continuouscalamity · 5 years
"Anyways, Hazel, repeat yer question again?" Monoboar scratches his chin.
"...hm?" Hazel hums, popped out of her growing tired reverie and the shock of Eri's note. "...o-oh, I... oh dear, um." She coughs. 
"We're free of the burden of execution this time, yes?"
The mascot takes a small sniff of air, looking straight at the poet.
"Nah, I'm still pissed 'bout property damages."
Monoboar slams a gavel onto the big red button without breaking for a glance, with mechanical whirring can be heard inside the walls.
Eri Nakama has been found guilty. Time for the punishment.
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[Done by @thespiiderboii]
[Written by @rozenspark]
Eri’s corpse was thrown into a small room covered wall to wall in mirrors, a loud slam was heard afterwards. Her body laid down on the floor while the execution went on. Faint echoes began coming from the various mirrors, all harsh words meant for Eri. Not that the words held any effect on her anymore.
“You look just like your mother”
“Worthless brat”
“You ruined everything”
“Why’d we get stuck with you”
The echos continued on for a few minutes until the floor beneath her opened up suddenly and her body fell down into the darkness, the fall didn’t last long and her corpse landed onto an ice rink with a dull thud.
A large shadow loomed underneath the ice and vanished momentarily, in a quick flash it reappeared and slammed into the ice, causing a loud crackle. The ice shattered on the second attempt and the creature emerged. A robotic shark pulled Eri down into the water with its metallic fangs.
Things were quiet for a few moments when a loud whirring noise broke the silence. Small pieces of purple, green and black fabric floated up to the water's surface.
2 notes · View notes
continuouscalamity · 5 years
Monoboar, after irritatingly grumbling at the scene, announces "HEAD T' THE FOYER AT ONCE!" with a snort.
He begins his travel down.
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[5:05 PM] Monoboar!: As you all crowd into the elevator and the doors shut behind you, the noise of the elevator slowly descending down rings in your ears, the low, ominous hum of everything moving around you.
The more you descend, the more it dawns on you-- yet another person has died in such a short span of time... Five people, with Eri's corpse burned into your minds.
Yet another class trial.
The elevator finally stops to it's destination, revealing a large trial room, with stands all in a circle. Four stands now bear the mark of the fallen, five portraits pertaining to Akihiko, Aderyn, Akemi, Wallace, and Eri.
Head to your stands.
@Alive [5:06 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko silently moves to her stand. [5:06 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake shaked out her hoodie before walking up to her stand.
"...Hazel-san, do you wanna hold my hand?"
@Hazel Hazeldine (Mars) [5:07 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku went to his stand. [5:08 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "....yes, that would be lovely." Hazel says shakily, taking Lake's hand into her own.
@Lake Kawaguchi (Florence) [5:08 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo goes to their stand and sits on the edge of it, as usual. [5:08 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: Cerviel headed to his stand. He's a wreck. He keeps making a low whining noise. [5:08 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: Maggie rubs her tired eyes. [5:11 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar hops onto his seat, giving a quick angry look at everybody before slamming his gavel down a bit too forcefully.
"I'm in a friggin' bad mood t'day! Just solve the damn trial for Eri Nakama!" He yells out.
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[5:11 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Monoboar it's like, 4 AM in the morning." [5:12 PM] Monoboar!: "Shut yer trap and get detectivey!" [5:12 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "...All of us are tired, but we must do our best. For Eri-san." she says in a calm, quiet voice. [5:12 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "We're all fucking tired how can you expect us to fuckin'function." [5:13 PM] Monoboar!: Slam slam. "YA ALL GOT YER DAMN CLUES- OINK!" [5:14 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet:  "So Eri's body was found slumped over against one of the walls in the Chemistry lab. The back of her head is covered in blood-soaked hair and along with blood that ran down her back, coming from a clear indent in the back of her skull. Her body is charred where the skin is visible," [5:15 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: {Keiko grips her stand tightly as Riku speaks. This hurts, man.} [5:15 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: :consentbullet: "No duh, it had to be an explosion that killed her! Just like, look at her skin!" [5:16 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “It was probably very painful, whichever way it wass.” } [5:16 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: {She grits her teeth, looking down. This hurts even more.} [5:16 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: :consentbullet:  Artemis winced. "Jesus, yeah. She even left an dent on the wall when she hit it. There's blood running down it to her body." [5:17 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "And it like, smelled. From the explosion I'd assume." [5:18 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "What...what was it that caused the explosion? Do any of you have theories?" [5:20 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Someone got sciencey... Like, Bill Nye sciencey..." [5:20 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Huh, speaking of explosions."
:cluebullet: "There's a book in the chem lab for building bombs. A page about a low explosive bomb was bookmarked, and someone even wrote down the materials they needed and how much of it." [5:20 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo taps the side of their mask. :consentbullet: “Ahh, yes, so some sort of a chemical reaction, perhapss...” [5:21 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko's eyes widen. "A book...? I think I might have something useful to share, in that case..." [5:22 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Do share..." Maggie does a tired wave. [5:22 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “Oho?” } [5:25 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: :testitheorybullet: "Yesterday, I stopped to read in the library at about 10 AM...and I saw Eri-san come in, take a book from one of the shelves, and leave." she says, frowning. "She was also muttering something...'This time for sure'."
"I didn't know what she meant by that, and I had been so rude to her before...I couldn't bring myself to question her. And she left." Keiko admits, "And now she's dead."
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[5:26 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Does that mean... she's done whatever "this" is before? Maybe she's thought about... something?" [5:27 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: “I saw the book she grabbed too! When we were in the chemistry lab anyway...” He looks around. “It was...um...a book on how to build bombs... i think... [5:28 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "The book Pickle mentioned?" [5:28 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"OUT OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, YOU TOO?!"} [5:28 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: “Oh... yeah!!” [5:29 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: {"Issa funny nickname... Heehee!"} [5:30 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “Ooouuuhhhhh Pickles.....” } [5:30 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"Ohhhhhhh my fucking god. No."} [5:31 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "What the fuck was she doing looking into bombs? Was she trying to blast her way outta here?" [5:31 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: {"Fine fine... Uh..."}
"Books! Books. And bombs." [5:32 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "I don't know...that could be the case, or..." she lets out a shaky breath, stopping herself. [5:32 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Well, maybe-baby we can consider... what kinda bomb...?" [5:32 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: Maggie tries to lightly slap herself awake. [5:33 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "And maybe... We have to consider if she was alone on this..." [5:34 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "It was a low 'splosive bomb tha' was bookmarked.." He slumps down on his stand. Sleepy. [5:34 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Low explosives! So that means..."
She holds three fingers up, and stares at them with slow blinking eyes. [5:34 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "..." [5:35 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "F-Fill me in here I'm running out of vocabulary." [5:35 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “It means! Umm.... low. Explosivess... that are. Low...” Renzo doesn’t know either. [5:36 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "It probably means the bomb had a small radius." [5:36 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Small. Meant to cause damage within a certain space." Of course she'd know about exsplovies. [5:36 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: :consentbullet: "Yes, as Artemis said." [5:36 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: :consentbullet: "Yes! That. So I assume she wouldn't wanna kill us all..." [5:37 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "At least, I don't think."
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5:38 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "I don't think so, either."
:cluebullet: "I found...notes. One of them was in the foyer, and it read...'You guys can solve this'." she seems more and more dejected as she says this. [5:39 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo perks up. “Ohhh, there were more?” [5:39 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: "Oh ohhhh me found that one too yes yesssss!" [5:40 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Ah. It sounds like..." She paused, frowning. Let the demons bring up their findings first. [5:42 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "So the culprit is... encouraging us?" [5:43 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo raises their hand. They have clues to share. “We found two more notes, yes!” They hold up two fingers. :cluebullet: ”One was.... in the entryway, yess... it said, ‘I’m sorry’.” They pause. ”And the other one! On the kitchen counter. It saaaid... ‘Can’t’! Just can’t. It was written very very messy.” [5:43 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Odd... Notes..." [5:44 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "I don't. Don't like the implications here." [5:44 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "I don't wanna think what I'm thinking right now." [5:44 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: :consentbullet: Keiko nods at Renzo's words. "I found those two, as well. So they are three in total, it seems."
"T-they...they're in Eri's handwriting. I know it. I just do." she says, a few tears running down her cheeks. "I recognize it. H-how...why would she write that?" her grip on the stand turns shaky. [5:44 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "It's... Eri's handwriting?" [5:45 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie blinks, turning his gaze to the floor. [5:45 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “...” Renzo isn’t picking up what everyone’s probably thinking right now. [5:46 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "I... I thinkif what Keiko says is true what I say last night would make a lotta sense...' [5:47 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "This... This can't be some sorta..."
She pauses, biting her tongue.
"Suicide...?" [5:47 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Like, intentional notes, Eri gathering stuff together..." [5:48 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “Ouhhhgg...” } [5:49 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: :consentbullet:  Artemis winced, giving a nod. "I'd say so... I- I saw her in a weird place last night." [5:49 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Go on..." [5:49 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: :counterbullet: Keiko grits her teeth. "No."
"She didn't do that. Someone murdered her. Eri wouldn't have done that!"
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[5:49 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Eep!" [5:49 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Keiko, please, just listen--" [5:49 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: :counterbullet: "But- She hadta accidentally explode herself!" [5:50 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Or just explode herself in general!" [5:50 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Listen!" [5:51 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “We are listening!” Thank you Renzo for the support. [5:52 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: Thank you Renzo. Artemis leans back and takes a breath.
:testitheorybullet: "Last night.. ya know. Before Eri died, at like 10:30 I saw her leaving out the chem lab. She was carrying a box of something and look like she could burst into tears at any moment. She left before I could say anything to her, though." [5:53 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "..."
"She... wasn't at a good place, and now she's dead." [5:54 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko lets go of her stand and grips her hair instead. "No, no, no...no I would've noticed...I..."
"I talked to her yesterday! She was fine! She wouldn't..." [5:54 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “It seems likely... that there was no one else involved in this case, yes.” Renzo looks kind of like :pits: rn. “So... she.. caused that explosion herself...? Made it and set it off and everythingg...” Mumble mumble. [5:54 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: :consentbullet: Maggie nods to the demonologist. [5:55 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Honey, Keiko, even suicidal people can mask their emotions." [5:55 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "I would've noticed! There is no way! Someone...one of you killed her!" she's yelling, now. [5:56 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: {"Yeah...my sister was really good at that...."} [5:56 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: Cerviel looks sick. He'd been pretty close to Eri. He hadn't noticed anything? [5:56 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “...” } [5:56 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: {"I'm, really sorry to hear that, Kubo."} [5:57 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Keiko- Look at the evidence! Nothing else suggests that she was with someone!" [5:57 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: Artemis frowned, rubbing her arms. "Keiko... didn't she already have issues with herself...?" [5:58 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "T-there must be something we didn't go over! There is no way."
Keiko turns to Artemis. "S-she did, but--We were working on that! She said she would...I was going to help her...I..." she breaks down, falling against her stand as she cries. [6:03 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "It makes sense, though. The letters she left behind, 'nd whatever.." He's mumbling at this point, too tired to bother. [6:03 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Listen, Keiko."
"She's gone." [6:04 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "If anything, you did what you could. You're too hard on yourself." [6:05 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar seemed to have dozed off onto his hoof. [6:05 PM] Monoboar!: "Snzzz..." [6:07 PM] Monoboar!: "Snzzzzzz......" [6:07 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “HEY MONOBOAR?” [6:07 PM] Riku Yasui...: "Maybe we should continue looking at the clues in hopes for more information. Let's see," He said thinking about the state of the room.
:cluebullet: "The whole room is in disarray, broken glass covers a fair bit of the floor, along with various powders and liquids that were once in containers, supplies around the room are knocked over. On a table at the back of the room is the remaining pieces of an object. The area in the back of the room is heavily scorched. " [6:08 PM] Monoboar!: "Snnnnz- Shit." He's awake. [6:08 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: {Keiko stays quiet as they speak. Yes please look at the other clues...maybe there'll be something...anything that proves this wrong.} [6:08 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Well, the... unpleasant look is from the bomb." [6:08 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Broken... from bombs." [6:08 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: { “Hiiiii. Good morning.” Ok Renzo. } [6:09 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Yeah.. but- Speaking of letters n' letters... I think I found one we haven't gone over yet." [6:10 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: Maggie looks at the case file, tapping her finger on the "Note 1" clue. [6:11 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: :cluebullet: "Mhm. It was  a crumpled up note in the chem lab in a knocked over trash can. “It needed to end this way”. That's what it said..." [6:11 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie slumps over his stand again, groaning. [6:12 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: {This is even worse. Keiko can't even bring herself to speak, and just cries silently.} [6:12 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "'It needed...'?"
"No it didn't..." Maggie huffs out. [6:14 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :cluebullet:  "She could'a used this pen," he takes out a ballpen, "to write it. It's almost out of ink." [6:15 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: "Ohhhhhhhh me has some clueess yes! One second I will think."
:cluebullet: "Me went into the art room and it was a disaster! Yes yes there were papers all over the floor.  Some were even torn up!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND me also found a pen in the corner of the art room! It was uncapped and it was pretty much dry of ink yes yes!!"
[6:16 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "..." [6:17 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "..." [6:17 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Nothing contradicts our suicide claim." [6:18 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: She's still shaking a bit, but she's stopped crying at least.
"So she really did it..." Keiko breathes out, "W-what do we do now? We can't find a culprit. There's no culprit." [6:19 PM] Monoboar!: "Darn straight there'sa culprit!" [6:19 PM] Monoboar!: "Who killed the victim?" [6:20 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "..."
"The... victim killed herself. She's her own culprit." [6:21 PM] Monoboar!: "Correct-o mundo! And I'm friggin pissed, so let's get this vote on! Harhar!"
Same procedure as last trial, voting screens power on your stands, and there's a selection of students to choose from.
@Alive [6:21 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo votes for Eri.... [6:21 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: ...Keiko votes for herself. [6:21 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: Maggie votes for Eri. [6:22 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo hops off of their stand so they can vote for Eri. [6:22 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: Artemis gives Eri a vote. [6:22 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku votes for Eri [6:22 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: Cerviel voted for Eri. He's been crying for a while. [6:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel votes for Eri. [6:22 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Hana votes for Eri. [6:22 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: Rayne votes Eri. [6:24 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake voted for Eri. [6:25 PM] Monoboar!: "Tha's it? Well..."
After everyone had voted, the screens flicker black, and proceed to light up in anticipation for each profile.
"Grubs and junk, who's the culprit for today's case? Though I'm angry as a boar, seein' culprits gives me some sensa hope!"
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[6:26 PM] Monoboar!: "Ding ding ding! It's the one and only victim herself, Eri Nakama! Oink!"
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[6:27 PM] Monoboar!: "Wowzy! Ain't that somethin'- BUT I'M STILL FRIGGIN PISSED ABOUT MY CHEMISTRY LAB!" He slams down his gavel. [6:28 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "..Hm." [6:28 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel looks down at her shoes, troubled. [6:28 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "Yea, yeah." She sneered, huffing. "Can we go now?" [6:28 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: She swallows down her nerves, asking a very... unfortunate question.
"You favor... an execution at the end of trials, so... are we free of that burden, this time?" [6:30 PM] Monoboar!: "Weeell... Two responses. Lemme say this:"
"Snrk-" Monoboar grabs a paper from his seat, waving it in the air. "We got mail!" [6:30 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hello? [6:30 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: “Oh boy!” [6:30 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "Eh?" [6:30 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "Wuh?" [6:30 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "...I don't think I like this." [6:30 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko silently looks up. What the fuck. [6:31 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "M-May you elaborate on that?" Hazel asks nervously, knees trembling. [6:31 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: "Huh?" is all Hana says. [6:31 PM] Monoboar!: "This damn chick didn't just write four notes, but five! Talk 'bout overkill, snrk." [6:31 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: "You're wrong 'cause I only found four. Tch. You have, like, no brain." [6:32 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Wait a second. Did she write something, someone's name-" [6:32 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel places a palm on her cheek. "Wh...What?" [6:32 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: "A f-fifth...y-you have to show us!" [6:32 PM] Monoboar!: "This is th' fifth thing she wrote, dammit." [6:32 PM] Monoboar!: "Lemme read! Lemme read!" [6:32 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Hana glares at Monoboar. [6:33 PM] Monoboar!: "But first, I hadt' take it away cuz that'd make this case a bit more obvious." [6:33 PM] Monoboar!: "Like, suicide notes, snrk." [6:33 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "You...!" Hazel's fists clench. "You stupid pig! Snorting about how angry thine are and then messing with the scene!" [6:34 PM] Monoboar!: "Well, I know it's Eri now, thanks to y'all!" He snorts. [6:34 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar clears his throat as he reads the paper in front of him.
[6:38 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko listens to every word.
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[6:39 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel looks uncomfortable, shifting her feet and looking around at everyone with a brow raised. [6:39 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: Artemis winced, hugging herself. "Jesus..." There were rough childhoods and then there was this... It's rendered her speechless. [6:39 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: Cerviel felt his heart break several times as he listened. He clutched the doll Eri had given him as he started to cry again. He hid his face in the doll in attempt to muffle some of his sobs. [6:39 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku covered his mouth surprised and he even started to cry which was rare of him to do. This really got to him and it's hard for him to keep his composure. [6:40 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "..."
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[6:40 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "...alright." Hazel looks down at the floor. [6:41 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie clears his throat, looking down. [6:41 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: The words really sink in. All of that...happened to Eri. She had all of that hiding inside of her, all that pain...
Keiko loses her grip on her cane and falls to her knees near her stand, both hands covering her mouth as her shoulders shake. "Eri-san...Eri-san I'm so sorry..." [6:41 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: She shares a glance with Packie. [6:42 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo buries himself in his blanket. Poor Eri.....he felt helpless, like if he had been there he could have done something. But he doesn't say anything. [6:43 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: He looks back and gives a tired peace sign. Hi Hazel. [6:43 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: She nods at him tiredly. [6:43 PM] Monoboar!: "Oh boo-hoo, I'll give a "fuck you" to you too Eri- snrk."  *Monoboar says before tearing up the letter into tiny shreds, throwing it into the trial circle like confetti. "Take that- Gwaha."
"Anyways, Hazel, repeat yer question again?" Monoboar scratches his chin. [6:44 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: He slams his head on his stand. Get him out, please. [6:44 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: "...hm?" Hazel hums, popped out of her growing tired reverie and the shock of Eri's note. "...o-oh, I... oh dear, um."
She coughs.
"We're free of the burden of execution this time, yes?" [6:48 PM] Monoboar!: The mascot takes a small sniff of air, looking straight at the poet.
"Nah, I'm still pissed 'bout property damages."
Monoboar slams a gavel onto the big red button without breaking for a glance, with mechanical whirring can be heard inside the walls.
Eri Nakama has been found guilty. Time for the punishment.
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[Made by @thespiiderboii​]
[6:49 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: HAZEL'S LIKE :oh: [6:49 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: "JESUS CHRIST-" [6:50 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: "WHAT THE FUCK-" [6:50 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: "SWEET FUCKING JESUS--" Artemis is pretty sure that's asking for some serious fucking bad juju! [6:50 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie gets the FUCK out of here. He's already near the elevator. He's not having it. [6:50 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo makes a run for it. She was dead. Why did they torment her so? [6:50 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Hana screams, ducking under her stand and shutting her eyes and ears. What the fuck is goingon!!!!!!!!! [6:50 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: "FUCK YOU!" Cerviel yelled at Monoboar. [6:51 PM] Monoboar!: "Case done! I'mma happy boar now." Monoboar heads to the elevator to open it. [6:51 PM] Riku Yasui...: "You sick... pig!" Riku said glaring at Monobear. [6:51 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: HE BOOKS IT. [6:51 PM] MAGGIE! 🖊 HELP!: Maggie scrambles out and runs with dear life. [6:51 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: She can't look. She doesn't look.
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[6:51 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel just runs towards the elevator hastily, refusing to watch the rest of the execution and hurries into the elevator. [6:51 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Hana gets up as fast as she can, tripping over her own feet and racing towards the elevator so fast that she hits the elevator wall once she enters it. [6:51 PM] Cerviel Winter | Sulking: Cerviel gets into the elevator. He's crying a lot harder than he was before. What the fuck. [6:52 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥 ...: Renzo is like :pits: again. They weren’t expecting an execution this time around. They leave their stand and shuffle into the elevator. [6:52 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| Just A Bit Emo: Artemis kinds of scuttles over to grab Keiko and high tails it out of there. [6:53 PM] Keekoo Taisei | I hate this pt2: Keiko is grabbed.
Thankfully she had the presence of mind to grab her cane before that happened. [6:53 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "What the FUCK? What kind of fucking thing does that to a dead fucking body of someone and thinks it's alrig-" He lets out a long groan before taking a deep breath, tapping his fingers against the elevator to calm down.
"Okay. What the fuck." [6:53 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Hazel clings onto Packie's arm out of terror. [6:54 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: He pats her back. [6:54 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Hana clings to Hazel. [6:54 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Baby chain. [6:54 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | baby chain: Baby chain. [6:54 PM] Hana Minami! | baby chain: Baby chain. [6:55 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar shrugs to everyone as they crowds in, sending the elevator back up.
Not another death, but another execution.
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
Welcome to...?
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“I’m, late.”
“Errrm. Just know that Kubo plays Minecraft. Alright? Bye. Oink.”
A bullet point list is under the cut, since Mod War is preoccupied with many things.
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
A deep rumble shakes your room in whatever state you're in. Bits of dust fall from the ceiling, perhaps waking you up just a bit.
You look at the time, it's 2:45 in the morning.
Whatever that is... that was something far from normal.
Perhaps you should investigate.
Well, reaching the third floor, you get the smell of rotten-egg and bleach hitting your nostrils.
Looking into the chemistry lab, it looks like absolute hell. 
There's broken glass on the ground and fizzing light fixtures in the ceiling, a faint smoke seems to ravel out of the room. 
 From where you're standing at, you see an ashy splatter of black in the back of the room.
Heading towards the defaced scene with the sickening scent in the air...
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
Welcome to...
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“Greetin’s grubs, sorry fer the delay. Did some business outside of this mansion, boar business, snrk. This is now the fourth installment of Monoboar Theater, makin’ it a quartet. Har.”
“Ya know the drill, I summarize, ya read. Though this time’s different! Summarizin’ two weeks! Now lessgo.”
“As most of ya may know, Akira was executed. Didn’t like her snoopin’ ‘n trying to escape, oink. Had to do the job! And o’ course people hadt’ mourn. Snrf. Boring.”
“Then Willy ‘n Keiko duked it on air hockey, Keiko lost. El em ay oh.”
“Packie ‘n Keiko talked ‘bout makin’ a bouquet fer that sadsap Aderyn, Hana ‘n Maggie talked about tha mansion, Cerviel helped Eri make a nest, and Keiko ‘n Hazel talked ‘bout TV.
“Keiko visited Eri in her room to apologize and the two talked about Cerviel’s business, snrk.”
“Trial shtuff ‘appened, then the same grubs makin’ a bouquet are now makin’ offerin’s to Wallace ‘n Wilma. Packie gave Keiko a lil’ lesson ‘bout flowers.”
“Same day, Cerviel ‘n Eri had tea. Talked a bunch. Snrk.”
“In th’ art room, Cervil met up wit’ Hana and Hazel, talked some stuff.”
“Keiko gave Artemis some borin’ flowers (what’s with friggin flowers today, oink?) and did some sappy stuff. Like, ya do romantic stuff in a killin’ game. Suuuper funny!”
“Cerviel talked with Riku in the lounge, talkin’ ‘bout borin’ talents and borin’ futures.”
“Artemis did a friggin... contest? Spicy chocolate? I dunno. Renzo won and Artemis ate shit.”
“Packie asks Hana, Hazel, ‘n Maggie ‘bout Wilma and got really depressed. Super sadness, gwahahahar!”
“Keiko ‘n Maggie drew some stuff in the art room... Looked like they were havin’- snrk- fun.”
“Artemis ‘n Willy hada DDR competition, which ended wit’ Artemis injurin’ her leg a bit and Willy’s teeth fallin’ out, harhar.”
“Cerviel, Eri, ‘n Keiko had som’ tea while Artemis did some stupid shit.”
“I think tha’s all folks- oink! Tune in next time ‘n stuff.”
“Make sure t’ vote who’s gonna kick the bucket- both victim n’ culprit! Snrk!” 
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
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Ding! Ding! Dong!
"Anoooother bright and sunny morning! Up and at em, grubs, just unlocked the third floor for now! And if ya look around in yer rooms, you'll find another ten Boar Bucks! Don't say I didn't do nothin' for you, oink."
As said by the boar, you'll see ten dollars on your desk, decorated with Monoboar on them.
Art Room - The perfect place to get your creative juices flowing! With plenty of brushes, mallets, tools and equipment, making masterpieces is as easy as 1-2-3! Marble statues, paintings, and even macaroni ducks, your next art piece could be anything you put your mind to. Even somebody else’s corpse!
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Chemistry Lab - This room screams danger the label “WARNING: HANDLE WITH CARE!” With access to most elements on earth, examining equipment and beakers galore, this lab has everything a chemist dreams of. Be careful, though, who knows what kind of poisonous substances there are here.
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Court - Up for a game or two? In this room, its a two-for-one special! With the press of a button, you can switch between a blue asphalt tennis area with functioning net and on the other side- a waxed wooden b-ball court with adjustable hoop. Don’t you just love sports?
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
The discovered victim is Eri Nakama, the Ultimate Figure Skater. Eri’s body was found in the Chemistry Lab. The cause of death was severe head trauma and the time of death was at 2:45 am.
Auditory hallucinations were administered throughout the mansion.
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
A gas that amplified hallucinations was administered throughout the mansion.
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