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We will be posting five different prompts over the next week or so, and the admins would love to see more and more characters on the dash. For each character, please complete at least one prompt of the five. If you feel called to write more, by all means go for it! We love to read all that you write.
Not all of the prompts have to be written. You can:
create a moodboard to show a visual representation
write a self para
partner up with one (or more) to write a thread that is inspired by the prompt. past or present, we love to see it all!
See the initial post here.
Prompt #5 - Question
whether it be an acquaintance, best friend, lover, spouse, or stranger, many feel defined by their relationships. how does your muse show love/appreciation (or maybe even hatred/distain for enemies & adversaries) for those in their life?
Remember, these are merely stepping stones to help you along. You don’t have to stick to any sort of rules other than to have fun with it. ♥
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Baby, Hit Me One More Time | Playlist Rewind
Who: Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn and the entire ninth grade class. ( With mention of Pamela ) What: Sadie Hawkins’ Dance at St. Agnes Charter School.  Where: St. Agnes Charter School on the West Side of Starling City. When: May 16th, 1999
Oh baby, baby how was I supposed to know...
St. Agnes’s Charter School rarely wandered from its coveted convictions; especially when it came down to the normal trivialities of virtue. Yet, at the end the millennia, they allowed for a small allowance for change. A updated version of the Sadie Hawkins’ style dance. The floor length skirts and stiff suits were no longer the dress code but knee length skirts and sport coats. He wondered what they would say when they saw him now. 
The glimmering lights radiated off the disco ball that hung in the middle of the Gymnasium. Oliver promised himself and his parents that he would t r y his very best to make a good impress this year. Since his last expulsion, he was walking on thin ice. Despite his desire to go to a public school, Robert and Moira weren’t ever going to budge on that front. Their fourteen year old darling mustn’t be tainted by the masses. Truly, they were saving the other kids from the mischievous heir of the Queen Fortune. “Yuck it up, Tommy. Take all the Polaroids you want but there’s no way I’m going out there like this.” Oliver stood firmly in the wake of Tommy’s growing mirth. Who would have thought his own best friend would condone the bad behavior that would enable that last strike to do him in? Oliver stared stubbornly into the blossoming grin that overtook his lips. “A bet is a bet, Queen. I thought you were a man of your word....” his teasing check on Oliver’s newly surfacing manhood was just enough to push him over the edge. “Plus, I bet Laurel will love it.” His snickering silenced with the swiftness of Oliver’s gait through the agape doorway.
That something wasn’t right here.
Flashes of light bathed Oliver in the neon shadow. His lanky legs sprouted from beneath the plaid shirt he borrowed from Pam. The white button up his father had helped him with the cuffs now tied up in a knot just beneath his chest. He tip toed into the middle of the gym with the clunky oxfords and two pink pom pom hair ties in his dirty blonde locks. Oliver lost himself for a moment. His vision dipping in and out with the buzzing sound of Britney Spears filling the space. Tommy happily standing near the CD player. Everyone stared in shock. I will not be embarrassed by these mouth breathers.  Oliver smirked at his audience before strutting into the middle and dancing to the beat with the moves Tommy choreographed. To his surprise, the crowd began to cheer and the gasping shock rippled through each of the lovely fifty something year old chaperones. 
Oh baby, baby I shouldn’t have let you go..
Oliver caught Laurel’s gaze through the crowd, a dusty rose blush filled in her cheeks. His mouth grew dry at her beauty before he felt the tugging on his ear. Mrs. Keller grip tightened as she tugged him away spouting off her threats of detention till the end time.
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crestfallenmurtaugh · 5 years
🍬 lena
Matt didn’t have much of a childhood. He didn’t get any sweets, didn’t celebrate most holidays. He was being raised as a solider and in most cases, that’s all it was. He would wake up, train, go to school, and train some more. His only solace were the days his dad was otherwise too occupied to work with him– or days they visited the Luthor’s.
Luthor Corp was a huge building, one that Matt could get lost in if he had the normal sense of adventure a normal child had at his age. He was smart enough to stay out of the restricted areas and by then he had learned to stay away from Lex. Lex was older and sometimes he sat in on the meetings his father was attending. Lex was scary, to Matt’s little 8 year old mind.
Lena was another thing altogether and in most cases, Matt eagerly tried to find her. She probably saw him as a nuisance, considering their difference in age, but he looked up to her. She treated him like an equal. “So I have a secret,” he said once, as they walked down the halls of Luthor Corp. There was a particular jump in his step today, but after finding a small and empty office, he ushered her in and pulled his backpack off of his shoulder. “My dad can never know, he would get so mad, but–” He pulled out a figurine, still in it’s box. The crimson S marked the blue uniform of the Superman figurine. “It’s in mint condition and it only cost me 20 dollars. I got it on my way home from school a couple-a days ago and I have this little box I’ve been putting it in under my bed. Isn’t it so cool?” He waited for Lena to give some sort of agreement before looking back down at the figure, his smile turning into something softer. “One day, I wanna be like Superman. You know he doesn’t even hurt the bad guys? I mean, I guess he hurts them a little, it’d have to be hard not to with super strength and laser eyes, but he hasn’t killed anybody.”
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viberamon · 5 years
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detective-stone · 5 years
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CCF Halloween Prompt 001 - Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America
“I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.”
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drcaitlinxsnow · 5 years
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Central City’s Finest Halloween Prompt 001 - Elsa 
Let it go...Or d i e.
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ravager-rosie · 5 years
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CCF Halloween Prompt 001 - Buffy Summers
“I may be dead, but I’m still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you.”
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ixamxbatgirl · 5 years
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westirisx · 5 years
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“There’s a light in the darkness of everybody’s life.” 
@struckbylightningflash is of course her Brad Majors! 
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goodkidwally · 5 years
Wally had been hesitant, agreeing to do the bachelor auction, but Joe had insisted that it was for charity and it was important. The younger West knew his father enough to know he was probably hoping that Wally would find some strapping girl or, more likely, that Jesse would be present and the dynamic duo who were still mostly avoiding each other would get back together. Regardless, he had agreed to sell himself for charity. (It felt pretty gross to hear it like that, though.)
He had been surprised when Kendra bid on him, but he definitely wasn’t disappointed. She was beautiful, her eyes always alert and yet, thoughtful. She was so out of his league. His plans for their date seemed a little stupid with a girl like this, but he couldn’t change it now.
He took her to the Halloween carnival, buying her ticket in and promising a decent amount of fun. Mostly the place was filled with children wearing costumes (a few even sporting a cheaper version of his own suit), but Wally felt relieved to see there were a few couples on dates here.
He bought her a caramel apple, tried to win her a stuffed owl (they didn’t have any hawks), failed, cheated and won it for her anyways. It wasn’t until they were near the top of the ferris wheel that he was able to appreciate her smile. “I hope you had fun,” he said softly, letting his shoulder rest against hers. She was fated for someone else and… the more he thought about it, so was he– but for this one moment he felt content being there with a team member, enjoying their night.
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usedtobethefuture · 5 years
🍬 - happy 2040 AU Uncle Moose hugs for Natira?
“Uncle Z!” Not everything about ARGUS was bad and Natira– though she constantly fought against the organization and it’s evil deeds– would be the first one to say that. Gramps (Christian) and Zachary were two of her favorite people. She found herself approaching the other with a pretty quick speed, waiting until the last moment to jump, all but koala bearing on his back. 
He probably hated it, Natira never asked, but this had become pretty second nature for the two of them at this point. “How’s it going? I haven’t seen you in ages.” That was partly her fault, life was getting pretty hectic and she had cancelled their biweekly hang session’s twice now.
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We will be posting five different prompts over the next week or so, and the admins would love to see more and more characters on the dash. For each character, please complete at least one prompt of the five. If you feel called to write more, by all means go for it! We love to read all that you write.
Not all of the prompts have to be written. You can:
create a moodboard to show a visual representation
write a self para
partner up with one (or more) to write a thread that is inspired by the prompt. past or present, we love to see it all!
See the initial post here.
Prompt #2 - Duo Dialogue
Person A:   “This way is more efficient.” Person B:   “This way is going to get us killed.”
[feel free to edit to suit your characters]
Remember, these are merely stepping stones to help you along. You don’t have to stick to any sort of rules other than to have fun with it. ♥
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Disappear || Self
Shifting out of focus.  The silence calls on us for the moment.  Sinking down thought I lost myself but I didn’t.  Looking up on us shadows dance above, blurry vision.  We can disappear for a while.
The alluring mirage of peace settled just before the lazy sun began its descend behind the horizon. Wispy waves of magenta and rippling swirls of tangerine bled into the white puffs that littered the skies. Oliver watched soundlessly from the balcony every chance he got before the indigo blanket muddled the vibrant bursts of light that fought tirelessly to persist. As the days grew shorter, the darkness crept in closer. Sooner or later, the light would grow tired and relent into the night like a whisper instead of a roar. 
Swallowing back his lukewarm tea, Oliver turned away from the grim sight of the end perched mockingly just beyond him. Fear held no place in his home but found solace in his heart. He held firm to his convictions for his wife and their son. For Sami and John. Oliver shook off the fatigue of his sullied bones in exchange for one more day fighting the darkness. Yet, he was deafened by the dull illuminance of his own legacy. Oliver didn’t want to be remembered as the Green Arrow, the hood, the v i g i l a n t e . He feared that those shadows would overtake his place as a father, a brother, a son, and a husband. 
What would the world do to protect his family when he was gone? Death was peace. A departure from the weight of the living; but Oliver wished not for the peace of mind or body that it gifted. He wanted to eradicate the phantom pain of the fear of his family living on without him. To forget him in all of his shortcomings. For all that he couldn’t provide or his selfish desire to save the world from its demons. 
Oliver Queen didn’t fear death but he feared the end. 
The end of a book rich in pages but never quite finding its resolution. 
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crestfallenmurtaugh · 5 years
👊 - Max
Training with Max was just as eye-opening as training with Christian. Though they were partners, they each had their own strong suits, they each had new things for Matt to focus on and hone. And Matt was grateful, truly. Max didn’t have to take the time out of his week to train Matt and he considered them to be pretty close because of it.
That didn’t stop Matt from feeling the frustration rip through him at the fact that Christian had pushed him aside-- that he had asked Max to step in because---- What? Because Matt had gotten drunk once and he suddenly decided it was all too much? Matt wasn’t just frustrated, he was furious, and instead of channeling that anger he was bottling it up.
It was near the end of their session that the fury blew over the top-- Matt had grown sloppy, his punches refusing to find their mark with little to no effort from Max. “I can’t--” He anger was so painfully evident, even then. “I can’t fucking do it!” He shouted, stopping the match. He ran a closed fist over his forehead to wipe the sweat from his brow, swatting away the concerned hand Max had offered. It took a second, but the slight hurt on the others face (which had disappeared pretty quickly) was enough to calm him down a little. “I’m sorry, I just-- If he didn’t want to train with me anymore, he should have just said so.”
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donna-darkstar · 5 years
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CCF Halloween Prompt 001 - Lara Croft
“A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I’d finally et out to make my mark; to find adventure. But instead adventure found me. In our darkest moment, when life flashes before us, we find something. Something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us.“
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girlofxsteel · 5 years
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Central City’s Finest Halloween Prompt 001 - She Ra
"For the honor of Greyskull! I am She-Ra"
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