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picture of me drinking from my cup with the teabag still inside
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wrxthfulguard · 4 years
(X) @caustixsoul​
“Sir?” Don had spotted the demon(?) just standing there in the streets, where a fellow demon could easily ambush him in his deep thinking state.
Upon the inquiry, he calmly raised his hands up in a passive manner when the other drew out his sword, not wanting to cause any trouble with him.
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“It’s alright... I just wanted to see if you were okay... Are you a newly fallen sinner? Because you’re in Hell... Pentagram City, Hell to be exact.” For a moment, the ‘human’ demon was curious if the other was a demon that had retained their mortal ‘human’ appearance like him.
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bforefame · 4 years
"Are you gonna tell me what happened? You don't have to talk if you don't want to of course."
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“Those old people in Elysium are treating me like I’m some little kid that can’t fight or anything. I can wield a weapon just fine, thanks.”
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lavyrinthosdwelt · 3 years
@caustixsoul asked:  “ what are your thoughts on having kids ? “ From Theseus!
Meme /// Accepting
Asterius stilled. Went silent. More so than normal, even, as thoughts stirred up in his mind. Memories. Flashes of the past that he didn’t even wish he had. 
Of fear and hunger and pain. Yelling, between the man named Minos - never father, for no man could sire such a beast - and crying of the woman he knew as mother -  Pasiphaë, they all demanded he call her, even though he had no knowledge of words. Though he had been small, and could not properly understand them, he knew they feared him. Hated him. And he feared and hated them, in turn. And he was still so hungry. 
He grew older, but not much. More fear and hunger and pain. The servants would hardly look at him without flinching, drawing away, fearing the monster made by Pasiphaë’s madness. They wondered, casting wary glances at him as he hid in corners and behind draperies, if he would be so wild as the bull he came from. When he might become a danger to them all. Always when, never if. And he was still hungry.
Not much older, but much began to change, quickly. The hunger was overwhelming, such that the scraps provided would never satisfy. Another boy, passing by him - his own age, and yet so much smaller. Round-faced and bright-eyed and human and normal and all too quickly, between the bull’s teeth. Pliant flesh ripping easily, sinew and muscle shredding easily, giving way to the starvation that controlled his very thoughts, plaguing his weary, neglected body. It was invigorating. And he ate. And ate. And ate. Until he was only distantly aware of the screams around him, and the feeling of fists and feet and a knife in his back, because all he could focus on was the feeling of blood and meat settling morbidly comforting in his empty stomach. More fear. More pain.
And still h u n g r y. 
Asterius flinched back, arms up and hands back from Theseus as if he feared they might touch. The some old part of himself had come back to possess his fingers. His teeth. Like he might try to finish what he had started so many years ago in that awful, wretched labyrinth. Breaths came in quick, short pants, his mind swimming. Red. Too red. He shook his head, clearing the color from his vision until the color green started to come back into focus. 
“No,” he whispered, almost a growl. Regretful and angry and frightened. “I... could never have... children.”
They might... turn out like him.
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follys-dance · 3 years
@caustixsoul :
Continued from here x
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The mother’s boisterous laughter always somehow got to Atë. Even if it wasn’t about her.
The Trojan War was Eris’s greatest achievement of all time. The mortals might’ve blamed Helen of Troy and Lady Aphrodite for that bloodshed, but it was obviously well known amongst the Discordii that it was their mother’s craft. It was sung about in their history books and their feasts, and if you ever asked a Discordian about their doted mother, such a tale would be the first thing you’d hear.
Eris was the highest goddess in their eyes. The Trojan War merely set an example of power— a standard by which all her children hoped to achieve. They were all racing against time, racing against eachother, to create tragedies even remotely close to that war. And the prize? A single, precious drop of love from their glorious mother.
Such was the dream for a Child of Eris. But not for Atë... What should’ve made her heart swell with pride and bow at Eris’s feet instead pained her. Would her fate as the goddess of folly be inevitable? Was she bound to achieve a horror like that of the dreaded war? There was the tragedy upon Olympus long ago, but...
She didn’t want to think about it.
Atë’s voice was gentle, but stoic. “I understand, Mother... But must you keep all the blame on Lady Aphrodite? In the end, you did influence her with the Apple.”
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hypnoes · 4 years
@caustixsoul​ replied:  see thats how they fucking getcha
like it wasn’t your fault to begin with!  you just had to tell me about another mean otherworldly twink laying about in your fandom when you knew I had a weakness for them 🥺👉👈
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galaxythixf · 3 years
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@caustixsoul​ said: ⊙0⊙ For a Character I’ve considered/played in the past || Accepting
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“I thank you for the compliments, my friend but I could never take credit for my Eurydice’s hard work. For as many songs as I have written she has inspired hundreds more or created them herself. I play what resonates with me and nothing I could write could fill me with the brilliance as she. I’m afraid my muse lies with fate and that my fingers may never feel the joy they once had in creating the memories I cherish now.”
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a-la-mort · 3 years
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@caustixsoul has come forth:     “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a god before.” - from eris to widowmaker if thats okay!
The assassin took hold of her sniper.
If there was one thing she learned was to never hesitate. And yet here she was, pausing at the visage of the other. Nevermind her words, the sniper’s stoic demeanor quickly shifted into that of confusion upon seeing the rather otherwordly-looking woman before her.
Was it a hallucination? Couldn’t be. As much as Talon’s intensive testing took its toll on her, as far as she knew, it was operational, and far from failing. 
❝ What do you want? ❞  she spoke, somewhat monotonously. Yet still, some hint of annoyance could be perceivable on the way she seemed to refocus the nozzle of her weapon towards the other.
Another one trying to toy with her mind, she assumed. But she had about enough of that.
❝ Many have claimed to have godly powers, with words or not. They bring nothing more than suffering. You must be just like them... And frankly, I don’t care, you all will die the same. ❞
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royalreef · 4 years
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@caustixsoul​ inquired:  💫 + Damien, Dahlia and Brian! Three Choices - Accepting
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💫 - fight, tickle, insult.
        “Tickle Dahlia. Though sparring with her is enjoyable when I can manage it, I do not truly consider that fighting, and certainly I could not insult her!
      Brian and Damien are... Trickier. I do not fight to begin with, and I would prefer to not truly insult another royal, even hellborn royal that he is, and I’ve seen enough brawls of his to know that his methods are ones I’d prefer to not be caught between. Brian is actually rather appealing for both, as I could insult him or tear into him with considerably less repercussions and he is rather good at taking both in stride. So the decision would come down to which I prefer to do less with Damien.....”
      Hand lifted to tap her chin in thought, pondering for a few seconds. Weighting it out. Decisions like this weren’t to be taken lightly, after all, even with no real consequences!
      “ ... Fight Damien, then. Insulting him would just lead to a fight anyhow, and it might not even be a dealbreaker for him. And Brian is just too easy to verbally tear apart!”
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sry i dont believe in loggin into my main. You like FFXV??? Pls tell-
LIKE!!! yes sure i can see it was VERY rushed and the fact that they took away versus XIII from nomura’s hands REALLY annoys me tbh (even if i do believe he’s going to shove it in future kingdom hearts games so hehehoho heck yea) and yes up until chapter 9 the plot literally makes little to no sense but consider:
1) i love open world games and lucis is really nice. it’s not peak fantasy maybe but i dig the modern fantasy vibe theyre going for 2) i LOVE hunting sidemissions and THESE WERE MADE FOR ME 3) i L O V E fishing minigames. i dont know. i just like them a lot and it took me 10 minutes to pull up that fucking giant fish at the swamps in their little morning routine it was nice 4) when the plot finally starts making sense,,,, i actually like it a lot. it’s so sad and dramatic and M A N the feefees that literally EVERYTHING that happened in tenebrae gave me really hurt me. 5) I REALLY LIKE THE DUNGEONS!!!!!!! like yea i can bitch about costlemark tower for an HOUR (which is. 1/3 of the time it took me to finally get to the boss :^)) but they were cool and scary and i like it
...........and im sorry but the characters REALLY sold me this game tbh. i really like noctis and luna, i REALLY like gladion and ignis, prompto is my SON and ardyn somehow managed to be one of my favorite final fantasy villains and
idk. i spent 64 hours running around in lucis even before getting to altissa i know it’s far from being a perfect game but i really like it and ngl it’s one of the final fantasy games i always tell people to start with to see if they could be into the series,, playing it made me feel like i was playing the very first game with the open world take and the simple story during the first few chapters!!! ;u;
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candyredterezii · 4 years
@caustixsoul replied to your post:
frowns at you in the distance
dont u have theseus cock to go posting about
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bloodlorded · 4 years
@caustixsoul asked: 👀 + Did you ever want siblings? Was it lonely being an only child?
Meme /// Always Accepting
"Well, for the longest time, I considered Nyx to be my mother, even if I felt I never fit in amongst her other children. In a way, one might say I did have siblings because of this. But even when we were younger, they were always busy, and while I may have wanted to, I couldn't be selfish with their time, or the fact that they were legitimately connected.
"I... suppose it was lonely, even surrounded by people - gods and shades alike. I don't know if I wanted siblings so much as I... wanted someone I could go to... without feeling like, well... a burden."
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soulgathered-a · 3 years
 @caustixsoul​ asked : ‘ everyone says i used to be a hero, but i can still taste the blood in my mouth & still feel bruises blooming because of my fists & my eyes are still stretched wide & terrified. ’ From theseus to Cass ( sentence prompt // selectively accepting )
with a sigh, cassandra extends her hand, motioning for him to place his hand in hers. carefully, as if those bruises were still there, she slowly removes the blue gloves. “they seem like fine, strong hands to me”  she mumbles, though still treating them with the utmost care.
“let me tell you a story, theseus. do you know that my father’s name was not priam at first? when he was born my grandparents named him podarces. when he was around twelve, heracles attacked troy for an old wrong done to him. he killed every member of the royal family - all, besides my aunt hesione and my father. she bought him free that day and through that act, he became king and build troy back up to the beautiful city I knew. ‘priam’ simply refers to him having been bought, he never let anyone believe that bothered him.
...but he was afraid that day. even later, when I was little and begged my mother to sleep by her side, I would see him wake up at night, eyes wide and terrified. and later too, during the war, no matter if sister or brother: I saw fear in their eyes, I heard them wake from nightmares, stare at parts of their bodies with scars, as if they expected those to open once more. I cannot count how often I bandaged one of my brothers hands.” sometimes, she could still feel her own scars. sometimes when she rested, she could feel the knife cut through her again... those last few moments of her life. and then she has to admit, that she is a dead person still fearful of death.
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“your fear, your bruises: your memories of those things. you are not a hero in spite of them, but because of them. they make you more human. they make you the son of the parents you loved... a person that fights with no fear, with nothing behind their actions is even less than a beast.” because even beasts fight to survive. 
“you do not have to be proud of this, though if you wished you could. but personally I do not think those thoughts make you any less, king theseus.”
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chthonickeys · 4 years
@caustixsoul​: ❤💙 [ ship talk ; ACCEPTING ]
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❤ Any OTPs in your fandom you’d like to RP?
[ i mean........... theszag is Very Good......... and so is zagdusa......... and thinking about my muses, here, i’m super glad i get to play Funny Little Persephone Is In Love With Her Husband ok,,,,,,, theyre Good ]
💙 Any OTP in your fandom you’d rather have be a BROTP?
[ i thought about this for a loooong while but then i realized that, hey! it doesn’t ask me about a muse i play, so it’s free real estate
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...i dont like romantic thanzag nasdmfg LIKE!!! their friendship grew on me, i really like them as bros despite not being into thanatos NEARLY as much as literally everyone else seems to be, but i can’t bring myself to like the idea of them smooching ]
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lavyrinthosdwelt · 4 years
@caustixsoul asked:  (jaw) from theseus :)
Meme /// Accepting
A hitch in his breath. A quickening of his pulse. In his head settled a dizzying mixture of fight or flight and sheer reverence. Theseus’s hold was firm. Strong. Strong enough to have bested him, once, many lifetimes ago. The memory surged with another sharp spark of raw instinct that gave way to an alarming amount of trust. 
He shouldn’t be so calm, so content, in the hands of the man that had killed him, once. Funny, he thought, how docile he had become. 
A pet, some might say. Thought Theseus would always call him an equal. 
Asterius sighed, eyelids drifting shut in a moment of calm, before they flicked back open. Sober and inquisitive. “Did I say something wrong, Majesty?” he asked, unsure. 
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musegrimoire · 4 years
★ Hecate for Theseus :)
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
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I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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