whitecanary-lance · 4 years
What in the hell is up with this place. Sara cursed softly to herself as she entered the hull. “I stay a few extra days in Central City and the ship looks like a tornado blew through it.” Sara narrowly dodged the heavy handlebars of what looks like a children’s scooter. 
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“Gideon!” She shouted. “Where the hell is the crew?” Who’s going to get scolded about ignoring Ray’s chore wheel. 
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drcaitlinxsnow · 4 years
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“I don’t suppose you know where I can find a tall, handsome, and stupid man can you? He looks like a frat boy but sounds like a dictionary.” 
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histcry-hackcr · 4 years
“--So I probably owe you an explanation.” It’s not enough--could never be enough--but it’s a start. The room stands so silently you could hear a pin drop, and Zari finds herself hoping someone will cough or start yelling or something, if only to break the quiet. “Like, a really really long explanation.”
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leoxrivera · 5 years
“So - I’ve been thinking, and I think i’ve decided something.” Leo paused, tilting his head back slightly from where he sat. Honestly he wasn’t quite sure what the reaction would be, the decision wasn’t a bad one, per say, and well, if nothing else - at least he could get it off his chest.
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raypalmer-atom · 5 years
Nate, the one person he most wanted to see on the whole ship and he was the one member of the Legends that Ray couldn’t track down. Hobbling down the corridor from the library he let out a tired sigh and finally asked Gideon for assistance.
“Mr Heywood is currently in the captain’s office.”
“Thanks, Gideon.” Making his way onto the bridge, he paused at the foot of the few steps up into the office, trying to work out how best to tackle them. He decided to leave his crutches behind and very gingerly attempted to walk up them normally. Collapsing into the nearest chair once that feat was achieved.
“Hey, Nate. What are you working on?” 
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petty--dabbler · 5 years
John didn’t exactly want to be back on the Waverider but he had left some things on board when he had skipped off on his little side trip in Gotham. One of his stipulations on boarding the ship the first time had been that he have his own room. Others were welcome in his room if he invited them to be but otherwise he didn’t want to bunkmate with anyone. The rule had been obeyed for the most part. That is, until now.
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“Who the bloody hell are you, mate?” John stood in the doorway, hands on hips to fill the gap in the doorway further and block the other bloke’s escape route. “And put that down before you curse us all and turn us into muppets.”
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( @whitecanary-lance ))
"Hey Captain Lance..." Candice said as she walked into the ship's study. "I was wondering if you wanted to get away from Waverider for a bit. You know hang out, maybe become closer friends. Learn more about each other." She explained. "Maybe visit another Earth." Candice added.
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thelegendofvixen · 6 years
“Do we have a fire extinguisher on the ship? Not that I need it-- I certainly didn’t almost burn it down for trying to cook on my own instead of letting Gideon do it. Just thought I would ask for... future reference.”
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whitecanary-lance · 4 years
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“On a scale from one to ten, how wrong would it be if I tried to bang your past self?” Sara shuffled through her hand and waited for him to make his first move in their long standing battle of war. 
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drcaitlinxsnow · 5 years
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“It’s still so exciting to be aboard a time-traveling ship. You’d think after everything we’ve seen that it would wear off.” Caitlin tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“I was very surprised that you called me to help you with this, Ray. I’m honored.” 
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whitecanary-lance · 5 years
“As tempting as that offer is, I don’t think I’ll be leaving the ship for a while.” With her spilt attention, Sara allowed for the cracks to seep into the foundation of their team. It’s what caused all the missteps and loss. She needed to be better. “But lay all of your escapades on me. I need the deets.”
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( @histcry-hackcr ))
"Alright so, I have the best thing ever to show you." Candice said as she saw Zari. "You know how it is like super crowded and everyone has to bunk together and stuff. What if I told you that I just transformed our room in to the world's best blanket pillow fort in all of the Waverider?" She asked.
"Though I dare say it looks more like the inside of a Romanian caravan with all the hanging silk and stuff. Plus got a tiny fridge for drinks and snacks, your gaming section is still in tact, maybe better than before, some hammocks, but I didn't know if you wanted one so it's not set up yet so we could ditch the bed and have more room." Candice explained. "I tried to fancy it up cause well why the hell not right?" She said.
"And if worse comes to worse I guess I could always move into the engine room, or find a spot in the lab that I can take over. I mean how crazy is it that we could be utilizing so many more of these rooms used for multiple things." She said. "Am I talking a lot? It feels like I'm talking a lot." Candice said semi rhetorically.
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( @agentriphunter ))
"Ugh!" Candice groaned. Looking at her D&D miniature, it was half painted. Setting it down to the side she let out a sigh. "Nothing like fucking up the paint." She commented not realizing Rip was near by.
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raypalmer-atom · 5 years
It felt like an age since Ray had been back on the Waverider, but as soon as he stepped into the familiar corridors he felt as if he were home. It was strange how he’d come to think less and less that Star City was his home in the years since his disappearance. Despite the fact it had been renamed in his honor. He felt disconnected to the city he’d once loved. 
Making his way slowly down the hallway to his room, he was relieved that he managed to stay upright on his crutches and not fall flat on his face. A great feat for someone who was quite often ungraceful and down right clumsy. The platform boots came to mind and he chuckled to himself. However his recent clean record almost came to an abrupt end when a man exited John’s room who was definitely not the Warlock, and definitely hadn’t checked the hallway for traffic.
Ray wobbled, but managed not to fall, and gave the stranger a curious look. “Hi? I’m Ray...” 
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Surely they hadn’t managed to pick up another Legend while he’d been away? Maybe they’d decided to replace him? But why put the replacement in John’s room. What was happening?!
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whitecanary-lance · 5 years
Acting Like a Stranger | Zari
The silence permeated through the cavernous corridors of the ship. Gideon’s usual humming quieted in the heat of the night. Sara couldn’t remember the last time they had been stationed this long in one time period, let alone one city. Central City, the beacon of hope or rather citizen’s who sipped from ‘the ignorance is bliss’ kool-aid.  Each member of the crew were off getting a taste of life outside of the temporal zone except one. 
The only one who hated me more I do. 
Sara crept through the silence, her footsteps hidden beneath the distance clanging of tools scraping metal. Zari didn’t take well to elongated docking but the ship needed repair; just as their relationship did.
“As much as I love a good cold shoulder, it’s getting little too frosty for my liking.” 
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whitecanary-lance · 5 years
Sara logged the last of the anachronisms they finished off. She hated logging anything but the only way to comply to the Time Bureau’s newly imposed rules without threat of impending impoundment. With a sigh, she scribbled the dates into the leather bound journal, slipping it back into her jacket. Sara k n e w what she needed to do. She didn’t know when she’d would return to the captain’s quarters. 
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“I can hear you breathing. Come in or get out of the doorway.”
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