#cause the merc thing could just as much be him amused by connections being made that aren't actually there
danthropologie · 2 years
Everything this man says about his future confuses me more but I’m genuinely so unsure how to read that rb comment. Because there is clearly a fondness of the team and a belief that he can do well in those cars. But on the other hand, the comment did come across to me as like “it would be nice… but”, like yes it would be a sort of romantic, full circle moment but maybe not what’s best for him (in his thinking)
and this is exactly what he wants!!! known liar daniel ricciardo strikes again, sowing confusion in the hearts and minds of the general public!!!
he wants people lost and perplexed when it comes to his next move cause it's advantageous for him from a negotiating standpoint to do so!!! if he's talking to 'pretty much everyone', then whoever he DOES allow to capture his heart and ass (in their reserve seat) better fucking pay up cause he's got 6 other options waiting in the wings to do the same if they won't (or at least he wants them to believe that 👀)
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Where I Belong | Chapter 5
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Story Summary: The only family she’d ever known gave her a name; back when she belonged to something. But when that family is lost, she leaves it all behind. When destiny drops her in the last place she ever wanted to be, she has to earn back the trust and respect of the Republic that left her to die. Caught between the Jedi and the Grand Army of the Republic, she’ll discover where she belongs.
Fandom: Star Wars | Galaxy Far Far Away
Rating: T+
Story Genre/Warnings: action/adventure/found family | war violence, death, torture, discrimination, alcohol consumption, angst, fluff, found family, lots of clone boys, (spans the whole clone war) eventual Order 66 and rise of the Empire
Words: 3,205
Disclaimer: Majority of properties within this fanfic are owned by Lucasfilm/Disney. My OCs, as well as a few other things within this fanfic are of my own creation. Republic Cog header/chapter divider made by me 😊
Taglist: @divergent-llamas-03 @thisistheendtimes @tallyquark @your-very-rude-neighborhood-ace @remadster @808tsuika
CHAPTER NOTE: Planned on making this a May 4th chapter update but time got away, not really proof read, I remembered I’m pretty much writing this for myself, and this chapter is kind of short so... sorry me I guess lololol. 
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter | Arwen Corcer Mercenary Visuals Art | Arwen Corcer  - Past Lives Art
Anakin Skywalker considered her in silence. Do I look dead, sir? Was that a jab? Just a statement- a question? Her aura was giving him nothing; it was calm, collected, but under the surface bubbling with a scrambled mix of emotions that he couldn’t decipher. Not just anyone could mask that from a Jedi. It made him uneasy. 
“... What’s your CT number?” He asked, posture straightening as he crossed his arms.
The look she turned on him was almost amused as she looked him up and down for a moment, brow knit before she raised an eyebrow.
“My CT number? What- do I look like a clone to you?” 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Anakin quickly found his voice turning almost impatient. It wasn’t intentional, but perhaps a defense against this situation which he wasn’t the slightest prepared for. He’d buried this. Having it drop back in on him like this wasn’t something he wanted to welcome with open arms.
He narrowed his eyes at her lack of reaction as she continued to eye him before her gaze fell to the table. Her ease and calm nature regarding her situation pushed a button he didn’t know he had, and it irritated him. The only thing that brought him solace was that despite her seemingly tranquil exterior, he could sense she was harboring a restlessness. One he was having trouble deciphering, but all the same it was there. 
Considering her posture, he noted her body language gave away very little. Somewhat defensive, but not overwhelmingly so; her arms were rested in her lap, shoulders slightly caved inward, but still relaxed. She looked like a mercenary by her attire. The chest and torso plates she was wearing had notes of old republic craftsmanship; it wasn’t a commonly worn style anymore. Her shoulder plates also had unique craftsmanship, but he didn’t recognize them. 
A few dried splatters of blood covered her left shoulder plate, where her head injury was making itself known. She’d need medical attention; something he wasn’t looking forward to as she’d need to be transferred to the medical facility onsite. He needed very little to tell him she was dangerous. She lacked a boastful ego, and that only increased the likelihood that she possessed a deadly skill set. Moving someone like that around should be avoided at all costs, but a head injury was cause for concern. Thankfully, that was something to consider later on. For now, he had to worry strictly about interrogation of the individual. 
Part of him was uncertain of how to proceed. She would be on the GAR database, it was just a matter of whether he’d be able to access the material. Surely he’d be able to. He vaguely remembered seeing her file, but he didn’t remember enough details.
“What was the nature of your assignment on Garo IV.” He questioned. Only way forward was to strike the connections they had present. While the mission wasn’t related, it was the only string he could pull. Waiting for an answer was how he had spent eighty percent of his time during interrogations. Maybe pulling this string would get her talking a bit more.
When she met his eyes, he raised an eyebrow as she put off giving him a verbal response. He really didn’t have the patience for interrogations. Obi-Wan knew that and would usually have him conduct them because of said fact. 
“What unit were you with?” He tried, adjusting his crossed arms over his chest as he stood at the opposite side of the table from where she was seated. 
“I’m not at liberty to disclose details regarding my assignments nor my former position with the Republic Military.” The monotone of her voice surprised him as she leaned back in the chair and met his gaze once more. “Sir.” The tone of her voice was laced with sarcasm, unamused sarcasm but it was becoming more obvious she was going to make this harder for him.
He found himself giving the smallest hint of a smirk. Two could play the game.
“Well then, make yourself comfortable. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” He noted before stepping forward to lean one hand on the table, the other coming to rest on his belt. 
“We’ve got a lot to talk about before you’re inevitably arrested for treason against the Republic.”
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Rex had watched the footage multiple times now, and it pulled him in opposite directions. This should be an easy case, but every time he came to that conclusion, something knocked him upside the head screaming that it wasn’t. Cody seemed to be in a similar position.
He glanced at his brother, noting the gears seemingly turning in his expression as he lowered his gaze from the footage they were reviewing.
“What're you thinking?”
Any other Commander, and Rex would’ve addressed them properly; but this was Cody. He’d known Cody all his life. He was more than just a superior officer, he was a brother - his brother - and they rarely ever used formal addresses around each other. He knew Cody felt the same way towards him. 
“This won’t be cut and dry.” His expression stoic, the Marshal Commander finally let his eyes fall from the footage before he turned and took  a few steps to the adjacent table where the sack of explosives resided. 
“Facial recognition picked up the other one.” Rex informed his brother before letting out a quiet sigh as he turned his gaze towards the hall leading to the interrogation room. “Your average mid ranking merc in the underworld. This one on the other hand...” Rex gestured to the holoscreen on the computer station against the wall. The footage played over and over again; the image of the mercenary they had in custody knocking Cody out of the line of fire did little to lesson Rex’s caution. “Still no hits. I don’t like it.”
“Do you think it was an act?” Cody questioned, turning to meet the eyes of his comrade.
“What part exactly?” Rex leaned back against the table, partially seated on the edge. 
The shift in the Commander’s eyeline back towards the footage answered Rex’s question as he looked to the holoscreen as well. The footage looped over and over, and Rex took a few moments to analyze the moment when the merc pushed his brother out of the line of fire.
“W- Do you think it was sincere?” Rex tried to suppress his chuckle but it slipped out. It wasn’t something he had considered. He’d honestly been avoiding thinking about her motive to push Cody out of the way. It seemed that’s all Cody was thinking about however. 
“She said ‘sorry sir’... to me.” Cody responded.
“Sir?” Rex emphasized while raising an eyebrow. “Alright I admit that’s- odd. But what’s your point, Cody. She still infiltrated this base with a sack full of explosives. I think the intent is clear.”
“Gentlemen,” The announcement of the Jedi’s presence caused Rex and Cody to briefly stand at attention.
“General Kenobi,” Cody greeted his superior with a courteous nod of his head and Rex gave a similar gesture as Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi walked through the blast doors.
“I apologize for the lateness of my arrival, Cody.” Obi-Wan dipped his head towards Cody as the Jedi came to a stop in front of the two troopers. “I did receive your transmission. Have there been any developments on our intruders?”
“Yes sir,” Cody responded, taking a couple steps closer to the holoscreen at the computer station, giving it a small gesture with his hand. “We’ve got a hit on one of them, I was going to get your confirmation on a warrant. The other however isn’t coming up on civilian or criminal databases.”
“Neither?” Kenobi questioned, taking a step closer to watch the footage quietly.
“No sir,” Cody gave Obi-Wan the response as he went to open the satchel on the far table, Rex loosely at his side. “Both had one of these. This belongs to the one we have in custody.”
“Skywalker is doing the interrogation?” Obi-Wan inquired, eyes on the footage. His brow knit gently and one brow twitched up with curiosity as he watched the footage of the criminal they had in custody.
“He is, sir.”
Silence followed closely behind Cody’s words as the two Officers waiting for the Jedi’s next move. Rex glanced briefly at his brother, hands loosely at his sides, but a subtle tension remained in his posture. This was a new problem, one they hadn’t encountered before. 
General Skywalker was being oddly distant with this mercenary in custody. Usually an Officer would accompany on interrogations, however the General had made it clear that he wanted to handle this one alone following some sort of revelation. Whatever it was, Rex knew it complicated matters to some extent.
“If you’ll excuse me, Commander, Captain,” General Kenobi turned to the Clone Officers. “I will have a word with Skywalker.”
“Let us know if you need anything, sir.” Cody was quick to respond and Rex backed up his brother’s words with a nod. 
Once the General excused himself, Rex took a couple of steps closer to the Commander and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Why wouldn’t she come up on any database?” Rex mumbled the question privately to Cody. “It doesn’t make sense. Not even facial recognition picked anything up prior to the last few months. She’s a ghost.” Rex shook his head in subtle disbelief, brow knit tightly. 
His arms already crossed, Cody reached up with a hand to lightly touch his chin as he thought quietly. 
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“I was hired to hit this location. I don’t know who, I didn’t get a name, but I suspect it came from a long chain of people most likely working for the Separatists.” The mercenary explained. 
“Do you mercenaries normally just take jobs and ask questions later?” Anakin inquired, causing the girl’s eyes to narrow. 
“It was a closed door job; information was kept private until they pulled people in for the job. If I hadn’t taken it they would’ve shot me then and there.” She muttered the explanation, defensive frustration subtly laced through her voice. 
“Considering the way to shoved that Officer out of harm's way - I take it you prefer to hurt from a distance. Not too soft to do the dirty work up close are you?” He pushed further, much to his contempt as she visibly clenched her jaw and hardened her glaring gaze at him. 
“Anakin, might I remind you of the reliability of using more friendly tactics during interrogation?” 
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin carefully greets his old Master as the Jedi enters the cell. 
“Might I have a moment with you outside,” Kenobi gestured briefly towards the cell door. 
Anakin grumbled before reluctantly leaving alongside the Jedi Master. This was not a good look for an interrogator. 
Once on the other side of the cell’s energy shield door, Obi-Wan and Anakin made their way down a few cells to get some space from everyone. 
“Now, what is this all about?” Obi-Wan inquired, crossing his arms across his chest. “I left the base for one day and-”
“This isn’t just some mercenary, Master.” Anakin cut to the chase rather quickly but begrudgingly hesitated for a moment. “I can’t believe I am saying this- but she was one of us.”
“I beg your pardon?” Obi-Wan’s brow was knit tightly, a clear expression of confusion marked his face before Anakin went to explain.
“This happened a few months ago; shortly after I became a knight. The battle group I was with near Sundari. Master Krell was dealing with forces on the planet surface when I picked up a distress signal from a Clone Team on Garo IV. They asked for extraction; said they had vital information. I’m not sure exactly what kind but…” Anakin trailed off as he remembered the day. 
Kenobi eyed his former padawan for a time before giving a small nod of reluctant understanding.
“And where does this mercenary come into play?” He inquired, gesturing forward with a hand.
Anakin met his Master’s eyes for a time before looking away once more. 
“She was the one that sent the distress signal, Master.”
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Once the Jedi left the cell, Arwen let herself slump back into her chair. Jaw relaxing she muttered under her breath before briefly closing her eyes, squeezing them shut for good measure to briefly combat the pain of her head injury. 
This isn’t good. I have to get out of here before this spirals. 
If she tried to escape, it would make things worse long term. The situation couldn’t get much worse from here, at least not in regards to her relationship with the Republic. The worst thing that could happen to her is imprisonment. Right now her reputation was what she was most concerned with. 
Corcer relaxed her brow, trying to soften the pressure that had been building in her head before she took in an audible breath and slowly let it out. 
Of all the Jedi that could be dealing with this… It just had to be the one that one. 
He could either make matters better or worse. She’d have to suck it up regardless.
At the mere thought of it, Arwen clenched her jaw, unable to hide the snarl of an expression that threatened to appear. 
Jedi. There were few she thought below them. A twisted organization. Sure they had a few good ones here and there, but they were the biggest problem with the Republic. She’d rather shoot herself now and get it over with than roll over and play dead in this interrogation but… She had somewhere to be and had things to do. 
As long as this di’kut doesn’t try to mention the team, I’ll be fine. 
Silencing her thoughts, Arwen looked to the cell door and waited for someone to reappear. Her intent gaze only increased as she tried to silence the thoughts at the back of her mind. Seconds turn to minutes before she finally feels her shoulders begin to relax and her eyes fall.
…. The team…. My team.
Her chest tightened as she caught herself subconsciously distancing herself from the painful memories of her old life. 
You can’t do that. No matter how much it hurts. If you don’t remember them, no one will.  
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Obi-Wan processed this information quietly for a time before finally meeting the eyes of his former padawan. 
“And you’re certain this is her?”
“I’m positive, Master. She already confirmed it to me; reluctantly I might add.” Anakin responded.
The two make their way back down the hall and pass the mercenary’s interrogation cell before turning down the hall towards where Commander Cody and Captain Rex resided.
“We can continue her interrogation later. For the time being, we need to continue our prevailing investigation.” 
Anakin fought the urge to roll his eyes but let out a grumbled huff before rubbing the back of his head as they entered the open room. 
“You and I both know that intel may be critical, Anakin.” Obi-Wan reminded the younger Jedi with a somewhat stern tone. “If the Separatists get ahold of it-”
“We’ll have problems. I know, I know.” Anakin put his hands up before letting them fall. “Pirate scum.” Skywalker muttered under his breath, shooting a brief look around the room towards where Cody and Rex resided cataloging another sack of items from the mercenary. “They’re all talk, this info could just be putting us on a wild bantha chase.”
“And if it’s sincere?” Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow and waited for his former padawan to concede in his weak reluctance to pay the investigation the attention it needed. 
Anakin didn’t hide the roll of his eyes before giving a nod. “Understood, Master.”
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The Jedi didn’t come back. Something Arwen wasn’t necessarily against. However as she was escorted down the hall by a Clone squad, she found herself almost disappointed she wasn’t able to speak with the Jedi. 
It was becoming clear to her that she needed to talk with them to make any progress, but her anger- maybe even mild hatred towards them- kicked at her to not wish to be stuck in such a situation.
“Destination?” Arwen chanced speaking up, and was surprised when she got a response.
“Jail cell for temporary holding until interrogation continues.” The Clone a few paces in front of her on her right responded, not sparing her a glance as he continued to walk down the corridor. 
Arwen looked to the ground and nodded to the side.
Better than silence I suppose. That means they still plan on talking to me. Good.
The quiet sound of conversation perked her ears and as they continued walking, it grew louder, and the voices grew clearer. 
One of them was the Jedi she’d spoken to - Anakin as the other Jedi had called him. And the other one was Obi-Wan. The names were familiar unfortunately, and now she had faces to put to the names. Practically celebrities as far as the Republic was concerned. Forget the Holovid stars, Jedi Knights were it since the war had started. 
Arwen’s gaze found an open room coming up on the left and she looked inside to find the two Jedi on opposite ends of a holotable looking hologram of an individual she actually recognized.
The fact made her stop, much to the surprise of the two clones behind her as one of them ran right into her with a grunt of surprise. 
“Sir,” She called out to the Jedi, either one of them. 
They both looked over, each with a look of mild confusion before Arwen went to continue talking.
“Is that Jiro Tuck?” She inquired, her eyes briefly dwelled on the hologram before turning to the bearded Jedi.
“You know of this individual?” He was the one she hadn’t seen much of, Obi-Wan as the dark haired Jedi, Anakin, had called him.
“Yes sir,” Arwen responded, glancing to the clone escort which she could tell was getting agitated. “If you’re looking for either him or his brother- I might have a few leads. I’ve been hired to find him before.”
The butt of a blaster was suddenly knocked into her back and Arwen caught her footing gracefully before looking over her shoulder at the helmeted trooper.
“Keep moving,” He snapped before ushering her forward with his rifle.
Arwen looked towards the Jedi once more before complying with the Clone escort, continuing down the hall. 
They took her down to the holding cells and placed her in an empty cell. From the look it was vacant; she was the only one there.
Once the cell door closed, the troopers walked away and Arwen found herself sitting down on the metal platform that acted as a cot. 
Ok. Seed planted. You better be able to deliver on that.
She had done work with the pirate before. Whatever he was involved in though would probably only bring her more heat from either the Separatists or the Republic, neither of which she wanted.
Either way… She needed to find a way out. This looked like her only option. If she played her cards right, she might be able to get out of this. 
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter | Arwen Corcer Mercenary Visuals Art | Arwen Corcer  - Past Lives Art
Chapter Note: If anyone is reading this I hope you enjoy I suppose. Again- wasn’t proof read so.... sorry for the grammar errors. Might fix it... Might not. Probably won’t. 
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g0dspeeed · 4 years
Unconditional Positive Regard, 2
Adam Smasher is very used to getting his way.
Until he doesn’t.
 Adam Smasher is very used to getting his way.
Does he always get his way?
Majority of the time, yes, and primarily through intimidation. Intimidation was almost like a personality trait to Adam, the line blurring from who he was authentically and the stone-cold bravado he put out for the rest of the world to see. He utilized tried and true premeditated tactics such as calculated threats, blackmail, ransom, disrupting personal space, ignoring the spoken and unspoken rules of modern society, and frankly not giving a shit about what other people thought. Then again, said tactics occurred unconsciously, too. His physical presence alone made for a great argument. The man stands well over six feet tall, perhaps leaning more towards the seven-foot range, with broad shoulders and a deadly gaze to boot. Adam’s copper red eyes could give a look so menacing that other Arasaka operatives submitted to his authority without question.
And he loved this. He truly enjoyed wielding such power, to walk into a room and have an air of dominance over every stranger that stood before him. Made things simple. Never there to make friends, to play nice, to compromise. The only thing he sought out to do in these god-awful meetings that Arasaka forced him to attend was comply with the given, short-term objectives to a tee. Going the extra mile was only an option to Adam if it benefitted him. Or if it made the job easier, but that stopped if it meant kissing any asses that didn’t have a direct link to his eddie account.
Intimidation was effective on mostly everyone that Adam Smasher worked with or unfortunately encountered in his line of work.
Then there were the others. The ones that didn’t get the message or simply chose to make regrettable decisions. To get in the way. To make Adam’s job harder. Those were the people that required more intention on Adam’s part.
And Adam was every bit intentional with those who refused to submit.
The city appeared calm on the morning of his meeting. Wellsprings was the destination and Adam arranged the AV so he would arrive onsite early. The ride in the AV was short, but allotted Adam time to observe the Night City skyline as sun beams cut through its shadow like knives, gold and sharp and warming the streets below. Like his hometown, Night City had no concept of sleep, its population below teeming towards their next meal, deal, job in a sort of lively frenzy.
Adam himself felt tired. He still required sleep like any functioning being, experiencing a downtime where his senses and sensors went offline, and his brain, his still very organic brain, unwound and processed all that he experienced that day. Unfortunately for him, his brain didn’t want to unwind the night before, too excited about the job, too curious at what Arasaka needed an outside opinion on, and having too many questions unanswered.
What made this job so special?
Why would Arasaka seek out the opinion of someone in Night City rather than in Japan?
What made this third party so important?
Who were they?
Why them?
Why did their opinion have so much weight?
Most of all Adam wondered why he even bothered to care. The image and reputation that Adam had worked so hard to cultivate this past century should have emboldened him with steel-clad confidence in himself and his abilities. Should have. Why the anxiety? True, Arasaka was being oddly theatrical in their deliverance, but if Adam were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that he allowed a dangerous feeling to creep inside, a feeling that’s lethality pushed him to put his life at risk more than anything else: hope.
“Approaching LZ, sir.”
The flat voice of the AV’s pilot pulled Adam out of his mental reverie.
Surveying the area, he felt his suspicion rise. The AV was lowering at the top of a multi-leveled parking garage that connected to a moderately large, white building. The glass windows were polarized with a shade of gold, giving no indication as to what occurred behind them. Adam also noticed a lack of sign or company name, save for a white emblem that looked like the image of a lighted torch. Clean and shimmering, the emblem rested on the building’s corner, as if it were a true, living flame.
As the AV pulled away, Adam headed near the large elevator that sat on the opposite side of his landing zone. Gravel crunched beneath him, the annoying sound adding to his already agitated mood. Just as he approached the control panel, the elevator doors opened with a faint hiss.
Out stepped a fit, middle-aged man with dark, neatly combed hair, navy slacks, and a trim, button-up shirt. The man was occupied with rolling up the shirt’s sleeves, revealing a variety of tattoos on each bicep. Adam noticed a large NUSA script standing out amongst the rest. The man’s face illuminated with a white smile when their eyes met.
“Good morning, Mr. Smasher,” he greeted, his voice deep and rich. “I apologize for any waiting that we might have caused you.”
Adam grunted as he sidestepped the man to enter the elevator. He didn’t have to duck his head, an odd experience for him.
The stranger seemed unaffected by Adam’s response, maintaining a polite smile and joining him in the elevator. As the doors closed, he stepped forward and pressed one of the buttons.
“When we arrive to the office, we request that you place all weapons-”
A pause.
The man resumed.
“-in our reservoir and deactivate any and all combat cyberware.”
“Out of the question.”
Adam turned to face him. The smile had faded, but much to Adam’s chagrin there was a hint of amusement in the man’s hazel eyes.
“I know that our policy opposes your own,” he stated. “But it is a requirement of this office.”
The elevator slowed.
“Are you the third party in the contract?” Adam asked lowly.
“I am not,” answered the man.
The doors opened as they arrived to their floor.
“Then you are of no use to me,” said Adam.
Walking into the space, his brows furrowed. He had arrived at an open lobby that was full of soft chairs and with tall windows aligning the walls. There was a gentle scent in the air, something floral that added to the relaxing ambiance of the floor. Some art was on the walls as well, but what distracted Adam was the sight of a single set of large, double doors.
No one was there other than Adam and the man who continued to speak to him.
“Welcome to Torch. This is our Services floor.”
Again, the man received a cold reply as Adam ignored him and approached the large doors. Giving the doors a firm tug, they didn’t budge from the frame. He tried again, this time with more effort, and became agitated when they failed to give.
“This building prohibits the presence of any and all firearms, as well as combat cyberware,” stated the man, his tone informative and light.
Turning to glower at the man, Adam saw that he was gesturing to a unit in the wall.
“We have reservoirs on each floor, calibrated with genetic security software to guarantee that only you can have access to them. We do not sell or use any of the collected data. It is strictly for security. Not even our own staff can touch your things without your consent, Mr. Smasher.”
Adam stalked towards the man with heavy, deliberate steps.
“Open the door,” he commanded.
“I cannot-”
A hard, mechanical hand reached out to grip the man’s throat.
“Open the door,” repeated Adam. The man’s struggling body was lifted from the tiled floor with ease. “Or I will break you,” added the merc in a whisper.
The stranger struggled in his grasp, attempting and failing to loosen Adam’s hold with his own cybernetic fingers.
“Open the fucking door,” Adam commanded again, his anger growing with each passing moment.
“I-It won’t open,” gasped the man. “Not until I see you put your weapons in the reservoir.”
The lump in his throat bobbed against Adam’s palm.
“Think I give a damn about your policies and protocol?” he rumbled. “I can just pop off your fucking head clean off your shoulders, then I’ll rip open those doors myself-”
“A-And she still won’t see you.”
Adam blinked in confusion. The man had no fear in his voice. No, the opposite. Bold. Certain. His whole demeanor was solid, his eyes never breaking away from that of the mercenary.
“She won’t see you,” repeated the man. “She’s not one for intimidation. N-Never will be.”
With a new blaze of anger, Adam lifted the man higher. The man gasped heavily as the grip became tighter on his air way, his face reddening into a deep scarlet.
Behind them, the doors burst open.
“Mr. Smasher!” yelled a voice. A woman’s voice. “Put him down!”
His head turned in the direction of the sound, his anger near the tipping point of rage.
Standing in the doorway was a woman. She stood before a group of other women, all afraid, their eyes wide and trembling fingers touching lips. One of the fearful women looked to be attempting to pull the other back, but with no luck. She stood firm in a white, form-fitting dress, the garment hiding most of her olive skin and hugging her curves beautifully. Her hair was dark and fell in waves at her shoulders and down her back. Oddly enough she was barefoot, revealing a blood red polish on her toes that matched her fingernails. Simple gold jewelry complimented her complexion.
The woman’s face, though attractive, wore a look of pure admonishment.
“Are you the one hired by Arasaka?” called back the mercenary, his voice still strained.
“Put him down,” repeated the woman. “Now.”
“Answer my question-”
“Not until you put down Dr. Estrada.”
Their eyes locked. Gold like her jewelry, they burned intensely with a heat that Adam could practically feel. His own resolve faltered at her ultimatum, mostly because he wasn’t used to anyone, let alone a woman, making one.
The man’s body dropped loudly to the tile.
To Adam’s surprise, the woman immediately relaxed. Gone was the fire in her eyes and features. Posture eased. She then entered the lobby. The women behind her silently panicked, their mouths agape at seeing her walk past Adam, bare feet padding across the tile, to attend to the fallen man. The man had recovered after a brief coughing fit and was sitting up with a grin. He accepted her offered hand.
“So all of this,” she said calmly, directing the man to the doorway. “Is because of our weapons policy?”
“Are you the one hired by Arasaka?”
His tone was more level, matching hers. The anger was long forgotten.
“I am,” she replied.  “Will you be able to make our appointment or should we reschedule?”
Adam frowned at the question.
Without saying a word, he began walking towards the doors. Her frame stiffened. In a stride she stood between Adam and the opening.
“You want to keep our appointment,” she acknowledged. “Please put your weapons in our reservoir and deactivate any and all combat cyberware.”
And like a switch, his fury returned ten-fold.
“I’m not going to go by your bullshit policies!” he yelled. “We’re meeting today! Stop wasting my fucking time and let’s get this shit over with!”
Pulse raced in his body, so strongly that he swore they could hear it. The doctor stood behind the woman, eyes shifting between her and Adam nervously. He saw how the man’s hands tightened into fists, as if ready to intervene at any moment. The other women were frozen in fear.
What did these fucking people not understand?
Adam was here to do a job.
He didn’t have to abide by whatever policies they were giving him.
It wasn’t going to happen.
All appeared terrified and concerned.
All except for her.
That woman with the dark hair and powerful, golden eyes remained by her place at the doorway, her focus on Adam and staring directly at him as if he hadn’t just yelled at her. If she was afraid of Adam, she sure didn’t show it.
A moment passed before he got a response.
Her voice was touched with a new softness, her face gentle.
“I hear you,” she said. “You are strongly against what we’re asking of you, Adam, and we’re asking a lot. This is our policy. It is important that our clients feel safe here. If depositing your weapons and turning off your cyberware is not acceptable to you, that’s fine, but it is our expectation. You can do what we ask and retrieve your things when our meeting is over or we can reschedule when you’re ready.”
Dark eyes blinked in confusion. No doubt his anger remained, but at hearing her words, the calmness in her voice, he found it oddly abated. Only slightly, but abated nonetheless.
He swallowed.
“Out of the question,” Adam answered lowly.
As if expecting his response, the woman simply nodded.
“Okay,” she said, that damn smile once more spreading across her full lips. “That’s your choice. The elevator can take you to the floor that Dr. Estrada met you at. Please reach out to our office so we can reschedule.”
Before he could muster up a response, the woman quietly closed the doors.
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