doulayogimama · 7 months
This post is super TMI 😬
Sooooo for the first time in almost exactly 3 years, we had unprotected sex. I was so terrified of the thought of doing this until the last few months. I remember the first 2 years PP, I was so scared that the thought of having UP sex and risking pregnancy literally revolted me. I can’t believe that at 3 years PP, even hours later, I’m hoping that we made a baby. That I’m excited to be back in this space, knowing everything I know about pregnancy, labor, and PP depression. Like… I really want this. It will be different in so many ways and whether I’m pregnant now or will be in the future, I’m excited.
Before I got pregnant with Sky (like way before) I dreamt of an Aries baby. She ended up being an Aries. For a long time, I’ve had this gut feeling this next baby will be a Sagittarius baby (if I am pregnant, due date would be in Sagittarius season). I know it’s so silly to some, but way back in 2017, I was in India and I got a natal chart reading. The lady told me I’d have 2 children, born in 2021 & 2024. I remember being low key outraged like… WHAT DO YOU MEAN???? I’m not going to wait that long to have a baby… but then we took another big trip, then we moved to NYC, and then it took me a year to get pregnant. (I got pregnant the literal month after I was told by my GYNO that all my fertility tests came back totally fine and truly believe stress kept me from conceiving)
I also remember thinking 2021&2024… kids 3+ years apart????? I would never do that, my kids are going to be less than 2 years apart … and the reader was very no nonsense, like… honey, this is what it is. I’m just reading what I see. I’m really hoping the lady is right 🥹✨(although I know I know, first time trying and getting pregnant is rare)
I’m going to go buy prenatals today and start taking those ASAP. I just have to pray for the best. I’m healthy, eat well, I’m back at my PP weight, and I didn’t overthink it. I just told Kevin I was ready and he obliged happily 😂🙈
I’m very familiar with FAM and track my cycle every month. Yesterday, before we had sex or knew that we would have sex that day, I wiped in the bathroom and was like WHOA — if I wanted to get pregnant today, pretty sure I would have a good chance. I was also having ovarian pain, which is my telltale sign that ovulation is gearing up to happen. After so many years of tracking with temps and OV sticks, I know my body very well. I’m very grateful that my cycle is consistent —every 25-30 days, I get my period. I checked my tracker app late last night and saw that I was on CD13 and due to OV in 1-3 days (can’t know for sure without BBT but once cervical fluid is dry, that’s how one knows OV has happened).
Ahhhh I just can’t believe it. I’m back in “not trying, not avoiding” and I’m excited. I want another little baby to hold and love. I want Sky to have her own baby sibling ✨🙏🏽🤍
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kdo-three · 4 months
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𝗘𝗹𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 - 𝗠𝗮𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲𝘀 (𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟬) Elmore James from: "Tough" (UK, 1968) (LP) "Whose Muddy Shoes" (LP) (US, 1969) "Blues Story: Le Blues Rock Vol 2" (CD13 | 1998)
Blues | Chicago Blues | Slide Guitar
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Elmore James: Vocals / Slide Guitar The Broomdusters: ''Homesick'' James: Guitar J. T. Brown: Tenor Saxophone ''Little'' Johnny Jones: Piano Odie Payne: Drums
Produced by Leonard Chess / Phil Chess
Recorded: @ The Chess Records Studios in Chicago, Illinois USA on April 14, 1960
The song was not issued as a single, but was later included on the Elmore James/John Brim compilation albums "Tough" (Blue Horizon, UK, 1968) and "Whose Muddy Shoes" (Chess, US, 1969). - Wikipedia
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beautifully-blended · 10 months
It’s go time!!
CD13, ultrasound showed a large and in charge 24mm follicle and a small but mighty 16mm follicle! Lining is a perfect 8.7mm. Did my trigger shot injection and IUI is TOMORROW! 😱
Current symptoms: ewcm, some nip sensitivity starting, a few right ovary twinges off and on, and my poor face is so broken out!
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anxiouspregnantlady · 11 months
oct 25th - hello
i needed a space to write in and this fit the bill - abandoned, moody, anonymous. obnoxiously public, intensely private.
we're going again. trying to go again. it's been a bit of a crazy shitshow thus far.
july - random trying, weird cycles, lots of dental stuff.
august - appointment with fertility clinic. traveling. ovulated on the plane, of course.
september - monitored cycle. disc in neck popped out from sneezing, full body immobilization & 7/10 pain for 72 hrs; the worst vertigo attack i've had; body had wimpy ovulation or didn't ovulate. had planned an IUI but found out insurance denied the authorization. purchased ovidrel but never got to use it.
and then k got fired and we found out were gonna lose our nice health insurance.
october. period took ages to come, body figuring itself out. but it came. we have health insurance until end of month, so manifesting that i will ovulate by end of month for one last chance at a cycle with the clinic, even though they can't do an IUI (STUPID INSURANCE. I'M OBVIOUSLY INFERTILE). WE ARE ALL SICK WITH A COLD. AND MISERABLE. i'm thinking there's no way i'll ovulate. had monitoring appointment scheduled for CD13 which was this friday 10/27 (cutting it close!). tuesday (yesterday), i had a feeling i was going to ovulate earlier than friday... this morning (wednesday) i had a positive LH test so I asked the clinic to let me come today. follicle was 20mm, estrogen /lh were high so they told me to trigger and so that's what I did just now at 11:40am in between clients.
the crazy thing is today is only day 11. i typically don't ovulate for another several days. so, thank you, body.
this has overall been a crazy month.
i gave myself a haircut (first time in nearly a year)
i naturalized & became american
k finally, FINALLY got his canadian pr approved
adjusting to k being unemployed
the thing is... thing morning at breakfast p was being ballistic for no apparent reason & so so so sad and dysregulated (not tantruming, but genuinely distraught) until we got her some nai huang bao and calmed her lil nervous system and i think to myself, really????? really???? really i want to do another one???? she ATE MY WAFFLE. but she is also pure wonder and miracle & So Ready to be a big sister. when she was one i didn't know how she'd be at two...wasn't sure how her language/ability to understand things would be. but at two she blows me away with her emotional/relational perceptiveness, her deep nurture for smaller babies (that sometimes needs slight redirecting but is otherwise very lovely), her MEMORY! and attention to detail, her overall personhood, which is very, er, ROBUST.
anyway, i'll be disappointed if we aren't able to become pregnant by end of year, but also won't be too surprised. it's different this time... and i'm also different. i'm more able to understand & trust that this WILL happen, and that the part of me that feels frantic and impatient is because i'm looking around at other people. and if parenting has taught me anything it's that info about what other ppl are doing is largely useless.
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oddyseaspeculiars · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Olive Green Sleeveless Mini Flare Party Dress M.
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biomedres · 2 years
Combined Flow Cytometry and Molecular Monitoring of Central Nervous System Relapse in a Patient with FLT3-ITD and NPM1 Positive AML-  BJSTR
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Combined Flow Cytometry and Molecular Monitoring of Central Nervous System Relapse in a Patient with FLT3-ITD and NPM1 Positive AML  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research We reported the case of central nervous system relapse of acute myeloid leukemia FLT3-ITD and NPM1 positive, diagnosed and monitored over time by flow cytometry and quantitative analysis of molecular markers.  We here describe a 58 years-old male patient diagnosed in September 2019 with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in another hematological center and referred to us to receive allogeneic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). At the diagnosis patient showed an ECOG performance score of 2 and hyperleukocytosis (WBC 120*10^9/L). Bone marrow smear was conclusive for acute monocytic leukemia (FAB M5) and flow cytometry (MFC) identified a blasts population positive for CD33, CD13, CD64, CD14 and CD56 antigens. Karyotype analysis reported aneuploidy (35-45 chromosomes) in 11 metaphases out of 20. Next-generation sequencing analysis revealed a missense mutation in DNA methyltransferase gene 3A (DNMT3A) at exon 23, frameshift insertion in nucleophosmin1 (NPM1) gene at exon 11 and frameshift insertion in Fms-like tyrosine kinase internal tandem duplication (FLT3 ITD) gene at exon 14. The patient received induction chemotherapy according to 3+7 schedule and a consolidation cycle with intermediate dose of cytarabine (1g/m2 on day 1-3-5) combined with FLT3-inhibitor midostaurin (50mg bid from day 8 to day 21), obtaining a complete remission. For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here.bjstr
Follow on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Biomedres01 Follow on Blogger : https://biomedres01.blogspot.com/ Like Our Pins On : https://www.pinterest.com/biomedres/
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trend-rocket · 2 years
【ラブライブ!】【衝撃】今年のラブライブのCD、BD、ライブ全て網羅した総額がヤバすぎるwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1: 名無しで叶える物語(茸) 2022/11/06(日) 11:39:16.99 ID:2mT3/enC Aqours  CD13枚 53,680円 BD8枚 171,600円 ライブ6公演 72,000円 ファンミ4公演 32,000円 ラジオ公録2公演 8,000円 計337,280円 虹ヶ咲  CD14枚 29,810円 BD9枚 88,500円 ライブ6公演 67,200円 ファンミ2公演 16,000円 ラジオ公録5公演 16,500円 計218,010円 Liella  CD10枚 18,040円 BD9枚 83,600円 ライブ12公演 113,000円 ファンミ11公演 74,800円 ラジオ公録3公演 12,500円…
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glassellparknc · 2 years
CD13 Candidate Forum hosted by CHNC and LA LGBT Center, Sept. 30 5:30pm-7pm
CD13 Candidate Forum hosted by CHNC and LA LGBT Center, Sept. 30 5:30pm-7pm
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teddytarnieandme · 6 years
Actually had adult time the other day *gasps*. After we'd finished T was like 'fuck we're not supposed to be trying until after we move', and I'm just like 'eh, what are the chances it'll happen the first time anyways?'
Did check ovia afterwards though and it was the day before my fertile window started so now a part of me is stupidly hoping for it but I keep telling myself that my cycle hasn't even sorted itself out after stopping the pill yet and that it took 7 months to conceive Teddy so bitch why get your hopes up after the first time?!
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waitedforgarridebs · 7 years
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What the fuck, TD12ed much??? (x)
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solomum · 7 years
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CD13 Spending the day with most of the family in the local amusement and flower park Jesperhus. Had a dentist appointment this morning and will have another one next week :/ two cavities that needs fixing. Sucks but I've done my best to prevent it.
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love-mom17 · 7 years
Soooo technically I'm supposed to ovulate tomorrow.... but from the ferning microscope I've been doing along with the OPK test. It look like I'm not? 🤷🏽‍♀️ In my opk test today's results were definitely lighter than yesterday. But it never reached to the point where it was a "positive"... and as far as the microscope I've only had partial. My temperature normally takes a dip before I ovulate and still haven't gotten there yet. I've already taken a pregnancy test and BFN Ugh what the heck man!
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trend-rocket · 2 years
【ラブライブ!】【衝撃】今年のラブライブのCD、BD、ライブ全て網羅した総額がヤバすぎるwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1: 名無しで叶える物語(茸) 2022/11/06(日) 11:39:16.99 ID:2mT3/enC Aqours  CD13枚 53,680円 BD8枚 171,600円 ライブ6公演 72,000円 ファンミ4公演 32,000円 ラジオ公録2公演 8,000円 計337,280円 虹ヶ咲  CD14枚 29,810円 BD9枚 88,500円 ライブ6公演 67,200円 ファンミ2公演 16,000円 ラジオ公録5公演 16,500円 計218,010円 Liella  CD10枚 18,040円 BD9枚 83,600円 ライブ12公演 113,000円 ファンミ11公演 74,800円 ラジオ公録3公演 12,500円…
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douguru · 3 years
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50 Heavy Metal Years Of Music Exclusive Box Set
$479.98 judaspriest.com
3 previously unreleased original 24 track live recordings
A further 5 previously unreleased live stereo recordings from the archives
All previously released CD’s re-mastered from the original audio by Alex Wharton at Abbey Road Studios, London
CDs housed in mini LP Japanese-style wallets
Box set designed by long-time Judas Priest collaborator Mark Wilkinson
Includes Ross Halfin photos signed by each band member:
Rob Halford
Glenn Tipton
Ian Hill
Richie Faulkner
Scott Travis
Numbered British Steel metal razor blade (blunt)
Memorabilia book featuring rare photos, posters, adverts and passes
Replica British Steel tour programme
Two Replica Tour posters from:
British Steel 1980 German Tour
Defenders Of The Faith 1984 European Tour
CD1 – Rocka Rolla
CD2 – Sad Wings of Destiny
CD3 – Sin After Sin (1977)
CD4 – Stained Glass (1978)
CD5 – Killing Machine – (1978)
CD6 – Unleashed In the East (Live in Japan 1979)
CD7 – British Steel
CD8 – Point Of Entry
CD9 – Screaming for Vengeance
CD10 – Defenders of the Faith
CD11 – Turbo
CD12 & CD13 – Priest… Live!
CD14 – Ram It Down
CD15 – Painkiller
CD16 – Jugulator
CD17 & CD18 – ’98 Live Meltdown
CD19 – Demolition
CD20 & CD21 – Live in London
CD22 - Angel of Retribution
CD23 – Nostradamus (Act 1) & CD24 – Nostradamus (Act 2)
CD25 – A Touch Of Evil Live
CD26 & CD27 – Redeemer of Souls
CD28 – Battle Cry
CD29 – Firepower
CD30 & CD31 – Live In Atlanta ’82 (Previously Unreleased)
CD32 – Live at the Mud Club ’79 (Previously Unreleased)
CD33 & CD34 - Live In Houston '86 (Previously Unreleased)
CD35 & CD36- Live In New Haven '88 (Previously Unreleased)
CD37 - Los Angeles '90 (Previously Unreleased)
CD38 - London '81(Previously Unreleased)
CD39 - Denver '80 (Previously Unreleased)
CD40 - Irvine '91 (Previously Unreleased)
CD41 & CD42- Beyond Live & Rare (Previously Unreleased)
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stmmumblr · 3 years
Cycle 42 CD13
I triggered today guys! So excited. I can't believe I managed that. There are so many steps to the gonasi shot... and my husband helped me get the caps off etc. I then totally googled whether the tiny drop of blood that came out afterwards was a problem or not. It appears not. 😂
Anyway, yeah had my scan today, I can feel my right ovary, ugh. 😣 I had an 18mm follicle in it this morning. The left ovary has left the game with only a few 6mm ones.
My usual doctor says to do EOD, so that's what we're sticking with. The doctor there now said to do 3 nights in a row... My husband doesn't think he'll be able to keep that up 😆
So now all that's left is another blood test and scan in 7 days. On my protocol the doctor highlighted "progesterone" so the nurse and I came to the conclusion he must also be concerned about the level of that. Which is great because that means if it's low, he'll do something about it. Now we just gotta hope the eggs and sperm do their bit. 🤞
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