cata-daily · 2 months
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I thought I'd start posting less doodles and more complete(er) drawings but alas, the urge to draw cata struck, and who am I to refuse
Ohh hm I've gotta figure out what to do with the tage, since I'm not doing dailies anymore
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 100
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So um when I said I didn't think day 100 would be anything extra- I absolutely did not plan for this to be a full on.. comic?
I started this at like 10pm lmao it's almost 12
(I was gonna give Shadow a mouth when she talked but could not make it work and was running out of time heh)
Anyways this is one of the headcanons I have lol- more about it & the comic under the cut
I've drawn it before and talked about it I think, but just to clarify a bit more;
This is the hc that he has some sort of wing bindings whenever he doesn't have wings- the accessories, ingame
They stop his wings from glowing (that's why I used them for that Moth House comic) and make them intangible- so anything can pass through them, but he can still move them freely
This means yes he can try to fly, but they won't catch the air so they aren't exactly useful
Where do they come from? Um. Idk?? lmao? Shadow maybe? (could be why i tried to make her find cata jumping off the cliff a bit funny, tbh i'm not sure how much of her moth murdering tendencies are left after amit) But they are there, so yeh.
I hc that he'd pretty much go about life as if the wings were physically there, avoiding letting things pass through them whenever possible
The symbols on them are changing because I am not gonna remember what they look like from different angles. But in the falling panel, they're all "x"'s, because they're actively not working for flight
a little more about the comic-
Ik Sprocket's summoning item is 2d and smaller in the first panel but like hrhhdhxxnmzks yeah no i'm not fixing it lol
Put the sleeping thing for Shadow since she literally dozes off if cata stands still for 7 seconds I think lol??
He does a pretty pathetic little hop off the cliff edge
Shadow is meant to find it pretty funny, but I didn't really draw that well
He's meant to be continuing the "goooooo" in the falling panel
Why Sprocket and Shadow aren't trying to help him? As I said before, I think Shadow would find it funny, and uh maybe this is a. common occurrence.
so Sprocket's like, "did he just jump off a cliff without wings or a horseshoe again" and Shadow's like, "yes lmao"
*distantly, cata: "to be fair i usually slip off a cliff though-"
The carrot and extra "d" for the death message is because I'm 98% sure the character limit is one too short for his name, and he tends to take out the extra d
The death message is a screenshot of a website that can generate things in Andy Bold, because I am laying in bed with my phone and was not going to get on my computer and jump off a cliff after making and naming a character just for a death message lol
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 99
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Why did I put slightly more effort than usual into this? idk. Why did I colour it from memory? idk.
I wanted to do something bigger for day 100 but um. I haven't started anything lmao. So. Uh. Yeah..
edit: NOOO i forgot the gold part on the hindwings is on the lower part...... noo.......
edit 2: a day later i realise the hindwing should be in front of the leg, thats why it looks weird aughahahgh
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 95
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Soooooo that was fuuun wasn't it?
(I was either gonna draw this or him destroying his keyboard (and hands in the process))
I know the vanity was broken, but SHHHH
below the cut is something silly that i think is worth looking at this time i swear
So I was getting beaten up by sans while listening to the stream, and I was recording since I usually do, but apparently what I did to try and stop discord from recording didn't work, so I've got the vc in my recording too. But that made this a lot funnier:
Kinda transcript if it's too hard to hear:
cata: ...do this, me and my pink slippers can do this- that I stole directly from sans
me: oh my god cata said sans. that is crazy. I'm fighting sans, hello sans
oh and yeah i still haven't beaten him yet and have only attempted likeee 13 times? so yeh it would've been funnier if I said something like "uhhh looks like he still has his slippers idk man" but well. i was fighting sans. and my brain is half fried from being sick because it does that
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 94
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...yeah, they don't exactly fit
From this, even though it's just a headcanon and his eyes turn green when he..... is suffering from allergies????
yes that is tape, no the proportions aren't right
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 93
Below the cut!
TW!! um. some disturbing stuff and blood (i tried "creepy" so idk how actually creepy it is. but still definitely deserves a tw)
Soooo when thinking of what to draw I remembered that zombie apocalypse video where cata tried getting a demon scythe, died to fall damage, and showed up as a zombie for like 2 seconds
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Dried blood on his hands n mask because zombie business and his ankles are RUINED so uh enchanted sword kinda cane
Also missing his halo, part of an antenna is a bit messed up, and maybe he's struggling to contain the power in the amulet? :3c
Oops I was gonna give him a soc because i don't think any of the other zombies had one.. ah well
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cata-daily · 2 months
Day 92
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I started on a silly mini animatic to this moment in the roguelike video but unfortunately I don't think I'll finish it
It's voiceover "and i think you can tell from how quickly i made the decision to get it, well, I want it" as he's also going "___(idk what he says) trump card, i want the minigun!!"
I would've had Shadow falling asleep since it's a decision room and she thought it'd take longer, then waking up when he slams the card down
(what i had so far below the cut)
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 89
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I think he's punched his mic more than those two times in this video lol
edit, i listened to the video again (yea just listened lol) and did he only punch it once?? am i going crazy? (yes)
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 88
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Yooo when this posts I should either be on a plane or back to my country
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 83
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A kinda vertical halo idea for this alternate design I keep drawing, that looks a bit like an eclipse! When he casts an eclipse illusion, the white parts disappear from the inside.
You can stick things through it and it'll dissipate around it, it's a sort of illusionary film of space
Oh, I haven't talked about it here yet, one of the things he likes to do is cast darkness (kinda like the dnd spell) and make an illusion of an eclipse. When he wants to scare people or just look cool
...don't mind me forgetting the amulet and wings (somehow) lmao
[i'm also realising in the last few doodles i've forgotten the star pattern on the shoulders of the cape oh my goddddd]
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 79
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*throws this
iiiii'll make something with the whole design sometime maybe idk man
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 78
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ohh noOoOoOoooo
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 77
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Based off those lights for airplane runways, I thought they looked cool
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 75
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For the stars
I think this one is neat :)
[Scheduled for 6/28 noon, made 6/26]
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 72
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"sipping tea in shimmer" was the idea for this one.
When I watched cwacom:
"WHAT?? - the way my jaw DROPPED AT THE "i don't like tea" - YOU'RE BRITISH MATE"
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cata-daily · 3 months
Day 70
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I actually made this yesterday so *gasp* a daily that I didn't draw the day of posting??
Ummm what if I tried to make this.. I mean it isn't happening anytime soon because 1. no materials, 2. no pattern, and 3. no clothing making skill
But it might be fun
Also this canvas also has these drawings on it from.. the night before last night lmao
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Antennae design for my oc... and mystery man. with "VERY VERY creepy bitch lmao"
it's how I cope with him being creepy, i draw him silly and say he's creepy. it works lol
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