ccxjoshua-blog · 7 years
   it’s not that ryuji wasn’t interested in possibility of finding love again, but the way he felt love was different than what his humans friends felt. caring as much as he did for his former captor caused a lot of other cards to raise a brow. it isn’t rare for such feelings to happen, but the truth of matter was that it was only one-sided, though to ryuji it seemed like it wasn’t. sometimes, he thinks he made it all up in his head. sometimes, he tries to remind himself that he was happy until the end.
  “all of you will suffer,” he threatened as they walked out. one of them even had the nerve to stick their tongue out. they should have known better. ryuji may not seem like it, but they knew he could kick their ass. he did own his own dojo.
   a sigh leaves his lips as he goes to get himself a cappuccino. it wasn’t like he couldn’t try to enjoy himself. he liked flirting and enjoyed the company of other people when they weren’t weird or gross. he had high hopes. if not, he can rub it in his friends’ faces and force them to leave him alone about dating for a while. he could at least get away with two months, maybe three if he can get a really pathetic story to use against them.
   he grabbed his cup and looked around, trying to decide how to go about this. should he just throw himself into the whole ordeal and mingle. an attempt to not seem anti-social and unapproachable, or should he do the playing-hard-to-get situation and see how that works? or he could go into this and just pretend he wasn’t there to get set up. there were too many factors to think about.
   deciding he just wanted coffee to get over the embarrassment of ending up at a singles’ meet and greet, he glanced around, trying o find a place to stand. a lot of people were already paired of and talking, but there were stragglers, including the male who he saw walk in with friends just before he was dragged. maybe that was a good place to start.
   he held his cup up before speaking, “were you also dragged here against your will or am i the only weirdo who was forcibly dragged? … literally.”
it’s been fun to observe the stranger and his battle to remain single forever ( maybe he was getting over a break up, or maybe he just really wasn’t interested in dating, jisoo wonders the reasons to himself ), but he falters and grows nervous when he actually approaches. jisoo wonders if his watching was noticed as weird staring.
but the stranger seems amicable enough and it’s easy for the boy to relax his guard again, raising his cup in a salute of a greeting in return, and maybe also as an invitation to join him at the little cafe table. “well, it wasn’t my idea to come here,” he admits to the other, “but i don’t think i was nearly as opposed to it as you are. it’s just singles night; no one’s forcing you to find the love of your life here,”
jisoo laughs, a short little sound, before taking a tip of his tea. it’s hot, but not unbearably so and he enjoys the feeling of warmth traveling down to his belly. it’s comforting in a way.
“can i ask about it?” he decides to be a little bold, but still polite. if the stranger didn’t want to talk then he doesn’t have to, but jisoo’s curiosity demanded an attempt to be sated. “is there a reason? are you allergic to cafes or something?” it’s a joke, albeit a poor one, but hopefully not too serious or invasive.
“my name is jisoo, by the way.”
[ ` mingle ]
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ccxjoshua-blog · 7 years
HEY i lost track of everyone i was plotting with but if you want a starter from jisoo, like this post! or better yet comment with a song or quote or something i can base a starter on! i’ll do around 5 or so depending on how the muse goes yknow
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ccxjoshua-blog · 7 years
‘senior year and i’ve never seen jisoo even try to get friendly with a girl!’ one of his friends had exclaimed, bumping shoulders with the very young man he was talking about. ‘or a guy either,’ another tacks on, just to be inclusive. jisoo bashfully protests, saying he’s not really looking to date or anything. they don’t bother saying he doesn’t have to date someone to make out with them, they know he’s a good church boy as well as a romantic.
so they take him out and jisoo doesn’t protest all that much. he likes coffee shops and if he happens to hit it off with someone then that’s nice. they don’t have to drag him in and he smiles softly as the scent of roasted bean water fills the air and he settles himself at a table, sending jokingly annoyed looks to his friends as they “ditch” him and send him thumbs ups over their shoulders.
he glances at the door at just the right moment, seeing another young man who had obviously been dragged in by friends. more literally than jisoo himself was. he can’t help but smile at the scene, amused at the annoyed look on the stranger’s face. he wonders if his friends would have done the same thing to him if he had been more resistive.
his order comes up, a cup of herbal tea to accommodate for the fact that it’s already late in the evening and he doesn’t want to be up all night with caffeine, and he takes his cup back to his seat. he glances over at the distressed young man again, wondering if he’s still nearly throwing a fit to his friends.
[ ` mingle ]
cafe around 7:13pm w/ @ccxjoshua
   in theory, he should have known better. it wasn’t the first time his friends tried to set him up on blinds dates with their friends (both female and male). apparently, he was quite a popular topic between his friends with their friends. he doesn’t blame them. he was quite the catch (no pun intended). however, he didn’t want to be set up with random strangers. he waned to find someone by his own means. 
   he’s not pathetic enough to believe in love at first sight. ryuji felt love once. maybe it was just a cards longing for a captor though the bond, but to ryuji, that love was everything and his former captor no longer exists, but ryuji remembers everything about him. though with each passing day, his face seems to become less and less recognizable. 
   pushing that thought away, ryuji glanced between the door and his friends, “really?”
   the taller of the three grinned, “come on. it won’t be that bad.”
   “it’s a single’s night… at a coffee shop,” ryuji pointed out, but his protests were ignored as he was pushed into the cafe, both of his friends gripping his arm so he can’t escape. he has no choice but to obey and go inside. 
    maybe it won’t hurt, but he really didn’t want to be here.
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ccxjoshua-blog · 7 years
the knock at his door startles him from his book and jisoo nearly drops the thing and loses his place as he jumps in his seat. thankfully, his reflexes save the book and his page before it would be lost forever, though they do nothing to calm the sudden increased beating of his heart. sometimes remembering a more urgent time makes him a little jumpy.
he wonders who it could possibly be knocking on his door; he’s not expecting any company and he doesn’t remembering ordering any packages that he’d have to sign for. jisoo marks his page and shuffles over to answer, peering out curiously as he opens the door.
the man there hands him mail and the first thought through his head is ‘this isn’t my usual mailman.’
“oh,” jisoo shuffles through the letters, seeing his name and address written on each one. they look mostly unimportant, but he’s thankful that the postman’s mistake was corrected by this kind stranger. “thank you, these are mine! i mean, i think it’s mostly junk mail, but it was nice of you to bring it all the way here. you didn’t have to go far, right?”
a hospitable and kind young man he is, jisoo opens the door wider as an invitation for the other man to enter. “do you want to come in for coffee or something? as a thank for bringing this over. my name’s jisoo, by the way. but you probably knew that.”
Mail Fail
The Assassin was relatively comfortable with his life as a human, but it often led to mundane days. He’d wake up, go to work, maybe get a contract on occasion, eat, and sleep. Routine was just not his thing. He liked surprise, not wasting time doing meaningless tasks. Unfortunately, if he wanted to blend in, he had to bend to the whims of a routine and a sense of normalcy (meaning he can’t kill whenever he felt like).
One such mundane task was checking the mail. He never really expected anything, but as mentioned, he liked surprises. He arched an eyebrow when something was in his own mailbox. He glanced around, the small lobby of his apartment complex. Was someone playing a joke on him? He looked at the address and scoffed.
To: Hong Jisoo
Who the heck was that? He sighed, now he’d have to track the person down. He asked a nearby person about the address located on the letters (which wasn’t even his address) and set out to find their home. Truly, it was a waste of time. He didn’t want someone else’s trash, but that’s how he found himself in front of a stranger’s door. Debating whether or not to leave them there or knock. He chose the latter, what if someone stole them? Since when did he care? One soft knock and as friendly as a smile he could muster, the door opened and he stuck the letters out.
“Uh… these were accidentally mailed to me, I believe they’re yours?”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
guilt. { solo
the house is empty. the house is always empty, and the young man knows that it’s void of life save for himself. he’s locked every door, checked the latch on every window twice. he’s safe, he knows he is. but he can’t help the fear that tickles his chest, anxious paranoia setting free the most unpleasant sort of butterflies in his gut. he’s scared in his own home, and the clock reads 3:29 am in harsh red digital numbers and yet he can’t feel sleepy at all.
every cracking sound of the wind testing the foundation and groan of the plumbing has him flinching. it could be a monster, it could be something lying in wait to kill him. hell, it could be his own mother come home one last time to tell him that she’s never coming back. maybe she’d at least have the decency to give him some heads up, unlike his father. the nightmares that were unleashed upon him in the noose still are too fresh in his mind despite the time that passed.
he wishes he were stronger, less afraid. maybe if he had practiced more, or listened more carefully to sunggyu he would be okay. maybe if he just had a harsher disposition than his soft, gentle self. they’d pat his head, tell him that it was okay, that there was nothing he could have dine regardless. joshua barely saved himself, barely scraped together even with the assistance of others. people died, and he could do nothing. but they’d promise him it’s okay, he’s just human.
being human, apparently, means being weak. making mistakes, letting people die. being selfish and saving his own life rather than do something brave for someone else. joshua wallowed in fear, yes, but guilt, doubt, and anger at himself sat in his being just as much as his terror. survivor’s guilt, they call it. or something like that.
the clock reads 3:34 am and joshua wonders if being human means he feels like this and he’s this useless, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be a monster.
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
sakura’s drabble meme! ♥
HOW TO PLAY ! send me one (or more) of the words below and i’ll write the corresponding drabble for our muses! please be specific as to who should be doing the action, unless you’d rather leave it to me to decide. remember the rp karma: if you want to receive, then send!
staff note: whether we’ll have more memes in the future or not is up to you guys now. make sure to send as many as possible, and that includes checking back after a day or two to see if we have any late rebloggers. if you hit ask limit, you can always use the submit function instead. do your best to make everyone feel included! if we get more complaints of muses feeling left out because of memes, we might decide to forbid them for the foreseeably future. we really love memes, though, so please don’t make us do that!
p.s make sure not to send meme prompts to the main!
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( credits for the list )
Keep reading
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + tentacle porn
“disgusting. please get out.”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + pet play
“uh.. i think it’s kind of terrifying that someone would want to pretend that they’re having sex with a pet. an animal. that’s like.. disgusting.”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
ccxtaeyong replied to your post:@ccxjin submitted: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + food fetish,...
{ ‘tie me up sure call me a whore in the bedroom that’s fine but no masturbating that’s awkward’
( let the kid live he was trying to be open minded gOSH )
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
@ccxjin submitted:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + food fetish, mutual masturbation
food fetish
“no thank you. hard no on that one.”
mutual masturbation
“um, wouldn’t it be awkward? couldn’t it get awkward?”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + shower sex
“it’s kinda dangerous, isn’t it? i mean, someone could slip and get hurt..”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + bondage
“i think it can be kind of artistic. i mean, the patience and stuff it takes. and the trust.”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
jiyeoncc replied to your post “jiyeoncc replied to your post:@jiyeoncc submitted: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) +...”
"that's okay, my name is jiyeon and this is my red room of pain--"
“no thank you.”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + fisherman and fish roleplay
“there’s not going to be a hook in my mouth or anything, right? that sounds painful. once i went fishing with my dad and the hook went through the fish’s eye and i felt so bad. i hope that fish didn’t die after we threw it back..”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
ccxtaeyong replied to your post:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + public humiliation
{ so private humiliation’s okay then
( i.. no comment. )
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + public humiliation
“public? oh my god, are there people who are actually into that?”
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ccxjoshua-blog · 8 years
jiyeoncc replied to your post:@jiyeoncc submitted: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + master/slave...
“let me know if you need someone to teach you the ropes! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
“n-no thank you.. no offense, but we’ve never even spoken before.”
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