#cause of death: woodsy's art
stopthatfool · 11 months
Let it be known that your work in Your jeep. Your teeth. The coffee that you bought me. casually performed a sternotomy on me but never brought the pieces of my sternum back together. So uh, um, uh, here's my heart bared in my chest for this story.
Hazy and de-realized like that night on the beach.
Waiting for the static to clear.
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Woodsy. Woodsy. Woodsy. WOODSY. Oh my fucking god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Seriously at a loss for words. Actually sitting here with my mouth wide open. Jaw on the floor. Mouth catching flies. Socks blown right off. The only thing going through my head right now is !!!!!!!!!!!! and AHHHHHHHH.
But seriously. the way you have captured what Mav was thinking and feeling throughout the whole campfire scene. It's honestly so insane the way you've captured it-- the way you are constantly able to capture it (feelings, emotions, thoughts) through all your art. It leaves me in awe every fucking time.
The haziness and how it represents the physical pain he was feeling, and the way he kept disassociating throughout the day-- and the texture overlay!?! Oh my god. it's so good. I want to frame it. or have it tattooed on the inside of my skull. maybe i'll do both. The layered text! (and how it relates to that one line about Ice cutting out all the letters from a magazine to express himself. Get outta my head! You're reading my mind!) (don't actually. it's amazing) THE RED LIGHTING OF THE FIRE!! Hello???? I'm screaming and rolling around violently on the ground and tearing at my hair and gnawing on my nails and chewing on the floorboards like a rabid dog. Mav's shaggy hair!!! The moon up in the sky!! the ocean behind him!! You have paid attention to the slightest of details and my mouth is still hanging open.
I'm so fucking honoured that you have spent the time to make fanart for the Jeep Universe. Like seriously. I don't have the words to express it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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ratsmp4 · 3 years
holding myself accountable .
i would like to start off by saying that no one is required to forgive me for what i've done, both in the past and in recent weeks . depending on how long you've followed me, you may have seen this post from a few months ago . it was poorly worded and written in a moment of anger, where i was not thinking straight . i was in a very dark place when i posted it, and i was encouraged by one of my good friends, who will not be named for their safety . additionally, you may have seen this callout post made by one of my former mutuals . if not, i encourage you to read over it, as it could provide much needed context about what happened .
more about the situation will be included under the cut .
Garrett is the protagonist of the Thief games - a cynical master thief who wishes nothing more than to be left alone to steal in peace, but who unwittingly becomes embroiled in a series of epic events.
Garrett exhibits a strong sense of survival and self-interest. While on the surface Garrett is callous, cynical and sarcastic, with loyalty only to himself, he does seem to have deeper feelings for a few of his contacts: Artemus, the Keeper that recruited and trained him; Basso the Boxman, a fellow thief; Cutty, his fence. In extreme cases this seems to extend to even to past antagonists such as Viktoria, although that may be a result of Garrett's own self-interest.
Garrett also exhibits a strong sense of professional pride as a thief: he usually refuses to kill while on the job, saying that he's a thief, not a murderer,[1] though Constantine and Karras died as a result of Garret's actions only because he was able to sabotage their evil plans. Lotus was a mercy killing, as he begged for death due to the inhumane conditions that Garrett found him in. Other than that, Garrett has not killed any humans in the Thief canon. It is implied Garrett also never steals from his allies or the poor.[Fact Check]
Orphaned, Garrett spent his youth on the streets surviving as a pickpocket and message runner.
One night, he saw Artemus walking on the street as people, 'just passed him by like he wasn't there'. Thinking the man had some valuables, he decided to make a grab. However, he was caught, and Artemus, impressed with his ability to see a Keeper, offered Garrett a new life. Garrett was then recruited into a secret organization known as the Keepers, dedicated to observing and maintaining stability in the City.[2]
Not much is known about Garrett's education with The Keepers, except the fact that he was given initial training in the arts of stealth and subterfuge practiced by the Keepers. But, he found that it was much more profitable to make use of these skills as a thief than to continue working for the Keepers as an agent.[3] He was called "the most promising acolyte" in the Keeper annals, but left around the age of 20 due to his "imbalance." It was brought before the council to deal with him using the Enforcers, but Caduca informed the council that Garrett would be needed in the future.[4]
At some point in time, Garrett is now working as an independent thief in the City, making contacts with people such as Basso the Boxman, Cutty and Farkus Bernard. Garrett's first known large score comes from stealing an expensive scepter from Lord Bafford. After which, he breaks into the Hammerite prison to spring his fence, Cutty (who dies while still in prison). This leads him deep into the old Hammerite catacombs looking for treasure. Shortly after this thugs working for the local Warden, Ramirez, attempt to kill Garrett for non payment of tribute. Garrett turns the tables, escaping and going on to humiliate Ramirez by looting his mansion, even going on to rob the local thieves guild. This brazen display of skill attracts the attention of Viktoria, a somewhat mysterious independent fence. She contracts Garrett to steal a magical sword from the eccentric nobleman, Constantine.
Upon successfully returning from Constantine's bizarre mansion, Viktoria reveals that she and Constantine are old associates who were testing Garrett. Constantine offers Garrett a fortune for the job of retrieving the gemstone known as The Eye. Getting to The Eye means Garrett must venture through the abandoned and walled-off Old Quarter of the City to the old Hammerite Cathedral. A mysterious catastrophe, rumored to involve great fires and many undead, caused the area's abandonment decades ago. Garrett finds the cathedral sealed, but the Eye itself tells him of an old Keeper library hidden nearby. Writings there tell of where the talismans that open the cathedral are hidden and how the Keepers almost revealed themselves in order to assist the Hammerites and the Hand Brotherhood in containing a great evil. The first talisman was found in a place called The Lost City, the ruins of an ancient civilization buried beneath the existing city, its entrance hidden by the Keepers. To get the second talisman, Garrett enters a Hammerite temple in disguise. The third talisman was kept with a brotherhood of Mages. The fourth lay inside Keeper secured caverns. Unbeknownst to Garrett, the Talisman was recovered by the guards of the Opera House above the caves. Successful, he then returns to the cathedral and collects The Eye from amid the many undead, escaping with the help from the ghost of Brother Murus, a long dead Hammerite priest.
Garrett visits Constantine to hand over The Eye and collect his payment. Instead of paying, however, Constantine reveals himself to be the fabled Trickster (aka The Woodsie Lord), the entity worshiped by the Pagans, and Viktoria, his consort.
They bind Garrett in vines and Viktoria plucks out one of his eyes, using it to seemingly activate The Eye stone, and leave him for dead. Some time later two Keepers find and free the unconscious Garrett from the vines. The Keepers then leave Garrett to escape by himself through the caverns beneath Constantine's mansion and amongst some new and strange beasts. Once he reaches the surface Garrett decides the only thing to do is visit the Hammerites and tell them about what has happened in the hopes they would provide assistance. He heads for the temple but discovers that the Trickster's minions have gotten there first. Venturing inside he finds the remaining Hammerites in a hidden sanctuary down in an underground cavern. With stealth being the only hope against the Trickster's army, the Hammerites provide Garrett with a booby-trapped copy of The Eye. Garrett descends into the Trickster's realm, where he finds the Woodsie Lord performing a ceremony with the Eye. Garrett stealthily swaps the Eye for its trapped copy, which then explodes, thus striking down the Trickster as he attempts to finish the ritual.
The coda shows Garrett walking back to town alone through the snow. Life appears to be returning to normal. A Keeper approaches, Artemus. The two converse and The Keeper warns Garrett, telling him of a book he should read, and that he can't run away from life. Close observation reveals Garrett now has a mechanical eye. Garrett rejects the Keeper's 'help' in his life and says to tell the other Keepers that "I'm through. Tell them Garrett is done". He then walks away into the city streets. Artemus answers quietly "I will tell them this: Nothing is changed. All is as it was written. The Trickster is dead. Beware the dawn of the metal age.", foreshadowing the sequel, Thief II: The Metal Age.
Garrett's role in The Metal Age begins innocuously. Garrett provides a favor to an old acquaintance, Basso, helping him rescue his love Jenivere, so that he may retire from thievery and elope. Next Garrett breaks into the dockside warehouses to get some extra cash for rent. It soon becomes clear that the City Watch, lead by the zealous Sheriff Gorman Truart, is waging a war on crime, brutally persecuting thieves and conducting nighttime raids on the poor neighborhoods with the intent of rounding up criminals. Truart stages a sting operation in an attempt to assassinate Garrett, but he escapes by using a Flash Bomb. With the newly strengthened police force making burglary more difficult, Garrett begins to wage a personal war against Truart, attempting to blackmail him into loosening his grip on the City by exposing his corruption. In the process, Garrett acquaints himself with the Mechanist Order, a splinter faction of the weakening Hammerites led by the charismatic Karras, whose robotic security devices have begun to guard the City's wealthiest businesses and residences. In addition, he discovers that the Mechanists are manufacturing some sort of weaponized "Servant," made from a human body and emitting a substance known as Rust Gas, and that Truart has agreed to round up vagrants under false pretenses to be used for the project.
When Garrett confronts Truart, he finds that Truart has been slain by a strange creature. Trying to unravel the conspiracy, Garrett reunites with Viktoria deep in the Maw. Viktoria identifies the Mechanists as the true enemy, and the two form a tentative alliance. The combined skills of Viktoria's pagan operatives and Garrett's stealth abilities reveal that the Mechanists are gifting the Servants to the City's nobility, and that they are working on a top-secret endeavour known as the "Cetus Project." The Cetus Project turns out to be a gigantic submarine, the Cetus Amicus, and that the Mechanists are using it to access the remains of The Lost City in search of ancient artifacts. By interrogating the head of the Cetus Project, Brother Cavador, the pair discover that the Mechanists have recovered an object known as a Cultivator, and that they have already begun mass-producing them and installing them inside of the Masked Servants. While Garrett stakes out the Gervaisius Estate and steals a mask and the prototype Cultivator, Viktoria's agents observe Karras hermetically sealing Soulforge Cathedral. The pair conduct an experiment with the Cultivator, revealing that the Servants could be commanded to release Rust Gas, which would react violently with the plant matter inside of wealthy nobles' gardens, wiping out all life in the city, with Karras safe inside of Soulforge Cathedral.
Viktoria claims that there is no time to spare and proposes a plan: Garrett must gain control of the beacon controlling the Servants and command them to return to Soulforge and trick Karras into releasing the Rust Gas, while Viktoria fills Soulforge Cathedral with plants, to wipe out the Mechanists instead of the city. Garrett claims the plan is "suicide", claiming he will think of a better plan, and re-affirms that he works alone. As he leaves, a Keeper informs Garrett that Viktoria has begun an assault on the Cathedral herself. Garrett hurries to the Cathedral but is too late to save Viktoria as she is attacked by an onslaught of Mechanist forces. Her dying action is to fill Soulforge Cathedral with plants, as promised. Left with no better plan, Garrett proceeds to assemble a new guiding beacon and redirects the Cathedral's signal towers back to the Cathedral itself. The plan succeeds, and Garrett locks the servants inside the Cathedral. When the rust gas is released, Karras is killed and Soulforge Cathedral is left in ruins.
Garrett returns to the Cathedral after the reaction is complete and is met by a Keeper, who explains that the events of The Metal Age transpired exactly as written, and that the prophecies contain even more predictions. Garrett, previously skeptical of the Keepers' mysterious ways, reluctantly requests to know more.
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“What is locked... can be opened... What is hidden... can be found... What is yours... ...can be mine.” — Garrett, Thief: Deadly Shadows Official Trailer
Garrett is the protagonist of the Thief games - a cynical master thief who wishes nothing more than to be left alone to steal in peace, but who unwittingly becomes embroiled in a series of epic events.
Garrett exhibits a strong sense of survival and self-interest. While on the surface Garrett is callous, cynical and sarcastic, with loyalty only to himself, he does seem to have deeper feelings for a few of his contacts: Artemus, the Keeper that recruited and trained him; Basso the Boxman, a fellow thief; Cutty, his fence. In extreme cases this seems to extend to even to past antagonists such as Viktoria, although that may be a result of Garrett's own self-interest.
Garrett also exhibits a strong sense of professional pride as a thief: he usually refuses to kill while on the job, saying that he's a thief, not a murderer,[1] though Constantine and Karras died as a result of Garret's actions only because he was able to sabotage their evil plans. Lotus was a mercy killing, as he begged for death due to the inhumane conditions that Garrett found him in. Other than that, Garrett has not killed any humans in the Thief canon. It is implied Garrett also never steals from his allies or the poor.[Fact Check]
Orphaned, Garrett spent his youth on the streets surviving as a pickpocket and message runner.
One night, he saw Artemus walking on the street as people, 'just passed him by like he wasn't there'. Thinking the man had some valuables, he decided to make a grab. However, he was caught, and Artemus, impressed with his ability to see a Keeper, offered Garrett a new life. Garrett was then recruited into a secret organization known as the Keepers, dedicated to observing and maintaining stability in the City.[2]
Not much is known about Garrett's education with The Keepers, except the fact that he was given initial training in the arts of stealth and subterfuge practiced by the Keepers. But, he found that it was much more profitable to make use of these skills as a thief than to continue working for the Keepers as an agent.[3] He was called "the most promising acolyte" in the Keeper annals, but left around the age of 20 due to his "imbalance." It was brought before the council to deal with him using the Enforcers, but Caduca informed the council that Garrett would be needed in the future.[4]
At some point in time, Garrett is now working as an independent thief in the City, making contacts with people such as Basso the Boxman, Cutty and Farkus Bernard. Garrett's first known large score comes from stealing an expensive scepter from Lord Bafford. After which, he breaks into the Hammerite prison to spring his fence, Cutty (who dies while still in prison). This leads him deep into the old Hammerite catacombs looking for treasure. Shortly after this thugs working for the local Warden, Ramirez, attempt to kill Garrett for non payment of tribute. Garrett turns the tables, escaping and going on to humiliate Ramirez by looting his mansion, even going on to rob the local thieves guild. This brazen display of skill attracts the attention of Viktoria, a somewhat mysterious independent fence. She contracts Garrett to steal a magical sword from the eccentric nobleman, Constantine.
Upon successfully returning from Constantine's bizarre mansion, Viktoria reveals that she and Constantine are old associates who were testing Garrett. Constantine offers Garrett a fortune for the job of retrieving the gemstone known as The Eye. Getting to The Eye means Garrett must venture through the abandoned and walled-off Old Quarter of the City to the old Hammerite Cathedral. A mysterious catastrophe, rumored to involve great fires and many undead, caused the area's abandonment decades ago. Garrett finds the cathedral sealed, but the Eye itself tells him of an old Keeper library hidden nearby. Writings there tell of where the talismans that open the cathedral are hidden and how the Keepers almost revealed themselves in order to assist the Hammerites and the Hand Brotherhood in containing a great evil. The first talisman was found in a place called The Lost City, the ruins of an ancient civilization buried beneath the existing city, its entrance hidden by the Keepers. To get the second talisman, Garrett enters a Hammerite temple in disguise. The third talisman was kept with a brotherhood of Mages. The fourth lay inside Keeper secured caverns. Unbeknownst to Garrett, the Talisman was recovered by the guards of the Opera House above the caves. Successful, he then returns to the cathedral and collects The Eye from amid the many undead, escaping with the help from the ghost of Brother Murus, a long dead Hammerite priest.
Garrett visits Constantine to hand over The Eye and collect his payment. Instead of paying, however, Constantine reveals himself to be the fabled Trickster (aka The Woodsie Lord), the entity worshiped by the Pagans, and Viktoria, his consort.
They bind Garrett in vines and Viktoria plucks out one of his eyes, using it to seemingly activate The Eye stone, and leave him for dead. Some time later two Keepers find and free the unconscious Garrett from the vines. The Keepers then leave Garrett to escape by himself through the caverns beneath Constantine's mansion and amongst some new and strange beasts. Once he reaches the surface Garrett decides the only thing to do is visit the Hammerites and tell them about what has happened in the hopes they would provide assistance. He heads for the temple but discovers that the Trickster's minions have gotten there first. Venturing inside he finds the remaining Hammerites in a hidden sanctuary down in an underground cavern. With stealth being the only hope against the Trickster's army, the Hammerites provide Garrett with a booby-trapped copy of The Eye. Garrett descends into the Trickster's realm, where he finds the Woodsie Lord performing a ceremony with the Eye. Garrett stealthily swaps the Eye for its trapped copy, which then explodes, thus striking down the Trickster as he attempts to finish the ritual.
The coda shows Garrett walking back to town alone through the snow. Life appears to be returning to normal. A Keeper approaches, Artemus. The two converse and The Keeper warns Garrett, telling him of a book he should read, and that he can't run away from life. Close observation reveals Garrett now has a mechanical eye. Garrett rejects the Keeper's 'help' in his life and says to tell the other Keepers that "I'm through. Tell them Garrett is done". He then walks away into the city streets. Artemus answers quietly "I will tell them this: Nothing is changed. All is as it was written. The Trickster is dead. Beware the dawn of the metal age.", foreshadowing the sequel, Thief II: The Metal Age.
Garrett's role in The Metal Age begins innocuously. Garrett provides a favor to an old acquaintance, Basso, helping him rescue his love Jenivere, so that he may retire from thievery and elope. Next Garrett breaks into the dockside warehouses to get some extra cash for rent. It soon becomes clear that the City Watch, lead by the zealous Sheriff Gorman Truart, is waging a war on crime, brutally persecuting thieves and conducting nighttime raids on the poor neighborhoods with the intent of rounding up criminals. Truart stages a sting operation in an attempt to assassinate Garrett, but he escapes by using a Flash Bomb. With the newly strengthened police force making burglary more difficult, Garrett begins to wage a personal war against Truart, attempting to blackmail him into loosening his grip on the City by exposing his corruption. In the process, Garrett acquaints himself with the Mechanist Order, a splinter faction of the weakening Hammerites led by the charismatic Karras, whose robotic security devices have begun to guard the City's wealthiest businesses and residences. In addition, he discovers that the Mechanists are manufacturing some sort of weaponized "Servant," made from a human body and emitting a substance known as Rust Gas, and that Truart has agreed to round up vagrants under false pretenses to be used for the project.
When Garrett confronts Truart, he finds that Truart has been slain by a strange creature. Trying to unravel the conspiracy, Garrett reunites with Viktoria deep in the Maw. Viktoria identifies the Mechanists as the true enemy, and the two form a tentative alliance. The combined skills of Viktoria's pagan operatives and Garrett's stealth abilities reveal that the Mechanists are gifting the Servants to the City's nobility, and that they are working on a top-secret endeavour known as the "Cetus Project." The Cetus Project turns out to be a gigantic submarine, the Cetus Amicus, and that the Mechanists are using it to access the remains of The Lost City in search of ancient artifacts. By interrogating the head of the Cetus Project, Brother Cavador, the pair discover that the Mechanists have recovered an object known as a Cultivator, and that they have already begun mass-producing them and installing them inside of the Masked Servants. While Garrett stakes out the Gervaisius Estate and steals a mask and the prototype Cultivator, Viktoria's agents observe Karras hermetically sealing Soulforge Cathedral. The pair conduct an experiment with the Cultivator, revealing that the Servants could be commanded to release Rust Gas, which would react violently with the plant matter inside of wealthy nobles' gardens, wiping out all life in the city, with Karras safe inside of Soulforge Cathedral.
Viktoria claims that there is no time to spare and proposes a plan: Garrett must gain control of the beacon controlling the Servants and command them to return to Soulforge and trick Karras into releasing the Rust Gas, while Viktoria fills Soulforge Cathedral with plants, to wipe out the Mechanists instead of the city. Garrett claims the plan is "suicide", claiming he will think of a better plan, and re-affirms that he works alone. As he leaves, a Keeper informs Garrett that Viktoria has begun an assault on the Cathedral herself. Garrett hurries to the Cathedral but is too late to save Viktoria as she is attacked by an onslaught of Mechanist forces. Her dying action is to fill Soulforge Cathedral with plants, as promised. Left with no better plan, Garrett proceeds to assemble a new guiding beacon and redirects the Cathedral's signal towers back to the Cathedral itself. The plan succeeds, and Garrett locks the servants inside the Cathedral. When the rust gas is released, Karras is killed and Soulforge Cathedral is left in ruins.
Garrett returns to the Cathedral after the reaction is complete and is met by a Keeper, who explains that the events of The Metal Age transpired exactly as written, and that the prophecies contain even more predictions. Garrett, previously skeptical of the Keepers' mysterious ways, reluctantly requests to know more.
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I made all my OCs in this amazingballztastical EGG PICREW
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To start with, here’s Luna’s egg! I tried to give it a “mysterious mystical creature of the night” vibe, she’s kinda got that going on. The key is for how sneaky and devious she is, the way she’s always got tricks up her sleeve. The sinister-looking symbol branded front and center is more for the assumptions and judgements that were stuck on her ever since she was born. The black angel wings are kind of for both. The black and white feathers at the top are symbols of both her morally ambiguous nature and the vague fragments of her origin story I have rolling around in my head.
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Jewel’s egg! I tried to give this as much of her and her island’s aesthetic as possible. The vibrant colors, the jewels, the flowers, the magic. Honestly, I think I nailed it! This egg absolutely SCREAMS “Jewel”.
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Allets’s egg! Her whole life she’s been chained to the tight confines of stuffy upright royal life, her parents have tried their hardest to mold her into that and she’s tried her hardest to comply, but she can never quite suppress that spirit inside of her always bursting to get out. So, I made this egg show that spirit of who she really is finally breaking free! The egg’s all fancy lace and spiffy little angel wings with a big crown on top, the gilded cage she was raised in, but there’s a bit of vibrant and colorful detailing too, and the egg’s breaking wide open, releasing colorful butterflies and swirling rainbows. Simple and clear symbolism that I think came out great!
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Here we have Eliote’s egg! It’s surrounded by darkness, as she’s been metaphorically for much of her life. It’s got this dark woodsy aesthetic, for all the time she’s spent out in the dark Endless Woods and just the general state of mind she’s been in. That white stem in the middle? It might look like a tree but it’s the stem of a black flower that’s supposed to represent her parents’ deaths. You can’t really see the flower though, ‘cause that’s (accidentally but rather fittingly) where the egg’s broken open, releasing blue butterflies and glowy petals! That’s to show her true colors shining through starting to heal from all that pain and trauma. Connecting with a few people who support and care for her and starting to feel happy again, also regaining her magical ability that she lost touch with after losing her parents.
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This is Maddie T’s egg! I think those blue mushrooms at the top have kind of a Wonderland-ish vibe, don’t you? It’s got plenty of eye-popping brightly colored things here to show Maddie T’s off-the-wall personality. The actual egg that all of those are on has some cooler colors to balance that out a little, and I think that egg by itself might have more of a classical fantasy vibe, which I think goes to show that however outlandish and nonsensical Maddie T can be, she’s more than just a clown. There’s a lot going on in her head, her thoughts can be deep and interesting and outside-the-box in ways that can be a serious strength. She’s a ravenclaw in the Hogwarts AU for a reason!
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Here’s Finley’s egg! I think it fits her general vibe and aesthetic pretty well! I made an envelope bursting out the middle and a plant growing out of the top, representing how she has this insatiable hunger for knowledge and learning, and tons of potential just kicking and screaming to be realized. That potential along with her fairy magic is also shown by the four sets of colorful wings.
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Penny’s egg is bright, glowing yellow, like sunshine! It has colorful shapes that look like they could be painted or cut out of paper for an arts and crafts project. There’s a colorful (paint?) ring around it and big colorful (paint?) spots surrounding it too. All of which represent her personality and her love of bright colors and arts and crafts. The black flower front and center, the foggy black patch at the top with black and white ghostly mushrooms, and even the darkness around the whole thing are there to represent her being a vampire and the impact that it’s had on her. The cracks are there for that too--she’s been broken and is trying to pull the pieces back together and hold them together. Heck, she’s drawn these colorful little houses on the cracks, like they’re the roads of a little town, or the branches of a tree with a tiny bird or fairy town in it. She’s trying to make something good out of this, take her pain and make something out of it that brings a smile to her face. Overall, I feel like what I was going for here is that there’s a darkness that’s been planted inside her and threatens to consume her, and she’s trying her DANG hardest to draw up enough color and light from within herself to keep that from happening.
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And finally, Twig’s egg! This one was a bit tricky. I was a little unsure about how simple it looked, but maybe it makes sense with her being the baby of the bunch? (She’s 11, the rest of the OC squad ranges from 13 to 15 and the canon Trolls characters she’s friends with are young adults.) The colorful shapes down there look like they could be cut out of paper for a craft project. They also kinda look like troll pods! The flower could be cut from felt and paper too maybe. She could’ve scrapbooked most of the designs on this egg. The base color is a pretty bright color and pretty nature-y, which fits the environment she’s from. The crack in the middle and the dark patch at the top where the egg's broken open are kind of like her gray arm-stripe and freckles, showing her less typical-troll-like traits and her insecurities about them. The branches (ha...Branch...es...) around it can also be for that side of her, as well as the slightly shadowed background casting just a little bit of darkness over it. The general brightness of the egg and the sun spots at the top could show how she really is more on the sunny and whimsical side by nature though.
Whoo! This was fun! I love this picrew and I love how the eggs came out. I’ve got one for C.C. too, but I think I’ll hold off adding that until I get Jasper’s right, and it’s getting late now. Hope y’all liked these!!
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sevanshq · 7 years
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Full name: Samuel Alexander Evans
Nickname(s) or alias(es): Sammy (only if you know him well enough like that)
Preferred name(s): Sam
Date of birth: April 16, 1990
Zodiac sign: Aries
Religion: Christian
Gender: Male
Preferred pronouns: he/him
Sexual preference: heteroflexible
Romantic preference: heteroromantic
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Resides in: San Fernando Valley, CA
Occupation: aspiring artist, porn actor
Language(s) spoken: English, some Spanish
Native language: English
Birth order: Oldest
Level of education: BFA in Visual Arts/Graphic Design
How were their grades?: fair to middling in high school. he fared better in college.
Best childhood memory: summers on his family farm
Family’s economic status: middle class
Childhood career choice: baseball player
School subject they excelled at: Art, Math
School subject they had trouble with: English
appearance, voice, & mannerisms:
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: none
Tattoos: one, “aut viam inveniam aut faciam” (I will either find a way, or I will make one)  on the inside of his right arm. 
Piercings: none
Dominant hand: right handed
Frequently worn jewelry: sometimes a cross necklace
Speech style: relaxed, unless he’s rambling, with a deep drawl
Verbal tics: his dyslexia causes him to mix up words when he’s speaking at times
Scent: clean, woodsy scents like sandalwood and musk. 
Posture: Relaxed when standing, but he sits up straight
Personality type: ENFP “The Campaigner”
Positive traits: compassionate, creative, loyal, daring, unassuming
Negative traits: reckless, distracted, impulsive, impractical, withdrawn
Usual mood: easy-going with a side of humor
Insecurities: he hates people assuming he’s stupid, and talking down to him
Fears: never living up to his potential, feeling like he’s failed his parents, also spiders.
Comforts: good music, family, his mother’s home-cooking, working on his art.
Habits/quirks: chewing gum, rambling when he’s bored or nervous
Nervous tics: tapping his fingers
Superstitions: he throws spilled salt over his left shoulder
Pet peeves: people who chew with their mouths open, people who go out of their way to be assholes. 
health & psychology: 
Diet: very mindful of what he eats, lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein, but also indulges when the mood strikes.
Alcohol Use: mostly a social drinker
Drug Use: never hard stuff. rarely smokes cigarettes. but indulges in the ol’ cannabis from time to time.
Addictions: none.
Allergies: pet dander, mostly cats.
Exercise habits: 6 days a week, alternating his fitness routine. cardio, strength training, weight lifting.
Sleeping habits: he stays up late and wakes up early, so he doesn’t get as much sleep as he should, but when he does, it’s usually a good rest.
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities? nope.
Any mental illnesses/disorders? none.
Enneagram Type: The Epicure
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Sanguine
Element: Fire
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Intelligence Type: Interpersonal
views on:
Life: it’s tough, and unfair at times, but you make the most of it, the best you know how.
Death: unavoidable, like taxes and student loans.
Love: good thing when you’ve got it. something not to dwell on when you don’t.
Sex: natural. consent always and it should be pleasurable for all parties involved. 
Marriage: he doesn’t think it’s in the cards for him.
Divorce: it happens.
Family: everything.
Friends: a necessary support system. he loves making friends and meeting new people.
Politics: great way to weed out the people to avoid at parties.
Religion: faith in something, even in nothing, helps make sense of things.
Work: shouldn’t always feel like work. despite being confused about his future and a habitual procrastinator, he has a surprisingly strong work ethic, when he’s focused.
Money: could always use more of it. 
Alcohol/Drug Use: dabbling is fine.
Tattoos/Piercings: he loves ink, on himself and especially other people.
Swearing: he tries to curb it, but if he’s comfortable around someone or really pissed, he’ll let it fly.
Father: Oliver Evans
Describe their relationship: solid, with some moments of tension. his father wishes Sam were more focused and willing to live up to his potential. 
Mother: Lisa Evans
Describe their relationship: tense, to say the least. 
Pets: two dogs, back at home on the farm in Texas.
Optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic, more realistic than anything.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? somewhat organized
Book smart or street smart? street smart with a side of common sense
Leader or follower? leader
Day or night person? night
Cat or dog person? dog
Coffee or tea? coffee
What do they wear to bed? sweats or boxer briefs.
Do they snore? lightly.
What position do they sleep in? sprawled on his stomach, eventually on his side
Which side of the bed do they sleep on? left
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? he needs to be focused on one thing at a time, otherwise his concentration is shot.
Do they get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? he likes quiet/low music when he’s in art mode or editing. but does typically enjoy being around others more often than not.
What would completely break them? failing the important people in his life.
What was the best thing in their life? his family, hands down.
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6, 7, 12, 13, 20, 24, 27, 33, 36, 40 (wop wop), 45, 47, 50
get the fuck ready bitch we’re doing this
6. Whatkind of perfumes do you like?
generally on a day to day basis i like pink or brown fragrances, think sweet vanilla-y type things or nutty stuff, but sometimes you want like a concept in a perfume bottle, and then it’s either some smoky tobacco shit or super floral woodsy green stuff. love me some perfumes, would love to be able to afford one some day
7. Describe your ideal wedding-outfit. 
12. Is there anything you are a bit snobbishly/hipsterlyproud of liking?
13. Do you have an imaginary self inyour head and if you do, how are they different to you in real life?
i did these ones in earlier asks~
20. Describe a piece of art that youlike.
There is a painting of a woman and a painting of a man that used to hang next to eachother in the gothenburg art-museum. The one of the man is supposed to depict näcken, an alluring naked man that sits in a stream and plays a violin to lure people to their death. The painting in the museum is not the final one, since this one, when it was revealed, caused the men in the room to have a collective gay panic (also they maybe got a bit scared of the fact that a man could be objectified), and they forced the artist to paint another one where the man was not so hot, even though that is part of the point of näcken. The picture of the woman is of her sitting on the floor, working with her sleeves rolled up. She is not there to look pretty, and this to made the men who first saw it have an existencial crisis. Why would you paint a woman if she was not made pretty? Why is she looking at them if she is not supposed to be alluring? Why is she not even dignified, with her sleves rolled up an /working/? nice piece of currator art that v well presented two nice pieces of art.
24. Is there a song that came out thisyear that you really like, and if so, which one?
sorry about this but no, i can’t think of a single song i like from this year and if i can’t think of one i’ve even been listening to then i can’t say i really like one. this is more to do with me being v slow to hear new music and less with there not being good songs
27. Recommend a book for your followers.
honestly u should all read the raven cycle, u might have seen it around and u might think it won’e be for you and it might not be, but it’s a nice series with some loveable characters and it’s being made into a series so that’s nice
33. Who is the most beautiful person youcan think of?
u r ;))))) no ok this is a very hard question, bc all beautiful people are beautiful in different ways and like is this a looks question? or are we going for that inner light thing?but idk, my mind says either king arthur from bbc merlin (no, not bradley james, they are not the same person and do not posses the same beauty it’s an odd world we live in), or marianela núñez, or like just that one painting of spring in the louvre 
36. Who would you cast to play Athena, Aphroditeand Dionysus in a historical romance/fantasy movie?
Athena: Angel Coulby
Aphrodite: Emeraude Toubia
Dionysus: depending on if it’s drunk party uncle or beautiful wine child (and based only on looks bc i don’t know or care much abt actors), either Zach Galifianakis or George Blagden
40. What is your favourite cloud?
as the boring person i am, i like a good solid cumulus cloud
47. Namesix things that you associate with your gender. 
(but what is my gender tho) flat shoes, long skirts, relatively conservative hair, short nails, loud laughing, simple floral print
50. What would your name be in a highfantasy novel?
Heimvinur Hólnumfrá
and there we are~
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