#celebrimbor is sir-not-appearing-in-this-fic but he gets mentioned A LOT so i think he still merits a tag
tathrin ยท 7 months
What's that, somebody sliding in at the very last minute to post one more entry for whumptober before November begins? Who could that be, not me? Oh surely not! Shhhh.
Anyway: The Last Temptation of Narvi of Khazad-dรปm
a.k.a. that "little snippet" I've been working on, wherein Narvi discovers that Annatar is up to something terrible and goes to confront him and maybe just maybe save all of Eregion in the process...provided that Narvi can resist Sauron's honeyed words and stand stalwart in the face of terrible doubts.
So that should be fine I'm sure.
Anyway I figure it's about time for me to finally post something for my favorite-underated-(nonexistant?)-ship that desperately needs more (any) people writing for it, right? So here we go!
(Also I'm really not sure it merits the M rating but that one paragraph felt a little too overtly descriptive to be T? idk, let me know your thoughts, I feel like I'm always bad at judging that stuff.)
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