I honestly believe that you have the best re8 related username that I've seen so far Plus, your content is *chefs kiss* 😘
This is so nice of you, thank you very much! 🥹
When I heard Alcina said that, I fell in love with the quote right away, it fitted quite personally and since it's related to her, it was simply perfect for me ❤️
Also, it makes me happy you enjoy my content 🙈
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baku-usagi · 5 months
So my tav is Baku, which is kind of the placeholder name I give all my first game ocs 😂
Her story goes like this
Her parents were a young couple from. The country side, he father a human, her mother A tiefling. Not a lot of racism towards tieflings in their part of. The boonies. He joined the military, and worked his way up. The ranks, and with his wife pregnant, he. Receives the promotion of a life Time in balders gate! It's too good a deal to resist and he takes it, but like many men who get with women from different ethnicities, he ends  up getting redpilled by his new coworkers who have less good opinions about tieflings. He's ashamed of his wife and their newborn tiefling child, and does his best to distance himself from the concept of their race.
Baku knows from a young age her father resents her, and does everything she can do earn his love and approval but he is unmoveable, she watches her mother stay inspite her father's new found mistreatment..
Eventually against his wishes she joins up in the military in the hopes that she can make him Proud through service.
She works hard and quickly becomes one of the finest soldiers in the force but many amongst the ranks have issues with tieflings and haze/harass her. She does her best to be a model soldier inspite of this.
But unfortunately after several years on the force she snaps on a group of soldiers shit talking her people calling them devil folk. She confronts them and they beat the shit out of her at the stables, holding her head under the water trough and almost drowning her.
Her father manages to intervene in time, but instead of punishing the soldiers or supporting her, he angrily reprimands her, saying she should be keeping her head down better instead of attracting trouble.
Hurt physically and emotionally she finds herself in the church of ilmater, offering some sad prayer for Comfort. A paladin finds her there and offers her a booklet about oaths, he tells her of a convent that is always looking for able bodied young recruits. She leaves that same day and starts her journey as a paladin, resonating most with the tenants of vengeance.
She spends her time defending any. Who cannot protect themselves, picking fights with racists of any brand, and helping as many tiefling as she can, getting to reconnect with her culture in the process.
After years of this, she realized the person she hadn't yet gotten vengeance for was herself.
Suffering mental Health and wanting to overcome her feelings that she'd be better dead, or rather never born, she tries to channel This into anger at her father, deciding to meet him and demand answers/hold him accountable.
She finds him just as he was when she left, her mother still with him.
She ends up Fighting her father after a heated exchange of words, winning by a land slide. Beat and battered her father tells her his daughter died years ago, and she needed to leave before he called for backup.
She tries to convince her Mother to leave but her mom knows no other life.
She officially cuts ties, feeling utterly defeated.
Less then a week later she's taken by the mind flayers and wormed
The story of the game ensues, and she finds herself loosing faith In. The divine. Vengeance left her empty.
She confronts the tiefling trying to kill the caged goblin. Telling her what she knows to be true, that the veangance won't make it better.
As the words leave her mouth her oath breaks, leaving her terrified at the feet of a larger then life suit of armor, who tells her she's Lost something.
She decides she wants freedom. Freedom from all of it..
"tired of doctrine and dogma, I wanted freedom" she told the oathbreaker.
And thus the journey continues.
She falls deeply in love with gale
There is obviously a lot more but that's the gist!
Please tell me all about y'alls tavs/durges!!!
@breadedsinner @catsquirrelgurl!
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kohifuwafuwa · 8 months
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Offering up base fill ins for $10. Base by Mr TallyCat on X. Examples belong to @catsquirrelgurl and @kohifuwafuwa.
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memesnotwelcome · 1 year
Tagged by @kiradical for
Last Song Played
@cosmic-sweat @sunfl0wersonthemoon @thekingofcrochet @pataliemortman @vickir0se @baconandvibrators @sostrongsheburnsheaven @jabberjawsross @a-cosmicmess @catsquirrelgurl @wankydoo @zombie-luna @propalahramota @rightintothepacific
what's everyones' mood call for today?
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thatdamnokie · 11 months
oh snap, got tagged by @customrobogcn! 
15 questions, 15 mutuals.
were you named after anyone? morgan fairchild and her character elise from somewhere in time.
when was the last time you cried? like fifteen minutes ago.
do you have kids? no and i don’t want any.
do you use sarcasm a lot? it depends on where i am and my mood honestly, if i’m in a pissy headspace i’m a lot more sarcastic than normal and will hurt feelings.
what's the first thing you notice about people? how they smile.
what's your eye color? hazel.
scary movies or happy endings? i demand both.
any special talents? not really.
where were you born? midwest united states.
what are your hobbies? still very much into horror and video games, especially survival horror. i used to write but don’t much anymore. :( i don’t really do much these days.
have any pets? we have two corgis, jake and poppy, who live with my mom.
what sports do you play/have you played? when i was younger a bunch--basketball, soccer, t-ball. my favorite team sport is softball, batting practice was my favorite thing back in the day.
how tall are you? 5'6″
favorite subject in school? lunch time with my besties lmao fuck class
dream job? i don’t know anymore. i think maybe a part of me still wants to be a writer but i don’t write, so uhm, good luck to me i guess.
i tag: @catsquirrelgurl, @nymphaureate, @orphicpoet, @manicdreampixie, @thoughyouwishyouwerethewind, @cunning-trickster-rabbit, @rin-the-shadow, @blackbirdie1022, @manicpanicpixienightmare, @fairiepunk, @morbid-turnip, @fierysword, @miw-sherit, @hyadeslull & @partyinthemysterymachine
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soft--dogs · 4 years
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chibi comm for catsquirrelgurl on twitter!
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soft--dogs · 4 years
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another chibi comm for catsquirrelgurl on twitter!
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