#castle 7x1 quote
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 7x1 driven
the finding castle episode liveblog
previously yeah yeah I watched the last ep a week ago it's fine
Oh no he dead
Bros hold her back
yeah hot af.
(surprised alexis & martha aren't doing the same)
Noooo they are muddying Yet Another wedding dress!!!!
Dun dun dun he ain't there!
Esposito helping becks up the hill <3
(wow ryan hair)
I wonder if they filmed parts of this the previous season before hiatus
He's right, change, but it would be Cool to see becks doing Cop Stuff in her wedding dress. Just like. Tie it up lol.
what was that little skip there in ryan's run?
uh Tell Him why
mum noticed the red tail light stuff.
Oh no pieces.
Dragged him away
Love rysposito half fancy. Reminds me of 4x1 look
See? turned on remotely! Things u can do! But castle's never could be, after that debacle w/ bracken & beckett? no way.
Fruit stands my beloved.
See? how WOULD you remember that? unless it went TWICE!
Love how they have those windbreakers.
"Not far the way I’m going to drive."
Why is my man running away if he's a normal guy?
good frame rate
*checking the gps on his phone* love it
oh NO it's getting CRUSHED lmao I loVE it!
early title card
Ooh car maze!!! I love it!
she just TACKLES him!
Love rysposito holding her off.
love the chains.
becks uh beckett my dude chill CHILL
Looks like it is the same day still. Beckett changed at the wedding but she is wearing the same clothes now at the precinct & rysposito have changed too now
esposito looks so Happy!
(nice pic they are using for castle lol)
JE: So you can do what to him? (off her look) I was watching. Getting booted of the force is not going to help anything.
It's just like s4 finale/s5 premier
conveiniently lousy
Gates my beloved <3 (but she should be booted off the case) Oh wait nvm. unless you give me cause to.
sus fbi moments
friends & family & also just regular employees
In the event hhh
connors is right that IS sus.
it MIGHT have smth to do w her.
It's like that sammy keyes final book!
Alexis looks so unwell jhfsjksdlfj
MR: Your father will be home before you know it.
Me: How long is the show's hiatus?
Who's bringing the coffee? Becks it's obv not going to be castle
Esposito. He really loves her.
(someone had to bring her coffee. idk if I'll liveblog the audio commentary)
*knowing bracken himself is not behind this, esp not this early on*
3xk, mickey barbozza was the most recent one,,,
Esposito's scar is so Something
*knowing it isn't exactly castle's dad*
Vinny the scar!
Yeah he accused him of murder!
"What can I do to help?"
I love vinny
"this I did not know"
love the grey area love vinny love this stuff. Wait is it vinny or vinnie?
Already in the morning?
Panini <3
"that does not happen" I love the scar
*is castle* (that's not how it works)
JE: getting mad
Love ryan & esposito taking two different angles
Ryan give her a hug
that's true! we already have this stuff w 3xk!
girl he took voice lessons to sound like esposito he could surely take body movement lessons
(btw love the outfits & ig lighting too & all this stuff & the acting is good too.)
Martha sus.
Makes sense to me. Run off the road by an suv of COURSE I'd pay to have it crushed! it made me mad!
Exceot he asked for it to be crushed before!! it ran him off.
Martha sounds happy he's alive while becks sounds mad he's lying
it's authentic. & terrific?
{Why was CASTLE the one to pay for the car to get crushed tho?}
yeah why WASN'T castle under duress?
walking away from bekett would also mean walking away from alexis, that would NOT happen?
Vinnie turned over the money to help his friend Castle!
Mum guessed it was her wedding gift, like for castle's bday the 100th episode.
Call castle's dad
Love the handwriting & the montage scene.
Shawn Wash. Love how it's the same two paragraphs repeated over & over lol. Good set design. Well idk but fun set design.
SHE'S CALLING ALL THE WAY TO FRANCE! does she speak french fluently? or just some?
the chair!
noooo closing the shutters!
*little boat*
reminds me of that book where the mom was mentally ill so they couldn't ask for help when they were trapped in the boat.
"this is the USA coast guard, please move."
'this is the canadian lighthouse, that's not gonna happen'
What if you are knocked out & CAN'T ANSWER that u need help?
it wasn't the MIDDLE of the atlantic ocean babes!
Like peter at the tomb
worst part is SHE didn't do anything to get him back, it just took time & a bullet shot boat
alexis <3
my man has a sunburn
going to be in a coma or smth. Girl chill it's ok. Don't expect him to wake up..
not treat him but... LOOK at him... soOOOO GOOD
yucky coffee.
esposito asking the hard questions. We need a devil's advocate!
ryan's pants look odd with that jackett or at least in this lighting
*beckett right behind them*
take a drink every time u hear the word dinghiy
Yay coast guard captain
my man is so smart.
Was she on the screen call with him at the hospital?
"henry jenkins" or so he's called
a month ago?
lmao look at those rods.
blue blue blue eyes omG
stole his clothes lol
key SEWN into his pants?
so he WAS shot!
a few WEEKS ago???
the other guy said nobody was home.
love the use of the word negative instead of just no.
*thinks the garbage bags contain castle's body parts before remembering he's in the hospital*
two person tent. Looking at the interior it looks more like a five folk tent. (well five if they sleep in mummy bags & head to toe)
"or some kids hanging around taking it for a joyride"
why wouldn't "they" clean up the tent?
late 30s (early 40s)
*takes esposito with her*
the tux would not be put away that way but I'll take it. Esposito is so mad at castle.
his wedding shoes!
his watch!
he was tracking the news to see if they had been able to find/rescue him yet
martha is so happy!
first thing he did was ask for you!
RC: Just so you know, the doctor said that kissing will speed my recovery.
I could clip
yeah it IS supposed to be a joke. I deal with being in a car collision with humour! We keep having crap to deal with when we are trying to get married, it's just so silly silly!
he's a writer he needs to start at the beginning
I think u can tell he is not faking it
he looks so exaasperated when he says "I was unconscious!"
Right yes. why?
I might ask "has it been a year?" or smth bc I'm Dramatic ( if i was castle)
I'd ask if it was supposed to be a joke. I'd ask for proof.
except if he planned this & called vinnie in the morning, he would have had to plan it & he'd remember things before the wedding accident! (techinically not an accident)
bc I want to go there!
Remember Jeremy?
esposito outfit nice, lighting too hard for me to pic. grey or black or navy with a v dark red tie. some pattern (caused by the weave I think, not actual dye)
ryan taking explanations & facts.
lmao tiny little crime scene box!
she's going to cry skdjflskdjfl I love i hate I love this
did he write it in his coma dream? is it an AU
except castle DID set it up! he was the one who set this up!
RC: Yeah, on the INLAND side!!! Not on the ocean side.
he did camp here tho!
some old guy
Not the same guy bwa bwa BWAAAAA
walk & talk
(ryan outfit <3)
Why the setup to be there? what about the evidence?
JE: Mm hmm castle. THEY faked it sure
Remember Jeremy? I want to see more of him I want to see the updates!
alexis is old enough to drink
I love how he moves his hand counter clockwise for tangled & then clockwise for untangled when he talks with his hands there
you DO lose hope & then you get it back!
staring at it was so sweet!
everyone has chairs by their desks!
Almost shot him? srs becks? ew lol
RC: Well, it’s not the same. I can’t remember. Though I do know I missed you terribly. Because there’s no way I wouldn’t.
(could clip)
this is soooo sweet
0 notes