ccshownu-blog · 8 years
snow — a drabble of our characters building a snowman together!
minhyuk, as far as hyunwoo (or anyone really) can tell, is bursting with positive energy due to all of the snow that fell from the sky last night. he banged loudly on his front door that morning, urging him to dress warmly because snow days shouldn’t be wasted indoors!
“did you bring the carrot and the scarf?”
“of course i did.”
“great! let’s get started. i want to make the best snowman in busan! you make the middle part, okay?”
he obeys the other’s orders, piling large amounts of snow together and ultimately forming a large, white sphere shape with gloved hands that happen to be chilly despite being guarded with leather. the thought of going back inside to have a hot cup of coffee is tempting, but seeing his friend smile with glee is something that can’t be passed up. 
“hyunnie, i’m done with the bottom! put the part you made on top please ~” 
hyunwoo shakes his head before grinning and rolling the gigantic snowball over. whatever minhyuk commands, he does. 
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cceunwoo-blog · 8 years
rain: i’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain
rain was wet — eunwoo learned this in kindergarten, paired with colorful photos that portrayed each season. the thick paper was laminated to conserve its integrity from the grubby hands of five-year-olds. however, eunwoo may as well have learned it here, pressed to minhyuk, cool droplets snaking down his spine.
minhyuk smelled of rainfall. the essence of earth was matted into his cologne, like something natural and whole and unheard of in this world. it lingered with his warm breath, cascading as a vapor would between them, and eunwoo almost didn’t feel the beads of water streaming down the side of his face, collecting on his eyelashes and falling with each blink. 
it was cold, but the only thing trembling was eunwoo’s heart — he didn’t know it could beat like this. he was warm. the quiet between them was too loud, louder than the fit of precipitation around them. flustered, eunwoo looked away, breathing in the fresh air that wasn’t yet polluted by the fever that settled and swelled between their bodies. it was impossible — eunwoo wasn’t the sort to be swept up in a moment, a victim of silly daydreams and idealized romance. 
then, minhyuk’s hands fit around his cheeks, raindrops melting between their skin, and eunwoo wasn’t so sure anymore. his thumb was velvet and smoothed away droplets as if they were tears, tsking under his breath. the boy could feel everything — how minhyuk’s palm was a blanket over  his cheeks and his fingertips planted heavily on his temples. it wasn’t a bad feeling.
one of them leaned in first, he didn’t know who. all he remembers is being pulled forward, and a pair of lips met his own. it was innocent and soft and nice. eunwoo was a little dizzy in the head.
kissing in the rain was something that only happened in movies, but he didn’t mind being a two dimensional character amid a sappy and cliché plot for a minute or two.
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ccsunggyu-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + food play
“Not very arousing, but everyone knows that I’ll do anything for food. That’s 50% Seroquel, 50% me in general. The way to my heart is with a buffet -- but it has to be a good deal. Paying for things full price is such a turn off.”
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ccdongwoo-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + spanking
“Not really my cup of tea, but each to their own!”
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xccxwendy-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + dom/sub relationship
Hmm...I could see the perks of this type of thing, as long as both parties were okay with what was happening, I don’t see why not.  
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ccxkana · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + whips
send a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and a kink, get avoidance and sarcasm (but please don’t send one)
she blinks. for a moment, she considers it, and then sighs. “yeah, okay, well, consider the fact that as a magical girl, i fight with a whip every day. i’m sure that’s incredibly sexy to some people, but it’s not when you think of how to cause death as quickly as possible with a whip every day. it’s not pretty, or cute, or sexy, or anything like that.” pleasure is so far detached from her vision of a whip; for her, it is blood, and destruction, and survival. anything else is unthinkable. 
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + shower sex
“it’s kinda dangerous, isn’t it? i mean, someone could slip and get hurt..”
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ccxhowon-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + bukkake
….”What the actual fuck.”
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jiyeoncc-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + bdsm
“if done properly, definitely! you know, most people think bdsm is atrocious, but it requires trust and companionship and i think that’s beautiful! plus, i love having my hair pulled, so...”
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ccshownu-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + deepthroating
“of course. or else i’d struggle eating popsicles that i buy from the convenience store.” 
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