#cause i wanna fight elana. or at least try to fight her
sadlazzle · 1 year
OH just fuck shulva sanctum city so fucking much dude oh my god
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queenofthefullmoon · 5 years
An exhaustive list of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin bosses I would or would not date
The Last Giant
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Listen… The Last Giant has No Face. I like dating people who have faces. Also, his arms detach and he’s like, at least 10 meters taller than me, so I think that would be a hazard. I think he’s more in need of a friend than a romantic partner. I’d gladly sit down with him and discuss his feelings, but we are not meant to date.
The Pursuer
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The Pursuer is great because he’s just so… Rotund. He’s shaped like a friend. Or maybe… More than a friend… He’s got a biggass sword that glows blue, which is great if you need to get up at night to get water or a snack, and a big shield he can use to protect you from the hot Drangleic sun when you’re on a date. You never have to worry about losing him because HE WILL FIND YOU. I think he’s a catch.
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He almost didn’t make it in the list of bosses I would date, but encountering him so often made me have a soft spot for him. Plus he’s a little bit round and I’ve gotta say. Rotundness is where it’s at. He’s fun to fight so I feel like you could have some fun jousts together and then chill… And go, like, I don’t know, ride dragons*? Fun couple activities.
*although dragonrider is his name I’m not sure we saw any dragonrider ride a dragon so this is a shot in the dark
Old Dragonslayer
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The Old Dragonslayer has a very sexy armor, I’ll give him that, but he 1. Has a furry mask (a terrible fashion faux pas that I cannot forgive) 2. Is just sitting in the Cathedral of Blue while a DRAGON is outside, unslayed, which says something about the quality of his work. I had to kill the dragon myself, while the Old Dragonslayer was sitting around… Being old, I guess. Not for me.
Flexile Sentry
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Ruin Sentinel
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The Ruin Sentinels are arguably the sexiest armor bosses in all of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Something about these long lads and their eldritch identities and behaviors just tickles me the right way. The shape of their helmets looks a little bit like a turtle which gives them just enough cuteness while not taking away from the fact that I’m absolutely terrified of them and that they are in fact very scary (which is good). They’re also very tall which means they can carry me around and make me feel tall too. Definitely a good thing in a partner.
Belfry Gargoyles
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I wouldn’t date the Belfry Gargoyles, but I’d be friends with them. I feel like they’d be fun at a sleepover. Girl’s night! Girl’s night!
Lost Sinner
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I’d date the Lost Sinner. It might be a little bit controversial because yes she is a little bit nasty, I’m aware of that, but I think she just needs a little bit of company. I don’t want to change her, I love her right like she is, but if she wants me to teach her how to shower, I might just do it! I am a little bit biased because she’s got a big sword that looks really cool? Perhaps.
Executioner’s Chariot
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Skeleton Lords
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I think the Skeleton Lords are neat but I don’t really see myself dating them. Firstly, I’m not a skeleton fucker, so that puts a little bit of distance between us (given that they are in fact skeletons). They also have an army of skeleton children, which I’m just not ready to raise. I’m trying to find a date, not to become a skeleton mom. I feel like we’d be great friends though, I’d probably invite them over so they can practice their standup routine at my house while they leave their 30 skeletons children with the babysitter and we can like drink wine or something.
Covetous Demon
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I would not date the Covetous Demon, but I would keep him as a mean dog in my yard to discourage my enemies from entering my property.
Baneful Queen Mytha
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I’d be all here for the sniddies if Mytha kept her head on her neck but alas she is headless. 
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Smelter Demon
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Mh… Yes. He’s big and large and he’s got horns. He could put me up on his shoulder and walk around and I’d be warm up there. Sounds like nothing but a good time.
Old Iron King
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Ngghghhh….. I wanna say no but he is Ripped… Absolutely jacked! I’m also a hoe for horns and wings! What can I say. Call me out if I ever make fun of scalies again? (im gonna do that like in a few paragraphs anyway)
Scorpioness Najka
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Given the fact that her own fiancé, made miserable by her, asks you to murder her, I don’t think Najka is a fine romantic partner. In addition to that, even though I was here for sniddies, scorpions are scary and gross me out, so no, I would not date Scorpioness Najka.
The Duke’s Dear Freja
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She’ll remain dear to the Duke only and she is NOT invited in my yard.
Royal Rat Authority
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Wouldn’t date the big rat that makes all of the rules, but similarly to the Covetous Demon, having him on my property to scare people away would be pretty neat.
Prowling Magus and The Congregation
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Prowling Magus has a SICK aesthetic I can absolutely get behind (« look at my cool sorcerer boyfriend wearing his goat helmet ») and I’ve stated before I Am a Hoe for horns so we could have something going on.
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The Congregation is however BANNED from this house so since they’re probably his buddies that would most likely be a point of tension. Ultimately it might be better for me to keep a platonic relationship with Prowling Magus, as I do not want hollows to crawl on my floor when he invites his friends over.
The Rotten
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Oh no lol
Looking Glass Knight
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NNNYES absolutely I would date the Looking Glass Knight. He’s not only really cool looking and a Very Dramatic Man (standing in the rain when you meet him… the scenery… the atmosphere… he knows how to make an entrance), but he’d also be a great person to bring with you for a night out.
Exhibit A: he’s really fucking tall and scary which would dissuade anyone from approaching you uninvited
Exhibit B : he carries a FULL BODY mirror around everywhere which means you can fix your hair and/or makeup at any time without needing a shitty pocket mirror or going to the bathroom
Exhibit C : if you need help he can summon a limitless amount of people through his mirror
Just a great partner all around.
Demon of Song
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Ohhhhhh noooooo Lord nooooooooooooooo please! Please spare me
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis
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Velstadt is very loyal (a real man for following Vendrick all the way to the Undead Crypt) and he’s also very tall, very large, very strong, and very stylish (see the scales cape he wears). I would’ve put him at the top of the date list, but he’s no dating material — he’s husband material. A little downside is that he might put his job before me but I get it. It’s career before everything. I will not limit my husband’s ambitions.
King Vendrick
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Vendrick is taken by an eldritch entity and still very much in love with her despite the fact that she destroyed his kingdom and brought the entire civilization down and also caused him to become a war criminal and kill a pacific race of giants all on his own like a big boy so I’m not very interested in him.
Guardian Dragon & Ancient Dragon
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I’m putting them together because they essentially boil down to the same thing : I’d offer them a home but I wouldn’t date them. The Guardian Dragon can stay outside and be feral with everyone else that I put in the yard, while the Ancient Dragon can have his own room and like is invited for tea sometimes, but that’s all.
Giant Lord
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See Last Giant
Throne Defender & Watcher
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I’m a little bit torn on this one because I’m experiencing bisexual panic. We’ve got cool large dude with a beard ; cool slender lady that jumps around everywhere ; they could both beat me up and they both look hot, help me. However, I have to say if I had to pick I’d got with the Throne Watcher because she is hot and looks slightly cooler. I’ve always wanted a very tall wife who could suplex me into the sun, which she could do in a heartbeat.
On the other hand, they do look like a power couple that I’d love to have for dinner and I’d hate to break them up while there are so many fish in the sea and they look so great with each other.
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Human Nashandra looks pretty and soft, however anyone who witnessed my first blind playthrough of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin will tell you that she did not have me fooled and I was very wary of her from the beginning. Anyone who has witnessed my first fight with her looking very skeletal will also tell you that I screamed « WHAT IS THAT » for at least 5 minutes, so that probably gives you an idea of if I’d date her or not.
Also, her weapon of choice is a scythe, which looks cool, but is very unpractical, and just for this fatal mistake, she becomes undatable.
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Wings… Four arms = twice the hugs… Cool hood… Yes…
Elana the Squalid Queen
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She’s nasty and told me I was undeserving of the mire, which is pretty mean of her. Even if she thinks it, she could at least be nice about it. I would not date her.
Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
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Sinh is BANNED from this house because he’s not just feral, he’s RABID and POISONOUS and if I let him live in the yard he could poison my entire property and I do not want that.
Fume Knight
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Alas! The Fume Knight looks really cool and has a pretty sexy armor, but tales say that he was infatuated with another woman (whether he met her when she was already an Ashen Idol or not remains a mystery but I’m no one to judge his taste in women). I respect people’s crushes so I will let him be in love with whoever he fancies and they may come over for dinner, as long as they behave.
Aava, Lud and Zallen, the King’s pet
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They are very welcome to live in the yard. They may come inside the house, but they are not allowed on the couch.
Burnt Ivory King
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No… He loved his wife very much… I’d invite them over for dinner and MAYBE try to seduce one of his knights (they have sexy armors, what can I say).
Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin
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Aldia is a weird dude and I wouldn’t feel safe around him. I think he’d probably kidnap me while I’m asleep and go do some experiments on me in his cursed mansion. It’s a no from me chief. Not to mention the fact that he’s a… tree?
Afflicted Graverobber, Ancient Soldier Varg, and Cerah the Old Explorer
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I wouldn’t date them, even though their armors are pretty sexy, simply because they seem like a good group of friends and I wouldn’t feel comfortable inserting myself in the group. I think I’d even be too shy to befriend them, but if they wanna come by my house and have a good time, they’re welcome to do so.
Blue Smelter Demon
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See Smelter Demon, but with more vigor because this one is blue.
Sir Alonne
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Yeah… he’s got the eldritch factor that I like in the Ruin Sentinels while also seeming more human and he’s also a pretty stylish man. I feel like he’s one of the strongest contestants in the game and he wouldn’t mind my long nose, as he’s got one himself. Pretty sexy armor and he is a man of honor. Definitely a yes.
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noblehcart · 4 years
Even numbers!
MULTI-MUSE MEME @walkingshcdow
Which muse do you feel like you write more than others?
Absolutely on a regular basis it’s Liesel or most of my ocs? I just feel closer to them, but really on a longterm level its Liesel. Though ‘writing more’ really is just kinda flipflopped with what i’m in the mood for at the moment. Consistently though its liesel.
Which muse is the most confident?
Nicky Balfour and Elana Amin 100%
Which muse would you like to ship with the most?
Liesel definitely. I love her in relationships because no two relationships have ever been the same (obv) but I just love her so much I wanna see her in love and having heartbreak. I love to ship with her the most. 
What is the age of your muses, oldest to youngest?
AHHH well, oldest would probably be Empress Sisi since I do rp her up into her 40s-50s when I do have a thread set in that time frame. And technically speaking I do rp Anastasia and will rp her as a kid upon plotting/request so she’d be about 8 years old-ish?
Do you think you have too many muses, not enough or just enough?
TOO MANY, but....I still wanna add more so also not enough.
Why did you decide to make a multimuse as opposed to a dual-muse or single muse blog?
Cause ohmygod i am not flipping through ten different blogs or five different blogs if I did a dual. I just do not have that patience anymore though sometimes I do think of making sideblogs for certain muses just because i like the idea of concentrating on them solely, though I know i’ll get tired of that eventually too. 
What previous platforms have you written on?
Fanfiction was on fan.fic.net and deviantart (privately), but other than that that’s about it.
What is the maximum number of muses you’ll consider having on your blog?
I have not considered a maximum which might be a terrifying thought and realization in of itself. But probably ballparking it it’d be 20-ish....maybe.... 
Which muse would you like to develop more that you haven’t?
oOPH. Hard one because I feel like that about all my muses. Right off the bat it’s Anastasia and Gleb because I’ve worked with them the least, as well as Poppylan for the same reasons. Also with canon characters I hesitate and struggle to develop them because they’re canon. 
What do you consider to be your most like character?
OOoh, I don’t know? People have said they love my ocs  (i still find that hard and impossible to believe) ? I don’t know which ones they refer to as its mentioned in just the plural form. Um, for a little while it was Olga, but now my best guess? I think its probably Liesel and Luka because I push them out the most so people are more exposed to them? 
Do you prefer to write for OCs or Canon characters?
Absolutely OCs despite my having more canon characters on my muse list I think. I have complete control over their lives and what happens so its easier for me to write and reboot and change up. Canon characters it feels like you have to work within a template already established and I don’t like being pressed into a mold too much? I like a vague little to unknown canon who I can take the shallow base and mold it to my will to work for me while still retaining its fandom. Also I have a lot of OC npcs that I fight the urge on a regular basis to make full on muses because I WANT to develop them, but I try not to work them into full life because....I know they will hardly get interactions so its just a matter of me sparing myself the disappointment of people’s lack of interest in my kiddos. Long story short though I love OCS and I love my OCs and writing them.
What are the most common tropes you find in your characters?
THIS FEELS LIKE A CALL OUT. LMAO. Oh I know I fall into a lot of tropes for my characters. The himbo (all my guys basically). The stoic (3). The academic (3). The girl who wants more from life (5). The  muse who hides brokenness with confidence (4). The lower class girl who’s all fight and compassion (4). Mr./Miss. I can do anything (5)
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