#cath answers a bunny
highkingfen · 5 years
I hope your okay after the news! I know the tag is kind of toxic rn, which is horrible to see. Everyones gonna miss Fillory so much, but your followers will still be right here with you!
Well, today I learned that my mom isnt doing super good
and I open my phone to see the news
So I wont lie by saying that I am ok. I am not. Especially seeing people saying how happy they are the show got cancelled (I started to block them for my own mental health) 
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But I try to limit my time on social media today, will go pet my bunnies and probably lie down on the couch for the rest of the day. Something The Magicians taught me was that its ok to feel your feeling, but resilience is important. 
Today I will be sad, I will be angry, I will be disappointed, I will be nostalgic
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Tomorrow I will scream about the new episode and annoy you with Fen things and continue to move forward. That’s what Fen, Julia, Eliot, Margo, Quentin, Alice, Kady would do. And that’s what I will try to.
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Knowing people like you are still around is simply amazing. Someone one twitter said that Fandom brought us together but doesn't hold us. What hold us is love and kindness. Thank you for checking up on me, I needed that today. More than you can even think. 
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neitherlandslibrary · 5 years
where is the source of s6 being the last one?
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jade Insta
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whitespiresarmory · 5 years
can I make an au for the new theme or does it have to be in the canon universe?
AU is perfectly fine!
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slyfoxann544 · 3 years
𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 (𝑾𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇! 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐𝒖 𝒙 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: One day patroling at night you find an injured werewolf and decide to care for him. How will this change your fate?
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2020
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none
A/n: I do accept requests
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It was a pleasant night. The cool breeze blew against my face as I let out a sigh of contentment. Sounds of dry leaves crunching were heard with every step I took and the path was illuminated by the moonlight. The scene was beautiful.
I was loving patrol duty.
It had only been a few months since Queen Mirko herself had choosen me to guard over the area near the werewolf border and the job seemed easy enough. There were tensions between our kingdoms sure, but neither of the two had attempted to attack the other just yet and it wasn't often that there would be werewolves just roaming around these parts in an attempt to tresspass.
That was untill today. I sniff around cathing an unfamiliar scent in the air.
I was getting the gut feeling that I was not alone.  And this was only confirmed when I heard rustling and someone's footsteps coming towards me. Putting my guard up I take my spear and hold it firmly.
"Ugh, where the hell am I?", someone grumbles as I hide behind a tree. A few seconds later I see someone step out. They were standing in the dark so I wasn't able to see who they were but i could tell by their voice that it was a male. And boy did he seem irritated
"Stupid Deku.", he grumbles. " 'Let's have a picnic Kacchan.' 'We'll be back before dark Kacchan' 'Surely there won't be any attempt on your life Kacchan.'."
"Fucking dumbass.", as the stranger steps out into the moonlight his features were clear.
He had blonde spikey hair and sharp features with an angry expression on his face. He was also clutching his side as stumbled through the bushes.
But what was the most important detail was that he was a werewolf, and right now he was trespassing.
So, I decide to do what any patrol guard would've done. I sneak up behind him and knock him out. He falls face first on the ground after recieving such a strong blow. As I roll him over I get know the reason why he was clutching his side.
He was bleeding.
'Was he attacked? He did mention something about an attempt on his life. But why would someone attack him?', I think to myself as I pick him up and start travelling back to my house near-by.
'Maybe he's someone important? Come to think of it he does look familiar.But why would he come into our territory? Did he even know he was trespassing?'
Brushing it off I decide to focus on carrying him because boy was he heavy.
This was not how I expected my night would go.
"Ugh", I groan as I open my eyes turning in the bed.
'Wait. BED?!'
Quickly throwing the sheets off myself I sit up analysing the room. This was not at all familiar. I attempt to get up but I am yanked back by my hand.
'Just great.'
I then notice that whoever was responsible for all of this had also taken off my jacket and shirt and my torso was bandaged.
"I'm gonna kill this extra.", I grumble yanking on the chain
"Nice to see that the sleeping beauty is finally awake."
"Nice to see the sleeping beauty is finally awake.", I say entering the room.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?", the blonde shouts.
"I'm Y/n L/n, the patrol guard for the south border of the bunny kingdom. The kingdom you were trespassing in", I answer with a staright face.
'Was he always this loud and angry?'
"No.", I answer
"Command me? Pfft-who do you think you are?", I ask him irritated and amused by how he thought he could just order me around.
"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?", he asks as if I was supposed to know he even existed before today.
"Let me guess. An arrogant, self-centered jerk with anger issues?", I say which makes him even angrier
"You heard me."
'Did he say prince?'
"Wait-You're Bakugou? As in Prince Katsuki Bakugou of the werewolf kingdom.", I ask him just to be sure.
'Could he not shout every word he says? At this point my eardrums are gonna bleed.'
"Well, your majesty what were doing in our territory anyway?", I ask him
'Seriously? Did he not listen when I introduced myself?'
"What do you mean what's it to me? It's my job. If I find you were here to cause harm to us I'll have to turn you over to the queen, and as you know tensions between our kingdoms are high. So unless you want to be the cause of a war that'll kill hundreds of your people you'll speak."
He did calm down a little after that but his expressions clearly showed that he was still angry.
"I was out on a picnic with two of my friends, but things when south when we were attacked. I got split up and couldn't find my way because it got dark. Happy?", he begrudgingly explains.
'So I was right. He did come here by accident.'
"Now can you release me already?!", he says with a voice laced with anger.
"I could, but how do I know you won't attack me?", I cross my arms and he grumbles.
Finally letting out a sigh he begins with a bored expression, "If I promise I won't hurt you will you please let me go? Plus I'm injured and I'm sure you have tons of weapons around and are capable enough of protecting yourself, so can you get rid of these chains already?"
I look at him raising my eyebrow. "Fair enough." I move towards the red-eyed male and free him.
"Your clothes are on that chair, I'll drop off some food and water and then you can leave if you want to.", I say moving towards the door. "Although I'd suggest you stay a while considering it's pretty dark out."
"Whatever.", I hear the male grumble.
✩。:*•.───── 💥💥 ─────.•*:。✩
I wake up the next hearing the sound of utensils clattering in the kitchen. It was most likely Bakugou.
'Wait, the Prince. I forgot about him.'
Quickly changing and making myself look presentable I head down to the kitchen. Something smelled good.
"What are you doing?", I ask him entering the room to be hit by the aroma of delicious food.
"What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm cooking dumbass!", he says.
'Huh, the future king of the werewolves can cook. Who would've thought?'
"EAT", he places down two plates on the table
"Eh, I'm good.", I say grabbing a carrot.
"How do I know you haven't poisoned it?", I ask him
"HUH? WHY WOULD I DO THAT?", he asks irritated.
"Why would you not do that. I mean I barely know you and plus our kind hates each other.", I say walking over to the side opposite to where he was sitting.
"You wish.", I say smugly.
"Whatever.", I take a seat and pick a spoon.
Okay, if I have to be completely honest, It looked tasty and smelled even better. As I sceptically take a bite the werewolf infront of me eyes my every moment.
'Holy shit, that's good.'
"Wow, this is actually good.", I say.
"OF COURSE IT IS. I MADE IT.", I only roll my eyes.
"So are you planning to leave after this.", I take a sip of water and he looks down.
"About that...", he begins and I furrow my eyebrows. "I was wondering if I could maybe stay a few more days?". My eyes widen at what he says.
'He wants to stay? Why?'
"Huh? Why?', I ask tilting my head.
"Well, there was an attempt to assassinate me so I think I'd better if I go after that settles down. Plus I'll be fully healed by then.", he says.
"Yeah, but you do know that you're in the Bunny Kingdom currently and that everyone in your kingdom would freak out if you just go missing?", I say and there's a hint of sadness on his face.
"I know.", he says. "But I really wish I could get a break from the royal duties.", I sigh
I had no idea what to do. If I let him stay I would be disobeying the Queen but he really looks like he wants to escape from the pressures of being a royal for once.
"How long do you wanna stay?", I ask
"Just a week or so."
"Alright.", I say and then get up to put my plate away. "But you'll have to help with the chores."
"Sure, whatever", he says putting away his plate too.
"Then make yourself at home I guess. My room is just down the hall from where you stayed last night. Let me know if you need anything.", I say walking out. "I'm going to patrol as of now."
"Uh-hey Y/n", he calls and I turn around. "Thanks."
✩。:*•.───── 💥💥 ─────.•*:。✩
Living with Bakugou was surprisingly not that bad. We even had some fun.
In the morning after breakfast he'd accompany me during patrol. Although we didn't really talk I enjoyed the company. Most of our day was spent outside enjoying the sun, annoying the crap outta each other.
It was a good thing that my house was located on a good distance from the nearest village, otherwise could you imagine how much everyone would panic seeing a werewolf just roaming around?
In the evening we'd head back and I'd rest for a while and he would make dinner. He'd insisted that he would be the one incharge of making breakfast and dinner while I would make lunch. I didn't spend much time in the kitchen cooking these days but even when I did I would not hear the end of it.
The blonde would go around shouting at me telling me everything I was doing wrong and how my chopping skills disgraced the art of cooking. Hey, it's not my fault I wasn't trained by a professional chef to cook unlike somebody.
Bakugou didn't turn out to be as bad as I had judged him to be and I genuinely enjoyed his company. But let's be honest, I had spent so many months alone that I'd be thankful for any company. However, it was nice having him around and even though we'd mostly annoy each other I enjoyed every minute of it.
So just like that a week passed, Bakugou's injuries healed and it was time for him to leave.
"You know, I never thought I'd say this but I'm gonna miss you.", I say as the both of us walk towards the border. The taller male smiles, though it was kinda like a smirk.
"I'll miss you too idiot.", he says ruffling my hair.
"Hey, I'm not an idiot", I cross my arms.
"You're right, cause even an idiot could cut chives better than you.", he says smirking and I roll my eyes.
We continue walking in silence for a while untill we reach the border.
"Here we are.", I say gesturing towards the sign that marked from where the werewolf territory started.
"Guess this is good-bye huh?", I say looking down. Even though I wasn't ever gonna admit it, I was sad that he had to leave.
"Guess so.", he say putting his hands in his pocket.
"I really am gonna miss you Bakugou."
"Katsuki.", he says. "Call me Katsuki.", I only smile
"Well Katsuki, I hope to see you again."
"Me too.", he says stepping forward and engulfing me in a hug.
I tense at first but soon enough I hug him back closing my eyes.
'He smells nice.'
As we pull back we lock eyes. He looked just as sad as I was.
"Hey now, don't be sad. We'll meet again.", I say placing my hand on his cheek
"Just promise you won't forget me?", he says taking my hand.
Kissing my hand he hand he thens walks towards his kingdom's territory.
"Well then, until next time Y/n", he turns back his head slightly to say.
"Until next time Katsuki."
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aki-draws-things · 3 years
Dream full of angst that I like to read/write as fics just to know how they end~ (yeah, thanks brain for giving me that dream, okay? And even more for remembering so much...)
Time of the day unspecified, it was dark so either night or early morning, Greg and Catherine are in the car going on a crime scene (or coming from one, unsure), cath is driving when passing on a bridge someone starts shooting at them, hitting Greg multiple times and making cath lose control of the car ending down in the water.
She drags both herself and Greg out of the sinking car and on the grass, someone probably alerted rescue and she managed to send an alert to someone of the team. (possibly nick, who was stuck in traffic when he had to meet with them, either on the scene or at the lab, still before the shooting he was stuck, cursing over the phone and Greg was laughing because cursing with a strong accent sounded pretty funny.) anyway, back on cath and Greg, as they wait for rescue cath tries to keep him awake despite losing blood so fast, cradles him on her legs.
There's a random cut that I don't really remember and then back at them, with Cath doing cpr as the ambulance approaches.
Cut again, on the team at the scene, nick jumping down the car and seeing the ambulance taking off, complaining that now he's stuck on this scene, with part of it sinked in the lake and the other part covered in Greg's blood, and that Greg was supposed to be in the car with him but he ran late so he went ahead with Catherine and just... He was a ball of anxiety, worry and fear and couldn't process the scene and Warrick had to take him away.
And... That was it, I think. No idea of who shot, no idea why they shot, if Greg was the target, or Catherine, or the evidence in the car of they were coming from a scene. Hell, for what I know ot could have been crossfire and they accidentally ended in the middle.
Also, no idea if Greg survives either, he was on a pretty bad shape.
And I want to know so... Anyone, consider this a plot bunny, if you want, if it inspires anything, I don't own it, it came in a dream and left without giving any answer, the bastard.
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devilglow · 5 years
About Me
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better.
TAGGED BY: @gelum-lumen 
1. Nickname: Cath  2. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius  3. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw with some Slytherin in there, I think? But mostly the former  4. Height: 5′5  5. Last thing I googled: Exploding head syndrome. Not as scary as it sounds  6. Favorite musicians: No preference, to be honest  7. Song stuck in my head: A thousand eyes  8. Followers: ...*Checks* 921  9. Following: 740  10. Do you get asks: Yup!  11. Amount of sleep: Depends on the weather  12. Lucky number: Don’t think I got one?  13. What are you wearing: Pink bunny pyjamas  14. Dream job: Chef in a video game themed cafe  15. Instruments: None, unfortunately  16. Languages: English, Greek, very basic French  17. Favorite song: Changes all the time, honestly  18. Random fact: I broke a doctor’s teeth when he was giving me stitches  19. Aesthetic: Cute pastels and the morbid and creepy  20. Dream trip: Getting to meet all of my internet friends <3 
TAGGING: @hiulcus @guiltscorched​ @resurre-ct @anammxlech @kathaikia @deathvoids @indictvs @exxxceed @dantesheaven @kissafist @cantusgratia @oredfield @greatmartyr @demonslayvr & whoever else feels like it!
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amliha · 7 years
I was tagged by @hollyknight
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
soo I’m tagging @monikadoodles @lucifer-says-hii and @theselfproclaimedhero
1. coke or pepsi: i like both
2. disney or dreamworks: disney
3. coffee or tea: tea,i hate coffee
4. books or movies: books!
5. windows or mac: windows
6. dc or marvel: marvel
7. xbox or playstation: xbox but i’m thinking about buying ps sl i can play persona 5
8. dragon age or mass effect: i love both but dragon age is slightly better
9. night owl or early riser: night owl
10. cards or chess: cards i guess but i kinda don’t now how to play either of them
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
12. vans or converse: converse
13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: lavellan!
14.  fluff or angst: fluff,but angst is okay too
15. beach or forest: forest,I hate beaches.Too bad,cuz i have them near my house and no forests around :<
16.  dogs or cats: dogs
17.  clear skies or rain: rain
18.  cooking or eating out: eating out,i’m horrible at cooking
19. Spicy food or mild food: depends on my mood
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween is fun.But the american version,not the polish one cuz it’s really sad
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: too cold,then i can just hug people a lot
22.  if you could have a superpower, what would it be: same as @hollyknight i would choose time manipulation
23.  animation or live action: idk,i like both
24.  paragon or renegade: i always try to be renegade but end up as a paragon,i guess i’m just too nice
25. baths or showers: i prefer baths but have them really rarely
26. team cap or team ironman: team cap!
27.  fantasy or sci-fi: i can’t choose
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes? if so what are they: 
eh,i don’t really have any?I mean i like quotes,but always forget to write them down somewhere
29.  youtube or netflix: youtube,i don’t really have anything to watch on netflix now
30.  harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson!!
31.  when do you feel accomplished: when i do something i was really scared of i guess
32.  star wars or star trek: star wars!But right now i’m trying to get into star trek too
33.  paperback books or hardback books: dude,i love hardbacks
34. horror or rom-com: horrors,i hate rom-com’s
35.  to live in a world without literature or music: can i do neither?They both sound horrible
36.  pastel colours or dark colours: i love both!
37.  tv shows or movies: tv shows,my attention span is too short for movies
38.  city or countryside: city!
39.  if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be:idk
40.  if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: great comet of 1812 obc.Seroulsy,listen to this it’s awesome!!!
41.  cinema or theatre: theatre!Even when i go to cinema in most cases i just go there to see something from nt live
42.  if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: woah,that’s a hard question.But i think Cath from fangirl would be awesome as a friend!
43.  smiling or smirking: smiling
44.  are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: consistent
45.  playlists or your whole library on shuffle: library on shuffle
46. traveling or staying at home: traveling! I already was in 11 countries!
47.  books or fanfiction:
i love both,but i read more fanfiction,mostly because it’s free
48.  If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: there’s too many,i can’t choose.But i want to live in a world with coold aliens and interplanetary traveling
49. your favorite cartoon: Pokemon and bob’s burgers
50.  name the weirdest songs on your itunes, current or past: i don’t really have any weird ones
51. mountains or plains: Plains,i hate mountains!They’re scary and i hate walking on rugged terrain( i used google translate for this one,sorry.But what i mean is it’s not flat,it’s going up or down all the time and that scares me for some reason)
52. favorite anime (or tv show if you don’t watch anime): uhh i really like Ouran high school host club and lucky star
53. which social media platform are you most like yourself on: tumblr?I’m not sure if i’m like myselg on any of them
54. What are some of your passions: video games,theatre,comic books
55. What are some of your current goals in life?: get to university,be happy and i want to be more brave!
56. A pet that you would like to have (or already have) that is NOT a cat or dog:I have 2 pet bunnies!
57.Which country would you like to visit:China,Taiwan,Canada and i want to see Japan,Malta,France and Switzerland again!
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highkingfen · 5 years
Stop giffing fen literally no one cares about her
I beg to differ I know a lot of people like her and I was never shy about my love for her. If you dont like her blacklist the name or unfollow me :) 
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Also sending anti-fen in anon is the best way for me not to take you seriously. In fact I will make sure to gif Fen even more now 
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neitherlandslibrary · 5 years
What time will you be posting the link on wednesday? UK time? also love your blog, thank you for all the a+ content
ohhh thank you! Most of the content is from the fandom itself so YAY to them
It will be at 8 EST so 1 AM london time
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whitespiresarmory · 5 years
May I suggest/ask that the start and end dates for the themes (i.e. "crossover") be added into the posts about the themes themselves? I had to hunt for the end date just now and it'd be easier if it were on the post itself I feel like.
oh WOW I truly thought I had written it! MY mistake! I will fix this for reblogs and further themes
Sorry sorry sorry
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highkingfen · 4 years
Was it ever explained, the Alice/Cassandra thing?
Its funny I just edited 306 of the podcast I do (Fillorians United) where we talk about how Cassandra is one of the thing that is not resolved ever which ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
this goes in the line of:
Julia have a sister
The witch and Q blood vile
Why the demon in 309 chose Todd as a face
Mayakovsky's daughter 
How Kady met Pete
Margo robbing a bank when she was younger
Did Clarion removed her power and where did it went
Did Pete got his tattoo removed
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highkingfen · 5 years
Has anyone ever figured out a timeline for events in the show? Like, how much time has actually passed between events?
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its more complex now knowing he slept and stuff but if I do a third version of the  DND book, I will update that part. 
If you want to read the book, I offer it for free over here
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highkingfen · 5 years
You said to watch Season 5?. I’m watching it and there’s been no mention of JULIA WICKER being pregnant!!!. Now if you’re talking about the actress Stella Maeve who plays Julia, that’s different. Thanks.
Hi, Sorry for the delay to answer this ask. I saw it yesterday but the rudeness of it all just blew me away. Especially coming from an anon. I don’t know why you are so focus on this aspect but here we go:
Episode 508
Julia holds a bunny in front of Fen who announced her that she is pregnant:
J: Shit
F: Um, do you know what you’re gonna do?
J: Um, I’m not so sure
.F:Do you want me to send a bunny to Penny?
J :Uh, Penny and I are just we’re sort of in a weird place.
F:Oh.Actually, until I’ve had some time to process, I’d really appreciate if we could keep this - between you and I, please? 
******Later in the episode when Julia and Fen are alone:
F: Rest is good for the baby.
J: Not a baby. Still baking.
 F: But it’ll become a baby. You do know how this works, right? 
J: Look, Fen, I just want to live my life without this defining every aspect of it, you get me?
F: Okay, well, if that’s the truth then why haven’t you done something about it? It’s not a hard procedure, not even in Fillory.
J: You think I should abort it? 
FI’m saying you should make a choice. You’re letting something into your life that you can’t control and in lots of ways will control you. It’ll make you happy, or devastate you. 
J: Yeah. Look, I’ve been pregnant before, and it was really bad. And I knew this time if I told everyone about it, they’d get worried and overprotective and I just wanted to take one of the next nine months to feel like maybe this time it wouldn’t be so terrible, you know? 
F: Nine months? What are you talking about? It’s Red Monkey Month. 
J:Red Monkey what?
 F: Everything goes faster in Red Monkey Month. Healing, crop growth, weirdly, not monkeys.J: I’m sorry, are you saying that my pregnancy is going to be sped up? 
F:Julia, it already is. As long as you stay in Fillory.
J: Oh, Jesus Christ
Now is it good writing to include Stella’s real belly in the show? Meh. I have seen better. Especially we never heard about Red Monkey Month before this episode (and since crops growns and hunger has been something El and Margo were working on as monarch its…yeah) But it IS written in the show. 
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I wanted to gif the thing to show you but after the rudness you provided, I decided you were not the hours it takes to do so. So have the transcript. And learn to ask for proof instead of insinuating people are too stupid to make the difference between real and fake pregnancy  
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highkingfen · 4 years
I feel like Fen is basically the heart of Fillory. So long as she lives, as she breathes, or even as her memory exists, Fillory is going to thrive no matter what.
No mather what happen I am 1000000000000000% sure that she will have her say into the New Fillory and she will be listen for once
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highkingfen · 4 years
If Fen doesn't become a goddess figure, or other equally important figures, then what's the point. Her story reads like it's straight from some fantastical creationist myth. Often overlooked, always putting the good of her world before the good of her own well-being, invaluable and frankly taken for granted knowledge about fillory, and of course in a moment of panic she takes the world seed into her own body to preserve it? She's literally becoming the mother of the new world! I'm in awe of her
thank you for putting into words the reason I am screaming for the past two days
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highkingfen · 5 years
I was wondering if you could explain something for me? I love The Magicians, but i never understood the cupcake thing when Penny gets to the underworld. Was it wxplained and i just missed it, or am i just dim?
NO! Its greek legends! And I weirdly know a lot about it because of a mix of Percy Jackson and dozen of historical and myth podcast! 
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Basically, it goes with the myth of Persephone in the underworld. Basically, Hades steals her from the upper world where she was living with her mother Demeter. 
Demeter is so sad that for the first time in Earth history, plants dies and weather gets cold. Zeus is like ‘’Yo fuck that please make warmth back again’’ and Demeter refused to cooperate until she gets her daughter’s back. So Zeus sends an envoy to clear things out with his brother. 
Thing is Persephone kinda dig begging with Hades and consider as a Queen of the Underworld. So she doesn’t want to leave really. But Demeter is adamant that she comes back. That is where Persephone explains that when she got there, she ate pomegranate seed (which symbolize marriage and relationship for some reason) so she is now tied to Hades and considers his wife. 
(Then Demeter is pissed and they manage to have a compromise that she goes six months in the underworld and six in the underworld which is the myth that explains the seasons in ancient Greek) 
So since then, the idea of eating in the underworld is tying you to this place and there is no way for you to come back when you do that. 
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All of this is fitting because Penny eats right after his meeting with Hades who was convincing him to give the Library a try and that he had a destiny in the underworld. So Yeah. The cupcake (with a cherry on top, reminding of pomegranate) is the symbolism of Penny!40 staying in the underworld for good and embracing his destiny. 
I hope it helps!
(Also I know the greek myth is more complex and better explain i just wrote the simplify version)  
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