#cats making buicuits on me
gessshoku · 2 years
Inktober Day 4, Inner Thoughts
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I’m going to start and try titling these pieces, just cause how can I not??
Very late, however, time doesn’t exist if I don’t look at it. This was inspired by the thoughts that go in my head, while also being inspired by pretending. We all pretend so I’m sure you know what I mean, normally I pretend around my family and sometimes through texts, you just don’t really notice it because it’s hard to read tones in text.
For no particular reason I decided to make it more colorful than the others I did, which was a pain I had to restart shading thrice. Which was painful af. But it turned out pretty so here ya go- my inner thoughts- at least like- the few I could focus on.
I’m tired but heheee haaaanndssss awaaaaa very therapeutic to draw in a way. The hands don’t really represent anything, maybe they do. I just had the strong urge to add them, so many deep in my subconscious they mean something OuO
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