#catch me out here holding the new details like baby birds while y’all run into freakouts like freight trains mansbsbdbd
emblazons · 10 months
re: tfs spoilers (no mention of actual spoilers)
everyone I’ve seen concerned about play spoilers “ruining the show” and then extrapolating that to mean the whole narrative sucks now (which is already wild to do, considering you’re taking about bullet points? but whatever) needs to remember y’all literally got the fact that the monologue was happening spoiled for you before vol ii and freaked out with the “we lost….” until people put it in its proper context + made it clear what was happening with all the wider details.
Like. the ST byler fandom is notorious for taking .005 seconds of media DESCRIBED to them and extrapolating a whole canonically baseless narrative…and then getting mad the show / play / story doesn’t meet something stranger things or it’s supplements never told them 😭 like. Sure there are small inconsistencies between supplements & the show / less detail in canon than we want in the show some places. Always. But they are never even 1/60 as troublesome as the high-emotions, forego-context convos had about it before a single person u know has even SEEN the thing
also? Personally….not one spoiler felt out of place for my analysis of the show as it’s been presented which…I mean idk. All the details fall within expectation, I’m not sure where the “we lost” came from unless (likely) 18 months of fanon had made people forget the show itself LMAO
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7dys · 6 years
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repost !! if you’re reading this and think it seems familiar that's because you’ve already read it <3
word count: 7.1k 
a/n: this gif is so god damn CUTE im losing it anyways we’re breaking this accs fic virginity with one of my favs <333
warnings: underage drinking, some k*sses
lets start on the first day of school back from winter break
it’s cold as h*ck outside and you didn’t wear enough layers because ya know how cold could it be ??
the answer is: VERY COLD
you pull up to school and park next to donghyuck and immediately launch yourself into his car
it has seat warmers and you’re tryna get IN on that action
you’ve been friends with donghyuck and renjun since kindergarten when i tell you these boys have seen you at your WORST
you’ve recently adopted chenle as the youngest member of the Crew since he hates everyone in his grade lmao
prince chenle please have mercy on the plebeians :(((
anyways you’re in hyuckie’s car and shivering and he doesn’t even flinch when you get in bc this is a common occurrence
and then, like clockwork, renjun catapults into the backseat followed by chenle and they start shivering too
basically everyone is cold except donghyuck and he looks SMUG
and then chenle is like u guys !!! my bestie jisung says there’s a new kid today !!!! let’s befriend him !!!!!!!!!!!!
and you’re all like , who the hell is jisung
chenle explains in great detail how him and jisung both share a love for making fun of jisung’s senior friend, mark, and that they are now Best Friends Forever
renjun is lowkey insulted that his Son didn’t tell him but it’s okay
anyways you tell him to invite his other friends + new kid to come sit with you guys at lunch if it’s That Deep and chenle squeals and bounces in his seat
absolute Baby Boy
before you go inside you sprint across the lot to fling yourself into lucas’s car and beg him for a sweater since you know he leaves like 5 Big Ones in his car at all times
lucas is sort of the Big Irresponsible Brother of the group and he isn’t as close with y’all but he’ll come hang out and make terrible jokes and laugh really hard at them
and he’s very weirdly protective over you guys ?? like he’s a goofy boy but if someone looks at one of you wrong ???
he’s suddenly a Big Man On The Block and he’ll look all intimidating and scary
u know he could do it if he really wanted to
he puts up a valiant effort to ignore you since he knows it takes WEEKS for the sweater to be returned
but you pout and latch on to his arm and he sighs and shakes you off and goes uGH fine
you smile and thank him and call him lukie and he lunges for you as you yeet out of the car with sweater in hand
you squeak when you almost run face first into lucas’s friend mark’s shoulder during your Big Escape
you’ve always,,,, lowkey thought he was cute but he’s also older than you and Out Of Your League so :/
also your only connection is thru lucas and that’s a slippery slope my g
you’re still friendly though so he when he makes a surprised face you both giggle and then wave as you head to school and he opens the door to ask lucas if he’s finished their partner powerpoint
lucas has not
you vaguely know the boys in lucas’s friend group but all you really know about jisung is through chenle and you know next to nothing about jaemin other than he’s pretty
because,,,,, everyone knows that
okay so you head to first period and unfortunately you don’t have that class with any of your Buddies
you go in and take your usual seat by the window since history is a whole snooze fest and you like to watch the clouds outside
you like the teacher though so you take it every year anyways
you’re curled up in the seat since you’re still cold and your chin rests on your knees as you count how many birds are in a flock that’s circling around
and then you hear the quiet murmuring of the class raise to more of a commotion and bring your attention back to the indoors
the teacher, Mr.Choi, has just led in a new boy and
holy shit he is beautIFUL
he’s a few inches taller than you and has a somewhat athletic build
and those are nice and all but your favorite thing has got to be his smile
his whole face seems to emit sunshine when he smiles , albeit nervously
and his eyes turn up into little half moons even while he flicks a piece of dark hair out of his eyes
uwu such a CUTIE
mr.choi introduces him to the class and his name is lee jeno !!!
you’re still curled up as his eyes start to scan the room and they fall on you
his lips quirk a little in what you assume is amusement at your position and ridiculously oversized sweater
you blush and try to quickly change position to sit like a Normal Good Student
but end up banging your knee on the desk and cursing under your breath and turning even more red
he ducks his head bashfully and then makes his way to his seat which is ,,,, the one next to you
everyone starts getting their stuff out and jeno leans over and whispers to ask if your knee is okay
such a sweet boy :(
you can barely look at him when you nod and he smiles again and you almost mELT INTO A PUDDLE
he goes back to his supplies and you both wait for the teacher to start the lesson
you try to focus you really do but your head wanders off and soon you’re daydreaming of bouncing on clouds and being able to speak to animals and other impossible things
you jump when jeno taps you on the shoulder
“hey? um the bell rang ,,,, and also i think you um missed the notes so if you want a picture of mine you can have one”
“oh my goHSH i’m so sorry i’ve really gotta stop doing that thank you so much !”
you snap a quick picture of his notes and thank him again before rushing off to your next class
about 5 steps out the door you hear jeno stumble out behind you
“wait ! you never told me your name !! ......and also i don’t know where my next class is”
your lips press together to keep from giggling so that he doesn’t think you’re making fun of him
you hold out your hand for his schedule and tell him your name
bUT he thinks you’re going for a handshake so he grasps your hand with his large and calloused one
and he whips his hand back in fear that he’s hurt you or something
“oh um ? oh my god i’m sorry did i hurt you ???”
“no !!! i was just surprised ??!:&;&”
“that i , shook your hand ?”
“i mean i was holding it out for your schedule”
“oh . yikes”
“it’s okay though ! i shouldn’t have been surprised shaking hands is a uh normal thing isn’t it”
“yeah ,,, haha”
and then the late bell rings and you both jump
you pluck his schedule off the ground where he had previously dropped it in his haste to pull his hand from yours
you unthinkingly grab his wrist and pull him in the direction of his next class and practically push him into the classroom before rushing to your class
your math teacher is Strict and will def be getting onto you for being late :/
the rest of the day passes normally except your usual daydreams are interrupted by one Soft Boy
it’s finally fINALLY time for lunch though thank you god
you meet donghyuck and renjun at your usual spot outside
you guys pretty much sit out there every single day no matter the weather unless there’s like monsoon or smth
you squish up close to hyuck and try to get warm while you wait for chenle and apparently all of his friends that he’s bringing
soon enough, you spot him excitedly dragging a fond looking jisung followed by lucas and mark who are even fonder looking
just behind them is jaemin who is cracking a joke to none other than the New Boy
you panic.  because oh no you definitely uhh embarrassed yourself earlier ????
but it’s too late to back out now
just to be sure though you straighten up so you’re not too close to hyuck
chenle and jisung plop down across from renjun and lucas swings a leg over the bench so his back faces you and then leans all his weight on you
“ouch you OAF get off of me you’re like a million pounds”
“a million pounds of pure muscle baby hell ye”
mark smacks the leg on the outside of the bench so he’ll sit normally and sits on his other side after giving you a wave
jaemin hooks his arm around jeno and proudly introduces him to the group
jeno smiles his smile , y’all know the one
and he waves
when he catches your eye though his smile somehow gets even brighter
“oh y/n ! hey !!! did you make it to second period okay ?”
“oh um yeah? i mean i was late and mrs.park gave me an extra homework assignment but it’s fine”
“oh gOD i’m so sorry do you want me to do it for you ?? i feel so bad”
“no no it’s fine i need the practice it’s okay really”
and then you both pause and realize everyone is staring at you
jeno explains how you two already met that morning and the boys seem appeased even though donghyuck eyes you slyly
he mouths that you’ll be discussing this with him later rip you
jeno ends up sitting across from you and you do your best not to stare at him but he’s in your diRECT line of sight
you have a habit of absentmindedly kicking your feet and just moving them around and you accidentally brush his shins and ankles multiple times
he waves you off everytime you apologize
the whole of lunch is spent basically merging the two groups
everyone settles into their roles pretty easily and you wonder why there are literally no other females except you
but then you realize why when lucas starts attempting to burp the abc’s and almost barfs :))))))))))
you whine and cover your eyes because like other people barfing makes yOU feel sick and then everyone is sick and that is Not Good
you push yourself as close to donghyuck and as far away from him as possible as everyone goes NO NO STOP NO
he stops when everyone starts yelling at him lmao
once he stops and you peek an eye open you smack him and huff and kick your legs out, hitting jeno’s shins once again
“jesus y/n he just got here and you’re already bruISING HIM”
jeno just reaches across the table and pats your forearm and tells you not to worry about it
“i play soccer you guys my shins are made of STEEL”
okay also there goes your last shred of self restraint soccer players are everyone’s weakness and you cANT TELL ME OTHERWISE
also he just ???? patted your forearm like it was nothing this boy is just asking for it isn’t he
the rest of the day passes pretty quickly and throughout the week you get back into the swing of things at school
jeno has literature with you later in the day and sits by you and giggles while you tell him about how much the teacher looks like sully from monsters ink
to be fair the guy is a gentle giant but he’s really large and rather hairy so
what did he expect
jeno seamlessly fits in with your group of friends it’s almost like he was always there
a lot of the boys sometimes forget he wasn’t n they’re like hEY remember when-
and he’s like uh no i do not lol
unfortunately jeno arrived too late to join the soccer team with mark and jaemin bUT that doesn’t stop him from joining you all in going to support them
every week the whole lot of you either attend the home game or follow the team bus to wherever the away game is
usually you have to split between 2 cars since even without mark and jaemin there’s 7 of you
and no one owns a minivan or would like to so
usually renjun and lucas drive
lucas, contrary to popular belief, is actually a really good driver as long as chenle is not in the car
the two of them are entirely too excitable to be in a confined space together
during one of the last games of the season it’s really REALLY cold
you rode with lucas and donghyuck called shotgun so you and jeno sat in the back and renjun brought chenle and jisung
on the way there your nose was running just a tad so you were sniffling every once in awhile
jeno kept offering you his gloves and hand warmers but you insisted you were fine and that this happens every year when it gets cold at soccer games
you don’t protest though when you arrive and he wordlessly removes his beanie and pulls it down over your head, making sure your ears are covered
your cheeks turn as red as the tip of your nose and now you’re not so sure you needed the extra warmth at all
he blushes a little too and quickly scurries away to the bleachers ejjdj
you stack your arms high with blankets from the trunk to sit on and wrap yourselves in
cold metal bleachers are no bueno
you wobble up the steps as chenle and jisung bound ahead of you and lucas walks behind you to make sure you don’t trip and die
he’s caring when he wants to be uwu
jeno takes some off your pile when you get to the spot he reserved for the Gang and spreads them across the seats
you distribute the rest amongst you and huddle together for warmth while you wait for the game to start
donghyuck is seen silently threatening chenle and jisung with his eyes when they move to sit on either side of you and then sending a sugary sweet smile to jeno and beckoning him to sit next to you
chenle and jisung squish together on your other side and lucas sits between renjun and chenle,,,, theyre lowkey his favorites
donghyuck pouts about sitting on the edge but is appeased when mark and jaemin come out onto the field and mark waves and blows him a kiss
boy turned redder than his hair but didn’t miss the chance to catch the air kiss and smack it onto his cheek
jeno has left a few inches of space between you as a Common Courtesy i guess but really no one would mind if he just ,,, scooched on over
as the game progresses the both of you lose the tension in your shoulders until eventually you’re pressed up against his side just as much as jisung is trying to leech warmth from your other side
everytime one of your buddies scores or assists or does literally anything you all simultaneously stand up and SCREAM
one of these times you stand up and open your mouth to scream only to sneeze violently lol
like the kind where you try to hold it back and it comes out as a squeak but the force shakes your body and you do a little jump
jeno stops cheering to place a hand on the middle of your back and stoops to meet your eyes
he asks if you’re okay through sporadic chuckles because it was kind of funny
and you nod and shove his shoulder and tell him to stop laughing >:(
you dramatically turn away from him and cross your arms and he laughs even harder
he circles his fingers around your wrist and pulls you to face him and his laughing is only renewed by the pout on your face
“aw cmon it was funny!!!”
“what if i’m DYING jeno ???”
“you aren’t though”
“how would yOU know >:(“
“it was one sneeze, sugar”
“don’t call me sugar when i’m trying to be mad”
“okay, sugar”
you smack his shoulder lightly and he bursts into laughter and swings his arm around you pulling you into his side
you blush but do your best not to stiffen and make the moment awkward
so instead you go limp and let your cheek squish against his leather jacket before he lets you go just in time for your whole group to sit down
would’ve been awkward if y’all were just embracing while everyone else was seated lmao
you spend the rest of the game trying to forget about how easily he pulled you into him and how you wouldn’t mind staying right there tucked under his arms with your sides pressed together
the both of you settle for just sitting close enough that the side of your thigh is pressed against his
when the game ends you all go out onto the field to congratulate mark and jaemin on the win !!
you hug them both even though jaemin tries to wipe his sweat on you that SHIT
he raises an eyebrow at the black beanie still tucked onto your head and right at that moment jeno reaches across your huddle of friends to tug it back down over the red tips of your ears
jaemin’s eyebrows raise even more at that and you just shrug and smile sheepishly
then everyone piles into their respective vehicles and sets off for home
it’s pretty late at night and screaming and shivering is rather energy draining
before you know it jeno has flopped over with his head in your lap and the rest of him stretched across the backseat as much as he can
you’re too sleepy and warmed up by both his actions and the car’s heating system to question it
so you just run your fingers through his hair
it’s unsurprisingly very soft and silky and he seems to enjoy your actions GREATLY
not long after you start his breaths even out and his hands come up to wrap around the part of your thigh just above your knee
he nuzzles the side of his face into your leg in his sleep and even Half Conscious Y/n is kind of shocked and blushy but continues to pet him
lucas eyes you both in the rear view mirror and smiles fondly oof
“is he cuddling your leg back there y/n?”
“yeah it’s okay though, it’s ,,,,,,,,, cute”
“isn’t it? he’s always been cuddly, almost like a cat”
you mumble a little yeah and return your attention to the sleeping boy in your lap
when you get home lucas drops you off last so as not to wake jeno too early
but eventually you gotta so you tug on his hair a little and poke his cheek but he only grips you tighter
“hey. jeno !!! kitty cat !!!!!!! wake UP !!!!!”
“you’re being too gentle he requires a Forceful Awakening”
and then lucas reaches back to pinch him hard or something but you wave your hands around and whisper shout nO
can’t hurt the bby :(
your last resort is pressing your cold hand that hadn’t been in his hair against his neck and he jolts and his eyes flick open
then his face scrunches and he shoos your hand away from him
“alright alrIGHT i’m up”
he sits up and looks absolutely fucking aDORABLE with his hair all fluffy and sticking up
his eyes are only half open and he stretches before realizing he is home and thanking you both
he pulls you into a sleepy and sort of awkward hug since the backseat isn’t Ideal for affection but you appreciate it nonetheless and pat his back
him and lucas do some sort of bro handshake and then you watch him shuffle to his front door
you climb into the front seat because opening the door and letting cold air in is the Phattest Mistake Ever
lucas smirks and you smack him before he can even say anything
“i dIdNt EvEn SaY aNyThInG”
“ and you will continue doing so”
“okay but you guys were pretty cozy back there huh?”
“what’s it to u”
“and that seems to be his beanie on your head , isn’t it?”
he shakes his head and laughs and drives you home
you thank him despite him being The Worst and hug him
you also make him swear not to tell anyone when your elbow bumped into the horn and you screamed
when you make it into your room you change into comfy clothes sluggishly and practically fall onto your bed
you cover your face with your hands and try to pretend like you aren’t smiling REALLY hard right now but you’re fooling a grand total of no one
it’s a friday night so the next morning you let yourself sleep in as much as you can stand
you make pancakes while pointedly ignoring all the texts from donghyuck when you notice the subject of all of them appears to be jeno
lucas has everyone’s numbers and makes a big group message because he just fckin loves chaos i guess
he sends a hopelessly typo filled text about there being a party that night and since he’s invited you’re ALL invited
and okay you’re no stranger to parties but like jisung and chenle are innocent babies
and you’ve got no idea what jeno is comfortable with since you all literally met him just a couple of weeks ago
you eventually respond to hyuck’s long and almost illegible texts with just “no.” and tell lucas you’ll go if only to make sure no one dies
you get called lame and a mom for that one :/
fast forward to this party
you’re wearing cute clothes but also it’s cold so like , cute sweater and jeans hehe
you’ve designated yourself and chenle as Designated Drivers
1:your anxiety wont allow you to get drunk since you’ll be unable to take care of Your Boys
2: chenle is almost unbearable sober , so
you’ve got jeno in the passenger seat and the rest of 00 line squished together in the back while chenle drives The Fossils and jisung
you pull up and the party is ,,,,,, really fucking big
there are entirely too many people here for your tastes but the boys spill out of your car with excited whoops when you FINALLY find a parking spot so
u gotta stay homie :/
you walk in behind them more sedately while chenle excitedly clings to yukhei’s back
you shout at him to watch his head just in time for him to dodge the door frame when yukhei does an excited lil jump
he smiles sheepishly at you and then shouts ONWARD MIGHTY STEED as his “steed” thunders into the crowd of people
you can already tell you’re going to have a difficult time with this since chenle is No Help Whatsoever
you’ve lost whoever was with chenle and jaemin has already flirted some poor soul into making him drinks
jeno is clinging to jaemin and looking around in nervous wonder since he knows absolutely no one here
donghyuck has challenged a Giant College Boy to beer pong and is ,,,,,, winning
renjun is cheering at the side and you decide to go join them
renjun leans over and is all so u just gonna let jaemin steal ur man like that ?????
you smack his already drunk ass (renjun sCREAMS lightweight) and tell him jeno is Not Your Man
he doesn’t have to know that you wish he was :////
so you hang out with hyuck and renjun until they’re both too annoying to stand and you go try to hunt down jaemin and jeno
to make sure jaemin isn’t pressuring jeno into anything
not that jaemin would get him into BAD things per say
he’s just a persuasive person and you don’t want jeno to get stuck in seven minutes in heaven with some random girl or too drunk to walk a straight line
if anything he should get stuck in seven minutes in heaven with you !!! >:(((((((
you find him perched on the arm of the couch in the living room with jaemin nowhere to be seen
he’s literally just smiling serenely at nothing while two younger boys (hey look it’s jisung and chenle) poke each other without tearing their eyes away from the screen
because god damn it chenle refuses to lose to a drunk jisung at mario kart
you tap him on the shoulder and he turns to look at you and his whole face just lights up ????
he smiles so big and gasps excitedly and his eyes do the scrunchy thing uwu
you’re about to playfully pinch his cheek and ask him if he’s doing okay but like
he literally snatches you by the waist and  pulls you between his legs and presses his face into the soft part of your neck where it meets your shoulder
you turn red and your heart goes baduMBADUMBADUMBADUM
he doesn’t even notice or if he does he doesn’t say anything ???
your hands fall to his shoulders and try to gently pry him off but his grip only tightens
“ouch oUCH jeno you’re crushing my organs”
he immediately loosens his grip and tilts his head back to look up at you
“ ‘m sorry, pretty”
“did you just call me pretty”
“well you are”
“i am what?”
he giggles and knocks his nose into your chin
“you’re pretty !!! silly y/n hhehsheehhe”
“oKAY you are very drunk aren’t you?”
“mmhmm :)))))))”
“alright, time to gather the Gang and head home. wait here and DO NOT MOVE okay ?”
he doesn’t acknowledge you and just rests his forehead back on your shoulder
you go to find the rest of your probably very drunk friends but jeno ,,,,, doesn’t let go
you turn around in his grip and try to push off the couch to get him to let go but he is VERY STRONG
and refuses to let go
you’re very torn because being held by jeno ???  absolute 10/10
but also you want to leave ?? and he won’t ??? let you ???? find the boys ??????
“jeno, sweetheart, you gotta let me go”
“noooooo but you’re so soft and u smell good n ur so prettyyy :(“
“god why are you so cUTE drunk?”
“ ‘m cute all the time, babe”
“and very flirty apparently”
“ i mean all of it !!!! ‘s not just because i’m drunk i promise !!!!!!”
“okay okay i believe you but you gotta let me go find our friends so we can get you home”
“i don’t wanna leave :(((( ‘m gonna miss you”
you literally have to put a hand over your heart because that’s so fucking adorable
“okay what if everyone comes over and hangs out at my house hm? i won’t be gone for long”
“okay ,,,, can i come with you though?”
“yes ???? everyone is coming to my house??”
“nO you’re so silly omg i mean to find everyone”
“yes now let go”
you go to move away and instead he just stands up still wrapped around you from behind
at this point you’ve done everything you can so you just let him be
you walk around the party and snatch up every one of your Sons Even Though A Lot Are Older And Bigger Than You and corral them out to their respective transportation
you make sure chenle knows to bring them back to your house since your parents are out of town on vacation (without u ,,, :/ )
and you get lucas to pry jeno off of you and place him in the passenger seat
even drunk and giggly he is Strong Man
you climb in the car and tell hyuck to Shut Up and jaemin to stop trying to make renjun sit in his lap
jeno reaches across and immediately latches onto the hand closest to him
you’ve decided to just accept his excessive affection for the night tbh
i mean , it’s not like u hate it or anything ,,,
but you still pretend like it’s a hassle for the sake of your dignity and jiggle your arm a little in his grip as a half hearted attempt to get him to let go
instead he lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses it and then smiles at you really wide
you turn RED and start the drive home as quickly as possible so you can Focus On The Road
when you pull in renminhyuck excitedly run towards your front door while you extract your hand from jenos and get out of the car
he follows you and tangles your fingers together as you walk to the front door
drunk renjun is even more excited than before and is like aRe YoU gUyS dAtInG nO w ??:$&;&(
jeno bounces up and down next to you and then goes
“aw can we ??? :)))) please ???”
you splutter and just drag him past the others to unlock your front door
“alright find yourself a place to sleep that is NOT my bed or my parents bed and lay down there. i will bring pillows and blankets,,,,,,, and medicine for in the morning”
after like 45 seconds of protesting that they aren’t tired renjun knocks out curled up in an armchair and jaemin and donghyuck decide to build a pile of pillows to sleep on
they look super cute all curled up together :((((((
chenle arrives not much later dragging along jisung by the hand
mark and lucas stumble in not long after giggling
mark sees hyuckie curled up with jaemin and let’s out a scandalized gasp before literally picking him up bridal style and depositing them both on the couch
donghyuck wakes up (“mark~~ i missed u”) and proceeds press himself against marks side and fall back asleep
jisung and chenle join a Cuddly Even In His Sleep jaemin and lucas climbs in your parents bed
you are entirely too tired to stop him and he’s too heavy to move so you just leave him
jeno has disappeared and you have your suspicions ,,,,
they are confirmed when you enter your room and he’s perched on the edge of your bed looking like he fell asleep sitting up
at the click of your door opening he perks up and when he sees it’s you he lifts his hands towards you and makes grabby fingers :((((((
“ i have a feeling once i do that you will not let me go so ,,,, i’m gonna change first okay? do you want to borrow some sleep clothes?”
“heheHeh yes pls love u”
you smile and shake your head before handing him a pair of your sweatpants
because honestly they’re big on you and he’s ,,,,,,
got a flat ass so he’ll fit in them
he starts to take off his jeans and you’re like nO NO WAIT TIL I LEAVE TO CHANGE DHDJKF
you snatch up a big t shirt and leggings and dash to the bathroom across the hall
you splash water on your face so that you’ll actually believe that this night really fuckinh happened oh my god
you slowly change into your pajamas and then creep back across the hall, hoping jeno fell asleep already so you won’t have to face him like this
he’s being so soft and affectionate and ngl it’s scary that when he wakes up he might not remember
or he might remember and want to pretend it never happened :((((
but nonetheless might as well enjoy what ya got while ya got it
he’s awake and sitting in the middle of your bed now, cross legged and drawing circles in with his fingers into your comforter
his head lifts and he smiles again and reaches for you , again
this time you let him and come close enough to reach him and hold out your hand
he grabs it and pulls you ,,,, on top of him
he genuinely just lays back and takes you with him so you’re laying on his chest and your legs are tangled with his
he grabs your other hand places them both on his own shoulders before dropping his arms to wrap around your rib cage
“jeno please i don’t want to crush you”
“hey you could never !!! im a big boy in strong enough >:(“
“i never said you weren’t but we cannot sleep like this”
“says who? :(“
“says me”
he rolls the two of you over so he’s now half on top of and rests his head over your heart
“how about this?”
he says it a little too smugly so you pinch his cheek before settling down to sleep
you wrap one arm around his shoulders and your other hand naturally comes down to rest on his forearm that’s laid across your waist
“yeah babe?”
you pause at that to inhale deeply because good christ he is going to be the death of you
“will you,,, will you remember all this in the morning ? and like , still mean all the things you said?”
he props his chin up to look at you but you remain staring at the ceiling
“yes. i promise. i’ll even kiss you if you’ll let me.”
“oh i dont know about that”
he narrows his eyes and pinches your side for that one so you squirm in his grasp
“okay oKAY we both know i literally want nothing else”
“hell yeah i know that , see u in the morning lovebug”
“goodnight bubs”
and you both fall asleep literally seconds after
the next morning no one in your house is awake before noon
you are the first to rise and you gently get out of bed without waking jeno and tip toe to your kitchen
you quickly start making an excessive amount pancakes because they are after all, Teen Boys and their stomachs are after all, Bottomless Pits
renjun shuffles into the kitchen not long after and pours himself some orange juice before wordlessly sitting at the table behind you
you make pancake after pancake almost mindlessly, it’s weirdly relaxing ??
lucas comes in next and bangs into the door frame before serving himself 8 pancakes and eating them at a scary pace
he realizes how Damn Rude that is by his third one and looks up to thank you enthusiastically
“yeah yeah just don’t make a mess you caveman”
“yes ma’am”
“careful there yukhei she might like being called ma’am”
and would you look at that donghyuck has entered :-)))))))
you flick some pancake batter in his direction but it hits mark who is right next to him
and poor dumb baby licks it off his finger and his face crinkles in disgust and you burst out laughing
hdjdjdjdj god please mark look out for yourself more jesus
in the next 15 minutes, the chatting and the smell of breakfast brings everyone crowding into the kitchen except jeno whom is apparently still asleep in your room
everyone has served themselves and you’re cooking the last of the batter by the time jeno stumbles in and wraps himself around you to prop his chin on your shoulder
the clatter of utensils quiets down to silence as they all gape at the easy and familiar affection jeno bestows upon you as if it’s an everyday thing
your hands freeze in their movements but jeno doesn’t move
his eyes are half closed and he rests a good bit of his body weight against you
you clear your throat awkwardly and give the others an evil glare over your shoulder
chenle is the first to hurriedly return to eating and the rest join in soon
you turn your head to whisper that you’ll get his pancakes done sooner if he doesn’t lean on you too much
he backs off but still lingers and presses the ghost of a kiss to your shoulder in acknowledgement
the boys snicker when you duck your head and blush but luckily that was your last pancake so you chuck your spatula in their general direction
chenle screams and throws himself into yukhei’s lap for cover while the rest cover their heads with their arms
you snicker and jeno squeezes you one last time before letting go and sitting at the table
at this point there is Nowhere For You to sit and the boys are too busy being rowdy teens to make room for you
jeno takes your plate from you and pulls you. into his lap.
the boys luckily don’t take much notice so you eat quickly and hop up to take everyone’s plates and pile them in the sink to wash later
jeno watches you fondly as you buzz around the kitchen in between conversations with jaemin about whatever antics they got into together last night before you found him
okay time skip you’ve ushered everyone out of your home
and refused to give a ride to anyone since you had to deal with their Drunk Foolery all last night
instead of hugging each of them there is a giant group hug that honestly hurts more than it helps
but chenle was involved so, what did u expect
jeno stays behind
it’s honestly so god damn domestic how he leans against the door frame and waits for you while you wave on the front porch to all the Babies
you come back inside and close the door and jeno is ᵗʰᶦˢ far away from your face
“did you need something?”
“and what would it be, i wonder?”
“oh nothing too extravagant”
“spit it out wonder boy”
“okay so you know how you said you would let me kiss you last night?”
“i vaguely recall,,”
“okay well i’m cashing that in”
“right now ??”
“right now”
“did you even brush your teeth today?”
“yes, because i knew you would say that”
then he chortles and lifts his palms to cup your face
he leans in even closer so that your breaths mingle and his nose nudges against yours
then he abruptly pulls away and like ?? wtf dude ?????????
“okay but first things first: be my girlfriend”
“is that the best u can do”
“no but my best would take longer and i wanna kiss you RIGHT NOW”
“well jeez you make a hard bargain”
“. oh my GOD”
and then he kisses u.
he uses his hands to tilt your head back so he can get the perfect angle and he smiles against your lips when you start panting for air
you lean away and he chases after you, not wanting to be apart for a second
he captures them again and kisses you so softly you could CRY
then he pulls away and presses a lingering kiss on the part of your forehead just between your eyebrows and you go a little cross eyed trying to keep an eye on him
his eyes are still closed when he parts from you and his smile is Big and Beautiful fuck
then you launch yourself at him and cover him in little pecks n kisses and he squeaks because he’s a soft shit
to escape Your Affection he pulls you close and buries his head in your shoulder 
you wrap your arms around him and stand on your tip toes for it to be more comfortable for you both
but jeno has no plans of letting you go anytime soon so when your calves fatigue and you fall flat footed jeno pulls away and drags you to the couch
he declares this your First Date and puts on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, marley and me
wtf jeno ? u tryna have a Sob Fest????
and it really does end in crying for both of you lmao
it’s pitiful
afterwards you watch that weird rip off of the smurfs called the snorks where it’s exactly the same except they’re underwater to get out of your Sad and Depressing mood
jeno eventually leaves because his mom has texted him 2738484 times to get his ass home
you walk him to the door and he kisses you goodbye in the Softest Fashion You’ve Ever Experienced and then waves at you over his shoulder on the way to his mother’s car
rip she had to pick him up since he didn’t drive there
as he walks away you’re almost uh Mad at how good he looks in your sweatpants
he notices your stare and opens his mouth to offer them back but you wave him off
“keep em, babe. they look better on you anyways”
and this , this BOY
winks, sLaps hIS OWN aSs ? and says
“i know they do ;)))))”
the other boys each individually text you some variation of
“sO ??&: U AND JENO ?!?!:!;!&,&:”
and you reply to them all with
and Refuse to answer further questions
you and jeno fall into affection and dating so easily it’s as if you’ve been in a relationship all along
jeno is naturally very affectionate with just his friends so with you it’s tenfold
he literally can’t go more than 2 days without being able to see you
in person
and preferably kissing you
if he doesn’t see you for awhile he will sneak into your room and curl himself around your back
the first time he did it you were already in bed when the window opened and you thought he was a MURDERER and threw a book at him
once you had both calmed down he tackled you and pressed you into the sheets until you were out of breath from cackling and squealing
jeno loves you , so much
he loves you with everything he’s got and it’s honestly so endearing to you that he’s so attached
especially since you are just as attached i mean look at him
he calls you lovebug or sweetheart or any other slightly cringey nickname he can think of but he always uses your name when he tells you he loves you
he wants to you to know that he MEANS it and he FEELS it with every fiber of his body
and honestly what more could you ask for ?
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