, jewelry, stuff like that.
- His uncles bothering the two of you. They’re constantly harassing and teasing you; just try to pay them no mind.
- Standing up for him when his uncles are being more awful than usual.
- He might be the only person you can really bond with in your town, considering the fact that whenever you have anybody over, they’re almost always harassed by his uncles and scared away. Which Casper may or may not be sort of happy about.
- Casper gets jealous pretty easily. Anytime another guy takes interest in you, he always feels the need to mock them behind their backs or be passive aggressively not so friendly whenever they approach you when you’re out with him. It’s best to not bring up guys in your class unless it’s obvious that they only like you as a friend; but even then he’d wonder why you need friends (even if they’re girls) other than him.
- He’s sort of overprotective of you. He just got his life back so he certainly doesn’t want anything bad happening and putting yours in danger.
- He absolutely hates fighting so whenever the two of you have an argument, he’s always quick to try and settle it and apologize; even if he doesn’t really think he’s done anything wrong.
- Saying “I love you” isn’t really his forte. He prefers saying and doing other things to show you that he does.
- The two of you sort of just have to go with the flow and see where your relationship takes you. You don’t know how exactly the rest of his “life” will go so you just try to enjoy the present and what you have right now.
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lacking-hydration · 4 years
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The gang went to Disney World...
Dibs is a little lost, but he's just happy to be with his friends
Dibs is just happy to be here
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friday-iam-in-love · 5 years
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Casper (as a dark mystery TV show)
Friendship, Maine. 1895. The quiet city turns upside down when the son of the famous local scientist, 17-years-old Casper (Timothée Chalamet), is reported missing after a terrible snowstorm. Months have passed and the town gives up finding him and an empty coffin is buried in the cemetery of the Whipstaff Mansion.
One hundred years later, Kat Harvey (Zendaya) and her father, Dr. James Harvey (Idris Elba), move to the abandoned Whipstaff Mansion in search of a fresh start after the girl’s mother died. But they did not expect to find their deceased residents still living there.
After sealing a friendship with the friendly ghost, Kat has only one concern: find out who killed Casper McFadden. 
Timothée Chalamet as Casper McFadden, a seventeen-year-old boy who reportedly died after being caught by a snowstorm.
Ricky Gervais as Shepherd “Stretch” McFadden, the older brother, leader of the ghostly trio and the one with the evilest mind.
Jack Black as Forsythe “Fatso” McFadden, ignored by many, Fatso keeps terrible secrets under his mattress.
Sacha Baron Cohen as Sergei “Stinky” McFadden, the most playful of the three spirits, he takes no pains to play his tricks.
Zendaya as Kathleen “Kat” Harvey, a young girl who seeks a way to help those she loves.
Idris Elba as James Harvey, a parapsychologist with a broken heart.
Elle Fanning as Wendelyn “Wendy” Bradshaw, the youngest witch in the clan, Wendy will seal a very important friendship with a certain ghost that will bother her aunts.
Cate Blanchett as Gertrude “Gert” Bradshaw, clan leader and older sister, Gert will do everything to protect her magic and her position.
Angela Bassett as Gabrielle “Gabby” Bradshaw, she knows full well that the Whipstaff Mansion has seen far more murders than anyone might think.
Michelle Gomez as Fenicia “Fanny” Bradshaw, she would never have imagined that she would meet again that man she left dead nearly a century ago.
Jimmy Smits as Desmond Spellman, the world’s most powerful sorcerer sees a growing threat when a witch, a ghost and a human unite.
Eva Green as Carrigan Crittenden, the greedy businesswoman has only one goal: to find the McFadden Family long lost fortune.
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Is that DANIEL SHARMAN walking the streets of Sparkwood ?? No, it’s just CASPER MCFADDEN !! Before coming here, he once lived on the pages of CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST. Though now they currently spend time as a TOY INVENTOR. If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are OUTGOING but also RECLUSIVE. Let’s see how their story unravels this time.
Casper was once a lively child who liked to do most things that typical children do such as going outside, playing with other kids his age, and of course exploring 
He had an extremely active imagination as a child and that somewhat carried over into his adult life
When he was about six years old, he came down with pneumonia after staying outside in the cold for too long 
The doctors thought that he was going to die and his parents were prepared for the worst 
After staying in quarantine inside his house for a few months, Casper made a miracle recovery and was back to his usual happy self 
With a new appreciation for life because of his near death experience, he decided to live every day to its fullest 
Though over time he had discovered agoraphobia and decided to never set foot outside the manor, only watching the world below through his bedroom window 
His fear of the outside world only increased when his parents passed away in a car crash on their way home from the theater
His uncles who he was never really close with soon became his guardians and inherited all of his parent’s money, wasting it on food and frivolous things 
His uncles constantly mistreated him but Casper tried not to let it get him down, taking it with a grain of salt and just doing as he was told for approval 
To distract himself from his emotional pain he made toys for fun and sold them to several of the small shops in town 
He’s extremely friendly and slowly healing, taking small steps to make himself go outside and enjoy the world around him again 
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monstrousthingsrp · 7 years
Time Period Quick Reference:
Courtesy the lovely Erin (@incre-et-painture) we now have a handy-dandy little reference to help us all “flow with the times” without having to struggle between either spending precious time researching or winging it and hoping for the best! She actually lived in England during the period in which our game is set, so if you have additional questions about the setting she’ll be happy to help you out--
Although keep in mind that this is an alternate universe. As such, specific individual facts and historical events may be different. So don’t worry about getting bogged-down in the details; after all, this is a world in which The Cold War was replaced by The Worldwide Witchunt Wars. There probably was no Cuban Missile Crisis; there may not have even been a Space Race! We’ve left particular historical details vague enough that we can tailor them to suit whatever plot-points we all decide to develop.
So just as with the timeline, view the following as a reference guideline, not a checklist to obey!
This is probably the most important one for us, as unlike most Potterverse games we’re actually playing in a world where your character very well might have access to the sort of technology that we take for granted in our current lives -- albeit several generations older than what we’ve got on hand now!
Most computers operate using ethernet cords to connect to the internet, laptops weigh an extremely portable 52 pounds, basically, and camera phones are cutting edge technology. The pictures taken with them are notoriously grainy at this stage and definitely not the crystal clear video we’re used to.
Most mobile phones operate on a “top up” method where you pay for minutes. They’re called track phones in the U.K. Also, most people are paying per text message sent, but it’s still a popular method of communication. You can top up your minutes in most convenience stores and by calling into your provider’s number. There aren’t any smartphones, apps, and other things like that. Public payphones still exist, although they are fading out by this point.
Travel is done by taxi, bus, and tube. Lyft and Uber do not exist. Londoners love the Tube and definitely travel that way frequently. For frequent travelers, Oyster cards are refillable cards that are similar to the Metro cards we use in the US. In fact, 2004 was the first year that Oyster cards existed. They can also be used on the bus and train, but not on taxis.
Please also remember that trains are a popular method of travel for Europeans. They’re also very reliable and a great way to get around. (As for whether people would be comfortable sharing a carriage with someone who’s got stars by their eyes, well...)
Pop Culture: Sport
As much as it breaks my heart, Manchester United won the FA cup in 2004. (Mod Note: her Erin, maybe in this messed-up world West Ham isn’t a total lost cause? I mean, sport doesn’t have to have happened the same as it did in reality, and we’ve got so many crazy things going on here already -- wealthy Weasleys, werewolf-friendly Blacks, a living Regulus...stranger things could happen, right?)
For those of you interested in talking football, here are the league tables for that season. Please keep in mind that different teams are in different leagues so, if your character follows a team, make sure you know who they play. :)
Pop Culture: Telly
The Television lineup in Britain in real 2004-2005 contained the shows:
Little Britain
Still Game
Dr. Who (the new series had just started, but the reruns were still extremely popular and well-loved by a majority of British people)
The Doctors
Holby City
River City
Blue Peter
Strictly Come Dancing
And news is broadcast on the BBC News
For a comprehensive list, please see this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_programmes_broadcast_by_the_BBC
Please pay attention to the years listed for each program to make sure that it’s applicable...and feel free to make up shows of your own that might exist in this reality! Just keep in mind that TV in England was a much smaller, lower-budget, more contained entity than the overwhelming glut of channels going on in America.
Pop Culture: Music
This will be a painful trip for some of us. After all, I think we’d probably all rather forget that Kelis ever proclaimed that her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. However, it’s a sad fact that she did, and this is the time when it happened!
Now again, we are living in an alternate reality here, so feel free to make up other songs and singers and groups -- both mundane and magical; maybe the Weird Sisters and Celestina Warbeck don’t exist here (and maybe they do) but there are surely still some magical musicians (maybe some taking advantage of the “dangerous” aura their magic grants them, while others might try and downplay it) so please, let your imaginations run wild! Maybe this Brittany Spears never sang Toxic but rather Cursed...maybe this Goldie Lookin Chain wrote Wands Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do. Who knows, have fun! The following list is for reference so that you know what kind of music and what kind of bands (probably) exist in this world and this time. And, maybe, to give you all a trip -- pleasant or otherwise -- down nostalgia lane. Enjoy!
Here are the Top 100 Songs of 2004 in the UK:
01 Eamon ~ F**k It (I Don't Want You Back)
02 Eric Prydz ~ Call On Me
03 Anastacia ~ Left Outside Alone
04 DJ Casper ~ Cha Cha Slide
05 Usher featuring Lil' Jon & Ludacris ~ Yeah!
06 Frankee ~ FURB (F U Right Back)
07 Kelis ~ Milkshake
08 Mario Winans featuring Enya & P Diddy ~ I Don't Wanna Know
09 3 Of A Kind ~ Baby Cakes
10 Michelle McManus ~ All This Time
11 Britney Spears ~ Everytime
12 Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules ~ Mad World
13 Destiny's Child ~ Lose My Breath
14 The Shapeshifters ~ Lola's Theme
15 Outkast ~ Hey Ya!
16 LMC vs U2 ~ Take Me To The Clouds Above
17 O-Zone ~ Dragostea Din Tei
18 The Streets ~ Dry Your Eyes
19 Busted ~ Thunderbirds / 3AM
20 Usher ~ Burn
21 Britney Spears ~ Toxic
22 Natasha Bedingfield ~ These Words
23 Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne ~ Changes
24 Boogie Pimps ~ Somebody To Love
25 Kelis ~ Trick Me
26 The Rasmus ~ In The Shadows
27 Band Aid 20 ~ Do They Know It's Christmas?
28 Nelly ~ My Place / Flap Your Wings
29 D12 ~ My Band
30 McFly ~ 5 Colours In Her Hair
31 Girls Aloud ~ I'll Stand By You
32 Cassidy featuring R Kelly ~ Hotel
33 Jamelia ~ Thank You
34 Peter Andre ~ Mysterious Girl
35 Maroon 5 ~ This Love
36 Eminem ~ Just Lose It
37 Rachel Stevens ~ Some Girls
38 Khia ~ My Neck My Back (Lick It)
39 Christina Milian ~ Dip It Low
40 McFly ~ Obviously
41 JoJo ~ Leave (Get Out)
42 Deep Dish ~ Flashdance
43 Lemar ~ If There's Any Justice
44 J-Kwon ~ Tipsy
45 Will Young ~ Leave Right Now
46 Sean Paul featuring Sasha ~ I'm Still In Love With You
47 Brian McFadden ~ Real To Me
48 Girls Aloud ~ Love Machine
49 Katie Melua ~ The Closest Thing To Crazy
50 2Play featuring Raghav & Jucxi ~ So Confused
51 Twista ~ Sunshine
52 Sam & Mark ~ With A Little Help From My Friends / Measure Of A Man
53 Robbie Williams ~ Radio
54 Blue ~ Breathe Easy
55 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Shut Up
56 Twista ~ Slow Jamz
57 Busted ~ Who's David
58 Ice Cube featuring Mack 10 & Ms Toi ~ You Can Do It
59 U2 ~ Vertigo
60 Girls Aloud ~ The Show
61 N*E*R*D ~ She Wants To Move
62 Christina Aguilera featuring Missy Elliott ~ Car Wash
63 Nina Sky ~ Move Ya Body
64 Anastacia ~ Sick And Tired
65 Maroon 5 ~ She Will Be Loved
66 Ja Rule featuring R Kelly & Ashanti ~ Wonderful
67 Goldie Lookin Chain ~ Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do
68 The 411 ~ Dumb
69 Usher ~ Confessions Part II / My Boo
70 Special D ~ Come With Me
71 Kelis featuring Andre 3000 ~ Millionaire
72 Keane ~ Somewhere Only We Know
73 Duncan James & Keedie ~ I Believe My Heart
74 Jamelia ~ See It In A Boy's Eyes
75 Natasha Bedingfield ~ Single
76 The 411 featuring Ghostface Killah ~ On My Knees
77 Franz Ferdinand ~ Take Me Out
78 Gwen Stefani ~ What You Waiting For?
79 Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula ~ Good Luck
80 George Michael ~ Amazing
81 D12 ~ How Come
82 Kylie Minogue ~ I Believe In You
83 4-4-2 ~ Come On England
84 Jay Sean featuring The Rishi Rich Project ~ Eyes On You
85 Avril Lavigne ~ My Happy Ending
86 Rachel Stevens ~ More More More
87 Enrique featuring Kelis ~ Not In Love
88 Ultrabeat ~ Feelin' Fine
89 Jennifer Lopez ~ Baby I Love U
90 Green Day ~ American Idiot
91 The Streets ~ Fit But You Know It
92 Sugababes ~ Too Lost In You
93 Victoria Beckham ~ This Groove / Let Your Head Go
94 Ronan Keating ~ She Believes (In Me)
95 Shaznay Lewis ~ Never Felt Like This Before
96 Britney Spears ~ My Prerogative
97 Ashlee Simpson ~ Pieces Of Me
98 Busted ~ Air Hostess
99 Outkast featuring Sleepy Brown ~ The Way You Move
100 The Black Eyed Peas ~ Hey Mama
For the rest of 2004 in music in the real world, please go to this wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_in_British_music_charts
Random Stuff:
Since the standard closing time for a pub is 11 PM, that’s when “Needles” closes. There are after-hours nightclubs, and people probably go to them, but Needles does its last call at 10:45.
Prostitution is not illegal in Britain, but running a brothel is. Basically, a person can sell themselves, but you can’t sell other people. (I just feel like this is useful information.)
Gun Control Laws had banned both automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Rifles were still allowed for those with hunting permits.
Courtesy Millie @theinvisibleboi: 2004 is also the year Facebook launched (although at that point it would have still been restricted to school e-mail accounts) and the Olympics were held in Athens, in case anyone wanted to feel old! (Probably wix would not be allowed to compete...but if anyone wants to create some kind of controversial Olympics history or event for this world, or otherwise alter history to conform to to AU, please feel free!)
Again, please use this wonderful collection of data that Erin has so helpfully provided us with for as general reference, not uncompromising and stone-set facts that you must know, utilize, and memorize! None of us are expert historians and unless you do something really obvious like reference an iPhone or One Direction, we aren’t going to call you out on it -- especially when an “error” might just be a difference between this world and our own. This is just to help you get in the “vibe” of the time period, not information that you’ll be tested on later. So don’t panic, stay loose, and feel free to get creative!
Thanks once more to Erin for putting this together for all of us, and remember that if you have questions about anything else regarding England in 2005, please feel free to message her and she’ll help out as best she can!
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mpsansy · 21 days
Just as a random thing,
Fatso in his past as a human did many activities. His most favorite was boxing. And around the time he was taking care of Casper, the kid got curious about the sport and wanted to try. Didn’t take long before the kid’s punches got stronger. All that’s to say the kid gets a little of his uncle’s expertise in fighting from Fatso (Franklin). Least knowing how to throw a proper punch and making it really hurt
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