#cassposting on main
i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
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Since he's all I can think about today have some Cass tattoo sketches
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
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New title and (C)ass
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i-mybrunettelady · 4 months
wip whenever
i was tagged by @archesa! this isn't a gw2 wip, admittedly, but rather a modern au smut scene of cass and one of boyfriends, aka my otp cassmel!! will be tagged appropriately, but be aware there's smut under the cut:
“You’re not helping your case whatsoever, sweetheart,” Melchior says, and moves a hand to stroke up my neck. “She’s not at fault here. If anything, you’re just adding more reasons for that cock ring.” He then looks me in the eye. His gaze is smoldering. “But you want it, do you not? You want it so desperately you are willing to act out to get it?” Breaking eye contact is a struggle. The room falls down to us, to his hand on my skin, to the tips of our noses touching. He’s cutting off room to breathe, almost; but I don’t need air, not when he’s looking at me like that, not when that question hangs in the air. Kathan makes a noise in the background. The counter is my only refuge against the tension under my skin.  Melchior has a way of doing that when he wants to, in a way nobody else does. When he traps me, it feels like safety. With him, the gates of the cage are wide open, but I want to stay inside the bars. A lifetime ago, I would’ve run away from that. Now, I don’t really feel like I need to.  “Kiss me, please,” I say, unable to verbalize any of that. “Before the– the monster contraption, can you just kiss me? Please?”  “Of course,” he says softly. The kiss is deep, yet gentle; his touch is less constricting, and it feels like a warm cocoon despite the fact that he’s about to be very fucking mean to me. The combination makes my head spin, a cocktail of hormones, feelings and hardons, and I hold on tight as his tongue plays with mine and guides it to where he needs it to be. Melchior’s hand slides down to cup my cock - a small, casual squeeze that has me moaning into his mouth before it’s gone far too soon.  “You’re so responsive, darling,” he says and seals the words with a chaste kiss. “Too bad there won’t be any relief for you for this anytime soon.” 
tagging: @antariies @accidentallyadorable @mistrall-art @brightwingedbat @commanderhorncleaver @little-leaf-man @commander-gloryforge @ashalsdream @tricksterpale and anyone else who wants to participate! let's start this trend in gw2 fandom too <3
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i-mybrunettelady · 9 months
a story of how (not) to be a big head
Summary: A Pact camp finds itself with a strange Mordrem on their door. It's Renira's duty to sort it out. Content warnings: Slight violence. Spoilers: None.
There’s commotion in the camp. Renira inwardly curses it - the camp was quiet for once, without any bigger threats, and she had half a thought to sleep a little. The looks Doern was giving her were quite worrisome. She can only imagine how she looks. 
But there’s little time to rest in war, so she grabs her pistol from a nearby table, fixes her face so it doesn’t show how annoyed the news has made her, and leaves. As the highest ranked officer in the camp, it’s her duty. The thought makes her head spin; she’d never envisioned herself in this role. She’s always been a good infiltrator, a good spy, but a good Commander? That’s above her spy training. That requires adapting to. 
That’s also what Nyra does best. Oh, she’s there too! It’s still a little unclear whether Nyra technically outranks her in the matters of the Pact army - she is their military arm after all, and Renira is their spymistress. But they share a rank and a title. Renira needs to be there, though she is a little glad she can probably safely defer to Nyra’s expertise on this issue. 
Her tired mind would be very grateful. 
“What’s happening?” she asks the first person she comes across, an asura in Vigil uniform. Their eyes are panicked. 
“Warmaster Bjornsdottir and her team came back,” they tell her. “They brought.. A Mordrem back.” 
“A Mordrem?” Renira keeps her voice steady. “Has it been brought aside for questioning?” 
“He,” the asura replies. “Vehemently opposes being referred to as it and insists that it.. He won’t talk to us otherwise.” 
“Mordrem know of gender identity?” She makes a mental note of that. 
“Apparently. Commander Sulver, this Mordrem.. He’s strange. Looks more like a sylvari than the husks we fight. The Warmaster said he fought with them and killed his own brethren. He’s tied up, just in case of any danger, but so far he’s not caused harm to us.” A pause. “He does have thorns for a tongue, though.” 
“So I should be wary of bites,” Renira nods. “Your help is much appreciated, soldier. Leave the rest to Commander Ainsaph and me.” 
The asura gratefully nods and runs along. She steels her nerves - that Mordrem looks to be a right pain the ass, even if she’s cautiously curious about him - and makes her way to where Warmaster Bjornsdottir and her team are. And true to the soldier’s words, she holds a Mordrem by the hair. 
Yeah, this might just be the strangest Mordrem she’s seen in her life. His bark is a deep green, and in the dying light of day, the high points of his sharp face are starting to glow a bright red. Red horns grow between strands of red foliage, long enough to reach his waist. Red, blood-like patterns splash his neck and go down his chest and lower, hidden by the torn, leafy clothes. 
But what she focuses most of her attention on are his eyes - dark red, glowing, with unsettling, golden irises. And when he notices she’s watching, they turn to her, unblinking. Then his eyes widen. “You’re one of us!” 
“I am not working for Mordremoth,” Renira explains cooly. 
“Obviously not, I’m not fucking stupid, but what I meant is, you have magic like us. Like me. I’d wiggle my fingers to make an illusion or two but your ridiculously harmless friends tied my fingers too.” A laughter, maniacally amused. “Is it true you people tie each other up for funsies?” 
“For funsies?” Renira repeats. Bjornsdottir repositions herself and uses her free hand to slap him across the face. “Some people are aroused by being slapped too. I see you’re not one of them.” 
“Not particularly,” he says, voice subdued. Someone laughs from the gathering crowd. “Ouch.”
“That’s our guy?” Nyra suddenly intones, and any clamor the hit might’ve caused dies down. “Our strange little Mordrem?” 
“What a delightful lot you people are,” he scoffs. “Guy surrenders and doesn’t fight back and what does he get?” 
“You are in an enemy camp,” Nyra reminds him. “Since you surrendered, we will not harm you. Aisanne, let his hair go.” 
Aisanne looks Nyra in the eye and then, begrudgingly, lets go. Mordrem's head falls forward. “Fucking finally,” he mutters. 
“Do you have a name?” 
“Kassandros,” he says and looks at the state he’s in. Renira thinks his arms, pulled back, must be aching by now. She stretches her neck to see if his fingers are really tied. They are; that was a smart call. That limits one type of spellcasting he could use. He catches her looking once more. “It’s more dignified than the situation I’m in right now, in case you were wondering.” 
Renira tilts her head. Her chest tightens for a mere moment before she lets it go. “Life rarely is dignified,” she simply says. 
“Mm, quite. And where’s the Commander? The big bad dragon slayer?” 
“Big and bad?” Nyra lifts a brow and smiles slightly. “That’s one way to talk about me, certainly.” 
Renira watches. They were all on the Glory of Tyria when Zhaitan fell, though history will most likely remember the one who fired from the cannons and not the ones who killed the lifeless minions around them. But it is expected. Careless, maybe a little reckless, but a challenge to the dragon nonetheless. If it were up to Renira, she wouldn’t reveal anything until absolutely necessary. 
But that’s not Nyra, is it? Besides, it takes the focus away from Renira. The way Kassandros looks at her, studies her, even without using his magic, makes her skin crawl. She’s been told she has a similar effect before. She does not appreciate being seen like this. 
“Knew it’d be you - or someone like you, anyway. You just seem like the type to oh so bravely walk up to a dragon and maybe die for the audacity.” 
Nyra’s smile drops. “I am sworn to protect Tyria from them,” she says sharply. “Just as you turned your back on your own. That’s equally fucking ballsy, and might just get you killed long before your master ever finds out about it. I’d pick my words more wisely if I were you.” 
“Noted, Commander,” he grins and they only have a glint of his fangs before Bjornsdottir’s levelling her fist at him again. This time around, he flies to the side, groaning when his head hits the grass with a thud. 
“I know you said no harm, Commander,” Bjornsdottir says, “but he’s making this into extraordinary circumstances.”
“Honestly, would’ve done the same myself at some point, probably,” Nyra shrugs. Kassandros stares at her with wide eyes, panting. 
“Listen, I bear no more love for the leafy bastard than you,” he says as he tries to sit up and falls down. “In fact, I hate him. I hate him, I hate the spawn of my mother he made. I hate my siblings, I hate the control, I loathe it all! They can all go fuck themselves for all I care! And you people are the best shot of doing just that. So I’m on your side. I’m helping you.” His angry, unsettling gaze passes between the three women around him, made all the worse by his helpless position on the ground. Nobody makes a move to help. “I ask for protection in exchange for information and aid. I know how my people work. I know the jungle–” 
Aisanne bristles. 
“I know the jungle, okay, okay, no need to hit me again,” he breathes out. “All I ask is protection. And you’re getting so much in return.” He closes his eyes and sighs.
Everyone falls silent.
“It’s… It’s true that we need a better layout of the jungle and of the Mordrem,” Renira says after a moment. “I mean no offense, Warmaster Bjornsdottir, but wouldn’t your job be easier if we had a better layout of the place we’re trying to fight in?”
“Then I’ll make one,” Aisanne says and bores her eyes into Kassandros. “But– He did fight with us. He didn’t resist the capture. He did surrender.” 
“Ren, is there any mesmer magic currently active on him, if you can notice it?” Nyra asks. 
“If I could, it’d be shitty magic,” Renira replies and makes a few steps forward. “And I do not think our Mordrem is an amateur.” 
“Thank you?” Kassandros pipes up, more than a little confused and bewildered.
“We can always call our Priory arcanists,” Renira continues. “Elandrin isn’t here, unfortunately. But he’s not the only Arcanist in our ranks.”
“Do it. I’ll consider the option if they say there’s nothing.” Nyra waves a hand to the nearest soldier to go look for any Arcanist they can find. Of course it’s all down to her. Renira smiles. “And in the meantime, for the fuck’s sake, help the guy sit up.” 
“How very generous of you,” Kassandros whispers when a scout helps him up. He still looks angry, but his voice is more subdued this time. If Renira had to guess, he’s aware of what situation he’s in and acts more or less accordingly. And for what it’s worth, he doesn’t seem to be lying. She’s made lies her trade, after all. She would have a very good idea of what lying looks like. 
He gives her a long, lingering look. His clothes are only barely tethered to him. His face contorts in a grimace whenever he tries to get his arms in a more comfortable position. The image is familiar, almost too familiar, another life flashing before her eyes in the rare few instances Vera had a reflective surface to catch a glimpse of herself. 
It’s a face Renira doesn’t remember, but she remembers the rags, the anger, the aches. Kassandros presses his lips tightly together, swallows thickly and something flashes in his eyes for a moment before he looks at Aisanne and Nyra. Aisanne frowns. Nyra observes with an emotionless face, but Renira knows there’s a morsel of empathy in her heart. 
A trick to garner sympathy, she tells herself, but the pain in his eyes was as clear as the horns on his head. She knows of such pain. She doesn’t trust fully, but she trusts that it’s there, even if a little played up. A part of her, the less rational one, thinks that you can’t lie about it. The rational one thinks you absolutely can. 
She supposes the decision is not hers. Nyra seems more than happy to make it - and face the consequences afterwards.
Yet, just maybe, she’s already trying to think of people who might watch him. 
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i-mybrunettelady · 6 months
thinking abt mordrem!cass joining the pact's raiding team after mordremoth kicks the bucket. and this guy? he doesn't look very sylvari. he has fangs and claws and curved red horns. nobody feels at ease with him around, especially not sylvari themselves. he takes the name kassandros of dusk because, well, kassandros is his name and he vaguely remembers dusk back when he was a.. mordremling? so he gets a fancy heroic name for himself.
but he needs something to do and he is a talented mesmer, so it's not like they'll turn him down. the isolating he gets does get to him; he never quite felt at home in maguuma, nor does he find a warmer reception in tyria, yet he refuses to glamour his claws and horns. it's not his fault he awoke the way he did. it's not his fault mordremoth is the bad guy everyone's still weary of.
he also doesn't understand any political implication of the events of HoT raids. he asks questions and learns stuff, but a lot of it is still beyond him bc he doesn't have the whole story yet. so he's like, 'how do you people function like this' every time. but he's insanely curious and is having fun learning abt stuff!
if only people didn't see him as a monster, that is. that's a small little thing.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
I am YEARS late to this party but I am BEGGING Mr. John Arenanet to make all hairs applicable to both male and female models 😭 Here I am, staring at Cass art, reminded all too badly that I'd make him as THEEF in a fucking heartbeat if he had access to hair like the fem norn models. Everything else I can (more or less reasonably) make on male models if I have to. Sonboy would look dope as HELL with the Sanne braid. 😭
I am begging Anet you know what to do if you want my money pls
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i-mybrunettelady · 6 months
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my (mordrem) son will not be freezing this wintersday
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i-mybrunettelady · 24 days
From the profession asks: ele and mesmer 7 and engie 9?
ele asks are here <3
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7. On a scale of ‘none’ to ‘I’m never even in the same room I appear to be in’, how many layers of illusions do they prefer to stay hidden behind?
ren: currently, zero. she prefers physical changes between personas for jobs, such as dyeing her hair and shit, and uses minimal illusions for fear of getting found out by other mesmers, even if she can hide her magic well. but she is happy where she is now, she has no reason to hide, so she doesn't wear any illusions and just appears as herself - as herself as she can be, anyways.
cass: likewise, zero. he's never been anything but modrem and he refuses, consciously, to hide his claws, horns and fangs, because he doesn't know what else to be. he's not a dreamer, nor a soundless. he's not welcome in sylvari communities, who would've clocked him regardless. he simply doesn't feel the need to, deep down.
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9. What’s their engineering style? (for example; steampunk, magi-tech, futuristic, jade tech)
liv is very interested in all sorts of engineering; he started with more of a steampunk style, but he's looking into magi-tech (as he's come to accept his magic more and more) + he wants to make weapons that will actually suit their owners who might have magic, as well as jade tech.
one thing he absolutely keeps no matter what is the combo of aesthetics + efficiency of his designs. it's the iron legion upbringing speaking and you know charr like pretty weapons, even if their culture is very militaristic.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 month
For the screenshot gw2 thing: character of your choice, 2,4 and 12
Hello anon! Sorry for being late for this but life caught up with me!!! Anyways I have some screenies for you :) my mordrem son Kassandros (or, more commonly known as Cassander Inteus elsewhere) and three different locations!
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Dry top because he wanted to show off his new slippers
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Maguuma hellscape (Tangled Depths here)
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And confusion and anxiety in the Grove when you're visibly mordrem in a world of sylvari
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i-mybrunettelady · 9 months
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it's cassposting on main, mordrem edition
bonus snoot under the cut because i'm normal about him
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i-mybrunettelady · 10 months
From the tarot asks: ALL of swords for Cass? >:3c
Cassposting on main
━━╋⊂ Ace of Swords - what is the most recent problem your character has had to solve?
Honestly, how to get Lethalis to get him a job. And for that, his tactic was be an ass but also make good points so they can't say you're dumb. And it worked! He's hired by Umbria Guildmage Lethalis!
━━╋⊂ Two of Swords - has there ever been a time your character has ignored their emotions in favor of logic?
Rarely; Cass has an impulsive streak a mile wide, but I wouldn't say he's forsaken all logic. In fact, his usual MO is a mixture of both. That being said, he is more emotion-driven.
━━╋⊂ Three of Swords - what was the worst betrayal of trust your character has ever experienced?
Without a doubt, Theokleia. There's nothing quite like being let down by your own mother.
━━╋⊂ Four of Swords - has your character ever taken a vacation?
I'd say so? He likes to travel and he really likes the Coveran Republic, so I like to think he traveled there as often as he could before the Spire fell. Also, Gairloch mountains with Aeran!
━━╋⊂ Five of Swords - what is the harshest thing your character has ever said?
I can even quote it! It's from On Theokleia, my mother / Ties that sever, ties that bind (I'm so weirdly attached to that lil series. Please go read the Ties. I put so much work in it and I'm so proud of that one in particular.)
“Vestra’s great and honorable?” I bark out a sharp, angry laugh. “Can’t speak for the rest of you assholes, but you? You’re nobody’s great and honorable. You’re just a brood mare for the family legacy. You, Theokleia, are insignificant, there to give little heirs for the other part of your name, Inteus. If I called you by any other name, it would still remain the same. A brood mare for this fucked up legacy of flawless magic. That’s all you are.”
━━╋⊂ Six of Swords - how does your character deal with pain? Emotional, physical and/or mental pain.
He's a crier! He powers through physical pain, though he will use it as a chance to acquire attention and cuddles, but generally speaking, he is a crier and deals with pain by crying it out.
━━╋⊂ Seven of Swords - what is the worst instance of your character being manipulative?
I wouldn't call Cass manipulative, exactly; he walks the fine line between persuasive and manipulative, courtesy of being a dickhead, so no instance comes to mind immediately, though I'm sure there will be. He's got no big moral qualms about being a little manipulative.
━━╋⊂ Eight of Swords - who is your character’s harshest critic?
Himself! His self esteem is in the gutter and his worst hater is himself. Only kind word he has to say for himself is that he has great hair and is smart.
━━╋⊂ Nine of Swords - what is the worst nightmare your character has ever endured?
Spire's fall and the three years after it that he refuses to talk about because he has no idea how he made it out alive at all. It's also a period where he, in a self-report, lost whatever dignity he had left.
━━╋⊂ Ten of Swords - was there a time your character has ever hit “rock bottom”?
Spire's fall and the three years after it
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i-mybrunettelady · 11 months
🖊🖊 for Cass! :3c
🖊️ He enjoys reading romances. He likes classical literature as well, but he's very much into a good romance. It's just a subject matter both relevant to his interests and a source of what he feels like he can't have often in real life. But he doesn't have much time to read often.
🖊️ Out of all the weapons he had to train with growing up, he was the worst with the bow. He's reasonably good with throwing knives, but bows and arrows are just passable, and that with an extra effort from baby Cass 😂
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
i can't recall whether you've talked about this before, but how would the beloved sonboy fare if he was in gw2?
Hey!!! No, I haven't because I'm still figuring it out (I'm prolly not gonna make him in game, as I have one more uniquely gw2 character idea to do when I get a new slot) but I can speculate.
My main gripe is that I don't have all the design choices I need to make him. Anet seems to think freckles are not for masc models (seriously there are no male freckled humanoid faces, either on human or norn, although if I'm wrong please correct me) and long hair (the length I need, that is, which is very fem model oriented) is as well! Norn tattoos work great on him, but the bodies are not very Cass-esque. Only semblance of Cassander Inteus I was able to produce was with sylvari and here are the results, for funsies, and do forgive the weird crop:
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Anyway, to now answer your question fully - sylvari!Cass would probably be one of the two unnamed firstborn who had a big, nasty fight with the Pale Tree and left the Grove very early. Would be a shit commander, so I don't see Pacts in his future. I can see him as a mesmer, or maybe thief, or maybe an overlap between the two.
Human!Cass, if I could make it, would probably be a kid of a White Mantle noble family that nobody knows is White Mantle and his story can resume more or less as it is in the original, if we're talking general beats.
Sorry if I didn't give any concrete answer, I'm just very salty I cannot recreate him in my comfort game so I choose to let him stay in his canon world, or in Exile. Still, sylvari!Cass does look very, very neat.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
question that came up bc of the fic talk: where do your other char's perceptions of nyra differ drastically / what biases and preconceptions affect their view of her and her actions? what do you always keep in mind when writing her from a different pov, so that despite their different opinions, her 'nyra-ness' still shines through easily?
(i know this is a lot for all of your ocs so feel free to cherry pick, i just love the way you make different narrations work and unique character voices are one of your big strengths in writing imo <3 and nyra's just such an interesting character for different view points bc she has such a big commanding divisive personality!)
(also bonus: same questions for cass if you want?)
Like you made my evening ;;;;;
But to actually answer the question! As is to be expected, not everyone likes her. I take extra care to not go 'oh charismatic lady whomst is universally adored' because I find that approach to be limiting in a lot of ways. I like to read/write character driven stories, so it's actually good if not everyone likes each other. Please don't all like each other.
So here's a little choice that I will exclude Siona, Ren, Sanne and Liv from - Siona because she genuinely doesn't have a concrete opinion of Nyra beyond the fact she's a good commander and ally to the sylvari as Trahearne's girlfriend, Ren because we see it in fic and because she rejects preconceived notions as much as she can, Sanne and Liv because I need to refine those (aka write more about her from their pov.)
El - He obviously dislikes her. They're the two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways, they're too similar to get along, and they're equals in a lot of regards as well. But things really went to shit when she killed Trahearne, which he can't forgive her for, and he faulted her for his grief for a long, long time (he did try to kill her in Maguuma. He would've tried to kill her if she came to see him when he was trying to resurrect him.) And in true El fashion, if he hates you, nothing you do can ever really be good - or if you do one (1) thing right, he won't ever tell you. They're on marginally better terms now, not really at each other's throats, but not really friends either. They can work together at least and there's a lot of spark that can easily turn into a housefire between them still but they're getting better at it.
Mirka - She met Nyra back when she was an adventurer and the two had a brief fwb situation. She saw the instinct to chase her legend, to put it in norn terms, in Nyra from the get-go and envied her for it; it was what Mirka herself forced herself to like because all norn do it, until she had Kov and settled in her homestead. I really think she was kinda jealous of Nyra for that, but she didn't have it in her to actually dislike her for it. No, she fell for the charisma, but wasn't as easily swayed because she too is a strong presence, only less explosive and more stable. It was this understanding that makes her have a hella lot of respect for Nyra; she's successful at something Mirka herself tried to do and failed and she doesn't have an ego to be butthurt over it. She's gotta respect that.
But what I always keep in mind when writing about her from another beeb's pov - Nyra will always, always take center stage. You can't miss her; she will try, by virtue of being herself, to dominate the scene. Some kids match/fight her on it - Ceasefire comes to mind for it, as we're talking Nyra and El there; some go take it in stride - this Mirka and Nyra fic comes to mind (which is funny bc this is not a fic centered on her, she just opened her mouth and took up the first portion of the thing.) That's her ego working, for better or for worse.
And she absolutely is a divisive figure. She's the type of person you are most likely to have strong opinions on. Ruby and I recently theorised she has Leo somewhere in her chart.
But also. Nyra, Cass and El make up my 'big personality' triumvirate so here is....
Cassposting on main
I'll be more vague here than I was with Nyra as my extended verse is still a WIP. But I have written a few fics where he is perceived. Firstly, my joke that he's every rare gene in one man absolutely stays. He's someone you can't really miss in a crowd. But what surprised me was how a lot of the time, he doesn't strike you visually first; he's loud, and you first hear him then you see him, if that makes sense?
He spent a lot of his childhood and teen years hiding so now he takes up space, a lot of it, even if his self-esteem doesn't let him see it for what it is a lot of the time. There's a certain discord between how he perceives himself and how he's seen by other people. He has deep insecurities, sure, but I wouldn't say he's faking confidence to cover them up either? His cover is sarcasm, refusing to take things seriously and verbal aggression/conflict, not confidence, which is genuine.
(You could say he's his mother's son there in a way as well.)
As to preconceptions, it's a bit of a complicated issue given the reputation Wayfarers have, and he's a proud Wayfarer. He's also generally a bastard, so that gives people an idea of him that negates his gentler, kinder side. Because he is capable of great kindness and loves deeply, he loves taking care of people, he's very protective over them, very affectionate and considerate, and a lot of people don't get to see this bc he has a hard time trusting people and because he behaves like an absolute asshole 80% of the time.
I have spoken a bit about the Red Wayfarer persona before, but this is exactly what this is. A persona, part of him but not the entirety of him, something he constructed to as a defense mechanism, even if it can be harmful to himself.
He's genuinely funny and entertaining, though, so that one stays.
As to what I keep in mind when writing him from others' pov, one thing I always keep in mind is that 1) he will talk, and 2) that he will say random shit. I mean talk a lot. He likes the sound of his voice too much. And the randomness of what he says is just you not expecting him to say it in this particular moment.
It's things like this:
“Turns out he also hates Wayfarers on principle so he got cursed water from a Wayfarer’s gods-damned hair fall down from the sky right on his small fucking head. Woooosh. He’s angry about it, of course, but he can choke on a crab for all I care. I’m having fun.”
I swear that line took me out when I was writing it. Writing him is a lot of fun actually. He also tends to speak in hyperbole a lot, so that's part of the fun.
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i-mybrunettelady · 9 months
🎣 do fish fear Cass? Also we all know the boy is 10/10 for “person with the best hair”
FACTS his hair sparks so much joy esp when @just-eyris-things draws it frrrr
But do fish fear him? Maybe? I'd say yes since he is a fan of seafood and he's also a tough lil (big) guy
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
motion, road, roots, favourite and change for cass and alternate for the three commanders in a modern day au <3
Ayy <3 Will do three Commanders first!
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU! // modern AU
Nyra always has this vibe of confidence and power to her, but also simplicity, with some drama. Her clothing in any AU wants to get heads turning her way, but also she uses herself as the main selling point to get the impression across, if that makes sense? She's also not very revealing in her clothing, so modern AU Nyra can absolutely be seen in jeans and tight fitting t-shirts that go as high as her collarbones, or even turtlenecks. She owns one (1) leather jacket and one (1) pair of combat boots, probably.
But the main thing is that she's also a suit-wearer, coat and suit wearer. She'd unironically wear a suit. Think something like this.
El is equally slutty in canon and in modern AU. He'd still rock thigh highs, boob windows, booty shorts, fishnets, all the drama. Lots of jewelry. Has his hair in a manbun. He wants people to look at him; he wants attention; he wants people to see how comfortable in his body and sexuality he is. (And I don't mean the fact he's gay - sexuality as a whole.) Cares equally little for decorum.
That being said, since modern AU El is a uni professor, he does dress somewhat more academically at work, but still in vibrant colors and popping details that make him, him.
Likewise, Ren preserves her love of fashion and femininity. She loves the color pink, so I imagine her in flowery tops, skirts (not necessarily miniskirts - I think she'd go more for an under the knee length), lacy shirts and heels.
She'd also go for a more timeless and classy look, cocktail dresses, a small black dress. Nails are always on point and done, not really long, but not short either (discounting the lesbian nails, of course.)
Cassposting on main
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Cass is one graceful bastard. The way I see it, he always moves as if he's about to run, or at least be able to easily spring into a run. He's also a long bastard, so his steps are very big and he walks kinda fast. It's very hard to walk beside him sometimes. He also moves with absolute awareness of his height, because he doesn't feel like hitting his head against something. He's also kinda flexible too.
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
I only have vague details here, unfortunately. What I do know is that his clothes and gear are patched as shit. He wears something until it's absolutely falling apart. His pants are always too short and reveal his ankles. He also has a hard time finding a big enough boot so he wears what he can find until it's in fucking tatters. (Honestly, it's just the fact that he's big, just all around big, and has appropriately big hands and feet. Cons of being a giant I suppose. Zenaida, provide your contracted Wayfarer with high quality clothes and replacements for them.)
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
When he was living in Vodena, he had long hair, as is fashionable; when he moved to the Spire, he kept his hair short and started growing it out near graduation. He's kept it long since and the absolute longest it's been is waist-length, which is what he has up until episode 2, where he cuts 1/3rd of it off because Rona absolutely devastated it and he hadn't really had the time and resources to properly take care of it. Right now, his hair is boob length.
He had both tattoos done between the fall of the Spire and meeting with Aeran in Karth. They're pretty big tattoos, two half-sleeves, and plans on getting more inked in the future, with at least one whole tattoo sleeve.
As I mentioned in the Discord server once, his tattoos are a sign of his love for places and people. He doesn't just get them done for the sake of having tats; he wants memories on his skin, and reminders of love, which comes rarely to him. Every tattoo he gets means something to him, although not everyone will get an explanation as to what exactly.
And uhh.. his feelings on his hair are... a lot. It's been a source of shame, reclamation, pride, comfort and beauty to him throughout the years. His hair is a straight up narrative element to his story, I swear! He wouldn't change it for anything. And good luck trying to get him to have short hair again.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
I may have mentioned in passing, somewhere, that if he had all the money in the world and was able to dress however he pleased, he would end up with a look that's very Vestran in vibe. In my personal headcanon, Vestrans aren't as flashy with their clothing as opposed to Arathians, who absolutely have had an influence on Vestran fashion, so things are changing a bit, but y'know. The vibe is still there - Vestra is still its own culture.
Only thing he's able to realistically do about this is with hair. He's had a lot of practical braids that are just very inspired by him going all around the country during the civil war. He doesn't flaunt it, but if you're familiar with the way Vestrans style their hair, you're defo gonna be able to see it in the hairstyles Cass wears.
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