#cassandra x feminquisitor
maintitle · 1 year
Since this has become kind of a center of fanfiction for me, I wanted to mention I do in fact have an Ao3 account and write on there sporadically!  Mostly it’s sporadic one-shots and incomplete, rarely updated Marvel series, but I just finished a near-100 page series of short stories and journals for my DA characters!  Check them out if you feel like it!
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liveinink · 4 years
A multi Inquisitor friendship fic with a F!Adaar/Cassandra focus
Follows a previous fic but can be read alone
“Okay,” Nikka Adaar dispelled the flame in her hand as she finished lighting the candles. “Okay,” She took a steadying breath. “Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” Maxwell teased. “It’s not like you’ve spent countless hours, weeks, months, however long, planning this in intricate detail.”
It would probably be wrong to mind blast the Herald of Andraste. Tempting though.
Nikka looked around the space she’d set up. She picked the spot where she and Cassandra had first begun their relationship. It was private, peaceful, symbolic. It was perfect. And Cassandra deserved perfect.
But was it perfect? Nikka inspected the small space her fellow inquisitors had helped her set up. The candles, the flowers... she had tried to keep it romantic but simple, she worried she’d overdo it otherwise, but was it enough? She supposed what she was going to say was more important than the setting, but she couldn’t afford to worry about that right now. She’d planned, she’d practiced, she couldn’t allow herself to become even more anxious and distracted.
“Nikka,” Trista called over to her gently. “Don’t listen to Max, everything is fine.”
The human mage was finishing stringing magically lit baubles in the nearby trees. She and Nikka had created them together, and now they looked even better than Nikka had envisioned.
“Trista’s right,” Blair agreed with her sister, handing her another string of lights. “Nikka, you’ve thought of pretty much everything. In fact, you’ve probably over planned. Not to a ridiculous degree, but... I think Cassandra would love almost anything you did for her.”
Nikka felt her heart rate slow just a little. Even if it didn’t take away the fear, deep down she knew Blair was right.
“And you,” Blair gently kicked her brother. “We’re here for moral support, not to make things worse.”
Maxwell held up his one hand in false surrender.
“I’m sorry, Nikka,” he said. “No more teasing.”
“I forgive you,” Nikka said. “I’m also not sure if I believe you.”
“That’s fair.”
Nikka watched the Trevelyan siblings continue their tasks, and satisfied with their efforts, checked in on her dwarven and elven friends.
Kyla and Alariel were stringing flower petals into garlands, and doing a lovely job of it.
“These are wonderful,” Nikka said warmly. “Thank you.”
“Alariel deserves most of the credit,” Kyla clasped the elf’s shoulder. “I had no idea what I was doing at first, he had to teach me how to get started.”
“And you learned quickly, and did just as much of the work as I did,” Alariel said. “Do not give yourself too little credit.”
“Alright, we did it together,” Kyla agreed as she picked up another handful of petals. “Shared credit.”
“Honestly, shared credit applies to most things we do, doesn’t it?” Nikka said.
“We Inquisitors?” Alariel said. “Yes, we have done a great deal together. Though, arguably, Maxwell has borne the burnt of it all as the Herald.”
“Oh, what’s one hand in exchange for a safer world?”
Maxwell sauntered over, a big smile on his face as per usual. His sisters followed just behind him, presumably finished with their task.
Whatever was said next, Nikka missed. She had noticed the sun going down, dusk falling, and realized that Cassandra would arrive soon. Because Nikka had asked her to meet her here at dusk. Just like once before. Why had she been so confident then, yet so nervous now? The fear of her efforts not being good enough, her plans not prepared enough... adrenaline had already been coursing through her all day, but now, with so little time left before Cassandra arrived, doubt had gripped her heart.
Trista’s brought Nikka out of her trance.
“Nikka,” Trista said very gently. “Do you honestly think Cassandra will say no?”
Nikka took a deep breath.
“No, I wouldn’t be proposing if I didn’t know this was what we both wanted. That’s not what I’m nervous about.”
The others allowed her a pause.
“Cassandra deserves to have everything she wants. I just want to know I got it right for her.”
Her fellow Inquisitors threw glances at each other. They were all smiling.
“Nikka,” Blair said warmly. “You did.”
“How do you know?” Nikka said.
“Because I’ve been proposed to.” Blair said. “I didn’t anticipate Sera’s proposal, but it was exactly what I wanted. Because it was her. And it was us, and I loved every moment of it.”
“I can concur,” Kyla said. “It didn’t matter to me how Cullen proposed, I was just happy that he did.”
“And speaking as someone who has been the proposer,” Trista said. “At least for me... once Josie was in front of me it was easy. Because... you know those moments where you feel the full strength of your love for someone?”
Nikka nodded.
“When I knew I was going to ask her, and she was there in front of me, any nervousness I may have had was overwhelmed by love. I needed to ask her to marry me, and it wasn’t difficult at all. Everything was exactly right because we loved each other.”
Nikka closed her eyes, let herself steady.
“You’re right,” she smiled softly. “Cass and I have already discussed marriage, we both know it’s something we want. I still want it all to be perfect, and against all reason a small part of me still doubts, but I do know that nothing else matters as much as me asking and her saying yes.”
“Exactly,” Kyla said. “It will be perfect because of the two of you. I get wanting to make it special, but you have to know it already is.”
“Right,” Nikka nodded. “It’s already special.”
“Now,” Kyla said, laying down her finished garland. “How about we distracted you by teasing the boys about dragging their feet?”
“I’m not dragging my feet,” Alariel offered a small smile. “Dorian has many other important things he has to manage. I would not wish to put any further burden on him.”
“You think you proposing would be a burden?” Kyla asked.
Alariel laid down his last garland.
“Not exactly,” he said. “If I ask him to marry me, he may feel it unfair to make me wait. I wouldn’t want him to feel any pressure to rush into a wedding to please me.”
“Alariel, that’s a conversation you can have with him,” Blair said. “You can tell him you’re happy to wait.”
“Perhaps so.” Alariel said. “I just worry that my asking in itself will seem like an unwillingness to wait, even if I explain otherwise.”
“That can be part of that conversation between the two of you,” Blair said.
“Well, you do make communication sound awfully sensible,” Alariel said.
“Indeed,” Kyla said. “And what about you, Max?”
Maxwell was uncharacteristically silent.
“Thom and I have been through a lot, both together and apart,” Maxwell absentmindedly cradled the end of his arm in his hand. “We’ve helped each other heal. You know I’m not much good at planning ahead. There were always other things to think about, other ways we were building our relationship. Other ways we were growing as people.”
He paused.
“Perhaps it is time to start thinking about further commitment. Marriage hadn’t been on my mind, but... I think that is what I want. And maybe he doesn’t want to wait anymore. There is a bit of an age gap between us, maybe he’s ready for settling down. And maybe I don’t mind.”
It was rare to see Maxwell so unguardedly thoughtful. But that meant he was serious, and that he cared a great deal.
“It’s a conversation to have with him, at least,” Maxwell said. “We talk about what we want.”
They all let the silence be for a moment. They could be comfortable in it together.
“Well,” Alariel said. “I think this is as long as we can be by your side. Any longer and we risk ruining your solitude with Cassandra.”
“Of course,” Nikka could feel her nerves coming back at the thought of being left alone.
Alariel gently clasped her shoulders.
“I think I can speak for all of us when I say we were glad to be here, offering solace for as long as we could. But now it is time for just you and your beloved. It would not be the same if we were here when she arrived.” “And you know it, because that was exactly the plan you laid out for us,” Maxwell said, his smile returning.
“I know,” Nikka nodded. “I know.”
“Trust me,” Trista said. “It will be easier than you fear.”
“You’re right,” Nikka said. “I’ll be alright.”
It was not said with great confidence, but it was a start.
Nikka watched her friends disappear, and tried not to scare herself in the solitude. Over thinking was easier to curtail with someone to talk to. That was why she’d asked her friends to wait with her in the first place. In the silence worry was harder to overcome.
She inspected the all the elements of her setup too many times; candles, flowers, strung lights and garlands, nothing was out of place. Yet she kept checking. And pacing.
She heard footsteps approaching.
A wave of adrenaline rushed through her. The waiting was ending, and now all she could do was play out her plan. Possibly with some spur-of-the-moment alterations, she knew not everything was likely to go according to script.
But they would go right.
A sense of calm overtook her. Now that the moment was here... she knew it would be alright. However it went, it would be alright. Because Cassandra loved her. She knew that.
Cassandra stepped into view. And she smiled so fondly at Nikka.
The fear was gone, at least in this moment. Because Nikka loved Cassandra. And that, in all its depth, was all she felt. And it was all that she needed to make this night perfect.
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restlessxgirls · 6 years
O Seeker Still Seeking by Grace Kay (Drummerchick7) Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games) Relationships: Female Lavellan/Cassandra Pentaghast, Female Amell/Leliana, Ser Cauthrien/Josephine Montilyet, Cullen Rutherford/OC Series: ← Previous Work Part 5 of the Forbidden Magic series Next Work → Words: 200349 Chapters: 48/48 Summary: The Breach threatens the world, and the only person who can do a thing about it doesn’t even know how she got here.
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lavellancakes · 9 years
There needs to be about 1000x more Cassandra x FemInquisitor fics
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liveinink · 4 years
Cassandra/F!Adaar fic. Story under the cut as well as at the link.
It was a gentle night. Serene. Still. Quiet. Nikka lay comfortably in her bed, running one hand languidly through Cassandra’s hair. Cassandra had become engrossed in a book, and was still up reading, though Nikka didn’t mind. She loved how engaged Cassandra was in her books, how much joy she gained from them. It was utterly adorable. And some of the books were really quite good. Not all. But a fair number.
So Nikka laid with her eyes close, Cassandra resting her head on her shoulder, and everything, finally, right in the world. For now at least. They’d closed the Breach. Corypheus was gone. They had time.
So Nikka couldn’t help but smile to herself. What more could she ask for?
Well, if she was being honest, there was a future she dreamed of. She did have hopes and desires. But a significant number of them focused on the woman laying in her arms. So really, everything was just as it should be. No need to rush.
“What is it?” Cassandra’s voice broke Nikka from her reverie.
“You sighed.”
“Did I?” Nikka hadn’t noticed.
“Yes.” Cassandra looked away from her book. “Contentedly, I think.”
“You’d be right.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.” Cassandra turned to face Nikka. “I’m glad you’re here, and whole, and alive.”
“That got seriously rather suddenly.”
“Don’t make jokes. I feared for your life days ago, I’m allowed to celebrate your safety.”
“Certainly.” Nikka said. “But you don’t have to fear for me anymore.”
“We both know that’s not true. I will always worry about you. I love you”
The corner of Nikka’s lips quirked up into a ghost of a smile.
“And I you. But right now, here, in this moment we are safe. There are no burdens on our shoulders just yet. Let’s not get too weighed down by what has been or will be.”
Cassandra continued to hold Nikka’s gaze for a moment longer before letting out a sigh.
“You’re right. Let us simply enjoy each other company for tonight.”
“Agreed.” Nikka smiled. “And you have not yet told me if the princess and the knight get together.”
“Oh, it is awful!” Cassandra picked her book up again. “The cultists have the knight captured...”
Nikka listened intently with a smile never fading from her face. Maker, how she loved this woman. And now she could finally look forward to the future unhindered. Joyful possibility swelled in her chest.
If the world had any further obstacles to place in her path, she felt certain she could meet them now. Whatever doubts may have been, wiped away with recent victory. They saved the world. Surely nothing worse then what they already faced would come their way.
“But it is growing late, and this is probably a good place to stop for tonight.” Cassandra closed her book, and set it aside.
Nikka let Cassandra cuddle further into her.
“Comfortable?” Nikka kissed the top of Cassandra’s head.
“Yes, thank you.” Nikka could hear the smile in Cassandra’s voice. “Goodnight, Nikka.”
“Goodnight, my love.”
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restlessxgirls · 6 years
The Fire We Make by 0_jtboi_SR2 Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/F Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Cassandra Pentaghast, Inquisitor/Cassandra Pentaghast, Cassandra Pentaghast/Female Trevelyan Characters: Cassandra Pentaghast, Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Female Trevelyan Additional Tags: nsfw-ish, it's not super graphic but the're some sexy times, cass ain't straight y'all Words: 7273 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Trevelyan, embarrassed by a uncomfortable interaction at the training yards, tries to compose an apology to Cassandra. Unfortunately, the wrong version of her note gets delivered. Based on the letter mix-up in Ian McEwan's "Atonement."
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