#cause aoki genuinely does believe those things- we never see him second guess himself until the absolute end
yall think im playing but i truly need aoki and mine in the ring kicking the shit out of each other right now
6 notes · View notes
Waver 1 - 13 (FINAL) | Prisma Illya 1 - 10 (FINAL) | Prisma Illya 2wei! 1 - 3
Another (and to be honest, the last) batch of impressions from the Fate/ project.
Waver 1
Well, this’ll be interesting. I’ve been hyping this show up for a while for myself, so let’s see how it goes.
Geez, this intro is like a dang movie! I’d love to see a proper Troyca movie! (<-Says the fan of Troyca.)
Wait, if it’s Kayneth Archibald, then is Archibald relatd to Archisorte? Or am I just making thing up here…? Also note Reines refers to Kayneth as “Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald”, possibly meaning Archibald is the middle name, since El-Melloi is a shared surname (or is that a title…?). That probably means Archibald =/= Archisorte and both are similar-sounding middle names. The fact Reines is Kayneth’s niece also explains things quite a bit.
Why is Waver upside down…? Won’t the blood rush to his head soon? (Sure, it allows me to ogle his hair more, but…logic rules more than my stupid whims, y’know?)
Interesting. You can see that although Waver grew out his hair, there’s two layers to it – the longer one in the front and the shorter one in the back. (I’m just curious because I like the hime cut – which is pretty similar - and long hair on dudes in general, in part because both are fairly rare.)
Okay, that explained my gripe with upside-down Waver. Thanks, Reines. (<-genuine)
Aw, Waver buddy, even at this stage, you’re plenty cute. Don’t ever change! (<- As you can see, I am an easily pleased person in most cases.)
Melvin who now???
Troyca’s comic animation rules! It’s too bad Idolish7 Second Beat is using chibis instead of this…
Professor Kayneth. I forgot he had a formal title. I wonder, does Waver - I mean, El-Melloi II – have that title as well?
I guess I should’ve known Saber had the capability to look scary, but…I never knew Saber could look so scary…
*cut to eyecatch* - *points at eyecatch* Okay, someone tried to save budget here, didn’t they???
Aw, friendship between fiction boys is cute…until it involves the puking up on blood on one end.
Waver is the OG underdog here…don’tcha think?
“…with several demands.” – Uh-oh…this is gonna be bad, isn’t it?
You need a Tuner for Magic Crests? (…Like a tuning fork, but a person?) *brow raised in suspicion*
…is it appropriate for me to say “Oh, good lord!” now? (Okay, I did that rather deliberately, but normally in these notes I’d self-censor it to be “oh, goodness” or something like that.)
Seriously, the black-haired dude in the Ionian Hetairoi is my favourite, even if only because he looks like Waver (and he’s really easy to spot, to boot).
Why is this in first person??? I’ve dropped entire shows based on their usage of 1st person cam! Room Mate and Makura no Danshi basically scarred me for life on that front…and both of those are TV shorts!
Hey, wait a second. This “use a quote on the titlecard” thing is clearly an Ei Aoki sort of thing to do. I mean, it’s in ID: Invaded as well…
Waver 2
*new blonde girl appears* - So this is the rumoured Animusphere girl (Mary), huh?
Bounded field, huh? I’m glad I chose to watch F/Z before this, then. Now I actually understand the (rough) mechanics of how that works.
There’s assassins and then there’s Assassins…*thinks about the Holy Grail War*
As it turns out, astromancy is basically astrology.
The one thing that bugs me about “Modern Magecraft” (there’s a similar concept of New Magic in Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) is…how is the magic “modern”…? Especially in a work like this, where the magic is based in arcane rituals and bloodlines…you really need to establish how the “modern” bit works.
Gray is facing away from the Animusphere girl (Mary), I noticed.
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes – Basically, the fact I’ve memorised this quote is one of the lingering impacts of my time in the Detective Conan fandom, as it can be used on things like quizzes, not just mysteries.
Can we please use proper English, Waver??? (Says me to a character whose name I still find nonsensical enough to not be proper English.) As I said previously, “whydunit” is modus operandi or motive…the new bit is “howdunit”, which would be the method.
I do believe the geocentric model was overthrown by people like Kepler.
Gray kind of looks like Saber with that hairstyle, come to think of it.
With the way Gray hides herself under that hood, it’s no mystery as to why guys love her…at least, I know ThatRandomEditor does. Of course, I’m heavily neutral on the whole affair because I don’t swing that way, but…you know…
LEMPC seems to stand for “Lord El-Melloi Production Committee”, if I’m guessing right.
I seem to remember there was a quote somewhere that said the only constant in this world was change…hmm.
Waver 3
They seem to keep calling Japan “the Far East” (or at least, Japan is part of the Far East). That’s a pretty antiquated term for a supposedly “modern” magic anime. I get vaguely peeved by the term “the Far East” because it causes people to take an oriental viewpoint on things and thus it’s kind of like people from the Anglosphere looking down on Asians. (I also get vaguely peeved by the term “Westerners” for much the same reason and “Caucasians” because it implies all people of the Anglosphere come from the Caucasus, which is false…then again, these niggles are specific to international studies, so I have a vested interest in explaining them.)
…Wow, that star-eyepatch girl is…really something, to be thirsty specifically for Waver’s Iron Claw. (Then again, with my weird tastes in things, who am I to critique her?)
Flitz von Erich. I was surprised to learn this guy actually exists…on Wikipedia, at the very least.
“Any lady should know about wrestling.” – I disagree, Luvia.
Blue furry electrical creature…I dunno how the zoology in this show works, but the fantasy series I’m reading as of the time I was typing this comment has a blue creature called a Raiju (literally “thunder beast” in Japanese, so it would suit the “Thunder” in the episode title). If it’s anything like that, I’d laugh myself silly.
This girl on the poster seems to be called Flan Noir (or something similar).
“…yellow, round, fluffy-smelling…” – What? Svin, you have no right to call a girl those words!
When is this series set if people don’t have phones as a standard? *Googles* Okay, if F/SN is set in 2004, then F/Z is 1994. That would make sense, actually. The internet as we know it was first used in 1995 and didn’t become widespread for home use until a few years later, as I remember having computers in 2004 (albeit the blocky ones with the dial-up).
I was looking at images for the source material and I think I know why I like Waver (aside from the fact he has long hair). Normally I like the boys whose appearances are hard to get right, such as En…Waver in the novels and manga for this series sometimes looks grumpy, sometimes he looks constipated and worst of all, sometimes he looks like Snape with a hook nose.
Okay, so I googled Caules to figure out who his sister was…and I got Apocrypha spoilers. See, his sister is Fiore, who is apparently in that series.
The videos got encoded funny again…
There seems to be a mystery around why Svin and Gray can’t be together…well, one deeper than just “Svin is gaga for Gray [for reasons we don’t know at this point in time]”.
Ha, the El-Melloi Class is basically just the Misfit Class from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.
“Only the flesh was bitten off.”  
This Jupiter gibberish, I assume, is drawing upon the mythology of Jupiter – that is, Zeus – as the god of thunder and king of the gods (thus presiding over living beings).
The English is good on the bill, bar a space between “Mystics of magecraft”.
Norwich is apparently a “faculty” which the Modern Magecraft Theories guys – i.e. Waver – rule over.
Can you imagine Waver swearing? Since I had the volume off, I basically made him say “…if Sir Gueldoa had resorted to brute force, we would’ve been f***ed” in my head…and that was hilarious.
Aw, thanks 7Mononoke. “A cowardly thief sneaks away in the night. If you stride away, bursting with song, you are a conquering king.” That’s a quote from Rider himself.
So the Association has set positions for Masters in the War? Geesh…that must be hard on Waver to find out they’re closed, considering how much Waver pines for Rider.
Waver 4
I finally got the chance to listen to the ED last ep and now it’s the OP I can hear properly. This OP isn’t particularly impressive, considering it’s an instrumental (instrumentals always seem to have less impact for me unless I’m looking for something to chill to), but it does capture the London-esque spirit of the setting very well.
What’s up with this metal (?) maid off to the side, anyway?
“Good thinking to leave the door open…” – For some reason, even though it’s a completely different and much more benign context, this made me think of KyoAni and my heart sunk.  
Atrum Galliasta…I hate that man. He may look hot, but he was nothing but a b*stard to Medea.
Bolo ties…nrgh…Basically, ever since Arima wore a bolo tie, I’ve become fairly bugged by them. That’s why Bram’s bugs me.
Aw, Waver, buddy, plase don’t sacrifice yourself again. I read on the wiki you become a Servant’s vessel (specifically for Zhu Ge Liang), so keep your hopes up.
I’m seriously feeling ID: Invaded vibes from this episode, what with the lightning.
I suspect a locked room murder is going to happen soon, knowing the genre. Either that or some other crime.
Considering Fate/ was an eroge-based thing initially, these sex jokes…there’s probably plenty of them out there.
Well, it seems this series only makes sense in that non-Detective Conan way, i.e. you want to know how it all comes together and can’t necessarily figure it out for yourself until you know how the magic works. I’m randomly going to guess this is more Jupiter-based stuff and call it a day on that front.
Seriously, I never got what was up with nightgowns (or just pyjamas in general) having hats. You don’t need protection for your head at night…that’s what pillows are for, yeah? (The only reason I see a hat-like thing working with nightwear is a onesie and that’s meant to be part of the inherent appeal of the thing.)
Waver 5
I feel like Adashino is meant to be an Irene Adler-type figure…
“Peaceful Fairys” (sic)
Where did Kairi’s scar come from…?
The Black Dog was in Mahoutsukai no Yome as well, but this one looks a lot less inviting, huh?
It seems, like the name Rail Zeppelin implies (as “Demon Eyes Collection Train”), most of the people involved in this case have Magic Eyes (or whatever they’re actually called). I wouldn’t be surprised if Kairi had them as well, considering he’s wearing dark glasses in the middle of a thunderstorm.
“King Arthur is a dude, right?” - *laughs madly* They finally managed to parody their own bulls***! (Well, I’m not counting Carnival Phantasm or whatever else because this is the first time they threw a meta joke in there in the whole of this project, as far as I can remember.)  
Trimmau seems to be the maid’s name…huh. They never mentioned that earlier, I don’t think.
So what’s the difference between Fairy Eyes and Mystic Eyes?
Wait, does that even work…? The entire house is the murder weapon? That’s basically breaking the “secret passageway” thing on a larger scale.
So what’s Trevor’s motive…?
The dogs running towards the Workshop reminded me of the Hunger Games for some reason…must be the climax.
That fairy isn’t emoting much…
Oh cra-Wills is going to sacrifice himself, like Adashino was going to do! That’s the second time I’ve seen that in 2 days (the first was in the Hypnosis Mic manga about the Dirty Dawg).
Uh…Waver’s not particularly fit or fast, is he…?
Can you be paid for your case if your client is essentially dead…?
Adra? I read around and Adra seems to be a way to spell the location (or whatever it is) in the first case…which got adapted into a stage play, but not an anime. That’s probably what he’s (Waver) referring to.
Notably, the title is translated to “lance” but yari means spear…
Waver 6
I seriously wanna slap that pink-haired girl…Update: Her name is Yvette.
This is basically Gray fanservice…
If Gray = Saber and Saber =King Arthur…hmm…does it count as a girl’s party?
Homeland? Since Britain is Saber’s (aka Gray’s) home country, I think they meant “hometown”…I’d hav to listen to the Japanese to make sure, though.
I still think Waver is a stupid, or at the very least false, name for a boy, especially if he did come from Britain. That’s basically my one limitation on him as a husbando.
The red bit of the eyecatch was shapd like an eye…it did catch eyes in a sense, after all.
So Trimmau is sustained by magic.
Locked-room…or rather, bounded field…mystery time!
Luvia did mention wrestling in another episode…
I had to google that, but the Separation Castle is from the Adra case mentioned in episode 5. No wonder I don’t remember it…
“Are you suggesting there were faults…” (from Luvia) - Ooh, I was thinking the perpetrator was caught inside their own bounded field or maybe it was an outsider, but that works too, Reines.
Add calld Luvia out for her extravagance, LOL.
Catch-as-catch-can appears to be “no-holds-barred fighting”, particularly wrestling.
That case was both informative and possibly solveable by the audience. Both good qualities for a mystery.
If you summon the spirit again, is it the same Rider with the same memories? Or can you summon a different version of the same Rider with amnesia, much like Rin did with Archer? Update: Oh yeah, I did read this on the wiki at one point but then forgot about it. The next episode (7) confirms that Rider wouldn’t remember Waver if he were summoned again.
Waver 7
…C’mon, admit it, show. The glasses are not only there for plot reasons but to up Waver’s status as megane boy for the rest of this case. Not that I mind – I actually really like megane boys, but I’m nowhere near the love of Meganebu – but in the case of plausibility, I wanna poke holes into it.
Auction for which Mystic Eyes now…?
There’s a guy…with an elephant head…I know I shouldn’t be bugged by it, but I need the MST3K mantra right now.
This is gonna be a Murder on the Orient Express thing, isn’t it? All cases set on trains seem to take cues or make homage to it. (I may not be that proficient on Christie in comparison to Holmes, since Holmes was Conan’s inspiration, but Murder on the Orient Express I have read and I did secure an anthology of 4 Christie novels at one point specifically so that I could improve in this area.)
The main series never explained the bad blood between the Church and the Tower, did they…?
*sweatdrop* Let me guess…when Yvette mentions “multiplay”, she means a threesome, right?
How do anime people see out of those blindfold thing, anyway??? (Or is it that Leandra has Mystic Eyes that were sold off or otherwise tampered with?)
I believe the word is “palate”, Kairi (or subbers).
Anime characters being bagworms with their blankets is always appealing, no matter the gender. It’s funny and/or relatable, after all.
Does Gray get motion sickness…? Update: Seems I spoke about a minute too soon. She does.
Waver 8
How does Waver know that Adashino got the documents about the train? Is it because she was in all those places at all those times and he connected the dots?
This lady has heterochromia. Specifically, one is brown and the other is blue or green.
Hmm? I thought the character design was familiar for this. As it turns out, Jun Nakai (who did the character design for this) also did Gate’s, which explains it.
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, IIRC. Hephaestion is, as (s)he explained, the confidante of Alexander the Great (had to google this one).
It’s hard to see before the brightly-lit scene where Olga reappears, but as shown, Waver seems to have cut off part of his forelocks on the left side.
What’s an Odo???...ooh, fanservice…*ogles*
The summoning of Hephaestion and Trisha’s murder may or may not be related…we just don’t know how, yet.
I think a Detective Conan Murder on the Orient Express-style mystery would be a good video ga-*googles* There’s at least one of them out there already (albeit only in Japan)...namely, this one. Spoke too soon.
Oh yeah…this is Olga’s new room, isn’t it? I almost forgot about that.
Update: I think this look at the Adra Separation Castle case is interesting. It’s similar to posts I would write, but done by a professional – namely Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku and Anime News Network.
Waver 9
So if there’s a Servant…you have to find the Master.
Olga reminds me of Reines…kind of.
LOL, whoever thought of a zombie cooking show…?
This series really goes all-in on the zombies and the fake-outs thereof, huh? Dangit, Melvin, don’t scare us.
Melvin has a really odd relationship with Waver, huh? If you’re really insisting you’re “the only person to ever be able to hurt Waver”, I don’t quite see how you guys can be friends in the normal sense of the word.
Why would someone have a violin at a time like this…?
Interestingly, they don’t bother to do any fanservice of Caules. That scene with Gray and Yvette was fanservice for those who like them, but the only guy who’s getting to do any fanservice in this series is Waver himself…(what with him being naked and knocked out right now.)
“Sibyl” seems to be a synonym for “virgin”…(*whispers “Awkward…”*)
Update: After reading some of Marth’s posts on this series, I’m inclined to call this “Murders on a Train (with an Exploding Helicopter for Good Measure)”.
Waver 10
For some reason, there’s episode 0 – 9, then 11 – 13 on the service I’m using. Where’s 10?
I think Waver’s relationship with Rider is interesting because of the way I think of relationships myself. Waver has made it clear that he wants to see Rider again so he can basically prostrate at his feet all over again (and maybe win a wish and/or see Oceanus while they’re at it), but – hey, hear this! - I used to believe, when I was still an impressionable kid, all relationships, whether they be between friends, family or even lovers, lasted roughly in the same state basically forever (as in, friends stay friends forever, they’ll never be so far apart that they can’t kep their relationship alive etc. etc.)…Obviously, I was wrong and arguably, this change in thinking, plus the related changes in technology, are where my ability to fleetingly but passionate love both 2D boys and the series they come from comes from.
Wait, so the Child of Einasshe (sp?) is the forest, yeah? I don’t think I got that 100% straight.
I never thought the shield form of a Mystic Code could be used for snowboarding down a mountain/hill…whatever Gray just went down. I didn’t even know Add had a shield form, for that matter.
“[U]sual individual” – LOL. What a way to refer to Waver.
“Wait a minute!” – I’m just imagining Phoenix Wright all of a sudden. A Waver legal mystery series would be boring as all get out – I’m far less interested in the courtroom versions of mysteries and more interested in how the pieces fit together. (Update: Then again, I am a person who likes the action genre and courtroom mysteries don’t have much of that, which might also explain my choice.)
“…lacking the element of motive to begin with.” – Well, Waver’s not wrong…
I’m observing this apple and noticing someone skimped on the detail around the stem. Does anyone still remember Art Academy for the DS? After looking at some promo material for it, I basically learnt how to draw a proper apple (and nothing else, really). If an apple is just drawn as a circle, it doesn’t quite look like an apple up close. (Two of the main things I screw up on when drawing are perception and the colour of highlights, both of which are covered in something like an apple stem and the related indent.)
Oh goodness…I was hoping Karabo would keep his vision (or actual eyeballs)…but that’s gruesome.
I’m guessing, based on the wheelchair, that Waver’s still paralysed or otherwise not able to move around like normal. Update: Spoke too soon.
Someone encoded the video funny again…
Waver 11
What was that crossword thing…? A warding spell of some sort?
Is that an owl in the back?!
Stealth fighter…Rider wanted on, didn’t he?
Every time he appears on screen now, I basically curse Melvin. He’s entertaining to watch, sure, but he’s annoyingly prodigal (= wasteful). He’s basically Dice from HypMic at this stage (aka he’s the sort of person who’d bet away his own clothes, given the chance and incentive).
Look at the way Waver’s hair drags behind him as he walks…it’s gorgeous…
“Residual Image” (as translated in the title) is literally “the left-over image” (zanzou). Not surprising, but I find the exact combo of characters used interesting since it could be short for “nokoru eizou” (where the nokoru’s character is read as zan in the combo, as you can guess).    
Waver 12
Wow…this series really pulled something out of its butt this time, huh? “The guy without a heart”…no viewer would’ve known that actually referred to a character called Dr Heartless unless they knew of his existence somehow (the closest they would’ve been was having an inkling that this pointed to a name of the culprit).
There is an owl in the back of the auction room!
Ay? So what the heck is Pandemonium in this case?
“dotard” – Turns out this means “an old person, especially one who has become physically weak or whose mental faculties have declined.” You can’t say I don’t enrich my vocbulary through watching anime, huh?
I’m still wondering…why adapt case 7 of this series (Rail Zeppelin)? Why not case 1 (Adra)? Update: I don’t know where I pulled the number 7 from, since this is volume 4 – 5 of the series. Apparently some of the cases were anime-original though.
Waver 13 (FINAL)
Oh, Flat, you stupid…
Waver’s exasperated faces are great. No wonder Reines likes to toy with him…
I can assume Rail Zeppelin is a Ghost Liner, yes?
Can I guess that Adashino ~likes~ Waver…? Update: Turns out that’s not quite the case.
Ooh, Waver without his shirt is se-okay, I’m getting distracted. Seriously though, Waver never showed his Crest in F/Z. I never even knew what it looked like until now! The fact it’s such a simple design in comparison to his Command Seals is…kinda underwhelming, really.
I think there’s a bit of a pattern between Jakurai (from HypMic) and Waver…namely, they suck when it comes to drinking. (Also, of course, the long hair. Don’t forget it, never forget it.)
Shut up, Add!
For some reason, I felt like a lot of that last part, while getting closure for Waver, it almost had connotations of “I’ll meet you on the other side, Rider”…so it felt kind of sad, to be honest. That talk between Reines and Olga I don’t think I’d understand without Apocrypha and Grand Order, but I guess that’s to be expected in such a huge franchise. Anyways, moving right along!
Illya 1
I’ve been a bit worried about what I’ll have to subject myself to for the sake of Magical Girls…
Was that…Taiga?
Who’s Liz…?
Okusama, huh? (Okusama = someone’s wife, although it seems to be used in the plural here since I don’t think Kiritsugu and/or Iri are dead in this timeline.)
The subs I’ve got say Shiro is adopted here too (when it’s not in the Japanese), although I wonder exactly how much of UBW is going to be true in this anime…
Hmm…a bit of digging reveals Luvia’s not a Master. So throwing out Lancer is really just a joke on how Lancer gets roasted early on in Grail Wars, right?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…squick, much…(Thank goodness the source I was using edited out the loli fanservice, so I can tolerate this series a lot more…but still, suggesting you have a romance with your step-brother, even if it’s known you’re not related from the beginning, is…you already know my feelings on that, based on my reaction. Shiro is, what, 15? About twice Illya’s age!) Update: Okay, so he has no confirmed age in Prisma Illya, but he’s 17 in F/SN so I’d assum the same or similar, seeing as he attends the same school. It’s fine if it’s platonic, but this is clearly an Onii-chan, daisuki! thing the likes of which Oreimo throws down! Thank you for calling it out though, Ruby.
Oh my gosh, this looks like the Rhongomynaid (Detective Waver) and Excalibur (or whatever Saber’s Noble Phantasm is called) summoning beam! LOL!
Ruby, you lech! Don’t go praising the angles! *shakes fist* (Seriously, what if magical girl mascots were paedophiles…? *blank face* Welp, considering what’s out there on the internet, I wouldn’t be surprised if a hentai or something had such a concept.)
Hmm? Turns out the word for Servant means something like “celestial hero”. Makes sense.
Nice callback to Saber and Shiro!
Illya 2
I thought Illya would say that her parents are dead…turns out the show’s not that grimdark (to the point where it wouldn’t set the show after Kiritsugu and Iri’s deaths), huh?
Do the sticks have a gender? The subs said “she” for Ruby…
LOL, it’s Rider. I thought Lancer was gonna get his butt kicked all over again (thinking more along the lines of CCS).
It’s Gay Bul-I mean, Gae Bolg! (I’ve been reading TV Tropes again…can you tell?)
This episode was pretty pedestrian. I like it more than the first one.
What’s up with the CGI…?
Oh! Bunbun, who does Yuki Yuna! Update: They only did the illustrations for some of the series. They also did SAO illustrations, although that’s of less significance to me.
Illya 3
The sticks do have genders!!! That’s like claiming Jesus for kakera with Mudae! (Yes, that’s possible. I got him in one server.)
The power of fujoshi…is amazing! How did it get to a girl who’s so young?!
These angles are a bit disturbing…
“Casao”, LOL.
Magical girl nakama, huh?
Illya 4
MST3K mantra!
Whose quote is that again…? “Don’t think, imagine”? Update: It turns out to not be anyone’s quote at all, if Google results are to be believed.
Uh-oh! Saber Alter!
Illya 5
Padding the episode already…?
The mist is a quality of a Berserker, right?
Geez the angles piss me off…
These sticks have brains???
Can you call it teamwork if they’re always complaining about each other?
Illya 6
More padding…
Illya’s UBW!
Geesh, that last-minute shot of Rin and Luvia popping out of the ground scared me for a bit…
Illya 7
*sigh* It’s the sick episode…
I recognise the vacuum cleaner. I have the same one at home.
*sigh* Random fanservice of elementary school girls. This is what gives anime a bad name.
*Sapphire pulls out a USB port* - Ohhkay, is that stick fanservice, in a sense…? Because that’s awkward too.
Maids went out of fashion years ago…
“Lyrical Radical Genocide” - I think this Lyrical Radical things is parodying Nanoha.
Based on the cloak, it’s an Assassin.
“Listen, if you aren’t careful, you’ll die!” – Yep, because people die when they are killed. I almost missed that meme for a bit.
Illya 8
Illya’s still reeling from Miyu’s talk, huh?
I noticed it said tomoda(chi) in the background at one point.
Does Miyu exist in any of the alternate universes?
Ah, there’s yuujou (friendship) in the background as calligraphy.
I think the video got encoded funny again…
Geez, complaining about boobs? The series got worse…oh, I forgot Shiro was around in this series.
…who’s left? There’s been Saber, Archer, Lancer, Assassin, Rider, Caster and…who? Berserker, that’s who.
Illya 9
Ohhhhhhhh brother, not more bath scenes…
Iri looks almost exactly like she does in the Eiznbern Consultation Rooms! (I found those around and watched them today.)
Thank goodness the fanservice is censored…
I never realised Berseker had heterochromia until now…
One thing that I assume makes Saber’s outfit look nice to thos that like girls is the window in the top…but it goes to waste on Miyu, LOL.
I find it interesting Illya has all these concerns – the ones (or similar ones) Iri harbourd in F/Z.
Hey, the bridge! This is the bridge where Rider dies inn F/Z, yeah?
The ED looks different this time…  
Illya 10 (FINAL)
E-Eep…loli fanservice…
Now Miyu is basically what Waver is to Rider, no doubt about it.
Bulls***! Speak of the devil! I was wondering what Waver looked like in the Illya style, because I read on the wiki he makes a cameo in season 2, and…here he is. Didn’t expect him in season 1, though.
Another new ED animation. I find it interesting they’ve never once had to recast any VAs throughout the entire existence of Fate/ anime…not that I know of, anyway.
Hiroyama Hiroshi is the original Illya creator.
Okay, that’s the end of one season. I feel kind of fatigued since I finished the Eiznbern Consultation Rooms today as well, so I’m going to take a break from watching more Illya until it’s necessary to watch again in a few posts’ time.
Now that they’ve collected the cards, I’m wondering what the series intends to do next…
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 1
They clearly skimped on the budget when Shiro was leaving the house…
I keep forgetting Illya is meant to be German…
That bad English…is actually there in the ep. title…
Oh great…schoolgirls talking about erotic swimsuits…
This s*** is what you call “Class-S”! I have no interest in it, because I don’t swing that way! (Sorry, yuri fans…)
The problem with series that aren’t 100% made with you in mind is that your favourite characters might look ugly…that’s especially the case with En, Jakurai and Waver.
Ryudou Temple, eh? Let’s hope Assassin still looks good.
I don’t think I’ve seen that before…namely, being able to hear what’s going on outside the transformation while it’s happening.
Now this 2 Illyas thing…this is new, alright.
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 2
LOL, what a horoscope.
Truck-kun! I don’t think Illya would make a good isekai protag, come to think of it.
Who is this nurse? I feel like she’s from some other part of the Nasuverse… Update: My guess was right. That’s Caren Hortensia, protagonist of Fate/hollow ataraxia and Kirei’s…uh, daughter. I know he had a wife. We never met said wife, but seeing the daughter really drove that fact home.  
Uhhhhhhhh…okay, now the lesbian loli scene just made things go off a cliff for me. I’m not against lesbians or yuri – to each their own – but that scene was clearly meant to be pleasing to a certain audience.
How does anyone kill anything gently…?
Ohhhhhhkay, strike 2 for loli fanservice.
I seem to remember…that’s right, Alice from the [something] no Kuni no Alice series was evaluated on her coffee-making skills (by Julius, I think it was). That’s why I’m thinking of Alice when I see Luvia praising Miyu on something similar.
Wa-hey! It’s Rin’s Azoth dagger!
Well, the mechanics of the transformation are also something you have to think about. I’ll give the show kudos for that.  
Illya s2 Pt 1 Ep 3
Can we not with the whole “Onii-chan, daisuki!” thing?! That’s it! That’s the last straw! I’m finishing this episode and aborting early so that I can preserve my dignity…and get some proper sleep for once.
The fact Miyu thinks Shiro resembles her brother must not be a coincidence…(I’ve become far too Fate/ savvy, haven’t I?) Update: It seems I was right. Apparently, Miyu was taken in by Kiritsugu in a certain universe, but apparently this is a bunch of spoilers.
Genki na aisatsu was in the back.
This is just getting worse and worse…
So now Kuro’s name is Kuroe (Chloe), huh? Anyways, good riddance, loli fanservice! So long! I won’t miss you one bit!
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